The Infinity Warrior (2024)

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The Bookish Elf

424 reviews52 followers

October 11, 2023

In the realm of literature, we discover a true gem—a story that transcends mere words, inviting us on a journey not as spectators but as active participants in a tapestry woven with threads of destiny, adventure, and the human spirit's profound depths. "The Infinity Warrior" is one such enigma—a literary gem that defies categorization. Within its pages lies a world where reality and the unfathomable meld, where fate's shadow looms over every twist of the narrative. Amidst the dance of chance and choice, we become entrapped in a narrative web from the very first word.

The story opens by introducing Avin, an average Indian man who finds himself stranded on a dangerous island after a botched smuggling deal goes wrong. With his life in peril, Avin is saved by a small group of islanders who notice a mysterious mark on his arm. As he recuperates, Avin learns the complex history and customs of this isolated yet advanced civilization. Most shocking is the revelation of the Infinity Games - a tournament hosted by the enigmatic Maha where representatives risk their lives in competitions for a chance at victory and immortality.

Despite reluctance to get involved, Avin soon realizes larger forces may be at play in his arrival. Clues hint at past connections between the mark on his arm and secrets of the island. When his skills are noticed, pressure mounts for Avin to compete in the final challenge of champions. Facing impossible tasks against his will, Avin begins to question if destiny has determined his path all along. Through persevering and learning dark truths about the Island's past, Avin undergoes a profound transformation that changes the course of his destiny forever.

The allure of this story lies not in its promise of escapism, but in its invitation to confront the enigma of destiny itself. What happens when the threads of fate entwine with the desires of a single soul? Can one truly escape the inexorable pull of their predetermined path, or are we all but pawns in the cosmic game of existence? As we delve into the intricacies of "The Infinity Warrior," we are thrust into a realm of uncharted territory, where the mind grapples with questions that transcend the mundane concerns of everyday life. It is a world where the boundaries between right and wrong, courage and fear, and destiny and choice are blurred, leaving us to ponder the profound mysteries that lie beneath the surface of our own lives.

One of the most compelling elements of Srivastava's work is the thought-provoking themes examined throughout Avin's journey. A significant focus is the tension between free will and predestination - does fate truly shape our lives despite personal choices, or can we overcome circ*mstances through resilience and free thinking? Avin's story serves as a powerful exploration of this dilemma.

Another important theme is the human capacity for change, even in the direst of situations. Through facing adversity and painful self-reflection, once timid Avin discovers an indomitable inner strength that allows profound personal evolution. The novel underscores how extraordinary people can become when pushed beyond perceived limits. Themes like sacrifice, loyalty, courage and the blurred lines between good and evil are also woven into the multilayered narrative. Srivastava's intellectually engaging themes give readers much to ponder long after completing the adventure.

One of the great strengths of "The Infinity Warrior" is its compelling characters. Avin, the relatable protagonist, grows tremendously as his understandings of both himself and the mysterious island deepen over the course of his harrowing trials. His internal struggles and triumphs make him a fully fleshed out and sympathetic guide through the tale. Through developing fascinatingly complex individuals, Srivastava allows readers to become deeply invested in the interweaving storylines that give the saga an epic scope and literary depth. Each character leaves a lasting impression long after closing the covers.

Satyam Srivastava demonstrates great skill in crafting his written world. Vibrant descriptions bring the strange island locale to life in the reader's mind, capturing its alien mystique through the minutest of details. His command of language makes journeys through the lush rainforests and hidden temples as vivid as watching a visual film.

Srivastava also shows prowess for crafting intricately plotted sequences that keep pages turning at a rapid clip. Whether intense tournament battles or harrowing confrontations with the island's unknown threats, he expertly builds immersive action without sacrificing character-driven moments that reveal deeper truths. A true master storyteller, he weaves them into the overarching mystery seamlessly. On a more granular level, Srivastava demonstrates deft use of figurative language, cultural allegories, and metaphorical story beats to enhance both entertainment value as well as food for philosophical contemplation. His narrative flows with literary grace and nuance, engaging minds as much as imagination.

In conclusion, Satyam Srivastava's "The Infinity Warrior" proves to be so much more than an absorbing adventure tale. It is a work of epic scope that draws readers into an enchanting yet thought-provoking story. Through the transformative journey of Avin, Srivastava examines life's most challenging questions about fate, individual potential, and finding purpose amid chaos with resonant insight. Expertly crafted and profoundly moving, "The Infinity Warrior" will captivate audiences seeking both emotional stimulation and thrilling adventure between its covers.


640 reviews13 followers

August 11, 2023

Rating : 🌟🌟🌟🌟.5

Review :
The book preaches as for the fans of The Hunger Games and Squid Games. And totally agree with you.

The story is the thrilling journey of Avin. Avin who was a petty criminal running away from the police, suddenly finds himself on a mysterious Island with crazy islanders. Where he feels like he traveled back in time or landed himself in a parallel universe. And the people here think of him as the Infinity Warrior. And we see him struggle to be alive in the midst of these stranges and find the answers.

The book starts with Avin's monologue just before entering The Infinity Game, "which test the physical and mental capabilities of the participants.”and "are announced by the Maha whenever he wishes,”. He starts thinking about how he came to this island and his past life. And we go back in time to see all the story unfolds till that day and how it goes further.

I am hooked to the story of the very beginning. The book starts with perfect pace with our perfectly imperfect male protagonist.

I also like the world, not so complex at all and how the author mixes different ancient themes from different countries to make this world. Like the description - "This concept is Chinese. But they don’t look Chinese. Indian? Persian? Egyptian? Vikings? Chinese? Which one can it be? A combination of all?"

The overall plot is also exciting, thrilling, action packed and the writing style, the plot build up is done so well that you'll not even feel bored when our MMC tries to learn the new languages of the island or mourning for his lost life in his own land. And definitely not in the later part when the games started and the story picks up its paces.

And another thing that I will probably remember the book most for is the references the author uses here - from the movies, to books to ancient history to mythology and all in perfect way, sometimes it makes funny, sometimes really informative. So definitely recommend, just go for it, it'll be worth the time.


