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ADB Inc. Style Sheet for Star Fleet Universe, Capitalization List. Copyright © 2008-2011 ADB Inc. Page 1.

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_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________Revised 2/8/11 at 10:34 AM. (Compiled by Jean Sexton and Stephen V. Cole. This list is not 100% complete.)

0-As the Enemy closed in, the Fast Frigate shudderedunder heavy Disruptor fire. Wanekla lookedaround the corner, her Phaser drawn and readyas she prepared to sprint down the Corridor.She Scanned for Lifesigns with her Tricorder. Ifthis sentence appears to be correct, then youmay have a case of “Creeping CapitalizationSyndrome.” Luckily, it is reversible andcompletely preventable by following these fewsimple rules.

0-Capitalization Rule #1, Proper Names: Capitalizeproper names, such as Steve Cole or JeanSexton. Nicknames such as “The Beast of NewOrleans” (Civil War Major General BenjaminButler) are capitalized as literary titles. (SeeCapitalization Rule #5.)

0-Capitalization Rule #2, Other Proper Names: Countrynames (e.g., England) and proper geographicnames (e.g., Klingon Empire, Amarillo, AlphaSector); “empire” names (e.g., Kzinti, Seltorian),and species names (e.g., Hilidarian); militaryorganizations (e.g., Deep Space Fleet, EmpireSecurity Service, Star Fleet Marines), politicalstructures (e.g., Romulan Senate), and specificmilitary units (e.g., Third Squadron, FourthBattalion, Sixth Fleet); and starship “codenames” or “reporting names” (e.g.,SparrowHawk, Dominator, Siberian Tiger) arecapitalized as proper names. See CapitalizationRule #1.

0-Capitalization Rule #3, Special Proper Names: Productnames (e.g., SFB Module R11) and ship names(e.g., Constellation) are capitalized AND shownin italics. This courtesy also extends to the titlesof magazines, books, and newspapers.

0-Capitalization Rule #4, Ranks and titles: Military ranks(e.g., Major, General, Corporal) and politicaltitles (e.g., Senator, Count) are capitalized whenpart of a name (e.g., Major Kenyil, Senator Hart,Count Chocula) or when used as a namesubstitute (e.g., “I tell you what, Major, you’re notgoing on the mission, and that’s that!”) but not ina generic sense (e.g., “that job requires aqualified captain of the combat engineers.”).Military duty positions (e.g., navigator) arecapitalized when used as a name substitute(e.g., “...the Navigator said”) but not when usedin a generic sense (e.g., “Get one of thenavigators up to the bridge”). As a general rule,if you can swap the rank/title/job with the nameof the person, then it gets capitalized, e.g., “I tellyou what, Fred, you’re not going on the mission,

and that’s that!” but not “Get one of the Freds upto the bridge.” Although, come to think of it, itwould be entirely proper to say “One of theSteves will have to make that decision” whenspeaking of ADB, Inc., but in that case, it wouldbe wrong to capitalize corporate officers in thesentence “One of the Corporate Officers willhave to make that decision” and that justconfuses everybody.

0-Capitalization Rule #5, Titles: In a literary title (i.e., thetitle of a magazine article, as opposed to a titleof nobility), where it is not in all caps, capitalizethe first word, the last word, any word that wouldnormally rate a capital, and any “big” or“important” word. Small words such as “to”,“and”, or “the” are not “big” or “important” wordsbut might rate a capital by one of the other rules.(In proper English grammar: articles,conjunctions, and prepositions -- like anybodywho writes for SFU knows what those are --don't get caps. Words such as “is” and “be” doget them. Certain small words such as “a”, “an”,or “the” get capitalized if they are the first wordof a title of a specific thing (e.g., The New YorkTimes), such as “Steve Cole Refutes The NewYork Times” or “Leanna Cole Lands LeadingRole in The Lion and the Lamb.”

0-Capitalization Rule #6: Major Historical Events: Namedhistorical events (e.g., War of Return, GeneralWar, Four Powers War, Day of the Eagle, DayOne) are capitalized under the rules for Titles.(See Capitalization Rule #5.)

0-Capitalization Rule #7, Game Terms: Steps andPhases of the turn (e.g., Economic Phase andthe Tractor Beam Step), are capitalized underthe rules for Titles; see Capitalization Rule #5.These need to be checked individually on the listbelow (in CapLog article, this will refer to thewebsite) because some items logically includedin this category do not rate capital letters.

0-Capitalization Rule #8, Acronyms and certainabbreviations: These are always in all caps,such as SFB, CL, ESG, and so forth. Klingonship classes are alphanumeric (e.g., D7, F4, C8)and capitalized as shown. Note that we havelisted a few of these in the alphabetic list ofexamples (on the website) but by no means allof them. The fact that we listed DW but notDWG does not mean you have to spell out thatship class. Note that AUX (short for auxiliary)and BATS (short for battlestation) are sort ofabbreviations and sort of acronyms, and in

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ADB Inc. Style Sheet for Star Fleet Universe, Capitalization List. Copyright © 2008-2011 ADB Inc. Page 2.

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_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________Revised 2/8/11 at 10:34 AM. (Compiled by Jean Sexton and Stephen V. Cole. This list is not 100% complete.)

either case are treated under this rule.0-Capitalization Rule #9: Technology and certain other

Items: These terms (e.g., Light Cruiser, WebBreaker, Asteroid) are capitalized in (and onlyin) the specific rule defining them, or closelyrelated rules (e.g., “The Web Caster can cast aStrand of Web from a Corner Anchor to anotherAnchor.”) and then only for emphasis andidentification (in effect, to say “Hey, gamer! THISis the thing we were talking about!”). And eventhis use is optional, as long as a given rule isconsistent.

1-Capitalization Rule #10, RPGs and other “licensedproperties”: Our role-playing games have theirown special rules. In GURPS, all “skills,”“attributes,” “advantages,” “disadvantages” andcertain other game terms are capitalized forrecognition purposes. For PD20, specific stats,skills, and feats are capitalized for recognitionpurposes. These are often required by contractand are done to make our products what theplayers of the licensed games expect to see.

2-Creeping Capitalization Syndrome: There is anannoying tendency of “When in doubt,capitalize” which results in “CreepingCapitalization” and that tends to cause VariousBad Things™, such as English teachers shakingtheir heads, nit-pickers becoming even moreannoying, and well-meaning proofreaders tomark over 100 words per page of Captain’s Logas something to capitalize because “youcapitalized it before.”

2-Germano-Military Capitalization: There is a tendencyto follow German rules (capitalize every noun)when dealing with military subjects (capitalizeevery weapon or other military term). This issomething to resist as it turns into CreepingCapitalization Syndrome.

2-Situational Capitalization: There is a tendency bysome technical writers to capitalize things“because they look like they deserve it” whichtends to create Confusion and Doubt aboutWhat to Capitalize, Resulting in CreepingCapitalization.

312th Battle Squadron: Example of a specific militaryunit, others being the Lyran Fire Squadron, theConfederation Stonewall Brigade (or morecommonly Stonewall Regiments), and the BritishColdstream Guards Regiment.

7of9: One of the Macintosh computers that ADB, Inc.,owns. Always capped as shown (“of” is smallletters and there are no spaces).

A HULL: Abbreviation on Ship Cards for Aft Hull. This isused sometimes in SFB but FC standardized onthe alternative R HULL and A HULL is notsupposed to be used any more in SFB.

A-10: A Federation assault fighter.A-20: A Federation heavy fighter.A30: A short-hand designation used in SFBOL for a 30-

point plasma torpedo launched from Weapon A.This is never used outside of SFBOL, not evenin a Captain’s Log article about an SFBOLgame.

Acceleration: Capitalize only when used as a specificgame term in FC or SFB, e.g., AccelerationPoint, Unplotted Acceleration.

ADB, Inc.: Acronym for Amarillo Design Bureau,Incorporated, and always in all caps. Note thatthe comma and period must be used as shownand that “Inc.” is required.

ADB: Acronym for Amarillo Design Bureau, but for legalreasons should not be used. Instead, use theversion with “Inc.”

Admiral: Military rank, used as a generic term coveringall forms of admiral and (confusingly) as aspecific term for a four-star admiral. For rules ofcapitalization, see Capitalization Rule #4.

Advanced Technology: Capped as shown; no hyphen.Aegis: An advanced fire control system, always capped

as a proper name.Alien Armada: Product name, capitalized as a formal

name, printed in italics.Alliance (the Grand Alliance, Feds+Gorns+Kzintis):

Political entity, normally capitalized.Alliance Player Turn: Game term, one of those that is

always capitalized.Alliance Turn: Game term, one of those that is always

capitalized.Alpha Sector: geographic region, always capped.Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc.: Capitalized as a proper

name.Anchor (type of Tholian technology): See “Technology

Item” and Capitalization Rule #9.Andoria: A planet in the Federation. Capitalized as a

proper geographic name.Andorian: Species, capitalized.Andromeda Galaxy: Proper geographic name, always

capitalized.Andromedan ships: All Andromedan ships have a “code

name” (e.g, Cobra, Intruder, Dominator) which isalways capitalized.

Andromedan, Andromedans: Refers to a member of thatspecific “empire.”

Antarean: Species, capitalized.

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ADB Inc. Style Sheet for Star Fleet Universe, Capitalization List. Copyright © 2008-2011 ADB Inc. Page 3.

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_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________Revised 2/8/11 at 10:34 AM. (Compiled by Jean Sexton and Stephen V. Cole. This list is not 100% complete.)

Antares: Capitalized as a proper geographic name.Anti-Drones: See “Technology Item” and Capitalization

Rule #9.Any Weapon Hit: A term generated by the Damage

Allocation Chart and always capitalized asshown.

Any Weapon: A term found on the Damage AllocationChart and always capitalized as shown.

Arastoz: Creature. Capitalize as a formal or speciesname.

Archaeo-Tholians: Species, capitalized. This term isused when it is necessary to distinguishmembers of the group of Tholians who came tothe Milky Way about Y79.

Ardak Kumerian: Example of proper name of a specificperson. Proper personal names are alwayscapitalized.

Ares: Example of the name of a ship. Treated as aproper name (always capitalized) and printed initalics as per Capitalization Rule #3.

Armed Priority Transport: See “Ship Type” andCapitalization Rule #9, but this is treated as acode name (see “code name”) and is alwayscapitalized. This is a small ship, built to warshipstandards, used for cargo transport.

Armor: Capitalize only when used as a specific gameterm in FC or SFB, e.g., Armor box absorbsdamage.

Army: Military organization, always capitalized as shown.As soon as possible: Often capitalized, but should not

be. ASAP is preferred.ASAP: Acronym for as soon as possible (or, in the Old

South, as soon as practicable). Acronyms are bydefinition all caps under Capitalization Rule #8.

Asteroid, Asteroids: A terrain type. Not normallycapitalized, although we do so in rules aboutasteroids; see Capitalization Rule #9.

Atmosphere: A terrain type. Not normally capitalized,although we do so in rules about atmospheres,as per Capitalization Rule #9.

Attacker: The player conducting the attack. Usuallycapitalized in rules text.

Attacking Player: The player conducting the attack.Usually capitalized in rules text.

Australia: Capitalized as a proper geographic name.Automatic Disengagement: Game term, one of those

that is always capitalized.AUX (Auxiliary Control): Abbreviation used on SSDs or

Ship Cards. Always all caps as shown. SeeCapitalization Rule #8.

Auxiliary Control: Element of a starship. This term waspreviously on the “always capitalized” list, but

Jean Sexton ordered it de-capitalized as of 1Jan 2010.

Auxiliary: A warship category, rather than a type. Evenso, see “Ship Type” and Capitalization Rule #9.

Axion torpedo (weapon): See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9.

B10: Klingon battleship designation, capitalized asshown.

B30: See A30.Bakuria: One of the Klingon warrior colonies; semi-

official “home planet” of the Klingon Army.Capitalized as a proper geographic name.

Base Speed: An informal and improper form of BaselineSpeed. Use Baseline Speed instead.

Base station: one of the smaller types of bases. See“Ship Type” and Capitalization Rule #9.

Base, Bases: A generic term referring to any of severaltypes of bases in the game. See “Ship Type”and Capitalization Rule #9.

Baseline Speed: Game term, one of those that is alwayscapitalized.

Basic Point Value: Game term, capitalized as shown.BATS (battle station): Abbreviation for a ship type. This

printed in all caps as shown under CapitalizationRule #8.

Battery, Batteries: See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9. Abbreviated BTTY onSSDs and Ship Cards (use all caps in thatcase).

Battle control ship: See “Ship Type” and CapitalizationRule #9.

Battle Force: A game rules term in F&E, capped asshown, comprised of a group of units.

Battle Group: An F&E game term, capped as shown,reflecting a group of six smaller ships which takeup only five command slots.

Battle Hex: A game rules term reflecting the map hex inwhich a battle occurs; capped as shown.

Battle Intensity Rating (BIR): A game term used inFederation & Empire and capitalized as shown.

Battle Laboratory #1: Military organization, alwayscapitalized as shown.

Battle Laboratory #2: Military organization, alwayscapitalized as shown.

Battle Raider: An Orion war cruiser, this capitalized formis always capitalized since it is a specific codename for a ship type.

Battle station: See “Ship Type.” Actually, this is a type ofbase, but under the rules of the game, bases arejust sort of strange ships.

Battlecruiser: See “Ship Type” and Capitalization Rule#9. This is a more warlike term for heavy cruiser.

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ADB Inc. Style Sheet for Star Fleet Universe, Capitalization List. Copyright © 2008-2011 ADB Inc. Page 4.

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_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________Revised 2/8/11 at 10:34 AM. (Compiled by Jean Sexton and Stephen V. Cole. This list is not 100% complete.)

Some battlecruisers are just heavy cruisers witha warlike name, while some “heavybattlecruisers” really are bigger and meaner thanheavy cruisers. In the original usage (about1911), a battlecruiser was a warship the size ofa battleship with the same kind of guns abattleship would have, but it was much faster(because it carried little armor). The original planwas that battlecruisers would chase down anddestroy marauding cruisers, but they were usedin the “line of battle” where their thin armor madethem … unsuccessful.

Battlegroup Colorado: Military organization, alwayscapitalized as shown.

Battlegroup Texas: Military organization, alwayscapitalized as shown.

BattleHawk: A Romulan warship of the earlier series,often categorized as a large destroyer or smallcruiser. Note the capitalized H in mid-word.

