The Sacramento Bee from Sacramento, California (2024)

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The Sacramento Beei

Sacramento, California

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I FOB SALB Eoscs-rea iale-SrSCBBAX S4A FOB SAKJC SIRHULV HCW 2 Bdrnt Hose Lor la Ftort alm Consul HI 5-9018 lor trt BT Owner I'ertmtud 2 Brirato Tatt D1 Puo His IV 7-0772 FP-AZIER RRALTT Gntrtaci Iam at Fair Carr 8IH Crolal as4l Uda laamorrial aa4 lair Hal rroperfy For trial Prarrtr Far Sal aa4 Uaso S6 KaU aaS Loasn 86 ims 500 DOWN 35 ftor Ma 6 'Jooi Broderick Cl Alt BA HALITE 3 Bdnrs don la Arden A Good Bur Oernr IV 9-4937 CO I -DWELL Banker dt Company 1009 at Facto HU 1-107 RANDT WAGAMAN 274 Tuiton Attnut IV 9-377 Wnrht Kabrectl InmruM and Knl --at l1tt FT Comer 9 Ftory Commerc al build me Tears with hi in-eom notentiai Priced turPciainxi tow IV 7-1329 Act II OOO DOWN 5 Bt Rooms Car nrm A (jtt IV 1-2063 Bkr 12 BDRM- Hnrai Kamnwood Caftwd Reaitv HT 9-1744 60s 120 COMMERCIAL Bui klint Plus Dice A yard spar Warehouse tsre manufacturmr etc Just ff Folsom BHtd Days HU 4-0044 or tree HI 7-6495 Bkr COMMERCIAL DOT Amass From Country Club C-re Ground laae lor 10 years or more For details rail Del Powell ere HU 4-7 ti or dsv IV J-lkU Act $1004 DOWN Bovs 5 Rm riot Too rm corner U1 ut A ft rrape-rukt him Dial IV 3-67M NEW 3 Bdrm Hot- EH A Term A Corum Son HI 4-6902 I I FOR SALE COMMERCIAL DOT No Fact ratms -strict 5 room I house on resr 1013 Del Pas Blvd i hew RIO LINDA 52 SITES For a rehouses Industrial! 3 RM Piutit to act On la FLORIN P-t 1 Bo 2050 at Pr- kina A Ftoria Poad HI 5-9091 STPI7KK 2 Bedroom Will Sell rur-nUthed nr unfurnished Good Ttrma HI 9-7579 Art NEW 2 Bedroom BamMa Wita Car port rare patio fir plat 1350 dowia 54 no- month FHA Harrmwood HI M7M BT Owner 2 Bedroom W' fi Don Nun 2221 Jiih i Bt D1 fut Hmrtita HI 9-5767 A Your Near Horn In RICHARDSON VILLAGE Bob Brown IV 9-113 i Wt Sutcra memo Land Ca 1 5'n and NttMrUoai Blvd or Sub Art plants both and Omme-cial mr 1V0 sn ft Door A'wi Fern re Stations aad Super'mar Office 494 ft floor spec Market Various tocaiiocia GI Etankhb Blvd Irontaa Near Fluit-2-noth Bkr WWT mUi 2 Hiwm On On Dor oe room ud on 3 room 5 era Iron and edade 15440 2 004 dowak Neiaoc RekJty Dial I 2-5205 fyyi Mroen bxxI Ben home as wff as 4 Sepsm irno hours wtn rfwn of $194 mo court ub Iuk! HU rXiUA ELLJOTT rLaLTOR Dial 2-125 1 McDANIFL REALTY HI 5-233 OPEN DAILY I Je4r Wrw iDrvi- All Hr moms THREE Bedroom Oa Act Art BeauttfPI yard Onl 7 544 1 544 down Terms Mr Miller HI PbIi nom Loes'V 1 of CAPMICHArL HOMER IV 9-3925 $123 DO TO VETS Ptue Ctoeirs moot p'uv do--hto rarer HrCktu rili Dial 1 1 ACRE Mod 4 Rm Km Ed Rice Bar H-rl Must Sell $2721 Bkr Plenty Lie Nr tcooo's 13 450 7932 El Rroa Wae IV $-777 3O0 HI 5-Al Betty Landsbery Bar HI 7-137 AgL) Professional Men Excellent Comer FOR YOUR OFFICE NF A 2TH A I MULTIPLE ZONED EULI PRICE 11 WO CALL MR RAINS HT 5623 EVES FOR DETAILS OR1 -nr fc fUV $MAUA RirralL FITE In Heart Of East Fvrto rsaotrntial erct on at 5421 Ftreet Nevt to rood market 44 125 fret Has smsll store or shop hidr At 53 93o co -under tb store I Call CARROLL COOK at IV 9-41 4 ere i A rent 3 dipiea Good rental district 24 cyt 1404 A South Ate DEL Paso heights jupt roMPt-rriNn Nesr 3 bIrm homes Clft dish-sners tk $2 VKJ dn 50 fHA term Mr bert nts IV Uv HU Atst BT OWNER Modem 3 hdrma to baths Arden PI SirsO da part IV 9-5931 dir 3 BEDROOM HOME 754 down 45 month This Euemi A trick bom Is torated on a nhadvl lot in th MrCleilen District Newiv renovated ready to mey into For further detail dial HI 9-8372 eve or HI 9-7411 Art THORNWOOD TERRACE NO 3 1 bedroom ba'h ard bail arcftl-Iwtarallt deeirned walker a a nant GT S-3449 HI 4-41 5 250 DOWN 30 MO Larr tot Water ynj and catHr In Rio Linda district HI 9-7411 art By Owner Established board 'rtr fenua Larr bau'ful cto downtown HU 4-9723 1 Bartalini LIVE BETTER FOR LESS MONEY snare oa floor and 4 acres ciore In III 21et St Res tore HI 1-1271 UVJJ $La- oy a hom*o Fjiit ituvctJM 2 bfdnn A 5 tru rfiQTR po home Many unusual butt tn derme Mi 035T TICK iJWnwm Horn 25 544 Pull ore Will ax rood