176 reviews


November 17, 2023


The story opens like this, Avin finds himself on a mysterious island, where he takes refuge in a river to save himself from some arrows and somehow some Samaritans rescue him and keep him alive, by noticing a mark on Avin's arm. The narrative commences with Avin's bewildering arrival on a mysterious island, where a life-threatening encounter with arrows results in an unexpected rescue, all due to a distinctive mark on his arm that doesn't go unnoticed by his saviors.

After staying on that island for some days, he discovers the existence of "The Infinity Game". He also learned that the Maha organised this game and eventually took volunteers from each village to participate in this game and the ultimate prize was a victory but the winner must sacrifice their body to the Maha. On the other hand, Avin slowly starts to think about his past life and doesn't show any interest in the "infinity game" but as we have talked about earlier fate will take us on unplanned paths, the same thing happened to Avin, fate took him to his unknown destiny.

The character development is awesome. The pace of the book is good it's moving fast at a lucid speed just to keep the readers intact till the last page.Will he be able to get himself out of this? What is all this mess about? He is referred to as a 'Infinity Warrior'? What does the sign of infinity mean? To find out about all the answers behind these questions, you will have to read this book.



10 reviews

May 16, 2024

Okayyy i just finished reading this book and ummm wow I love this book . From a very first chapter I was hooked like really I mean I want to read this book only . Okay let's Imagine being Avin, thrust into a world where survival is a deadly game. Every step is a battle, every decision a gamble. It's not just about the action-packed fights, but the constant uncertainty, the lurking mysteries that keep you guessing. You're not just reading a story; you're living it, heart pounding, breath held, eager to uncover the next twist in Avin's thrilling journey.
Overall for me it's a 4star read and i absolutely love reading it. so give it a read guys !!

November 26, 2023

A gripping work of fiction with unexpected twists and turns.The book's cover truly caught my eye, so I decided to pick it up.Avin, the protagonist of the story, finds himself on the terrible island of mysterious. Every step he takes is lethal, therefore he will have to struggle to save himself. Read the book to learn the remaining plot components of the story.

The way the author has written this story leads the reader to assume the entire scenario.It is concise, quick-paced, well-structured, and full of surprising twists and turns that keep the reader interested all the way to the finish.


602 reviews8 followers

August 3, 2023

"The Infinity Warrior" by Satyam is an adventure thriller that keeps readers amazed from start to finish. The story commences with Avin facing a sudden arrow attack, forcing him to seek refuge in a river where he's rescued by the people of Leaf Village. As he immerses himself in their culture and language, he discovers the existence of the intriguing "infinite game." Comparing it to the Olympic games, Avin becomes enthusiastic about participating.

Soon, he learns that this game has been organized by The Maha for over four centuries, initially with rational volunteers from each village, but later turned into a competitive selection process for the best participant. Shadows, the previous winners, are responsible for selecting one participant from each village. The ultimate prize is victory, but it comes at a price – the winner must relinquish their body to Maha. Avin is reluctant to participate upon hearing the high stakes, but destiny seems to have different plans for him.

Satyam weaves an enthralling narrative filled with mystery, action, and surprising twists. The protagonist's journey from a survivor of an arrow attack to a reluctant participant in the life-changing game is both engaging and well-developed. The concept of the infinite game leaves the readers curious to discover its secrets and implications. The author masterfully builds suspense, making it difficult to put the book down as the plot unravels.

The presence of Shadows as enigmatic selectors adds a layer of complexity to the story. Their role in choosing participants and the mysteries surrounding them pique readers' curiosity, creating a sense of anticipation for their involvement in the plot.The action sequences are well-choreographed, adding excitement and adrenaline to the narrative. Satyam's writing style is descriptive, allowing readers to vividly visualize the scenes and feel a part of the story.

Overall, the author's storytelling prowess, well-developed characters, and intriguing plot make this a highly recommended read for fans of the genre. Prepare to be enthralled as you follow Avin's journey into the enigmatic world of the infinite game.

Sameer Gudhate

840 reviews18 followers

November 7, 2023

"The Infinity Warrior: Six Mortals, Five Games, One Immortal" by Satyam Srivastava beckons readers into a gripping adventure, blending elements of survival, fate, and the unexpected. The story revolves around Avin, a relatable protagonist, caught in the whirlwind of fate on a mysterious island, ultimately confronting the enigmatic Infinity Games.

In the heart of this tale, Avin, a petty criminal, lands on an island marked by danger and destiny. Forced to participate in the perilous Infinity Games, he discovers the complexities of survival and the irrevocable pull of fate. The story weaves intricate plots, testing Avin’s resilience and beliefs against a backdrop of immortality, sacrifice, and societal welfare.

Srivastava’s writing style is immersive and engaging, seamlessly guiding readers through the labyrinthine narrative. The prose, rich in vivid imagery, captures the essence of the island and its inhabitants, creating a palpable atmosphere that intensifies the story’s impact.

Avin’s character development shines as he transforms from a mere survivor into the titular Infinity Warrior. His journey, peppered with genuine emotions and relatable dilemmas, makes him a compelling protagonist. The supporting characters, especially Ira, add depth and emotional resonance to the plot.
The story's structure, divided into four parts, enhances the unfolding mystery. The progression from Forming to Performing mirrors Avin's evolution, guiding readers through various stages of his transformation. The Infinity Games serve as a fascinating backdrop, combining suspense and action in a seamless blend.

The narrative delves into profound themes of fate, love, resilience, and societal responsibility. It explores the human condition, showcasing the struggle to accept destiny while challenging it simultaneously. The underlying message of hope and the power of human determination resonates strongly.

The story’s emotional depth strikes a chord, evoking empathy and connection with the characters. Avin’s internal battles and triumphs elicit genuine emotions, enhancing the reader's investment in his journey.

The book’s strengths lie in its compelling characters, intricate plot twists, and the seamless integration of themes. The world-building, incorporating cultural elements, adds richness to the narrative. The pacing keeps readers hooked, ensuring a thrilling reading experience. While the story excels in most aspects, some readers might find certain plot points predictable. Additionally, a more in-depth exploration of secondary characters could enhance the overall narrative.

"The Infinity Warrior" captivated me from start to finish, offering a riveting tale of self-discovery and resilience. Avin’s evolution, coupled with the intriguing Infinity Games, created an enthralling reading experience. The narrative’s ability to balance action, emotion, and philosophy left a lasting impression.

