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Questions about organic fertilizers and precision farming in fs22

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Postby Kcintimidator »

On ps5 using PF and like slurry or digestate to fertilize your crops...

Has anyone tested if there is any difference in putting down your organic fertilizers before or after seeding/planting?

If it affects yield or environmental score?

bc I remember reading it is usually suggested to put down your organics BEFORE planting, why is this suggested?

It does not make sense to me to do it before bc different crops requires different nitrogen amounts, so can anyone fill this void in my head? Questions about organic fertilizers and precision farming in fs22 - GIANTS Software (2)Questions about organic fertilizers and precision farming in fs22 - GIANTS Software (3)

Also what does it mean in the controls help menu when applying slurry/digestate...
"Change Nitrogen reference value"??? (L1 + triangle on ps5)
(If pressed, I see the current and target value slider bar move once and only once until you move/apply more again.... But please explain what this is/means?

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Re: Questions about organic fertilizers and precision farming in fs22

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Postby Kcintimidator »

I guess I answered at least part of my questions accidentally....

Out of habit I mulched, deep cultivated for rocks for the free lime, rock picked, seeded Canola (in this case)... Limed, rolled, then I just got the slurry spreader and it DESTROYED my crop just turned it into a seedbed. I didn't even notice it at first and playing one day months with seasons, I only have a two day window in which to seed Canola.

Ofc as it was late and I play seasons on, normally at 3x speed... I turned that time down to .5 Questions about organic fertilizers and precision farming in fs22 - GIANTS Software (6)... So I'd have time to reseed and roll again... It $ucks if you don't get your rolling done by midnight when the crop germinates, rolling won't do anything, no credit, no bonus.

What I still don't know, is after the reseed, my field info shows the nitrogen still bad (low)... I used a slurry distributor with the JD manure sensing system that I thought was supposed to make it one pass fertilizing? But slower.

Do you have to put a second application of slurry down after a growth stage on PF?

I know this much @Giants YOUR INSTRUCTIONS/GUIDES HAVE ALWAYS $UCKED A$$ (sorry guys, but it's true)... There should be a tip somewhere that spreading slurry after planting will DESTROY THE CROP!

instead your instructions to slurry/manure before seeding read more like a suggestion.

LET'S STEP IT UP ON THE NEXT GAME GUYS! Questions about organic fertilizers and precision farming in fs22 - GIANTS Software (7)

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Re: Questions about organic fertilizers and precision farming in fs22

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Postby Eische »

That's the first time I read that slurry spreading destroys crops.
Which exact machine did you use for it?

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Postby Noraf »

I would think an injector/disc

And, yes, one normally put it down before, just set what crop you planning to put in the field into the system, and it'll calculate the right amount

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Re: Questions about organic fertilizers and precision farming in fs22

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Postby Athelstaneford »

Yes you do spread slurry or manure before seeding. The idea is that it raises the base nitrogen level of the field, then when you spray fertilize at the first growth stage, you don't need so much fertilizer to bring the nitrogen up to the optimum level for that particular crop.

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Re: Questions about organic fertilizers and precision farming in fs22

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Postby Kcintimidator »

Eische wrote: Mon Jun 17, 2024 8:48 amThat's the first time I read that slurry spreading destroys crops.
Which exact machine did you use for it?

OK so yes the destroy crops was my fault, I didn't see it at first that the slurry distributor was also a cultivator and that's what destroyed the crops.
While, I'm fine to admit my mistakes, I still have a long standing complaint that @Giants instructions/guides are quite lacking in many cases or just aren't clear or difficult to read... In the shop it does say in TINY print that it had a cultivator on the distributor, some do, some don't... My problem is @Giants NEEDS to make an option to make all of the fonts BIGGER!... I've already set my ps5 settings for larger fonts and like higher contrast to make things easier to see... But that doesn't carry over into the game.
Look, I get my eyes checked every year (had lasik long ago) and I have 20/25 vision, but I also play on a fairly big screen 47" but like 10-12 feet away... And the giants font is so tiny, I often have to use the ps5 magnifying option (ps button +square) in order to read almost everything in this game... And yes, I do use reading glasses when playing, but I shouldn't have to if giants would think about this in the dev process, just create a menu option to increase font/print sizes... BOOM PROBLEM AND COMPLAINT SOLVED!

