Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Washington, District of Columbia

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TIMES HERALD SATURDAY JUNE 23 1951 5 New Translation 1 Obituaries 4 Rifes Tomorrow wSY TheineotServi(es Deaths Dedication Tomorrow ccts LUTHERAN irrrtnru Youth Conferences episcopal To Begin Tomorrow 11:00 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 1 foterment Mont Orkney Springs Va' It National eemstArv 8:30 9:30 11:00 8:00 DISCIPLES CHRIST St NW SEL REALIZATION CONGREGATIONAL CATHOLIC METHODIST In Memoricnn baptist LORISTS 7:45 8:00 9:30 6S35 2049 Chamber Chamber Ca Chamber (X Chamber Co Chamber Co Chamber Co Chamber Co Chamber Co Bom in New York City he came to Washington with his father a Congress Heights Revival Continues new last Sun Special Mass Slated or Polish Club Made of Pope Pius' Advice on Catechism O'Boyle to Preside At SE Dedication Pastor of Lutheran Church Gives Sermon Missionary's Widow Will Preach Here Lancaster McIver Cappin Cipolls Labero Mahler Anna gtsiley Luella Mace (Mary) Mulloy Mary Merirne Mildred Wood James Buchanan Parker Albert Elmer ington uneral arrangements have not "been completed Mrs Geneva Pattenger wid ow of a Washington missionary who died last year in the Bel gian Congo will preach at the 8:45 and 11 am services to morrow at the Calvary Method ist church Mrs Pattenger and her husband James went to the Congo region in 1948 to es tablish a mission school The second session of the eighteenth annual series of three Washington Youth conferences will begin tomorrow at Shrine irst Branch Spiritual kltnca Church of Washington 0 Inc ISM St NW WnMniton 0 REV ALICE TINDALL llttr Prlvit Appointment Spiritual and Healing Meeting with Menagee Hnnday Tuesday and Thurs day pm Tuesday 2:30 pm Developing Claas WadneMay A pm Phene ME 0540 Ert 604 will continue through next Sat urday More than 200 young Episco palians from the 90 parishes missions and separate congrega tions of the diocese of Washing ton are expected to participate in the conferences the first of which opened last week at Camp Strawderman Columbia ur nace Va The first group gath ering which closes today was for junior high school boys from 12 to 14 years of age The second and third confer ences are for senior high school students from 15 to 20 years of age The third group gathering will be held July 1 through July 7 at Orkney Springs The theme of the conferences which combine 'Study and out door recreation is Is of Christ the Rev John Hildebrand rector of All aith Episcopal church and Rev Berry Simpson rector of the Church of the Holy Communion will serve as deans of the second and third conference groups The chap lains will be Rev John An schutz rector of Christ church La Plata The conferences are being sponsored by the diocesan department of Christian educa tion A special Mass fnr members of the Polish club of Washing ton group 848 will be held tomorrow at 11 am at the National Shrine of the Immac ulate Conception at Catholic university The sermon will be in Polish and the club choir will sing WASHINGTON CATHEDRAL Wisconsin Ave NW "St John the Baptist" Sunday Highest Achieve ment Known To will be the topic of the 9:30 am sermon by Rev Stanley Lowell pastor of Wesley Methodist church Bully Rervle 7:30 AM Noon 4 PM Sunday's Honored State: MISSOURI Rev James oy min ister of Mount Zion Meth odist church will speak on Wilt Thou Do in the Swelling of the Jor at the 11 am serv ice was a steam plant engineer here for many years until his death three years ago She is survived by her son Col Leroy Mann USA stationed at Camp Edwards Mass a