Wilkes-Barre Times Leader, the Evening News from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania (2024)

TIMES LEADER, THE EVENING NEWS, WILKES-BARRE, FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 24, 1950 2-2121 NANTIco*kE Ives WILLIAM A. WASKO, Phone JAR HUGHES, Residence Phone Ogles, WEST MAIN STREET, Phone GLENN EDWARDS I alternates, REELECTED COMMANDER Grabowske, -Post 290, Veterans of Foreign Wars, met Wednesday night at the post home and reelected Glenn Edwards as commander. Other officers elected: Senior and vice commander, Fred Smith; junior vice commander, Michael Collepard; quartermaster, Louis Giusti; judge advocate, Mayor Anthony B. Dreier; chaplain, Robert Quoos; post surgeon, Dr. Andrew Merva: trustee, Albert Shumway.

Delegates to County Council, Louis Edwards, Stephen Huk, Gerald Donahue, Edward Morgan, Francis McGraw, Barney Borofski, Quoos, Frank Paul; delegates to the district, Louis Edwards, Stephen Huk, Gerald Donahue, William Edward gan; Fred alternates, Grabowske, Steve French, Turnell, Robert Quoos. Arrangements were begun and committee was appointed for Loyalty Day to be observed April 29 under sponsorship of the post. Committee Francis is Louis Edwards, chairman; McGraw, Commander Glenn Edwards, Francis Walski, Louis Giusti, Robert Hill, Clyde Edwards. Mayor Anthony. B.

Dreier was Case Day SUITS Holiday Smart! Spring Smart! Wonderful new spring and summer fabrics newest styling many Grand values alit Come our group! Men's Gabardine SUITS All New Spring Styles with Crease-Resistant Fabrics Reg. 35.00 Values $26.75 Special For Easter Top It Off With An ADAM HAT $5:00 and $6:00 MEN'S 2-PANTS SUITS Fine Sharkskins, Plaids, GabarAnd just in time for Easter dines! Very, good selection- $39.75 Boys' Two-Tone Leisure Sizes SUITS 61 to 18. $11.95 All Colors -All Sizes- And Amazing Values $12.95 I LEVENTHAL'S Fine Clothes for Men and Boys 2 EAST MAIN NANTIco*kE The Season's Newest COATS and SUITS You'd Never Expect To Pay So Little For Such Outstanding Fashions! COATS Dressy, full length, fitted and boxy styles, or pert little shorties All carefully detailed and in Spring's favorite colors Navy, Dacia, Green, White, Red or $39.99 YOUR Laitr SUIT Gabardines, Sharkskins, Coverts, you'll really take pride in wearing Checks, Plaids or solids Suits 7.99 are yours at lower prices than To you've paid for $39.99 Sizes 9 to 15-10 to to Lay Away? Yes Indeed! IOPPS 7 EAST MAIN STREET-NANTIco*kE by the post in his recent request that full service be returned to the Nantico*ke Pennsylvania Unemployment Service office. Louis Giusti reported on the Easter Monday dance and announced that tickets are going rapidly, ELECTS OFFICERS First official meeting of Young Adult Fellowship of West Nantico*ke Methodist Church was held Sunday night at the church parlors. Following devotions, a business meeting was held and refreshments served.

The following officers were elected: President, Frank Eastman; vice presidents, Mrs. Robert Barrall and Hurdick Schultz; secretary and advertising, Miss. Ada Jacobi; treasurer, Mrs. James Bejonny. There were 30 persons at the business and refreshment hour.

Officers will meet next Sunday at 3, at the parsonage. IRISH TEA Circle 4, of the WSCS of Methodist Church, will hold an Irish tea, Tuesday night at 8, at the church. Invitations for the affair are being issued. Miss Etta Davis is chairman of the affair. FLOWERS For All Occasions -The HOME FLORAL SHOP 38 Broadway Phone 333 Micocch, Pros.

We Deliver 'Serving Today' and Every Day LOBSTER TAILS Shrimps, Clams, Oysters Deviled Crabs, Hard Shells HOTEL NANTIco*kE BAR and GRILL Cor. Main Market SPECIALS Lobster Tail Platter Deviled Crabs Sandwiches Wises -Beers -Liquors GONSHOR'S CAFE Coz. maple and Union St ALL WELCOME TONITE- SAT. 1 HILLTOP INN 255 W. MAIN ST.