Many other game devs have this as an option or will use the ps5 settings.
Problem is @Giants design the game for pc users playing at a desk up close on a normal monitor... I don't play that way... And they want to sell their games to us console players, but not consider how many of us play.

AND NO MATTER WHAT, I'VE LONG BELIEVED GIANTS INSTRUCTIONS/GUIDES ARE WAY TOO BASIC... They did a little bit better in 22 having the FS academy... But when I compare this game to say other in game guides, the others (say RPGs for example).... I could spend literally hours in the guides bc they are extremely in depth.

Many people don't like to read instructions, but me? I say RTFM (Google that if you don't know it Questions about organic fertilizers and precision farming in fs22 - GIANTS Software (11)).

So now, I got rid of the distributor/cultivator and got just a distributor only that doesn't destroy the crops.

But my original questions that started this discussion still remains.... WHY SLURRY BEFORE PLANTING CROPS?
If using PF and a slurry tank with the "JD manure sensing system" (for what an extra $10k ish?)... If the crop is in the ground, why can't I just make one slurry pass afterwards and that JD system uses as much or as little slurry as needed to get the nitrogen to that "perfect" point in the field info?

I'm still testing and maybe I can eventually test and see if the yields change doing slurry before and after planting and post the numbers here... But that was one of my OG questions, has anyone else tested/confirmed this?

My ultimate goal would be to have one pass fertilizering, but using slurry / digestate from the animals instead of buying a solid or liquid fertilizer.
I mean, I haven't played it yet, but w/o PF on, the guides say you can set your manure/slurry spreader to the double application rate, but it just takes longer /uses more (obs) but I don't see that double rate option with PF on... And if the point of PF is to use less fuel / less inputs (seed/ferts) why can't we have this option with PF on?

I mean with PF and a planter that also fertilizes (chemical solid or liquid) it's at that "perfect nitrogen" level in one pass...
So why can't slurry/digestate do the same?

It does not feel very "precision" or "environmental saving" (aka score) to me...

Or am I just a dumba$$? Questions about organic fertilizers and precision farming in fs22 - GIANTS Software (12) Questions about organic fertilizers and precision farming in fs22 - GIANTS Software (13)

I look forward to your responses.

Also, no one has answered, WTH is the "Change Nitrogen Reference value" all about in my OP?
What purpose does that serve?
Google has provided zero answer on that one...

Another one of my examples of @Giants guides being cr@p!

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Re: Questions about organic fertilizers and precision farming in fs22

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Postby Opteo »

You can change the reference value on the fertilizing machine via the quick help menu in the upper left to suit the crop type you plan on planting.


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Re: Questions about organic fertilizers and precision farming in fs22

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Postby Athelstaneford »

I mean with PF and a planter that also fertilizes (chemical solid or liquid) it's at that "perfect nitrogen" level in one pass...
So why can't slurry/digestate do the same?

The thing is, organic fertilizer doesn't have enough nitrogen to raise the level sufficiently for most crops. For example, if you are sowing wheat, which needs approx. 180kg/ha (depending on soil type) and your field is at a low N2 level, you can raise that level before sowing to (say) 100kg/ha. Then after sowing you can make a pass with inorganic fertilizer to bring the N2 level up to optimum. Thus saving you using a lot of inorganic fertilizer.
On the other hand, if your field is already at a high N2 level, a pass with organic fertilizer could be enough to bring the N2 level up to optimum, so you don't need to spray. (having said that, I think that Precision Farming needs you to run a fertilizer machine over the field, even though it doesn't spread anything, just to register on the environmental score. Same with spraying weeds, even if you have weeds turned off)

The JD Manure Sensing System as far as I know, only compensates for a non-hom*ogenous mixture in the slurry tanker. It increases or reduces the flow according to how much nitrogen is in the slurry. Whether this actually works or is just a gimmick, I'm not sure...

As for the "Change Nitrogen Reference value" in the help menu, as Opteo says, it changes the amount of fertilizer spread depending on the crop and the soil type as the sensor passes over the field (you need the Isaria Pro Active or the cab mounted sensors for this). I normally leave it on auto, unless I need to go over any small spots that get missed.