Battleship: The largest of warship types. . See “ShipType” and Capitalization Rule #9.

Battleships Attack: Product name, capitalized as aformal name, printed in italics.

Battlewagon: A term used only for the Seltorian HiveShip when modified into combat mode.

BBS (Bulletin Board System): Acronym, always in allcaps.

BC (battlecruiser): Acronym for a ship type. Always in allcaps as shown.

BCS (battle control ship): Acronym for a ship type.Acronyms are printed in all caps as shown underCapitalization Rule #8.

Bear-ape: A descriptive term referring to Slirdarians; notnormally capitalized.

Boarding Party: Game term, one of those that is alwayscapitalized in game rules, but in tactics or fictionarticles, it would not be.

Booster Pack: Product name, capitalized as a formalname, printed in italics. Usually comes with anumber and this is always with a number sign,as in: Booster Pack #17.

Booster Zero: Product name, capitalized as a formalname, printed in italics.

Borak: An “empire” in the Hydran-Lyran outback.Actually, this is just a planet. They were on theverge of getting into space when the Hydransand Lyrans found them, and they were reducedto the status of an Exile Race inside the HydranKingdom. Conjectural warships are to bepublished in Module E3 as a speculation of whatthey might have become.

Borders of Madness: Product name, capitalized as a

formal name, printed in italics.BP (Boarding Party): Acronym for a game term. Always

in all caps as shown.BPV (Basic Point Value): Acronym for a game term.

Always in all caps as shown.Braking Power: Game term, one of those that is always

capitalized. It just is.BRDG: Short version of bridge, used in all caps on SSDs

and Ship Cards where space is an issue andBRIDGE won’t fit.

Break-bulk cargo: Not capitalized. Refers to cargo whichis loaded one piece (or one pallet, about a cubicmeter) at a time, as opposed to bulk carriers,which carry liquid, ore, or grain in huge bulkbins.

Breakdown: Game term, one of those that is alwayscapitalized.

Breaker (Web Breaker): See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9. Note that “breaker” mayalso be used to refer to the scrap yard wereobsolete ships are “broken up” for scrap metal.

Brecon: A species in the Federation. Individuals havefour arms. Capped as a species. The term isboth singular and plural, so there is one Breconin the kitchen and two Brecon in the den.

Bridge: Element of a starship. This term was previouslyon the “always capitalized” list, but Jean Sextonordered it de-capitalized as of 1 Jan 2010. Oftenabbreviated BRDG in all caps on Ship Cards.

Brigadier, Brigadier General: A one-star officer of groundforces. In the British Army (which does not usestars), this is not a general but just a really bigcolonel. The US Army adopted the termBrigadier General back about 1779 because ithad very few Major Generals and the Brigadierswanted to be addressed as “general” at parties.

Britain: Capitalized as a proper geographic name.BS (Base Station): Acronym for a ship type. Always in all

caps as shown.BTTY: Abbreviation used on SSDs or Ship Cards.

Always all caps (as are all “box titles” on suchthings).

Buoy, Buoys (Web): See “technology item” andCapitalization Rule #9.

C HULL: Abbreviation used on SSDs or Ship Cards.Always all caps as shown.

C20: See A30.C8 (Klingon dreadnought): Acronym for a ship type.

Always in all caps as shown. See CapitalizationRule #8.

CA (heavy cruiser): Acronym for a ship type. Always inall caps as shown.

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ADB Inc. Style Sheet for Star Fleet Universe, Capitalization List. Copyright © 2008-2011 ADB Inc. Page 5.

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_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________Revised 2/8/11 at 10:34 AM. (Compiled by Jean Sexton and Stephen V. Cole. This list is not 100% complete.)

Cadet: Military rank, naval forces, a student at a militaryacademy. See Capitalization Rule #4. See also“Midshipman.”

Canada: Capitalized as a proper geographic name.Cannon: See “Technology Item” and Capitalization Rule

#9.Capital Complex: The four major star systems at the

core of the Klingon Empire, the Capital Complexis a political entity supervised by one of theDukes and as such is capitalized.

Capital systems: In the Federation, the various homeplanets of the major species (Earth, Vulcan,Rigel, Andor, etc.) are in one general area, andthe term “capital systems” refers to them, but isnot capitalized.

Capitalization Rule #1: Capitalize proper names.Capitalization Rule #10: RPG terms as required by

contract or by the conventional usage of a givenRPG system.

Capitalization Rule #2: Capitalize names of countries,empires, species, empires, specific militaryunits, and starship code names.

Capitalization Rule #3: Names of products, newspapers,magazines, and books are capitalized and initalics.

Capitalization Rule #4: Ranks and titles are capitalizedwhen part of or a substitute for a proper name.

Capitalization Rule #5: Literary titles.Capitalization Rule #6: Major historical events are

literary titles.Capitalization Rule #7: Game terms, some as literary

titles.Capitalization Rule #8: Acronyms.Capitalization Rule #9: Technology items, capitalized

only in their own rule.Capitalization Rule: Game term, always capitalized as

shown.Captain: A confusing military rank, including both a

relatively junior ground forces officer (equal to anaval senior lieutenant) and a senior navalofficer (equal to a ground forces colonel). SeeCapitalization Rule #4.

Caravan: See Jindarian Caravans.Cargo: A word used in the game a lot, but it is a common

word not normally capitalized except on an SSDor Ship Card, when it is in all caps as CARGO,CRGO, or CGO. It is capitalized for identificationin a specific rule about Cargo. See CapitalizationRule #9.

Carrier: A warship category, rather than a type, it“carries” fighters. See “Ship Type” andCapitalization Rule #9.

Carronade: Technology item, a Gorn weapon. Notnormally capitalized except in formal use of theterm “Gorn Carronade.”

Cast Web: See “Technology Item” and CapitalizationRule #9.

Caster (web caster): See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9.

CAW (heavy cruiser with web casters): Acronym for aship type. Always in all caps as shown.

CC (command cruiser): Acronym for a ship type. Alwaysin all caps as shown.

CCS (Creeping Capitalization Syndrome): A malady thataffects writers.

Center Hull: A system box on an SSD or Ship Card(where it would be in all caps), capitalized forspecific identification.

Ceres (the asteroid, or, these days, the minor planet):Capitalized as a proper geographic name.

CGO (Cargo): Abbreviation used on SSDs or ShipCards. Always all caps as shown.

Chart: A common word with various meanings. This iscapitalized when part of a specific chart name,such as Phaser Chart.

Charts Exception: In many cases, the headings (andidentifier column) on charts shows capitalizedwords for formal identification.

CL (light cruiser): Acronym for a ship type. Always in allcaps as shown under Capitalization Rule #8.

CL#42: Shorthand for Captain’s Log #42, no spaces,italics.

Class-M planet: One of many types of planets (A-T).When in front of a noun, this always done asshown, with Class and the letter capped andwith a hyphen. The sentence “This planet isClass M.” does not require a hyphen but doesrequire a capital “C.”

Cloak (Cloaking Device): See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9.

Cloak (verb): Not normally capitalized.CLOAK: Always capitalized on a Ship Card or SSD.Cloaked (the cloaking device is active): Properly, it

would not be capitalized, but we often do so(incorrectly) in SFU.

Cloaked Movement: A game term in F&E and capped asshown. In SFB this is a more generic term and isnot capped.

Cloaking Device, Cloaking Devices: See “TechnologyItem” and Capitalization Rule #9.

CM (medium cruiser): Acronym for a ship type, usuallyjust another term for “war cruiser.” Always in allcaps as shown under Capitalization Rule #8(Acronyms).

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ADB Inc. Style Sheet for Star Fleet Universe, Capitalization List. Copyright © 2008-2011 ADB Inc. Page 6.

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_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________Revised 2/8/11 at 10:34 AM. (Compiled by Jean Sexton and Stephen V. Cole. This list is not 100% complete.)

Coalition Player Turn: Game term, one of those that isalways capitalized.

Coalition Turn: Game term, one of those that is alwayscapitalized.

Code name: A name assigned (usually to a starshipclass) to keep track of it. Always capitalized.Some ship names that would seem to begeneral terms (e.g., Armed Priority Transport,Free Trader) are treated as code names. AllLyran, Andromedan, Gorn, Hydran, Romulan,and Orion ships have code names. Federation,Tholian, Kzinti, and ISC ships do not. Klingonships have alphanumeric designations that aretreated as acronyms. This stems from USmilitary practice of naming Japanese planesZeke, Kate, and Betty, which was carriedforward into naming Soviet planes Flogger,Foxbat, and Badger.

Colonel: Military rank, ground forces, below a generaland above a major. See Capitalization Rule #4.There is a lieutenant colonel (who can beaddressed as “colonel” socially) and a colonel,and the term “full colonel” is used inconversation for clarity even if no such formalterm actually exists (e.g., “He was promoted tofull colonel last March.”). The Chinese (andGorns) have a third kind of colonel, that being aSenior Colonel.

Combat BPV: In SFB, all units have both a Combat BPVand an Economic BPV, which is the same inmost cases, but not all. When it is necessary tospecify, use the capped form.

Combat engineers: Not normally capitalized, but see“technology item” as (like the rest of them) it iscapitalized (only) in the rule about CombatEngineers.

Combat Phase: Game term, one of those that is alwayscapitalized.

Combat: not normally capitalized except when part of agame phase or chart.

Command cruiser: See “Ship Type” and CapitalizationRule #9. This is a heavy cruiser with slightimprovements and better command facilities.

Command Points: A game term in F&E and capped asshown.

Command Rating: A game term in SFB and F&E andcapped as shown.

Commander: Military rank, below a captain and above alieutenant. Most starship “captains” hold the rankof “commander.” See Capitalization Rule #4.

Commander’s Circle: Always capitalized. Italicizebecause it is the name of a publication.

Commander’s Option Points: Game term, capitalized asshown.

Commander’s Options: Game term, capitalized asshown.

Commando, Commandos: Not normally capitalized, butsee “technology item” as it is capitalized in therule about Commandos. The plural form“commandoes” is not preferred.

Commodore: Military rank, technically a one-staradmiral. See Capitalization Rule #4. In the USNavy, a one-star admiral is a Rear AdmiralLower Half and a Commodore is a captain whohappens to be the senior officer in a group ofships that doesn’t have an admiral.

Communique (newsletter): Product name, capitalized asa formal name, printed in italics. SeeCapitalization Rule #3.

Confederation of the Gorn: Political entity, normallycapitalized.

Control systems: Game term, but not normallycapitalized as it is a generic category includingbridge, auxiliary control, flag bridge, andemergency bridge. These terms were previouslyon the “always capitalized” list, but Jean Sextonordered them de-capitalized as of 1 Jan 2010.

Corner Anchor: See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9.

Corporal: A junior ground forces leader, below sergeantand above private. See Capitalization Rule #4.

Corvette: See “Ship Type” and Capitalization Rule #9.This is smaller than a frigate.

Cougar: Radio call sign for Steve Petrick. Alwayscapped as a proper name when used as a callsign.

Counter (playing piece): Game term, but not normallycapitalized.

CR (Orion Raider Cruiser): Acronym for a ship type;always in all caps as shown. This is a lightcruiser and one of the more common types usedby Orion Pirates. (Note that “raider cruiser” isunder Capitalization Rule #9.)

Creeping Capitalization Syndrome: Capitalized as aspecific game term.

CRGO (Cargo): Abbreviation used on SSDs or ShipCards. Always all caps as shown.

Crimelord: Head of an Orion cartel, capped as a titlewould be. Thus, any old crimelord is not capped,while a specific Crimelord is capped.

Crippled: Game term, but not normally capitalized.Cromarg Dwarf: Species, capitalized.Cromarg: Used both as a planet name, species name,

and as the short form of “Cromarg Dwarf.”

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ADB Inc. Style Sheet for Star Fleet Universe, Capitalization List. Copyright © 2008-2011 ADB Inc. Page 7.

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_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________Revised 2/8/11 at 10:34 AM. (Compiled by Jean Sexton and Stephen V. Cole. This list is not 100% complete.)

Always capitalized.Cross-Index: Game term, but not normally capitalized.Cruiser: A warship type smaller than a dreadnought and

larger than a destroyer. See “Ship Type” andCapitalization Rule #9. Cruisers come in varioustypes including battlecruiser, heavy cruiser, lightcruiser, war cruiser, medium cruiser, escortcruiser, and so on.

CSS (cascading style sheets): A stylesheet languagethat controls how items such as web pages arepresented.

Cutter: A type of small combat ship used for localdefense and local police. It is a modified ArmedPriority Transport. Not normally capitalized in itsown right. See “Ship Type” and CapitalizationRule #9.

CV (carrier): Acronym for a ship type. Always in all capsas shown. See Annex #5 for a complete list ofship-type acronyms.

CW (war cruiser): Acronym for a ship type. Always in allcaps as shown.

d20 RPG System: The proper presentation is with alower-case “d” but it is often shown as uppercase.

D20: See A30; this is used in SFBOL as a 20-pointtorpedo from the D-launcher. This is sometimesused incorrectly for the d20 RPG system, whichshould use a lower-case “d.”

D5 (Klingon wartime construction light cruiser, alsoknown as “war cruiser”): Acronym for a shiptype. Always in all caps as shown underCapitalization Rule #8.

D5W (Klingon new heavy cruiser): Acronym for a shiptype. Always in all caps as shown underCapitalization Rule #8.

D6 (Klingon ship, older heavy cruiser): Acronym for aship type. Always in all caps as shown underCapitalization Rule #8.

D7 (Klingon battlecruiser): Acronym for a ship type.Always in all caps as shown under CapitalizationRule #8.

D7C (Klingon command cruiser): Acronym for a shiptype. Always in all caps as shown underCapitalization Rule #8.

DAC (Damage Allocation Chart): Game term, one ofthose that is always capitalized.

DAM CON: Abbreviation used on SSDs or Ship Cards.Always all caps as shown when used there.

Damage Allocation Chart: Game term, one of those thatis always capitalized. See DAC.

Damage Allocation: Game term, one of those that isalways capitalized.

Damage Control Rating: Game term, one of those that isalways capitalized.

Damage control: Game term, technology item, seeCapitalization Rule #9.

Damage Points: Game term, one of those that is alwayscapitalized.

Day of the Eagle: Historical event. Capitalized as aliterary title under Capitalization Rule #6.

Day One: Historical event. Capitalize as a literary titleunder Capitalization Rule #6.

DD (destroyer): Acronym for a ship type. Always in allcaps as shown under Capitalization Rule #8.

