The Sacramento Bee from Sacramento, California (2024)

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The Sacramento Beei

Sacramento, California

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Pare BIS Sacramento Bee Monday October 10 1966 99 Miscellaneous 1 For Sale $2 Musical lastruy 'nil Camino Equip- BRUNSWICK Pool Tables New sale meas Sporting 1 osid suooiles cuesOLizi2413 Dird most noosed Sale All Sizes Call Back-' Pb A 1 "flikl II Ea fil la me a oil 1 void PC)016 4224995 I tl2 Mutdral Inyttru lid II 'ampulla Equipmentt--For sale intent Sporting and In anted Sale A I mAliki and Wanted BALDWIN 121 Business Opporm Sale INDEPENDENT Service Station For lease Established businevs cial assistance Days Co! 3-2U93 eyes WA 5-6604 "NORTH AREA SISO daily Close on Sundays Investors Real Estate Co ftetutirna 117 Dogs 11 Irds 121 Business Oppors For Sale and Sale Wanted Si BERNARD PUP AKC Res11AUTOMATIC Vending Routes Invest Lhanid lint 2125 -429-3i62 trom SvC5 UM Write Bee Box 3061re9 PIZZA 8 Beer Good Location In GERM SHORTNA1R PUPPleSt 4 Mo1 shopoing center 4434541 old 3 MaltS $25 call aft 4:40 652 6243 Loomis iSPEED QUEEN Coin-Op LaundtV a car wash equip 4515165 AT StudTAKC- Terrier 2 lbs Kennel Rhoda Deils 131 Clark DRIVEIN Equip Bides St Placerville 622-5086 1Blair CO Box 1294 5ac5 5 5 5 5 5 DRIVEIN Equip Bldos ti4 Blair Co Box 1294 Sacto 443-595i sprpet olano rena1 retirn S695 ELL-MING NIC CO St 14 41)31 DEL NORTE Swim Club Member ship Cali 332-3422 AWNINGS Canvas A Aluminum Free est Jartak Scurtield Gt 6-3829 99 litimeellaneowt0 For Sale 2 COATS $750 Ea 1 Formal $3: all good cond St 16 456-3515 FIREPLACE Tool Set With Stand brass black Light weight Also darker brass wood basket All for SIG 445-3173 weekdays 461295Y eve' nines ATTENTION Alt Oar OwnerMart agers: AutoBar dispensino system for sale By lot or individual unIts! Contact Mai McCall 3643243 Site! Tanks for water pressure or storage 440i gal $4950 also several other sites Sacramento Surplus Sales 4801 Hedge Ave 363-941 2 PAINT Shakers Cutting aliCIRCV af flCJ "no 1112 livestock and GOOD Milk Cows I Feeder CalveS1 235 0 St Rio Linda 991-3782 FOR Action At YOUR Auction Huisman Auction Gall 74S1230 Angus 2 Bulls Service Age 1 3 prolect heifers I bred cow ju4- i 2252 SHETLAND Fillies 1 Bav $75 PalomMe in foal $125 Palomino 0H mare $125 455-2411 Willie's Paco Quarter Fillies 1 registered Leo Scamp mare Cail 483-2298 1HORSES BOARDED Lots Of Riding space No Sado area S40 mo 92-4300 SALE EVERY SATURDAY Roseville Livestock Auclion Market Roseville Calif SUnset 2-2103 REQ Angus W-Calt Well mannered halter broke Child's sad-die 25-1450 Roseville arivrintr call 1- ---1---- VENDING Routes Invest MO UP Childrens Clothing-Stora th-Auouro Small down payment and liberal terms to Qualified buyers I-or more Excellent earnings Ph 483-5839 information contact Mr Shields PO Box 607 Auburn California litqL LEMON Spotted English Pointer Putt Purebred 4 moo $25 483-1112 443- 8901 DEADLINES For Bee Classified Advertising Monday Ads12 Noon Sat Tuesday Ads5 PM Mon Wed Ads5 PM Tues Thurs Ads5 PM Wed Friday Ads5 PM Thurs Saturday Ads5 PM Fri Sunday Ads5 PM Fri Corrections and Cance ila for same day (daily Monday through Saturday) EXCEPT 11:00 AM Saturday for Sunday Death AM daily and Saturday Too Late to Classify and Lost and Found accepted as late as 11:15 AM for $10000 TO $20000 ANNUALLY AS A MINIMUM USED Guns Wanted Call lonsbardl Liuuors 489-4vta Carmtchaet SOO GUNS TO CHOOSE FROM TOYLAND KENNELS 0 I '2 CHAIR Park Cairns Scotties Yorkles Kittens area 12th Ave 40th St Call S35 uo Stud serv 331-5044 aft 4 451-8367 9 am-6 pm BEAGLES AKC 3 Fem 4 Mato: ORBIT Service Station for Lease 3- 1 weeks 31 chant nedipprets sig Modern units Excel loc Lurie $40 Reg papers free 481423 equipt included Dial 447-7967 830- CAPITOL AQUAR 4:30 or PO Box 1526 IU FLY CATCHER'S (Fish) s250 fa BAR LIQUOR License Fully 2001 Capitol Ave GI 59651 eguipped restaurant Living cum- ters REG plus 10 motel units Call Connie English Pointers 3 Mo Old Mathews GL 1-3803 Bkr Top blood lines ready to start hunt- Mg These are fine pups Also stud "BUSINESS SPECIALISTS" service 991-5494 INVESTORS REAL ESTATE CO 'We BOXER Puooies AKC Reg 212014 28th Stwill help medialely No otter over 550 re-I 452-38finance36 anytime brindle 3 fawn Must be sold im-1 MEAT Markel Groceries Good I fused Call 331-4742 rian operation Fixtures go with 4 TOYLAND KENNELS Poodle i Cairns Scotties Yorkles Kittens S35 up Stud seri 331504 att 4 BEAGLES AKC 3 Fern 4 Male 1 weeks 31 charm pedigrees Reg papers free 43-1421 CAPITOL AQUARIUM FLY CATCHER'S (Fish) S250 ea DOI Capitol Ave GI 5-9951 REG English Pointers 3 Mo Old Top blood lines ready to start hunting These are fine pups Also stud service 991-5494 2 CHAIR Barber Shoo lit-Oak Park area 12th Ave 40th bt Call ters plus 10 motel units Call Conniel Mathews GLI-3803 Bkr "BUSINESS INVESTORS REAL ESTATE CO "We will help finance" 2014 28th St 452-3836 anvtimel MEAT Markel Groceries Good operation Fixtures go with machine 4 drawer cash regi5ter1 metal fixtures with adiust Inn complete with glass and holdi ers Many other things of value1 Cali 925-1092 anytime HAY TARPS Rented Sold New Used Capitol Tent Awning Co 3904 Stockton Blvd 451-2S01' BARGAINS 1040 tkvirtht Srrall IsArd to Nut model Sman Boos Grand 1615 2 at ltiis price Console Piano SS95 sherston sworn I oiler Chase FiCioANS Everette vos Maonavax JReq Conn Wuriltte Imt S95 FLEMING MUSIC CO II SPECIALS toomcv tincanwonD like r-A 1NO 00Yti4 Ave SMO HANWOND wets sdve S800 no clown NAMMONO (MORI) on like new swwt LOWREY woh Ina Let Socaker no dn -Ave Sari BALDWIN ORGAWCNIC wor SE05 ro clown PENT A NFW PtANO SPINET OR CONSOI ss (ENT APPLIES ON PURctlAsE Conn Organ Piano Center 2271 Arden WY at Boll 272744 1 BARGAINS Uoright S395 Small hard to Mid model S45 Small Baby Grand at this mice6 Pi ano 1951 Sheraton swim icomer chase (AGANS Everette S05 tiAnctnavey S-45! tsiten Conn Wurilizer las Ist S95' I FLEMI-NG MUSIC CO 13(11 ST' SPECIALS 40-WPCT i INCOINwOOD Walnut! 'Me V'()(1 0' savo Po MMON() CHORD ke clown HA li new save ics1C LOWREY i1t1LIDAY 'Nth mii Mg Les'it Speaker no dn -Ave Sari BALDWI w-ocr cusuon S805 rio down RENT A NFW PlANO SPINET OR CONSOI sit Mll- kENT APPLIES ON PUR(1-1AsE i Conn Organ Piano Center 2221 Arden Wy at Bell 'Y2727441 1 i smm haraware 2t)! 