rar house-trailer aa down pavmtol (59 mo on bal (needs nsi fn abtrr Rob I To A at HI 9-0300 37 25 Marvaviue Road Nunnelcy Realty handy for children Attracuao bed-oota home WSY SACRAMLNTO tarma IV Near1- new 4 ant motel 1243 21st SL Realtor HU 4-425 rc 1 000 5 000 down per month i For Sale urc 4 ft fence rear A Arden shop rtr Owner IV 9-2324 GI HI 5-611 Fm! wmmuf low down payment ARDEN MANOR BY OWNER Automatic washmr mactune- dishwasher d'eposai eie ranr A reffr-e-ator Fenced yard A patio 3332 Driee HVsj-2719 2007 Ft Restore STAUDTB GI 2-5997 Ev fi 2-511 344 DOWN 2W Room Cabin Gal warer llrhts seme- 1630 McDaniel realty 5442 Sacramento Bind HI 5-2531 LOVTLT 3 Bedroom hom*o Town A Country Hum earner tot Rustic A shako exterior gpaclmis room larr wardrob elnaet wail to wail earpetirir til kitchen and bathroom Eeporare stall iftmrr Te-rr to oit boyar IV 9-052 291 Rubicon Way corner Echo and Rubicon HEIGHTS 2 bdrm modern 1 to hatha Det rar Oa to ac Shade tree 10 500 Banka Realtor 757f Lmder Ave Citrus- Heirbt Pboca R05EVILLE 7974a 87M TATKITDKi $rorry A REAL 1209 21st St HU Incwma 125 i Pr month Yet a ra overluokiaf a tat baraam vou ran Puv thi prooortv ai4 don't Located nortli of harto about II milci CKhu to new project If voo a mms information raH Mr 5 trunk ovoa HI 5202 Mr Pave UL 4 1516 ililler i Ilarrigan gi MODERN 3 Bedroom Hiun On acre Will take rood car as dowr Mtot-1 ba1 monthly less than rent Rrv Teo Art HI 9-4744 3725 Vl-y p0d Income Property Spacious two flat stucco in rood condition in a perfect rental area 44x160 kL Priced under 20000 in on Sacto'a mam sta Cail Mr This is a must if vou are Inter-j Lampley HI 6-3256 fir 8TATE-ctcd in income property ENelyn WIDK REAL ESTATE 1209 21st Buchanan HI 7-8777 Watrous-McClory Co 916 11th St HU 12551 4-A241 Income Properly Fats Good Money Making Duplex Only 1 2950 LOCATED IN McKINLEY PARK FIVE YEARS OLD-THREE BEDROOM AND ONE BEDROOM ON CORNER CALL JACK WILD HI 7-7496 OR the Ralph hertel company 715 FT GI 3-2074 $500 DOWN Cut 3 pwa hofflf larct Ljl sc r4 Sl fenl Oelv II- 70 if In Dei PaJW Ht TV 09' 1 4 I no iravAf Cl i-7441 24 AC pOI'I 2 8afW IV 9-4919 V-o if hidden by trees shrubs nd lo7er Family orchird 32 rsne- ties fruft iM nut trees Aijo be--nea ete 2yA0 ehteken hou other bklx Small xardemnx fsmuy ran cut Uvng eost here 0rer 500 Kenneth Am FUR OAKS SALESMAN SAM 260 AVALON DRIVE DEL PASO MANOR BY OWNER Newly painted mstoe hnd out 3 GI 3 BEDROOM HOME MUST SACRIFICE OWNER BRING TRANFFEPtRED On cr 14x24 Offtco And wftb lumber for For rrot bv ownor Tbero a tome redwood fynca and lusher now- hut arotwrtv woud a'ttabto tor tranr ohr Sww owiwf tr furtswr dwtaila A Quialwv 4 111 FVarKMn Dial HX i-m5ll54 or HI a-25i INVESTIG4TE THIS Tbl aoartfwrnt bouar haa an to Uromw of $400 a month On a aocurwd mm tu A oator 9 $00 aa fu offirw A wirphouM rvwnto a location rlmt to or ahop auarw Modern bundins Air'mnnwnv fioooo down hvnl condiixvrwti offtrw t(Xo aa ft For tbia $10 000 tt arw akmc vrd wtoragp ary with riont (anew vou to pav ou wui trt back $40-Oo floor Corner lorttiofi with 2-000 tit lit month otraiHT Moffc to pr LOOK INTO THI9' Lmnc iwaao amiably CaH Mr Bruoj Howard Hamtih too landscaped lie FREEPORT MANOR 3 hedrnom bom Ix-aaed until Jan 10 5t to Kav down utmtcL Trm Dial HI 9-A491 fully Ideal lor children Near end and treat school Newly painted Hardwood floor fireplace stail shower and bath Rat in 39 Garden four CARMICHAEL Dial IV 9-187 bedrooms iarre room Corner mk A eatirr mar dibwasber in' kuchen Larr bath A tal hower ha'l 1 A cr rarer yard About 3 rears nay meat to ouakfiod 4 sear Broadway Asn 4 ant win earner a apt ton 21st St Disl Hll 4-5690 Holloway Norgaard 1614 Broadway HU 12044 BY OWNER $625 INCOME Duplexes $13500 Total For Sale By Owner Hagginwood $9875 2 bed moms Beautifully dcctjrv'ed larr brirht kitchen fuH in batn Bendix laundry ducted air condition- n'vDr MAN By 0 H1 1 vo rx Two Only PER MO Miller Harrigan Town A Court re Area Pe-ect mn-dition 2 bedrontrs etoee to St bod room house bardwood Pteirs i mere and schools 510 Vto fly YTreblae larra tot pear school Jl tioo down balance HI buyer IV t-nai