daugh ter Mrs Dorothea ischer of Silver Spring a brother John Schumann of Jamaica NY ana rive granacniidren Edward Dowling 3d uneral services Edward Dowling 3d who was killed Mon day in a traffic accident near redericksburg Va will be held today at 11 am in the Lee funeral chapel ourth St and Massachusetts Ave NE Burial will be in Lincoln Mr Dowling 23 was a petty officer second class in the Navy reserve and was attached to the STONER ELLA In lovinr mem orv of my only s'ster ELLA HELEN STON who died from injuries May 30 1946 Happy were the years together Lonely is my heard today or ms who was killed ive year ago this May What would I rive to clasp her hand Her happy face to too To hear her voice and see her smile That meApl so much to me SISTER MAE Dr Oscar Blackwelder pastor of Lutheran Church of the Reformation will speak on Purposes of Minor Irri at 11 am tomorrow at the church Pastor RobertVair Deusemf the NationalLutheran council will speak at the 8:30 services and the 8 pm evening services andf will use as his themes "An Antidote for and "Questions and Answers Vacation Bible school will con tinue during the week from 9:30 am to 11:45 am and will close Thursday rne Judgment Seat of Christ" Third in a series messages on the second coming of Christ The 18hters Terrible Mistake" Wednesday 8 PM Praise and Prayer Service Preach The Otd aihionid Gvfptl The 11 am morning worship service at the irst Baptist church of West Washington will honor graduates of the parish Speaker will be Rev Gilbert Wat son associate minister of Emmanuel Baptist church Pubiie 1m in Wednesday June SEL IE4LIUTI0N ELLOWSHIP (Non Sectarian Church! 4748 Hentern Ave NW (N 2 Bus to Chesapeake and 49th St! ALL ARE WELCOME Mrs Sallie Sohon uneral services and burial will be held Monday in Hackensack for Mrs Sallif Marstellar Sohon former Washington resi dent who died Thursday in St Petersburg la The widow of Michaeal So Rev rederick Sohon SJ of Georgetown university Julian A of Bridgeport Conn and Harry Sohon of Haverford Pa a daughter Irma Sohon of New York and a sister Dr Elizabeth Sohon sisters It contains a small fchapel two parlonk ax well ap pointed kitchen ahd pantry a dining room and a community' Tonnt: on the ground floor On the second floor are a sewing room bedrooms bathrooms and linen closets The convent was built at the approximate cost of $80000 The sisters moved into the new convent June 9 EPIPHANY 1317 Street NW The Rev Leland Stark The Rev Warren Mace 8:00 HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 AM MORNING PRAYER AND The Rev Leland Stark preaching 11:00 AM Junior Sunday School and Nursery 8 OO Eveninc Prayer and Sermon The Rev Leland Stark Preaching Daily Intercessory Prayers 12:05 Noon ALL ARE WELCOME! The Rev John An schutz rector of Christ Episcopal church George town tian "at the 11 am service 7401 6221 RAIA A vlvi ida wr jut ng All are cordially invited to attend the services and to visit the reading rooms Virginia 108 Patrick St Alexandria Little alls Road Arlington 1 5th St Arlington Maryland Conn Ave Chevy Chase 43 rd Avenue Hyattsville 'll Ji and Mainchmilfs Avenue NW The Nev James Murchison Duncan SUMMER SCHEDULE 7:30 Low 31a Sung Mavs and Sermon Weekdays: Mass daily at 7 am Second Mass Thursday and Holy Days at 9:30 am Heattny Service Thursdays at 10 am Con teas ions on Saturdays 7:30 3:30 pm first of a series of three outdoor Sunday evening services for young people on the theme "Christ and will be held tomorrow at 7 pm on the Pil grim steps of Washington cathe dral Wisconsin and Massa chusetts avenues northwest The Rev Don Shaw chap lain at Lortqn reformatory