Death Drag: Game term, not capitalized. This is a meansof destroying a shuttle or fighter by tractoring itand then towing it at a speed too high for thespaceframe to survive. The verb is death drag(no hyphen), the noun and adjective are death-drag (with hyphen).

Death Probe: Capitalize as a formal name, as are all“monsters” in SFU.

Deceleration: Capitalize only when used as a specificgame term in FC or SFB, e.g., DecelerationPoint, Unplotted Deceleration.

Deck: Capitalized if used with a number as in Deck 7 orReactor Deck. Not capitalized in general use.

Deep Space Fleet: Military organization, alwayscapitalized as shown. This is the proper title ofthe Klingon Navy.

Defender: The player subject to the attack. Usuallycapitalized in rules text.

Defending Player: The player subject to the attack.Usually capitalized in rules text.

Defensive Fire Phase: Game term, one of those that isalways capitalized.

DefSat: Abbreviation for Defense Satellite, alwayscapitalized as shown. There is no “DS”abbreviation. This is one of many compoundabbreviations with a capital letter in the middle toidentify the second element. See also DamCon,DirDam, and CapLog.

Destroyer: A warship type smaller than a cruiser andlarger than a frigate. . See “Ship Type” andCapitalization Rule #9.

Destruction: Game term, but not normally capitalized.Direct Fire Phase: Game term, one of those that is

always capitalized.Directed Damage: Game term, one of those that is

always capitalized.Directed Targeting: Game term, one of those that is

always capitalized.Direct-fire weapon: Game term, but not normally

capitalized as it is a category, not a type of

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weapon.Direction: Game term, but not normally capitalized.Disabled: Game term used in Federation Commander,

but not normally capitalized.Discharging (of weapons): Game term, but not normally

capitalized.DISDEV: Abbreviation used in all caps on Ship Cards

and SSDs for Displacement Device.DisDev: Compound-abbreviation for Displacement

Device, capitalized as shown. Not used in formalwriting, but common in tactics articles.

Disengagement: Game term, one of those that is alwayscapitalized.

Displacement Device: A technology item, capitalized inits own rules, only, under Capitalization Rule #9.

DISR: Short version of Disruptor, used in all caps onSSDs and Ship Cards. This abbreviation is notused in normal text, and the word DISRUPTORis usually too long to use on Ship Cards.

Disruptor cannon: See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9. This is a Carnivonweapon doing more damage but firing less oftenthan the disruptor used by the Klingons, Lyrans,and Kzintis. See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9.

Disruptor, Disruptors: This is the primary weapon usedby the Klingons, Lyrans, and Kzintis. See“Technology Item” and Capitalization Rule #9.

Distant Armada: Product name, capitalized as a formalname, printed in italics.

Distant Kingdoms: Product name, capitalized as a formalname, printed in italics.

DN (dreadnought): Acronym for a ship type. Always in allcaps as shown.

DNL (light dreadnought): Acronym for a ship type.Always in all caps as shown.

Docking: Game term, but not normally capitalized.Double Raider: An Orion destroyer, this capitalized form

is always capitalized since it is a specific codename for a ship type.

Double-space fighter (or shuttle): Game term, notnormally capitalized.

Dreadnought: A warship type smaller than a battleshipand larger than a cruiser. . See “Ship Type” andCapitalization Rule #9.

DRN: Abbreviation used in all caps on Ship Cards andSSDs for Drone racks.

Drogue: Weapons platform towed behind a ship. Treatas a “technology item.”

Drone rack, Drone racks: See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9.

Drone, Drones: See “Technology Item” and

Capitalization Rule #9.D-torp: Abbreviation for type-D plasma torpedo. The D is

always capped and the t is not.Ducktail: Structure added to certain freighters. Treat as a

ship type. Not normally capitalized. Just abouteverybody wishes we had made up some otherword for these things, but it’s too late now.

Ducky: A small laser printer that ADB, Inc., owns.Always capped as a proper name.

Dunkar: Species, capitalized.Dunkaria: Capitalized as a proper geographic name.

This is a planet in the Klingon Empire,homeworld of the Dunkar species.

Dust: A terrain type. Not normally capitalized, althoughthis is done in rules about asteroids and dustclouds under Capitalization Rule #9.

DW: Acronym for war destroyer, capped as shown.DWA: Acronym for a war destroyer variant, capped as

shown.DWC: Acronym for a war destroyer variant, capped as

shown.DWD: Acronym for a war destroyer variant, capped as

shown.DWE: Acronym for a war destroyer variant, capped as

shown.DWG: Acronym for a war destroyer variant, capped as

shown.DWH: Acronym for a war destroyer variant, capped as

shown.DWJ: Acronym for a war destroyer variant, capped as

shown.DWK: Acronym for a war destroyer variant, capped as

shown.DWL: Acronym for a war destroyer variant, capped as

shown.DWM: Acronym for a war destroyer variant, capped as

shown.DWP: Acronym for a war destroyer variant, capped as

shown.DWS: Acronym for a war destroyer variant, capped as

shown.DWT: Acronym for a war destroyer variant, capped as

shown.DWV: Acronym for a war destroyer variant, capped as

shown.DWX: Acronym for a war destroyer variant, capped as

shown.Dyson Sphere: Capitalized as a proper name.E20: See A30.E4 (type of small Klingon ship): Acronym for a ship type.

Always in all caps as shown under CapitalizationRule #8.

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Early Beginnings: An F&E scenario. Capitalize as aliterary title under Capitalization Rule #6. See“Typhoon.”

Early Years: Historical epoch, capitalized. Covers thetime period from Y80 to Y120.

East: Directional term, usually not capitalized unless it isused as a proper name for a geographic region.

ECCM: Acronym for Electronic Counter-CounterMeasures (counter-jamming), all caps.

ECM: Acronym for Electronic Counter Measures(jamming), all caps.

Economic BPV: In SFB, all units have both a CombatBPV and an Economic BPV, which is the samein most cases, but not all. When it is necessaryto specify, use the capped form.

Economic Point Value: Game term, capped as shown.ED: Acronym for Emergency Deceleration, always caps

under Capitalization Rule #8.EDR: Acronym for Emergency Damage Repair, always

caps under Capitalization Rule #8.Electronic warfare: Military term, not normally

capitalized. Do not hyphenate when used beforenouns.

Email: Contraction for Electronic Mail. Always done asshown, capital E, no hyphen, lower case m.

EMER: Abbreviation used for Emergency Bridge used inall caps on Ship Cards and SSDs.

Emergency Bridge: Element of a starship. This term waspreviously on the “always capitalized” list, butJean Sexton ordered it de-capitalized as of 1Jan 2010.

Emergency Damage Repair: Game term, one of thosethat is always capitalized.

Emergency Deceleration: Game term, one of those thatis always capitalized.

Emergency Evacuation: Game term, one of those that isalways capitalized.

Empire Security Service: Military organization, alwayscapitalized as shown. Known informally as theKlingon Secret Police.

Empire, Empires: Not capitalized unless used as asubstitute formal name for a specific empire.

End of Turn Phase: Game term, one of those that isalways capitalized as shown.

End of Turn: Game term, one of those that is alwayscapitalized. Used in common speech as “end ofthe game turn” it is not capitalized.

Endurance: Game term, but not normally capitalized.Energy Allocation Phase: Game term, one of those that

is always capitalized.Energy Allocation: Game term, one of those that is

always capitalized.

Energy Point, Energy Points: Game term, one of thosethat is always capitalized.

Energy Token, Energy Tokens: Game term, one of thosethat is always capitalized.

England: Capitalized as a proper geographic name. Alsoa very charming place to visit, with a lot ofhistory. The English say: “In England, a hundredmiles is a long way. In America, a hundred yearsis a long time.”

Ensign: Military rank, naval forces, the most juniorofficer. See Capitalization Rule #4. The wordoriginally meant “a junior officer allowed to carrythe unit flag.”

EPV (Economic Point Value): Acronym for a game term,all caps as shown.

Erratic Maneuverings, Erratic Maneuvering: Game term,one of those that is always capitalized. Note thatin Federation Commander this same concept isEvasive Maneuvering.

Escort: A category of ship, rather than a type. See “ShipType” and Capitalization Rule #9. Note that thisis often used in other cases (perhaps as in theverb “to escort”) and is not normally capitalizedin those other cases.

ESG: Acronym for expanding sphere generator, all capsunder Capitalization Rule #8.

ESS (Empire Security Service): Acronym for a militaryorganization, always capitalized as shown.Known informally as the Klingon Secret Police.

Ethnic Klingon: A term used (capitalized as shown) whenit is specifically necessary to note that theindividuals are members of the Klingon species,not just the Klingon Empire.

Evasive Maneuvering, Evasive Maneuvers: Game term,one of those that is always capitalized.

EW: Acronym for electronic warfare, capitalized asshown under Capitalization Rule #8.

Excalibur: Example of the name of a ship. Treated as aproper name (always capitalized) and printed initalics. See Capitalization Rule #3.

Exile Races: A term applied to members of Klingon andLyran Subject Races (species) who live as freecitizens of the Hydran Kingdom on oxygen-nitrogen worlds. Always capped as shown.

Expanding sphere, expanding sphere generator: A Lyranweapon. See “technology item”, CapitalizationRule #9, and ESG.

Experts (Seltorian senior female): Treated as a species,capitalized.

Extended Reaction Zone: Game term used in F&E, oneof those that is always capitalized.

F HULL: Abbreviation used on SSDs or Ship Cards.

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Always all caps as shown.F&E: Acronym for a product name, capitalized as a

formal name, printed in italics.F.E.A.R: F&E Answer Rapporteur, the staffer who

answers F&E questions on the BBS.F-14: A type of Federation fighter-shuttle.F-15: A type of Federation fighter-shuttle.F-16: A type of Federation fighter-shuttle.F2F (Face-to-face): Game acronym, always in caps as

shown.F-4: A type of Federation fighter-shuttle; the original

naval fighter. Replaced by F-18.F5 (Klingon frigate): Acronym for a ship type. Always in

all caps as shown. Not that it matters forcapitalization, but this is either the game’sbiggest frigate or the game’s smallest destroyer.Take your pick.

F5W (Klingon war destroyer): Acronym for a ship type.Always in all caps as shown. The F5W is similarto the F5, but slightly larger.

F-7: A type of Federation fighter-shuttle. Designed byShenyang in China, this was a cheap fighterbuilt by modifying a standard shuttlecraft frame.

F-8: A type of Federation fighter-shuttle; the originalground-based fighter. Replaced by F-16.

FA (firing arc): Acronym for a game term. Always in allcaps as shown.

Face-to-face: Game term. Formerly on the capitalizedlist, but Jean says that SVC ordered it de-capped as of 11 Nov 09.

Facing: Game term, but not normally capitalized.Faction: This term is commonly used in games to refer to

one of several possible sides (e.g., the Germanswere one “faction” in World War II). The term isnot used in SFU where “empire” has theequivalent meaning.

Fall Y175: an example of an F&E game turn, capitalizedas shown, must include year.

Fall: season of the year, not capitalized, at least,according to Jean it’s not.

Fast cruiser: See “Ship Type” and Capitalization Rule#9.

FC (Federation Commander): Game system name,capitalized as a formal name, printed in italics.Capitalization Rule #3.

FC: BA: Product name, capitalized as a formal name,printed in italics. Capitalization Rule #3.

FC: DK: Product name, capitalized as a formal name,printed in italics. Capitalization Rule #3.

FC: KA: Product name, capitalized as a formal name,printed in italics. Capitalization Rule #3.

FC: KB: Product name, capitalized as a formal name,

printed in italics. Capitalization Rule #3.FC: OP: Product name, capitalized as a formal name,

printed in italics. Capitalization Rule #3.FC: RA: Product name, capitalized as a formal name,

printed in italics. Capitalization Rule #3.FC: RB: Product name, capitalized as a formal name,

printed in italics. Capitalization Rule #3.FC: TA: Product name, capitalized as a formal name,

printed in italics. Capitalization Rule #3.FC: W&P: Product name, capitalized as a formal name,

printed in italics. Capitalization Rule #3.FEAR: Federation & Empire Answer Rapporteur, the guy

who answers rules questions about that gamesystem. Often listed as the FEAR or GOD.Currently Mike Curtis, but Nick Blank, JoeStephenson, and Owen Riley had held this postin the past.

Federation & Empire: Product name, capitalized as aformal name, printed in italics. CapitalizationRule #3.

Federation Admiral: Product name, capitalized as aformal name, printed in italics.

Federation Commander: Battleships Attack: Productname, capitalized as a formal name, printed initalics. Capitalization Rule #3. In the text on thebottom of Ship Cards, the product title is in allcaps italics.

Federation Commander: Booster Zero: Product name,capitalized as a formal name, printed in italics.Capitalization Rule #3. In the text on the bottomof Ship Cards, the product title is in all capsitalics.

Federation Commander: Distant Kingdoms: Productname, capitalized as a formal name, printed initalics. Capitalization Rule #3. In the text on thebottom of Ship Cards, the product title is in allcaps italics.

Federation Commander: Forgotten Enemies: Productname, capitalized as a formal name, printed initalics. Capitalization Rule #3. In the text on thebottom of Ship Cards, the product title is in allcaps italics.

Federation Commander: Hydran Attack: Product name,capitalized as a formal name, printed in italics.Capitalization Rule #3. In the text on the bottomof Ship Cards, the product title is in all capsitalics.

Federation Commander: Klingon Attack: Product name,capitalized as a formal name, printed in italics.Capitalization Rule #3. In the text on the bottomof Ship Cards, the product title is in all capsitalics.

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Federation Commander: Klingon Border: Product name,capitalized as a formal name, printed in italics.Capitalization Rule #3. In the text on the bottomof Ship Cards, the product title is in all capsitalics.

Federation Commander: Orion Attack: Product name,capitalized as a formal name, printed in italics.Capitalization Rule #3. In the text on the bottomof Ship Cards, the product title is in all capsitalics.

Federation Commander: Product name, capitalized as aformal name, printed in italics. CapitalizationRule #3.

Federation Commander: Romulan Attack: Productname, capitalized as a formal name, printed initalics. Capitalization Rule #3.

Federation Commander: Romulan Border: Productname, capitalized as a formal name, printed initalics. Capitalization Rule #3.

Federation Commander: Tholian Attack: Product name,capitalized as a formal name, printed in italics.Capitalization Rule #3.

Federation Commander: War & Peace: Product name,capitalized as a formal name, printed in italics.Capitalization Rule #3.

