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Seattle, Washington



Peter'M. McLellan

Technical Report No. 21

Office of Naval ResearchContract NBonr-$20/II1

Project NR 083 012

Reference 54-5F~bruanr 1954


~'Richa~Executive Officer

SEATTLE 5, WASHINGTON - University of Washington - [PDF Document] (3)




Geographic Divisions


Area Determination

Volume Determination

Perimeter Determination


Accuracy and Significant Figures










- ~ ---.-~---

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Table Page

1 Nomenclature for the Divisions and Subdivisions'of Puget Sound 8

2 Unit Geographic Areas and Charts 9

:3 Unit Geographic Area Designations 10

4 Perimeter of Puget Sound 16

5 Area Analysis 21

6 Volume Analysis 30







Puget Sound, divisions and subdivisions

Puget Sound, unit-areas

Representation of accumulative area by depthfor a portion of Puget Sound .

Volume of water involved in the change of tidetor southern part of: Puget Sound

Accumulative volume by depth for all 57 unit-areasin Puget Sound






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Puget Sound is one of the deepest salt-water basins in the

United States. Depths of 600 to.Boo feet prevail in the northern

portion, while south of the Tacoma Narrows, near the headwaters,

300 feet is more typical. Deep holes occur in either area which may

be illustrated by the depth of 930 feet off Point Jefferson in the

northern portion and the 546 foot hole near McNeil Island in the

southern portion. The underwater topography is much like that of the

adjacent land areas.

The volume of water within 10-fathom increments of depth and

the area within small arbitrarily set boundaries of Puget Sound have

been determined. Presented here in concise tables are numerical data

which may be of use to research workers in the fields of marine

engineering, marine biology, and the physical and chemical fields of

oceanography. Some of the more significant final values of Puget Sound

measurement are as follows:

Total length of shore lineArea at mean high water••Volume at mean high water.ll£ean tidal volume. • • • •

• •• •• •• •

1,157 nautioal miles167.6 square nautioal miles

26 0 5 cubio nautical miles1.27 cubic nautical miles


For the purpose of this report Puget Sound is here defined as

that body of water extending south from:


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(1) Middle Point, on the west, and Point Partridge, on the east

(2) Deception Pass

(3) Swinornish Slough

The three entrances named above constitute the water boundaries of

Puget Sound. All numerical data pertaining to area, volume, and

perimeter lie within these limits.


To facilitate analyzing and studying the relationships of area

and volwne in Puget Sound the over-all area has been divided into five

geographic divisions. These divisions are delimited by natural physical

boundaries in Puget Sound with the exception that the main basin has

been divided into halves for convenience in handling the numericalI

data. Figure 1 outlines the location of these geographic divisions

in Puget Sound.

The main basin, divisions A and B, extends south from a 240-foot

sill at the intersection of Admiralty Inlet with the Strait of Juan de

Fuca to a lBO-foot sill at the Tacoma Narrows. Division C, .south of

the Tacoma Narrows, consists of a primary basin with many branohing

channels and inlets. Hood Canal, D, separated from Admiralty Inlet by

a lBO-foot sill, extends to the southwest for about ,0 miles. The

fifth division, E, extends north from the intersection of Possession

Sound with the main body of Puget Sound to Deception Pass and the

Swinomish Slough.


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Within the five main geographic divisions of Puget Sound,

18 subdivisions have been made. It is believed that combinations or

the various subdivisions will constitute practical boundaries for most

investigators ~o may wish to make use of these data. Individual

swnmations have been made for the area and volume data for each sub­

division. The subdivisions are shown in Figure 1 and defined in

Table 1.


The 18 subdivisions were further divided into 51 smaller

d~visions, or unit-areas. These were selected as a basis for determining

the area and volume. Their selection was governed principally by the

limitations of the planimeter and the scale of charts used for determi­

nations. However, whenever possible, consideration was given to ob­

taining a shape useful for geographic ~terpretation rather than

maintaining an ideal shape for measuring. The basic unit-area bound­

aries from which all measurements and calculations have been made are

shown in Figure 2 and their boundaries enumerated in Table 3. The

complete data are given in Tables 5 and 6 for all unit-area determina­

tions. Partial summations have been made for each subdivision and

division. A cumulative total is presented at the end of the area and

volume tables.


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The area and volume of Puget Sound was determined using U. S.

Coast and Geodetic Survey charts as enumerated in Table 2. The mean

high water, mean lower low water, and 3-fathom lines on the charts

were utilized. Additional contour lines were drawn at lO-fathom

intervals to the bottom.


The area of Puget Sound was determined by planimetering each

of the 57 unit-areas as outlined in Figure 2 with a compensating polar,

planimeter (Keurfel and Esser No. 4236). The areas covered by mean

high water (MHW), mean lower low water (MLLW), 3-fathom, lO.fathom,

and thereafter every lO-fathom contour interval to the bottom were

planimetered. The areas have been expressed in square nautical miles.

Complete area data are given in Table 5.


The total 'volume and'volume between given levels were determined

for the 51 unit-areas by plotting graphs with square nautical miles

versus depth of water as coordinates for each unit-area. The MHW-MLLW

vertical distance for each unit-area was determined from the tide table.

The area within the curve of the graph was then determined by use of the

planimeter for every lO-fathom increment, as well as between MHW and

~. With this procedure it was then possible to draw graphs showing

accumulated volume versus depth for aqy unit-area or for aqr larger

geographic area desired. Complete volume data are given in Table 6.


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An analysis was made of the length of the shore line of Puget

Sound to accompany the area and volume data. A map measurer (Swiss­

made Minerva) was run along the entire MHW' line of the contoured charts

(Table 2). Perimeter values are given in Table 4 for each of the five

geographic divisions. Island perimeters are included as shown.


Tables 5 and 6 show area and volume in square and cubic

nautical miles, respectively. Graphs may be drawn from the area

analysis tables for each unit-area or aqy given combination of areas

to show depth-profile, as shown in Figures 3 and 4. Figure 4, upon

integration, will yield the volume of water involved in the change of

a tide of any given range for the area south of the Tacoma Narrows o

The scale of exaggeration may be selected for graphical convenience

as the problem requires. From t,hese graphs other volume relationships

~y be suggested. Integration may be performed by any graphical method

desired. From these tables one also may draw cumulative volume graphs

for any given unit-area or combination of unit-areas.

An accumulative volume graph for the entire Sound is shown in

Figure 5.


Among the factors which limit the accuracy of area measure­

ments are the scale of the charts used, the contouring of the depth

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configuration, the human element in using the planimeter (both on the

chart contours and on the graphs drawn for each unit determination of

volume), and the actual handling of the final data in various stages

of completion to the final printed table.

Evaluation of Errors,

There are two principal types of errors present when using a

planimeter, the personal errors of the operator and the instrumental

limitations of the instrument. Practice will enable an operator to

reduce errors in using the planimeter below that introduced by the

scale of the charts and contouring. Planimeter measurements were found

to be reproducible to 1 part in 1,000. For this reason no more than

four significant figures have been considered reliable for area

determinations and no more than three significant figures for volume

determinations. Volume was determined as a function of area.

A significant error in charts is their tendency to shrink and

stretch, depending upon humidity and the amount of use the charts have

had. However, the limits of accuracy of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic

Survey charts are considered to be standard. The mean high water line

is delineated by a topographer during his traverse along the shore line.

