This Day, May 30, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L – All #ourCOG News (2024)

May 30

70: During theSiege of Jerusalem, Titus and his Roman legions breach the Second Wall ofJerusalem. The Jewish defenders retreat to the First Wall. The Romans build acircumvallation, cutting down all trees within fifteen kilometers.

1096: In oneof the few instances of individual courage, the local Bishop of Cologne andsome of the local Burghers offered the Jews protection in their own houses. TheBishop later escorted them to towns under his protection. Crusaders reachedCologne and found the gate to the city closed by order of the bishop. Of allthe Jewish communities in the path of the Crusaders, Cologne's Jews were theonly ones to escape total destruction.

1096(6thof Sivan): In Cologne, Mar Isaac and Rebecca perish in an act of KiddushHa-Shem

1096(6thof Sivan: Isaac of Mayence committed suicide on Shavuot two days after he hadhe submitted to forced baptism to save the lives of his mother andchildren. According to legend, he setthe synagogue on fire to keep it from being turned into a church. (As reported by Abraham Bloch)

1201:Birthdate of Theobold IV, Count of Champagne. When Louis VIII issued anordinance that prohibited his officials from recording debts owed to Jews,Theobold was the only French baron who refused to accept the royal decree sincethis would interfere with extra income he gained by being able to tax Jewishfinancial transactions. The issue herereally had nothing to do with either party caring about the Jews. The issue was money and who would have thereal power; the monarch or his barons.

1252: SaintFerdinand III, the King of Castile and King of Galicia and Leon passed away.The King must have been both courageous and practical. He stood up to the powerful Catholic Churchwhen refused the Pope’s demand that Jews be forced to wear special badge andclothing. He was afraid that the requirement would force the Jews to leave forMuslim Granada which would had a disastrous effect on revenue collections forhis kingdom.

1434: “Afterthe defeat of the radical Hussites or Taborites in the battle of Lipany, about700 ordinary soldiers who surrendered after promises of renewed militaryservice were burned to death in nearby barns.

1497: KingFerdinand of Spain “proclaimed in a royal decree that Luis de Santangel and hisfamily, present and future, were to be protected from the inquisition.” Born atValencia Santangel, a baptized Jew, was the finance minister to the Spanishmonarchs who convinced them to sponsor Columbus’ voyage to the new world. Heraised the funds himself.

1574: Henry III becomes King of France on the deathof his brother, Charles IX. Henry hadbeen serving as the King of Poland at the time of his brother’s death. He owed his selection as ruler Poland to aJew named Solomon Ashkenazi who was an advisor to the Turkish Sultan.

1593:Twenty-nine year old Christopher Marlowe the English playwright whose workincluded “The Jew of Malta” which like Shakespeare’s “Merchant of Venice”portrays the Jews in such a way that it is assumed to be anti-Semitic passedaway today.

1599:Birthdate of Samuel Bochart, the French Protestant biblical scholar who was anexpert on Oriental languages including Hebrew and who delivered a series ofunique lectures on Genesis including “the names contained in the Table ofNations.”

1635: Duringwhat will be known as the Thirty Years War (it started in 1618 and ended in1648) the Peace of Prague is signed marking the start of the end ofhostilities. The war will finally end with the Peace of Westphalia. Thewar pitted Protestants against Catholics with Jews caught in the middle Forexample the Jews of Vienna suffered as a result of the occupation of the cityby Imperial soldiers in 1624 when Emperor Ferdinand II confined the Jews to aghetto. The fighting centered around Germany, Austria, France and theNetherlands and throughout many towns in Germany and Moravia, the Jewishpopulation was expelled, which resulted in thousands of refugees fleeing toCracow and other Polish cities. These Jews would get caught up in the uprisingsthat took place in Polish dominated Ukraine. The good news is that the end ofthe Thirty Years War would mark the rise of a flourishing ProtestantNetherlands that would prove a home to European Jews.

1762:Anti-Jewish riots broke out in Emden, Prussia.

1775: InCharleston, Miss Rachel De Costa married Jacob Tobias.

1778:Voltaire, the French philosopher and author passed away. Voltaire is generally regarded as a greatthinker. However, as can be seen fromhis own words, he was a rabid anti-Semite. He described Jews as being “small,ignorant and crude people.” Voltaire didnot base his anti-Semitism on the Jews adherence to their religion. Cure them of their religion, he wrote andthere is still the problem of their in-born character.

1781(6thof Sivan, 5541): On the same day that Jews on both sides of the Atlanticcelebrate Shavuot, George Washington dealt with reports of British movementalong Lake Champlain and the presence of their army in South Carolina andVirginia.

1789(5thof Nisan, 5549): Parashat Bamidbar; erev Shavuot observed for the first timeduring the Presidency of George Washington.

1791: InNorfolk, Philip Moses Russell and his wife gave birth to Moses Russell.

1797(5thof Sivan, 5557): Erev Shavuot observed at the same time that French Forces baskin the glory of four straight months of victories that will signal an end towhat later became known as the War of the First Coalition.

1796: In theUnited Kingdom, London financier and leader of the Jewish community, LeviSalomons and Matilda de Metz gave birth to their eldest son, Philip Salomons.

1798: IsaacHarris and Esther Abrahams were married today at the Great Synagogue in London

1800(6th ofSivan, 5560): Shavuot celebrated for the first time in the 19thcentury.

1805(2ndof Sivan, 5565): Mrs. Esther Azuby, the wife of Abraham Azuby passed away todayin Charleston, SC

1806: “Adecree was issued today requesting that a special assembly of Jewish leadersand Rabbis from all of the different French departments, would meet in Parisand discuss all outstanding matters including answering questions dealing withaccusations against the Jews made by the anti-Semites.”