will speak on "Alternative "to" utl will folloyy Services are scheduled the last Sundays in July and August The Rev Robert Nace as sistant minister of irst Con gregational church will speak July 29 on for The Rev Gordon Cosby pastor of the Church of the Saviour will speak Aug 26 on of Hope" The services are sponsored by the Youth and Young Adult ellowships of the Washington ederation of Churches for youth and young adult groups which do not meet during the summer A group of ort Belvoir" servicemen are expected to par ticipate in the services Attend ance is open to all In the event of rain the serv ice will not be held Holy Communion St Mary's Chapel Holy Communion Bethlehenr Chapel Rev CW Brown Morning Prayer and The Very Rev ran cis Sayre Jr Dean William Hess Attend AUGUSTANA LUTHERAN CHURCH St at New Hampshire Ave NW CLARENCE NELSON Pastor 9:30 AM Church School 9:30 and 11 :00 "Pages from the REV DONALD BAUTZ Preaching Drt Robert Brooks will speak on "Where Does Your Loyalty at services at the Lincoln Congregational Temple SWAMI PREMANANDA INDIA Sunday al 1 AM "PEACE CHRIST" Philosophy and Yoga st 8 PM Communion Breakfa The teen agers of St Augus ine's church parish will have a Communion breakfast tomorrow following 8 am Mass Speaker will be Chaplain John Benson of Camp Roberts Calif NATIONAL CITY CHRISTIAN CHURCH THOMAS CIRCLE WAMEH HASTINGS Mlnliter DAVID A EOWAHD Aiioclafi Mlniifw 9:45 AM Church School 10:50 "Hold ast the 7:30 Young Adult ellowship IRST CHURCH Col Rd Euclid SECOND CHURCH 3 1 60 Pennsylvania Av SE THIRD CHURCH 1 3th Sts NW OURTH CHURCH 350516th St NW ITH CHURCH 1238 31st St NW SIXTH CHURCH Apex Theater 4813 Mass Ave NW Resurrection Lutheran church in Arlington will begin a fund drive next week for $150000 to complete the church building The drive which will contin ue for 30 months will be con ducted by James A Lambie as fund committee chairman The new building will include an auditorium seating 400 with provisions for addition of a balcony to seat 160 The cotigregaiibn has grown fiom 38 to more than 700 mem MT OLIVET LUTHERAN CHURCH 13'55 Vermont Ave NW Paator William Sehlehel Sunday School and Bible Cluie 9:45 AM Marriare Rctetionnhip People of all race are cordially invited bers in the past 12 years The small church building now be ing used will become a portion ot the new edifice The basem*nt was completed year and is now used for day school classes social and organization meetings Because of present seats only 146 two services are held 8:313 alni" each Sunday LUTHER PLACE MEMORIAL Thomas Circle NW Ralph Tabor DD Pautor 9:00 AM Matins "THE HAND THE 9:45 Churqh School 11:00 AM The Service "REMEMBER JESUS Nursery During Alt Snrvia Young Peoples ellowship Afternoon and Evening Rock Creek Park Grove 23 16th St and Colorado Ave GRACE Ninth JI and South (arolia An SE (Al Pinna An) DR MARTIN CLOUGH Pastor a3u Bible School 6:30 BTU 11:00 AM Judgment Seat nf rhricf 4:00 TOVKS: Hourly on Ibe half hour each work day am 1:20 pm Sunday Alter 1 1 and pm Srrvlceai alio 3 and 3 pm ST MARY'S 5th St between and NW 8:30 11:15 A 8nd 12:15 ioon 12 05 4 4 in Mondy 8 and 10: Devotion 11:30 12 05 4 430 5 5:30 6 630 7:15 3 8:45 9:15 8 Broadoat WOL: The Most Ret Patrick A archbishop of Wash Igton will preside at dedication services for the new church auditorium school and convent at the Church of the Assump tion 3405 Nichols Ave SE to be held at 4 pm tomorrow Thev new auditorium is ex pected to be used for religious services as an auxiliary to the present church which has be come too small for the rapidly growing parish of about 4500 persons Rev Charles Roach pas