FRANK KASNICKI, Prom. AFRICAN Lobster Tail Tasty Sandwiches Finest In Beverages TOS. L. GRABOWSKI Lewis Swiderski and family of Money Pot, wish to thank all who assisted themthe bereavement of ALBERT STELTER those who sent flowers and loaned cars. FUNERAL SERVICE The Family of The Late STANLEY LEVANDOWSKI, Glen Lyon, wish to thank all who assisted them in their bereavement, also those who sent floral, spiritual offerings donated cars.

FUNERAL SERVICE Open For Business LOCK'S BARBER SHOP 338 Mast Main Street Your WIll Appreciated PERCY LOCK, What Distinguishes A GOOD SUIT FROM Just -A Suit? It's that perfectly molded look around the shoulders and neckline of The hang and drape the jacket. They are put there with painstaking extra tailoring operations by skilled ing fingers. That's what makes Claire Suit good Suit It has style, fit perTection and in fabrics of wool Designed to meet the requirements of the critical! $39.95 CLAIRE'S DRESS SHOP 69 E. Main "Featured Soloist At Concert Tonight Sonja Voyton, above, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

John J. Voyton, 208 West Grand street, Nantico*ke, will be the featured soloist at the recital to be given tonight at 8 at the Central Methodist Church, city. Miss Voyton, a violin student of George B. Sheeder, will also assist at the Nantico*ke High School band concert to be given in the school auditorium March 31. LIONS CLUB BB LEAGUE St.

Joseph's Reserves won the championship of the Senior League Sunday night by defeating the Warriors in a well-played game. In an st, St. Francis won the first game of upthe finals over Pat's Gas. Polish Falcons and Piscotty's also won their IS dOHS SSadO S.8VZV1 SEAS SASSING ROOT TIL A0 101 I SPECIAL TONIGHT FRESH HARD SHELL CRABS LOBSTER TAIL PLATTER Deviled Shrimps -Clams Choice Wines Austin's Rathskeller HARD SHELL CRABS TONITE LEO'S TAVERN -Sheatowa LE0 L. MATEWBEL, Prop.

Sandwiches Wine Liquor Janiczek's Bar Grill 40S FAIRCHILD STREET TONITE TOMORROW NITE Lobster Tail Platter Home Made Chill- Shrimp TONITE SAT. MITE Fresh Hard Shell Crabs Lobster -Clams Sat. mite- -Chicken Dinner Pickled Mels Sandwiches FLOREK'S CAFE 200. West Church Street and now enter the finals starting tonight Scores of games Sunday: Joseph's 40, Warriors 38; Piscotty's 52, AMVETS 22; Polish Falcons 47. Waiter's 36; St.

Francis 30, Pat's Gas 24. BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS Zinder, last year's high school star, scored a goal with six minutes left and Piscotty's won the first game of the finals of the Junior Division, over the Polish Falcons, 44-43. It was nip and tuck affair and was not decided until the last minute. These same teams will battle again Sunday night, with Piscotty's needing another win to sew up the championship, while Polish Falcons need win to even the series and another hectic game is looked for. Pat's Gas also won the second of three-game final series in the Teen- Age loop, over St.

Francis and these teams are now tied with one win each and these teams will also battle Sunday night for the trophy, to be awarded the champs. St. Joseph's Reserves won the Senior loop crown and will be presented the trophy on Tuesday at the anuual basketball banquet. Scores of games played: Zab's Cafe 21, Troop 418 19; Waiter's Grocery 28, AMVETS 16; Piscotty's 44, Street 27. Polish Falcons 43: Pat's Gas 35, St.