Satyam Srivastava's "The Infinity Warrior: Six Mortals, Five Games, One Immortal" is a triumph of storytelling, weaving a tapestry of fate and determination. With its compelling characters, imaginative world-building, and thought-provoking themes, this book stands as evidence of the power of the human spirit. A must-read for anyone seeking an adventure that delves deep into the complexities of life, destiny, and the indefatigable will to survive.


533 reviews8 followers

September 26, 2023

Satyam Srivastava's "The Infinity Warrior: Six Mortals, Five Games, One Immortal" is an electrifying literary journey that enthralls from the very first page to the last. Within its gripping pages, readers are introduced to Avin, a relatable millennial whose life takes a harrowing turn on a mysterious island infamous for its deadly Infinity Games.

What truly distinguishes this book is its masterfully crafted plot, a labyrinth of suspense and intrigue that leaves you perpetually guessing and yearning for more. The inventive concept of body-swapping and the high-stakes competitions infuse the narrative with complexity and unpredictability, ensuring that every twist and turn is a riveting surprise. Satyam Srivastava's adept incorporation of diverse cultural elements amplifies the world-building, immersing readers in a rich and vividly envisioned setting.

One of the book's most commendable aspects is its character development, especially the profound transformation of Avin. His journey from an unremarkable young man to a formidable warrior is not only captivating but also profoundly relatable. The island itself emerges as a character in its own right, veiled in enigma and contributing to the story's palpable sense of suspense.

Srivastava's writing style is fast-paced, engaging storytelling, making it nearly impossible to set the book aside. "The Infinity Warrior" deftly weaves elements of mystery and science fiction into an exhilarating narrative that keeps readers perpetually on the edge of their seats. For enthusiasts of action-packed thrillers with a hint of the unknown, this book is a veritable treasure trove of excitement and intrigue.

This book explores profound themes of resilience, adaptability, and the indomitable spirit of humanity in the face of insurmountable odds. It serves as a poignant reminder that even in the darkest of moments, there exists the potential for transformation and growth.

The character of Avin serves as a compelling guide through this perilous journey, making his evolution all the more resonant.

"The Infinity Warrior: Six Mortals, Five Games, One Immortal" is a captivating rollercoaster of a novel, a testament to Satyam Srivastava's storytelling prowess. It leaves readers eagerly anticipating the next installment in what promises to be a thrilling series. If you yearn for an exhilarating literary experience that seamlessly blends suspense, action, and mystery, this book is a must-read.

In conclusion, this book is tailor-made for readers who relish stories that keep them guessing, characters who undergo profound transformations, and narratives that explore the resilience of the human spirit. It's a gripping adventure that will resonate with fans of diverse genres, from thriller enthusiasts to science fiction aficionados. "The Infinity Warrior" is an enthralling odyssey into the unknown that will leave a lasting impression on anyone seeking an extraordinary reading experience.


1,054 reviews17 followers

April 4, 2024

"The Infinity Warrior" is a dazzling story that portrays the shades of predetermination, experience, and the human soul's significant profundities. The readers are pushed into a domain of strange region, where the brain wrestles with questions that rise above the commonplace worries of day-to-day existence. It is a reality where the limits among good and bad, mental fortitude and dread, and predetermination and decision are obscured, passing on us to contemplate the significant secrets that lie underneath the outer layer of our own lives.

The story opens like this, Avin winds up on a baffling island, where he takes shelter in a waterway to save himself from certain bolts and in some way or another a few Samaritans salvage him and keep him alive, by seeing a blemish on Avin's arm.

After remaining on that island for certain days, he finds the presence of "The Infinite Game". He likewise discovered that the Maha coordinated this game and in the long run, took volunteers from every town to take part in this game and a definitive award was a triumph yet the victor should forfeit their body to the Maha. Then again, Avin gradually begins to ponder his previous existence and shows no interest in the "Infinite game" yet as we have discussed before destiny will follow us in spontaneous ways, exactly the same thing happened to Avin, destiny took him to his obscure fate.

What happens when the strings of destiny weave with the longings of a solitary soul? Could one at any point really get away from the unyielding draw of their foreordained way, or would we say we are everything except pawns in the enormous round of presence?

The author exhibits extraordinary ability in creating his composed world. Lively portrayals rejuvenate the abnormal island region in the reader's psyche, catching its outsider persona through the minutest of subtleties. His order of language makes ventures through the lavish rainforests and secret sanctuaries quite striking.

The author exhibits deft utilization of non-literal language, socially purposeful anecdotes, and allegorical story beats to upgrade both amusem*nt esteem as well as nourishment for philosophical thought. His account streams with artistic elegance and subtlety, drawing in minds as much as creative minds.

All in all, Satyam Srivastava's "The Infinity Warrior" ends up being far beyond an engrossing experience story. A work of epic extension brings readers into a captivating yet interesting story. It is succinct, speedy-paced, very much organized, and brimming with amazing exciting bends in the road that keep the reader intrigued the entire way to the completion.

Aditi Bhowmick

191 reviews7 followers

September 26, 2023

Many of you have heard from our grandparents or from any elderly person that if fate is not in your favour, you cannot win a battle, same as we have to do each and everything that is written in our fate, we can't hide from our destiny, the decided fate will eventually bring back to us, the only thing that can change the fate is hardworking, the Karma, but even after doing hard work, sometimes fate does their role in our lives. In Satayam Srivastav's novel "The Infinity Warrior" Avin is trying to run from his fate but eventually, he can't hide from fate and fate plays its role in Avin's life and starts a new journey for him.
The story opens like this, Avin finds himself on a mysterious island, where he takes refuge in a river to save himself from some arrows and somehow some Samaritans rescue him and keep him alive, by noticing a mark on Avin's arm. After staying on that island for some days, he discovers the existence of "The Infinity Game". He also learned that the Maha organised this game and eventually took volunteers from each village to participate in this game and the ultimate prize was a victory but the winner must sacrifice their body to the Maha. On the other hand, Avin slowly starts to think about his past life and doesn't show any interest in the "infinity game" but as we have talked about earlier fate will take us on unplanned paths, the same thing happened to Avin, fate took him to his unknown destiny.
Personal Insight:-
I always love to read thriller novels with adventures, so "The Infinity Warrior" is a perfect blend for me. The plot is thrilling, interesting, and has twists and action, in one sentence it can be called a package deal of entertainment. We can see that Avin slowly starts to adjust to the villagers' culture and language, rather than panicking about his future, which is a good improvement and teaches a reader that try to adjust before panicking too much. Other than these points, the author mixed different elements from the Indian, Persian, Chinese, Egyptian and Vikings in the island's culture which gives depth to the plot. Also, Everything is flawless, from the plot and characters to the execution. The concept of an infinite game gives an extra depth of layer in the plot. Avin's character development is good, it shows us that a person can change through time, from a criminal to a hero. The writing style is fast-paced and engaging, making a reader read till the end.


