Ms. Wonderland - ManuArtes554 - Virtual Streamer Animated Characters [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


2:04 PM

Tempus HQ - Main Building - Outer court.

The outside of Tempus HQ was standing in Elysium in the midst of green grass and stable land to the clear skies. The massive brown castle-like walls of the building were decorated with various banners and as it was mainly a large campus with several buildings. However the banners were decorated a bit differently as they had red with pink hearts and pictures of chocolates. It was Valentine's day with several visitors from Hololive paying a visit for the festivities.

The only real out of place thing about the HQ was something that was standing menacingly tall. A titan sized red and black mech known as the R-TRUS stood in the far right of the outer courtyard, however the mech looked different as it was more of a strange building construct with the shoulders of the R-TRUS making up the sides of the building. On top of the titanic mech is a man with a clipboard in hand as he was writing down something.

He had red hair with some black on the under fringes. A pair of black glasses adorned his face as his orange eyes focused on what he was writing. He was wearing a white jacket with a red and white patterned undershirt with a studded collar around his neck. He was wearing pants that went down to his ankles with black combat boots, all with a long cord-like tail with a cable-like end swishing excitedly. Machina X Flayon, the pilot of Tempus Vanguard was finishing writing up results for the R-TRUS's new rest mode. “Seems that the new and improved rest mode was successful. I don't have to attach myself to the R-TRUS for it to have a backup supply of power for a little while and it's less of an inconvenience for passersby and visitors in the courtyard.” He muttered to himself, unaware of the woman who flew up and landed on the platform.

The woman had bright magenta hair with red locks that was cut short and tied into a short side ponytail on the right. She was wearing glasses with a magenta-colored frame with black holes on one side and white on the other. Her eyes were heterochromatic with pink in the left eye and blue in the other; her pupils having four pointed stars in each. The most striking characteristics about her were the small black horns protruding from the sides of her head and her slightly pointed ears, akin to an elf and the halo above her head made up of mysterious black material that formed it.

On her neck was a choker that had a red studded gem in the center and a golden necklace. A white strapped dress with a ruffled collar and black bow that went down to her thighs with the edge of the dress having small holes that are triangular cut. She was wearing a hooded cardigan with holes for her horns to poke out from. Prismatic crystal wings came from her back, the left white with pink and the right having black with pink. Tights covered her slender legs with a pair of brown boots.

The girl carefully snuck up from behind him with a heart shaped container behind her back. “The R-TRUS sure looks different today huh?” IRyS, the manifestation of Hope asked before licking his left ear as she was thinking about what she was going to do to him today. Flayon shivered as he realized who was behind him, turning toward the high-pitched seductive voice. “Ah, I-IRyS. I wasn't expecting you to fly all the way up here.” He stammered as she approached with light steps. “How else am I supposed to give you this?” She revealed the heart-shaped container with his name on it.

“Wait…this is for me? I dunno what to say, IRyS, thanks.” He accepted the present as she giggled at his reaction. “I made some for everyone but you get a full course of what I made. Be sure to enjoy it.” IRyS stepped back before falling backwards on the R-TRUS, with Flayon reaching out towards her. Wait a minute, she can fly. But isn't she also afraid of heights? He looked down with concern to see that a giant hand made of wood caught her as it was made by a woman in green with tree-branch antlers. Flayon sighed in relief as he looked back at the chocolates. “I should probably refrigerate these, but first let's see what they look like.” He opened the container to find an array of 12 chocolates of differing varieties, along with a small note:

Dear Flayon,

Happy Valentine's day.

I managed to make some of these with fillings that you enjoyed. Though I wonder if you could find the surprise I hid. Teehee.



Flayon was intrigued as he took one of the white chocolates and bit into it, surprised by the Irish Creme filling. He cooed from how sweet it was, suddenly reminded that he had chocolates for IRyS too in his fridge. He pressed a button on his wrist watch and a fridge came out of the R-Trus via the platform he was standing on. Flayon opens the fridge to grab a black and red rectangular container with a red heart in the center with his face on it. Well now I need to find her again so I can give her this. Hope she likes the chocolates and the decorations. Flayon decides to conclude the testing of the R-TRUS rest mode, and uses one of the panels in the mech to fly down to the ground to catch up with IRyS.

Meanwhile, the aforementioned robot was awake during the exchange and began to speak. “Hmm. From what I scanned within that container IRyS gave him, She wants to copulate with him again. Well at least it won't be inside my co*ckpit like they almost did on my creator’s birthday.” The robot recalled when somehow IRyS surprised Flayon by appearing in the co*ckpit to give him a ‘special birthday surprise’. However the AI detected her and ejected the two out before they could get busy. It sighed before resting, somehow enjoying the stationary casing that uses alternative forms of powering like solar energy that made up the building construct form it has.


2:35 PM

Tempus Main Building - Altare's Office.

A brown and orange built office made from fortified brick and stone. On the left and right sides, were bookshelves filled with books and documents of the guild. A brown desk that would usually be filled with documents with reports of the guild's exploits, their finances, approvals and rejections of renovations and offers, but it was currently empty for this one day. A large Pikachu plushie was sitting on the shelf behind the chair. A man with short parted blue hair and green eyes gazes outside his window to see people enjoying the festivities. Wearing a lighter version of his usual silvery-blue hoodie where it was sleeveless showing off some muscle he has. Black long Pants that went down to his calves with blue rings on the bottom of the pant sleeves with silver-blue sneakers.

Regis Altare, the Hero of Elysium and Guild leader of Tempus, sat at his desk quietly looking out the window to see the various visitors and his guild mates getting along during the Valentine's day event he held. It was primarily just a chocolate cook-off with taste testing, a Poetry contest, and overall a free-for-all karaoke session. Even some of their Holostars senpai’s Aragami Oga, Aster Leda, Yukoku Roberu, and others came for the festivities.

Altare was grateful that they put this project to life, and happy to see that their hard work paid off. This was one of the few times that Altare wasn't swamped with documents to sign off on. He was enjoying his peace in his office, not a soul bothering him about the current state of the guild, just complete silence. It was liberating.

Though there was currently another issue he had. Currently his desk had various chocolates stacked in a tower that almost covered the space where the paperwork would be. They were delivered by Kanaeru Kobo, his ‘adopted’ younger sister. The smaller rain shaman delivered them from other Hololive members to him simply because they couldn't make it to the festivities. In addition, plenty of chocolates were delivered from the various cities from across Elysium that were in a carriage outside in the courtyard. The reality is that he was unaware of how he attracted the gazes of many of the girls and guys from Elyisum, and somehow even his senpais. The hero was worried that he couldn't eat them all or trying to find a way to store them all.

“Well this is enough chocolate to last me a year, I guess.” He sweated as may have to put most of the exuberant amount in his secret lair under the guild hall; there was enough room and it was cold enough to where it could refrigerate them. A knock on his door was heard. “One moment!” Altare quickly stores all of the chocolates he received in his desk drawers before sitting down at his desk and pulling out some papers to pretend he was doing work. “You may enter now.” The door opened to reveal a familiar face to Altare.

A tall woman with short white hair with a hairclip in the shape of peafowl feathers on the right side. Wearing rimless square glasses, her beautiful blue eyes scanned the room before spotting the Pikachu plushie. On her right ear was a small black hoop earring while her left ear had a slightly bigger one. A black blouse with a small black collar that is see through with a fan-shaped pattern and with golden buttons, her F-G cup breasts filling the blouse nicely. The blouse reaches down to the woman’s midriff where her bellybutton was visible. A yellow shaw decorated with peafowl patterns hugged her arms with her nails painted light green and there was a beige bag on her shoulder. White capri-pants clung to her lovely waist and legs going down to her lower calves with her black open toed sandals.

Reine Pavolia of HoloID Gen 2, the Lady of the Peafowl. She was beautiful, with an air of elegance, but to those who got to know her she is more gentle, down-to-earth with people. Oftentimes more of her dorky and mischievous sides came out when it came to her hobbies. Altare wondered why Reine would visit him instead of fully enjoying the festivities. Hearing the door close, Altare was snapped out of his thoughts as he cleared his throat. “Lady Pavolia, what brings you to my office?” Trying to gather his confidence when he was trying his hardest not to eat the chocolates in his drawer. Reine sat down in the chair before Altare's desk, a light hum escaping her as she relaxed her arms.

“I appreciate the courtesy, but Reine is just fine, Altare. After all, I'm not necessarily royalty in this world.” Humbly chuckling as she takes in how he has a sweat on his brow. The two have talked occasionally whenever things revolve around Pokémon before with Altare in particular being a big fan.

“Well as the Hero of Elysium, I do have to retain some level of professionalism. I can't really help it, you just have the aura of a ruler with how elegant and beautiful you are, yet an air of kindness and reason always follows.” He winked before Reine merely waved her hand before giggling. “Aren't you quite the charmer? I'm nothing that special.” In truth, Reine in particular has been keeping her eye on Altare and Guild Tempus for a while. Primarily because she had a few new people outside of the girls to talk to, yet Altare in particular caught her heavy interest. It's not often she'd come across a man like him, so pure, relaxed, childish at heart and clumsy. Yet that strong leadership and sweet voice were what drew her to him initially. “I came just to check up on you.” Reine recalled last year when Tempus held a banquet/meet-and-greet for all the other branches to get to know them.


One year ago

Moona Hoshinova and Zeta Vestia were also picked as lead ambassadors for HoloID at the time. When they arrived in Northern Elysium to find Tempus HQ, they were unfamiliar with the utopic lands and the forest trees surrounding them and got lost. They followed the path they were walking for almost an hour before a rogue serpent Corruption beast ambushed them. The glitched out creature with a green and purple scale pattern roared akin to a short-circuiting device. Reine tried to use her magic with Zeta providing cover-fire with her pistol against it but with minor damage against it only to agitate the creature. Moona was tempted to tap into her moon goddess form but could only manifest her ax for a few minutes due to being tired and unfamiliar with Elysium's moon, delaying the beast.

When the situation seemed grim, a mysterious tune came from a flute pausing the fight as everyone looked for the source of the sound. The serpent-beast was blasted by a blue light energy orb, its screeching in a painful sound akin to a scratched chalkboard yet sounded like a TV static, causing the girls to cover their ears. The noise was soon silenced as the beast was beheaded by a cloaked figure wielding a blade surging with azure energy akin to pure lightning, the hilt of the blade being shaped like a gun. During the attack, Reine saw a glimpse of glowing dark green eyes under the hood, verdant like the grass they stood on yet hid a darkness within the trail they left.