tor of the church since 1936 will assist Archbishop in the dedication ceremony A sermon will be preached by the Very Rev Msgr John Spence director of education fur archdiocese The new parish additions were built at a cost of nearly $400000 There will be nine classrooms in the school a cafe teria accommodating 500 a clinic a library principal's of fice and recreation areas It will open in September with a kind find thp firsf fnnv giaaes enrollment is i npqrinir 400 sHirioni Deacons of honor to Arch bishop Boyle at the tion will be the Rev Joseph Moran pastor of St Thomas Church and the Rev Walter past oof St Peters The decons at Benediction will be Rev Peter A Rakowski pastor of Mount Calvary church or restville Md and ather Roach AITH LUTHERAN Lm Blvd at JaektM St ARLINGTON VA RALPH piper Pastor 8:30 and 11:00 AM Livnir Instead of 9 40 4 11:00 AM School ST JOHN'S Lafayette Square Church Is Always Open 8:00 Holy Communion 9:30 Holy Communion The Rev Whitney Barnes 910 Dr Glenn WGMS (570) 11:00 Mornlnv Prsyer The Rev Leslie Glenn 11:00 Nursery lor Children 7:30 Evening Prayer Dr Glenn WEEKDAY SERVICES Wednesday at 7:30 AM Erl (St Peter) al 7:30 and Noon 1944 He was a veteran of the African European campaigns and was discharged froui the service as a reserve in 1946 rom then until he was called back to the service Aug 10 1950 he was employed by the Bur roughs adding machine company here Besides mother Ursula: his wife Mary and three grandparents Mr and Mrs Edward Dowling and Mrs Robins all of Washington George Kidwell George Kidwell 56 deputy District tax collector for the past 10 years died of a heart attack yesterday in a doctor's office in the 600 block Et SW Kidwell of 629 St SW was being examined by Dr John Price when he was stricken i ormerly a Norfolk aniPWash ington Steamboat company audi 1 tor Mr Kidwell entered District! service 21 years" ago in the office of the auditor and became the! chiefyfield examiner He transferred to the tax collector's office in April 1941 as deputy collector Surviving are his wife Edith and two sons George Kidwell of Kent Hyattsville "Md and RichSffi Kidwell of Wash Church of Christ lllh ni leafnr 4801 Wlb St NJV T1L 4711 SS 10: 10:80: 7 MeGaurhey Evangelist SOUTHEAST 2107 Minn Ave Neal Evan? (LT 4 6084) Sunday 10 AM: 8 PM WMrf Study and Prayer 8 PM WEAM 5:45 PM Saturday Episcopal NATIVITY HlRf'H 1340 Mas Ave SE 730 11 Res'n 701 15th NE 9:15 Rev Enoch Thompson Rector Methodist BESLEVS Conn Ave Jocelyn St NW Stanley Lowell Minister Viola isher Director of Music 9:30 11:00 AM Highest Achievement Known to The Rev Stanley Lowell 9:30 and 11 AM Church School 9 :30 Adult Class Nor man orrest 8 PM Annual Hymn estival CONGREGATIONAL 10th and Street NW MlMSIERg CARL HEATH KOP ROBERT NACE MlnlMer of Mnle Orsankt Whitford Hall Marion Gibbons THE Dr Kopf Organ Broadcast WCM (995 MC) Choir Broadcast WCM 935 MC) "Str Na Ar iinglon Va died sud JrX denly Wednesday June 20 9 1951 Memorial service will be conducted by Unknown Soldiers Post 310 American qw i eg on at ives runerat parlor Wilson Boulevard Arlington riday night at 8:30 pm Relatives and friends Invited NERVINE MILDRED On June 22 iwbt at Mattison at sister oi rank Clifford and Richard Nervine and Mrs lorence Matthews Remains at cnamrier nmerai 1 4UilCnapin until Monday June 36 at 1 140 pm Services at Trinity Church Piney Branch Road and Dahlia St NW at 3 pm Interment Washington National Cemetery MITCHELL WILLIAM On Thurs day June 21 1951 WILLIAM MITCHELL Jr of Herndon Va beloved husband of Mary Mitchell father of Patricia Martha Joan William 3d and Ronald Mitchell and son of Mrs Willie