169 reviews8 followers

August 4, 2023

📚 The Infinity Warrior

I Thank Author Satyam Srivastava for This beautiful book “The Infinity Warrior:Six Mortals, Five Games, One Immortal”. The book which I will suggest to you folks today is an intriguing and adventurous story with elements of mystery, survival, and a touch of fantasy.

📖 The Book about: The protagonist's journey from waking up injured and stranded to adapting to life on the mysterious island and discovering the Infinity Games adds layers of suspense and curiosity to the plot. The concept of body-swapping and the high-stakes competition to become the ruler raises ethical questions about the morality of such practices and the loyalty of the villagers. The incorporation of different cultural elements from Indian, Persian, Egyptian, Vikings, and Chinese cultures into the islander's practices and beliefs adds depth to the world-building, making it a diverse and immersive experience for readers. The dream sequence with Lord Voldemort as the Maha adds an interesting twist, and I can imagine how it leaves the protagonist and readers in suspense, eager to find out what will happen next.

✨ Theme or Focus: The theme of the story appears to revolve around identity, survival, and the quest for immortality. The protagonist's journey begins with a struggle for survival, waking up alone and injured on a boat in the middle of the ocean. As he navigates the challenges of being stranded on an unknown island, he grapples with questions about his own identity, past, and purpose. The story also touches on the themes of fate, uncertainty, and the unknown, evident through the cliffhanger ending, leaving the protagonist and readers unsure of what awaits him in the upcoming events.

🏆 My Final Opinion: Overall, it seems like "The Infinity Warrior" has set up an engaging and captivating storyline, leaving readers with a sense of uncertainty and excitement for what lies ahead in the narrative. It appears to be a book that keeps readers invested in the characters and the unfolding events, making them eager to know more about the protagonist's fate and the outcome of the Infinity Games.

Book Review By Biswajit Samal

Kitabi Keeda

452 reviews54 followers

January 1, 2024

📍 Gripping, fast paced and riveting tale of Avin in a mysterious land

•• INSIGHT: “The Infinity Warrior” is a riveting tale that follows young Avin’s journey from a world of petty crimes to a mysterious island teeming with action and intrigue. The author skillfully weaves mystery and surprises throughout Avin’s journey. The narrative unfolds with a sense of intrigue, keeping readers on the edge of their seats as they navigate the adventures alongside the protagonist.

•• REVIEW: The book takes readers on a thrilling journey through the escapades of a young boy named Avin. Fleeing from the consequences of his petty crimes, Avin lands up on a mysterious island that becomes the stage for a gripping tale of action, mysteries, and surprises.

The islanders, intrigued by an unusual tattoo or mark on Avin, extend a lifeline to him, saving him from an uncertain fate. As Avin immerses himself in this enigmatic community, he discovers the existence of the Infinity Games—a high-stakes challenge that becomes the focal point of the narrative.

Caught up in circ*mstances beyond his control, Avin becomes a participant in the Infinity Games, where survival is a do-or-die affair. The narrative skillfully weaves a web of suspense, keeping readers on the edge of their seats as Avin grapples with the consequences of each move in the deadly game.

The author’s adept storytelling paints a vivid picture of the island, its inhabitants, and the high-stakes games that entangle Avin. The plot unfolds with a perfect balance of action, mystery, and unexpected twists, making “The Infinity Warrior” a must-read for fans of gripping adventure tales. Every twist and turn in the story is artfully crafted, contributing to the overall suspense that permeates the novel. The writing style ensures that each revelation is delivered with a sense of anticipation, enhancing the reader’s engagement.

•• STRENGTHS: 1) Simple and easy language
2) Fast paced and gripping
3) It’s a show and not tell book
4) Short chapters

•• DRAWBACK: Some pages are not placed correctly and some minor typos.

•• TARGET READERS: 10 and above.

•• GENRE: Fiction

•• RATING: 4.9/5

Satyajit Samal

82 reviews2 followers

August 8, 2023

Author Satyam Srivastava's THE INFINITY WARRIOR is a really captivating book with a distinctive plot. It has a lot of twists and turns that will keep you interested till the finish of the narrative and is quite interesting. Guys, I promise you'll have a fantastic time turning the pages. I adored how the author organised and presented this book. The author deserves praise for creating such a fantastic work of art. The narrative is, in fact, the aspect of the novel that I appreciated the best. It keeps your interest for the whole duration because to its excellent execution and many twists and turns. Although I can't say that the narrative is entirely surprising, I can still guarantee that you'll be taken aback by how things pan out. And for this one reason alone, you won't be able to put it down until you've finished reading.

The plot centres on Avin's exhilarating journey on a mystery island while evading a beautiful crime. His battle, worries, and aspirations to become a hero are tense. Readers are amazed by the idea of body swapping and the high stakes fight to become the king. The lives of Islanders also incorporate a variety of cultural influences, including those from India, China, Pakistan, and Egypt. The book is broken up into 4 sections, each of which contains 47 chapters, but fear not—the author's great writing kept you turning pages as you read. It becomes more fascinating because of the Harry Potter allusion and the ancient and mythical elements. As a result, it makes for an excellent read with lots of surprises.

The characters are expertly portrayed in every detail, which makes them appear powerful and real. Everything is flawless, from the plot and characters to the execution. In the world that the creator made, Perusers will become lost. I already read from your collection, therefore I was already aware of what an amazing author you are. However, this time my young child brought the book for herself, and now both of us are fans of your works. Overall, a masterfully thought out and performed piece of work.

Book Review By Satyajit Samal


748 reviews17 followers

August 15, 2023

Something fresh & a good read

You can Run. You can Hide.
But you can't escape Fate!