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Re: Questions about organic fertilizers and precision farming in fs22

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Postby UncleRico »

You set the application rate manually to whatever you want with PF so I’m not sure what you’re else exactly you’re wanting with that besides the explanations above. I would also add that PF is a mod that brings realism to the game. If it’s too complicated it may be something you want to stay away from as it’s been added to bring realism to the players looking for it. That brings an expectation of some understanding of how it actually works. Giants has tutorials geared towards the base game which is made with a more casual player in mind.
As for RPG’s, aren’t those walkthrough guides you find on wikis made by the community. I’m assuming that’s what you’re referring to. Otherwise I’m not sure which RPGs give much more than the basics either and expect you to figure everything else out as you go. That’s kind of the point of an RPG.
Have you ever went left early on in an RPG instead of right like it was suggesting and then were butchered by something like a deathclaw? When you cultivated under your crop whilst putting down manure that’s the FS version of that. It’s unfortunate but you learn from it and you don’t go left next time.
If you don’t understand something you have resources like this or discord to ask questions or seek help. That’s a major resource Farm Sim has that other games don’t. A friendly helpful player base that is happy to help so ask stuff.


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Re: Questions about organic fertilizers and precision farming in fs22

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Postby Kcintimidator »

Some of Y'all seem to think I'm a noob at this, I used to stream a hellava lot of 15 and 19 (proof is in my signature) ... Sorry but I go back to FS13. And I started with PF in FS19... but i don't remember the "change reference value" in that version, it's been a minute maybe I just forgot.

But it does kinda seem like I remember getting 1 pass perfect nitrogen on the field info in 19 PF using slurry, but we didn't have the environmental score or the JD manure sensing system. (at least on console).
So far it kinda seems like the JD system is just a gimmick like @Athelstaneford says or for something for those who get big into role playn on their farm... For the most part, I don't care about the role play side... I want realism, I GREW UP ON A REAL FARM IN 80s! But if something like the JD system doesn't actually do anything to help towards say like yields or saving the input product I don't care to buy/use it... If it does help then I do want it, but there needs to be some kind of benefit beyond "pretending".
For example the JD PowrSpray weed sprayer with its sensing system uses less herbicide than a regular sprayer w/o it.... This I have observed!
I guess someone (maybe me) will have to try putting slurry down on the same field with and without the manure sensor to see if less is used or not?
I am also thinking I have XP two pass perfect nitrogen using only slurry and not needed the inorganic fert as suggested, but since I play with some level of realism with seasons, it's gunna take a minute for me to test.

And you don't need the crop sensor, active or inactive!
for the change reference value option to appear in the upper left help menu @Athelstaneford and @Opteo.. THAT'S EXACTLY WHERE I FOUND IT AND WHAT I WAS ASKING ABOUT... I DIDN'T NEED YOU TO TELL ME WHERE IT WAS... I WANTED TO KNOW WHAT IT WAS! Questions about organic fertilizers and precision farming in fs22 - GIANTS Software (17)...

I took some screenshots of proof of not needing the crop sensors to see the option, but I'm not seeing how to attach pics from a mobile device to this thread... If I figure it out, I'll update this. I see an html img coding when hitting what looks like a pic but not seeing where to select my files.... Kudos to anyone that knows how to and is willing to share.

As far as me complaining about the guides and instructions.... ASSUMPTIONS ARE THE MOTHER OF ALL F-UPS! Questions about organic fertilizers and precision farming in fs22 - GIANTS Software (18)
No, I am not talking about guides other 3rd parties produce... I am talking about the IN GAME INSTRUCTIONS UNDER THE OPTIONS MENU, and like I said they did a little bit better with Giants FS academy ... ews_id=280

But even they are lacking in the info I'm looking for as well.
Plus from time to time I may need to refer back to the in game help for a quick reminder about something, BUT THE PRINT IS TOO SMALL and a person with 20/25 vision should NOT have to zoom in or need reading glasses in any game.... There SHOULD BE OPTIONS TO INCREASE THE FONT SIZE!
I don't remember all of the other games that had detailed help IN GAME... but just a couple of the RPGs I mentioned I last played are like Skyrim, whom also had a thick almost novel you could buy that would give VERY detailed info on the entire game, it's like 650+ pages and cost $27...many years ago.... Not sure if Bethesda actually wrote it, but I'm sure they at least authorized it, made some kind of profit off it...