Since this is a tidal plane, the topographer must estimate this position-­

not difficult on abrupt shores but requiring knowledge of stage of tide

on low gradient beaches and tide flats. Topographic requirements on

shoreline traverse call for closures not to exceed 4 meters in a mile

between control stations for sheet scales 1/20,000 or larger and 8 meters


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to a mile for sheet scales smaller than 1/20,000. The accuracy of aqy

point on the mean high water line (charted shore line) depends upon

spacing of control in the area, shoreline topography, the residual

evidence on the shore of this line, and the skill of the topographer.

Five meters may be an average for the error from the true position on

Puget Sound. Locally, minor errors may arise from changes in shore

line since last surveyed, such as from slumping.

Instructions on basic hydrographic surveys call for the hydrog-

~apher, where possible, to delineate the zero depth curve (mean lowerI

low water). This requires sounding at high water with a tide sufficient

to provide for water under the keel of the sounding boat, and sea con-

ditions suitable for sounding in shoal depths. This has not been

practicable in all areas of Puget Sound because of rocks and reefs,

or other navigational hazards.

The limiting scale of charts used in this study was 1:80,000.

~egardless of chart scale, the mean high water area will be the most

accurate figure obtainable. The accuracy of contours at depth will

vary considerably due to the variation in detail in the bathymetric

surveys. However, depth contouring in Puget Sound should be reason­

ably accurate because of the continuous steep slopes of the basin•


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A. Admiralty Inlet c. The Narrows and south

1. Port Townsend 1. The Narrows and2. Kilisut Harbor Nisqually Reach3. Admiralty Inlet 2. Carr Inlet

(main body) 3. Case Inlet4. Various small inlets

B. Puget Sound(central part) D. Hood Canal

1. Port Orchard area 1. Entrance2. Elliott Bay 2. Hood Canal3. Colvos Passage (main body)4. Quartermaster Harbor5. Commencement Bay6. Puget Sound E. Possession Sound and north

(main body)10 Possession Sound and

Saratoga Passage2. Port Susan3. Skagit Bay

See Figure 1 for boundaries.


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1-18, ,4-57 6460 7/26/37

3 6462 6/9/46

19-24, 28 6446 7/26/48


25-27 6445 5/31/48

29-30 6449 6/21/48

31-42, 44-,3 6450 Unknown--but sameperiod as 6460

43 6380 7/26/48

See Figure 2 for boundaries.


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1 Eld Inlet

2 Totten and Skookum Inlets

3 Olympia Harbor and Budd Inlet


Tang. Cooper Pt. 301.50 True

Bisect Arcadia Inlet 116.50 T

Tang. Cooper Pt. 20.50 T







Hammersley Inlet and oakland Bay

Henderson Inlet

Squaxon, Peale, and PickeringPassages

Dana Passage and Case Inlet

Drayton, Pitt, Balch, Cormorant,Hale Passages and N1squallyReach

Carr Inlet


Tang. Arcadia Pt. 12.50 T

Tang. Johnson ?to 235.00 T

Tang. Dougall Pt. 312.,° TTang. Arcadia Pt. 12.,0 TBisect Arcadia Inlet 176.50 TTang. Cooper Pt. 301.,0 TTang. Cooper Pt. 20.50 TTang. Brisco Pt. 116.,0 T

Tang. Brisco Pt. 116.,0 TTang. Johnson Pt. 12.50 TTang. Johnson pt. 235.00 TTang. Dougall Pt. 312.,0 T

Tang. Johnson Pt. 12.50 TPitt Passage, Pt. in center

on west side from overheadcable 100.00 T

Tang. Hyde Pt. 56.00 TGreen pt. Spit 108.50 TTang. Fosdick Pt. 102.,° T

Tang. Hyde Pt. 56.00 TPitt Passage, Pt. in center

on west side from overheadcable 100.00 T

Green Pt. Spit 108.5° T

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TABLE 3 (continued)


10 Tacoma Narrows south of Tan§. Fosdick Pt. 102.5° Tcross-section A 304 T from lat. 47°16 0 11 ,

10ngo 122°32 0 5'

,11 Tacoma Narrows north of 304° T trom lat. 47°16.1',cross-section A and Gig long. 122°32.,'Harbor Tang. pt. Defiance 290.0° T

112 Da1co Passage Tang. Pt. Defiance 290.0° TDalco Pt. 259.00 TTang. Neill Pt. 64.5° TDash pt. 144.0° Tlat. 47019.0-

:13 Commencement Bay lat. 47019QO'

!14 Quartermaster Harbor Tang. Neill pt. 64.50 T

15 Colvos Passage Dalco pt. 259.0° TTang. Vashon Pt. 264.,° T

16 East Passage (south half) Dash Pt. 144.0° TFully Pt. 27.,° T'

17 East Passage (north half) Pully Pt. 227.,° T! Brace Pt. 246.,° TI

:18 Blake Island and vicinity Brace pt. 246.,° TTang. Vashon Ft. 264.,° TTang. Orchard pt. 34.0° TA1ki Ft.· 281.0° T

19 Rich Passage Tang. Orchard pt. 34.00 TTang. Waterman pt. 14.5° T

20 Sinclair Inlet Retsil Pt. 345.00 T

21 Dyes Inlet Tang. Rocky Pt. 89.0° T

'22 Port Washington Narrows Tang. Rocky pt. 89.0° TTang. pt. Herron 235.,° T


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TABLE 3 (continued)


23 Port Orchard (south third) Retsil Pt. 345.0° TTang. Waterman Pt. 14.00 Tpt. Herron 236.0° Tlat. 47°36.0'


24 Port Orchard (center third) lat. 47°36.01

Battle Ft. 270.00 T

!25 Port Orchard (north third) lat. 47°42.01

lat. 47°3114811 (Batt1ePli.210.0° T)

:26 Liberty Bay lat. 470 42.0'

'27 Agate Passage lat. 47°42.0'Agate Pt. 320.5° T

.' '.

28 Puget Sound (connection Tang. Duwamish Head 211.5° Tbetween charts 6460 - 6450) Alki pt. 281.0° T

29 Elliott Bay Duwamish Head 3.50 TDuwamish River, 96.00 T from

lat. 47°33'47",long. 122°20'4911

30 Duwamish River Duwamish Hiver, 96.0° T fromlat. 41°33 ' 41 11 ,

long. 122°20149"Duwamish River, long. 122°18.0

31 Winslow-Magnolia Bluff area Duwamish Head 211.50 TDuwamish Head 3.5° TWest Pt. 269.5° T

32 Port l1adison-Meadow Point area West Pt. 269.,° TAgate Ft. 321.,° TPt. Jefferson 91.00 TGovernment Locks (seaward side )

33 Kingston-Point Wells area pt. Jefferson 91.0° Tlat. 47°50.0-



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TABLE 3 (continued)





34 Polot Point-Meadowdale area lat. 41°50.01

Tang. Possession pt. 124.00 TI Tang, Point No Pte 88 0 0° T

35 Possession Sound (south half) Tang. Possession Ft. 124.00 Tlato 48°00 0 01

36 Possession Sound (north haif) 48°000 0-Snohomish River, lat. 41°56.9'Camano Head 4305° TCamano Head 210.5° T

:31 °Port Susan Camano Head 4305 TWest Pass, lat. 48~403'Stillaguamish River,

long. 122°20.7'

38 Saratoga Passage (south half) Camano Head 210.5° TTang. Rocky pt. 13.50 T

39 Holmes Harbor Rocky Pt. 309.0° T

40 Saratoga Passage (north half) Tang. Rocky Pt. 13.So TRocky Pt o 309.0° TTang. lrlatsak pt. (Snatelum pt.

440 00 T

41 Penn Cove and Crescent Harbor Tang. Watsak pt. (Snatelum Pt.44.0° T

42 Skagit Bay (south half) Demock Ft. 319.0° Tlat. 48°20.01

West Passage, lat. 48°14.3'