The man flourished his strange blade, before it dematerialized in blue light, causing the beast's body to be cut in 8 sections before falling to the ground. The man who saved them wore black and green cloak with a hood obscuring his face. Reine was ready to launch her wind magic in case the hooded figure was about to rob them, but instead the figure threw them a map and spoke. “The guild awaits you ladies, tread carefully.” Reine blushed at the surprisingly feathery voice of the man as her heartbeat accelerated rapidly. Perhaps it was adrenaline from their conflict with the now dead beast or was it embarrassment, she wanted to deny it. Tired from the fight, Moona came up to the cloaked man with her eyes in wonder; they glowed to try and discern his identity. However even with her borrowed divine abilities from Hoshinova she couldn't see his face under the hood.

“We are grateful for your assistance.” Moona amusedly smiled as she tried to catch her breath. Zeta followed behind, putting her pistol away.

“That weapon of yours. Was that a gun or a sword? And where did it go?” The figure nodded as he chuckled, putting a gloved hand to make the sign that his lips were sealed, making the moon scion put a hand to her chin in interest and the agent pout. “Follow the posts of blue and orange, they will have the Tempus Insignia on them, akin to this.” The figure soon gave them a paper with the Tempus Guild Emblem before he jumped into the air into the trees and disappeared. At the time, Reine didn't know who he was or just an attractive sounding man who also helped her and her friends make it to Tempus HQ.


Tempus HQ - Lobby

Later during that day, she spoke with some of the other members of guild Tempus. She got to talk with Axel Syrios briefly before Zeta approached him and the two stared at each other before arguing, with Reine convinced that Zeta met her match. Magni was more calm and casual than she ever thought, his knowledge and humor made him a delight to talk to.

While in the midst of talking with the alchemist, one of his spare arms waved at someone behind her. Reine was wondering who he was waving at, turning around slowly before seeing a man at the far east end of the lobby. Reine took in his features from afar, it was as if time stopped for her as her eyes scanned his figure and face; blue paired hair that seemed deceptively soft from a glance. His green eyes in particular remind her of the gems back in her own world as well as emeralds that shone with purity. A long-sleeved silvery-blue hoodie with black shoulderguards was worn with a white belt around it. Black pants with a feather-like decoration around the waist hugged his frame. Gray high socks were worn with his silver sneakers decorated in blue undersoles. Wait a minute, he's surprisingly cute. Hmm, seems like he's pretty average in build. Does he work here? The blue haired man's eyes flashed with recollection as he soon gave a warm smile and wink before walking away cheerily. Oh? A long distance flirt is he? Reine turned back with a smile, not realizing what she was doing as her lips were suddenly moist. She continued her talk with Magni about memes as the hours passed by.


Tempus HQ - Dining Hall.

The banquet itself was in full swing with the tables set with and decorated with dishes as all the attendants including all the ambassadors from each of Hololive’s branches. Reine sat at a table closest to the podium where most of the meat was. Moona sat next to her trying to control her immense appetite from devouring the wings on her plate. All the while Zeta was on Reine’s right side was reluctantly eating her vegetables as she was staring daggers at Axel with slicked back blonde hair with red streaks; his eyes blue and tired sitting way farther from her, almost dozing off while eating spaghetti.

I've never seen Zeta this hostile to anyone before. Maybe I should ignore it. She glanced around to see Machina X Flayon sitting across from IRyS; the nephilim girl’s smile beaming as she took in the sights while eating her pudding. Reine takes note of the Redhead pilot being partially flushed as he poked at his food. Is he going to be okay? She asked herself before the lights dimmed and a man with white hair with blue and pink highlights in a black suit appeared under a spotlight wearing a blue tophat with a sleeping purple creature on top. A jester? Or an announcer? He cleared his throat before the hall went silent.

“Hello everybody! The name is Gavis Bettel, Elysium’s greatest jester and Entertainer.” He spoke excitedly as raised his hand to greet the audience. “So, how's the food prepared by the master class chefs here in the Tempus Guild hall? We have something for everybody, please take your time and don't choke on the food or sleep in it. Looking at you, Axel.” Whispering the last part into the mic as the blonde man from before woke up pissed with Zeta next to Reine chuckling, along with several others laughing. Axel stealthily threw an eaten chicken bone at the jester hitting him square in the nose and reeled back. Much to everyone's surprise, he leaned back up with a strange mask that looked like a silly ghost, with the entire hall in uproar over the gag. “Haha, good throw buddy, how bout another shot while you are at it?” Axel fumes as he turns his head away from the jester as he tossed his mask away.

“Anyways, so I would like to thank all of you for being present here for the meet and greet. We appreciate Yagoo giving us the opportunity to join you as HolostarsEN. But I would rather not take all the talking from the head honcho.” Everyone in the room calmed down as the jester threw his hat into the air before putting on square rimmed glasses and slicked his hair back, all while the hat landed back on his head. “Ahem, now then for the purpose of today's gathering of establishing trust and agreement between all branches. Be it for streaming, guildwork or unity against threats between our Worlds…” Reine was shocked by the drastic switch from loud and nervous entertainer to calm orator. “I would like to ask our Guild Leader and Founder of Tempus. The first man to discover this world Elysium, and the pathways and civilizations as its hero…Regis Altare.” Bettel left the room in a puff of purple smoke only for some people to hear an audible thud from somewhere before lightly giggling.

Footsteps were heard as a familiar face stepped up to the podium, with Reine's eyes widening as she recognized the blue haired man taking the mic. Wait…Waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait. There is no way that's their leader? Reine looked around to see everyone clapping for him, with a few of her friends fawning over his looks. The leader of the Tempus Guild gave everyone a warm smile before beginning to speak. “Good evening to all of you. Thank you all for coming to our banquet and meeting. We apologize for any inconveniences that may have occurred for some of you on your journey here. The world of Elysium has been undergoing a crisis that we Tempus are trying to control. For now…” Reine knew the familiar voice from the cloaked figure from before. Was it really him? And he was the hero of Elysium?

As he continued, a few whispers amongst the girls sitting with Reine began. “Not going to lie, he's kinda hot.” Reine looked at Zeta with a brow raised before Moona chimed in. “He’s calm and cool, with a sweet silky voice yet something feels a little off.” Reine in disbelief in that somewhat attractive boy being Tempus’s leader. “Today we are gathered here to celebrate Tempus being a full part of Hololive and the collaboration between the fellow guilds and organizations. I ask as a humble leader to let this newfound friendship and partnership be fruitful and fulfilling to us all. Yet more importantly…that we all have fun getting along. Thank you for this opportunity to meet with all of you.” He cheerily finished with a wink, with most of the girls attending silently squeeing. Reine was somewhat skeptical about this yet she felt no ill intent with his words.

“He went from being just a pretty handsome face to a man I want to milk dry…for information anyways.” Both Moona and Reine had to stare at the questionable agent whose face was red with a half drooling smile, the teeth in her mouth becoming more feline as they shone. Currently in her head was a scenario with Altare taking her out to dinner and then heading back to a hotel for a special kind of fun. Moona's eyes glowed briefly before she spoke.

“Heel girlie, he's attractive yet you've only known him for less than a day.” Zeta finished a drumstick before lapping at the leftover meat. “Well today is where I can get to know him. Besides, he's more well mannered than a certain brute I've met.” Moona then retorted with a smirk. “I don't know, Zet, that brute you mentioned might be closer to your type than you think.” Zeta scowled back at Moona but then noticed the blush on the white haired woman's face.

“Reine, are you doing okay?” The cat agent poked Reine’s cheek a couple times with an answer being given. “He's the guy in the cloak from earlier today.” She muttered with Zeta gasping quietly and Moona being unsurprised. “So he’s the one who saved us from that beast. That cloak must have the ability to completely protect his identity or in that case presence. Elysium is definitely mysterious. That weapon of his, I think Ollie and Kaela would have fun seeing how it was made and how it fires.” Moona finished cleaning up a bone from meat, wiping her mouth while crossing her legs. “True, Kaela could learn a lot from Elysium weapon smithing. Kobo already called a couple of them her older brothers, which is cute. As far as Ollie goes…she might get distracted by how many wide chested men are present.” The peafowl maiden sensed a lot of lustful stares besides Zeta were locked unto Altare as he spoke.

After a brief pause, the leader of the Tempus guild raised a glass in the air before resuming.

“I once again wish for lasting work partnerships, newfound friendships, and collaborations between all of the different organizations from this world and the others present here today. A toast to all of us as Hololive and HoloStars!” The radiant smile and charisma had everyone in the dining hall clapping before toasting.

Altare stepped down from the podium with a blush on his face as he walked to his seat, his eyes meeting Reine’s, taking in her eyes of azure. It was as if time slowed down for the two at the moment. It was actually really hard to concentrate with those beautiful eyes of hers gazing on me. Believe it or not Altare was not the best public speaker as well as he is clumsy yet this was an occasion where he spoke without bundling things up. As for Reine, that moment she finally saw the intent behind Altare's gorgeous green eyes allowed her to see the wisdom and leadership he had, an unbound desire to break the status quo and reach new horizons. Good looks, wonderful voice, body is well maintained, a heart of desire for change. Yet there is a strange sense of purity from him. Soon time seemingly resumed as Altare sat at the table with the feast now in full swing.


Present Day.

In truth she just wanted to give him Valentine's day chocolate personally yet to also confess how she truly felt in their relationship. She considered him a good friend, who broke her wall of skepticism in regards to his Guild's intentions, a man who wishes to protect Elysium and life itself. Clearing her throat she turns towards the window outside, seeing her co-workers and friends enjoy the festivities with smiles on their faces.

“I have to say, Altare, you and the rest of the guild have outdone yourselves for this festival. Surely, you can spend this much for activities like this?” She didn't mean to start off like she did but it got her point across. “Lady Reine, we had some extra funds from our recent assignments and many adventurers have been stopping by more lately to fulfill those requests, even a couple from Hololive. Though we aren't slacking by any means. Like a typical service, we provide services in exchange for resources to sell.” Altare noted that Reine was leaning forward a bit, unintentionally making her bust more noticeable. Part of him was telling him to look while he could but out of courtesy and respect he kept his eyes away. Reine was impressed with his response, though she was paying attention to his body language more so. Despite appearances, he seemed tense about something; the sense of unease with his green eyes as well as his hands clasping each other tightly concerned her.

“Is everything okay, Altare? You seemed stressed about something.” She made eye contact with him as he smiled nervously. “It's nothing really, Just erm-” Gazing in her beautiful blue eyes that calmed him the longer he stared. “It's just…I'm glad everyone is able to enjoy the events we hold here at the guild hall. It's always enjoyable to see all of us being able to laugh, play, and perform together. I wish peaceful times would always last in this utopia.” Reine nodded in agreement, she also enjoyed the sense of unity among them all. Remembering what she came here to do she reached into her bag to retrieve what she had prepared. Altare took note of what she was getting before she pulled out a red heart-shaped container with a black heart in the center.