Something like this is a missed business opportunity for Giants.

Later on (a later version of the same game) Elder Scrolls Online had IN GAME help menus that would take hours to read it all in depth and understand it.

Now something like Diablo 4 has in depth guides, but those are mostly 3rd party.

Fallout had some decent info, but that's also Bethesda.

I'm certain of others but those are just the most recently played in memory

I don't know what @uncle Rico is saying you can "You set the application rate manually to whatever you want with PF"... I know you CAN set it manually, but I don't understand why anyone would? I also keep the setting on automatic application rate... Doesn't deactivating the rate make it pointless to use PF in the first place... I mean you're not saving product, so you've created another question Questions about organic fertilizers and precision farming in fs22 - GIANTS Software (19)... How does one benefit from deactivating the automatic application rate in PF?
And from my XP you don't get automatic on contracts bc you haven't measured the soil... Even when using the active/inactive sensors on unowned land a fert spreader will continue wasting product when stopped, but the automatic stops spreading when it reaches that perfect level on your owned fields. It shouldn't be too hard for giants to code auto application rate contracts/unowned work the same as your owned fields...If it was real life I'm certain a farmer that hires a contractor that has the advanced technology would appreciate not over fertilizing his soil?

Forgive me for not understanding, I am on the autism spectrum Questions about organic fertilizers and precision farming in fs22 - GIANTS Software (20)Questions about organic fertilizers and precision farming in fs22 - GIANTS Software (21)... But are you saying... If you deactivated the auto application rate, then you'd use the "change reference value"?
If so, I would think you'd be back to basically NON-PF... how are you saving product/money or helping the environmental score in doing this? Again what's the benefits?

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Re: Questions about organic fertilizers and precision farming in fs22

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Postby Motologist »

I'm definitely on the realistic gameplay side of things, I also roleplay because it adds to the realism.

1.) The JD Manure Sensor varies application rate for slurry and digestate, that provides constant %N while spreading across each of the four soil types. I've found it useful for exactly one use case; slurry or digestate can completely fertilize a grass field in one pass with it equipped. It doesn't save on inputs, think of it as each load of slurry/digestate has a fixed amount of N in it, but the amount that's applied per acre/hectare/whatever isn't consistent without the sensor. I think it's irrelevant for any crop other than grass since you have to make a second fertilizer pass anyways; that second pass solves for the N inconsistencies in the previous slurry/manure application.

2.) Deactivating automatic application rate allows you to apply a fixed amount of N ahead of planting. I use manual application rate when I have a really long field and I don't have enough product onboard to make a complete down-and-back pass at the full application rate. I find it most useful with manure/slurry/digestate.

3.) No, you do not disable automatic application rate then change the N reference value. Nitrogen reference value is used for applying on a tilled field ahead of planting. PF has no reference value for automatic application because there's no crop. If you're going to plant wheat, you set the nitrogen reference value to "Wheat" then fertilize the field with automatic application rate enabled.

The benefit of setting manual application rates and changing nitrogen reference values is the flexibility they give you to save money and achieve a 100 environmental score.


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Re: Questions about organic fertilizers and precision farming in fs22

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Postby UncleRico »

You’ve got to get over this notion of not understanding something or being new to it is somehow a terrible thing. No one is criticizing you for being a “noob” as I said it’s a quite welcoming place for questions, even if you’ve played previous versions.
One pass perfect nitrogen with slurry isn’t real, if you want realism select a rate manually and spread manure evenly across the entire field. Then get to the desired amount by spreading solid or spraying liquid after planting. The entire problem is things like slurry and manure vary heavily in what’s in them. Giants has dumbed everything down to nitrogen and PH which a very simple representation of an extremely complex system. This makes different fertilization methods all seem redundant and have no benefit which makes them hard to understand. Its imperfect but they don’t want you to have to get a college degree to be able to use the mod


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