43 Skagit Bay (north half) lat. 48°20.0'Swinomish Slough, lat. 48°26.3Deception Pass Bridge

'44 Point No Point-Double Bluff area Tange Point No Pt. 88.0° TTang. Foulweather Bluff 59.00


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TABLE 3 (continued)



45 Austin-01ele Point area Tang. Foulweather Bluff 59.0°Tang. Foulweather Bluff 253.00

Bush Ft. 251.5° TPass to Kilisut Harbor,

lat. 48°01.2'North end of passage to Port

Townsend, from west side57.0° T

46 Admiralty Head-Bush Point area Bush Pt. 251.5° TTang. Admiralty Head 259.00 THudson pt. 110.0° T

47 Kilisut Harbor Pass to Kilisut Harbor,lat. 48°01.2 1

North-west spit 17.00 T

: 48 Port Townsend Hudson Ft. 110.0° TNorth-tiest spit 77.0° TNorth end of pass to Oak Bay

231.,° T

49 Partridge Point-Point Wilson Tang. Partridge pt. 206.,° Tarea Tang. Admiralty Head 259.0° T

50 Hood Canal-Hood Head area Foulweather Bluff 253.0° Tlat. 41°50.0'

,1 Hood Canal-Hazel Ft.-South lat. 41°,0.01

Pt. area lat. 47041.6 f (Hazel pt.90.0° T)


Tskutsko Pt. 267.0° T; 52 Hood Canal-Dabob Bay

;53 Hood Canal-Tekiu Pt.-Oak Head Tskutsko Pt. 261.00 Tarea Tekiu Pt. 304.00 T

; 54 Hood Canal-Tekiu Pt.-Capstan Tekiu Ft. 304.0° TRock area lat. 41°30.01

:55 Hood Canal-Capstan Rock-Ayres lat. 47°30.0'pt. area lat. 47°22.6' (or Ayres pt.

270.00 T

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TABLE 3 (continued)


,6 Hood Canal-The Great Bend

! 57 Hood Canal-Lynch Cove.

See Figure 2 for boundaries.


Ayres Ft. 210.0° Tlong. 123°00.01

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! DESIGNATION Mainland IslandI

A 96 0 96

B 243 45 288


C 253 82 335


D 185 0 185i

E 242 11 253

Totals 1,.019 138 1,151I


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~'JAr----B- 4


F!raDRB 10 Paget So1md. divisions aDd 1R1bd1v11Wms.i See Table 1 f'or IIOIIIBDCla~.


E -I

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4·· -. -.•.

~. .~O

.•=. ~:~.l;J.....: '-, ..; ... ..... ...


P10UIB 2.iI

Pupt; Sound. UD1t--arealJ.See Table .3 tor nomenclature.

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~ 10ct

i :.·:<X~;~;) 0 ~0t~~';";'5 0 S 10 15 20


VoJ.uma ~ vater 1DVDlved. in the changeot tide tor southem part of PDptSolmd. Cune IIBl' be 1JItegrated witbin8JV' given 1ncrdJillllt or depth to providecorrespond'. vol1me cbs...


g V=sa 130c I--T---II----+----l---~~--___l

e V! 120 ~o 1---t--t------tV-/-+---+-----I

~ 110 ~ILl ---r----1:"~--+-----+---.J-----1i V)75 J:f 1001----+----If---1----+---~---1






~-.:.O~-~--~---L--......- .......--......--J.--....L.-.....;;;;;~=-~...'t!.::~~~··.-10 0 10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 90 100 :-. '~"


FlOURK 3. Representation t4 accumulative area b7 depth tor a portiOJlat PDpt SoUDd. !his curve must be integrated 1dthin livenincrements of depth to obtain vol.... 1»7 1DoI'ements of depth.




<tl1Ja: 60<tI...

Z 50:::>


40<tlJJa:<r 30

-l<rt- 200t-



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~ Z 80<[UJ~






------------- ----.------------AVERAGE DEPTH (Volume';' Area)

-----~.-- ~ - -- .-_'--- ---- - - - - - -- - - - ---AVERAGE MAXIMUM DEPTH OF 56 UNIT-AREAS.


NOTE: Mean tide exchange 1.76 fathomsMaxi mum depth 155 fathomsTotal volume 26.5 nautical miles3

FIGURE S. Accumulative volume b7 depth for all S7 unit-areasin Paget Sound. !he curve was dra1m tram va1.8obtained b7 constrootiDg a curve similar to Fig. 3and integratiDg v1thin lO-tathom increments of le.,.lo

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Area givan insquare nautical miles

TABtES-A --~--~ ~ --~~~- C~_

AREA ANALYSIS OF ADMIRALTY INLET See Figure 2for location map

Sttbdivision* A-l A-2 A-3

Unit-Area 44 45 46 49 SUb-~ 47 Total

Total Div. A

MHW 22.24 29.60 33.68 17.62 103.1 9049 2.72 11S.3BLW 19.77 2G.S9 ;2.87 17.25 96.40 8.05 2.26 109.0

:3 1C.56 27.06 :31.59 16.37 9.3.58 7.87 1.18 102.6

~10 16.79 23.27 27.96 13.75 81.79 4.01 65.8020 14.G6 17.55 21.64- 10.98 65.03 0.00 65.03

..,. 30 L~.6.5 llc n' 16.02 7.32 50.C; 50.350 .• U'"'r-I It) 9.93 C.79 11.67 2.16 32.55 32.SS(!) 50 7.02 5.45 6.70 0.19 21.36 21.36.0

§ 60 4.22 1.:37 5./~3 11.02 ll.0270 1.73 0.09 2.49 4.31 1;,.:31

PC: ao 0.73 1.09 1.82 1.82~&f-t 90 0.42 0.51 0.93 0.93.~

100 O.lS. 0.04 0.22 0.22110 0.01 0.01 0.01



lL·).;~ Dept11 112 75 lOla. 58 112 18 7.5 112

IJean Tide 1.52 1.52 1.35 1.27 1.44 1.27 1.,S 1.44*Subdivision A-l: Admiralty Inlet (main body)

A-2: Port TonnsondA-3: I{ilisut Harbor

Note: MHVl - Me~ Idgll t:atcrlJ1LL1Al - MOl."n lm'for lat'( lraterM:ea.ll Tido - Difference bet~1ecn

MHW md MLLlfi

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Area given insquare nautical miles

, ~.


(Port 1 of 3) See Figure 2for·location map


Subdivision* B-1

Unit-Area 12 16 17 IS 28 31 32 33 34Sub-Tote!