“Happy Valentine's Day, Altare!” She presented it to the blue haired man with a smile on her face. The hero blushed from the present, despite the chocolate he received from everyone else, he felt his heart beat faster because of Reine in particular. “Thank you, Reine, I wish I made some in return but my hands were tied in terms of paperwork and the festival. Sincerest apologies.” Reine waved her hand as a mischievous glint shone in her left eye, her hand hovering over her mouth as she giggled. “Always so honest, Altare. But I never wanted anything in return.” She could hardly hold herself back yet needed to put one more piece in place. She adjusts her glasses a bit before leaning forward with her elbows on the desk and her hands lightly entangling, giving him a seductive glare along with a fair view of her chest in her blouse, the large masses pressing against the desk. “After all, I made these for both of us to share.” Altare raised a brow, a look of skepticism on his face, catching onto the toothy, almost hungry grin on Reine’s face. Azure globes with her beauty seemingly trying to string him along. The guild leader calms his rapidly beating heart and the blood flowing to his cheeks before clearing his throat. Who was he to deny sharing chocolates with a friend, right?

“You'd like to share these with me? I'd love to.” Reine calmly opened the container to reveal 25 pieces of home cooked globes spread throughout the container. It almost seems like I got the message across, but let's see how pure he really is. She aimed to tease him like she does Kiara, however she wants to provoke more of his daring side if possible. She takes a piece from the upper right corner of the heart and holds it up, waving it as Altare quickly caught on with a flush.

“Wait a minute-”

“You seem tired today Altare, a hero needs his proper rest so let me feed you these~”

Altare swallowed as he was never the best with dealing with being intimate like this, yet he will admit he was a bit tired from planning and helping to set up everything. Unknown to him was that Reine locked the door but also used a little bit of her magic to suppress the noise within the room; after all her plan was going extremely smoothly and the last thing she needed was anyone stumbling upon what she was about to do. Especially some of the others who had their eyes on Altare.

“Say Aaah~”

Teasingly letting her voice drop a little lower as she leads the piece of chocolate in her hands to Altare's mouth. Altare opened his mouth to grasp it between his lips, before engulfing it and letting the sweet flavor of milk chocolate melt on his tongue. Eyes beaming with delight, he slowly chews, something akin to coconut filling dances on his tongue. After savoring and swallowing he replies. “That tasted really good.” Reine gave an innocent smile back to him as she was glad she enjoyed the taste. “I'm not the best cook, but I've wanted to learn how to bake sweets for a while. Some of them are bitter with a little sweet, Just a fair warning.” The innocence within her smile faded as she let her tongue lick her lips quickly without him noticing.

“My turn.” Altare couldn't help but wonder what was going on in Reine's head today. He knew she could be an occasional goofball when it came to teases, yet this time around it felt like she was trying to communicate a message to him that normal words couldn't express. She wants me to feed her chocolate…I don't think I should and yet. He looked back into those blue eyes that were scanning him for his next move. It's only fair if I return the favor. Picking a square piece that was closer to the center of the container, he carefully just held the piece to Reine. However she used a hand to lead him closer to her mouth, catching the hero off guard. Soft lips engulf the piece of chocolate before chewing it, letting Altare’s hand go as she lets a hum of delight. Raising an eyebrow at Altare with an enigmatic grin on her face.

The game has begun.


Tempus Guild - Hallway.

In the end of the hallway was IRyS at the window, staring down outside after enjoying the festivities. She had fun making poetry and during the free-for-all Karaoke, she got to hear some performances and duets from everyone. However, the nephilim woman was a bit frustrated because she expected Flayon to discover what she planned; the surprise she left in the chocolate container for him.

It was only an hour ago that her body started aching for sex again after so long, it had been almost 2 months since they last did it, with Flayon visiting HoloEarth to see her for Christmas. She recalled how priceless Flayon's face was when he saw her in a sexy Santa outfit (despite her distaste in Santa as a whole) in front of a cozy chimney fire, he was so red yet drooling. It was that Christmas eve night where IRyS learned…Flayon was surprisingly strong and can easily lift her for various activities, and a near unforgettable night was had despite her intent on wanting to be the one in control. Needless to say she was unable to walk straight for a few days, even to where the rest of HoloPromise noticed and all she could answer was: ‘A Christmas miracle happened but I fell down the stairs.’

Soon the sounds of footsteps were heard behind her as she turned to see Flayon approaching her with haste in his steps.

“IRyS!” He excitedly waved as he approached with IRyS turning immediately bashful. “Flay, so uhm what are you doing here? Heh.” She nervously laughed as she flipped her hair with a hand, with Flayon raising an eyebrow while he pulled out the black and red container he had for her. “I forgot to give you these earlier. I'm so sorry.” IRyS gasped with her hands covering her mouth before she accepted the container. Taking the lid off there were 13 brownies inside with frosting that was in the shape of her face.

“Awww, Flayon, you really shouldn't have gone that far just for me.” She kissed him on the cheek with a lipstick mark being left on his face. A magnificent smile was on the nephilim's face as Flayon beamed adjusting his glasses, with the glare covering his eyes. “It doesn't sit well for me to not treat you to something special. After all…” He walked over to her and wrapped his right arm around her shoulder pulling her close with a serious look on his face. “...I wanted to ask you something.” It was then that IRyS’s blood turned cold as her halo started turning slowly.

Wait he's not going to try and propose to me is he? Waitwaitwaitwaitwait. No he wouldn't. whatifI'mnotagoodwifeandallthat. I mean Bae teases me about that all the time. I don't think my heart is ready for that is it? A thousand other thoughts coursed into her brain yet all the while her halo started spinning faster as steam came out of her head.

“IRyS, are you okay? Your halo is spinning really fast.” Snapped back to reality before calming down a bit, her face full of red. “I-I'm f-fine.” She turned her head away from staring into his questioning orange eyes. “Ask away.” The horned girl begins calming down.

Flayon gets real close to her left ear, his warm breath against it causing her heartbeat to accelerate.

“You seem to be pent up today, Need a hand?” IRyS lustfully smiled as she heard those words, with the neediness returning to her as his lips were so close to her ears. This tone of voice that she would often hear whenever she acted a little bratty around him during their sessions, it turned her on so quickly that her legs were getting weak from anticipation.

I saw your surprise for me…and I will say, I didn't think you were that bold, IRyS.

“Hmm, I don't think I know what you are talking about Flayon. Maybe jog my memory?

She playfully reached her own hand on his ass trailing her fingers up his spine causing him to tremble. Flayon gave her a smug grin, as this was pretty much almost routine for them. Between her verbal jests, to her more physical teases on the side of lightly tracing his hands, playing footsies, and even occasionally wearing a unique type of panties to tease him with. All while he teased her with his own bratty behavior, yet today was one of those days where he decided to deny her what she wanted. To what end?

“Oh, I'll take you up on jogging your memory. Though how do I know you aren't just playing dumb, babe?” IRyS couldn't take much more as she felt her tights get moist.

“Your room in 15 minutes, I want to eat a couple of these brownies you made. It's been too long.”

“Sure thing, On'naRys.”

“Hey…not out here, silly boy.”

“Payback for almost calling me ‘Fladdykins’ or ‘babygirl’ in front of our new Kouhai on Christmas.” Reffering to HoloAdvent who they ran into at the time singing Christmas carols. Flay lets go of IRyS as she begins walking away, looking back at him briefly with a pink heart in her blue eye before turning back. Flayon had other plans as he pulled out the surprise IRyS had for him. It was a small pair of spherical remotes with adjustable switches. The pilot sighs as he knew he smelt her heat from halfway down the hall. Having a nephilim girlfriend is hard work, but God does she drive me wild in the best ways possible. The pilot smirked evilly before turning one of the switches on the remotes to the first setting.

IRyS turned the corner to head towards the stairs to get to Flayon’s room, only for a sudden vibration to course through her body, as a small pleasure ran through her core, almost forcing her to drop the brownies he gave her. “That little…” She quickly runs up the steps, trying her best to ignore the taste of small teasing pleasure between her legs, only to slow down in speed reveling in her situation. Almost there... She makes it to the final step before stopping to take a deep breath, with the feeling of pleasure slowly dissipating as she then takes a few steps towards where Flayon's room was, the large metallic door that leads inside.

The familiar interior of his room had similar black and red colors like the R-Trus with the circular ceiling lights being off. A singular bed with black sheets, a shelf with various books on machinery, and his repair table being clean with all the tools, put up on the wall. IRyS slowly went to put the brownies down on the low shelf next to his bed, and wasted no time taking off her boots before lunging towards Flayon's bed and seating herself against the wall. A pleasure ridden smile was on her face as she lifted her skirt, revealing her legs in tights. Now most would think this was normal if it weren't for the large wet patch in front of them.

After all this time, now he uses them. Drool slips down the nephilim's chin as her eyes had hearts in them yet her irises were both pink as she blinked from feeling the vibrator rumble and massage her folds. She desired a little bit of public play from him to spice things up, yet the denial of pleasure built up in her body until now, making her somewhat sensitive to touch. IRyS almost came from getting up the steps as every step would shift the small egg vibrator within her folds to reach other spots. “Ah…hah…” Breathing languidly, she gathers a little bit of her strength to grab at the box of brownies before taking two out and eating them violently. All the while her sclera were turning from white to black with her unchanged irises of pink and blue yet the black stars in her eyes became yellow.

Perhaps 15 minutes was too long. Holding a small eaten piece of the brownies while looking down at it, licking her fingers from the mess in her hands as frosting covered her lips, slowly licking it. Wait, he didn't turn on the one on my cl- Suddenly the intensity of the vibrations spiked as she almost dropped what she was eating with a moan, IRyS stuffed her face with the small crumbs. Clenching her jaw shut, she whimpered from the sensations overwhelming her. He's going to make me cum before he can even get here. IRyS tries to hold back her moans, yet they come out all the same. It was then that she remembered during one of their sessions, Flayon mentioned his guild room was soundproofed so she ultimately gave up on holding back her voice as she clenched her eyes shut.

“I-I need him now... OOOH, AANH!~” Her eyes went to the back of her head as she felt she was getting close but right before she could get off, the vibrator shut off, thus cutting off her high. The nephilim’s eyes returned to their normal colors as she opened them, breathing heavily from the pleasure that was slowly fading. Oh, I'm going to drain his balls once he gets here. She reaches a hand to her clothed moist cl*t before lightly rubbing it with a mirthful smile on her face, keeping herself busy as she stuffs her face with another brownie in wait.


3 PM.

Tempus Main Building - Altare's Office.

12 chocolates were shared between Reine and Altare, with the white haired woman intent on feeding him them. Altare innocently feeds her them all the same, yet the longer they keep feeding each other, the more his eyes trail on her body. Reine’s natural beauty was undeniable, even he was aware of this, yet today certain parts of her body were more noticeable; from her cute shorter hair to her light pink lips, her skin being free of blemishes and marks, and well…her sizeable breasts in the black blouse she was wearing as she leaned forward, more of her lovely waist and hips. All bundled with her personality of being a down-to-earth gentle woman, who can be transparent to a point. Altare felt that as they kept feeding each other chocolate, they both mutually felt something for the other outside of respect and friendliness.