1 ALUMI NUM AWNING rx32' Peas' DOUBLE se Divine Tanks I hl Umbreila-type clothes pole $5 Pvt pails PA 5-0085 Cit Hus Party 371-9190 LICENSED Guide Service Elk Deer TOOLS REPAIRED 21 Years Of' moose Antelooe Alien Racidatz Quality service Electrical Tool Co' 406-26-3521Lima Montana Sado 2525 Del Paso Blvd BROWNING Auto 5 Shot 30" Bar-1TV RCA Portable S30 Twin Beds' rol hid choke new cond SI151 compl S25 reel mower $20 A-I' 988' l335 1 cond 988-4601 si1965 BEN HOGAN Woods IronsTV Stereo Combo Antenna Queenl Bed Corboitie set Like new used size bed dinette dbl dresser chest since May Make otter 422-7428 of drawers misc 4212827 1 '1'2 GAUGE OOLIBLE BarMiShotgun'NEW Excel cond plus cleaning kit S551 Elmer Bruhn Sons Wintersl 444-3165 ask tor Tyler I Calif Phone (916) 795-4538 WE Buv Clubs'UNREDEEMED Typewriters Musk tor CASH Ted Berman Comoany1 cal in struents Out at Dawn A-I 5oiq Stockton Blvd GI 7-0436 loan 910 12Ih St HI 6-0620 -ATTENTION Bear Hunters! BearREDWOOD 6 Ft Solid Board Fence maranteed Bow huntrus welcomed' or C00id Neighbor 99c per tin tt1 241-6071 or 24-7683 i Free estimate GL 5-3096 HUNTERS Special -1942 SELLING OUT Duality Ladies clothI i Scout oickuo Good tires tree run-1 es Sizes 10 thru 16 Priced right i-o hubs girt racks new paint Hurytti 402-8809 siit5 Wainut Creek 934-7201 or 283- 4 TR CRIB Natural Finish seaiv 1 1 Posturcoe dic mattress Excel cond PHEASANT Limited' $15 635-1855 membershio Licensnd Pheasant (Job OIL HEATER Blower Stand Drumi chno area GO 1910 342-2329 341-1 Good con Mt North SP 53 S75 Wringer washer S5 c11 93 Television-114'41in 187 or write Pheasant Club BO Box 1187 Chico Sa teN ServireN LAWN MOWER Craftsman Heavy 1 9u661v9lreel Front throw S45 YC1 and Sopplien 97 Mosor 1 smm haroware 2o01 1 Street DOUBLE Set Diving Tank-s I hl outk PA S-008a Cit Hgs LICENSED Guide Service Elk Deer rmoose Anteloue Alien RaodatZ 40626-3521 Lima Montana BROWNING Auto 5 Shot 30" Bar: rel tud choke new cond S1151 988 i335 4965 BEN HOGAN Woods Irons hag Lornolele sot Like new used since May Make otter 4224428 12 GAUGE DOUBLE Barrel Shotgun Excel cond outs cleaning kit S551 444-31e5 ask for Tyler -1 WE Buy Clubs tor LASH Ted Berman Company' 5MO Stockton Blvd Gt ATTENTION Bear Hunters! Bear Bow Ountecs welcomedr ReddmO 241-odil or 24-3-1t83 HUNTERS Special 1942 4 WhD Stout pickup Good fires tree ruml mro hubs gun racks txew Paint VvainUt Creek 9344201 or 283- ed44 duty reel Front throw S45 YO 76650 Used Machinery Specials Whitney 0 Thickness Planer Complete with 15 motor Automatic knife grinder sharpener 54875 38 Beach 2 drum sander like new complete with motor controls $3650 Haven Machinery Supply "It It's a power too! we have it" Open 8 to 5 pm Sat 8 to 1 2031 St GI 3-2003 TOY COLORS QUALITY STUDS Home of Toy Champion SILVER SAPPHIRE OF SASSAFRAS BARCAN KENNELS 7258229 DOG TRAINING Classes By Sad Dog Training Club Mon nights Miracle Mart Fair Oaks Wed fights Rancho Cordova Post Office Call 635-5641 for Information I C4nrrin Drama Alizph Stamo Press Mach Al REG Quarter Mare Sate In Foal Yearling Stud cult Buckskin Gymkhana mare 4820401 after 6 BRED SOWS Due This Month Also weiner is land raced boar Gall 7451402 REG Polled Hereford Bulls Service age Dom Misch and Zato breeding Ph 645-2559 Rt 1 Box 336 Lincoln 7 YR OLD Reg QH Mare Well 'trained tor trail pleasure also 2 yr old reg Roan filly Broke 885-3926 Auburn PERM Reg Qtr Mare 3 Yr Old rooe gentle for child has been shown by child 8500 8004 Patton Ave Citrus Heights 725-3618 HORSES from $100 to 5275 Some registered 725-2017 635-1515 BLACK MARE 10 Yrs Gentle $225 Brown gelding 10 yrs (wile S350 Buckskin mare 7 Yrs eager rider $350 Or will trade for 2 or 3 yr fillies 9873892 Special Sale On Saddles Large selection all reduced 25 to Use our lay-away plan or easy payment Albers Feed Farm Supply 452 -815t 456-2986 RANCH SOLD Complete Dispersal knudtsen Apdaloosa and OH mares In foal to Little Bull by Joker 2 gentle saddle horses 1 reg OH gelding w-show record 2 miles so of Elk Grove on Highway 99 East side MU 5-3370 Here 's a franchise that can ake I your future better than you ever believed possible Be in an eXDOld-- no industry now grossing better i than 3 billions yearly $6500 Invest- ment includes inventory with retail value near $1000 training guidnian ance and advertising Other similar lease Johnson Meats Auburn 885- franchises now netting Owners more 6311 8 am-7 pm than S50000 in area comparable to Sacramento Write DIVISIOn Man- DOUGHNUT Shop Good Business: ager Box 309343 The Bee low rent books open h' ie beautiful' office Ask for Mr Nordman 1 451-2331 JEWEL FOR Fully Equipped Home Shopping Service restaurant Seats 54 to 75 HIV-way 80 Colfax Ready to open Offers a cooperative franchise to 346-8791 346-9907 an operator who has the following ClUalifiCatiOnS: TAKE Oyer Lease Service Station married age 25-40 grossing anproximately 5225000 an- Good cash record High School Education bond reg nually Just buy inventory approx- imately $10000 cash Only Involved Physically fit Owner must change climate Write Box number M309349 Bee Company provides: "CUTE TAVERN ON AUBURN Bt An established route business With draw plus profit bonus disclosed at A mint tor two culles Liv Otis regular buying customers Weekly Investors Real Estate Co biannual audits Call 452-3836 anytime Medical and retirement plan Operating expenses company paid Flower Shop I Write to Box M306916 Bee GOING BUSINESS I Address REASONABLE I Aye Phone 456-1604 aft 6 GL 74057 Education completed 1 No of lobs last 5 yrs HOUSE MOVING BUSINESS Gross' last year over $75000 Can be SERVICE COMPANY making exceptional net profit per with present equipment Selling price SJ0000 day Established 20 years Excel- AMERICAN HOUSE MOVERS lent pun Bradstreet rating Very Ph Modesto Calif 522-1288 very extensive traveling in 17 West- ern states North in summer south FOR SALE: Liquor Store And Small in winter Complete training A new building fixtures like sistance by president of company new Excellent location near 192 The $2700 Investment supplies 0 unit apts Industry close First year 5I27000 worth of stock (retail yak gross very good Send inquiries to ue) Health forces offer Write Bee Sacramento Bee Box No M306673 Box M305160 Give phone number resume of business experience Ge-neral financial ability firomaa in AAAnicvillo cite 20 yrs last year over $75000 Can be doubled with present equipment Selling price AMERICAN HOUSE MOVERS Ph Modesto Calif 522-1288 FOR SALE: Liquor Store And Small groc new building fixtures like new Excellent location near 192 unit apts Industry close First year gross very good Send inquiries to Sacramento Bee Box No M306673 BAR FOR SALE On Salo General license in Marvsville Calif 20 vrs (In NurNery Stork Seed Hulks Fertilizer For Sale 1500 YARD Of Poultry Manure Elk Grove 682207 aft 6 WHOLESALE Xmas Trees Spruce A white fir S330 ea average 6 longer to 8' or 50c ft Incl sfnd Volume Only SPS 422-4116 aft 6 same day's paper Man-day Through Friday No Too Late to Clatsify I Saturday or Sunday 442-5011 Ask For Want Ads 1 I 03 Machinery Tractors For Sale wiscaNsiN Briggs I Stratton And Clinton etc pas motors Parts repairs Bar Hein Tractor 1551 Fulton Ave 482-1722 64-65 FORD Tractor Ser 4000 front loader rear scraper like new cond $1975 or best offer Wkdavs aft 1 call 662-7451 wkends call 662-7102 Woodland for amt CLOSE OUT of our present stock of CHAIN SAWS Brand new and complete with bar chain As low as $8950 MARINE 12700 Stockton Blvd 452-6822 FOR EVERYTHING IN CHAIN SAWS See THE CHAIN SAW MAN (ACCulloch Distributor) LEAVITT Rancho Cordova 12105 St Sacto Calif HI 6-7575 2265 Sunrise Blvd 635-6910 same days paper Mon day through Friday No Too Late to Clatsify Saturday or Sunday 442-5011 Ask For Want Ads iRUBBER a el 11 a et i di Eouto Perfect cond Sacrifice $200 922-411 i LIDO 14 Like New No Trailer Will GOOD Seasoned Oak Wood Reasom! deliver 635-1844 atne tree delivery 7-0169 16 SK HULL 65 HP Mtr Tilt aster 6 GA 1-1683 40-1-moh $960 