LJHW 5.30 25.42 13.19 2l.6O 3.96 16.73 28.87 20.75 32.59 168-.5MI.Ul S.21 24./J2, 12.64 20.61 3.'79 15.80 27.l.tD 19.02 31.09 100.9

a 3 5.17 23.34 12.10 19.69 3.64 14.79 2S.Gl lE.9S 29.99 153.51.0 4.G2 22.06 11.63 17.01 3.42 13.27 23.68 17.83 27.6J. JJ,.2.120 4.61 20.51 11.02 15.06 3.10 12.06 20~76 16.46 24.44- 128.0

6 30 3.75 19.13 10.41 12~77 2.81 11.39 18.56 15.43 22.69 116.9M 40 3.10 17.75 9.86 10.78 2.59 10.87 16~94 14..50 21.46 107.8Q)

.c 50 2.53 16.65 9.:31 9.49 2.48 10.39 15.65 13.49 20.25 100.2U) 60 2.02 15.31 8.73 8.40 2•.31 9.88 114-.34 ]2.44 18.82 92.25a.8 70 1.71 13.92 8.01 7.54 2.16 9.32 13.24 1l.54 17.32 84.76~ 80 1• .37 12.34 7.19 6.71 2.01 8.64 . 12.00 10.62 15.59 76.47fH 90 1.14 10.07 6.40 5.94 1.80 7.74 10•.31 9.57 12.33 65.30.~ 100 5.20 4.29 4.66 1.64 6.1.3 7~82 5.10 7.17 42.01

is no 2.46 1.39 2~90 1.15 3.36 3.95 1.5S 3.30 20.06Po. 120 0.34 0.42 1.45 0.57 1.58 1.46 0.71 1.53 8.06f:l lJO 0.52 0.0.3 0.31 0.99 0.27 0.68 2.80

140 0.02 0.02 0.09 0.09 O.CJ7 0.29150 0.02 0.00 0.02

IJax. Depth 99 127 126 142 135 142 155 150 148 155Mean Tide 1.98 1.80 1.00 1.93 1.76 1.75 1.75 1.72 1.70 1.78


{~bdivision B-1: Puget Sound (main body) Note: MHW - Mean high waterMLLW - Mean lower low waterMean Tide - Difference between


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Area given insquare nautical miles



(Part 2 of 3) See Figure 2for location map

Subdivision* B-2

Unit-Area 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 SUb-Total

MHW 2.00 2.39 4.76 1.08 3.16 3.41 4.80 2.11 0.62 24.33MLLW 1.75 2.10 3.91 0.90 2 0 95 3.10 3.70 1.60 0.51 20.52

~:3 1.46 1.73 2.84 0.52 2.68 2.79 3.08 0.52 0.31 15~93

10 0.77 0.76 0.00 1.99 2.05 0.27 0.00 0.01 5.8520 0.00 0.02 0.91 0.15 1.08

~ 30 0.11 O.llMQ),a(I)




Max. Depth 21 9 22 13 35 27 14- 11 11 35

Mean Tide 1.76 1.80 1.90 1.85 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.83 1.75 1.82

*Subdivision B-2: Port Orchard area Note: MHW - Mean high waterMLL~'l .. l~ean lower low waterMean Tide - Difference between

MHW and MLL~l

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Area given insquare nautical miles


(Part 3 of 3) See Figure 2for location map


Subdivi. sion* B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6

Sub- TotalUnit-Area 29 .30 Total 15 13 14 Div. B

MHW 4.26 0.51 4.77 12.54 9.43 4.04 223.5MLLW 4.09 0.38 4.47 11.80 8.59 3.39 209.6

a:3 3.85 0.16 4.01 1l.O5 8.12 2.40 195.0

10 3.01 3.01 9.80 7.20 0.51 168.520 2.59 2.59 8.42 6.54 0.28 146.9

S 30 2.23 2.23 6.00 5.95 131.2r-I 40 1.45 1.45 4.19 5.35 118.8Q)

50 0.84 0.84 2.73 4.70 108.5.c

~60 0.48 0.48 0.82 4.11 97.6670 0.23 0.23 .3.4.3 88.42..c: 80 0.08 0.08 2.63 79.18~

tH 90 1.14 66.440 100 42.01en

110 20.06

~ 120 8.06

~ 130 2.80140 0.29150 0.02

Max. Depth 88 6 88 67 99 26 155

Mean Tide 1.74 1.71 1.74 1.80 1.82 1.83 1.78

*SUbdivision B-3: Elliott BqB-4: Colvos PassageB-5: Commencement BayB-6: Quartermaster Harbor

Note: MHW - Mean high waterMLLVI - Mean lower low ,'{aterMean Tide - Difference between


SEATTLE 5, WASHINGTON - University of Washington - [PDF Document] (29)


See Figure 2for location map


(Part 1 of 2)Area given insquare nautical miles

Subdivision* e-l 0-2 C-3

10Sub- SUb-

Unit-Area 8 11 Total 9 5 7 Total

MHW 39.35 1.12 3.39 43.86 28.00 2.10 23.76 25.86:MLllV 34.45 1.08 3.27 ,38.80 25.11 1.4J. 21.07 22.48

~3 30.94 0.98 3.05 34.97 22.10 0.72 18.55 19.27

10 26.12 0.81 ·2• .35 29.28 17.87 0.01 14.02 14.0,320 19.94 0.46 1.61 22.01 13.84 6~60 6.60

~ 30 13.67 0.02 0.57 14.26 10.30 1.80 1.80M

40 8.81 0.01 8.82 6.51 0.52 0.52Q)

..c 50 6.35 6.35 4.01 0.19 0.19~ 60 5.00 5.00 1.96~ 70 3.61 3.61 0.84~ 80 2.19 2.19 0.29tt-I

90 0.88 O~88.~ 100 0.11 0.11


Max. Depth 103 32 41 103 89 12 59 59

Mean Tide 2.08 2.00 1.83 2.08 2.12 2.17 2.20 2.02



*Sulxiivision C-l: The Narrows and lli.squally Reach0-2: Carr Inlet0-.3: Case Inlet

Note: :MHW - Mean high waterMLLW - Mean lower low waterMean Tide - Difference between

:MHW and MLIJi

SEATTLE 5, WASHINGTON - University of Washington - [PDF Document] (30)

See Figure 2for location map

---~~~----- ~_____ _~-:r~m3,::~~__ ~ ~_~_~ ~~ ~ ~__ ~ __AREA ANALYSIS OF THE NARROlllS AND SOUTH

(Part 2 of 2)Area given insquare nautical miles-

Subdivision* C-4

Unit-Area 1 2 3 4 6SUb- "IDt&lTotal Div. C

MHW 4.71 7.20 6.59 3.70 10.76 32.96 130.7MLLW 3.55 4.89 5.41 2.30 9.18 25.33 111.7

~3 2.18 2.58 3.86 0.55 6~81 15.98 92.32

10 0.19 O.u 0.25 2.24 3.09 64.2720 0.42 0.42 42.87

~ 30 26.36r-I 40 15.8513 50 10.55ttl 60 6.96s 70 4.45.a~ 80 2.48~ 90 0.88.~ 100 0.11


Max. Depth 17 19 18,5 9 28 28 103

Mean Tide 2.28 2.33 2.25 2.27 2.27 2.28 2.11

oirSubdivision 0-4: Various small inlets Nate: MHW - Mean high waterMLLW - Mean lower low water)!ean Tide - Difference between


SEATTLE 5, WASHINGTON - University of Washington - [PDF Document] (31)


See Figure 2for location map

TABLE 5-D-- --------- ----AREA ANALYSIS OF HooDCANAL ---Area given insquare nautical miles

SUbdivim.on* D-l D-2~

SUb- Sub- TotalUnit-Area 50 51 Total 52 53 54 55 56 57 Total Div~ D

MHW 17.59 15.95 33054 20.70 23.95 8.32 10.64 8.63 7.43 79.67 113.2MLLW 15.95 14.92 30.87 17.98 22.26 7.67 10.04 6.51 5.83 70.29 101.2

~3 14.07 13.90 27.97 16.26 20.75 7.06 9.38 5.69 4.76 63.90 91.87

10 10.68 12.31 22.99 14.48 19.22 6.56 8.82 4.57 1.66 55•.3J. 78.3020 8~23 9.75 17.98 12.76 17.58 5.94 8.00 2.65 0.06 46.99 64.97