ahonotna center and tra-stmrtation FHA terms Dial HI B6492 2207 Blew Ft rear Town A Country rerf-al pars Lane fenced old Lew down Look at This Bargain 6 ROOMS! Bir dl 7 unit court plus rants 9r SOMETHTNG FOP A 1 it? station A restaurant All RENTS FOR leased 200 ft hwy frontare MI'S THH IT'S plenty of rreim for expansion PUY CALL aLEX HDe-FNER 'Sacrifice 34544 Terms can rranr-d HI 6-6980 4-9224 Bedrooms! Acre 100 DOWN! (G-IV William William UlrT 3 i per Month 900 7th or ntninii HV Cmaerrial mn I Properly Far sair a-d Lra- 6 G)mmercial Corner 3A9f Fur OrV IV FOR $ALT BT OWNKR rew 2 bedroom boTe Frnfr $5 250 Si or 52 FRED SPEICH 923 10th St REALTOR GI3-941K (JI KESALE Lcrrely 2 hedmoms attached rarer Nat schools Lswn A soruba Easy term REED REALTY run down oronertr Lftrzo 2 htirriom hom aoorox i 200 m) of J'3-tYic Kiri diitrlrt rl Pio Biv-i Fuv nnl ft uo at tu'Sn reca-sm- orrtf't 7 ri! V- BfrbAint Nr Crmih lHH month Inouir at rrr of 1 NUNNELE 1924 St GI 3-3794 9-231 2 Art' 13th Street NORTH SACRA MENTO youth Dot Paao ai HI 9-0703 IBY OWNER $1 1250 Vot tract but bit rvy modri rar panel deuvrnr or hma on but runirr bomr-J uoaa mutty Prni pnvmentj arr ptc- non ans This Income Makes Sense! 7200 Yearly From 10 Downtown Apts BOHEMIAN VILLAGE GI 2-3m After 2 2 New 2 Bedrooms Duplex Zoned for industrial use as well TOO feet of frontage close in oni the Daais H'ehmay and improved! with a 16 room rooming house! This property can he divided eav-j ing an ideal corner for eommercial sponsible tenants occupied aa a development This-is an excellent bar hotel arid 2nd hand store for otfering at a very fair price Call'manv years Located on 2nd Street William IV -1329 for-between Eye and Jav Call Ray Cordano GI 3-7667 eves Price $26500 TKIIMS This property 1 leased to re- COMMERCI A L-INDUSTRIAL 6UB-DI VISION 2 IN BRYTE Bdrm Cottar With refrix A ram Bound 4000 EZ terms 2 In SRYTE 2 Bdrm Horn With $25 MO Near Town A Country Viilar 3 bedrooms 1 rear 6d Hands to ICharminr 2 bedroom horn with hure McCleSi Fied Thermiatlcauy rmj-rurrm room landscaped trolled heat aherripped Insu-A fenced OUT I10 9S0 IV 9-2319 lated eomnlerely landscacwL a wimi GI toon Payment 6144 monthly HI 6-5791 That' ripht th rrosa on these modern close in units (fin rent- extra lot soac Sewer in od il district) means a healthy re-iLOAN Lovely tiled kitchena with 754 EZ terms Better nn vour investment of S3S -lb-eakfat area Service oorob P1s- EJCTRA NEAT 1 Bdre Hnmcjn my TVVFSTflPS rheclr them initered wlu and CENTRAI dWQ im prui mi hi biiaiai pw acu ireai IN BRTTE 0 Blrm DuDlrx jbntranraa kitrbpn hrhmra Ak to xao tha yxrrttant -TP- VrwPRM CAN do enswer dial GI 3 7461 YOU PAT THIS? Also can you dr I Dili A CUI up 750 rash? It so cad vr IV hALrMAA 'L 9-5622 IV r-1677 IV 9-6 129 i Bob COOK Bkr Fulton A Arden Way TV 9 At -r James Cordano Co 3 A on Frudrldr Rd Tract- a rewar adtoins Prorwrtv i 2 74 A ooposit Msther Field ParDfulars 644 nr acre This would mak a 'em sub-d vision 3 15 FI Cc-rmercisl Frnntar oo Franklin Blvd 15 ft dentb THIf IF A VALUE Gall Chatham Art rM 2-6236 John 1 Eugene 1844 St Williams Co Realtor GI C-6919 GI 3-4618 TOWN NEW CUSTOM-AIRE 625 St Call Miller tonight at HI 7-1 at ONLY IlSVto OVER THIS 0C9 or at I WEEKEND by calllnr BID MAS TFR3 at HI 6-9775 Areet 87 Real Relate Display Real Ealale Display Almost new 10500 EZ terms Better lurry 6ML CABIN In Broderlek R4x 64 tot Ext' bldr space Garden soil 52754 Down 323 Call Broker HI 6-2121 or HU 4-6609 iTTryyiny wnuiV mtvt? i 3 bedroom horn daub' SArej ant Model home orwn dsily 6 rooms uV Iiyr Tn I correr tot Elreotoce harowood floors I pths See there beautiful custom 49BI1AVE wall to wall erret Inmlsled Lnd-ftli hotres D-i out More Av to 3 DUPLEX Way bet Poo St Whitney rrmenl oatio Kerrla Wright Kimbrough 619 St GI 2-2991 DUPLEX Stucco Iirick Trim CKvner Leaving Town GOODNESS BUT FOR 13 504 Fenced sard BEDROOMS 1 to BaTTI-A 3 CARjp close to store achoois OARAGE WITH FREEZE WAY AT-ity -632- TRACTIVELY BUILT IN FTXTONi oaks callc McDonald 230 mn TDAHP a m-erson for particulars iv rUr 1 rVAULi 9-4459 Owner left town Must sell Arden Manor home' 2 bedroom corner Amazinrly low price 2 bedm units only 1 yr old I( lot lor expnion rood rental location Dial HI 6-9296 eve or STATE-2 bed rooms on each side This is WIDE REAL ESTATE 1209 211 antsiworth the monev Each do rents' St HLT 4-S241 100 per mo Price to' down to nualificd purchaser Must hare appt to show Call MP HI 9-1706 REAL COUNTRY LIVING! 