Federation Council: Political entity, normally capitalized.Federation Express: A company (always capped in that

context) that does rapid cargo transfer, and atype of starship (treated as a reporting nameand always capped).

Federation PD20M: Product name, capitalized as aformal name, printed in italics. CapitalizationRule #3.

Federation Police: Military organization, alwayscapitalized as shown.

Federation Reporting Name: See code name.Federation Star Fleet: Military organization, always

capitalized as shown.Federation: Political entity, normally Website, capitalize F and C

as shown for ease of readability.FF (frigate): Acronym for a ship type. Always in all caps


FFP, FFR, FFS, FFT, FFV, FFX: Acronyms forfrigate variants, capped as shown.

Fighter: A generic noun, not normally capped.Final Activities Phase: Game term, one of those that is

always capitalized.Final Frontier PD20M: Product name (for a possible

figure product), capitalized as a formal name,printed in italics. Capitalization Rule #3.

Fire Phase: Game term, always capitalized when used inthat context.

Firing Arc, Firing Arcs: Game term, always capitalizedwhen used in that context.

First lieutenant: Military rank, the senior form of groundforces lieutenant. See Capitalization Rule #4 forrules of capitalization. Ground force lieutenantsare far more likely to be referred to (but neveraddressed) as “First Lieutenant Smith” thannaval Lieutenants are to being addressed as“Lieutenant Junior Grade Jones.”

Fist (Web Fist): See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9.

Flag Bridge: Element of a starship. This term waspreviously on the “always capitalized” list, butJean Sexton ordered it de-capitalized as of 1Jan 2010.

Flag Officer: An admiral or a general. The term meansthat this general has his own personal flag toshow where he is on the battlefield or which shiphe is on. The flags are standardized (i.e., all two-star admirals have the same flag, and while itrepresents them personally, it’s not a personaldesign).

FLAG: Abbreviation used (in all caps on) Ship Cards orSSDs for flag bridge.

Fleet Admiral: A five-star admiral. See CapitalizationRule #4.

Fleet Scale: Game term, always capitalized when usedin that context.

Fleet: Capitalized when talking about a specific unit,such as the Third Fleet. Note that the preferredform is Third Fleet not 3rd Fleet.

Forum (the BBS on the new website): Capitalizedbecause it is a formal item.

Forward hull: Game term, element of a starship, but notnormally capitalized.

Four Powers War: Historical event, the “World War One”of the Star Fleet Universe when manytechniques and much technology appeared inearly forms. Capitalize as a literary title underCapitalization Rule #6.

Frame, Frame damage: Game term, element of astarship, but not normally capitalized.

Franz Joseph Designs: Company name, capitalized.Free Trader: See “Ship Type” and Capitalization Rule

#9. This particular type is treated as a “codename” and always capitalized.

Free Traitor: See “Ship Type” and Capitalization Rule#9. This particular type is treated as a “codename” and always capitalized.

Free-standing web: A type of web which has no anchor

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points. See “Technology Item” and CapitalizationRule #9.

Freighter: See “Ship Type” and Capitalization Rule #9.This is a generic term, more a function than atype, covering many different types, and is notnormally capitalized.

Friendly Fire: Capitalize only when used as a specificgame term in FC or SFB, e.g., The game rulesprohibit Friendly Fire to prevent an allied shipfrom being captured.

Frigate: A warship type smaller than a destroyer andlarger than a corvette. See “Ship Type” andCapitalization Rule #9.

Frontline: A confusing word, which is sometimeshyphenated as front-line or spelled as two words(front line). Examples: This is a front-line unit. Thisunit is on the front line. The frontline is at Rigel.

FTF (Face-to-Face): Game acronym, always in caps asshown.

F-torp: Abbreviation for type-F plasma torpedo. The F isalways capped and the t is not.

Furkids: Members of a human family who don’t happento be human (cats, dogs). Not capitalized.

FX (Firing Arc): Game acronym, always in caps asshown.

G.O.D.: Acronym for Game’s Overworked Designer,alternatively, Games Overwrought Designer.Capped as shown.

Galactic Bureau: Klingon intelligence organization likethe CIA or KGB. Always capitalized as shown.More properly “Klingon Galactic Bureau.”

Galactic Intelligence Agency: Federation espionageagency. Always capitalized as a politicalinstitution; see Capitalization Rule #2.

Galactic Powers: A catch-all term that basically means“everybody except the Andromedans” or at leastthose fighting the Andromedan invasion.Capitalized as a proper name; see CapitalizationRule #1.

Galactic Research Unit: Klingon military intelligence.Always capitalized as shown.

Galaxy: Capitalized when used as a substitute for aformal name, e.g., “They could take over thewhole Galaxy.” Not capitalized when talking ingeneral.

Gatling: A type of phaser. Capped in normal US usageto reflect the inventor of this type of gun.

GBDP: Acronym for Ground-Based Defense Phaser-4,all caps.

General Availability: capitalized if you are using thespecific game term referring to drones.

General War: Historical event. Capitalize as a literary

title under Capitalization Rule #6.General: Military rank, ground forces; both a generic

term for all forms of general, and as a specificfour-star rank (confusing, isn’t it?). SeeCapitalization Rule #4.

Generator (Web): See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9.

Genghis Khan: A wolf sponsored by Stephen V. Cole.This wolf lived at the Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuarywhere he was the Alpha Wolf until he passedaway in January 2010.

Germano-Military Capitalization: Capitalized as aspecific game term.

Ghdar: Gorn homeworld, capitalized as a propergeographic name. There are, by the way, threeof these.

GIA (Galactic Intelligence Agency): Federationespionage agency. Always capitalized as apolitical institution; see Capitalization Rule #2.

Gibbs: Name assigned to a bookbinder at ADB, Inc. Thatbookbinder was replaced in 2010 by a moremodern machine briefly named Castle buteventually renamed Gibbs II.

Gibbs-Smack: To strike the back of the head ofsomeone who has committed some offense withthe open palm of the hand. This must be donewith speed and precision as an upward motionfrom behind. Done correctly, the striking handcontinues beyond the point of impact.

Globular web: See “Technology Item” and CapitalizationRule #9.

Gobbledygook: An informal term, not normally capped,indicating that a jumble of jargon, code words,and shorthand notations is so confusing that itmight as well just be random letters.

GOD: Game’s Overworked Designer, alternatively,Games Overwrought Designer. Capped asshown. Technically, this should be G.O.D. butthe acronymic form is often used.

Gorn Confederation: Political entity, normally capitalized.The term “Confederation of the Gorn” isconsidered more correct.

Gorn ships: All Gorn ships have a “code name” from aspecies of terrestrial dinosaur, such asAllosaurus or Alectosaurus. These are alwayscapitalized.

Gorn: Species, capitalized.Great House, Great Houses: These are Romulan

institutions, a combination of corporation andpolitical party. Capitalized as a formal name of apolitical institution. See Capitalization Rule #2.

Greater Magellanic Cloud: Geographic region, always

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capitalized. Known to real world astronomers asthe Large Magellanic Cloud.

Ground Combat Location: A specific game termcapitalized as shown under Rule #7.

Group admiral: One type of Klingon admiral. SeeCapitalization Rule #4.

Growler: Radio call sign for Mike Filsinger. Alwayscapped as a proper name when used as a callsign.

GRU (Galactic Research Unit): Klingon militaryintelligence (also Soviet military intelligence).Always capitalized as an acronym underCapitalization Rule #8.

G-torp: Abbreviation for type-G plasma torpedo. The G isalways capped and the t is not.

Guild: A Hydran institution, a combination of trade union,political faction, and corporation. The Hydranguilds hold most of the economic (and thereforepolitical) power in the Hydran Kingdom.

Gunline Group: Game term, one of those that is alwayscapitalized.

Gunline: A military term referring to ships or other unitsposted as a line of firepower to stop enemyforces. The term is primarily used in the SFU torefer to the screen of ships in front of an ISCechelon. It is not normally capitalized.

GURPS Federation: Product name, capitalized as aformal name, printed in italics. CapitalizationRule #3.

GURPS Final Frontier: Product name, capitalized as aformal name, printed in italics. CapitalizationRule #3.

GURPS Klingons: Product name, capitalized as a formalname, printed in italics. Capitalization Rule #3.

GURPS Prime Directive: Product name, capitalized as aformal name, printed in italics. CapitalizationRule #3.

GURPS Romulans: Product name, capitalized as aformal name, printed in italics. CapitalizationRule #3.

GURPS Tholians: Product name, capitalized as a formalname, printed in italics. Capitalization Rule #3.

Hailing Frequencies: Our on-line opt-in newsletter.Capitalized and italicized.

Heads Up Display: A military term, referring to a plate ofglass in a pilot’s line of sight on which isprojected certain information such as navigationcues or target cues. Capped as shown.

Heavy battlecruiser: See “Ship Type” and CapitalizationRule #9. A much heavier version of a heavycruiser, but still smaller than a dreadnought.

Heavy command cruiser: See “Ship Type” and

Capitalization Rule #9. A slightly more powerfulCommand Cruiser.

Heavy cruiser (type of ship): See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9.

Heavy destroyer (type of ship): See “Technology Item”and Capitalization Rule #9.

Heavy dreadnought (type of ship): See “TechnologyItem” and Capitalization Rule #9.

Heavy freighter (type of ship): See “Technology Item”and Capitalization Rule #9.

Heavy weapons squad: Not normally capitalized, but see“technology item.”

Hellbore (weapon): See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9.

Her Pirate Majesty’s Ship Parrot: Title used for JeanSexton’s ship in the tournament. Capped asshown. Never listed as Her PMS Parrot.

HET: Acronym for High Energy Turn, always cappedunder Rule #8. The proper term of usage is “anHET” (pronouncing the letters) rather than “aHET” (pronouncing it as a pseudo-word).

Hex: generic noun, not capitalized except in specificcases.

Hexside: generic noun, not capitalized except in specificcases.

Hidden Deployment: Game term, one of those that isalways capitalized.

High Energy Direction Change: Game term, one of thosethat is always capitalized.

High Energy Turn, High Energy Turns: Game term, oneof those that is always capitalized.

Hilidarian: Species, capitalized.Hive Ship: See “Ship Type” and Capitalization Rule #9.

Used only by the Seltorians, it is intended as amobile base and a mobile ship-building dock.Capable of combat (barely), it normally avoids itdue to low combat power and high financial risk.The Nest Ship is smaller but very similar, andthe two are combined for purposes of FederationCommander and Starline Miniatures. The HiveShip can be converted into the devastatingBattlewagon by mounting pre-built weaponsmodules in the ship construction docks.

Holdfast (Tholian): Political entity, normally capitalized.Holding: Game term, but not normally capitalized.Homeworld: Game term, not normally capitalized.House, Houses: Capitalized as a formal name of a

political institution only when it refers to thosepeculiar Romulan institutions which are acombination of a family, a corporation, and apolitical party. See Capitalization Rule #2.

Houseless: A term referring to a Romulan who is not

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affiliated with one of the houses. Not normallycapped.

HUD: Acronym for Heads Up Display.Hull: Game term, element of a starship, but not normally

capitalized.Hurricane: An F&E scenario. Capitalized as a literary title

under Capitalization Rule #6. See “Typhoon.”HW: Abbreviation for homeworld used in Galactic

Conquest. Capped as an acronym under Rule#8.

Hydran Kingdom: Political entity, normally capitalized.Hydran ships: All Hydran ships have a “code name” (e.g,

Ranger, Lord High Executioner, AntelopeHunter) which is always capitalized.

Hydran: Species, capitalized.Hydrax: Hydran homeworld, capitalized as a formal

geographic name.Hydraxan: Proper name of a whole bunch of Hydran

Kings (e.g. Hydraxan III, Hydraxan IX, HydraxanXIV). Capitalized under Rule #1 as a propername.

Impact (of a seeking weapon): Game term, but notnormally capitalized.

Impulse #1: Game term, always capitalized when usedin that context, and the number sign is required.

Impulse (part of the turn): Game term, but generic andnot capitalized in the context of “this takes eightimpulses” or “you can do that on the nextimpulse.”

Impulse engine: See “technology item” andCapitalization Rule #9.

Impulse Procedure: Game term, always capitalizedwhen used in that context.

Information Points: Game term, one of those that isalways capitalized.

Inner Reaction Zone: Game term used in F&E, one ofthose that is always capitalized.

Interceptor: A smaller and earlier form of gunboat. See“Technology Item” and Capitalization Rule #9.

Internal Security Forces: Military organization, alwayscapitalized as shown. This is the proper name ofthe Klingon space police.

Internals: slang for “points of internal damage” andshould not be used in formal writing.

Internet: for whatever reason, this non-SFU word isalways capped.

Interregnum: The dark period of time when TFG wasdead but wouldn’t admit it, before ADB becameADB, Inc., and took over as publisher. Alwayscapitalized as a historical epoch.

Inter-Stellar Concordium: One of the “empires” in SFU.Capitalized under Capitalization Rule #2 as a

proper geographic name. Note that it ishyphenated, although often (incorrectly) printedas Inter Stellar and as Interstellar. The “correct”version is Inter-Stellar.

Isis: The Bengal cat that is the ADB, Inc., InspectorGeneral.

Jack: One of the PC computers that ADB, Inc., owns.Always capped as a proper name.

JagdPanther: An example of a Lyran code name. Thisone is specifically listed here because of theunusual capital P in mid-word. The name isactually a German term for “Hunting Panther”and, in WWII, was a tank destroyer with a larger88mm gun on a Panther chassis. This was alsothe name of a game company once owned bythe designer of Star Fleet Battles.

Jindarian Caravans: The Jindarians have no nationalgovernment; each “caravan” is independent. Ifone is speaking of a generic caravan, then“caravan” is not capitalized in “the Jindariancaravan.” A specific caravan identification, suchas the Caravan of Jibril, would have the “c”capitalized. In addition, the term JindarianCaravans is used as the equivalent of RomulanEmpire or United Federation of Planets and inthat usage is capitalized.

Juggernaut: Capitalize as a proper name, seeCapitalization Rule #1.

Kate: One of the Kyocera printers ADB, Inc., owns.Always capped as a proper name.

Keress: A major industrial planet in the Klinshai starsystem (Klingon capital). Capitalized as a propergeographic name.

KGB (Klingon Galactic Bureau): Klingon intelligenceorganization like the CIA or MI6. Alwayscapitalized as shown under Capitalization Rule#8.