967-6468 9441784 LINDSAY Custom Auto Water Soft BOAT Trailer Excellent ener $250 3639635 Or 1024 Crovdon $100 967-6486 Way Rancho Cordova 57 CHRIS 36 Motor Just' IDEAL For Dr's Office Or Bar 343' overhauled $1500 Rsvl i91-002i i refrigerator Used less than 3 mos VS 455-i473 61 NV Outhoard Mark 78 Mem Soortsman trailer 48l-0927 KMAs TREES White Fir 4 To 8 FtI $125 per tree roadside Burney Trade Calif Ph Jim Bush 1910 335-2201i 16 SK HULL 65 HP tiAt-r Tilt 40 moh $968 96-6468 9441784 SClaT Trailer Excellent Condition 100 Wanted- Miscellaneous WANTED: Machinerv Stocks Of merchandise for cash IV 7-1560 WANT TO SELL? We'll Buy If Doc's 2616 Broadway GL 1-8645 POOL TABLES Heavy Slate Type 9882413 Dir CASH FOR TOOLS All Kinds One wrench to a shoo full GL 1-7782 OLD Coins Gold Coln Quarters SII ver dollars Ind hds haives Misc Private collector 922-8224--- APPRAISERS Liquidators All tvDeS eclot merchandise Buy for cash or sell 455-3953 PAX PORT TV Packard Bell 64 $50 or best offer 45-0e01 USED TV SPec Al Cond SIS Big Chime 941-4)4 ()urn Oa lie 99 WALL Console TV Works Exce11 Reas 9SI-9213 MO PROVINCIAL Magnavbx TV 27' Al 42-64i 21" TV New Picture Tube Excellent condition t3750 961-i85 22" GE CONSOLE TV $100 I SQUiVE Wobcor Tape Recorder Like new SI10 41 MAGNAVOX TV 4 Stereo Comb Good cond S150 1417 Wvant War TV RENTALS 2520 Broadway 452-0233 i TV's Your Choice s15 Each All wres Fair Oaks 961-0428 dir 46 ZENITH Westinghouse TV1t closeout prices 4-448 dlr 1 TV SETS $75 I UP service call SS 104 North Ave' Del Peso Hgls VA 5-9113 Dir KILLS CRABGRASS HOUSE of WHITE 922-12th 442-2981 6616 6th Ave Rio Linda MACS Evinrude Sales Me-tors And At cl0 SFlea Market Auction reoairs 3116 Broadwa-v 48137 turni- 271 1756-664 I AGu 11:35 1 02 Building Materials BOAT Covers Made Repaired taint-noted 422 ti350 att 6 pm I 1WAREHOUSE Or Plant Bldg 40x110 nr Innr AVMPni are AS low A a Moe 11 At terprooted 422 ii350 att 6 pm or larger Payments are as low as UNION PLANING MILL 6661 Ekas Ave 456-6405 CARPENTER'S Toois Accessories Cash Checks Newbert's lith 1 St 120 Money to Loan QUICK MONEY Loco to sloo 000 Buy 1st 2nd Trust Deed Loans purchase-buy back STATE CAPITAL INVESTMENTS 1330 21st St 444-3791 under same ownership Doing good bus Wonderful Coo for Spanish speaking partners or couple Books open to int party $12500 cash plus stock New Palm Inn Marysville And Banatlet Room in leading hotel Completely equipped Huge water prolect under way High calibre operator only Small investment required Contact owner Willows Hotel Willows SEE DON REATH Yacht Broker- $50 per rm 635-4321 at MILLER PARK BOAT HARBORia MM PROJECTOR Auto Threading 14-FT Wood Boat Glassed With 12 zoom lens $65 452-9038 belw traiier $125371-4424 1 6 and pm 211-BOAT-- Trailer sisi1SKIS Headmaster 2111's Nevada Tee 9E5-2070 after 4 pm S125 Blapounkt FM-AM Cilf radio Steam bath fiberglass S175 22' PARTIALLY Completed Cruiser 482-7346 SiG0 782-1833 Roseville MOVING Must Sett Refrigerator toV 17' GLASSPAR Sedan Cabin Cruiser cross OD freezer 535 52 Rambler 75 hp Eyinrude Continental trir Statesman good tires Good run-lots of extras 725-8139 Rsyl ning cond 555 443-6058 DRY CREEK LBR SALES 5704 Dry Creek Road Rio Linda WY 1-2004 102 PINE 13c Per Ft CAN Lumii ber 5i80 Franklin Blvd 452-73v1 CHAIN SAWS Home lite Prices start at 10 models Free demonstration 2234 Auburn Blvd 927-0028 Borrow On Your Home BARBED WIRE SPECIAL 2 Pt 80 Rod Rolls $535 Albers Feed Farm Supply 452-8156 456-29B6 TAYLOR'S STABLE TACK SHOP Horses saddles eoulpment 3709 Park Road off Auburn Blvd at Bridge Road 482-9135 every day eves till 10 rim STEEL Bathtubs Slightly DmgcL S10 Wood Bros 12th bts GI 2-0716 COMPLETE HOSPITAL Licensed For 35 Beds All furniture furnishings individuat air conditioners Fully mimed kitchen elevator Lot 5x110' plus 1 lot each side zoned R-4 for hospital or rest home ideal for expansion total frontage 150'xi7Ol depth plus 2 story dwelling 5 room cottage Big shade trees garden etc Ideal tor rest home nicely located Price 5120000 terms possession around May A BOWEN SON 218 School St Lodi EN 9-2783 Paid For or Not Reoav 56 of I 0 Per Mo on Uwe IT Balance Terms to Sul Your Needs Cash For Trust Deeds Loan or Purchase ENTERTAINMENT Center 23" TV stereo won multiplex FM-AM radio $200 GA I-5613 STEREO COMPONENTS Multiplex arno stereo recoider speakers turntable 991-5150 66 MOTOROLA Walnut 23 Color console loke new repossessed Take over pavments of SI per month 3269 Folsom Blvddir 451-744 PORTABLE 3 So Stereo Record plover detachabie speakers Excel cond Sacrifice $5 445-3113 weekdays 481-7959 eyeninos CATERPILLAR 977 Crawler Loaders mod 53 A power shift w-canopy winch INT'L 150 crawler loaded w-Drolt 4 in 1 bucket rimer attach ment Both units In excel cond call CONTRACTOR SALES CO INC 550 North loth St 444-2305 MISSILE HULL Plank DlassedBRASS Role Screen CO 12x18 Rug also V-drixe accessories Make 8 pad $25 protector screen $250 otter Call 455-653 work bench 2 light fixtures 50c SACRIFICE 14 Cat Boat 225 Hp to $250 487-8390 JOhnSWIS custom trailer 927-1031 USED TARPS or PA 5-5898 Rsyl 7c so fool All Sizes 12' SEA SHARK Pol pintic sail Ai6000VVIN-COLE COA00 1 K1 Alhambra at St bo3aTmCgris176 rZif 11315 452-6641 SHELL OIL IV 7-2709 BUNK BEDS S1795 Ao Metr000litan Armv-Navv Surplus FT AVALON 60 HP DOWNTOWN Corner Of Slate HiwaY 49 Equipment tri excellent cond Easy terms to party with good credit rating Peas rent PAT BUCHANAN Realtor 701 High St Auburn (916) 885-5389 FOR SALE Or Trade Gravel Road building business in Amador CountY One-half Interest or all Equipment consists of rock crustier shaker screen Kenworth truck with double bottom dumps loader dozer back hoe roller grader etc Stcri ment consists of rock crusherd shaker screen Kenworth truck with double bottom dumps loader dozer back hoe roller grader etc Sacri- WORLD SERIES SPECIAL Color TV near wholesale ail styles In 23" rectangular tube Don't buy obsolete tube before checking No cash gown 525 ma Furniture Ware house 522-5433 16 Glassoar 'Downtown WO SI Bvd 446-5475 Evinrucle Shoreline trir extras Marconi pair Oakl 48-0110 like new Assume oavmen'ts or re- finance 885-9051 Auburn TERRELL'S PLASTICS 16 ESQUIRE Ski Boat 1-20 Hri-r- 1 Plastic Fiberlass Resin Paint It iin AA T10 'Mit C4WIJIKC 21 COUdly SV Kilns a lc Tile crafts Interounty Mortgage Co 482-7544 n- or Eves 487-8548 482-8241 WE HAVE MONEY HOME OWNERS BORROW 81000 Repay S2832 MO 520n0 Repay 1464 mo $3000 ReDav S8496 mo Pay off in full In 42 mo Other Plans to suit le: On Interest only Pay only $833 Int mo on each $1000 borrowed Pay principle In 37 ino See us first it Days to shoo for your loan? Credit no problem Phone for Information Loan does not disturb Dresent financing SENTINEL 925 lOth 4434561 In Addition To Our Regular Con signments tor Wednesday October 12 we will sell 200 Holstein open bred heifers Weights from 350 to 850 lbs ORLAND LIVESTOCK COMMISSION YARD 3 miles south of Orland on Old Hiway 99 Orland Calif Phone area code 916 865-4521 114 Pantaralle ad Feed Lot WANTED Pasture For Cattle Irrl wiled or dry Lodi 369-2586 WANTED Pasture For 3 Mares And nursing colt Will supplemental feed Ph 363-9351 CeUiSer Power Int