~ 30 6~lO 5.52 11.62 1l.40 15.84 5.26 7.22 1.08 40.80 52.42-.-I 40 3.87 2.80 6.67 10.18 J.4.10 4.76 6.28 0.47 35.79 42.46Q).0 50 1.76 1.17 2.9.3 8.87 11.95 4.16 5.22 0.00 30.20 33.13m 60 0.28 0.21 0.49 7.49 9.00 3.54 3.75 23.78 24.27.8 70 0,01 0.01 6.07 5.92 2.85 1.77 16.61 16.62~ 80 4.13 3.14 2.07 0.88 10.22 10.22te-t 90 2.80 1.37 0.34 4.51 4.51.~ 100 0.39 0.39 0.39isA.4{:1

Max. Depth 73 69 73 102 99 9.3 87 50 22 102 102

Mean Tide 1.59 1.65 1.62 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.81 1.81 1.79 1.75

*Subdivision D-l: EntranceD-2: Hood Canal (main bocly)

Note: MHW - Mean high waterMLLW - Mean lovrer low waterMean Tide - Difference between

MHW and lU1.W

SEATTLE 5, WASHINGTON - University of Washington - [PDF Document] (32)

Area given insquare nautical miles

. -- ------ TABIE-5-E-· -~----


for location map

Subdivision* E-l

Unit-Area 35 36 38 39 40 41Sub-Total

1G1W 22.44 23.06 16.19 7.18 22.84 15.20 106.9MLLW 21.50 19.63 14.89 6.54 22.19 13.80 98.55

~3 19.66 13.74 1.3.72 5.90 21.17 11.1; 85.34

10 18.30 12.51 12.75 4.92 20.04 5.57 74.0920 17.31 ll.49 11.54- 3.09 16.51 0.02 59.96

~ .30 16.39 10.43 10.43 0.59 1l.43 49.27M 40 15.30 9.05 9.27 6.79 40.413),0 50 13.97 7.24 7.99 1.69 30.89(I] 60 12.30 4.25 4.79 0.11 21.45

~ 70 10.68 1.95 1.55 14.18cd 80 8.13 1.26 0.64 10.03

.Ct-t 90 5.15 0.07 0.12 5.34.~ 100 1.28 1.28

~110 0.48 0.48120 0.08 0.08


Max. Depth 12,3 99 97 38 68 21 123

Mean Tide 1.68 1.73 1.72 1.72 1.77 1.77 1.72

*Subdivision E-l: Possession Sound: and Saratoga Passage. Note: .MHW - !(ean high waterMLLW - Mean lower low waterMean Tide - Difference between

MHW and MIDi

SEATTLE 5, WASHINGTON - University of Washington - [PDF Document] (33)

Area given insquare nautical m:tles


(Part 2 of 2) See Figure 2for location map

SUbdivision* E-2 E-3

37 42 43SUb- Total

Unit-Area Total Div. E Total.

MHW 32.33 26.69 18.94 45.63 184.9 767.6MLLW 23.06 14.73 10.63 25.36 147.0 679.1

~.3 15.94 5.53 4.68 10.21 ill.S 593•.3

10 13.69 2.62 1.62 4.24 92.02 489.120 12.15 0.38 0.07 0.45 72.56 392.3

~ 30 10.79 0.13 0.00 0.1.3 60.19 321.0r-I 40 9.35 0.06 0.06 49.82 259.5Q)

.c 50 7.64 38.53 212.1~ f:JJ 4.41 25.86 165.8~ 70 14.18 128.0~ 80 10.03 103.7ft..I 90 5.34 78.10.~ 100 1.28 44.01

~110 0.48 20.;5120 0.08 8.14

!1 130 2.80140 0.29150 0.02

Max. Depth 67 46 30 46 123 155

Mean Tide 1.7.3 1.75 1.'0 1.68 1.72 1.76

*SUbdivision E-2: Port SusanE-.3: Skagit Ba.v

Nate: MHW - A{ean high waterMLllV - Mean lower law waterMean Tide - Difference between


SEATTLE 5, WASHINGTON - University of Washington - [PDF Document] (34)

Volwne given incubic nautical miles


for location map

Subdivision* A-I A-2 A-3

46SUb- Total Cwnulative

Unit-Area M 45 49 Total 48 47 Div. A Total Div. A

Mmq..MI,LW 0.0306 0.0456 0.0456 0.0203 0.l42 0.0115 0.00335 0.157 3.U

~MLL1Af-10 0.179 0.259 0.304 0.155 0.897 0.0675 0.00675 0.971 3.25

10-20 0.158 0.201 0.246 0.123 0.727 0.0160 0.743 2.2820-,30 0.137 0.164 0.18S 0.0901 0.579 0.597 1.54

~ 30-40 Os115 0.120 0.135 0.0488 0.419 0.419 0.959r-i 40-50 0.0845 0.0714 0.0968 0.00752 0.260 0.260 0.540(I).c 50.-60 0.0549 0.0331 0.0706 0.00080 0.159 0.159 0.280

~60-70 0.0294 0.00528 0.0394 0.0741 0.0741 0.12070-00 0.0104 0.0170 o 021J

· 0.0274 0.0462~

• . +80-90 0.00528 0.00736 0.0J26 0.0126 0.0189

tt-I 90-100 0.00288 0.00224 0.00512 0.00512 0.00624.~ 100-110 0.00112 0.00112 0.00112 0.00112


Total to MHW 0.807 0.899 1.15 0.446 3.30 0.0950 0.0101 3.41

Total to MLIW 0.777 0.853 l.ll 0.425 3.16 0.0835 0.00675 3.25

*Subdivision A-I: Admiralty Inlet (main body)A-2: Port TownsendA-3: Kilisut Harbor

Note: MHW - Mean high waterI4LUl - Mean lower low vlaterFor numerical value of :MHW'-MLLW

see Table 5-A.

SEATTLE 5, WASHINGTON - University of Washington - [PDF Document] (35)

Volume given incubic n~.tltical miles



for location map


Subdivision* B-1

12 16 17 18 28 .31 32 3.3 · 34Sub-

Unit-Area Total

MHW-MLLW 0.0105 0.0448 0.0228 0.0408 0.00672 0.0288 0.0491 0.0360 0.0541 0.294MLLW-10 0.0500 0.230 0.1l9 0.192 0.0350 0.143 0.251 0.186 0.291 1.50

~10-20 0.0477 0.212 0.112 0.165 0.0317 0.126 0.221 0.172 0.255 1.3420-30 0.0414 0.198 0.107 0.138 0.0294 a.ll5 0.194 0.158 0.232 1.21

! 30-40 0.0344- 0.184 0.102 0.116 0.0264 O.llO 0.178 0.149 O.22J. 1.1240-50 0.0278 0.172 0.0960 0.100 0.0252 0.106 0.162 0.140 0.208 J..04

Q) 50--60 0.0226 0.161 0.0904 0.0885 0.0239 0.101 0.151 0.130 0.196 0.965.0

~60-70 0.0182 0.146 0.0834 0.0790 0.0224 0.0954 0.138 0.119 0.180 0.88170-80 0.0155 0.131 0.0758 0.0702 0.0210 0.0886 0.126 0.110 0.162 0.800

.d 8Q.-90 0.0127 0.115 0.0678 0.0638 0.0193 0.0829 0.111 0.101 0.141 0.715~te-i 90-100 0.00660 0.0814 0.0564 0.0525 0.0174 0.0690 0.0898 0.0773 0.0963 0.547.~ 100-110 0.0371 0.0270 0.0373 0.0140 0.0470 0.0584 0.0301 0.0510 0.302

~llO..120 0.0109 0.00760 0.0216 0.00852 0.0230 0.0237 0.0104 0.0227 0.128120-130 0.00112 0.00144 0.00864 0.00276 0.00768 0.0112 0.00384 0.0106 0.0472

Pl 130-140 0.00240 0.00016 0.00128 0.00448 0.00160 0.00336 0.0133140-150 0.00016 0.00144 0.00048 0.00032 0.00240

Total 0.287 1.72 0.969 1.18 0.284 1.15 1.77 1.4.3 2.12 10.9to MHWTotal 0.277 1.68 0.946 1.14 0.277 1.12 1.72 1.39 2.07 10.6to MLLW

*Subdivision B-1: Puget Sound (main body) Note: MHW - Mean high watermnv - Mean lower lOW' waterFor numerical v8.lue of MHW-MLLW

see Table 5-B.