3 BEDROOMS! 2 ACREI Rancbo Hlenund offer ht veteran hi tiret end -nlv opportunity lo gel a 3 -bed room borne on a big to I iv acre count rv boma sila on term be can at lord! MODEL HOME Open a Pav II A Daik! Trade or Sell 3 Commercials on St Warehouse on Front St 3 bedroom home on St Street Business Property 55 acre ranch close in 659 acre cattle ranch No Deal Too Small No Deal Too Large TEMP modem borne Immediate or-f cupancy Between McClellan Field and Harrmwooei All HI 7-5741 pew homes Priced at 8950 Cal! Bailey HI 6-3775 i Corf 1914) HOME in lowior GI 2-'013 2th A Y4 GET Drive out e-tber Fvr Oak Boulevard or the Freeway to El Uaminn Avenue- mil El Gam Inn to Walnut Av Look for our iifni! Phone IV 9-7275 OPEN SAT 1-6 3913 44th Ave First time offered Cute base'Ce home 6 rooms 2-car rare Lot 144 165 2 blocks from school Owner built Best materials Terms Out Franklin to Campbell Soup left 2 b'oeks Hollo a Noryaard 1614 Broadway Art HI 1 -3f6- DEL PASO MANOR 7 badronma tfta bath c'xmH tn ahnwrr til kitchen hardwood floor Attmehed carasr tn yhorptr ni Par IV 9-il25 Ew IV 9-4129: IV' T1477 Two bedroom home plus three isineln bedroom rental unit ci iir a oi 'il in Haceinwood district Will 94 Sth St Aaaoc Hi 4-9ihohow xcH1nt perrentare return DUPLEX 4 units Southret a total price of only JI59V) Land Park Exceptionally For further im-estiration call Mr well constructed and spacious Miller Bkr HI 9-2721 units Ptrcp'ace Separate niDAIfr raees Til'd baths and tiled 1( 111 kitchen Hardwood floor II 3 Only a year old Must he seen j10o jso mo Two hotises to appr'eist' Cail Forsberg on both rented near HU 6-4642 or GI 2-9413 Campbell Soup HI 5-2935 Agt tCont 159Dii xxr Lyons Realty I rred VV opeich 2 BEDROOM Toxm and Country down payment with immediate possession Call Millert HI 9-6933 or Gil LIST WITH' VS AND START 2-9413 fCont 1953) PACKING 918 8th Street GI 2-90131 For information on the ahove call Howard Lidster HI 5-8213 evenings GI 3-4571 dv or GI 3-2407 or A A Avis HU 1-0191 or HI 5-7088 1 For Sale Country Home $7500 Lyons Realty LI3T WITH VS AND START PACKING 918 Rth Street GI 2-9013 OWNER BEING TRANSFERRED 3-441 Resltor 923 14th Ft List Wilh Lidster 5 room sturco hous in Carmirhacl rarcc lot- Garage attarhod Modern tn tcry way CVwt to torc bu bn Sh-'d tree conittiig of fruit tree Beautiful actlinc Can right AH with gnoir Cce to th right party Pnr(lot Call HI7-43 eve or evemrts HI Reaj Nearly new 5 room home hardwood floors floor All clear with harh and kitchen Nice Pi Cj irurlc venrts HI Mr Payne HU 4-153 eve- with furrace large 918 Sth Street LIST WITH 3 US AND START PACKING GI 2-9013 23rd and P' 5 rooms romw lot Town A rt leas than 3 ears old DED PAPO MANOR OPEN £at DARK1 Eeoced vard Immaculate vene'ian DAILY JI A TiL thrmehotit Thrmotat rhorLTer Vi rmaunn fhJn b(k rr "15-2302: 87 Real Enlale Display Dial HU4-S24I 1209 21st St hik north El fansno out Ho Fi Drirr 49 300 for ouirk TT Feoufv ado Pavmot ir Miller llaman nnnth bv HI 9 3971 PnrnM'i frv Llnea GI Lmm Only 5 Down Lw Monthly Pavmrnt Naff 2 And 3 bedroom home with Futl ti! bath fireoiara hardwood floor Mny other fraturr DEL PASO MANOR REA tTT INC KiOT Inc BuiMrr Watt and Marc mi IV 9-4334 ARDEN PARK Attractively locat'd in a high-renting district Two 3-room fla on 1-room flat twiti room for additional flat) Income 130 per month plus owner- fiat Big 40x160 tot Nee vard Garage Full prit 18 750 Tall MR GAUDIO at HI 7-OS79 tonight or Sell or Trade Close In On St Large 5 bedrooms 1' bath: basem*nt 30x60 wilh 2 extra room Central heat fireplace House in At condition newly decorated 2300 down will take this Call A A AVIS GI 3-4571 HI 5-7088 or HU 1-0191 Agt List With Lidster Why Fight Traffic? Live in Davis The University City Just 20 Minutes from Downtown Sacto Over