trait-Cerarnics 70 rt tVILIE trUibef VONUF ot d113618 Broadway CL 24814 No 04 Cat Series With Angle hydraulic dozer direct electric start has less than 250 hrs of actual use See the newest in landscaping wheel new John Deere models 300 400 on display at WEAVER TRACTOR Et Centro Rd 922-7181 I-H 181 Combine 16' S3950 Gemco Model 540 Beet Hey 42950 Parma Beater $950 John-Deere 12' Grain Drill SE95 John Deere 5-16 Plow S295 Atlas SD 516 2 way Plow 43250 John Deere Subsoi ler S195 I-H TD 18 W-Dozer S1000 A-C HD-16 W-Cat Dozer 810500 Cat D-1 Hyd Pump $5950 Cat 0-4 $495 Parma Beater 59A John-Deere 12' Grain Drill SE9S John Deere 5-16 Plow S295 Atlas SD 516 2 way Plow 43250 John Deere Subsotier S195 I-H TD la W-Dozer SI000 A-C HD-I6 W-Cat Dozer $10500 Cat D-1 Hyd Pump $5950 Cat D-4 $495 er t3795 WILLIAMSONS PALM STEREO Are you capable of managing your oyn business and malung $1000 a month or more? Shell has several existing modern high gallonage units fice for health reason Box 211 in the Sacramento area with this Pine Grove Calif Phone (209) 296-1type of earrung potential Also Shell 7139 Os opening new service stations Irt the Reno Carson City Lake Tahoe Enterprising diary man Established milk corn Sacramento Woodland and Davis relocate Processing approximatelythese pony in Southern Oregon forced tolareas For InfOrMatIOn regarding unit nd cur dealer financin ag :150000 Pounds milk monthly 95And paid training programs contact: for Class I bottle and can Sale SHELL OIL COMPANY Ideal potential for producer-distrib- Box 775 utor operation Substantial Invest- West Sacramento Calif merit required Write Box M309327 Dial 371-8250 or 331-2938 12 Equal Opportunity Employer for CPAS I bottle and can sale Ideal potential for producer-distributor operation Substantial Investment required Write Box M309327 Bee Pebossesed and in good condition AM-FM radio 4 speed changer ieweeld neeole multiple speakers beautlful hand-rubbed walnut finish Must sae to appreciate Assume payments of S1100 per month tui balance MARINE 1941 El Camino 922-4515 WIG CERTIFICAT" For Any $200 Wig Of Your Cnoice tor S125 was 14' NYLOX Fiberglass W-40 H-P Elec won in contest European hand- start Mercury ski equipment coy- tied 455-9262 er tralier S545 783-8084 1413 Michael Way Rsvl Oak $31 Cord $1750 Tier Black oak SA cord $1850 tier SACRIFICE Plus tax Free delivery Rsyl 32 Cabin Cruiser excel cond 725-7592 782-1492 must be seen to aopreciale terms I WALNUT 3 Pc Bdrm (Thomasville) 061-9509 I $150 Dix elect range Frig S100 65 67 JOHNSON 60 HP Elec Start Lm abretta scooter excel cond motor st S200 363-9254 ilt In crate regular pricel $396 will sacrifice for $700 783-1COMPL SET Ends Brittannica C-OMPL SET Ends BLDG To Be Torn Down For Material 1716 Willow Ave 311-1110 LUCITE Out Compl line Plumbing GA 1-4710 ECONOMY LUMBER 8386 Florin Rd 422-1480 DEL PASO Pipe Machinery 1113 Del Paso Blvd No Sado ASPHALT Tile 400 Cases C-Colors 54 case of 80 221 No 16th St FENCING-Redwood 75c FL Moores 4325 totn Street Del Paso Heights Open daily and Sunday WA 7-101 ALUM Garage Drs Std Or Custom Fingertip operation Free est Fontame Door Co 214 27th St 442-1842 SINGLE Wall Furnace t3750 Car mirhael Plumbing 6338 Fair Oaks Blvd IV 7-6111 ASPHALT TILE 4c ea Roofing Cement 5 gal cans Reg $395 $775 Wood Bros 12th WW1 Sts ROUGH Redwood Fence I Ft High 69c per lin ft Greenback lumber Co Greenback Lane at Fair Oaks Blvd YO BIRDWELL LBR SPECIALS 235-1b Thickbutt Shingles So 90-lb Rooting $345 roil 936 Arden Way WA 2-3427 FENCING 6-Ft Redwood Good Neighbor 89c lin ff 6-ft solid board 67c it Sado Pallet Lbr Co 6334 Stockton Blvd 428-9500 REDS SUPPLY GL 7-7438 34" plastic pipe per 100' S229 40 gal water htt Usrd wall heaters 315 4520 Franklin Blvd Sun 9-12 ANGLES PIPES FLAT BARS CHANNELS CULVERTS SQUARES PLATES VALVES ROOFING ROUNDS SHEETS TUBING BEAMS REBAR RAIL 03 LB 121 Beal Estate Loans Dee 0 er Color TV SOLAND TRACTOR EOPT Co 640 North 1st Dixon 68-2383 Case ISO Rice Special Harvester on tracks ready for work drop header 2 Case SP12R Model Rice Harvester ready to go to work Both on tracks pick uts reels No reasonable offer refused 3 Caterpillar D4 condition like new 4 TD I8A Completely rebuilt prlced very reasonable without trade TD9 With new Hydraulic Bulldozer Close out price WESTSIDE TRACTOR Willows Calif 113 Poo Ilry Rabbits and For Sale BANTIES FOR SALE 991-1331 World Atlas dictionary set bookcase Never used SSW value $225 Call 635-5981 To THE ENTREPRENEUR GROCERY Store In Stinson Beach 0111 18 mi No of San Francisco 500 Yards from coast state park annual gross over $200000 Off sale liquor license stocks net over $10000 New equipment I yr old $37000 Good lease 9 yrs left rent $300 mo Can be purchased with or w-out liquor tic write PO Box 276 Stinson Beach Calif Phone 868-1923 days lii 7 pm After 7 pm 868-1775 BE INDEPENDENT Special close-out prices on all In-- Stock color TV 23-inch and 25-inch rectangular sets near cost 21-inch round-tube sets below cost while they last Over 40 sets to choose from ASA 6700 I-olsom Blvd 4523821 AUTOMATIC STEREO CONSOLE LEFT IN LAY-A-WAY 1966 model with all transistor AM raiio 4 so changer lewel needle dual amplifier multispeaker system Responsible party with good credit may assume 9 baYments of S777 or cash bal Free home trial Sacramento 441-4813 Roseville 783-7186 OLR FIREPLACE WOOD Fully seasoned Prompt delivery SU 23276 TWOREK'S Woodyard cash Carry 8560 Old Auburn Rd Black Plastic For Swimming Pool covers 12 wide to 28' wide Any length You Want TED BERMAN Co 5679 Stockton Blvd GL 7-0416 TIRES Discontinued Designs 40 Mo triarranty 4 Div wnite walls Goldrn Falcon 8 25414 715414 775)05 6 50xl3 We honor Weinstnck-Hale Charge-a-olate ABEI TIRE CEN- TER 481-0534 2t2 Fulton Ave Who has cash and good credit background a real tunitv to own your own established retail service type business This cart be operated as a part time sideline or repuire full time management Also a terrific business for a retired or contemplating retirement Individual For further information call or write 7391 Rsvl Boat Cloth Factory Prices CENTRAL VALLEY CHEMICAL 6317 Elvas Ave 451-902 CONSIGN OR Sell Your Boat Exclusive dealer tor HYDROSWIFT boats Authoraed Mercury Mercruiser dealer MADISON MARINE 3805 Madison Ave NH 331-1032 ENO OF SEASON Disposal Sale HOIG'S MARINE 607 Fulton 4837379 1967 Johnson Motors NOW ON DISPLAY CLEARANCE 1966 Johnson Motors A Chrysler LONE STAR BOATS 17o iunriburi NOW ON DISPLAY CLEARANCE 1966 Johnson Motors it Chrysler LONE STAR BOATS SPECIALS! 117 Dogs Bled For Sale and Wanted DOBERMAN Pinscher Puppies AKC registered 7 weeks 482-8216 POMERANIAN 3 Males 7 Weeks At(C 665 ea 442-5515 or 446-0441 DACHSHUND co*cker Toy Terrier Pups $25 up (916) 663-3426 PEKINGESE Male 7 Mo w-Papers paper broke $40 WA 2-1738 POODLES TOY MIN $35 UP RIVERA'S GROOMING 371-6585 REG English German Shorthair Pointers Hunt this vedr 962-2525 CUTE PUPPIES WANTED Center 3322 Bdwv 456-1575 HANco*ck Service Station for Lease Modern Minimum investment Consigned Gasoline Stamp Allowance Dial 311-5228 or eves 487-5251 Repossessed 1966 MODEL nepossesseo 1966 MODEL Moore Equipment's October Sale! Everything In Stock REDUCED! Holiday Inn North 1900 Canterbury Road Attention: SURVEY Wednesday Thursday FridaY (916) 9273492 Unique Bar Complete molete S3000 Now AND UP $1500 Larne glassedin ow case SURPLUS STEEL I S00 now $400 Sacrifice meat slicer steak broiler at The inn at Shasta 430 Mt Shasta Blvd Mt Shasta Calif 1834 Auburn at Marconi 927-455 Solid Oiled Walnut WILBER'S MARINE 'AIR COMPRESSOR AMMCO Brake "erst soNor rrilesr IR COMPRESSOR Ammeo Brake 1834 Auburn at Marconi 927-4552 5 Ft Stereo Ft Stereo WE MAKE LOANS JOHN LIRDA REALTOR 4146781 I MAKE 2ND MORTGAGES SLID DENLY! 