SEATTLE 5, WASHINGTON - University of Washington - [PDF Document] (36)


Volume given incubic nautical miles


(Part 2 of 3) See Figure 2for location map


Subdivi sion* B-2

Unit-Area 19 20 21 22 23 24- 25 26 27Sub-Total

:MHV~-MLLW 0.00326 0.00178 0.00820 0.00187 0.00548 0.00596 0.00616 0.00351 0.00098 0.0372

aMLLW-lO 0.0126 0.0114 0.0219 0.0027.3 0.0248 0.0258 0.0227 0.00431 0.00194 0.128

10-20 0.00290 0.00244- 0.0145 0.0102 0.00026 0.00001 0.030420-30 0.00452 _ 0.00032 0.00484

~ 30-40 0.00024 0.00024~Q).0(Q





lotal 0.0187 0.0132 0.0.326 0.00460 0.0495 0.0424 0.0291 0.00784 0.00293 0.201o mIWTotal

0.0155 0.0114 0.0244- 0.00273 0.0440 0.0364 0.0229 0.00433 0.00195 0.164to JILIllI

*SUbdivision B-2: Port Orchard area Note: MHW - Mean high waterMLLW - Il,{ean lower low waterFor numerical value of MHW-MLlJV

see Table 5-B.

SEATTLE 5, WASHINGTON - University of Washington - [PDF Document] (37)


Vol~e ~ven incubic nautical miles


(Part .3 of 3) See Figure 2for location map


Subdivision* B-3 B-4 B-S 13-6

Sub- Total CumulativeUnit-Area 29 30 Total 15 13 14 Div. B Total Div. B

MHW-MLLVI 0.00748 0.00076 0.00824 0.0216 0.0160 0.00652 0.383 12.1

~MLLW-IO 0.0.355 0.00101 0.0365 0.107 0.0785 0.0177 1.87 11.S

10-20 0.0279 0.0279 0.0918 0.068.3 0.00.376 1.57 9.8920-30 0.0238 0.0238 0.0728 0.0623 0.00100 1.38 8.33

~ 30-40 0.0190 0.0190 0.0515 0.0564 1.25 6.95r-I 40-50 O.OllO 0.0110 0.0341 0.0500 1.13 5.70Q)

.0 50-60 0.00656 0.00656 0.0173 O.Ow. 1.03 4.57(I)

f:ij..70 0.00344 0.00344 0.00208 0.0378 0.925 3.54§.t:: 70-80 0.00160 0.00160 0.0304 0.832 2.61~ 80.-90 0.000)2 0.00032 0.0198 0.735 1.78t+-t 90-100 0.00360 0.550 1.04.~ loo-no 0.302 0.493

r: 110-120 0.128 0.191120-130 0.0472 0.0629

~ 130-140 0.013.3 0.0157140-150 0.00240 0.00240

Total to MHW 0.136 0.00177 0.1)8 0.398 0.467 0.0290 12.1

Total to MLLW 0.129 0.00101 0.130 0.376 0.451 0.0225 n.s*Subdivision B-3: Elliott Bay

:8-4: Colvos Passage:8-5: Commencement Bay&-6: Quartermaster Harbor

Note: MHW - Mean high waterMLLW - Mean lower low waterFor numerical value of :MHVl-MLLW

see Table 5-B.

SEATTLE 5, WASHINGTON - University of Washington - [PDF Document] (38)

Volume given incubic nautical miles


(Part 1 of 2) See Figure 2for location map

Subdivision* 0-1 C-2 C...3

Unit-Area g 10 11Sub-

9 5 7Sub-

Total Total

MHVI-MLLW 0.0770 0.00220 0.00624 0.0854 0.0584 0.00374 0.0498 0.0535

~MLDV-1O 0.293 0.00930 0.028.3 0.331 0.208 0.0048,3 0.172 0.177

10-20 0.229 0.00644 0.0196 0.255 0.156 0.104 0.104. 20-30 0.168 0.00194 0.0107 0.181 0.121 0.0362 0.0362

;1; 30-40 0.111 0.00204 0.113 0.0832 0.00976 0.009760

;MJ 40-50 0.0736 0.0736 0.0518 0.00320 0.00320cD

.Q 50-60 0.0560 0.0560 0.0285

a 60-70 0.0409 0.0409 0.013370-80 0.0266 0.0266 0.00576

i 80-90 0.0155 0.0155 0.00160(a.t 90-100 0.00416 0.OO~6


Total to MHW 1.09 0.0199 0.0670 1,18 0.728 0.00857 0.375 0.384

Total to MLLW 1.02 0.0177 0.0607 1.10 0.669 0.00483 0.325 0.330

~~bdivision 0-1: The Narrows and Nisqually ReachC-2: Carr InletC-:3 : ,Case Inlet

Note: MHW - lA:eaJ.l high VlaterMLLW - Mean lower low waterFor numerical value of MHW-MLLW

see Table 5-0.

SEATTLE 5, WASHINGTON - University of Washington - [PDF Document] (39)


See Figure 2for location map


(Part 2 of 2)

Subdivision* C..4

Unit-Area 1 2 :3 4 6 Sub- Total CumulativeTotal Div. C Total Div. C

JARVI-MIL'"' 0.00934 0.0142 0.0139 0.00686 0.0234 0.0678 0.265 2.49

~MLLVI-IO 0.0154 0.0182 0.0251 0 ..00474 0.0534 0.117 0.833 2.23

10-20 0.00032 0.00112 0.00064 0.0101 0.0122 0.527 1.3920-30 0.00048 0.00048 0.338 0.865

~ 30-40 0.206 0.527~ 40-50 0.129 0.321G)

,0 50-60 0.0845 0.192co 60--70 0.0542 0.108a 70-80 0.0323 0.0536:S 80-90 0.0171 0.0213as

fH 90-100 0.00416 0.00416.~


TotaJ. to :MIDV 0.0251 0.0336 0.0396 O.01l6 0.0874 0.196 2.49

Total to MLLVi 0.0158 0.0194 0.0257 0.00474 Oe0640 0.129 2.23

Volume given incubic nautical miles


*Subdivision 0-4: Various small inlets Note: MHW - Iljean high vaterMLLW - Mean lower low YTaterFor numerical value or umf-MLLW

see Table 5-0.