a 4 Lane Freeway beautiful Oeile hTlanor Immediately adjacent to the University offers SMART TIIRKF DHDR00M HOMES HR0 AD PAVED STREETS QUIET HOME ATMOSPHERE The are not lust average Homes Tour Oesl Manor visit will be a pleasant Surprise Local ion: Follow High ay to Russell Blvd opposite University Campus HOME INCOME FAIR OAKS $8250! FRED SPEICH 2500 down Large 2 bedroom home weather stripped and insulated Hardwood floors used brick fireplace fenced yard vacant A must see IV 7-0001 Town Country Sparklinr 2 hfdnvm horn' on larc frncd lot Gray and 2 boHitJi on 4 acr nf mtling I Hn oa the Amngan River bluff! nc 1- rn a Realtor Gf 3-9018 87 Real Estate Dlsplav ARTZ COOK -T St in Money Should Be Working for You Don't keep monev idle here's a FURNISHED DUPLEX yours for ONLY 9500 which should bring CIRCLE THIS Ideal tiro bedroom home located In town and country area Excel-on tondwiiSd -nt5 SZi hllpmC SdnwnVnrenLpVrbkF HU6-0666 or lljArm'rDDr A I TV Sherman H0EFFER REAm Better Homes Realty rARMCHAEL CAU Cal West B1 GI 3-5663 $1100 Will bandlei this nearly new 2 $1500 Dn! Wa have to offer a nice clean 2 ACRES CARMICHAEL $7500 $1 350 Down Tei ST'D Davis 50! Oesle Drive Davis 7 b4rwm rtnrkf bnus mM hm ftu rp Shade trees CU vu perrentae on your MKn iv 0-012 investronL coniclr it well- Qpyji-jrrri UD PF TV'ronnct'vl: on nrtw bedroom atucco Lota of cloet rustic srake uvd brick bom on lj large 2 room home with bath It! JvrlVJIir I LHi IxILMLi 1 I space and very convenient to la-g acre corn- lot Huge ruture as a garage framed in and is upaiii anu vrr cuninHnu i' cdiuy hjv iiM 1 1 i ia uum 10 ciai vai al nivij tf 101 hardwood floors tile sinks insula-IV 9-3S03' Don SEE IT TONIGHT by rall-ing 0 Larson HI 9-3198 or at Reduced $1000 EAST SACTO This home is well lind-sraped Has a well arrranged floor plan which includes central host a fireplace In a large living room A small but nice basem*nt All rooms are large and the bedrooms have roomy rloeels It has a full sise dining rooiu a lovely separate breakfast room and the kitchen is Wired for electric stove Bathroom has tile floor Kool-shades on sunnv side of houe snd has alto car garage The location is excellent and close to grammar Jr High and High Schools For appointment to call Georg Southard evenings HUnfer 6-0072 or days Hudson 1-1407 shopping center and school En-ets off tne irse living r'on! landscaped It is situated on one caP MICHAEL C4LIF eiiuid yard and 2 am dime area Dnwy and traction acres which gives cwrsr VD rr-E- nvt ts 684' kitchen wth esiirr spece cemrsi einsnsion and DAI 1 TOTAL PRICE vt I Wright Kimbrough Iota ff at wif 819 ct PA-LL MRS HI 9-8220 Cr 2-2991 EGGLESTON EVESJVd recoct located Carmichael The rail Lawn With sr-inker Eves IV' price ir this little place la 6250 9-6329: IV 7-1677 The monthlv payments are 50 I per month Por further informa-Ition and details piease call and ask for Chuck Ortiz eves IV 1 Fu 'ton Arden Wav BKR IV 9-3123 9-2023 or markets and shaping area xiatinr FHA Mn 5 Realty Service $750 DOWN Two bedroom home in Sacramento area Hardwood throughout Large tot Floor furnace Close Klein S7 North) floors attached IHwplMsr t0 S'lTtTPTIT 2 and 3 827 St NEW Don Stephens Co Ifull Vice Eve call Mr Miller! IV 9-3632 2650 Fulton HI 9'365 or North Sacramento Land Co 1454 Del rase Rlvd HI 9-2721 Fair Oaks i for this fine 5 room home just off San Juan Ave Ha everything including nice fireplace I-nt 100x120 Sandy loam soil Monthlv payments only 61 This is very special Call Mr Inman IV' 9-9711 Arden Park bring along a check list of all the features you a would like in your home and you'll find a surprising number of them in this utterly rap-tivaunr five room Arden Park home Large living room with fireplace dining room kitchen with breakfast area and loads of cupboard space and tile work area Spacious ultra modern bath with tile stall shower and built in vanity Immense master bedroom with wardrobe closet Neat and clean as a pin Price only 11500 FHA terms Ask for Mr Emanuels IV 9-4801 eves Lots or Acreage 3 acres Carmichael 4 giant oaks water In street work paid Six hundred feet street frontage two