Kilikam: Klingon unit of distance more or less equal to akilometers. Note that Paramount uses analternate spelling (kellekam) but we never usethat form.

Klingon Armada: Product name, capitalized as a formalname, printed in italics. Capitalization Rule #3.

Klingon Attack: Product name, capitalized as a formalname, printed in italics.

Klingon Border: Product name, capitalized as a formalname, printed in italics.

Klingon Deep Space Fleet: Military organization, alwayscapitalized as shown.

Klingon Empire Security Service: Military organization,always capitalized as shown.

Klingon Empire: One of the Macintosh computers that

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ADB, Inc., owns. Always capped as a propername.

Klingon Empire: Political entity, normally capitalized.Proper geographic name.

Klingon Galactic Bureau: Military organization, alwayscapitalized as shown.

Klingon Galactic Research Unit: Military organization,always capitalized as shown.

Klingon Invasion: Product name, capitalized as a formalname, printed in italics. This product has notbeen published.

Klingon Invasion: Product name, capitalized as a formalname, printed in italics.

Klingon Rapid Assault Group: Product name, capitalizedas a formal name, printed in italics. This producthas not been published.

Klingon ship designations: All Klingon ships have analphanumeric designation (e.g., D7, F5W, AD6)which is always presented as capital letters andno hyphens.

Klingon Space: Capitalized as a proper geographicname.

Klingon, Klingons: Species, capitalized.Klingons PD20: Product name, capitalized as a formal

name, printed in italics.Klinshai: Klingon homeworld, capitalized as a formal

geographic name.Korgal: One of the Klingon warrior colonies, “home

planet” of the Klingon Internal Security Forces.Capitalized as a proper geographic name.

Kovar: Capitalized as a proper geographic name. A gasgiant in the Klinshai star system. The moons ofthe planet are treated as one political unit andamount to a minor industrial colony.

KRC: Romulan command cruiser converted from KlingonD7C. Acronym for a ship type. Always in all capsas shown.

K-torp: Abbreviation for type-K plasma torpedo. The K isalways capped and the t is not.

Kumerian (example of the proper name of an individual):always capitalized.

Kzin: This term is never used in SFU. Use Kzinti instead.Kzintai: Kzinti homeworld, capitalized as a formal

geographic name.Kzinti Hegemony: Political entity. Capitalized as a proper

geographic name.Kzinti, Kzintis: Species, capitalized. Kzinti is singular,

Kzintis is plural.L (firing arc): Game acronym or abbreviation, used on

Ship Cards and SSDs, and in tacticaldiscussions. Always in caps as shown.

Lab (verb): Game term, but not normally capitalized.

Lab, Laboratories, Laboratory: See “Technology Item”and Capitalization Rule #9.

LAB: Abbreviation used on SSDs or Ship Cards. Alwaysall caps as shown in that context.

Landing: Game term, but not normally capitalized.Large Fleet Oiler: A type of cargo ship carrying fuel.

Capped as shown.Large freighter: See “Ship Type” and Capitalization Rule

#9. This is, actually, a specific type of ship.Launch Phase: Game term, one of those that is always

capitalized.Launch: While something done during the game, this is

not normally supposed to be capitalized.Legendary Officer: Game term, one of those that is

always capitalized.Leopard Kings: Considered a “empire” or “species” or

“political entity” (it is all three, and none of theabove), and always capitalized as shown. This isthe now-missing ancient race who seeded thegenetic stock of the Lyrans, Kzintis, and otherfeline empires (and perhaps the Carnivons) onvarious planets.

Lesser Magellanic Cloud: Geographic region, alwayscapitalized. Known to real world astronomers asthe Small Magellanic Cloud.

LF (firing arc): Game acronym, always in caps as shown.Lieutenant Colonel: Military rank, ground forces, the

junior form of a colonel. Addressed inconversation as “colonel”; the full term is usedonly when clarity is specifically needed. SeeCapitalization Rule #4.

Lieutenant Commander: Military rank, junior to a “fullcommander” and senior to a “senior lieutenant.”See Capitalization Rule #4.

Lieutenant General: Military rank, a three-star officer ofground forces. The US Army had only threeofficers with this rank prior to 1866, those beingGeorge Washington, Winfield Scott, and UlyssesGrant, because the US Congress was reluctantto create higher ranks. The Confederacy hadabout ten of these three-star officers becausethey commanded units big enough to justifysuch a rank. Originally, there was only one kindof general (which ended up being the currentfour-star rank). When armies got big enough (inEurope in the 1600s) to need more generals, therank of lieutenant general (assistant to thegeneral) was created, and by the time ofFrederick the Great, the junior rank majorgeneral was created. Brigadier had been around(but not a general) for a century or so by then.

Lieutenant, J.G. (Junior Grade): Military rank, the junior

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form of naval lieutenant. This officer iscommonly addressed as “Lieutenant” and the“J.G.” part is used only in formal writtencorrespondence. See Capitalization Rule #4.

Lieutenant: Military rank. This is a generic term applyingto both senior lieutenants and junior lieutenants,and to both first lieutenants and secondlieutenants. See Capitalization Rule #4.

Life form: two words, not capped.Life sign: two words, no capped.Light cruiser: See “Ship Type” and Capitalization Rule

#9. This is a smaller, cheaper, and less capableform of cruiser.

Light dreadnought: See “Ship Type” and CapitalizationRule #9. This is a special form of dreadnoughtintended for high-speed raids behind enemylines. The term “light raiding dreadnought” isinterchangeable but sexier.

Light Raider: An Orion frigate, this capitalized form isalways capitalized since it is a specific codename for a ship type.

Light-year: unit of distance, not capped, needs hyphen.Limited Availability: capitalized if you are using the

specific game term referring to drones.Linear Web: Capitalized in formal rules writing. Not

normally capitalized in normal literature, such asa fiction story, tactics article, or recount of atournament battle.

Lizard Kings: Considered a “empire” or “species” or“political entity” (it is all three, and none of theabove), and always capitalized as shown. This isthe now-missing ancient race who seeded thegenetic stock of the Gorns, Paravians, andothers on various planets.

Lobo: Radio call sign for Steve Cole. Always capped asa proper name when used as a call sign.

Location Map: Game term, one of those that is alwayscapitalized.

Long Retreat: Historical period, capitalized. Time whenKlingons were driven out of Hydran space forthe second time.

Lost Colonies: Proper if rarely used form of Hydran OldColonies. Capitalized as shown as a propergeographic name.

LP (plasma tracking arc): Game acronym, always incaps as shown.

LR (Orion Light Raider): Acronym for a ship type. Alwaysin all caps as shown.

LS (firing arc): Game acronym, always in caps asshown.

Lyran Empire, Lyran Star Empire: Political entity,normally capitalized.

Lyran ships: All Lyran ships have a “code name” (e.g,Tiger, Cave Lion, Jaguar) which is alwayscapitalized.

Lyran: Species, and empire, capitalized as shown.Lyrantan: Lyran homeworld, capitalized as a formal

geographic name.M31, M31 Galaxy: Capitalized as a proper geographic

name. This is the Andromeda Galaxy, home ofthe Andromedan Invaders. M31 means it wasthe 31st “interesting astronomical object” in thefamous Messier catalog.

M45 Pleiades Star Cluster: Site of a famous battle,capitalized as a proper geographic term. M45means it was the 45th “interesting astronomicalobject” in the famous Messier catalog.

M51 Whirlpool Galaxy: Not a part of the Star FleetUniverse, but a spectacular photo on the NASAwebsite.

M74 spiral galaxy: Not a part of the Star Fleet Universe,but a spectacular photo on the NASA website.

M81, M81 Galaxy: Capitalized as a proper geographicname. This is the home galaxy of the Tholians.M81 means it was the 81st “interestingastronomical object” in the famous Messiercatalog.

M82, M82 Galaxy: Capitalized as a proper geographicname. This galaxy is near the M81 galaxy. M82means it was the 82nd “interesting astronomicalobject” in the famous Messier catalog.

Macintosh: Capitalize as a formal name.Maelstrom: An F&E scenario. Capitalize as a literary title

(Capitalization Rule #6). See “Typhoon.”Magellanic Cloud: Geographic region, always

capitalized.Main Supply Grid: F&E game term, one of those that is

always capitalized.Main-line combat: An informal term with no specific

meaning. Not capped. Examples: This ship wasbuilt for main-line combat. This ship is on the mainline.

Major: Military rank, ground forces, below a lieutenantcolonel and above a captain. See CapitalizationRule #4.

Marak: Capitalized as a proper geographic name. Aminor industrial planet in the Klinshai starsystem.

Marine (individual): Always capitalized. The only timethis word is not capitalized is in a non-militarysense, such as “We built the crate out of marineplywood.”

Marine Combat Phase: Game term, one of those that isalways capitalized.

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Marine raids: Game term, but not normally capitalized.Marine, Marines, Marine Corps (organization or unit):

Military organization, always capitalized asshown.

Marshal: A law enforcement officer. This term was usedby the USSR and Napoleonic France as a kindof very big general, equivalent to a British orGerman field marshal.

Maximum speed: Game term, but not normallycapitalized.

MCIDS: Acronym for Monster Close In Defense System,a rules fudge to keep ships with seekingweapons from winning monster scenarios tooeasily. All caps.

Mech-link: Hyphenated as shown, not normally capped.Member planets (of the Federation): Used as both a title

and a description. When used as a description,neither word is capitalized (Vulcan is a memberplanet); as a title, both are capitalized (Anabstention came from Member Planet Vulcan).

Midshipman: Military rank, naval forces, a cadet at theNaval Academy. This term is not often used inSFU where “Cadet” is preferred, but neither termis wrong. The word in Federation Standard cantranslate into English as either “Cadet” or“Midshipman.” See Capitalization Rule #4.

Milky Way, Milky Way Galaxy : Proper geographic name,always capitalized.

Milspeak: An artificial term meaning “the military mannerof speaking”; see Gobbledygook.

Mind Monster: Creature. Capitalize as a formal orspecies name.

Minor House: Refers to a Romulan house that, whileorganized the same as a Great House, hasmuch less power, wealth, and influence. Minorhouses do not have senate seats. The term isnot normally capitalized.

Mobile base: a small portable base, not capitalizedbecause, like cruiser, it’s a category of items.

Modified Victory Conditions: Game term, alwayscapitalized.

Module R11 Support Ships: Product name, capitalizedas a formal name, printed in italics.Capitalization Rule #3.

Monitor: A slow ship with lots of weapons, used to guardplanets. See “Ship Types” and CapitalizationRule #9.

Moray Eel of Space: Creature. Capitalize as a formal orspecies name.

Movement Cost: Game term, one of those that is alwayscapitalized.

Movement Phase: Game term, one of those that is

always capitalized.Movement Points: Game term, one of those that is

always capitalized.Movement Step: Game term, one of those that is always

capitalized.Movement Sub-Pulse: Game term, one of those that is

always capitalized.Movement: Game term, but not normally capitalized.MRS: Acronym for multi-role shuttle, all caps.Multi-role shuttle: See “technology item” and

Capitalization Rule #9.NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration):

Acronym, capitalized as shown underCapitalization Rule #8.

NASA Hubble Telescope: Capitalize as a formal nameunder Capitalization Rule #1.

Naval Construction Contract: Capitalized as shown. SeeNCC.

Navy: Military organization, always capitalized as shown.NCA (new heavy cruiser): Acronym for a ship type.

Always in all caps as shown under capitalizationrule #8.

NCC: Abbreviation for Naval Construction Contract, allcaps.

NCL (new light cruiser): Acronym for a ship type. Alwaysin all caps as shown.

NDD (new destroyer): Acronym for a ship type. Alwaysin all caps as shown under capitalization rule #8.

NDN (new dreadnought): Acronym for a ship type.Always in all caps as shown under capitalizationrule #8.

Neo-Tholian, Neo-Tholians: Species, capitalized. Note,they are not genetically different from plain oldTholians. All Neo-Tholians are Tholians but notall Tholians are Neo-Tholians. See alsoArchaeo-Tholian.

Nest Ship: Code name for a large Seltorian ship,capitalized as shown.

NFF (new frigate): Acronym for a ship type. Always in allcaps as shown under capitalization rule #8.

Nimitz: The M2 bookbinder that ADB, Inc., owns. Alwayscapped as a proper name.

Non-moving units: Game term, but not normallycapitalized.

non-Tholian: An example of a term meaning “anyonewho isn’t a Tholian.” The “n” is not usuallycapitalized. This really only has meaning incertain cases, such as the Tholians, who regardother species as lower than insects.

North: Directional term, usually not capitalized unless itis used as a proper name for a geographicregion.

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_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________Revised 2/8/11 at 10:34 AM. (Compiled by Jean Sexton and Stephen V. Cole. This list is not 100% complete.)

NWO (non-weapon options): Abbreviation used in allcaps on Ship Cards and SSDs for OptionalWeapons Mounts.

OB (Order of Battle): Acronym for game term andmilitary term, one of those that is alwayscapitalized. The abbreviations OOB and OoBare not used in SFU. During World War II,German senior headquarters used thisabbreviation (e.g., OB West) for the word “Ober-Kommando.”

Offensive Fire Phase: Game term, one of those that isalways capitalized.

Old Colonies: Hydran planets not conquered by Lyransand Klingons during the two invasions of theHydran Kingdom. Capitalized as shown as aproper geographic name. This form is preferredover the “Lost Colonies” form.

Old Kings: Considered a “empire” or “species” or“political entity” (it is all three, and none of theabove), and always capitalized as shown. This isthe now-missing ancient race which took theKlingons into space.

Old Smokey: The shrinkwrap machine that ADB, Inc.,owns. Always capped as a proper name.

Omega Sector: Geographic region, always capitalized.On-Line Newsletter: Capitalized as shown.OpCon: Operational Control, a military term referring to a

sub-unit which is not attached to a larger unit butis still under control of that unit. The distinction isthat the higher commander has no authority overthe internal workings of the OpCon unit.

Operation Cavalry: Historical event. Capitalize as aliterary title under Capitalization Rule #6.

Operation Tribune: Historical event. Capitalize as aliterary title under Capitalization Rule #6.

Operation Unity: Historical event. Capitalize as a literarytitle under Capitalization Rule #6.

Operational Movement: Game term, one of those that isalways capitalized.

Opposing player: Game term, but not normallycapitalized.

OPT: Abbreviation used in all caps on Ship Cards andSSDs for Optional weapons mounts.

Optional weapons: Game term, but not normallycapitalized.