Altare picked up a piece that was farther up to the left side of the container seemingly made of white chocolate, and held it towards Reine's lips; all while letting himself relax as he thought that this was just a friendly exchange. Reine however did something a bit more unexpected. The peafowl leaned a bit more to put the chocolate in her mouth, but also engulfed Altare's index finger while she was at it, the warmth of her mouth jolting the guild leader awake as his eyes widened to the size of saucers. He was going to pull the digit out of her mouth, but the peafowl girl grabbed his wrist and kept him there while letting her tongue slowly lap at the digit while she let the white chocolate that was on her tongue melt further, with her gaze locked unto Altare's eyes with a light hum. A few seconds passed before Reine released his digit, a trail of spittle from her mouth as the warmth faded from his finger with the guild leader bright red as a tomato. Reine composed herself by sitting upwards before wiping her mouth.

“Sorry about that.” Apologized while she unintentionally stuck out her tongue to show the little bit of white chocolate left on it before closing. Altare was at a loss for words as he stared at his now wet finger, the level of intimacy felt couldn't be denied, as he had an erection from the experience. So it's like that, huh? I think I understand what she wants. Altare calmed himself by grabbing a paper to wipe his hand before opening his eyes with a competitive gaze. “I guess it's your turn again.” The lady of the peafowl snickered before making her final move.

“Altare, we’ve been friends for about a year going on two right?” Reaching for the middle piece of chocolate but pausing as she asked a question. “I want to know…what you really think of me.” The blue haired hero would have to carefully choose his next words. On one hand he could let her down easily, he wasn’t ready for a confession like this especially after taking this game she had with the chocolate set up. Or he could follow his heart and be as honest as he always was. His heart beats out of his chest as he tries to find the right words to say.

“You are one of the strongest women I have met, Reine. As someone whisked away from their homeworld into another, I can sympathize with you. I’ll let you in on a secret I’ve only told our most trusted members: I only became the first Adventurer of Elysium by accident.” Reine was intrigued by this statement, her eyes filled with surprise as she sat back against her seat. “I was once a traveler from a world that was already on the verge of destruction. I guess you could say I’m also not from around here unlike the other boys in Tempus.” Reine never expected how similar they really were. “I came to love this world so much that I even consider its inhabitants as my new family. All the more reason why I wish to solve the corruption beast crisis quickly.” It was as if a verdant flame was burning in those light green globes with each slow word coming out his mouth.

The lady of the peafowl remembered how she isekai’d herself via a magical experiment gone wrong. She had been slowly regaining her magic with time during her activities as a Hololive streamer, primarily her specialty wind magic. At a point, Reine thought about seeing if she could gather enough power to send herself back, but it would mean leaving all that she’s come to know. She ultimately accepted being a part of another world if it means she gets to perform and be with her newer friends and family. She misses her old friends and her old status not so much but Pochi and Yagoo being the ones who found her on Earth was arguably the biggest blessing in her life. Reine became an idol adored by many, however she wanted to seek a little bit more outside of those endeavors. Perhaps one of those things was love. “I see…” She let him continue.

“In my time I’ve gotten to know you, I also had my doubts that most of us would be able to get along as coworkers, yet it seems I was wrong. Though our respective roles and branches are different, we share a vision with the one who scouted us. All that is to say, your gentle and transparent nature is very admirable Reine, and you always manage to make me smile with your humor always making me feel comfortable talking with you.” Reine started blushing while trying to cover her face, giggling sheepishly.

“H-hey now…I didn't say to flatter me so much, I mean not to tell you to stop or anything just…I wasn't prepared and-” She flailed her hands erratically, with Altare chuckling. Gone was the confident seductive demeanor replaced by her talkative yet slightly demure side.

“You asked me to tell you how I felt about you. This is nothing but my honesty. Why would I lie to a person as beautiful in character as yourself?” It was at that moment that Reine felt herself struck in the heart by his statement, pausing all her movement. I think I now understand why some of the girls are immensely thirsty for Altare. It's now or never. The peafowl looked down at her lap for a moment, unable to move because of how flustered she was. Most of the suitors who sought her; male or female would bring their best yet it was always with ill intent behind it or they merely thought of her as a possession. Even amongst her friends who would flirt with her would know that she plays hard-to-get just enough to keep enough distance. Yet in this moment, someone who she could give her full trust to finally appeared in her life, troubled with similar circ*mstances and she wouldn't let this man escape her.

“I understand it all now…” Altare watched her shivering form stand up from her seat, noting the sheepish yet determined look on her face. “Reine?” She didn't respond, beginning to slowly walk around the desk with Altare watching her figure. Before he knew it, the white-haired peafowl was directly in front of him, nearly straddling his lap with her right hand keeping her balance against the chair Altare was sitting in and her left hand trialing a finger up his chest. Their chests almost touched each other as Reine leaned a bit closer with a deeper flush on her face.

“I’m not sure if it was obvious to you by this point and yet…you understand what I’m going to say next right?” Altare felt as if their hearts were resonating with how close they were, all the while having an urge to tease her. “I dunno Reine, maybe I am just a little too oblivious. Maybe spell it out for me?” Reine caught on quickly with a salacious grin on her face, intending to play along. “It's not everyday a royal like me can indulge in things such as love…” Reine leaning towards his ear, with her breath tickling it. “Especially with a handsome, hardworking, and earnest Hero like yourself.” A light blowing into his ear was all that was needed for Altare’s restraint to start to fade with his hands trembling from excitement.

Is that so?” Altare’s voice becomes a little bit huskier yet never losing its natural sweetness, with Reine biting her lip. Altare grasped her left hand before gently kissing it, the feeling of his lips on the back of her hand was gentle yet didn’t linger for long. I can’t take this anymore! She couldn’t simply say it, but rather show it.

Hastily gripping his hoodie by the collar, Reine captured Altare’s lips. It was chaste and brief yet for them it felt like eternity before Reine pulled back. Reine turned away from his face bashfully, releasing his hoodie in the process. Altare gave a gentle smile as he admired how cute she was despite pretty much mounting him in his office. “I-I…wow.” Altare chuckled before catching her off guard by hugging her. “Tastes like chocolate.” He teased before she playfully shoves him not realizing how much force she used causing the chair they were in to fall over with them over with a yelp in tandem. A loud crash happened with some of the items on Altare’s shelf falling down, some of which landed on both of them with Altare protecting her from most of it.

Altare recovered from the fall first, his head a bit swollen in feeling from the various Pokemon deck cases and books falling on his head. He was a bit dizzy, using his hands to try and push himself up only to end up touching something soft. “Reine are you okay- '' He looked down to see mutliple Reine's on the ground under him, looking up at him with pleased smiles. Altare took a moment to reorient himself as he focused his vision on her, the multiple images becoming one.

“I’m sorry for shoving you and knocking down your stuff.” Reine’s words were kinda unintelligible to him due to his dizziness but from her tone he got the jist of what she said. “No it's fine, I shouldn’t have teased you so much.” From the sound of her voice she was strained yet she seemed to be okay.

“No, no, I just didn’t know how to respond to that. I hope I didn’t break anything.”

“Oh all I really keep up there is just pokemon deck cases and some small things. I keep them sealed tight though they are pretty heavy with how many cards are in them.”

“Well that’s good news, but Uh…”


“Your hand is really warm.”


Altare looked down to see that her glasses were off her face, with her aqua eyes seemingly shining with the sun's rays upon her. Altare began sweating at what his hand could possibly be touching, to find that while his right was against the floor next to Reine’s head, his left was…holding her left breast, the soft clothed flesh filling his hand completely, even spilling through his fingers as he felt his index finger sink into something else. Altare took a moment to realize what he was doing before accidentally squeezing, causing a light moan to escape Reine as she covered her mouth. Awkwardness was in the air as both were frozen in their current predicament with card books and cases on the floor all around them. Yet the only thing on Altare’s brain is the feeling of sheer dread.

Altare squeaked, immediately released her breast with Reine disappointed in the warmth of his hand leaving her chest. Altare fell backwards a bit before positioning himself in a dogeza pose. “Iamreallysorryaboutthat-” Rapid-fire stuttering apologies spewed out of his mouth as Reine finally sat herself up listening to the hero, a hand on his right shoulder as he paused to sit back up with his face red as a tomato. Well that actually felt really good. He almost dug out my nipple. An all-knowing toothy smirk was on her face as she kissed him on his left cheek before putting her index to his lips. “Altare, it's fine, it was an accident caused by myself. Though, I guess we can call it even with what happened earlier.” Playfully sticks out her tongue with Altare remembering the sensation of his finger being in her mouth, and her tongue licking at it with light sucks.

Not bottom left she says… Altare helps Reine up before looking at the mess in his office. Reine begins to pick up some of the deck cases, carefully examining one of them with the Johto starter pokemon on it. “S-so uhm… once we finish cleaning up here, do you want to enjoy the rest of the festival together?” He asked bashfully as Reine was enamored by another one of the deck cases she picked up. “Sure, after all the girls are probably wondering where I am…” She sweated and continued picking up the fallen items and placing them on the desk, all the while she secretly dispelled the noise suppression spell and the lock. Together the two continued to clean the office, occasionally giving awkward yet loving glances at each other at their newfound love.


4:35 PM

Flayon’s room.

“They call it the restroom and yet I was fighting for my life after eating Haachama’s chocolate at the bake off.” It’s not that Haachama can’t cook, far from it as it tasted delicious, however some of the more unusual ingredients caused him to head to the toilet for a bit. Flayon weakly walks back to his room clearly forgetting about something. He digs into his pocket to pull out the too remotes both being on the 2nd setting but they ran out of power. “Was I in there for that long, ah sh*t. I should have texted her that I was on the can!” A heavy weight of dread fell upon him as he approached his guild room, the metallic doors seemingly having a black aura around them.

I’m going to die after this aren’t I? He swallowed as he felt his stomach fall to his own ass even after his trip to the restroom. Lord knows what would actually happen if he stepped into his own room with a slightly pissed off and horny nephilim waiting for him. He was both filled with fear but also heavily aroused because he was somewhat aware of IRyS’s unhinged behavior on occasion, So what would happen if she was severely pent up? God if you are out there…all I can say is: WORTH IT! The pilot takes a grand step forward with the metallic doors opening with a hydraulic sound heard.

Stepping into the room, he claps his hands to command the lights to turn on, the room illuminating itself only for Flayon to see that IRyS wasn’t there. Scanning the room nothing seems out of the ordinary: The bookshelf being neat, the empty brown container with a few crumbs, the small wet spot with the two pink egg vibrators on the bed, and she left her shoes next to his bed.