I was just a millennial, a petty criminal on the run when I accidently landed on a mysterious island. The crazy islanders tried to kill me. But a few good Samaritans kept me alive, noticing a mark on my arm. Suddenly, a terrifying reality of this place hits me: .
“If you loved #hungergames #squidgames …you are going to love the #infinitygames
It’s fantastic and unputdownable!” – Saksham Garg, Bestselling Author of #samsara
Genre #adventurethriller

47 chapters are divided into -4 parts;

Immortality, the greatest desire of mankind. We get to know our MC, his present, past and how his priorities change when he decides to move on.

"Death is nothing more than the absence of love. Once you can't feel love you die...even if your body still walks. "--

Lesson: Sometimes failures are good, saving you from the most unfortunate fate.

I had a hearty laugh reading the pre marriage custom but then the thought of Avin & Ira separating, brought some sadness. I was so glad, Avin decided to fight rather than quietly accept their fate.



"a butterfly flapping its wings just at the right point in space and time can create a tornado somewhere far away."--
Beautiful. The story begins and ends on the same note. Although masked as infinity games, olympics but it has many underlying lessons of true love, welfare of society & to learn from your follies, move on & never lose hope.

This is the author's 3rd book. This one, in particular belongs to the #bookseries Avin's Travels Book 1/3. The protagonist Avin is as realistic as you & me. In the beginning itself, we are welcomed with a cute star shaped map of The Island Of Forgiveness.

I liked the intricate detailing, dragons forming the infinity sign, the exquisite font variations and the formatting. This is one well written, edited & designed book.

"How can anyone be ready to face death? "

Mishhita Sindhar

135 reviews3 followers

September 22, 2023

“Indian? Persian? Egyptian? Vikings? Chinese? Which one can it be? A combination of all?” Well, these words are from one of the pages of my current read, which I finished in a go. The book is as unique as its name - The Infinity Warrior: Six Mortals, Five Games, One Immortal. Satyam Shrivastava has used his impeccable creativity to put this theme in merely 300 pages; honestly, I am waiting for the second part of this thriller. He has worked it with the perception of showing that thrillers are not always like Hollywood movies but rather can be intertwined with many religions or a new one can be created, amalgamating all of it.

This book is a thriller wherein the protagonist gets lost on an unnamed island where he encounters strangeness around him. The author has described the feeling in the best words possible - “Every corner of the sky feels lifeless, awkwardly wearing a gloomy grey dress of dense and opaque clouds. The wind whooshes in victory and the clouds thunder in joy. The sun has lost the battle and is hiding behind the clouds. Where am I? I can’t tell.” He talks about his feelings related to the place and how much he misses his social media where he could scroll it several times.

Capturing feelings in a thriller genre gets tricky when love is blooming, but what’s the story without a hero and his heroine? I appreciate the author’s work in it pulled it off quite decently. He also captured the innate human nature of understanding is undivided by the borders and languages in the below-mentioned lines that stole my heart - “I can feel the tenor of his emotions but can’t read the reasons behind them. I frown and look at my upper arm. Why would a stranger be alarmed by it? I try to calm him. “Easy, buddy. It’s just a tattoo. It’s very easy to get them in my land.”

I suggest this book to everyone who is as experimental as me, and who loves to read and delve into plots and stories. You will find this book fast-paced and gripping enough to finish it as soon as possible.

Sumit RK

916 reviews525 followers

September 20, 2023

The Infinity Warrior: Six Mortals, Five Games, One Immortal" is an exciting action adventure packed with mystery and thrill. The book takes the readers on a journey of uncharted magical lands as they experience the thrill of Infinity Games.

The story revolves around Avin who is a petty criminal on the run when he accidently lands on a mysterious island. Though the islanders try to kill him, a few good Samaritans kept him alive, noticing a mark on my arm. Pretty soon, it's revealed to him he has to participate in the Infinity Games with participants from different regions.Many kinds of games are played which test the physical and mental capabilities of the participants. At the end of the Infinity Games, the Mortal becomes Immortal. But the devil lies in the detail. Will Avin able to survive the Infinity Games?

The book combines all the Ingredients of an exciting adventure; a mysterious setting, an heroic protagonist and a series of trials testing him to the limit. The story gives you enough background of the mysterious island where the story to set and the setting of multiple islands with people with different skills was interesting. The concept of Infinity Games was exciting to read. The Infinity Games with a combination of puzzles and physical challenges was a real fun to read. Add to that, the several twists and turns keep you hooked. The climax has a clever twists making it a satisfying end.

The character are really well crafted, especially Avin. The readers can experience his evolution from a petty criminal to a heroic champion. The book has several sequences when he uses his tenacity and wit making you root for his win. The writing style is fast-paced and engaging, making you read till the end. What I loved the most is the unexpected twists when you least expected which keep you hooked.

Overall, "The Infinity Warrior" is an exciting read that will keep you engaged till the end. If you love an adventure, you will enjoy this book.

Sagar Naskar

633 reviews12 followers

August 1, 2023

Book Review ~ 📚

Title : The Infinity Warrior
Author : Satyam Srivastava

Satyam Srivastava's The Infinity Warrior is an action-packed, scary rollercoaster of a book that transports readers to a mystery island and deadly activities. The plot centers on Avin, a millennial fleeing petty crime who is stranded on a perilous island infamous for its lethal Infinity Games. Avin discovers the sinister mysteries of the island and the actual meaning of the games as he fights for his life.

The fast-paced and immersive writing style of Srivastava keeps readers on the edge of their seats from the very first page. The plot is intricately constructed with mystery, suspense, and action that keep the reader turning the pages. The idea behind the Infinity Games is intriguing and provocative, giving the story more complexity and posing issues with destiny and the effects of one's decisions.

Particularly with Avin, who experiences substantial growth and transformation throughout the novel, the character development is well-done. He is a realistic and interesting figure because of his internal difficulties and resiliency.

The enigmatic island itself is one of my favorite novel characters. An atmospheric and mysterious environment that the author expertly crafted adds to the story's suspense and ambiguity. The island takes on a personality of its own and is crucial to Avin's struggles.

I wholeheartedly endorse The Infinity Warrior to those who like fast-paced thrillers with a hint of mystery and science fiction. You'll be intrigued till the very end because to Satyam Srivastava's creative narrative and engaging premise. The next book in the series will have you drooling with anticipation after finishing this page-turner. Get ready for an exhilarating journey that skillfully combines action, suspense, and a hint of the unknown.