441-3668 443-4990 McCLATCHY REALTY CO Fast Service 809 Street BALDWIN A HOWELL Conventional FHA VA loans 1017 St 4440240 REAL ESTATE LOANS BROWN INVESTMENT MTG CO 483-0495 Eves 483-5311 PRIVATE MONEY 2nds A Ists Schoefiler Mortgage 487-8625 4781 Manzanita Ave Carmichael Isr A 2ND Loans Quick Cash For Trust Deeds 443-1971 Intracoastal Investments JACK CHAMBERLAIN 1330 21st St MONEY To Refinance Pay Uto 81115 improve your property or our Reasonable fees and Interest Call Mr Davis GI 3-2581 LOANS 1st 8 2nd or will buy your mortgage Devi Mortgage Co 16th 441-1491 days or 157-6377 eves REAL ESTATE LOANS on Improved city and farm VWertv or will buy your deeds of trust or contracts ARTZ COOK 801 I Street GI 8-91181 NEED MONEY Real Estate Loans Int as low as 66 Budget terms Trust Deeds sold Cr used Os collateral for new loan Phone Ruth Reath Don Stephens Company 3825 Marconi 482-1540 487-9506 eves SERVING LAKE TAHOE SACRAMENTO AMADOR PLACER AND EL DORADO COUNTIES EL DORADO SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Hwy SO A Center St NA 2-1493 PLACERVILLE CALIF PHILLIPS 66 Tractors: SPANIELS AKC 4 os Excellent hunters 925-9337 125 Motels and Trailer Sale AllisChalmers Caterpillar IHC Etc 1 6 Solo- 60 Watt 11120 15th Street Dial 448-9981 Allen scoDe tune-up Bear AM-FM Stereo Radio i -porto-alionment unit complete with Proff Stylus Inventory Reduction Sale drive over oauoe Valve machine Sold For S49995 All boats drastically reduced For 4440852 Just pick up 1 pay tax ctn q(ampie NEW 18 ft Cruiser with 75 CARPET Bal $28766 ho motor and trailer Rep $3495 1 Early American Braided very col- Or 152 Month reduced mire $2595 iorlul like new aPProx 100 so vrds1 CAPITDI MARINE bought new at 512 sq vrd See iti i FORMERLY FLYING A Offers paid training financing plan equipment is furnished plus WinA-Check promotion Be your own boss Station now available Call 442 8951 or eves call 332-1182 or 263- 5183 61 REDWOOD FENCE Good Neighbor-99c Ft Free Estimate At Your Home Budget Down FULLER'S REDWOOD FENCES Fruitridge Pwr Inn Rd CI 5-3095: 33x4x8 Particle Board Sec $119 516x4x8 plywood $188 l4 plain mahogany seconds $198 1 pair) walnut seconds 5588 PP knotty pine seconds S319 Plain walnut seconds S588 PP knotty pine seconds S319 insialled- at S5 so vrd VALLEY APPLIANCE 4526001 14761 Atiburn Blvd I Open Fol Niles til 9 0m Sun RICHFIELD I RICKS: GMC Diamond PeterBilt Keonworth Etc Also Flat-Beds Lo-Bovs Loaders Graders Power Units Screenina Plants Stackers Belt Loaders Convevors 8 Purnos HALF Beagle Pups 3 Male Fe male 927-0637 lMINIATURE Poodle Puppies AKC 1 champion stud 961-9456 KENNEL ReductionCollies Dolma-tans $25 $35 991-5341 TERRIER PUPS $10 Ea wk old 925-3832 i 'SCOTTIES AKC Reg Chamnion I Wood lines 6121 Coyle Ave Cam POODLE PUPPIES Toy Min ARC sell or trade 967-9534 i FOX TERRIER Pups Smooth Male i fern Reg IS Wks 371-0370 BRITTANY Hunting Pups $20 Up 725-5897 Rsvl or WA 5-6952 PEKINGESE Pup AKC Male Black 489-6289 or Psyl 7'25-2430 DEALER BANKRUPTCY 1 16 foot Do Paul Boat with 45 kg FOR SALE Church Pews In Good STOCK CLEARANCE All electric start motor alternator condition Eleven are 12' long FROM CLEAR LAKE i Deck hardware upholstered seats twenty-two are 7' long Made ot 'windshield running lights remote gine with natural tiniSh Contact COLOR COMBO controls with trailer All thiS7 S1295 Mrs Whitney 889 Jones Rd You'll save over $800 Yuba City or call 673-2047 NEW NEVER USED NO One Beats Dons Deals BIG COLOR TV EASIEST TERMS IN TOWN Chair S250 Lg AI most new swing set Cost S-1995 BIG AM FM RADIO i Don's Marine DrAn Mon-Set sell S30 Bar 0 grill S750 match- ing Dr wingback fireside chairs r-xonit tI-LAK Lmikr COLOR COMBO ci-thield running lights remote i- natural tiniSh Contactl contrOIS with trailer All thiS $1295 Mrs Whitney 889 Jones Rd1 You'll save over $800 Yuba CM or call 673-2047 NEW NEVER USED NO One Beats Dons Deals BIG COLOR TV EASIEST TERMS IN TOWN SMALL Arm Chair S250 Lg most new swing set Cost S49951 i Don's Marine DrAn Mon-Sot 9 530 sell S30 Bar 0 grill S250 BIG AM FM RADIO Inc) or wingback fireside chairs 58)(4)03 4" OC Part board ext U29 Bx4x10 redwood rustic ext S50 5-16x4x13 redwood rustic ext $398 x4x8 olvwood ext clue $279 I 4)(8 plywood ext glue $319 -ii 44 Divwood ext glue $369 SIFVENSONS 428-5958 250 Frasinetti Rd off Florin Pd Al- match-I BIG RECORD PLAYER 2700 Stockton Blvd 452-6822 green S30 IV 7-2109 1 LiAlattAliVnW DritANANT 1 NAUGAHYDE PEMNANTS ONE MOTELS Trailer Parks Trades Jimmy Thompson ant 455-9382 TRAILER Park 104 Spaces Nr Shoe cent school Gross $2000 Asking $48000 Low dn pymt Good loans Write Bee Box M306743 MOBILE HOME PARKS MOTELS AND RESORTS LESTER PARK Co "THE MOTEL BROKER" 2122 St 441-686 IN SACRAMENTO 20 rental units all redecorated 2 Ocirm apt for owner Pool TV phones Price reduced for Quick sale Can arranne some terms OLIVER LEWIS REALTY 1900 Middieberry Rd WA 5-8400 Sacramento Calif 95815 2 BARGAINS 25 soace TP 5 apts Heated Pool Asking $22000 casts down GOOD FINANCING 50 Space park 25 Spaces to be completed 2 bdrm home Price A Own payment are very elastic WILL TRADE Jimmy Thompson '1101 24th St 455-91182 Quality-Guarantee-Service uts upto 3vaLdsS159 yard WAS S995 NOW $582 THUN6FRBIRD-GLASSPAR- I AUTO CARPETING SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE COLOMA RD WOODLAWN DRIVE Neighborhood Location Dealer Financing Available Dealer Training Program Life Medical Grouo insurance available For complete details Please call Mr Croom at 442-6971 SPARE TIME INCOME Refilling and collecting money from NEW TYPE high quality coin operated dispensers in this area No selling To qualify you must have car references $600 to S1900 cash Seven to twelve hours weekly can net excellent monthly Income More full time For personal interview write PEN -IDA DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 2520 STATE STREET SUITE 202 SALT LAKE CITY UTAH 84115 Include phone number Equipment Co Inc I 988-0286 Sacramento Or 466-5135 Stockton i 988-0286 Sacramento 1 Or 466-5135 Stockton $20 DN ONLY SW MO Black blue- brown or red $180 OARD yd Hence 4526001 dir COOK' OUTE3 POLY FOAM Valley Apn A eldAtarcesc rut tn LU LAN UINLI )IU MU COOK'S-OUTBOARD yd POLY FOAM Volley Apo Hance 4526001 Olr thicknesses cut to your All sizes DEALER BANKRUPTCY Manv used chmenyons Come In Today TED BERMAN CO -LK ISANKKUFILT Come In Today TED BERMAN CO Stock Clearance CROW ELECTRIC PLUMBING SUPPLIES New 52 gal elec water heater 10 year warranty $4895 Bathtub enclosure wireglass tit* standard tub 82695 Gas Range slide In S6995 Mobile home cooler comp $9995 Toiiet seats 195 Table lams 399 922 