“Wait whuh?” Tilting his glasses at this he approaches his bed to examine the discarded vibes. Picking one of them up he carefully examines it, the scent of her fluids wafting up to his noise as he retains a neutral expression on his face. Mostly like she took these out after they ran out of power. Scanning the room again he doesn’t feel her presence. “IRyS, come out now, I’m here.” No response as he walked towards the door to see if she was outside or not, but she was nowhere to be found. Returning to his room he checked again even checking under his bed. “Did she leave to go to the bathroom maybe?” he silently wondered before leaving the room again.

Unknown to him on the ceiling was seemingly a black spot, yet upon closer examination in reality it was a small portal made of some black substance. The black portal became much larger as an object or rather someone was coming out of it. The feminine figure was familiar however her attire changed, her cardigan was now gone leaving her in the white strap dress, her wings much more transparent than before yet retaining their monochrome contrast with stars in them. She was seemingly eating something before consuming it whole in silence as her head came out. It was IRyS however, her hair was a little bit longer and in high twin tails that went down to her waist. More noticeably her horns were much longer than before, curved like daggers.

The black portal on the ceiling closed as she landed without making so much of a sound as an enigmatic closed-eye smile was on her face. She leaves a note on the bed before she begins sinking into the floor only leaving another black portal that shrunk to a dot, only a giggle was audible.

After a few minutes, Flayon returns to the room, a little bit stressed out that he can’t find his girlfriend with him being out of breath as he turns to the tool bench. “Did she leave early? No, she would have texted me if that was the case. Yet she seemed pretty horny so there’s no way.” He then turns to the bed to see a peculiar white note on it. The pilot carefully examined it opened it and reads the words on it with terror on his face:

Here comes hope… And she’s right behind you.

Flayon felt her arms wrap around his stomach as he gasped from the sudden embrace, feeling her breasts press against his back as he felt her breath against his ear. Flayon didn’t dare move at all, all of his muscles locked up all at once as he stood there. The Nephilim’s cheery familiar voice soon was heard.

“Hiya, babe.

Almost as if nothing was wrong yet Flay knew there was a venom laced with those two words and IRyS was the serpent who was injecting it into her prey. Flayon tried to slightly move himself out of her hold but to no avail, with seductive giggling from IRyS. “Hey IRyS, look I can explain. I ate one of Haachama’s dishes and I ended up getting held up in the toilet. I-I didn’t mean to keep you waiting this long.” The disappointment on her face soon curved into a toothy grin with her fangs sharpened and ready to sink into his flesh. She too was once on the receiving end of Haachama's joke dishes albeit an accident; it ended up temporarily making her voice deeper while she was sick.

“Oh you poor thing, I understand…” Flayon sighed in relief as she understood his plight. However, all of that went out the window when she released her hold on him just to turn him around and toss him on his bed. “Woah woah, Chotto Matte Kudasai!” A hand was waved as a miniature black hole appeared in her right palm, with Flayon bracing for certain annihilation, with the strong attraction force.

However, all the black hole did was forcibly rip and disintegrate the clothes he was wearing including his boxers. Flayon's penis was 6-inches, slender with his glans being bright pink, twitching in the open air of his room. “Aiyee! My cloned outfit!” He femininely screamed, covering himself only to hear the lustful nephilim sighing languidly before slamming her hand against the wall next to his head; Flayon noting the hand shaped indent in his metallic wall. “You still kept me waiting after I said…15 minutes. You are still accountable for that time.” A stern cold tone escapes the magenta haired girl. Flayon trembled looking at IRyS’s face, noting her closed eyes as she got closer to his right ear.

“Ever since Christmas when you rocked my world, I’ve held back and had to work nonstop with hardly any ‘stress relief’. After all, HoloFes is around the corner…” Flayon now had an idea of how pent up she really was. Having to prepare herself with her normal stream plans, the Holofes setlist, her dance routine, and other things that kept her extremely busy, which also contributed as to why they didn't get to see each other as much this year. The horned girl was starved for not only his attention but for sex with him. A fact made more evident as she licked his ear slowly, before letting her tongue lick his right cheek. IRyS’s left hand tracing Flayon's bare flat chest with pink nipples, her nails dragging gently against his chest down to his abdomen, with boy laughing as he was ticklish there.

“This might be the last session we have before the Fes…” The nephilim finally opens her eyes with Flayon expecting her usual beautiful heterochromatic eyes but instead of white, he sees black sclera with blue in the right eye and pink in the left eye with the stars within them being a golden yellow rather than black. They were the eyes of primal demonic hunger, a hunger only he could feed. A million thoughts were running through his mind, some of confusion, arousal, yet most prominently is fear. They say that mankind has a desire and fear of the unknown. Flay had both in spades considering his pseudo-immortality yet his body wouldn't stop trembling from seeing her eye color, the almost vacant black sclera with small stars in them, giving off the aura of repressed urges overwhelming her. IRyS removed her hand from the wall and used it to pull down her white dress to reveal her breasts were covered in pasties matching her normal eye colors as an elongated tongue spilled from her mouth down to her chin. She then takes off her black tights before flinging them right next to him, with her soaking wet heat dripping her essence onto the sheets and down her leg before she stood back up.

“ I'm going to make these next couple hours count~” Her left hand snapped its fingers before Flayon started floating in the air as if his center of gravity was altered before being laid down flat to the bed. Flayon’s wrists were moving on their own being held above his head. No matter how much he tried to struggle it was as if his wrists were being held down by invisible hands holding them down.

“Hey IRyS, let's just talk about this-” No time to be wasted, IRyS cups his chin before looking deep into his scared orange eyes. “Less talking and more Baby batter spilling.” With a singsong voice she moves her right hand down to Flayon's hardened dick. She kissed him passionately; immediately plunging her tongue inside his mouth as he finally gave up and relaxed himself, meeting her tongue with his as they danced. IRyS stroked him slowly while they made out with the nephilim girl tongue-f*cking the pilot but pulled back to let him breathe while licking her lips. “Ah, I've missed your taste. Maybe I should share you with Bae, just to spice things up.” Flayon's eyes were beginning to go hazy from not only the thought of a threesome but the meticulous handjob IRyS was giving him, building up pleasure for him. “I-IRyS, I’m sorry. Ahn~” The pilot moaned before feeling her squeeze him tightly while stroking faster.

“I’ll forgive you once I’m satisfied.” She dove down to where his girth was close to her face with Flayon closer inspecting her eyes; confident and lustful as she kept eye contact with the restrained boyfriend. He didn't get a chance to speak again before her elongated tongue slipped out from between her lips, lashing its way up his shaft and coaxing a moan out of him, preluding the licks that soon followed, stroking up along his shaft. “I've missed this taste as well…” A shudder ran up Flayon's spine as she took his tip between her plush pink lips, smooching it and leaving a smear from the lipstick she had on. “Hng, IRyS…” Flay grunted as he tried once again to move his arms only to be denied as the strong gravitational force on his wrists got a little stronger. The nephilim pops her lips off his shaft to speak.

“I wouldn't do that if I were you. After all you still need your hands to pilot things right?” The weight of his current situation hit him, as he immediately calmed down with his co*ck twitching between her fingers, almost obediently. “Good Boy.” Lowering her head to lay a few kisses to his balls while her hand stroked him rapidly, with Flayon trembling and trying to hold back his voice. "So hard and hot. Just the way I like it~" The stars in IRyS's eyes grew a bit, without hesitation she smooched Flayon's glans once more before her hot mouth devoured him, her lips pursing into his shaft before sucking straight back up to the crown of his co*ck with enamored eyes.

Only to plunge down to capture him. Flayon couldn't hold back the gasp in his throat; his jaw clenched as he breathed through his nose. IRyS hummed around his co*ck, pressing her tongue against the underside as she began to bob her head up and down quickly, only ever going down half his length. Flayon wanted to slow her down but with his restrained arms, he could do little but moan, her hands running along his bare thighs as she continued to suck him off.

"H-hey, IRyS..." His pleas seemingly on deaf ears until she slowed to a halt as she sucked back up the crown of his co*ck. Flayon only had a moment to catch his breath before a defiant glint shone in the nephilim's blackened eyes as she sensually dives back down, deepthroating him. "H-haaah." Feeling his glans hit the back of her throat, Flayon couldn't help but let his shaky breathing become more erratic. Humming again on his co*ck, she face-f*cked herself onto his dick, her lips stick leaving marks against his shaft.

He never experienced IRyS being this...commanding and controlling when it comes to their sessions. Oftentimes she'd goad him into doing something she wanted and other cases she wanted to be playfully punished. Today was different as this was a consequence for him. Moans both stiff and short tumbled from his lips, his eyes locked onto the magenta-haired woman with her black horns, and long twintails pressing against his lap. He was rapidly approaching his climax as she gave a much harder suck before with a wet-sounding pop, her lips releasing his co*ck as she sat up a bit, an alluring gaze upon him as her left hand began stroking his length at a steady pace.

A giggle escapes her as she uses her fingers to tease his glans skillfully before using her fingernails to trail up and down his co*ck gently as it twitched from the stimulation. "Damn..."


5:24 PM

“Mnnn…Yes, right there.” IRyS moans as she was in the midst of riding Flayon's co*ck as Flayon's hands were restrained, with the pilot drooling from immense pleasure from IRyS's heat suffocating his co*ck as he felt every bounce on his lap. “Holy sh*t, IRyS…” He managed to speak up a bit in his half dazed state, knowing this was his 2nd org*sm with this throbbing dick being clung to by the nephilim’s slick tight folds. The girl slowed down to a halt before leaning down and putting a finger to his lips.

“Like I said, less talking and more baby batter spilling.” The same ravenous look in her eyes while her tone of voice was cold yet a bit pleased with her handiwork. Sana, I’m sorry for using your power like this, but I want to enjoy every last second of this, if you saw how cute Flayon is you’d understand, yes? She gyrated her hips in circles while leaning closer to Flay’s right ear. “Go on…cum inside me. Cum. Cum. Cum now…” Immediately going for his neck with a bite and beginning to ride him faster, with her teeth lightly sinking into his flesh making Flayon's shaft throb within the soaking folds. It hurts…so good, yet I wish she'd slow down for a moment. Chest heaving from feeling IRyS’s ass smack against his groin while regretting and enjoying the pent up nephilim riding his brains out. She raises her hips slowly to where the tip was barely inside before slamming herself down, forcing a weakened grunt from Flayon as he came inside again. The nephilim cooing in approval as she felt his hot load paint her insides a second time, a growing fullness that she missed as some of it spilled out her folds and splashed onto his lap. However, she wanted more.

Not even a minute passed and she wiggled her hips slightly while raising them again, focusing more on teasing Flayon's tip as his shaft was covered in a mixture of their juices. “Ah, wait, I haven't recovered yet.” IRyS pouted as she cupped his face again. “My dear sweet Flayon, I told you before, didn't I…” Her thumb caressing his lips silencing him. “Less talking and more of your baby batter being inside me. You will stuff me full, right?” Asking with a pleading yet sad*stic voice as she slammed herself down making Flay's hips jerk up in response. “Now that's the spirit.”