Francis 20; AMVETS 44, Union AMVETS ELECT Post 42, Amvets met Sunday at their rooms, Prospect and Union streets, and elected the following officers: Commander, Zigmund Szymaszek; first vice commander, Casimir Maciaj: second vice commander, Carl Polmasek; adjutant, Leo Maday; finance officer, James Kmetz; provost marshal, Frank Marshallic: judge advocate, Joseph Skuzinski; directors, Bernard Bartoszek, Thomas Burrows, Thaddeus Swigonski and Al Rogozinski. Colors for the post have been ordered. Donation was made to the Red Cross and. Wyoming Valley Crippled Children's Association. Installation will be held April 2.

BIBLE CLASS SPEAKER Clarence Wolever, president of the Scranton Industrial Club, will speak Sunday morning at 10, to members of the John Thomas Bible Class of Methodist Chutch. Leader Fatally Shot Lima, Peru, March 24 A leader of the outlawed Aprista party, Luis Negreiros, was shot and killed last night while resisting arrest, police said today. He was wanted to stand trial for the part he was accused of playing in the Abortive Callao revolt of Oct. 3, 1948. TONITE.

See The BIG FIGHT! TELEVISION ROCKY MARCIANO Vs. ROLAND LA STARZA Madison Square Garden BAKER'S HOTEL -Lake Silkworth- Maywood Farms -Home DressedFRESH PORK HAMS, BACON, Lb. Pure Pork Sausage -59c SCRAPPLE Lb. Roasting-Stewing Chickens CUT-UP FOWL Legs, Lb. -69c TURKEYS Hens, 12-14 Lbs.Lb.

59c Toms, 22-25 Lbs.Lb. No. 1 MacINTOSH APPLES 10 No. 2's No. 1 Rome Apples No.

2's Bushel $1.25 No. 1 POTATOES PeckNo. 2 Potatoes Home Rendered LARD 50 Lb. Can -Lb. Carter Bache Phone Nantico*ke 21 WE DELIVER ALL WOOL SHARKSKINS, "HARD-AS-NAILS" WORSTEDS, Etc.

2-PANTS FACTORY- TO- YOU PRICE FULL 3977 VALUES TO CASTLE CLOTHES INC. $60 "Small Deposit Lay-Away Plan To OPEN EVENINGS TIL 9 146 E. MAIN ST. NANTIco*kE -St. Stanislaus' SsH St.

Stanislaus' Institute basketball quintet, above, champions of the sponsored K. of C. Parochial School League, is out to take top honors in the final game of the tourney on Sunday afternoon at the high school gym. The pennant winners will oppose St. Joseph's Slovak school at 2:30.

Two preliminary games will Dushore, Bernice Mildred, Lopez Mrs. F. J. Bendinsky, Mildred, Phone Dushere 42-DR-1 Bernice Woman Dies From Malady Miss Irene Dubenko, 25, well known member of the community's younger set, died the Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre at 11 oclock Wednesday morning after one day's illness. She was taken ill Tuesday while at work in the plant of the Weldon Manufacturing Company in Lopez where she had been employed for the past eight years.

Taken to the hospital the same day, her illness was diagnosed as acute leukemia. She had shown no previous signs of poor health. Dubenko was born in Bernice, a daughter of Michael Dubenko and the late Mrs. Dubenko. She was a graduate of Cherry Township High School, a member of St.

Francis' Church, Mildred, and an active member of the Blessed Virgin Sodality of the parish. She is survived by her father who is ill at his home in Bernice: two sisters, Mrs. Julia Kozemko of Lopez, and Miss Clara Dubenko of Elmira, N. and a brother, John, of Syracuse, N. Y.

The remains have been brought to her home where friends may call tonight and tomorrow morning. The funeral will be tomorrow morning at 9, with high mass of requiem in St. Francis' Church at 9:30. Burial will be in the parish cemetery, Mildred. LUMBER YARD OWNERSHIP CHANGES HANDS The Humphrey Lumber yards, doing business in Towanda, Waverly and Dushore, have been sold to new corporation knowns as Valley Lumber Yards Inc.

The deal has been in progress some time but details were not made public until yesterday. new owners are William P. Fitzgerald and Henry Mingos Towanda, and Edward M. Flynn of Mildred, a lumberman and former representative from Sullivan County in the General Assembly. Mr.