Mae Poppell riends may call at the Ives funeral home 2847 Wilson Blvd Arlington Va where funeral service will be held on Monday June 25 at 12:15 pm Interment Arlington Na tionaLXcmetery: NILLOY MARY On June 22 1951 of 128 Eleventh St NE mother of Thomas Mulloy Services at Chambers funeral home 517 Eleventh St SE nnMonday June 25 at 9:30 am Inter ment Washington National Cemetery PRINCE EUNICE Of 216 Maryland Ave NE on June 20 1951 daughter of James Prince and sister of Henry Prince Services at Chamber funeral home 517 Eleventh St SE on riday riltllA 81 national cemetery ROSSITER Suddenly on Wednesday June 20 1951 at hl rei Mence 4312 Georgia Ave NW LEO ROSSITER beloved husband of Mari A Rossiter lather of rancis Joseph and Agnes Rossiter Mr Mary Cornett and Mrs Ann Wei brod uneral from Collins funeral home 3821 ourteenth St NW on Saturday June 23 at 8:30 am Requiem Mass at St church at 9 am Interment Mount Olivet cemetery SALE CARRIE On riday June 22 1951 at her residence 1036 Irving St NW CARRIE SALE mother of Prentiss Sale Jr of Arlington Va Mrs Cecile Holley and Hubert Sale both of Washington sister of Mr Ella Nordlow of Bowling Green Ky and grandmother of Gene Dell Karr and Hubert Sale Jr Services at the Hines Co funeral home 2901 ourteenth St NW on Monday June 25 at 11 am Interment Glenwood Cemetery 8TAILEY LUELLA ormerly of Riverdale Md on Jun 21 1951 wife of the late Harvey 8 Stailey mother of William and Harvey Stailey Gladys Maloney Sarah Hodgshead Ester Hodgson and Julia Baileau Margaret Bean and Katherine Willet Services at Chamber funeral home 5891 Clev land Av Riverdale Md on Monday June 2 at 10 am Interment Arllng ton National cemetery STALLINGS JOHN WILLIAM Ond Wednesday June 20 1951 at hi resi dence 6867 Ritchie Rd Ritchie Md JOHN WILLIAM STALLINGS beloved husband of Nellie Stallings father of Russell Stallings and Mrs Rae I Lusby Also surviving is a brother Rich ard Stalling and two grandson riends are invited to call at Ritchie Brothers funeral home Upper Marlboro Md uneral services will be held on Saturday June 23 at 11 am in the orest Memorial Methodist Church or estville Md Interment Cedar Hill Ceme tery WOOD JAMES On June 22 1951 of Beltsville Md lather of William rank James Henry A Augusta and George Wood and Mrs Lilly Lay Services at Chambers funeral home 5801 Cleveland Ave Riverdale Md on Monday June 25 at 1 pm Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery Auoaneemet of Service by Chamber MOUNT VERNON PLACE METHODIST CHURCH 900 MASSACHUSETTS AVE NW MINISTERS: ALBERT SHIRKEY WILLIAM WRIGHT 10:00 AM Church School for All Ages PREACHING SERVICES 9:00 and 11:15 AM and 6:45 PM DR CLOVIS CHAPPELL You are invited to come and hear this prominent Preacher Author and Lecturer and truck farm in that area She was a member of the Circle the Daughters of America and the Trinity Episcopal church Takoma Park Her husband Charles A Mann GREEK ORTHODOX ST CONSTANTINE and HELEN GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 6th Si Streets Southwest 15 Washington Saturday Evening Prayer 7 Sunday and Holy Day Mass 10:00 12:00 Noon Rev Thomas DanieljPastor Rev Efstratio Spyjppoulos Asst Pastor LUTHERAN CHURCH THE REORMATION 212 East Capitol Street Pastors DR OSCAR BLACKWEIDER REV ARM)))) KELLER 4R JULE ZABAWA Minister of Music Antidote for Rev Robert Van Deusin AM SUNDAY SCHOOL 6:15 PM Luther Leagues A'M Purpqses or Minor Dr Blackwelder and Pastor Van Deusen CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES AND READING ROOMS IN GREATER WASHINGTON Branches of The Mother Church The irst Church of Christ Scientist in Boston Massachusetts SUBJECT