⭐ Rating : 4/5 🌟⭐
⭐ Must Recommended 🌟

Nimisha Sewag

156 reviews2 followers

September 19, 2023

The Infinity Warrior
Satyam Srivastava

Satyam Srivastava's "The Infinity Warrior: Six Mortals, Five Games, One Immortal" was a page-turning book.
The plot centres on Avin's exhilarating journey on a mystery island while evading a beautiful crime. His battle, worries, and aspirations to become a hero are tense. Readers are amazed by the idea of body swapping and the high stakes fight to become the king. The four sections of the book are Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. This section is separated once more into 47 short segments. You are immediately placed in the shoes of Avin, a typical millennial who finds himself in the unprecedented situation of being stranded on a mystery island, in the first chapter. The seemingly straightforward escape adventure rapidly turns into a life-or-death struggle for survival as Avin learns the grim reality of his predicament: the mysterious Infinity Games.

The reading seemed really tidy and pleasant since the tale is given in an extensive manner, confirming even the smallest detail. The chapters in the book were quite little, and they neatly divided each scene of the story. The novel includes all of these different types of aspects, including fantasy, suspense, mystery, and curiosity. Even after reading through half of the book, the story's storyline or even its central conflict remained a mystery. Despite the rather lengthy narrative, it took me a week to finish reading since the story speeds along so quickly.

The novel's sophisticated world-building and well-rounded cast of characters give the narrative depth and help to create a remarkable reading experience. Fans of suspenseful mysteries and action-packed stories should not miss this book. The narrative is beautifully developed, and the writing is superb. The book's title and cover are suitable. I recommend it to you all.


119 reviews1 follower

September 26, 2023

"The Infinity Warrior: Six Mortals, Five Games, One Immortal" is a gripping and action-packed novel that takes readers on a thrilling journey through a mysterious island and the deadly challenges known as the Infinity Games. The story follows the protagonist, Avin, a millennial and petty criminal, whose life takes an unexpected turn when he finds himself on this enigmatic island.

The book immediately grabs your attention with its intriguing premise and the sense of impending danger. Avin's journey from an ordinary individual to a reluctant participant in a life-or-death struggle is filled with twists and turns that keep you on the edge of your seat. The concept of the Infinity Games adds a unique and engaging element to the plot, as Avin battles not only for survival but also to unravel the mysteries of the island.

The author skillfully builds tension and suspense throughout the narrative, making it difficult to put the book down. Avin's character development is well-executed, and readers can relate to his transformation as he navigates the challenges and uncovers the island's secrets.

The book's pacing is excellent, balancing action sequences with moments of reflection and discovery. It keeps you guessing and eagerly turning the pages to uncover the next revelation. The writing style is descriptive and immersive, allowing readers to vividly visualize the island and its inhabitants.

Overall, "The Infinity Warrior" is a captivating blend of adventure, mystery, and suspense. It offers a fresh take on the theme of survival and self-discovery in a high-stakes setting. If you enjoy fast-paced novels with well-crafted characters and a dose of the unexpected, this book is a must-read. It's a thrilling journey that will leave you eagerly awaiting the next installment in Avin's story. I would highly recommend this book to all readers.

Srinjini Banerjee

195 reviews2 followers

September 14, 2023

"The adventure is over, or has it just begun? "
Do read this book and the review to find out what adventure we are talking about!

The Infinity Warrior:Six Mortals, Five Games, One Immortal is Satyam Srivastava's adventure thriller. It is an absolute thrilling ride with exciting games and a sheer rush of adrenaline.

The book is a literal work of art. It includes a beautiful style of writing infused with some fantastic story telling. It takes a lot of courage to write an imaginary plot. The tough part is to make the readers believe the thoughts of the writer. With great writing it is achievable. If I am not able to picture the events then it is not going to be a great read for me.

Avin is the protagonist of this novel. He is a millenial and somehow got stuck in the island where mysterious things start to happen. He is a simple man but fate has something else written for him. The inhabitants of the island tried to kill him and the first and foremost challenge is to come out from the bondage alive. With passing time, the game gets tougher and several mysteries get unfolded. At a point, the INFINITY GAMES hit Avin and its checkmate. What comes further is the gluing element of this entire novel!

I absolutely enjoyed reading this well written book. It is important to understand the underlying meaning of the book and that will help in making the reading journey more and more exciting. There are important values for life as well. It is literally the adventure of lide for Avin and keeps us wondering how relatable his situation is!
Author Satyam Srivastava did a great job and I will definitely recommend this book to all readers. It is a must read for people who are into games or supernatural world like it!

Rumpa Roy

236 reviews1 follower

September 21, 2023

This book is really exciting and unique! It takes you on an adventure to a mysterious island full of danger and challenges. The main character, Avin, a millennial who stumbles upon this surprising island and finds himself thrust into a life-or-death battle known as the Infinity Games.

The author, in the prologue, skillfully builds up the tension and sets the stage for the high-stakes journey Avin is about to embark on. The vivid descriptions and the feeling that something important and maybe dangerous is about to happen make it hard to stop reading.

The characters, particularly Avin and his fellow Mortals, are well-crafted and relatable. Each Mortal brings their own unique qualities and backgrounds to the story, creating a diverse and engaging ensemble. The interactions between Avin and his companions, as well as with his coach and love interest Irya, add depth and emotion to the narrative.

The world-building is exceptional, with the island and its inhabitants vividly brought to life. The transformation of the Infinity Games into the Olympics showcases the protagonist's growth and the positive changes he brings to the island, adding a satisfying layer of character development.

The epilogue brings a poignant moment, as Avin faces the inevitable cycle of life and death. The author's ability to evoke genuine emotions in this scene is a testament to his storytelling ability.

Overall, "The Infinity Warrior" is a captivating adventure that accurately blends action, mystery, and heart. Satyam Srivastava's writing style is engaging and keeps the reader hooked from start to finish. This book is a must-read for fans of the adventure-thriller genre and anyone looking for an enthralling story of resilience and self-discovery.