SEATTLE 5, WASHINGTON - University of Washington - [PDF Document] (40)

Volume given incubic nautical miles



(Part 1 of 2) See Figure 2for location map


Subdivision* D-l

Unit-Area 50 51 Sub-Total

~MHW-MLLW 0.0261 0.0245 0.05061,:tLLVf...;lO 0.130 0.134 0.264

10-20 0.0936 0.112 0.206

~20-30 0.0712 0.0754 0.14730-40 0.0491 0.0392 0.0083

CD 40-50 0.0267 0.0194 0.0461~

~50-60 0.00896 0.00592 0.014960-70 0.00160 0.00112 0.00272.s:::

~ 70-80 0.00016 0.00016ft-I



Total to MHW 0.407 0.412 0.819

Total to MLLJl 0.381 0.387 0.769

*Subdivi sion D-1: Entrance Note: MHW - Ifean high l'laterMLLW - Mean lower low viaterFor numerical value of MHW-MLLW

see Table 5-D.

SEATTLE 5, WASHINGTON - University of Washington - [PDF Document] (41)

Volwne given incubic nautical miles

TABI.E---~D ~-----


for location map



SUbdivision* D-2 '.

56Sub- Total Cwuulative

Unit-Area 52 53 54 55 57 Total Div. D Total Div. D

MHW-MLLW 0.0304 0.0406 0.0142 0.0185 0.0130 0.0118 0.128 0.179 3.92

~MLLW-10 0.157 0.203 0.0698 0.092.3 0.05.34 0.0.379 0.613 0.877 3.75

10-20 0.137 0.184 0.0628 0.0843 0.0368 0.00616 0.511 0.717 2.S720-30 0.123 0.165 0.0556 0.0758 0.0175 0.00064 0.4,38 0.584 2.15

~ 30-40 0.109 0.151 0.0506 0.0681 0.00704 0•.386 0.474 1.57r-I 40-50 0.0946 0.131 0.0443 0.0571 0.002,32 0•.329 0.376 1.09Q) 50-60 0.0816 0.10; 0.0388 0.0450 0.270 0.285 0.717..c(1) 60-70 0.0674 0.0744 0.0.320 0.0273 0.201 0.204 0.4.32a 70-80 0.0504 0.0440 0.0246 0.0130 0.1.32 0.1,32 0.228.8~ 80-90 0.0339 0.0232 0.0134 0.00392 0.0744 0.0744 0.0962'+-f 90-100 0.0162 0.00480 0.00040 0.0214 0.0214 0.0218s:: 100-102 0.00048 0.00048 0.00048 0.00048-rt



Total to MHW 0.900 1.13 0.406 0.485 0.130 0.0565 3.10 3.92

Total to MLLW 0.870 1.09 0.392 0.467 Oc1l7 I 0.0447 2.98 .3.75I

*Subdivision D-2: Hood Canal (main body) Note: HHW - Mean high waterMLLW - Mean lower low waterFor numerical value of MHW-MLLW

see Table s-n.

SEATTLE 5, WASHINGTON - University of Washington - [PDF Document] (42)


Volume gi.ven incubic nautical miles



(Part 1 of 2)


See Figure 2'" for location map





35 36 38 39 40 41Sub-

Unit-Area Total

MHW-MLL\V 0.0384 0.0373 0.0272 0.0122 0.0L,J.4 0.0266 0.183

.~MLLW-IO 0.193 0.139 0.135 0.0556 0.209 0.0966 0.828

10-20 0.178 0.120 0.121 0.0402 0.185 0.0203 0.665~

20-30 0.166 C.110 0.109 0.0178 0.140 0.5430 30-40 0.157 0.0982 0.0986 0.00l.44 0.0918 0.447.-fQ) 40-50 0.145 0.0826 0.0869 0.0502 0.365..0

§50-60 0.131 0.0584 0.0643 0.00720 0.26160-70 0.114 0.0288 0.0301 0.00032 0.17.3

..c: 70-80 0.0941 0.0147 0.0106 0.119~ 80-90 0.0667 0.00560 0.00368 0.0760t,..c

.~90-100 0.0280 0.00032 0.0283

100...110 0.00800 0.00800

~ 110-120 0.00272 0.00272


Total to MHW 1.32 0.694 0.686 0.127 0.725 0.144 3.70

Total to MLLW 1.28 0.657 0.659 0.115 0.684 0.117 3.51-

*SUbdivision E-l: Possession S~d and Saratoga Passage Note: lv1HW - Mean high waterMLLW - Mean lower low waterFor numerical value of MHW-MLLW

see Table 5-E.

SEATTLE 5, WASHINGTON - University of Washington - [PDF Document] (43)

Volume given incubic nautical miles

-- 'ietl


(Part 2 of 2) See Figure 2for location map


Subdivision* E-2 E-3

37 42- 43Sub- Total Cumulative


Unit-Area Total Div. E Total Div.E Total

MHW-MLLW 0.0475 0.0344 0.0221 0.0565 0.287 4.58 1.27 26.5

~MLLW-IO 0.159 0.0474 0.0401 O.08SO 1.07 4.29 5.62 25.3

10-20 0.127 0.Oll7 0.00704 0.0187 0.811 3.21 4.36 19.620-30 0.113 0.00176 0.00064 0.00240 0.659 2.40 3.54 15•.3

5 .30-40 0.0998 0.00128 0.00128 0.548 1.75 2.89 li.7r-I 40-50 0.0843 0.449 1.20 2.35 8.85.8 50-60 0.0619 0.323 0.747 1.88 6.50

~60-70 0.0173 0.190 0.425 1.45 4.62

0 70-80 0.11.9 0.234 1.14 3.17.d 80-90 0.0760 0.115 0.915 2.03~Cf-t 90-100 0.0283 0.0.390 0.609 l.ll

.~ 100-110 0.00800 0.0107 0.312 0.506llQ-120 0.00272 0.00272 0.131 0.194

~ 120-130 0.0472 0.0629

f!l 130-140 0.013.3 0.0157140-150 0.00240 0.00240

Total to MHW 0.710 0.0965 0.0704 0.167 4.58 26.5

Total to MLtW 0.663 0.0621 0.0483 O.llO 4.29 25.3:

~<SUbdivision E-2: Port SusanE-3: Skagit Bq

Note: MHW - l:Iean high waterMLIW - l\{ean lower low waterFor rmmerical value of MHW-MLLW

see Table 5-E.

SEATTLE 5, WASHINGTON - University of Washington - [PDF Document] (44)

Department of OceanographyUniversity of Washington

Technical Report Distribution List

2 Geophysics Branch, (Code 416) 1 Chief of Naval Research 1 Director, Chesapeake Bay InstituteOffice of Naval Research Navy Department Box 4264, RFD #2Washington 25, D.C. Washington 25, D.C. Annapolis, Maryland

Attention: (Code 466)

- 6 Director, Naval Research Laboratory 1 Director, Narragansett MarineAttention: Technical Information 8 U.s. Navy Hydrographic Office Laboratory

Officer Washington 25, D.C. Kingston, R. I.Washington 25, D.C. Attention: Division of Oceanography

1 Head, Department of Oceanography2 Officer-in-Charge 2 Director, U.S. Navy Electronics University of Washington

Office of Naval Research Laboratory Seattle, WashingtonLondon Branch Office San Diego 52, CaliforniaNavy #100, Fleet Post Office Attention: (Codes 550, 552) 1 Bingham Oceanographic FoundationNew York, New York Yale University

1 Chief, Bureau of Yards and Docks New Haven, Connecticut1 Office of Naval Research Branch Navy Department

Office Washington 25, D.C. 1 Department of Conservation346 Broadway Cornell UniversityNew York l3~ New York 1 Commanding General, Research and Ithaca, New York

Development Division Attention: Dr. J. Ayers1. Office of Naval Research Branch Department of the Army