9829 901 Howe Ave 'GERM Police Dog Fml 2 Yrs Old all shots SRL 975-908i Shepherd Pups Purebred SIS ea 622-5197 Placerville DACHSHUND Male Brown 7 Wks Standard AKC 487-9522 no Farm Products lAT STUD-13" Beagle Ch "Stormy FARMERS FREE MARKET I Weather" CDX GL Open Wed Sat 3001 St ST BERNARDS 5150 UP Stud Ser' Rt 1 Box 1544 Auburn 885-6304 COMICE PEARS River View Or1 chard Garden Hwy et Orchard i GERM Shepherd Pups 3 Mo AKC Lane Reduced price moving 331-4807 From Clear Lake 401 Broadway M4-3064 S679 Stockton Blvd GL 7-0436 98 Antique! Bought Wigs By Caroline halt 23 IN COLOR TV 1 IN COLOR TV S1000 to t5 million on 1st or 2nd loans local homes or commercial real estate existing or new construction See or call John La Vett Soolft and Illestored A tratitirt)i Wig solves your 1-11ne VA intlk vfmr hoc MIMI Mill 111111111-111-1111 sou look your best New Never Used New Never Used Lafayette Mortgage Co Cut Rate Plbg i Beautiful Walnut 'Console iprooems nelos Dual Speaker Ht I Mdt BEAUTIFUL Mantle Clocks Seth! me aves you ti money I can 1 Automatic Denasser 1 hornas Ansonian etc 921-0404 iSPII you the finest wig made to1 I day for 12 the price you would 1 True Color Control Call Us First Too Prices Paid nornilv hay individual home au Color on Indicator ITRUESDELL'S ANTIQUES 442-6826 Bit Color Chassis loointments only Call now tor more 'UCK PavsCastiForFyiniture And informution i Was $689 Now $471 944-3039 $15 Down $IS Month APOliance 45760011ANTIQUES A Flint Wanted: Ca sh! or assign EStateS AUClion 443-1622i lic Auction i Pu1? '45260011ANTIQUES Form wanteg: Lasw assign Estates AUCIION 443-1622i or Public Auction i I H' 5 EPHERD Pups Good Now Buying Black WalnutsiGERmAN breeding 625 906-1549 AQUARIUM Complete $80: I Highest Prices Paid Phone 42-3010 GERMAN SHEPHERD PuPS Good' Buying Black Walnuts! breeding 625 9s6-1549 Highest Prices Paid 4 2 GA AQUARIUM Complete $801 Phone 422-3010 INVESTMENT Of $11000 Cash Note for S30000 will buy business of international scone that will stand a rigid Investigation Net profit should average $10000 to 812000 per year plus salary of S550 per month for manager Full training assured to new man or will supply management and personnel to absentee owner Good opportunity for partners or investors No Sunday work Please reply to Bee Box M308349 DaVF 444 0922 Eves wksnds 489-2141 --I TIGHT MONEY 7 7 Money Is never tioht Sacks furnished WELSH Corals AKC champ Sire et Homeown- lers Loan Company 14'e can lend vou oet show all shots 422-249S I lit) to S10000 on your home paid for Stewart's Feed Mill I ITOY PoodleS Chihuahuas AKC 7916 (r riot Fast efficient confidential 1600 34th St Cotton Cm 4210906 ervtce Phone 413-66S6 for an 01)- i PEDIGREED Cairn Terrier Puppies 1-10A'OPNERS LOAN CO GI 6-6259 I for sale 007) 4854295 912 15TH ST SACRAMENTO ---7 1BLACK LAB PUPS For Sale Colusa 126 ilossineso OUR RECORD Shows Quick Rosulti: Ferrick Realty GI 8-8511 HAVE BUYERS For Ali Type Bust IIPSSeS Call Malerbi or Crosby 444-8864 Moss Moss Realtors QUICK CONFIDENTIAL SALES Years of service gives us contacts and near 446330 or 481-1011 7111 1 COEN SEXTON Valley 91 Office Equipment WANTED: Strt Estates Or Solt Tool Grinding Saw Shod Former- For Sate 11anted amount of olg things 332-584S Dirily Precn Saw and Machine Co AR n- Rad --t455 Avion Blvd! SperaTentoAASA! amount of old things 332-5845 Dir1 iv Precision Saw and Machine Co 4555 Auburn Blvd Sacramento Sat! ANTIQUE Iron Double Bed With' Metal For a anted Ot 1420 TIQU DoubleBed Withhat '4555 Auburn Blvd Sacramento Sat! Metal THE BEST PLACE To SAVE on all your electrical needs Waste King appliances at prices vou can altord Complete stock on hand galvanized pipe new 4110cft 34 galvanized pipe new 14c 34' plastic pipe 80 lb PSI S2 New mod toilets white only $14 50 333 No I2th St (1 Way St) on left bet Graham Buick and Richards Blvd Mon to Fri Sat GI 3-5987 --IOU 15 (10 am) Grinders ron 15 (10 am) Grinders Nice 3 Br Butitinsi braes trim springs mattressILathe Torque Analyzer Sand I Trees 332-156 927-01ol At IV -2109 Fttas! brass trim springs matiresSithe A-ri'aitize-r-: 'Sand 1 TAC Nice 3 Br Builtinsil Trees 332-bSi6 927-0101 Aot S40 IV -2709 'Blast marhine welders hand tools1 Preview Friday MOBIL SUS- Samoles To Quality BEAUTIFUL Old Sheri Orflani Has' (Mice eoulut 000-1 West 1014 12th St 4442tbot shelves mirror drawer Also an- her 14th I Rabin Co AUCtiOneefS 'bouts bedroom set Both excellent! F9r lrec! Brochure for Information1 'hoof' bedroom 'set Both excellent i nrocnure Tor now utcoo Mow Wanted Buying Black Walnuts 84024 122 Money 1PEOIGREED Collie Male 9 McoI 110 Wanted to Real Isinte Attractive late model station for lease in Carmichael Good volume and fine residential area training medical insurance and retirement program Financing available for dualified party Call Jack Dunlap 363-9481 days 371-8999 eves WANTED S4000 Well Secured Pay 988-4222 110000 10 PER Cent interest Se- cured by deed of trust Call Ted 4414941 or 452-5636 eves gArtrOoolitan Army Naw Stare Irv 820 -1 St Marconi Fair Oaks Blvd: Adding Machine Rentals May Ao'99 Div to purchase New used LEBECICS 3021 Caotol Ave I Metropolitan Arrny Navy Store I ley 020 St Marconi Fair Oaks Blvd' Adding Machine Rentals May AD1111 DIY to purchase New used LEBECK'S 3021 Capitol Ave 1 1 Shots Reg Papers 525 IV 7-5154 Highest Pa id rices PEKINGESF PUPPIES I Sacks furnished 1 455-1353 1 Harry's Feed Store POODLE Pups Very Small Min I black SJ5 A tit) 42I-6854 1620 Del Paso Blvd 1POODLES Chocolate Brown AKC 1 9251480 female 1 yr 4 mos 489-2826 I I AKC MIN Male Poodles 7 Weer1 I Shots Peg Papers 525 IV 7-5154 PEK1NGESF PUPPIES 455-1353 Small Mon POODLE Pups Vert black S35 UO 421-6854 USED DESKS condition PO Box 713 Grass Val-1GL 7-5165 i 4" GAS Powered Water PumoS -1 ll KW Koehler iite plant air vi- I brators tVISOline Vibrators lack hammers paving breakers Garbo For Sale 4 yd concrete hopper on wheels OFFICE DESKS SA'S i 'CLOTHES Line I Poles $1095 Per 1 saw i Neptune 6' water meter Sk il- Metropolitan Army-Naw Surlus I We Deliver 451405 5 heaw duty ra'l elec drill DeWalt 5 hp radial table saw gas i Downtown 810 St 446-5425 2-6 GIRLS Bi Bike' Blvd 4-0100i i-ke' S2C 28" Be concrete buggy 2 drum' Marconi Fair Oaks inronenoinel Frederickson nos coainei etitr 10 INTEREST 10 Bonus Extra collateral for $10000 2nd TO S-03000 equity in local ants 544-5026 BI lot) PLUMBING SALE ELECTRICAL SALE 3 STORES TO SERVE YOU HAROLD'S PLUMBING NO 1 4840 Franklin Blvd GL 1-S166 HAROLD'S PLUMBING NO 2 2001 El Camino Aye 927-38 ACE PLUMBING 3573 Rio Linda Blvd WA 5-3581 4 Sprinkling system plastic Pine Per log $199 Galv pipe 21' terigInS 10c It $4" galvanized woe new 14c ft 40 Gal water heaters guar $2750 100 Arno service $2195 Interior door iambs $165 set Mahon Doors at Lowest PriCeS in Town LOWEST PRICES FOR PLUMBING black IV i-6949 NEED $15000 For Business Expan- eAA brA 11arel fAsrinAr Ar ret silent partner or lOor0 NORTH Area Listings Wanted! Frank Spickard Realtor tV 3-6433 WANT TO SELL? LIST NOW! Fisher Realty LET Mike Donovan 8 Bud Ravine sell your property 2220 1 444-8182 CAN YOU SELL? $500 To S1000 Cash down payment 447-110IL Bkr SEE Hughes Ray To Sell Or Trade