Order of Battle: Game term and military term, one ofthose that is always capitalized. This iscommonly abbreviated as OB.

Order of Precedence: Game term, one of those that isalways capitalized.

Organic: A noun with many uses. Tholians use it as adisparaging term for carbon-based life forms. If a

sub-unit is “organic” to a larger unit then it is aregular and permanent part of that unit asopposed to be attached to it.

Original Series: Capitalize as a formal name. First andbest of the Star Trek genre. Often abbreviatedas TOS or ST:TOS.

Orion (planet): Capitalized as a proper geographicname.

Orion (referring to “empire”): Species or political faction,capitalized in either case.

Orion cartels: This is a generic term encompassing thevarious cartels of the Orion Pirates. The“national identifier” (which gets capitalized) isOrion Pirates, not Orion cartels. Specific cartels,such as Daven Cartel (or simply Daven) arecapitalized.

Orion Light Raider: See “Ship Type” and CapitalizationRule #9. This is a small pirate ship equivalent toa frigate.

Orion Pirate: a member of the “empire” as in “faction”;most members of the Orion Pirates are notmembers of the Orion species.

Orion Pirates: Political entity, normally capitalized. An“empire” in game terms, even if not really onepolitically.

Orion Stealth: Game term, one of those that is alwayscapitalized.

Other Functions Phase: Game term, one of those that isalways capitalized.

Outer Reaction Zone: Game term used in F&E, one ofthose that is always capitalized.

Outstanding crew: Game term, but not normallycapitalized.

Overload (verb): Game term, but not normallycapitalized.

Overloaded weapons: Game term, but not normallycapitalized.

Overloaded: Game term, but not normally capitalized.Overloads: Game term, but not normally capitalized.Paladin: Code name for Hydran dreadnought, capitalized

as such under Capitalization Rule #2.Paladin: political official in the Klingon Empire.

Capitalized when used as a title or substitutename under Capitalization Rule #4.

Pallet (1): Cargo (or other type of) container used byfreighters and tugs. Not normally capitalized.Treat as a ship type. (Some empires use palletsand others use pods. Pallets are flatter andwider than pods but functionally no different. Themain use of the differentiation is for the Lyrans,who have flat pallets for their tugs and roundpods for their light tactical transport.

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_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________Revised 2/8/11 at 10:34 AM. (Compiled by Jean Sexton and Stephen V. Cole. This list is not 100% complete.)

Pallet (2): An add-on element of a monitor, providing itwith additional capabilities such as fighter, spacecontrol ship, or general support.

Pandemonium: Technically, a geographic term andalways capitalized. From Paradise Lost, this isthe city in which all demons live, hence pan(all)-demon-ium. Also printed as Pandaemonium.

Paramount, Paramount Pictures Corporation: Companyname, see Capitalization Rule #1. Really nicepeople whom we deeply respect and admire.

Partial Supply Grid: F&E game term, one of those that isalways capitalized.

Particle cannon: Weapon used by the Seltorians and OldGalaxy Tholians. See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9.

Patrol corvette: See “Ship Type” and Capitalization Rule#9. This term is used only by the smaller Tholianship type, their equivalent of a frigate.

Paula: One of the Kyocera printers ADB, Inc., owns.Always capped as a proper name.

PBEM (play-by-Email): Acronym for a game term,always in all caps.

PC (Patrol corvette): Acronym for a ship type. Always inall caps as shown.

PD20: Abbreviation for Prime Directive PD20, capitalizedand italicized as a product name underCapitalization Rule #3.

PD20M: Abbreviation for Prime Directive PD20 Modern,capitalized and italicized as a product nameunder Capitalization Rule #3.

PDF (Postscript description format): Acronym, always inall caps. This is used for both transfers andprinting (since it embeds the fonts, allowing adocument to look like it is supposed to lookwhen sent to another system.

PE: Acronym for Professional Engineer, all caps, used atthe end of a formally printed name, e.g.,Stephen V. Cole, PE. Note that this is never“P.E.”

Peladine: An “empire” in the Lyran outback. Actually, thisis just a planet with the Ranel and Phelanspecies. They were on the verge of getting intospace when conquered by the Lyrans andreduced to the status of a Subject Race.Conjectural warships were published as aspeculation of what they might have become.

PF: Abbreviation for Fast Patrol Ship or Gunboat. Allcaps.

Ph-1: Abbreviation for phaser-1 used in shorthandwriting, not formal writing. The “P” must becapitalized.

PH-1: Abbreviation used on SSDs or Ship Cards. Always

all caps as shown. Note the hyphen.Ph-2: Abbreviation for phaser-2 used in shorthand

writing, not formal writing. The “P” must becapitalized.

PH-2: Abbreviation used on SSDs or Ship Cards. Alwaysall caps as shown. Note the hyphen.

Ph-3: Abbreviation for phaser-3 used in shorthandwriting, not formal writing. The “P” must becapitalized.

PH-3: Abbreviation used on SSDs or Ship Cards. Alwaysall caps as shown. Note the hyphen.

Ph-4: Abbreviation for phaser-4 used in shorthandwriting, not formal writing. The “P” must becapitalized.

PHAS-1: Abbreviation used on SSDs or Ship Cards.Always all caps as shown. Note the hyphen.

PHAS-2: Abbreviation used on SSDs or Ship Cards.Always all caps as shown. Note the hyphen.

PHAS-3: Abbreviation used on SSDs or Ship Cards.Always all caps as shown. Note the hyphen.

Phase (part of a game turn): Game term, but notnormally capitalized unless the specific phase isnamed. For example, “I waited until the end ofthe phase.”

Phaser (weapon): See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9.

Phaser-1 (weapon): See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9.

Phaser-2 (weapon): See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9.

Phaser-3 (weapon): See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9.

Phaser-4 (weapon): See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9.

Phaser-G (weapon): See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9. The “G” is always acapital letter, even in cases when the “P” is not.

Phasers (weapon): See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9.

PHAS-G: Abbreviation used on SSDs or Ship Cards.Always all caps as shown. Note the hyphen.

Ph-G: Abbreviation for phaser-G used in shorthandwriting, not formal writing. The “G” is always acapital letter.

Ph-G: Abbreviation for phaser-G used in shorthandwriting, not formal writing. The “P” must becapitalized.

PH-G: Abbreviation used on SSDs or Ship Cards.Always all caps as shown. Note the hyphen.

Phelan: A species of intelligent dolphins in the Lyranoutback. One of two species that made up thePeladine.

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_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________Revised 2/8/11 at 10:34 AM. (Compiled by Jean Sexton and Stephen V. Cole. This list is not 100% complete.)

PHOT: Abbreviation used on SSDs or Ship Cards.Always all caps as shown.

Photon, photons, photon torpedo, photon torpedoes(weapon): See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9.

Pirate Kingdoms: Capitalized as a political entity. Orionareas set up inside Romulan Space before theRomulans had sensors to detect them and shipsto kick them out.

Plas-D: Abbreviation for plasma-D used in shorthandwriting, not formal writing. The “P” and “D” mustbe capitalized.

Plas-F: Abbreviation for plasma-F used in shorthandwriting, not formal writing. The “P” and “F” mustbe capitalized.

Plas-G: Abbreviation for plasma-G used in shorthandwriting, not formal writing. The “P” and “G” mustbe capitalized.

Plas-K: Abbreviation for plasma-K used in shorthandwriting, not formal writing. The “P” and “K” mustbe capitalized.

Plas-L: Abbreviation for plasma-l used in shorthandwriting, not formal writing. The “P” and the “L”after the dash must be capitalized.

Plas-M: Abbreviation for plasma-M used in shorthandwriting, not formal writing. The “P” and “M” mustbe capitalized.

Plasma, plasma torpedo, plasma torpedoes (weapon):See “Technology Item” and Capitalization Rule#9.

Plasma-D (weapon): See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9. The “D” is always acapital letter, even in cases when the “P” is not.

Plasma-F (weapon): See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9. The “F” is always acapital letter, even in cases when the “P” is not.

Plasma-G (weapon): See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9. The “G” is always acapital letter, even in cases when the “P” is not.

Plasma-L (weapon): See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9. The “L” is always acapital letter, even in cases when the “P” is not.

Plasma-M (weapon): See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9. The “M” is always acapital letter, even in cases when the “P” is not.

Plasma-R (weapon): See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9. The “R” is always acapital letter, even in cases when the “P” is not.

Plasma-S (weapon): See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9. The “S” is always acapital letter, even in cases when the “P” is not.

Plasmatic pulsar device (ISC weapon): See “Technology

Item” and Capitalization Rule #9.Plas-R: Abbreviation for plasma-R used in shorthand

writing, not formal writing. The “P” must becapitalized.

Plas-S: Abbreviation for plasma-S used in shorthandwriting, not formal writing. The “P” must becapitalized.

Play-by-Email: Game term, capitalized as shown.Player Turn: Game term, one of those that is always

capitalized.Player, Players: Game term, but not normally

capitalized.Plus refit: A background technology term. Capitalize the

P, not the R.Pod: Cargo container used by freighters and tugs. Not

normally capitalized. Treat as a ship type. Thereare other types of pods modified for militaryduty, such as Battle Pods and Carrier Pods.

Points: Game term, but not normally capitalized.Poor crew: A game term, but Jean says not to capitalize

it.Post Office: Government organization that delivers mail.

Always capitalized.PPD: Acronym for plasmatic pulsar device, used in all

caps.Pre-Game Arming: Game term used in FC and SFB, one

of those that is always capitalized.Prime Corvette: A small armed starship based on the

ubiquitous Prime Trader hull. Capitalized as acode name under Capitalization Rule #2.

Prime Directive PD20: Product name, capitalized as aformal name, printed in italics.

Prime Directive: Product name, capitalized as a formalname, printed in italics.

Prime Team: Game term, always capitalized.Prime Trader: See “Ship Type” and Capitalization Rule

#9. This particular type is treated as a “codename” and always capitalized.

Private: A common ground forces soldier or marine ofthe lowest rank. A Private First Class is anexperienced private who has been around longenough not to require supervision. SeeCapitalization Rule #4.

Probes: See “Technology Item” and Capitalization Rule#9.

Pronhoulite: Species, capitalized.Pseudo-fighter: Not currently used in SFU; this was the

original designation for gunboats. When thisproved to be grammatically incorrect, we tried toconvince everybody that the real term was FastPatrol Ship. After the RPGs came out, wedecided that “gunboat” was much cooler.

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_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________Revised 2/8/11 at 10:34 AM. (Compiled by Jean Sexton and Stephen V. Cole. This list is not 100% complete.)

Pulse Speed: Game term, one of those that is alwayscapitalized.

Q-ship: A freighter modified to include hidden weaponsand used to sucker pirates into attacking. The Qis capitalized and the S is not.

Quadruple-space fighter (or shuttle): Game term, notnormally capitalized.

Queen: Seltorian female capable of laying eggs. Alwayscapitalized.

R (firing arc): Game acronym, always in caps as shown.R HULL: Abbreviation used on SSDs or Ship Cards.

Always all caps as shown.RA (firing arc): Game acronym, always in caps as

shown.Race: A term not really used properly in the Star Fleet

Universe, but so deeply ingrained in SFB andF&E that it cannot be removed at this point.Refers to a “political entity” with their ownsection of the rulebook, such as the Klingons (anempire including ethnic Klingons and many otherspecies), the Romulans (an empire consistingfor the most part of Romulans), and so forth.

Racks: As in missile racks or drone racks; systemsholding missiles ready to launch. See“Technology Item” and Capitalization Rule #9.

Radar: Originally an acronym for Radio Direction andRanging (RADAR) but has now passed into thevernacular as a simple word and is not normallycapitalized.

Radius Zero ESG: Game term, one of those that isalways capitalized.

Raids: Game term, but not normally capitalized.Raising shields: Game term, but not normally

capitalized.RALAD: Acronym for rail-launched anti-drone. The

acronym is of course all caps but the spelled-outwords are not. This is an anti-drone rocketmounted on the rail of a type-VI dogfight droneand used as a single-shot direct-fire weapon.

Ram: Seltorian male youth, might fertilize a Queen (anddie in the process) but if not, matures into aSage. Always capitalized as shown.

Ramoth: One of the Macintosh computers that ADB,Inc., owns. Always capped as a proper name.

Ramses: The Bengal cat that is head of ADB, Inc.,security.

Ranel: A species of intelligent racoons in the Lyranoutback. One of two species that made up thePeladine.

Range (to target): In common speech and dialog, suchas “What is the range to the Klingon cruiser?”this is not capitalized. In tactics articles, Range 7

is capitalized. See Range Zero.Range Zero: When the range is zero, spell out and cap

the word Zero if it is with the word “range.”Rapid Transit Network: Andromedan system for rapid

strategic movement. Capped as shown.Rapid Transport Network: Alternative name for

Andromedan system for rapid strategicmovement. Rapid Transit Network is stronglypreferred. Capped as shown.

React out: A slang term used by F&E players to indicatethat they utilized Reaction Movement. Shouldnot be used in formal writing.

Reaction Movement: Game term, one of those that isalways capitalized.

Reaction Zone: Game term used in F&E, one of thosethat is always capitalized. Inner, Outer, andExtended Reaction Zones exist.

Rear Admiral: A two-star admiral. See CapitalizationRule #4. Note, in the US Navy, there are twokinds of Rear Admirals, “upper half” (two stars)and “lower half” (one star). This is because one-star officers, normally commodores, don’t havethe social coolness of being addressed asadmiral while Army, Marine, and Air Forcebrigadier generals get to be addressed as“general.”

Rear hull: Game term, but not normally capitalized.Reference Card: Game term, one of those that is always

capitalized.Regenerating shields: Game term, but not normally

capitalized.Reinforcement: Game term, but not normally capitalized.Reinforcing Shields: Game term, but not normally

capitalized.Reloading: Game term, but not normally capitalized.Remus: One of the two Romulan homeworlds (Romulus

is the other one), capitalized as a formalgeographic name.

Repair Cost: Game term, one of those that is alwayscapitalized.

Repair Phase: Game term, one of those that is alwayscapitalized.

Repair Point, Repair Points: Game term, one of thosethat is always capitalized.

Repairs: Game term, but not normally capitalized.Reporting name: See code name.Reserve Fleet: Game term, one of those that is always

capitalized.Reserve Movement: Game term (from F&E), one of

those that is always capitalized.Restricted Availability: Capitalized if you are using the

specific game term referring to drones.