Office I 1 Director, Lamont GeologicalTenth Floor, The John Crerar Library

Washington 25, D.C. ObservatoryBuilding

1 Commanding Officer,Torrey Cliff

86 East Randolph Street Cambridge Field Palisades, New YorkChicago, Illinois Station

230 Albany Street 2 Director, U.S. Fish & Wildlife1 Office of Naval Research Branch Cambridge 39, Massachusetts Service

Office Attention: CRHSL Department of the Interior1030 East Green Street Washington 25, D.C.Pasadena 1,: California 1 National Research Council Attention: Dr. L. A. Walford

2101 Constitution AvenueI Office of Naval Research Branch Washington 25, D.C. 1 U.S. Army Beach Erosion Board

1! Office Attention: Committee on Undersea 5201 Little Falls Road N. W.1000 Geary Street Warfare Washington 16, D.C.San Francisco, California

'\)1 Project Arowa 1 Allen Hanco*ck Foundation

1 Office of Technical Services U.S. Naval Air Station University of Southern CaliforniaDepartment of Commerce Building R-48 Los Angeles 7, California, Washington 25, D.C. Norfolk, Virginia

1 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service5 Armed Services Technical Information 1 Department of Aerology Fort Crockett

Center U.S. Naval Post Graduate School Galveston, Texas\ Documents Service Center Monterey, California

Knott Building 1 U.S. Fish & Wildlife ServiceDayton 2, Ohio 1 Chief of Naval Operations 450 B Jordan Hall

Navy Department Stanford University1 Assistant Secretary of Defense for Washington 25, D.C. Stanford, Cali£ornia

Research.& Development Attention: Op-533DAttention: I Committee on Geophysics 2 Director, Scripps Institution of

and Geography 1 Commandant (OAO), U. S. Coast Guard OceanographyPentagon Building Washington 25, D.C. La Jolla, CaliforniaWashington 25, D.C.

1 Director, Hawaii Marine Laboratory1 Office of Naval Research Resident 1 Director, U.S. Coast & Geodetic University of Hawaii

Representative Survey Honolulu, T. H. . ..University of Washington Department· of Commerce

Seattle 5,'Washington Washington 25, D.C. 1 Director, Marine Laboratory

1 Department of EngineeringUniversity of Miami

2 Assistant Naval Attache for Research Coral Gables, FloridaAmerican Embassy University of california

Navy #100, Fleet Post Office Berkeley, California 1 Head, Department of OceanographyNew York, ~ew York Texas A & MCollege

!1 The Oceanographic Institute College Station, Texas co ... <

2 Chief, Bureau of Ships Florida State University c c(:&

Navy Depar:tment Tallahassee, Florida 1 Head, Department of Oceanography ~ ~

Washington 25, D.C. Brown University 0:t \k, Attention: (Code 847) 1 U.S. Fish &Wildlife Service Providence, Rhode Island ~ Q ~

P.O. Box 3830 <u. z uI Counnander, : Naval Ordnance Laboratory Honolulu, T. H. 1 Department of ZOology ...

White Oak Rutgers University ~...J

~S11ver Spring 19, Maryland 1 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service New Brunswick, New Jersey ..,I 0


Woods Hole, Massachusetts Attention: Dr. H. K. HaSk1ns~ =..,I Q1 Commanding General, Research and '" ~

Development Division 2 Director, Woods Hole Oceanographic 1 Dr. Willard J. Pierson ~Q"

Departmen~ of the Air Force Institution New York University :;:ZCt. Z

Washington 25, D.C. Woods Hole, Massachusetts New York, New York ~ =I.IJ <.-' t- rJ)


SEATTLE 5, WASHINGTON - University of Washington - [PDF Document] (2024)


How much do 5 credits cost at UW? ›

6 credits$6,135$10,621
5 credits$5,150$8,888
4 credits$4,165$7,155
3 credits$3,180$5,422
2 more rows

What GPA is required for the University of Washington? ›

GPA is an essential factor for admission to the University of Washington. Students require a 3.75 and above the University Of Washington GPA to be admitted to the university. Top-rated schools like the University of Washington receive numerous applications every year.

How many quarters in a year does the UW have? ›

There are three quarters in the academic year (autumn, winter, and spring), plus summer quarter if you wish to attend then as well.

How much is UW Seattle tuition 2024? ›

Note: the state's allowable resident undergraduate tuition increase (under RCW 28B. 15.067) for the upcoming 2024-25 academic year will be 3.0%. Assuming approval by the Board of Regents in June, the resident undergraduate tuition rate will be $11,869.

What does 5 credits mean? ›

Oftentimes, in the U.S., colleges will count credits as the number of hours spent in class. For example, a 3-credit class may mean 3 hours of class or lecture time, and a 5-credit course may equal one hour of class each day of the week for 5 total hours.

Which UW school is cheapest? ›

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is proud to offer the most affordable tuition among all schools in the UW System — and a list of amenities that will save you significantly on textbooks, transportation and more.

Is UW Seattle hard to get into? ›

For every 100 applicants, 48 are admitted. This means the school is moderately selective. The school expects you to meet their requirements for GPA and SAT/ACT scores, but they're more flexible than other schools. If you exceed their requirements, you have an excellent chance of getting in.

Is 3.8 UW GPA bad? ›

A 3.8 GPA is considered to be a very good GPA and is often an indicator of strong academic performance.

What is the lowest passing GPA for UW? ›

Undergraduate Grading Scale
Letter GradeNumber Grade
C-1.8 – 1.5
D+1.4 – 1.2
D1.1 – 0.9
D-0.8 – 0.7 (lowest passing grade)
7 more rows

What is the 105 credit rule at University of Washington? ›

Undergraduates must declare a major by the time they have completed five (5) academic-year quarters and earned 105 credits or a hold will be placed on their registration until they either declare a major or meet with an adviser and receive a pre-major extension.

How many AP classes should I take for the University of Washington? ›

Students applying to top-tier schools like UW have commonly completed between five and 12 AP classes. Selective schools that receive large numbers of applications, like UW, use a tool known as the Academic Index to facilitate admissions decisions.

Can you retake a class at UW? ›

Repeating Courses

With the approval of the academic department offering the course, an undergraduate may repeat a course once. Both the original grade and the second grade are computed in the GPA but credit is allowed only once.

Does UW require freshmen to live on campus? ›

Housing & dining

You're not required to live on campus, but most freshmen do. So what's it really like?

Does the University of Washington give full ride scholarships? ›

We believe that finances should not be a barrier for talented students to earn a UW degree at any of our three campuses — Bothell, Seattle and Tacoma. With the Husky Promise, the UW guarantees to cover the full cost of tuition and standard fees for qualified students who otherwise could not afford to attend.

What is the most expensive college? ›

Overall, the most expensive college in the U.S. is Kenyon College, a private liberal arts college in Ohio.

How much is 1 credit at UW Madison? ›

Being a Badger from anywhere is easy. Tuition is $500 per credit hour. For UW–Madison Online, the tuition rate is the same for all students regardless of whether you are a resident of Wisconsin.

What is the minimum credit for UW? ›

To be granted an undergraduate degree, a student must complete at least 45 UW credits as a matriculated student.

How many credits is a quarter at UW? ›

Typical course loads. A typical class load for each quarter is 15 credits. If you complete 15 credits each quarter, and complete three quarters each year (autumn, winter, and spring), in four years you will have 180 credits, the number usually required for graduation.

How is tuition calculated in the UW? ›

Rates. Tuition rates are maintained by the Office of Planning & Budgeting and are based on your grade classification, residency status, tuition graduate tier and the total number of credit hours for which you are registered. This includes classes that you audit.


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