6:22 PM

The sounds of flesh smacking against each other filled the room as Flayon was know sitting up at the end of the bed with his arms behind his back, wincing as IRyS rode him with her back facing him, allowing him to see how her ass bounces against his cum covered groin, with the flesh making ripples with each slam down. “It seems you only get harder and a little bigger with each successive load you blow inside.” Erotically letting her tongue spill from her lips as she teases her nipples from the pasties she had on. “You’d love to run those skilled hands of yours all over my body. Squeeze my tit*, punish my cl*t, and even spank this ass of mine, but today, you don't have a choice~” She teases him by slamming her ass down while moving her hips in circles, stirring Flay's dick within her folds to where he was left groaning and shivering from pleasure.


6:44 PM

“Haaa~, it feels so good.” The red head pilot whimpered as he was now face down ass up on the bed with his wrists and body still restrained by the forces of gravity IRyS applied. His back and chest were covered in kisses and bite marks, some of which might be impossible to hide. Behind him was the magenta haired woman trapping his co*ck between her sizeable breasts, intent on milking him dry with her movements. Hot flesh smothered his co*ck from all sides as IRyS made sure Flay was snug between her chest. All the while her core was dripping the cum from earlier rounds in droplets. “Ganbare Flayon, it's only the 6th load, though I guess I should give you a rest…” The pilot sighed in relief as his co*ck was sore from successive org*sms and his legs would be giving out right now. IRyS had a devious smile as she noted how Flay's anus would wink at her every once in a while. An idea came to her mind as she halted moving her breasts up and down.

Using her right arm to hold and tighten her breasts around Flay's co*ck, the pilot whined from this tightness then squealed as something began poking at his opening. “Wa-woah IRyS wait not your tongue-” It wasn't her tongue that was prodding at his backdoor, as it finally penetrated him with a restrained hiss escaping his throat as his entire body began trembling.

Flayon wouldn't lie to himself, he loved receiving pleasure from both his co*ck and his ass, yet to have both simultaneously teased was a bit too much for even for him; especially with how addicting IRyS’s breasts can be to f*ck. Feeling the nephilim push the egg vibrator further inside with an index finger, the rubbing friction against his rectal walls almost made him scream out, almost threatening to cum in her bosom right then and there. IRyS cackled to herself as she wiggled her finger a bit to try and push the toy against where his prostate would be, taking a few tries while hearing his unintelligible sounds. “Tighter than usual…good.” She remarked as she curled her finger up a bit and pressed, with Flayon’s eyes widened as he let out a whimper.

Found it.” If Flayon could turn his head to see her face, he would see that the yellow stars in her eyes grew a size bigger and seemingly flared as if it was a star dying in her eyes, with her sharp teeth in a toothy grin, her horns almost seemingly growing sharper. “Ahhh, you are so cute when you are like this. My heart…can't take this anymore!” Her tongue licked at the 2nd vibrator that was used on her, covering it with as much saliva as she could before prodding it at his anus. “GRK!” Feeling the second one slide and sink into his cavern, her finger pushing it along the walls before reaching where the other one was before taking her finger out.

“45 minutes of those being inside me, Flayon. You really did forget to turn them off but I recharged them for you. After all…” She grabs the switches for both before kissing them. “They were for both of us to use ~” Not even wasting time she switch both on to the third setting before setting them down, the pilot yelped from.the intense vibrations of both vibrators against his prostate, massaging his passage with IRyS purring from how his waist was moving; thrusting his shaft into her cleavage. The horny nephilim releases her hold on her breasts only to press them much tighter around his shaft before moving them slowly, the stimulus being too much for him to handle. “hnnnhh, guh!” Flayon could only wildly thrust his hips into her cleavage while his prostate was feeling the intense massage causing him to pre nonstop into the fleshy prison.

“My my, going to impregnate my breasts as if it was my puss*? I can feel it getting hotter than before.” Remarking how hot his precum was as she didn't have to move much with how his hips were going on auto-pilot. The redhead felt his brain being slightly scrambled by having both his weak points exploited by his girlfriend, with his imminent org*sm fast approaching as his lower body kept moving on his own.

“Top my ‘tofu’ like you usually do with your cream. Coat my tit*.” A single command with a loving lick to his balls, ended him as he slammed his hips downward and came harder than usual. The first hot spurt trapped between her breasts, with the second spurt coming out from between her breasts and onto her stomach after he lightly jerked his hips down in ecstasy, biting down on his bed sheets as his world turned white. I was right about dying today. Still worth it. Multiple spurts were trapped between her cleavage with some of it still trapped in his co*ck. IRyS moaned huskily as she let her breasts fall revealing how much of the white fluid was trapped between, it was a lot more than usual and almost slipped down to her groin.

Taking his co*ck from between her breasts, she raised it to her lips before enveloping the tip and sucking lightly, forcing the rest of his leftover load into her mouth as he let out a weakened groan. A more slightly potent and viscous taste hit her tongue as her eyes shone with enjoyment, popping her lips off him. “Mmmh. Such a large load, all for me.” She takes a moment to turn off the vibrators before snapping her fingers, releasing the gravity hold she had on him causing him to fall flat on the bed. IRyS gathered what was on her chest before slurping it down, enjoying the taste she almost forgot with closed eyes. “I should have done this a lot sooner.” She opened a left eye to look down at Flayon’s seemingly drained and unconscious state, wrinkles forming on his face with a drooling smile.

“Ah…I may have overdid it again. Taking charge like that felt liberating and I guess he enjoyed it a little too much.” A white and purple aura shone on her right hand before tapping his shoulder, filling him with energy as the wrinkles disappeared from his face and he felt his strength return to him. Flayon woke up, as he felt the soreness of his penis going away somewhat with the rest of his body feeling fine. He was flabbergasted as to why before noting IRyS still slurping down his cum with her eyes returning to normal. Somehow she managed to ‘revitalize’ his stamina but not completely with the soreness of co*ck still remaining. He really only had one question as he realized with dread what she just did.

“Am I forgiven yet?” He chuckled with fear given that it seemed she was still horny, but to his surprise she calmly laid down on the bed on her back. “I’ve already forgiven you by the 4th round and you did make up the time.” She checked her phone for the time before setting her phone down. “I’m just as tired as you are so I’m taking a rest.” She laid down on her side beckoning Flayon to lay with her. The pilot blushed for a moment contemplating, 5 creampies in a row. I didn't think IRyS could ever be that rough. That and I came twice because of my ass. She never stopped moving even after the first load inside her. Maybe…leaving her pent up is more dangerous than I thought. Laying down directly behind her, his sore co*ck against her asscheeks as Flay wrapped his arm around her body, with the girl giggling.

“You give the most secure hugs, Yknow that?”

“It's not my fault you are really warm.”

“Hehe, by the way…after HoloFes I was thinking...”


“Since you reminded me because your co*ck is against my ass, I want to try anal sex…”

Flayon felt his mind pause as he processed that statement. Imagining how much tighter it would be and hearing her moaning his name or dirty talking about his co*ck being buried in her ass, something within Flayon's mind snapped as he felt himself get erect. IRyS soon heard him crying as she turned to face him only to see a drained smile on his face with a tear coming out his left eye. The nephilim was confused as to why he was, before shrugging with a hum. LETS f*ckING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Celebrating internally, Flayon would have been dancing and rolling across the floor in jubilation if he wasn't holding IRyS in his arms.

“Also I may have mentioned something about sharing you with Bae…I wasn't exactly serious about that. Yet I've always wondered how a threesome would work out.”

It was at that moment, that Flayon felt his soul leave his body with all life in his face going away. He wasn't distraught over the fact of not having a threesome; it was the thought of two potentially ravenous immortals turning him into a raisin once they were through with him. “Flayon. Flay, are you okay?” Flayon snapped out of his trance with a bewildered smile as he heard IRyS gently giggle, not noticing his arms pulled IRyS closer to him making her squeak in surprise as his co*ck pressed against her asscheeks. “Hey, since when did you become a bear with that strength?” She teased as the two relaxed in each other's warmth as they let the time slip away.


7:05 PM

Tempus HQ - Main Hall.

The scene of the large guild hall was filled with many visitors from the other branches of Hololive who came for the Valentine's festival. Noel and Flare were busy sharing chocolates between each other while sitting at a table. Kobo was trying to convince Axel to become a horse for her to ride only for the man to keep denying her by giving her sweets. Aragami Oga found himself in a conversation between Shirakami Fubuki and Ayunda Risu, the pair of girls occasionally staring vacantly into each other's eyes, with the former demon lord noticing the competitive auras clashing between the two. Ah this could be dangerous. He sweated before attempting to calm the two down.

Standing against the wall closest to the hallway with her arms crossed was Moona Hoshinova. Purple hair in a bob cut while wearing a pair of shades that hides her purple eyes as she was in her own thoughts. A black choker adorns her neck with a white T-shirt with her name written with the letters "o" stylized to look like a moon eclipsing the sun. The T-shirt leaves a tasteful amount of midriff with her breasts almost making a curtain like shape of the shirt, covered by her folded arms. Tight black pants hugging her curvy frame with a brown belt with big golden buttons to the sides of her calves and black and blue shoes.

To most it would seem the girl is zoning out but in reality she was actually communicating with the soul that inhabits her as a vessel; Hoshinova, the Moon Goddess responsible for her current path as a model and idol. They were almost two sides of the same coin, Moona despite her diva-like traits was still somewhat shy and quiet in some places. Whereas Hoshinova shared a lot of traits with her host except for a few things; being the drastic change in attitude from upbeat and confident to malevolent, ominous, and akin to a sad*stic elder sister, who often tempted her host and her audience with provocative suggestions or teases.


The inner mind of Moona

“Say, Moona dearest, my lovely vessel?” The lower pitched voice asked as the room in her mind was merely just full of black with the lunar night sky filled with stars, yet in reality those stars are memories and thoughts. The floor was similar to water with a table in the center, with the aforementioned Moon Goddess smirking enigmatically with her glowing yellow eyes. A black crown with 5 spikes adorned her head, as she had Moona's usual longer hair with the inner hair toward the bottom having a faded yellow with stars glittering in it. A golden collar was worn that covered her neck area. A black long dress that went down even past her ankles with a golden belt around her waist was worn, with black heels on her feet as her legs were crossed.

Moona was used to Hoshinova's taunts as they now coexist as Moona performs much bolder songs and covers. Moona approached with every step causing the watery surface to ripple, she then sat down at the table before responding. “I think I know what you want, even before you even ask.” A flat frown was given to the goddess with the salacious grin on her face. “Fair, When will I see that blue haired man again? He stirred something within you and me.” Moona rolled her eyes as she knew who she spoke of.