your equity APtS homes 446-0182 TO BUY Sell Or Trade Call Gene Lewis Realtor 944-2816 Bros Veld Hiwav 40 Lewis Rd between Vacaville Dixon S10 65-1063 LARGE CHEST FREEZER $95 Or best offer 991 2095 yi i The LARGEST Selection of USED In Northern Also NEW California Of lice Furniliire Distributor Wanted For Weight Easily Stored MOLDED PAPER PALLETS SACRAMENTO AREA Sobstdnlial principais only Write: Box 9 Medford Oregon WIGS Factory Reo Must Sell Wigs slot MALE SIAMESE Kittens $IS trom private party 481-0166 331-0451 MINIATURE Poodles AKC While 10 LIEN Contracts Balance St23 Dis-I wks $6 4516011 aft counted to S390 "1rins S1920 tor All contracts current POODLE GROOMING I 482-912e $5 Flee pickup del 44 4-1783 ARE BASSETS Show-pet SellYrade $SU YOU Looking For A Conscien-! ronseraliP broker to nttAr 11111 Hay Grain rnd Sale and Wanted STRAW $12 TON Gait 745-1425 CLEAN White Barley Straw 3 Wire bales Elk Grove 635-4058 att 6 All Beauties 967-6232 voll high interect rate real estate Bill Stone 44141668 443-4990 SNAP ON T01 SNAP ON 1)3 Sapq SHETLAND Mares Reg Choice Of colors Sell or trade 963-814t WILL TRADE 1 AcrP Land Be len' New Mexico for antiout- C4421329 SLEEPING BAGS 3 Burner Cole man stove 11CW7 rower Sf11 or trade for rug 927-262 2-3 BORK Homes Will Sell Or swao for land moble hoe down PIO Linad area 331-ii20 113 a pq SHETLAND Mares Reg Choice Of colors Sell or trade V6-8146 WILL TRADE 1 AcrP Land Helen' New Mexico for antioues SLEEPING BAGS 3 Burner Cole man stove nrw7 comer Scil trade for rug 927-26a 2-3 BORK Homes Will Sell Or swao for land mobor ho-0 as down Pio Linda area 331-ii20 CLEAN Rice Straw You Pay Baling! banking out only 922-7564 2 Mos Old AKC papers 422-2631 aft 10 am OATS Rld Linda 991-2628 or 991-2398 POODLE GROOMING 4450 Free pickup del 443-717 1 up 2 M0SOIdAKC SACRAMENTO Before You Buy Check With Us and SaveSSSSSSS I 03 Machinery CASH FOR YOUR EQUITY Armstrong Realty 482-6100 TOM FURUKAWA REALTOR 2009 St 452-7091 HAVE ORIENTAL Ed Wong Agt 444-7793 MI Front Street GI 2-80C9! HOMELITE Chain Saw Needs Tune irlat wi7r-e-oeci1Pat71-s' slie uo 988-4222 I show Some hislyied others twill AIR cod CONDmo $55 SOS Air 988-3560 Cooler 4200 (FM ionable long shoulder length Worn 2 2 bv models entertainers Vy'liTO I aubear Inct like new All are hand XLNT McCulloch Chain Saw Model shaped Cleaned Styled 100'0 hand! 1-2 n403 Perih a Wav Cam i fitted our head 100- Euroueon! 944-2029- ELECTRIC 18" Sunbeam Lawn Mow i fini hornan halt Wigs cannot bel sold for neW Price $3750 to SW Cr used 2Illues45-6001 aft I --s Hand tied I will be at rnv otcl or-10- RADIAL Arm Saw W-Extrasd in Sado all this wk Also Sat 8 271-899 Sun I do not have a lot of differ I ent colors so olease call first to 2500 MINI Pennies $50 PO Box ee If I have the color vou want 11654 Sado Call 10 ai-9 pm Retail value KODAK Movie Camera Proiector of w'gs 5200 to 5300 451-9045 edqor etc Good Lund 332-55 ESH Adjustable Pl Mypen S151 RAILROAD SALVAGE Bate ss 3310953 1rtirAt Finarric 5175 iiiiiLi ititiV JM1- MVL I i'z Portico' Boards St75 ALFALFA lveHay Oat Shimoda aY Straw COLLIE PUPS AKC 135 UP Also cielr Frates 3509 Northgate Blvd WA S-8642 stud service 484421 AKC 1 Male ALFALFA Red Oat Hay Will we' POMERANIAN Puns 1 2 1 iletholses 0 ppor I until Sale 4 NEARLY New Soft Drink Venders on location 481-133 INTO BUSINESS? Try Chick- I en Flavor Crisp 371-3120 z22-3830 WANTED: Whitehead Chain Saw dealers If interested write Ray Green Welding Shop Atturas CalifSIGNAL OIL Co Station For Leasei Financing available 442-411 days' or 457-0982 eves OUR RECORD Shows Quick Results FERRICK REALTY GI B4511 PAUL FONG REALTORS 1001 5 St 452-7091 BUYER For 1 To 5 Acres With house has $1200 Is GI Rio Linda or Elverta 922-5484 AO TOOLS FRANCHISE AVAILABLE Want a buslness of your on rail ing on garages service stations maintenance yard shops in Oro-we area? No Previous exoeri ence necrssary on the lob training A no risk cash investment of $3000 to SeC0 is reouired which Is 100'4 secured bv returnable inventory Snap On franchise have enabled hundreds with a little experience to earn $200 per week or more For more information write Mr Pittman 1S9I Hawthorn Chico Calif or write Snap On Tools PO Box 8573 Emeryville Calif SELL OR TRADE 59 Lincoln 4 Dr Nita Also 18 inboard runabootv 331-2767 $2000 EOUITY In 3 Bdr House for biog matn'th car boat Wane or 363-0884 GER Snort Pups AKC Ex Pedigree' V5 coon or swan for good portable TV 363-1311 SELL OR TRADE 59 Lincoln 4 Dr Nita A' out 331-276lso 18 inboard runab 7 Tractors For Sale FORKLIFT Trucks New Used CaL Hvster 183-5528 Sack) FLOOD Equiv Co Oliver Sale Service 3310 4th Ave 122-1155 '181 INT Rice Hams Good Cond Reasonable 139-2662 Princeton MOORE EQUIP 'CO INC Box 8098 Stockton Calif A66-5135 D7 CATERPILLAR Tractor Crane New cond Peas 743 2i17 Yuba Cbi 100 GASOLINE Diesel Delivered for less Dave Post VA 2-1102 BOYS' 10 Sod Schwinn New TiresI excel cond $50 455-9426 IT Craftsman Band Saw $65 4b2-104 5 '12 HP PUMP 42 Gal Tank 52I 04tis Ocer Cd1 nu $20 C25-4488! I I CASH FOR Your Equity WI II As-SUMP FHA GI loan IV 9-6508 Mr Lambert out 5a' Portico' 800rds S200 Int Plywood S'92! 14 in Sewer Pine Plain perforate 10 ft lenoth S200! 'Fiberglass Panel 12c so fti iMahogony Doors S400' Screen Doors whardware S98 Door Locks cf9c i Door Jam Eels S150 2ki Windows iiable S500 other sizes al IIlyer Gary Alvernaz GI 8-0449 WA' '4' 5-0697 9274293 PUG TOY Pups Or Boston Toy Duns AKC ch stud send 421-9J9L 112 11veNteek and DACHSHUND PUPS Long Haired Smooth wire haired 922-0510 Supplies 1---------- I SCOTTIE PUPS I Duality Roping Saddles S235 AKC Reg 4815981 1Sutfins Guns Saddles IV 1-4853'AT STUD Min Poodles Ch Sired 1 i EXCEL Child's Horse S95 Or Bei) Blk Or Pr 988-1349 or 45731k 1 offer ii22-6336 i Setter Pups AKC Reg )2 IRISH 1 1 GENTLE ALBINO COLT SIS 1 weeks old i 263-4288 1 GOOD HUNTER German Shorthair HUNTER -Jumper Reg OtrSi Grade Weimaraner mixed 55 421-69 1 Colts Aft 3 pm 9915233 SILVER PERSIAN Cat Call After I BLACK Yearlino Steer 17 Angus I 5:30 pm 452-2526 or 489-3869 1 512S Rwl 191-0022 I PuPP Mg co*cker Poodle TerWer female S50 ea 991-3i2I bfr I S12S Rs1 191-0022 co*cker Poodle Terrier LIQUOR LICENSE CLEAN SACTa CO ON SALE BEE BOX 192122 dqt BELT EXERCISOR S63 332 1642 NEW AND USED ACE Freeman CCmC0 HeSStOn 60-4633 CCmC0 HeSStOn Soeedv 662-4533 WHL GARDEN Tractor Plow disc Cost over $700 trade tor 12 or 14' Hr 4223250 SELL Or Trade Equity In 1 AT Cameron Park for Is 16 IaPi' traifer or F-A heatatr cond sys-1 tem 988-0S27 FREEZER s8S Refrto4reeter SASH 18442" pOol compel WO Bunk beds ea 10 o1 bk VS or trade for oort Pier onerator camper shel or 11 ort (le bar shotoon oFS OP27 1 Middleton Imo Co Woodland FORD SActamnto Trdclor Co 16200 Folsom Blvd 452-1 nil olUU OISOM 131V(1 45Z- PrR FALL Is HERE Time To Change To ELEC Silo( Coffee Maker 6-Units Coq S250 Sacr S25 455-9511 1STROLLER Carseat Infant Seal char all $25 9614885 NORTHRIDGE GOLF Membership For sale CA 8 089! (Maple) el(r logs S5 263-836 OAK Firewood 11 Tier 24" S988 f-013 Looms Exit-rrwv 80 t52-OKI! 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The Sacramento Bee from Sacramento, California (2024)