Varsha Yadav

337 reviews2 followers

November 2, 2023

In the adrenaline-fueled rollercoaster ride that is "The Infinity Warrior," readers are thrust into a captivating tale of survival, betrayal, and the relentless pursuit of destiny. AVIN, a troubled protagonist with a murky past, finds himself thrust into a perilous game of life and death on a mysterious island. What starts as a mere escape from the clutches of the islanders soon unravels into an enthralling battle against an unknown fate.
From the very first page, the tension is palpable as AVIN grapples with the realization that his existence is intertwined with the ominous force of the Infinity Games. As he navigates the treacherous terrain of the island, allies and adversaries blur, leaving readers on the edge of their seats, never knowing who to trust.
The author's skillful narrative weaves a complex web of action-packed sequences, deeply-rooted mysteries, and unexpected twists that keep readers guessing at every turn. AVIN's journey is not only a physical one but a deeply introspective exploration of the human psyche, as he confronts his own demons while fighting for survival.
The world-building in "The Infinity Warrior" is rich and immersive, bringing the island's enigmatic allure to life with vivid descriptions and a palpable sense of danger lurking in every corner. As AVIN's story unfolds, the stakes soar higher, leaving readers emotionally invested in his fate and the ultimate consequences of the Infinity Games.
Overall, "The Infinity Warrior" is a heart-pounding, adrenaline-charged narrative that grips readers from start to finish. With its well-crafted characters, relentless pacing, and a gripping storyline, this thrilling journey is sure to leave readers eagerly awaiting the next installment in AVIN's harrowing saga.

varsha Book_

141 reviews

November 2, 2023

Book name : The Infinity Warrior

Ratings :5/5

The story follows Avin on his thrilling mission. Avin, a low-level criminal on the run from the law, finds himself unexpectedly on an enigmatic island home to bizarre locals. where he believes he landed in a parallel universe or journeyed back in time. And he's known as the Infinity Warrior here among the locals.
The ability of people to adapt, even under the worst of circ*mstances, is another significant subject. Upon overcoming hardship and engaging in difficult introspection, Avin, who was previously shy, finds an unwavering inner power that enables significant personal growth. The book emphasizes how remarkable people may become when they are pushed past their comfort zones. The complex storyline also incorporates themes like bravery, sacrifice, devotion, and the hazy boundaries between good and evil. The thought-provoking subjects of Srivastava's writing leave readers with enough to think about long after they finish the adventure.

The intriguing characters in "The Infinity Warrior" are one of its strongest points. Throughout his traumatic struggles, Avin, the relatable protagonist, matures significantly as he gains a deeper understanding of both himself and the enigmatic island. His victories and internal conflicts make him
And we see him fight to discover the answers and to be alive in the middle of these stranges. His abilities and emotional conflicts give him a fully realized and likable role as the story's guide. Srivastava makes it possible for readers to get engrossed in the intertwining tales that give the saga its epic scope and literary depth by creating fascinatingly complex characters. Long after the book is closed, each character has an impact.


108 reviews8 followers

April 29, 2024

So, you know those books that grab you from the get-go and refuse to let you go? Well, "The Infinity Warrior" by Satyam Srivastava is one of those bad boys, and let me tell you, it's a wild ride from start to finish.

Picture this: you've got AVIN, your average millennial with a knack for getting into trouble. But then, BAM! He finds himself stranded on this crazy island where folks are dead set on turning him into fish food. But hey, not everyone's out to get him. There are a few good eggs who see something special in him, thanks to this mysterious mark on his arm.

And just when you think things can't get any crazier, enter the Infinity Games. Yeah, you heard me right. AVIN's suddenly thrown into this life-or-death battle royale where winning means survival, but losing? Well, let's just say it's game over for real.

But wait, there's more! As if battling for his life isn't enough, AVIN's also facing some serious existential crisis vibes. I mean, imagine fighting tooth and nail to stay alive only to realize that even if you make it out in one piece, you've still lost everything. Talk about a gut punch, am I right?

Now, I don't want to give too much away because half the fun of reading "The Infinity Warrior" is discovering all the twists and turns for yourself. But trust me when I say this book has it all: action, mystery, and enough suspense to keep you up way past your bedtime.

So, if you're looking for a read that'll leave you breathless and begging for more, do yourself a favor and snag a copy of "The Infinity Warrior." Satyam Srivastava has crafted a real page-turner that'll have you hooked from the very first chapter. Consider this your official invitation to dive headfirst into the chaos—you won't regret it.


448 reviews7 followers

August 6, 2023

Satyam's 'The Infinity Warrior' is an enthralling adventure thriller that captivates readers from beginning to end.

The narrative kicks off with Avin's abrupt encounter with a rain of arrows, compelling him to find safety in a nearby river. He's ultimately rescued by the inhabitants of Leaf Village, immersing himself in their unique culture and language.

A fascinating discovery awaits him—the existence of the enigmatic 'infinite game,' akin to the Olympic games, sparking Avin's fervor to participate. This mysterious concept of the infinite game tantalizes readers, leaving them eager to unveil its secrets and implications.

The heart of the story revolves around Avin, a young adult escaping a life of minor offenses, marooned on a treacherous island notorious for its deadly Infinity Games. Avin's journey unveils the sinister enigmas shrouding the island and reveals the true significance of the games as he fights for survival.

With skillful suspense-building, the author compels readers to keep turning pages as the plot unfurls. The enigmatic Shadows, acting as selective gatekeepers, introduce an added layer of intricacy to the narrative. Their role in participant selection and the mysteries enveloping them heighten readers' curiosity, creating an atmosphere of anticipation for their role in the unfolding events. Author's dynamic and immersive prose style keeps readers engrossed from the very outset.

The plot is meticulously woven with elements of mystery, suspense, and gripping action, ensuring readers remain at the edge of their seats, eager to delve deeper into the story.

G.Gayathri, Chawdeswari

265 reviews3 followers

October 30, 2023

"The Infinity Warrior," masterfully underscores the age-old wisdom passed down through generations - the inescapable pull of destiny. Avin, the central character, embarks on a journey to evade the inevitable, but as often happens, fate interjects, leading him down an unforeseen and transformative path.

The narrative commences with Avin's bewildering arrival on a mysterious island, where a life-threatening encounter with arrows results in an unexpected rescue, all due to a distinctive mark on his arm that doesn't go unnoticed by his saviors. Here, on this enigmatic island, Avin stumbles upon "The Infinity Game," an intriguing competition orchestrated by the enigmatic Maha. Villagers are handpicked to compete for a coveted victory, but the unsettling caveat is that the victor must offer their own body as a sacrifice to the enigmatic Maha.