hundred feet deep Walking distance from shopping center schools church and plav ground Call Emil N' Ott Jr IVanboe 9-0328 Open Daily 2 to 9 FRUITRIDGE VISTA No 5 NEW! SIX ROOMS! GI Terms 2 MODEL HOMES Furnished by Breuner' Beautiful new end excitingly different hornet BUILT BY C0WAL et only $11530 end $11850 Original Celifornie-in-spired designs Custom styling Choose from 5 different floor plant 17 different eiteriors MHwrco*k (Plua Closing) Drive out Stockton Bit Fnntndr Pd Turn right Pruttndxe Pd to St Turn Sooth 44m Si to Garden Av for Arts A Cook agaa UTln Jk dinih rom wnn wm vAu- TeTrv TV'xtif to watt carixtinc rhurminc NOW LISTEN TO TUI 3 nod Mmnni with wrdroh -r 4 grammar hisrh $cho! cMts ati tiia bh with ta Jr hi Patio fenred A tndr1 )vv7 Tf in fmn A ia you ran rra ynur r-n AOO IV If no aner GI Iront that aojart apacioua Ruane an1 Phrub 20xV) raraa Harrher juat tor YOU It irrctr x- ur auH ronvrrtrd into apt atj'tunntng xtarior Jurt what jrmi've SALESMAN minimum of expense Naturally -v 'J nr i irvit'n rati fnca a ranontc has all the features like hadwood tln- breezewav etc Its chsrminr floor tito hath and AN-jpjnjBin- intenor boasts of a host SUME GI LOAN $61 per mo Don'tlof wife-saver appointments too nu-rui this call Mr Mann'ngmerous to Just wait until i E3iii vou them: It answer to all inoiir y0ur fonCr dreams St Is waittog hist for YOU at 2251 Park Estates Dr Off Fulton So of El Camino It's priced to sl 20 950 MISS It! Designed A built by Big 4 Bdrms At last you can end your Park A must sea to those looktnr for beauty charm distinction Plus manv I i What do vou want In the country? 2 75 acres fenced I and crons fenced A large I most attractive 3 1-edroom house with a gigantic kitchen and separate dining room An JSO a month income producing 2 bedroom apartment Room for sale of house tots Irrigated land with under- ground pipes A price that is reduced to less than fair value Owner selling because i of health Call Preh Motley Hays HUdson 1-147 eve- mngs IVanhoe 9-6689 Sierra Oaks Modern As Tomorrow This spacious 7 room home designed especially for there who entertain Outstanding features of this Barden built house are 3320' livir room with ultra modern Lrepace a 44' ianal th baroecue functional kitchen with 2 Thermador wall ovens built-in electric range dishwasher and garbage disposal Large dec bar 2 bedrooms 2 hatha ooset space galore Decorated witn excellent taste Corner tot Fence sprinkling system Owner interested In trade Cail Mr Ergberg GI 2-677T JONES St BK4ND A HULLIN 725 St INC HU 1-2741 other features tn a 3 bedroom home In lovely Arden Park Reverse floor olan loads of stores area barbecue huge outdoor oetlo dishwasher etc indicates the tvoe of home we offer This new home will seU to first wm Charles Bell Bedroom HOMES MODEL HOME OPEN Daily 4 'til 8 49 Furnished by Monthly Payments as tow a 4 4 05 Per Month (Plus Insurance i Taxes) FHA Approved In restricted tree studded West Sacramento district Architecturally designed Cedar slung! roof hardwood floors and fireplace with built in book shelves SEE THIS HOME AND CHECK THE VALUE DIRECTIONS Cross Tower Bridge drive out West Capitol Ave -(Davis Highway) to first street left past Capitol Inn Turn left drive out Park Blvd formerly Jefferson Bivd) to 11th Street Turn right and continue to 1114 Meadow Lane Our signs will guide you West Sacramento Land Co 15th and Netherlands Blvd GI 3-6301 IV 9-4366 owner in West 4th oa Look Beautiful Stone wo bedroom pluj dn with ptrrni kwkinr for wooertv of ih lovely firpUc in larjr living oturw For tartr ot 11 A roorn and lcn Separate -Bud' Uwti HI i3ioS or r-Mtra Wry mc Urge kitchen Jones Brand Hullin 723 FT INC mT t-274t Tito bath with shower over tub and tto Boor Convenient service porch I -nr go double detached lATOMF RESIDENTIAL 83 (SsWUBQl! HU 4-9381 813 Street I Ott STRUT HU I-I4r Sacramento California Open Friday 6 :30 Dark 2820 CalifQmia Ave MODERN REDWOOD 3 Rilrins Reverse OUTSTANDING PATIO I B-B-Q Orangevale Fast growing community yhou suburban location Spacious prnrrty aw wmed commerclaj Room rooms throughout central entry go- exnanston Call Robert