“Altare, right? You've sent me your lewd ass thoughts about him, when I really only see him as just a handsome face who happens to be my co-worker. Not cool.” The Moon goddess cackles lightly, mocking her vessel as even she wasn't immune to her own personal lust. All she really did was send a few suggestions that would benefit the both of them. “It's not my fault you let such a prime specimen go so easily. It's been almost a hundred years since I've witnessed a soul that is pure in heart, they don't come by often. Besides, corrupting that boy would be simply sublime fun.” Moona deadpanned at the divine being, knowing full well that despite their mutual agreement to share her body, sometimes personal interests and thoughts still collide on occasion even if embarrassing.

“I can't even be with my own thoughts because of you. Sometimes it helps because if you were in someone else's body, then you'd be a lot more troublesome.” The goddess scowled at her before she sent an idea towards Moona. It was a scene where a woman was bouncing on something naked. The longer she focused her psyche on the scene, the clearer the idea became. It was Hoshinova riding on Altare with the man pulling her arms for deeper penetrations as he had an uncharacteristic smile on his face that was more evil. “Yes, keep doing that. Pull my hair if you have to. Just don't stop f*cking me!” Moona was surprised at the sight yet the longer she watched the vision, the more she felt arousal. The fake hero in the idea merely scoffed as he sat up to reach her ear.

Anything for you, lady Hoshinova.” A distorted voice came out of the man, as he then laid back and gripped her hips before beginning to thrust in time with the goddess. The sounds of moans shared between the two went on for 2 minutes before Moona noted the change on both their faces. “I'm going to cum, lady Hoshinova.” The goddess had a half drooling smile as she rode him faster. “Do it, mark me with your seed.”

Moona caught herself staring and listening for too long, her eyes widening, furiously blushing, and dispelling the suggestion the goddess sent. “WHAT THE HELL?” Hoshinova smiles at her reaction before the table disappears and she closes the distance, cupping Moona's cheeks. “Judging from your reaction my cute little vessel, it seems you do have a spark of desire in you. Greedy little thing aren't you?” Moona grips the wrist of the other woman before removing it with the malevolent goddess suddenly behind her, wrapping her arms around her waist and whispering into her ear.

“If you weren't the least bit interested then tell me…why didn't you block that suggestion initially?” The left hand moves from her waist up to her chest yet only the tips of her fingers touch her right breast through the shirt she was wearing, giving a minor teasing pleasure to Moona. “Anjing B-betina…that's foul play even for you.” The yellow eyes of the goddess filled with mirth soon changedinto befuddlement. “Really now? I'm only just giving your body's own small desire right back at you. After all, we are one and the same nowadays.” The goddess lightly bites Moona's ear followed by a small lick causing a small hum to escape the diva then releases her, causing her to stumble before she balances herself.

“You may as well heed to both of our desires quickly, unless you want me to ‘take charge early’. After all, you've kept me on a fair enough leash with how strong you really are. Individuals who can match and contain the power of deities don't come by often, yet those council girls or rather ‘Promise’ intrigue me. Those who encapsulate the concepts of existence themselves.” Moona couldn't deny that she only had a small interest in Altare, yet in reality it was primarily Hoshinova who wanted to ruin Altare using her body is why she tries to focus on other things. The moon girl merely scoffed mockingly before replying.

“Gee for someone who wants to have sex so badly, it's pretty sad you have to borrow someone else's body to do it, if only you had enough power to make your own vessel. But you are stuck with me until I actually die.” The nail hit true as the goddess was struck silent with the black sky filled with stars becoming empty. “I can't refute that, well played, vessel. ‘f*ck you.’, as you new age mortals would say freely.” It's been a while since Moona heard Hoshinova so pissed but also humbled by a sheer fact. “I can't kill you…yet nor do I even want to waste a vessel so powerful. My ambition is simply to make more vessels as powerful as you are. Return to consciousness, Moona.” The diva merely waved before saying something. “Sorry for giving the harsh truth, but maybe I'll let you take control a lot sooner if I find someone both of us will like.” There was a momentary silence then a response came. “At least make sure they have meat on their bones, and some power down below darling.” With that notion Moona regained her senses.


Tempus Guild Hall

Moona's eyes shone yellow before returning to purple with the woman stretching her neck as she sighed. She takes note of Kobo running around with Bettel's hat with the man chasing her down, with some of the others laughing. Cute . Coming from the right side was Zeta with her hair being shorter with two long locks on both sides, she was in her usual outfit however, her usual holster on her right leg was replaced with two thigh bands that made the skin between both bulge slightly. The agent's light-blue eyes were narrowed to near slits akin to a cat when they were hunting, with a smile full of mischief. The agent raises a hand to her chin before waving at Moona.

“Moona, how's it going?”

“I'm just vibing, how are you today?” She lied.

“I guess I'm okay but uhm, I'm looking for someone to talk to about something.”

“I'm all ears.”

“Okay good, because I couldn't bring myself to talk about it with the senpai that are here, after all some of us are still after the same goal.” Moona raised an eyebrow as she had a feeling of what Zeta was going to say, shrugging. It's not that hard to notice that a few of the girls here were seeking something or rather someone. “I assume it's because of Valentine's day mood?” The agent puts both arms behind her head nonchalantly.

“Yes, after the opening of the festival this afternoon, I was looking for Altare to give him chocolate…and something else.” The lowered pitch of her voice hinting her desire, with Moona rolling her eyes. “Last I checked he is usually cooped up in his office, though he might be drowned in paperwork.” Moona deadpanned as the agent checked her surroundings, with no one making eye contact with her besides Iofi who was merely watching Fubuki and Risu hang onto Oga's strong arms, with the demon man slightly sweating. Poor Oga-Senpai, can't catch a break. Moona sent him a signal of ‘Good Luck’ with the gentle giant shrugging giving a strained thumbs up as he tried to calm the two girls down.

“Well, then I guess I'll stop by his offi-” The agent stopped her sentence as her eyes dilated with shock. Moona was wondering why until she turned to her right where the hall entrance was. Altare and Reine were walking while talking yet they were holding hands, with the pair holding heart-shaped containers.

“And that settles that.” A small smug smile formed as Moona silently rooted for Reine, while also trying to ignore the disappointed and awfully loud complaints of Hoshinova in the back of her head. Sorry Hoshinova, but it seems he’s soon to be taken. All the while Zeta had her jaw agape, flabbergasted. “S-since when did she-, I. Huh?” Everything she had planned out to a Tee was shattered before her eyes with this surprise; she was planning to use every tool in the book, even her ‘other gifts’ to secure Altare as a potential bodyfri-, bodyguard asset.

Moona put a hand on Zeta's shoulder before landing the final blow. “I guess you were a bit too slow, Zeta. Though you have other options.” Zeta defeated yet still defiant look in her slitted eyes, observing the pair carefully with their gestures. She's the last person I would expect to be even remotely interested. A pondering frown formed on the agent's face as she actually had her chocolate and a card prepared for Altare. I still have a shot maybe. She reassured herself and noted the pair now sitting down in one of the lounge chairs as they continued their conversation.

Zeta approached them with shaky steps as she was steeling her resolve; she occasionally flirted but a confession like this was still something she couldn't commit lightly. Just stop being frozen in place and just talk to him. Yet the agent's body was no longer responding to her as she kept watching from where she stood in the midst of the other holomems. Altare laughed at one of Reine's puns, his beautiful verdant green eyes making her Zeta’s heart flutter, but then she saw Reine enjoying herself. It was then that Zeta realized something before walking away with a smile.

I usually never let my targets go easily, yet this was a checkmate before I could make a move. I'm just…glad to see Reine happy in all honesty. She walked past Moona towards the entrance to prepare for the end of the festival. Moona was surprised at the change in heart yet was proud of Zeta for her decision, all the while the goddess in her head was furious yet wouldn't give up. “Aw what a shame, though I don't mind sharing him, after all we're in that peafowl’s good graces right?” A vein almost popped in Moona’s head.

“Try anything that would hurt my friends or ruin my life, and goddess or not, I will end you.” She muttered threateningly, her eyes hollow of all light and color as she was staring at nothing in particular. “Lighten up, after all I have plenty of time to look for more suitors, given your cooperation as a vessel. A mere jest.” Moona sighed while beginning to walk away from the spot she was in, passing by Reine with the moon girl giving a supportive wink with the peafowl woman giving a light nod.

Walking with a sway to her hips, Moona proceeded to go find Kobo, the one who invited her to the Elysium Valentine's day festival in the first place to hang out. Hope she's not causing too much trouble. Stepping out to find a small crowd of Holomems surrounding the karaoke stage with a very familiar song being played.

“Is that Kickback playing? Wonder who is singi-” Moona was surprised to see that Ceres Fauna and Magni Dezmond were doing the dance from the opening in terrifying sync while adding other dance moves, yet the thing that surprised her more was seeing Axel dressed without his jacket and accessories; just a gray muscle shirt that showed his physique with his usual pants.Kobo was on his right shoulder as he had one of the mics singing part of the lyrics with a clear and softer voice. “Shiawase ni naritai. Rakush*te ikite itai…” His face was half flushing with Kobo grabbing his hair and having another mic in her left hand.

Banzoin Hakka happened to be laughing while walking away from the growing crowd enjoying the show and the popcorn. He was dressed in a purple and red T-shirt with black shorts and sneakers. “Oh Moona Senpai, How's it going?” The avian-like exorcist bowed as he introduced himself while calming his demeanor, with Moona tilting her head. “I'm mostly just enjoying a walk before the festival ends. More surprised to not hear you on stage.”

“I’m resting my voice actually, sung like one song and I was also one of the judges for the chocolate baking contest. Pretty fun.”

"I have to tell you, you guys don't hold back too much when it comes to events in Elysium."

"It was partially my idea to have the Karaoke part, but back in Xenokuni, smaller festivals like this are more common. Speaking of which, are you having fun?"

“Heck yeah, I can see why Kobo tries to make me tag along. So, What's up with Axel's face?” The exorcist had to look around before motioning Moona to come closer. With the diva lending her ear. “So Magni's and Flayon's prank backfired. Originally they made turbo bitter chocolates for Axel to eat but Kobo accidentally made them sweet with alcohol in them. Also uh… Zeta may have eaten more than one…or perhaps half the batch.” Moona’s eyes twitched before she asked one more question. “So where is she no-”

“Anata no sono mune no NAKAAAA!!!” As Axel finished the note…Kobo got off his shoulders quickly, seemingly scared off by something while yelping, tossing her mic in the air in which Axel caught. A silver blur collided with Axel’s body from the right; almost replicating a key moment in the music video. The crowd stopped cheering, even Magni and Fauna stopped dancing. Hakka winced from the scene with Moona shocked and face-palming. “Yeah, even drunk like this, seems like a thing she would do.” Her eyes tracked the blur's movement to where she noted it was Zeta curled up into a ball, spinning midair before she ax-kicked Axel in his back, slamming him to the floor with him comedically bouncing off the ground, with the mic in his right hand falling while he unintentionally tossed the one in his left in the air.