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_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________Revised 2/8/11 at 10:34 AM. (Compiled by Jean Sexton and Stephen V. Cole. This list is not 100% complete.)

Retrograde Movement: Game term, one of those that isalways capitalized.

Retrograde Point: Game term, one of those that isalways capitalized.

Reverse, reverse movement: Game term, not normallycapitalized.

RF (firing arc): Game acronym, always in caps asshown.

Rigellian: Species, a full member of the Federation,capitalized.

RL (firing arc): Game acronym, always in caps asshown.

Role-playing: A type of gaming. The hyphenation isrequired, although most people (incorrectly) donot use it. Not normally capitalized.

Romulan Armada: Product name, capitalized as a formalname, printed in italics. Capitalization Rule #3.

Romulan Armada: Product name, capitalized as a formalname, printed in italics.

Romulan Attack: Product name, capitalized as a formalname, printed in italics.

Romulan Empire, Romulan Star Empire: Political entity,normally capitalized. The “star empire” term istechnically correct but rarely used.

Romulan House, Romulan Houses: These are Romulaninstitutions, a combination of corporation andpolitical party. Capitalized as a formal name of apolitical institution. See Capitalization Rule #2.

Romulan Invasion: Product name, capitalized as aformal name, printed in italics. This product hasnot been published.

Romulan ships: All Romulan ships have a “code name”(e.g, Falcon, SparrowHawk-M, Condor) which isalways capitalized.

Romulan, Romulans: Species, capitalized.Romulans PD20: Product name, capitalized as a formal

name, printed in italics.Romulus: One of the two Romulan homeworlds (the

other is Remus), capitalized as a formalgeographic name.

Rovillian: Species, capitalized.RP (plasma tracking arc): Game acronym, always in

caps as shown.RPG: Acronym for role-playing game, all caps under

Capitalization Rule #8. This is also used forRocket-Propelled Grenade, a Soviet bazooka.

RR (firing arc): Game acronym, always in caps asshown.

RS (firing arc): Game acronym, always in caps asshown.

RTN: Acronym for Rapid Transit Network (preferred) orRapid Transport Network, the Andromedan

system for rapid strategic movement. Capped asshown.

R-torp: Abbreviation for type-R plasma torpedo. The R isalways capped and the t is not.

RX (firing arc): Game acronym, always in caps asshown.

Saber Dance: A Klingon tactic of staying beyondoverload range and sniping at the target.

Sages: Species, capitalized. These are actually a sub-species of Seltorians, males who never matedand thus gain wisdom and live to a ripe old age;they actually run the Seltorian Empire. AllSeltorian officers are Sages.

Samantha: One of the Kyocera printers ADB, Inc., owns.Always capped as a proper name.

Sara: The Windows laptop used by ADB.Sargasso Sector: Geographic region, always capitalized.Satisify: A common mis-spelling of satisfy. Stephen V.

Cole uses this word a LOT but should not use itat all.

SCAN (Scanner): Abbreviation used on SSDs or ShipCards. Always in all caps as shown.

Scenario, Scenarios: Game term, but not normallycapitalized.

Scout Sensor: A seldom-used term for “Special Sensor.”Scout: A warship category, rather than a type. See “Ship

Type” and Capitalization Rule #9.Second Lieutenant: Military rank, the junior form of

ground forces lieutenant. See CapitalizationRule #4. Ground force lieutenants are far morelikely to be referred to (but never addressed) as“Second Lieutenant” Jones than are navalLieutenants likely to be addressed as“Lieutenant Junior Grade Smith.”

Security station: A command compartment on a Klingonship. Previously on the “always capitalize” list,as of 1 Jan 2010, Jean Sexton ordered that thisnot be capitalized.

Seeking weapon: Game term, but not normallycapitalized.

Sefaria: One of the Klingon warrior colonies, “homeplanet” of the Klingon Deep Space Fleet.Capitalized as a proper geographic name.

Segment (of web): See “Technology Item” underCapitalization Rule #9.

Self-Destruction: Game term, one of those that is alwayscapitalized.

Seltorian Tribunal: Political entity, normally capitalized.Seltorian, Seltorians: Species, always capitalized.SEN: Abbreviation used on SSDs or Ship Cards for

“special sensor” or “scout sensor.” Always allcaps as shown.

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_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________Revised 2/8/11 at 10:34 AM. (Compiled by Jean Sexton and Stephen V. Cole. This list is not 100% complete.)

Senator: A political office holder. See Capitalization Rule#4.

Senior Lieutenant: Military rank, the senior form of navallieutenant, rank O-3. All naval lieutenants arenormally addressed as “Lieutenant Smith” andthe actual “senior” or “junior” are used only informal written communication. SeeCapitalization Rule #4.

Sequence of Play: Game term, one of those that isalways capitalized.

Sergeant: Any of several ground forces enlisted ranks,including Team Sergeant, Staff Sergeant,Gunnery Sergeant (Marines), Sergeant FirstClass (Army), Master Sergeant, First Sergeant(the senior sergeant in a company), SergeantMajor (the senior sergeant in a battalion orlarger unit). See Capitalization Rule #4.

SFB (Star Fleet Battles): Acronym for product name,capitalized as a formal name, printed in italics.

SFB Module R11 Support Ships: Product name,capitalized as a formal name, printed in italics.Capitalization Rule #3.

SFBF (Star Fleet Battle Force): Acronym for productname, capitalized as a formal name, printed initalics.

SFBS (Star Fleet Battlestations): Acronym for productname, capitalized as a formal name, printed initalics.

SFG: Acronym for stasis field generator, a Klingonweapon that freezes time in a limited area.Printed in all caps under Capitalization Rule #8.

SFU: Acronym for Star Fleet Universe, capitalize asshown. Italicized as if it were a product title.

Sharpshooter: radio call sign for Jean Sexton. Alwayscapped as a proper name when used as a callsign.

She Who Gets What She Wants: Term meaning JeanSexton; capitalized as shown.

She Who Must Be Obeyed: Term meaning Leanna Cole;capitalized as shown.

Shenyang: A company that made shuttlecraft.Capitalized as a formal company name. Theirshuttles, such as the Shenyang F-7, arecapitalized as shown.

Shield burn through: Game term, but not normallycapitalized.

Shield cracker: See “technology item” and CapitalizationRule #9.

Shield regeneration: Game term, but not normallycapitalized.

Shield reinforcement: Game term, but not normallycapitalized.

Shield, shields: See “technology item” and CapitalizationRule #9.

SHIELD: In all caps when used on SSD or Ship Card.Ship Card: Game term from FC and SFBF, one of those

that is always capitalized.Ship Type: Terms such as “heavy cruiser” and “war

destroyer” are always causing problems in SFUwriting. Properly, in normal English, they are notcapitalized, although they are commonlycapitalized in published SFU works because ofthat annoying Germano-Military habit ofcapitalizing just about every noun and certainlyevery military noun and absolutely everyweapon. This is treated as a Technology Itemunder Capitalization Rule #9, meaning that, forexample, “Light Cruiser” is capitalized only in thespecific rule about Light Cruisers. Note also thatall Klingon ships have an alphanumericdesignation (e.g., D7, F5W, AD6) which isalways presented as capital letters and nohyphens. Virtually all ships have a (usuallythree-letter) abbreviation based on navalnomenclature (e.g., CA, BB, DW) which, beingacronyms, are always in all Caps. See also codenames.

Ships: See “Technology Item” and Capitalization Rule#9.

Shriek missiles: A weapon used by Juggernauts Betaand Gamma. Capitalize the S, not the M.

SHTL (Shuttle): Abbreviation used on SSDs or ShipCards. Always all caps as shown.

Shuttle (spacecraft): See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9.

Shuttlecraft (spacecraft): See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9.

Sideslip Mode: Game term, always capped as shown.Sideslip, sideslips: Game term, one word not two, treat

as a technology item (Capitalization Rule #9)and only capitalize in its own rule, and there foridentification. Can be used as a verb as in“sideslipping away.”

Sigma Sector: Geographic region, always capitalized.Silent Star Fleet: Product name, capitalized as a formal

name, printed in italics.Simultaneous Decision Rule: Game term used in FC,

one of those that is always capitalized.Single-space fighter (or shuttle): Game term, not

normally capitalized.SitRep (contraction for Situation Report): Game term

(borrowed from the military), but not normallycapitalized. In the case of a specific situationreport, such as “As we saw in SitRep #23, the

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_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________Revised 2/8/11 at 10:34 AM. (Compiled by Jean Sexton and Stephen V. Cole. This list is not 100% complete.)

Klingons are no match for a Juggernaut.” theword would be capitalized and, yes, it does havea capital “R” in the middle.

Situational Capitalization: Capitalized as a specific gameterm. Sort of a spoof on “situational ethics.” Itbasically means “I cannot site a CapitalizationRule here but it just looks like it deserves to becapitalized!”

Size class 1 ship: game term, not normally capitalized.Example: starbase.

Size class 2 ship: game term, not normally capitalized.Example: dreadnought.

Size class 3 ship: game term, not normally capitalized.Example: cruiser.

Size class 4 ship: game term, not normally capitalized.Example: destroyer, frigate.

Size class 5 ship: game term, not normally capitalized.Example: gunboat, skiff, interceptor.

Size class 6 unit: game term, not normally capitalized.Example: mine.

Size class 7 unit: game term, not normally capitalized.Example: drone.

Size-1 fighter: game term, not normally capitalized.Example: F-18.

Size-2 fighter: game term, not normally capitalized.Example: heavy fighter

Size-3 fighter: game term, not normally capitalized.Example: medium bomber.

Size-4 fighter: game term, not normally capitalized.Example: heavy fighter.

Skid: Structure added to certain freighters. Treat as aship type. Not normally capitalized.

Skipped damage points: Game term, but not normallycapitalized.

Skolean: Species, capitalized.Slirdaria: Proper geographic name, always capitalized.Slirdarian: Species, capitalized.Slither: A term used by ex-D&D players when they mean

“sideslip.” Not capitalized.Small Fleet Oiler: A type of cargo ship carrying fuel.

Capped as shown.Small Freighter: See “Ship Type” and Capitalization Rule

#9. This is not a general category but is aspecific ship type; even so, it is treated as a“ship type” like “light cruiser” for capitalizationrules.

SMN (Strategic Movement Node): Acronym for a gameterm from F&E; capped as shown.

Snake: Perjorative Klingon term for Hydran. Notcapitalized. Never used for Sun Snake.

Snare (web snare): A Tholian weapon used to generatesmall puddles of web to stop seeking weapons.

See “Technology Item” and Capitalization Rule#9.

South: Directional term, usually not capitalized unless itis used as a proper name for a geographicregion.

SP: Acronym for scatter-pack (a shuttle fitted with lots ofdrones and launched with a robot pilot). Theacronym is of course all caps but the spelled-outwords are not.

Space Amoeba: Creature. Capitalize as a formal orspecies name.

Space Boar: Creature. Capitalize as a formal or speciesname.

Space Dragon: Creature. Capitalize as a formal orspecies name.

Space Manta: Creature. Capitalize as a formal orspecies name.

Space warning and control: A type of shuttlecraft used todetect incoming enemy forces and weapons andto manage battle space; see “Technology item”and Capitalization Rule #9.

Spaceframe: The physical structure of a fighter orshuttle, similar to airframe for an airplane oraircraft. Not capitalized.

Special Attack Force: A specific kind of military unit.Capped if considered a specific unit. In generalcases, treat as a technology item.

Special maneuvers: Game term, but not normallycapitalized.

Special Sensor: A type of sensor capable of advanced“scout functions” such as electronic warfare,weapons control, tactical intelligence, and othersuch tasks.

Speed 32, Speed-32: Use the hyphen or not dependingon the position. A Speed-32 drone ishyphenated, but a drone at Speed 32 is not, andneither is a speed of 32. Capitalize them in thecases shown, and not where not shown.

Speed Change Phase: Game term, one of those that isalways capitalized.

Speed Zero: Game term used in FC; always capped asshown.

Sphere (Dyson): Capitalize as a formal name.Spirit Kings: Considered an “empire” or “species” or

“political entity” (it is all three, and none of theabove), and always capitalized as shown. This isthe now-missing ancient race who took theHydrans into space.

Spring Y177: an example of an F&E game turn,capitalized as shown, must include year.

spring: season of the year, not capitalized.Squadron Scale: Game term, always capitalized when

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_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________Revised 2/8/11 at 10:34 AM. (Compiled by Jean Sexton and Stephen V. Cole. This list is not 100% complete.)

used in that context.Squadron: Capitalize when referring to a specific military

unit, such as the Third Squadron.SR (survey ship): Acronym for a ship type. Always in all

caps as shown.SSD (ship systems display): Acronym for a game term.

Always in all caps as shown.Stacking: Game term, always capitalized when used in

that context, which isn’t all that often.Standard Victory Conditions: Game term, always

capitalized.Star Fleet Battle Force: Product name, capitalized as a

formal name, printed in italics.Star Fleet Battles Module R10 The New Cruisers:

Product name, capitalized as a formal name,printed in italics. See Capitalization Rule #3.

Star Fleet Battles Module R11 Support Ships: Productname, capitalized as a formal name, printed initalics. See Capitalization Rule #3.

Star Fleet Battles Module R9 The Ships That NeverWere: Product name, capitalized as a formalname, printed in italics. See Capitalization Rule#3.

Star Fleet Battles: Product name, capitalized as a formalname, printed in italics.

Star Fleet Battlestations: Product name, capitalized as aformal name, printed in italics.

Star Fleet Marines: Military organization, alwayscapitalized as shown.

Star Fleet Missions: Product name, capitalized as aformal name, printed in italics.

Star Fleet Technical Manual: Product name, capitalizedas a formal name, printed in italics.

Star Fleet Universe: Proper name, capitalize. Italicize asif it were a product name.

Star Fleet: Military organization, always capitalized asshown.

Star Trek: Brand name, capitalized as a formal name,but not printed in italics.

Starbase: See “Ship Type” and Capitalization Rule #9.Capitalized only when used to refer to aparticular starbase such as Starbase Seven.This is normally the largest base in SFU, withproduction and repair capabilities and forests ofdangerous weapons. Taking down an enemystarbase is a costly task but necessary to win awar.

StarBlog: capitalize as shown. Yes, it has a capital letterin the middle of the word. Get over it.