LESSON SERMON JUNE 24 THE UNIVERSE INCLUDING MAN EVOLVED BY ATOMIC GoZden Text: Revelation 11:17 We give thee thanks Lord God Almighty which art and wast and art to come because thou hast taken to thee thy great power and hast reigned CHURCHES District of Columbia SOCIETY 22nd Jackson at I NE Virginia IRST CHURCH 1709 Russell Rd Alexandria IRST CHURCH 6843 Little alls Rd Arlington SECOND CHURCH No Bryan St Key Blvd Arlington SOCIETY Town Hall airfax Maryland IRST CHURCH 7401 Conn Ave Chevy Chase IRST CHURCH 6221 43rd Ave Hyattsville IRST CHURCH lower Theater Sun Wed Bk of Sil Spring Sil Spring SERVICE The national center of the Confraternity of Christian Doc trine National Catholic Welfare conference has announced the publication of the only transla tion in English of a recent im portant instruction of Pope Plus XII on the leaching of catechism Originally an address In Latin to 400 delegates attending the international congress of re llglous instruction by Rev Jo seph Collins national direc tor of the confraternity St An Guild Press of Paterson NJ published the text In clear terms the Holy ather speaking in his capacity as the highest Catholic church authority points up the neces sity fo rmore lay catechists the urgency of better religious in struction for poorer and ls education classes and the proper training of religious teachers In view of the current world wide shortage of priests and sisters the Pope declares "it is necessary and most urgent that men and women of the laity be selected each year and that they be prepared and or ganized to carry on catechetical At the same time he states that priests themselves should personally engage in catecheti that knowledge' imparted by a priest ot fervent faith solid learning and inflamed by char ity is the most effective incen tive to win youth both to the priesthood itself and to the Warning teachers not to think lightly of the learning capacity of poorer nr less schooled Cath olics lie concludes that a teach er of religion will "err lament snpei ficial knowledge is suffi cient for untrained minds The very contrary is true The teach er is actually obliged by his of fice not only to explain all the essential of faith but also to accommodate them even to the level of those who are slow to understand or are lacking in educational 4813 Mass Ave NW Sun School and Wed 4830 Mass Ave NW SEVENTH CHURCH 1 302 Rhode Island Ave HOURS Sunday Morning services at 1 1 except NE Society Washington and Second Church Arlington at 1 :30 Sunday School at 1 1 except Silver Spring at 9:45 NE Society and Second Church Arlington at 1:30 Sunday Evening service in irst Washington and irst Alexandria at 8 Second Third and ourth Washington and irst Chevy Chase at 5 Wednesday Evening meetings at 8 include testimonies of healing irst Church Arlington and irst Church Hyattsville at 8:15 airfax first Wednesday each month only READING ROOMS District of Columbia 1532 Connecticut Avenue NW 14th Sts NW (Colo Bldg) 14th Park Road (Riggs Bank Bldg) 1626 Wisconsin Ave NW 1 302 Rhod Island Avenue NW 1601 Eye St NW (CS Bldg) Architect's Conception of Resurrection Lutheran Church smaller spired building at the left is the existing ehurelr building The basem*nt of the larger structure has been completed andis now in use Tim funds will be used to complete the superstructure and retire the church debt Plans Two Sermons Rcv Hairy Warrtpll "BacklTus minister of the Arlington Methodist Church Glebe road at South Eighth street will preach at both the 9:30 and 11 am services Sun day Church school sessions for the division will be I held at the same times Members of