What happened to the Sacramento Bee? ›

In the fall of 2020, the Bee announced it would be vacating its longtime headquarters and printing plant in Midtown Sacramento at 21st and Q Streets (which it occupied since 1952), citing the need to cut costs and streamline in the wake of declining ad revenues, the rise of online journalism and the impacts of the ...

How old is the Sacramento Bee? ›

First published in 1857, the Bee is the largest paper in the region and the flagship newspaper of its publishing group, the McClatchy Company.

Where is the Sacramento Bee located? ›

Sacramento Bee, 1601 Alhambra Blvd, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA - MapQuest.

Is the Sacramento Bee a good paper? ›

The Sacramento Bee is a good newspaper - good local, national and international news. For me, it is easier to read as the Kindle version - no ads, just the news.

Why is it called the Sacramento Bee? ›

An editorial on the first day of publication said: "The name of The Bee has been adopted as being different from that of any other paper in the state and as also being emblematic of the industry which is to prevail in its every department." So, the promise was a paper as busy as a bee.

Does the Sacramento Bee still print newspapers? ›

Your subscription to The Sacramento Bee now includes the printed newspaper and unlimited access to all content on our newspaper's website (, our mobile site (, our iPhone and Android smartphone apps, and our electronic replica edition (E-Edition).

Where is the bee Girl today? ›

These days Deloach, 34, represents a world-renowned fertility doctor in Orange County, California, while her husband, 35, works as a financial advisor at Northwestern Mutual. “We are overjoyed to finally become husband and wife,” Deloach told PEOPLE. “It's an amazing feeling when you are marrying your best friend.

What happened to the bees in California? ›

The problem

The most recent honeybee count shows nearly half of bee colonies died over this past winter. Global warming and over-development threaten bees, but one of the biggest harms comes from the overuse of bee killing pesticides, neonicotinoids or 'neonics'.

Is the Sacramento Bee a liberal or conservative newspaper? ›

The AllSides Bias Rating™ for The Sacramento Bee is lean left. This is our low or initial bias rating, so more research and community feedback still needs to be analyzed. The Sacramento Bee covers local news, politics, sports, entertainment, and domestic and foreign affairs.

How much is the Sacramento Bee subscription? ›

Digital-only subscriptions may automatically renew after the initial term at the ongoing renewal rate of $39.99 per month rate unless you tell us to cancel.

Does the Sacramento Bee have a Saturday Edition? ›

While we will no longer produce a printed Saturday newspaper, The Bee will continue to publish the strong independent, local journalism seven days a week. Print subscribers: You can activate your digital subscription and never miss a breaking story.

What happened to the RGV Killer Bees? ›

On June 20, 2012, multiple sources confirmed that the Killer Bees would not play in the 2012–13 season and ceased operations due to increased travel costs after the folding of the other Texas CHL teams in Austin, Corpus Christi and Laredo.

What has happened to the bees? ›

Sadly, bees of all types are in decline worldwide, as are many other insects. The familiar honeybee has suffered greatly from colony collapse disorder, in which hives suddenly lose their adult members.

What ever happened to the bee girl? ›

Bee Girl is married now

The pair shares a year old daughter named Olivia.


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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.