Flynn has been in the lumber business for many years and' has been operating two large mills in Sullivan County, located at Lopez and at Ringdale, together employing 50 men. He served as Representative from 1941 to 1944. It is understood that the yards purchased by the new firm will continue to be operated without change of managing personnel. It is expected that the yards will serve as an outlet for much of the lumber products from Mr. Flynn's mills.

BASEBALL MEETING A meeting for the purpose of reorganizing the Ber-Mil Baseball Club for the coming season will be held in the Legion Hall at Mildred, Sunday afternoon at 2, Players and anyone Interested in baseball are invited to participate. BAND ASSOCIATION TO HOLD BENTFIT PARTY Cherry Township Band Association will hold party in the high school building at Mildred. Thursday evening, March 30, for the beneAt of the uniform fund. Several hundred dollars have already been raised for the purpose and it is expected that with the additions from several fund raising functions planned for the purpose, the committee will be able to provide the band uniforms by Memorial Day. BENEFIT GAME Ber -Mil town basketball team and the Bradco League All-Stars will NANTIco*kE JACOBS MUSIO -STOP SHOP Records! Best Sellers "Sentimental "Masiet Muster "We'll Build a "Peter Cottontail." "Take Me In Tour Arms Hold Me.

"Young Wife, 014 Polka." "Chester's Polka." 014. Escobe on 2. 0. 4. Band and Orchestra Instrementa 8014 For Cash on Terma SPECIAL I Sliver Plated Clarinet Outfits with cover And $64.50 Jacobs Music Co.

140 2. Maia 10TEI Institute Seek K. of C. Championship SSL be staged, one at 1:30 and the other at 3:30. The Institute club, directed by Rev.

Dr. J. J. Federowicz, president of the Institute, and coached by Edward Gayewski, won eleven straight games this year. Last year, the team also won the pennant, but dropped the play-off title to Holy Trinity.

Appearing in the above picture first row, left to right: Edward Bart hold, Ramon Galli, Martin Barthold James Dellasandro, Joseph Peeler second row, standing, left to right Rev, Dr. J. J. Federowiez, director John Krescanko, Valentine Noske Stanley Czech, Stanley Theodore Sakewicki and Coach ward Gayewski. Will Present Passion Play "The Lite and Passion Lord" will be presented by Theatrical Guild of Hazleton, Sunday at 3 and 8 p.

m. co*ke High School auditorium. The production, with a and: a chorus of 35 voices, a background of liturgical directed by Prof. Andrew sky. The commentary is by George Puhak of Hazleton.

The show was staged in play a game for the beneft Cherry Township High uniform fund on the court Sunday, afternoon at CHERRY HIGH SCHOOL DEFEATS ULSTER TEAM Will of Our Pittsburgh, New Jersey and Scran. St. John's ton. The last presentation was Scranton on March 19 in Central in High School auditorium, with suce cess. cast of 50 This play will be of great sig.

providing nificance to the public in the season music, is of Lent, when the church wants to Parven- concentrate on the greatest story Attorney ever told. The play is sponsored by the St. Hazleton, Mary's Social Club of Nantico*ke. of the School band high school 2. Cherry Township's varsity, titleholders in the BCAA'S Southern Division, won the first game of the league championship series Wednesday night by defeating Ulster High 60 to 49 in a game played on the Cherry court.

Ulster is the Northern Division champ and the next game of the three game series will be at Ulster Saturday night. Klem, with 20 points was high scorer for Cherry High; Johnson with 18 was tops for Ulster. Score by quarters: Cherry 15 12 12-60 Ulster 12 14 10 49 Newport Twp. John Repotski Phone 324-R MEETINGS Members of the Shang Gra La Social Club, 7:30 Glen Lyon, will meet tonight at at their clubrooms. A social hour will follow.

There will be a meeting of the Senior and Junior Holy Name Societies of St. Michael's R. C. Church, Glen Lyon, on Sunday following the high mass at the church basem*nt. MRS.

MARY TILLITSKI IS NAMED CHAIRLADY Mrs. Mary Tillitski, of Orchard street, Glen Lyon, president 1 of the Ladies' Auxliary Unit 639, American Legion, was recently named general chairlady for the Bi-County Council conference composed of units from Luzerne and Wyoming counties, to be held on April 19 from 10 a. m. at the Legion Home, Glen Lyon, when 200 delegates will attend. TO PRESENT REVUE St.