The agent landed gracefully with her head bowed down, her left hand catching one of the mic with a flourish. She raised her head to reveal a more heavily flushed face than Axel's with a toothy cat-like grin, breathing exhaustedly from spinning while tipsy. Axel came down from his fall to land on his feet wobbly, seemingly unshaken by the blow as he was too drunk to care staring at the blushing agent as she looked up at him, with everyone preparing to back away knowing how somewhat messy their bickering and fights get.

But to everyone's surprise, the pair smiled as the other mic in the air fell into Axel's hand before the next chorus of the song hit with both singing in unison:

Lucky de ume tsukush*te

Rest in peace made ikou ze

Yoi ko dake mukaeru tengoku ja

Doumo ikirannai

I love you kenash*te, ubatte

Waratte kure my honey

Doryoku, mirai, a beautiful star

Doryoku, mirai, a beautiful star

Doryoku, mirai, a beautiful star

Nanka wasurechatten da.

The song continues, the duo's voices harmonizing, the crowd cheering them on again with Magni and Fauna wondering if they planned this or was this drunk improvisation, yet they shrugged and resumed dancing. “I…didn't think I'd see the day.” The moon girl pulled out her phone to snap a couple photos, aiming to embarrass Zeta later with Hakka doing the same. Axel and Zeta walked in circles as they sang with the silver-haired agent enjoying herself more so with twirls in her steps, and the gladiator with a kick in his steps before noting she was about to fall off stage. Before she could fall, Axel caught her by the hand and carried her in one arm, her foot almost kicking him in the face as she giggled at him. She used her weight to flip herself upward doing a backflip, before landing back in his arms they continued with the post chorus:

Happy, lucky

Konnichiwa, baby

Yoi ko de itai

Sorya tsumaranai

Happy, lucky

Konnichiwa, baby, so sweet

Doryoku, mirai, a beautiful star

Doryoku, mirai, a beautiful star

Doryoku, mirai, a beautiful star

Nanka sugoi ii kanji

The two finished the song together with Zeta still in Axel's arms drunkenly wrapping her arms around his neck, not letting go while giggling. Axel sobering up quickly realized this. "Uh can someone get this cat off me bro?" Silenced by a sloppy drunk kiss to the cheek, before walking off stage, muttering about dropping her.

"Well, that was certainly a funny performance, yet I'm surprised both can sing that well even drunk." Hakka nodded while scrolling through the pictures he got. "And I have enough photos to clown on Axel over, so this works out." Moona giggled before hearing Hoshinova about to whisper something.

"No, means no Hoshinova."

"As you mortals say, 'f*ck'." Hakka strangely enough responded.

"Wait, you also have spirits talk to you?" Moona's eyes widened as she forgot that because Hakka was more spiritually attuned to the world, he can hear Hoshinova's voice despite the goddess insisting her presence can be made known only if she wants to or 'takes over' briefly. The moon diva calms down before clearing her throat.

"Yeah, just the Moon-goddess possessing me, and strangely enough she's extremely thirsty."

"Ah so that explains the light blue aura behind you that's actually in the shape of a woman I'm seeing."

"Wait so you can fully detect or see her?"

“Usually evil spirits have a blackish aura to em, while the kind ones or the misunderstood, have a color to their state. Yet I rarely encounter divine spirits like kitsune, usually they are either undetectable or just have a special aura. With you it fluctuates from light blue to grayish, yet first I've seen an aura straight up detach from its host." Moona crosses her arms and processes the information. If she has an aura that comes off of me, I wonder...could she possibly separate from me? I'm going to need to monitor her for a while then. The last thing she needed was Hoshinova taking on her full form and posing as 'Moona' to stir up trouble.

"I see, thanks for the information Hakka. I have a bad feeling about this."

"No problem, just let me know if I can help."

Hakka waved her goodbye as he went to go talk with Axel. Despite all I've heard about Hakka, he seems really nice and knows a lot more about this whole possession thing even after 5 years with Hoshinova. Moona sat at a nearby table as Altare was stepping up to the stage to conclude the festivities. All the Holomems and other guests gathered orderly in front of the stage at their tables, with Reine taking a farther seat in the back this time, with IRyS sitting with her. The guild leader tested the mic and began to speak.

"Thank you all once again for coming to HoloTempus Valentine's Harmony Festival. None of this would be possible if it weren't for everyone in the guild and beyond for making this possible so I'd like everyone to give themselves a hand." Soon a wave of clapping began from random tables as the applause was well heard then ceased. "I'd like to take a moment to also thank our volunteers and sponsor for this event..."

As he continued speaking, Reine was dreamily admiring Altare before taking a sip of her drink. Meanwhile IRyS relaxed in her seat whispering. "You look happier than usual Reine. Something you like?" She teased the peafowl while pointing down at the table. "Not really, just taking in this atmosphere before having to head home is all. Elysium is a wonderful world, you know?" IRyS couldn't disagree about that, even in crisis, the peacefulness and efforts the Tempus guild makes is what brings hope in this world and others. As hope incarnate it felt nice to be surrounded by it from the people of Elysium, almost as if it magnified the power of her voice, it reminded her of her own homeworld, albeit the pieces of it she remembers.

"Honestly, this makes me wonder what other worlds need me or have an 'IRyS' of their own." Reine nodded while putting a hand to her cheek, then a finger to her lips, remembering the sensation of Altare's lips.

"Now then IRyS, I've noticed you look a little different." IRyS sat up intrigued as she broke a small sweat.

"How so?"

"Well for starters you seem less bored and how do I put this...less demotivated?"

"I guess so, I just had a nice long breather from all the preparations for HoloFes."

"Ah, I get it now. also your horns are longer than usual."

"Ah sh*ttake." The nephilim didn't even notice until she reached a hand to touch one with it being sharper as Reine snickered. However, IRyS was quick to get her back.

"You still have some white stuff on your face." Reine paled in the face and immediately picked up a napkin to wipe it off with panicked eyes as she realized the nephilim was messing with her. "Hey...they had Pennoni at the hall, I, uh, enjoyed it a bit too much I guess." IRyS heard her stutter, noting her eyes trailing between making eye contact and looking at Altare. IRyS having seen this behavior before amongst her other friends decided to be a bit more teasing.

"Be honest with me Reine, you have a thing for Altare don't you?" Internally panicking Reine took a breath before responding. "Ah, seems like you may very well have heavy Halu, IRyS, GWS." Triumphantly taking her cup and sipping it as she looks away from Altare speaking on stage, yet IRyS broke the facade.

"Hmm, fun fact Reine, did you know that 'Pennoni' has other meanings besides the pasta we were served." Reine was intrigued as she was curious before putting her drink down as she googled it. It took a few seconds as IRyS watched her expression shift from surprise, to a vacantly blank face as she looked back at IRyS with disapproval. "IRyS...please." The nephilim girl genuinely looked surprised despite the devilish glint in her eyes.

"What? I said it had other meanings, not just on-" A playful jab struck with a quiet 'Tonjok' as IRyS slightly recoiled in her seat with her rubbing her arm. "Sorry, sheesh." Despite the innuendo IRyS unintentionally got her with, Reine's intrusive thoughts were trying to get the better of her from back when she was in Altare's lap. PonRyS somehow gets into people's heads whether intentional or not. Altare finished his speech before making final remarks. "Happy Valentine's Day! Everyone have a good night and safe travels." And thus another celebration comes to a close as new bonds are forged from a holiday of intimacy, with everyone beginning to depart.


Outside Court - R-TRUS

The moon shone on the R-TRUS in its rest mode idly enjoying the scenery and the environment around itself. "Still very cozy in this building-like form. I can actually appreciate the cool night air and such without worrying about my parts or energy reserves." The AI said it stood there relaxing. This peace was short-lived however.

"AXEL! Take me home will you?" A noisy Zeta still clinging on to the aforementioned gladiator distantly walking past the R-TRUS. "Whatever, just please be quiet for a moment and stop eating those, will ya?" He berated her for eating more of the chocolates that caused her to be in this state, the agent girl tossing a couple more of the alcoholic chocolates into her mouth, humming pleasingly from the sweet velvety taste. "Oh don't be like that, after enjoy me being around." She made a pouting face as she finished chewing and swallowing, while moving ahead of Axel. "I'm tired, ya big dummy. So take me home to HoloEarth." The blonde man tried to keep his sanity from her moving around so much as the more he looked at her the more he noticed part of her jacket was slipping off her shoulders, showing off her delectable skin, as well as other parts of her clothes.

"Well I know better than to leave you here, especially while flat out drunk, just don't blame me for your hangover, Nekobaka." Zeta puffed up her cheeks as her face became a bit more rosy. Suddenly she hugged Axel with the gladiator not reciprocating, until she pulled something out of her bag. "I was meaning to give these to someone else, but things happened so take em, ya dumb dog." The agent presented the chocolates she made for Altare as she shyly turned away from looking Axel in the eyes. Axel knows something is up with Zeta for as long as he knows her, even while drunk there was always a catch, yet he didn't care too much at this point.

"Let's get you home first, then I'll take them off your hands." Axel turned around, kneeled and offered a piggyback ride. Zeta was surprised at his kindness before climbing on his back and wrapping her arms around his chest. He stood up before feeling her grip tighter, with the silverette taking the opportunity to bury her face in his neck, purring loudly as he blushed. Axel continued to walk past the R-TRUS as she slowly was rocked to sleep from Axel walking.

Axel was sweating a bit as he realized that Zeta was bigger in the chest than he gave credit for, with her breasts pressing against his back, her somewhat thick thighs his fingers were sinking in. Her breath tickled his neck as she snoozed, with Axel somewhat fuming as he fought back his own arousal. Just gotta make it to the portal, or find one of the girls to carry her home.This was unreasonable damn near with her body, as Axel got fed up.

"Oh for fuc-" A sudden bite to his neck, caused a shiver to course through his spine as he walked. He felt her fangs dig into his neck slightly not leaving a mark but like a cat she was play-biting. This is so f*cking unfair man, I'm bricked up. Clenching his teeth as he kept walking, trying his best to ignore Zeta's body on his back and neck.

Zeta unknowing bites deeper into his neck causing him to almost freeze in place as he ignores the small pain his body is used to. Axel was used to getting hurt as a gladiator, however more intimate touches is where the problem lies. Made even more evident as Zeta then licked where she bit caused a sharp grunt to slip from his clenched teeth. f*ck! He thought as he began walking a bit faster, finally leaving the outer court. With the R-TRUS who observed and recorded what it saw. Even scanning both Axel and Zeta's conditions.

"Yeah that's gonna leave a mark he can't hide. Priceless." The AI muttered as it laughed, before saving the footage for later.


Ms. Wonderland - ManuArtes554 - Virtual Streamer Animated Characters [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.