I Finlev hall floor plan Plentifully tiled Act HI 6-6376 kitchen faces front large picture! re tjCVT windows overlooking adjoining pa-l ICi3 1 MLO tio and barbecue Beautifully land- Mrnom cp in Carmichael scaped yards Your host will Urre Ft With trees 1920 NEILL WATKINS Who may be vear income by present owner reached at HU 6-3939 for addi-ipnee Jl ooO tional information Fair Oaks Blvd- to Kenneth Ave-i nue turn right 1 block to Califor- --h-i a a I i24M Bvn thea tun wrt to( Evntnrs IV -T47" INSURANCE APPRAISALS LOANS REAL ESTATE RENTALS Arden Park Lovely 3 bedroom home on large fenced lot Sparkling system town IV baths eating space in kitchen separate dining room Xto baths with stal1 ahower in master bath Shaded patio in afternoon Call Mr Werbke HU 6-0668 or iMcAnear Sherman Williams Williams 3091 Fair Oak Blvd IV 9-3646 garage Completely fenced yard on beautiful 100x109 comer lot with lot3 of trees Vacant for iro-i mediate occupancy and offered at: only 12500 Terms North Sacramento Land Co' 1 454 TV1 Paso Klvd HI 9-2721 CiMn Daily to $5 1 4 Down to tn Trrnr Auburn Flvd to Wft I rrD pnt McC'V7l ta Karl Dnv Turn Hrh? lywif frit Piers' BRAND NEW rhamuB! d'crd Vrra Bis Ronm bnck ftrfrHacr rtouP lisrini rTT fu'l dntnt rooms two large brdroorn roJe tvpe rVnrta I' colorful bathroom ftam-rteel kitebene FUU Pnci ARTZ COOK HIT 4-93S1 st MacBride Says Best Buys Today HU 1-3117 925 10th St Fah sa's pries only 7850 for thla Fair Oaks 3 bdrm on approx Ito acres Better tt husv fast this baby Call Bab Frakea IV 9-7563 rsa Be below Listed Today potless 3 bdrm stucco Approx Wfu BEAUTIFUL! NEW! 6 ROOMS! ELMHURST DISTRICT! In ne of th most desirable bom sections of the city Living room with fireplace dining room 3 bedrooms bath tile kitchen with breakfast area Every modern feature: oak Boors Boor furnaces steel case ment windows Attached double garage A splendid home Talue at $12550 Call MP- SANCHEZ at GI 3-1267 tonight cr flEnswCo OCL A-1 Investment 5 $22750 Room for Expansion 3 four room modern unit building extending ncross rear of lot 2 five room houses on one side on oTnlthe other side ofwhich can be Winding Wav 6250 Term lextended to Include 2 or 3 more units Owner states construction 3 bedroom home tn Fair Oak on is exceptionally solid and substan-aporox to acre only 4500 Hurry I having aolid plltcred walla ooy S20O0 down heavy shake roof etc Property 1 acre tanprox St peat A clean has fine xuncy r-cord ttoing untie fcoma tot cf trees od convenient to Campbell Soup Co round It worth all ot 7500 Signal Depot new Gamble Soap Terms too Co Call Gus Keiperls HU 6-3457 -r i (17201) 2to acres faporoxl snd 2 bad-f room hom*o only 7950 Corner lot faowrox to acre 1 and neat 2 bedroom borne with attaebed Investors Attention LOdo sq ft vL fins home Ciore choola Ouse Beaut yard cioee Carmichael Priced at only FHA approved too below 5 Acre Rancho Perm pasture Wett piped for cheap Carmichael water Frneod erase fenced sheep tight Lorely trees fruit A shade Stom out bldgs Extra awe spacious 2 hedrm home -Ctoee In Cmrmichasl If the in our book better see It 4 sick See below Buv this fai-ly new recently re-dec 3 bdrma EHa-GI On 8ep tile stah ahouer hd wd fireplace patio Anprox to acre Ideal spot for kiddles Cioee schools ink's transp It's our 'Tina WEEKS CARMICHAEL Bee below HU 4-9381 813 Street TOWN OFFICE 2 1 st 4 Capitol Ave GI 2-360 1 3 Bdrms P2 Baths Ptorv lotDl Nrr la MlfDNtrtMfMl ClOM to rhwl ihonBirf w3 trinirTtortatioa Cail Jnm Coll ns NOW at HI 7-4571 5371 35 A of Productive Ranch 20 ara to La 4 live tn 12 year old baartrur watnuta Aft trader IrrigatM Water arm add 1 ard ta araannra ot her 10 Htrbtn 3 HO front oa PoiDom B'vd AOO on A mvncai river rm hom*o with 2100 ft Very odom la ovorv rprt Ruildinva lpudo a ViiSO ham wrrmem floor and a ifmv'imfot 2 rm aad hath Homr On arro of fmtT orchard Mr Frtotic at BIT 4-237 tr an-potntment 0 5310 Here It Is! Juat what the doctor ordered but he has lo move In the heart of heat kacra-menlo wonderful home ha 5 bedrooms 3 hatha Lot an to bosutlfuUv laarpd The perfect home for a growing familv Call Mr Vieiiln (Vse-Tan at HI 7-515 5451 