the Resurrection Lutheran church start a $150000 fund raising drive next week for completion of their new church at Washington boulevard and Powha tan street Arlington In the irawinr hr ti st lour already fit a Lhnst and crisis ast Growing Arlington Church Notre Dame Convent Seeks $150000 Buil ding und Asa Hunt student evangelist from Baylor university will con tinue leading in the at both the morning and evening services at the Con gross Helghts Baptlst churcl*t He will speak each night thru Wednesday at 8 pm Bruce Miller will continue the revival meetings speaking Sun day Monday Wednesday and riday nights thru July 8 LUTHERAN Libero Cipolla uneral services for Libero (Louie) Cipolla 58 who died June 14 will be held Monday at 10 am from the Chambers funeral home 1400 Chapin St NW Mass will be said at ort Myer chapel at 10:30 am and burial will be in Arlington Na I tional cemetery Cipolla who lived at 1629 St NW was a newsdealer for many years at the comer of Pennsylvania avenue and Eleventh street northwest He served in the Army during World War I No survivors have been located I Rosa Mann uneral services will be held at 2 pm today in the Ta koma funeral home for Mrs Rosa I Atka now tied up in Nbr Mann 74 lifelong Washington I folk He was on his way to Wash Resident who died Wednesday I ington for a five day furlough 111 her home 16 Crescent Pl when he was killed Takoma Park Md Burial will be Bom in New York City he came in Prospect Hill cemetery to Washington with his father a Mrs Mann the daughter of correspondent for the New York John and Dorothea Schumann Daily News Young Dowling grad was bom in Tenleytown Her uated from McKinley high school father operated a general here and enlisted in the Navy in Dedication services will be held at 2 pm tomorrow at the convent of the School Sisters of Notre Dame who teach the children attending St Teresa's school The Most Rev Patrick A OBoyle Archbishop of Washington will officiate The convent located on" southeast corner of ourteenth Sts SEa house a' BAKER ELLEX On riday June 22 1951 ELLEN BAKER beloved wife of Banie I Baker of 5524 Eirhth St mother ot Mr Elisabeth Thompson Tuners! from Collin funeral home 3821 ourteenth 8t NW on Tuesday Junfr 26 flt 8 :39 a ok Requiem Mass at the Church of the Nativity at 9 am Interment Arlington National Cemetery CIPOLLA ItRERO On June 14 1951 at 1029 St NW Remain at Chamber iuiUEaLhomeUAQO Chapin St NW until Monday June at 10 am Ma at ort Myer Chapel at 10:30 a Interment Arlington National Cemetery DOWLING EDWIN On Monday June 18 lOSlt KDWIN DOWLING HI of 2101 St NE beloved busband of Mary Miller Dowling son of Edwin Jr and Ursula Robins Dowling grandson of Mr Robins and Mr and Mrs Edwin Dowling Sr riend may call at the Lee funeral home ourth St and Massachusetts Ave NE where service will be held on Saturday June 23 at 11 am Interment ort Lincoln Ceme tery HORTON MARGARET On Thursday June 21 1951 MARGARET HORTON (nee Peggy Brown) beloved wife ot Philip Horton mother of Kevin Shelia and Kathleen A Horton daughter of William and Della Brown uneral from 4323 Thirteenth Pl NE on Monday June 25 at 9:30 am Requiem Mas at txAnthony'a Church at 10 am IntermenKMount Oli vet Cemetery 1 400 GUDE BROS CO LORIST 1212 St NW NA 4275 31 GEO SHAER INC ExprMive loral Tributt Modern price Open daily Sunday holiday Phone order accepted 6:30 to 9 aeek niahla 900 14th St NW NA 0106 I av yy 1 7: ''fftfIM rr MlLdCv'OKBSr JWh Rx sSa a ax 4 11 i a x'av' V' TJSr TW Sx McKIXI I iCnu I I ft.

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Name: Allyn Kozey

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