Starfaring: Capable of interstellar travel, not normallycapitalized. Website; capitalize S, F, and G as

shown for easy of readability.Starlist: Capitalize as a formal name.Starmada: Product name, capitalized as a formal name,

printed in italics. Capitalization Rule #3.Stasis field generator: A Klingon device that stops time

in a limited area. See “Technology Item,”Capitalization Rule #9 and SFG.

Stealth coating: Game term, but not normally capitalized.Used on Orion starships to make them harder totarget. As this requires compromises in theshape of the ship, only the Orions use it.

Step #1: Game term, one of those that is alwayscapitalized.

Step (of game procedure): Game term, one of those thatis always capitalized.

Stinger: A Hydran fighter. Always capped as a “codename.”

Stopped: Game term, capitalized only when used in aformal sense in FC, where the condition of“Stopped” involves no end of tricky special rules.

S-torp: Abbreviation for type-S plasma torpedo. The S isalways capped and the t is not.

Strand (of web): A piece of web between two anchors.See “Technology Item” and Capitalization Rule#9.

Strategic Movement Node: Game term from F&E;capped as shown.

Strategic Movement: Game term, one of those that isalways capitalized.

Strength of web: A numerical rating that has an effect ongame play. See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9.

Strength points: Game term, usually applied to webs butit has other uses, but not normally capitalized.

Subject Race: Non-Klingon species living in the KlingonEmpire and subjects thereof. These are notslaves as the Federation would have it, butsecond-class citizens. Capitalized as shown.

Sublight: Not normally capitalized; means a unit thatcannot exceed lightspeed.

Subluminal: Fancy and rarely used word for sublight; notnormally capitalized.

Sub-Pulse: Game term, one of those that is alwayscapitalized.

Subspace: Not normally capitalized; the term is used fora communications system that can transmitmessages over long distances at millions oftimes the speed of light.

Suicide Freighters: See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9.

Suicide Shuttlecraft: See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9.

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ADB Inc. Style Sheet for Star Fleet Universe, Capitalization List. Copyright © 2008-2011 ADB Inc. Page 26.

_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

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_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________Revised 2/8/11 at 10:34 AM. (Compiled by Jean Sexton and Stephen V. Cole. This list is not 100% complete.)

Summer: season of the year, not capitalized.Sun Snake: Capitalized as a life form. Note that this is

two words, no hyphen.Supply Grid: F&E game term, one of those that is always

capitalized.Supply Route: Game term, one of those that is always

capitalized.Survey Area: Part of the Federation. Capped as a

geographic name.SWAC: Acronym for Space warning and control, an

electronic system for managing battle space andwarning about incoming enemy forces andseeking weapons. Printed in all caps underCapitalization Rule #8.

SWORD: Supervising Web Operations ResearchDirector, Jean Sexton (Webmom), the womanwho keeps order on the BBS. Often listed as theSWORD of GOD.

SYS: Abbreviation used on FC Ship Cards and in suchcase always in all caps.

Systems: See “Technology Item” and Capitalization Rule#9.

Tactical Intelligence: Game term, one of those that isalways capitalized.

Tactical Maneuver, Tactical Maneuvering, TacticalManeuvers: Game term, one of those that isalways capitalized.

Target: Game term, but not normally capitalized.Technology item: Something such as a starship, phaser,

tractor beam, or shuttlecraft. Normally, these aregeneric terms and are not capitalized. There isthat annoying Germano-Military bad habit ofcapitalizing every noun, and particularly anynoun that is an item of military equipment (e.g.,Rifle, Tank, Nuclear Bomb) which creeps intowargames (a lot). In formal rules writing(numbered rules in the rulebook, but only thespecific rule for the item, or a closely-related rulenumber) we capitalize such things as a meansof saying “words mean things, and this onemeans something that can get you killed.” SeeCapitalization Rule #9.

Tempest: An F&E scenario. Capitalize as a literary titleunder Capitalization Rule #6. See “Typhoon.”

Tender: A warship category, rather than a type. See“Ship Type” and Capitalization Rule #9.

The Original Series: First and best of the Star Trekgenre. Capitalize as a literary title.

Third Battle of Shiloh: An example of a historical eventthat is capitalized; note that there were severalbattles there over a period of two years and thenumerical identifier gets capitalized as a part of

the specific event.Third Way: This term refers to the Federation decision

not to use gunboats. It is always capitalized andnever printed as 3rd Way.

Tholia: Proper geographic name.Tholian Attack: Product name, capitalized as a formal

name, printed in italics.Tholian Holdfast: Political entity, normally capitalized.Tholian web: See “Technology Item” and Capitalization

Rule #9.Tholian Will: Political entity, normally capitalized. Proper

term for the Tholian imperial government in theold M81 galaxy.

Tholian, Tholians: Species, capitalized. The Neo-Tholians and Archaeo-Tholians are two distinctgroups of Tholians, but are the same species.

Tholians PD20M: Future product name, capitalized as aformal name, printed in italics.

Threatification: A non-word invented by GeneralAlexander Haig which Stephen V. Cole thoughtsounded neat and started using in SFU writing.Both of them really shouldn’t have.

Tigermen: Slang term that the Klingons use for theKzintis. Ethnic Klingon officers, speaking in a“proper” setting, would use the term “Kzinti.”

Tigress: Radio call sign for Leanna Cole. Always cappedas a proper name when used as a call sign.

Torpedo, Torpedoes: See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9. Note that “torpedoes” isthe proper form; “torpedos” is spelled wrong.

Tournament, Tournaments: Game term, but not normallycapitalized.

Towing: Game term, but not normally capitalized.TRAC: Abbreviation used on SSDs or Ship Cards.

Always all caps as shown.Tractor (verb, to use a tractor beam): Game term, but

not normally capitalized.Tractor auction, tractor auctions: Game term, but not

normally capitalized.Tractor Beam: See “Technology Item” and Capitalization

Rule #9.Tractor, tractor beam: See “Technology Item” and

Capitalization Rule #9.Tractoring (verb): Game term, but not normally

capitalized.TRAN: Abbreviation used on SSDs or Ship Cards.

Always all caps as shown.Transporter, Transporters: See “Technology Item” and

Capitalization Rule #9.Transports Attacked: Product name, capitalized as a

formal name, printed in italics.Tricorder: A scientific device able to record data on three

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ADB Inc. Style Sheet for Star Fleet Universe, Capitalization List. Copyright © 2008-2011 ADB Inc. Page 27.

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_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________Revised 2/8/11 at 10:34 AM. (Compiled by Jean Sexton and Stephen V. Cole. This list is not 100% complete.)

wavelengths simultaneously. Not capitalized.Trivideo: A term used for “television in the time of the

SFU.” Not normally capped unless part of aformal name such as Fox Trivideo Network.

Triple-space fighter (or shuttle): Game term, not normallycapitalized.

Tufts: Lyran Military Intelligence. Always capitalized as amilitary unit; see Capitalization Rule #2.

Turbolift: The “elevator” system used on starships, notnormally capitalized.

Turn (game): Game term, one of those that is alwayscapitalized. When used with a number, such asTurn #2, the number sign is required.

Turn (maneuver): Game term, but not normallycapitalized.

Turn Mode, Turn Modes, Turn Mode Category: Gameterm, one of those that is always capitalized.

Twilight Rain: An F&E scenario. Capitalize as a literarytitle under Capitalization Rule #6.

Typhoon: An F&E scenario. Capitalize as a literary titleunder Capitalization Rule #6. Note that the word“typhoon” only gets capitalized when usedspecifically as the F&E Scenario title, as in: “TheGorns in Typhoon get a bonus survey cruiser,which they did not get in Twilight Rain.”

Ubitron Interface Module: A Klingon fire control system.Capped as shown.

UIM: Acronym for Ubitron Interface Module. Capped asshown.

United Federation of Planets: Political entity, normallycapitalized as a proper geographic name.

United Kingdom: Political entity, normally capitalized.United Parcel Service: Private company that delivers

most packages shipped by ADB, Inc. Alwayscapitalized as a proper name.

United States: Proper geographic name.UPS: Acronym-abbreviation for United Parcel Service,

the shipping company that delivers mostpackages sent by ADB, Inc. Always capitalizedunder Rule #8.

USA (United States of America): Acronym, always in allcaps as shown.

USPS: Acronym-abbreviation for United States PostalService, the “Post Office.” Always capitalizedunder Rule #8.

USS: United States Ship, or United Star Ship. All of thatbeing capitalized.

Vala: One of the Kyocera 9520 printers used by ADB.Capitalized as a proper name.

Valoria: One of the Klingon warrior colonies, “homeplanet” of the Klingon Marines. Capitalized as aproper geographic name.

Vice Admiral: A three-star admiral. See CapitalizationRule #4.

Victory Conditions: Game term, one of those that isalways capitalized.

Victory Points: Game term, one of those that is alwayscapitalized.

Volley: Game term, but not normally capitalized.Vudar: Species, capitalized.Vulcan: Species, capitalized.Walkuria: One of the Klingon warrior colonies, “home

planet” of the Walkurians. Capitalized as aproper geographic name.

Walkurian: Species, capitalized. Walkurians are ethnicKlingons born and raised on the warrior colonyof Walkuria. They are the “wildest” of Klingons,something of a cross between Hell’s Angelsmotorcyclists and Wild West cowboys. Theyhave long hair and reputedly smell pretty bad.They’re stronger, more gruff, and morephysically intense than other Klingons. Theseare the guys who consider rugby to be a sissygame. Walkurians know they are Klingons butwill identify themselves a Walkurians, much asTexans know they are Americans but identifythemselves as Texans.

War cruiser: See “Ship Type” and Capitalization Rule #9.This is a light cruiser built for wartime servicewith nearly the firepower of a cruiser but with asmaller level of support systems than a lightcruiser.

War destroyer: See “Ship Type” and Capitalization Rule#9. This is a destroyer, built for wartime service,with improved weapons. Not as “balanced” aship as a normal destroyer would be.

War of Return: Historical event, capitalized. This was thewar in Y135 when the Hydrans recaptured theirown territory from their Lyran and Klingonoccupiers.

WarHawk: A Romulan warship of the earlier series.Capitalized as shown with a capital H in mid-word.

Warhead: See “Technology Item” and CapitalizationRule #9.

Warp engine: See “Technology Item” and CapitalizationRule #9.

Warp: Technology item, not normally capitalized.WARP: Used on SSDs and Ship Cards, and used there

in all caps.Warrior Caste: Klingon social class, always capitalized.WB (web breaker): Seltorian weapon. Abbreviation used

on SSD or Ship Card and capitalized in thatregard.

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ADB Inc. Style Sheet for Star Fleet Universe, Capitalization List. Copyright © 2008-2011 ADB Inc. Page 28.

_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________Revised 2/8/11 at 10:34 AM. (Compiled by Jean Sexton and Stephen V. Cole. This list is not 100% complete.)

WC (web caster): Tholian weapon. Abbreviation used onSSD or Ship Card and capitalized in that regard.

Weapon, weapons: See “Technology Item” andCapitalization Rule #9.

Web anchor: A ship or other form of anchor at the end ofa web segment. See “technology item” andCapitalization Rule #9.

Web breaker: A Seltorian weapon. See “technologyitem” and Capitalization Rule #9.

Web buoy: A Tholian device that can function as a webanchor. See “technology item” and CapitalizationRule #9.

Web caster: A Tholian weapon. See “technology item”and Capitalization Rule #9.

Web fist: A Tholian weapon. See “technology item” andCapitalization Rule #9.

Web generator: A Tholian device. See “technology item”and Capitalization Rule #9.

Web Mom: Nickname for Jean Sexton. Capped asshown. Webmom is also acceptable.

Web segment: A piece of web between two anchors.See “technology item” and Capitalization Rule#9.

Web snare: A Tholian device that creates a small puddleof web to stop incoming seeking weapons. See“technology item” and Capitalization Rule #9.

Web strand: A piece of web, composed of one or moresegments, not connected to any other webstrand. See “technology item” and CapitalizationRule #9.

Web strength points: A numerical expression of thepower in a strand of web. See “technology item”and Capitalization Rule #9.

Web, Tholian: See “technology item” and CapitalizationRule #9.

Web: See “technology item” and Capitalization Rule #9.Webmom: Nickname for Jean Sexton. Capped as

shown. Web Mom is also Always one word, and not normally capitalized.west: Directional term, usually not capitalized unless it is

used as a proper name for a geographic region.Whirlwind: An F&E scenario. Capitalize as a literary title

under Capitalization Rule #6. See “Typhoon.”Whiskers: Kzinti military intelligence. Always capitalized

as a military unit; see Capitalization Rule #2.Wildcat: One of the Macintosh computers that ADB, Inc.,

owns. Always capped as a proper name.Will (Tholian): Political entity, normally capitalized.Wind: An F&E scenario. Capitalize as a literary title

under Capitalization Rule #6. See “Typhoon.”Windows (software): Product name, capitalized as a

formal name, but not printed in italics.

Wing Admiral: One type of Klingon admiral. SeeCapitalization Rule #4.

Winter: season of the year, not capitalized.Worker: Capitalized only when used specifically as a

sub-species of website, capitalize as website, capitalize as website, capitalize as,: website, capitalize as website,

capitalize as website, capitalize as

shown.WYN Radiation Zone: Geographic term. Capped as

shown.WYN: Capitalized as a proper geographic name and

political entity. While the WYN are regarded asone of the “empires” of the Star Fleet Universe,they are not a species, but a collection ofrefugees and exiles from many different“empires” and even more “species.” There isone WYN but two WYNs.

Xorkaelian: Species and empire, always capitalized.X-ship: High technology warship. Always shown as

capital X, hyphen, lower-case S; except in a title,when the S is capitalized.

Year: In the SFU, years are based on the time periodfrom the first Earth-Vulcan contact, which isdesignated as Y0. Year ranges in the SFU arealways given as Y140-Y147, never as Y140-7 oras Y140-47 or as Y140-147.

Y-ship: Early Years ship, older technology.Zero: When used in the context of Speed Zero or Range

Zero, cap both words. When used as a number,e.g., “there is zero chance of that happening”then it’s not capitalized.

ZZ: This is never going to be a complete list (if you seemissing terms, Email Steve Cole) but it is muchbetter than no list at all. Many publisheddocuments are not consistent with each other(which is why this list was created). Yoursubmission of a story, term paper, tactical note,scenario, or ship will not be rejected for failing toadhere to the latest version of this list, but thosewho would like to be more precise about theirwriting are encouraged to use it. Please do notspend time sending corrections to previouslypublished documents trying to bring them intoline with this list. That is a lost cause.

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