Despite his initial reluctance to engage with the game, Avin's past and fate conspire to draw him inexorably into an unforeseen and perilous destiny.

For those, like me, who relish thrilling adventures, "The Infinity Warrior" proves to be a captivating and action-packed narrative filled with surprising twists. It offers a comprehensive package of entertainment. Avin's gradual adaptation to the island's culture and language, instead of an immediate panic, underscores the value of resilience and adaptability before surrendering to fear.

The incorporation of diverse cultural elements from Indian, Persian, Chinese, Egyptian, and Viking backgrounds adds a rich tapestry of depth to the narrative. Every aspect, from plot development to character evolution and execution, is skillfully executed.

Amreen Shaikh

706 reviews8 followers

November 4, 2023

“The greatest zeal of man is not for love or money, but for immortality.” Ernest Dempsey, The Secret of Stones

Imagine you are stuck on an island where life is a game if you want to survive you have to win every battle and make yourself the top-most player.

A millennial criminal on the run accidentally lands on a mysterious island where the language is crazy and people are behind him to kill. Life is a game here and survival is not easy. When things were already haywire and he was struggling to make his way inside this crazy land a tattoo on his arm which defines infinity ♾️ changed the whole situation for him. The terrifying reality of the mark ♾️ hits him hard and now survival is more dangerous and hanging very low to get ripped. This dangerous situation is making AVIN go crazy with fear and he is surprised and lost at the same time.

I am sure you are already on the edge of knowing more about this crazy game of survival and how infinity ♾️ will change the path for Avin as well as what this mark defines.

I chose this book because of its cover which pulled me to give it a try and I was intrigued to understand the meaning of this cover design. And once I started reading there was no looking back.

What a mysterious writing style and plot 😮 . Till the last page, it was kept undercover, and guessing the end was in no way possible. Though I am not a fan of games or the game challenges, this book changed my perception. I was on edge till I completed the book and what an end it has.
A commendable writing, a great thought process, amazing fictional representation, very strong lead characters, and an entertaining read throughout.

Highly recommended 👍👍

Arun Verma

347 reviews5 followers

December 23, 2023

📚 A Riveting Journey Through Life's Twists and Turns.

The book is a fascinating tale that twists the concepts of life, religion, and destiny, breaking them all. It is the story of Avin navigating dark times in his life to unleash the life within.

The story begins with Avin, who survives drowning and is saved by an Adivasi, Mika. On an unexplored island, he finds his new family in Jaico, Mika, and Irya. Just when he thinks his life is normal, he discovers an intriguing game of life and death—The Infinity Game. It involves switching lives and achieving immortality. To save his love from marrying Maha, Avin decides to play the game.

With gripping narration and a captivating storyline, the story keeps the reader hooked throughout. It serves readers with suspense, thrills, and romance, leaving no room for complaint.

It's interesting to note how wonderfully the author has crafted every detail of the story, such as the meaning of the symbol of infinity. The smooth transition of Avin, from adapting to language and region to fiercely participating in the games, adds depth.

I appreciate how the author has divided the book into different parts, showcasing the transition in Avin's life. The characters are diligent and well-built. Each character contributes to their part and progresses the story. Among all, I'm highly impressed by both Mika and Avin's characters. The best part of the story is the climax, which is worth witnessing.

Overall, the book beckons fiction enthusiasts into a world of layered storytelling, promising a thought-provoking journey through reality's twists and turns.

Partha Pratim

603 reviews10 followers

August 2, 2023

Some book ,some stories remain in our core of the heart forever and left a mark in our mind. "The Infinity Warrior:Six Mortals, Five Games, One Immortal " by Satyam Srivastava is such a story which left a mark in my mind.

The book is divided into 4 parts i.e. Forming , Storming , Norming , Performing. This parts again divided into 47 small chapters. Though the discussion of the story line in such a book where many surprises are waiting after turning the pages , I personally don't like. As it destroys the author's effort and spoiler is never a great experience for me. However the storyline revolves around the protagonist, AVIN, is a brilliantly crafted character with depth and complexity. As readers follow his journey from a mere petty criminal to the enigmatic Infinity Warrior, they can't help but be drawn into his struggles, fears, and hopes. The author excels at portraying AVIN's inner conflicts, making him a relatable and compelling hero. Grab a copy of this book and explore more.

One of the book's strengths lies in its ability to surprise and astonish. Unexpected plot twists and revelations are seamlessly woven into the narrative, adding depth and intrigue to the story. The unpredictability of the Infinity Games keeps readers guessing, making every turn of the page an exhilarating experience.
Overall, I loved the book and strongly recommend fellow readers to give it a try. And lastly, I'd thank the man who edited this cover, else it would have taken more or less months to come across the read, post finishing the other books of my collection.


88 reviews1 follower

May 5, 2024

📚 In "The Infinity Warrior," readers dive into a suspenseful tale set on a mysterious island where fate is the ultimate game master. Following Avin, a regular millennial thrust into the chaos of the Infinity Games, this story is a rollercoaster of action, mystery, and self-discovery.

📖 Accompany Avin as he navigates through the labyrinthine challenges of the Infinity Games, facing off against deadly adversaries and uncovering secrets that could change everything. Satyam's narrative keeps readers hooked with its thrilling pace and unexpected twists, ensuring a gripping experience from start to finish.💫

👨‍🏫 Satyam emerges as a promising new voice in the world of storytelling with "The Infinity Warrior." Through skillful narrative techniques and a keen understanding of suspense, Satyam creates a captivating world that draws readers in from the very first page. With this novel, Satyam establishes themselves as a talent to watch, leaving readers eagerly anticipating future literary endeavors.

🌟 "The Infinity Warrior" promises an exhilarating escape for readers craving excitement and adventure. With its blend of heart-pounding action and intricate plot, this book offers a captivating journey into a realm where the line between reality and fantasy blurs.

🔖 In summary, "The Infinity Warrior" is a compelling read that will leave readers craving more. Satyam's storytelling prowess shines through in this novel, offering an immersive experience that will keep readers guessing until the very end.✨

Displaying 1 - 30 of 105 reviews

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The Infinity Warrior (2024)


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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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