Fruitridge Office Truitridg Foal WATCH FOR THE OPENING OF OUR FRUITRIDGE DISTRICT OFFICE SOON! North Sacramento 242S Del Paso Blvd WATCH FOR THE OPENING OF OUR NORTH -SACRAMENTO OFFICE SOON! 4 Hdrms D-I Baths Retire Here! Tn an On at 5U 11 rm if crt With Lc nr rat vttfe frplw Horn ol bHtaawajr' lx kstrh WUV Srr 7 hndmom in Carralrh- rm for hone orspar litimir in Urte mom Mentr etoArt Imi hra you? 8tO for vtry Jivtbk DrtiehH rtillv a Hrauif ia4 oolr $11500 tirad Priced at orUT $5 E-Z'hw houar On trr 1 Yamfic ttrma tenui Better iu beiow 2 Bdrms-2 Baths I Only $8250 rarer Only vear old- Good terms 10300 Approx in lla brn be 3dM IT5 A TOP NOTCH TALUS 3m't ll IV or IV fe Neat A dean 3 bedroom rustic with attached cxraaa in Carmichael HURST REALTY CARMICHAEL CALIF DELUXE APARTMENT HOUSE 23 UNITS Over 10 Net Return This very attractive stucco and used brick property is Ideally located cioee to downtown Sacramento and la less than 3 year old Twenty of the apartments are fully furnished and all are equipped with stove and refrig- eratora Consists of four 4 room overlooking the American River An- apartments and nineteen 3 room nrox 2304 floor snaea with apartments 12 car ports 2 laun- On rood sized hilltop tot Fs'r Oak very attractive clean vacant K-Z terms You just beat Uus one for the money Roy Hobday IV 9-6414 rew Clint Tavlor IV 9-0444 yes Bob Frakea IV 9-7563 res BAT Hurst IV 9-355 res Ooen to vour offer It's too good a buy to pass un folks Secluded rambltsr ranch at vie Western hom*o of colorful Winding Wsy oo a tree covered hill with winding gravel drive Juat tbe right setting for this home oa audios 2 acres Designed by an outstanding architect juft for this Fair Oaks knoll Outstanding OPEN 2-9 Saturday end Sunday Corner HilJtboro end Normandy Lene South Land Perk Terraco THIS HOME HAS EVERYTHING! Here's a magnificent new redwood rustic 7 room owe story home Built for all out spaciousness Master living room with-charming fireplace Delightful den with honest to goodness log burning fireplace 3 bedrooms Master bedroom with adjoining colored tile Hollywood type bathroom that spells luxury all over A full sized custom built science kitchen And that's not all there's long list of extras you'll be delighted to HURST REALTY CARMICHAEL CALIF SUBURBAN OFFICE 2301 Fulton Ave IV 9-3887 ARDEN PARK 3 BEDROOM Owner transferred snd roust sell this egrellently located boros Cto lo all convenience Largs living-dining combo with French doors leading tn covered patio Big kitchen with breakfast space Priced for quick sale For further information call Jinn Clark at IV 9-3437 5471) BOUTH LAND FARE Aa tnvlUnf A roaveclemiy arraeged home that trust be seen to be appreciated 3 bdrms Ito errtra! heat aerv-n porch P46EMENT Separate dW Mef'iaiian rili rvrars GUEST HOUSE tn REAR LI WITH PLUMBING Dermltefy priced Fhto IMS lo EC HI 7-0177 ARNOLD TRACT fomer lot 3 bedrooms Srrrix norch detached doutoe ear- covered oatio n-oleta'r fenced Extra office room added with toilet St sink Entrance hay thermo exhaust fan wan to wall carpeting £vs HI 7-200 Jajrt dry rooms Situated on an 80x160 sire a errea- t-s ft corner tot For further in- formation rail Mrs Hugh eve- ments excellent Income off reocbmng Gilbert 3-3262 week days HUdson 1-1407 $12 LUCAS CO and rentals Apartment furnished Ia-reftore here' vour chanco Just 60000 10- dowa Fair Oaks Realty i I II hottae ideally io- Tff I a rated not too AW atom yet not far enouefi that vou must spend valuable time ftebting tsffte Tbe borne to tnealatad and the wrd to Bleelv landwaoed Pnred wlthia vour pocket book at ti M750 Call Mr Mapas avaa HI 9-563 Woodlake Investment Co 1lr Pel Faso Ptvd- HI 9-2759 800 Rustic and atucco In Arden Park 2 bedroom baths Excellent financing Eating space tn kitchen Hardwood floors tbermoataticalljr controlled hL Attached garage Call John Wagmman at IV -l54 Coldwell Banker Company GI 2-5864 15 Sth St Tom Kieman 1971 Rroajwae RLTR GI 3-AVU1 to PM Fair Oak Bvd WUsou Ave fa Fair Oak IV 9-5976 144J HUdson 1-1407 1009 3 SL i.

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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.