Ann's Christian Mothers' Confraternity of St. Adalbert's R. C. Church, Glen Lyon, will present the Kathaleen R. Sweeney dancing school revue on April 23 at the Roosevelt School Auditorium, Glen Lyon.

Mrs. J. Klem, secretary, announces also that local talent will be on the program. JUNIOR CLASS TO PRESENT "MAMA'S BABY BOY" Junior Class 'of Newport High School wil present play titled, "Mama's Baby Boy," comedy in three acts, on March 27 and 28 at the high school auditorium at Wananie. The members of the cast are: Nancy Terkowski, Edward Yarashefski, Martin Misavage, Stasia Kush, Nancy Tullai, Nancy Morgn, Ltry Myewski, Geridine McCloskey, Dorothy Sedor, Athur Hoover, and Mae Smith.

The following are in charge of the various committees: SZMAL'S Restaurant W. Main, Glen Ages SERVING TONIGHT Shrimp Lobster Deviled Oral Sandwiches The Rene Of Meals FAMILY THEATRE GLEN LYON TONIGHT Fontaine "Kiss The Blood Off My Hands" ALSO OF THE LATE NEWS Easter SHOES for Children Sundial, World's Largest Shoe Manufacturer Better For MYER'S DEPT. GLEN STORE LYON Open Set. Mites Till 1 To Preach On 'Life Of Christ ed The fourth of a series of illustrate ed lectures on "The Life of will be given by Rev. Dr.

Norman W. Clemens. at the First Methodist Church, North Franklin street, on Sunday evening at 7:30. This week's lecture will cover the final months of Jesus' ministry, and will be trated by 60 natural color slides depicting the work of Christ in Judea and Jerusalem. Among the scenes shown will be the sending of the 70 desciples, the story of the Good Samaritan, the Pool of Siloam, the raising of zarus, the healing of the 10 lepers, the interview with Zacchaeus, and the visit to Bethany, The public is invited.

At the morning service at 11, Dr. Clemens will speak on "Hindrances To Prayer," the last of a series on prayer. Owners Report 2 Autos Stolen A Pittston and Clark Summit motorist complained to police that their automobiles were stolen while parked in this city. W. W.

Whyte, 812, Ash street, Clarks Summit, told police his 1949 tan-colored four -door sedan was stolen some time between 6:30 and 10:30 last night from a parking lot on West Market street. The vehicle carried 1949 license 18-BR-2. Samuel Alba, 2 Cherry street, Pittston, reported to police that his 1948 four-door green sedan carrying 1949 license 22VL7, was stolen night on Division street, opposite Roxy theatre, between 8:30 and 11 o'clock. Tickets-Basil Rudusky: make-up, Barbara, Lee Magaleski; program, poster, Dolores- Januszewski; property, John Baker: prompters, Elsie Giuliani, Janet Riefski, Theresa Mizia: class advisers, Z. Sheklitski.

and J. Cherrie; publicity, Dolores Januszewski. SPORTSMEN'S CLUB WARNS FISHERMEN ON NEW LAW Officials of the Glen-A-Wanna Sportsmen's Club asks fishermen. especially those doing "sucker fishing" to observe the new law which is in effect that stipulates that fishing is forbidden in streams stocked with trout from March 14 to April 15. Members of the club will hold their April 5, at monthly the meeting, Wednesday, Legion Home.

HEAVY MUD DEPOSITS ON WANAMIE ROAD Heavy mud deposits are being dropped and left on the brick highway entrance into Wanamie from the western which approach by heavy trucks bring mine run coal stripping from the surrounding mountains. Motorists have found traveling over this stretch hazardous. The road is a State auxiliary highway. For Sale an 2 Homes, Inquire 85 West Enterprise, Glen Lyon. HANOVER TOWNSHIP STORM DOORS $13:95 OSHIRAK'S Furniture, Hardware and Plumbing Supplies 007-009 Fellows Avense Load.

Wilkes-Barre Times Leader, the Evening News from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.