1806: Joseph David Sinzheim was among thoseattending the Jewish Assemblyof Notables convened by Napoleon I.

1807: Today,U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall officiated at the ceremonyduring which Marcus Levi and Simon Z. Block, both born in Germany, became U.S.citizens.

1814: Signingof the First Treaty of Paris. The treatyofficially returned the Bourbons to the French throne which marked the officialbeginning of a period of reaction which was not good for the Jews who hadgained many rights during the Napoleonic Wars.

1814:Birthdate of Russian anarchist Mikhail Bakunin whose anti-Semitic views would seemto prove that anti-Semitism is the common denominator for Russians be theyRomanovs or Revolutionaries.

1822: InBerlin, Robert L. Bienenstock and his wife gave birth to Simon (Isadore)Bienenstock who settled in St Louis and raised a family of eight children withhis wife Helena.

1826: One dayafter she had passed away Elizabeth (Harris) Davis, the wife of Charles Daviswas buried today at the “Brompton (Fulham Road) Jewish Cemetery.”

1828: WilliamHuskisson, who took “the first step toward” freeing the Jews from theirdisabilities by presenting “a petition” to Parliament “singed by 2,000merchants and others from Liverpool” completed his service as Secretary ofState for War and the Colonies

1829:Birthdate of Lewin Goldschmidt, the native of Gdansk who became a leadingGerman jurist and an ardent supporter of Chancellor Bismarck’s idea of a unitedGerman Empire that exclude Austria and its polyglot empire.

1838(6thof Sivan, 5598): Shavuot

1839:Birthdate of. Hermann Adler, the Hanover born Rabbi who succeeded his father asChief Rabbi of the British Empire a position he held from 1891 until his deathin 1911.

1844(12thof Sivan, 5604): Italian physician and author Benedetto Frizz (AKA BenzionRaphael Kohen) passed away today.

1844(12thof Sivan, 5604): Sarah (Sally) Solomon, the daughter of Hyah (Catherine) Bushand Myer S. Solomon who were married in 1778 passed away today in Philadelphia,PA, her mother’s hometown.

1845: InColmar, France, the chief rabbi and his wife give birth to French physicianTheodore Klein who “was also a member of the Jewish Consistory of Paris, andfor eighteen years president of the Société de l'Etude Talmudique”

1846(5thof Sivan, 5606): Parashat Bamidbar; Erev Shavuot observed on that natal day ofCarl Feberge the creator of the famous Fabrege Eggs including the enamel andgold “clock egg” which was “long among the holdings of the Rothschilds.

1849: InRaudnitz, Bohemia, “a petty merchant” and his wife gave birth to law studentturned journalist Emil Schiff who wrote for the "Deutsche Zeitung, Spener'schenZeitung and Neue Freie Presse.”

1850: InBavaria, future Bostonian Theresa Weil,the daughter of Moses Bruell and Hanna (Hannka) Bruell and her husband JacobWeil gave birth to Helene Weil the “wife of Isaac G. Kaffenburgh and mother ofCarl Jacob Kaffenburgh; Albert Weil Kaffenburgh, Sr; Theresa Regina Lowensteinand Walter August Kaffenburgh.”

1850(19thof Sivan, 5610): Joseph Hackes, the husband of Zidone Wald and the father ofSimon and Yetta Hackes, passed away today

1852(12thof Sivan, 5612): Sixty-seven-year-old Isaac Mendez Seixas Nathan, the husbandof Sarah Nathan and the father of Grace Nathan passed away today in New YorkCity.

1853: EliasLandauer, the German born son of Raphael Löb Landauer and Lucia Pessel Landaueand his wife Karoline Kehle Landauer gave birth to Samuel Löb Landauer.

1857(7thof Sivan 5617): Second Day of Shavuot and Shabbat were observed on the same daythat mutinies at Muttra and Lucknow began during the Sepoy Mutiny.

1858:Ordination of Fond du Lac native and Harvard trained Episcopal priest CharlesChapman who became the Episcopal Bishop of Fond du Lac and who in 1903, asRussia was rocked by waves of anti-Semitism, said that at bottom the cause “ofall Jewish suffering in Russia” is the “crafty, wealth-getting spirit ofJacob.”

1860: InCharleston, SC, Rabbi Henry S. Jacobs officiated at the wedding DanielOttolengui and Helene R. Rodrigues, the daughter of Dr. B.A. Rodrigues.

1861: EdwardStorm a German Jewish immigrant living in Greenville, MS enlisted in theConfederate Army.

1862(1stof Sivan 5611): Rosh Chodesh Sivan

1862(1stof Sivan, 5611): Nineteen-year-old Albert Moses Luria, the Florida born son ofEliza Matilda Moses and Raphael Jacob Mosesdied today after being wounded at the Battle of Seven Pines after whichhe was buried in Georgia.

1862: In Philadelphia,Rabbi Isidore Binswager and Elizabeth Sophia Polock Binswanger gave birth toFanny B. Hoffman, the wife of Charles Hoffman who she married in 1893 and themother of five children including CharlesDavid Hoffman who “focused the Conservative Movement’s National Women’sLeague’s efforts on Jewish education for children and greatly expanded theorganization’s membership.”

1863(12thof Sivan, 5623): Parashat Nasso chanted as General Lee prepares to invade the“North” after the Battle of Chancellorsville which would prove to be his last militaryvictory

1865: In“Wollstein, Germany, Rabbi Nathan and Johana (Braun) Rosenau” gave birthUniversity of Cincinnati and Hebrew Union College educated Rabbi WilliamRosenau, the faculty member of Johns Hopkins where he had earned his Ph.D. whoserved several congregations including Temple Israel in Omaha, and the EutawPlace Temple in Baltimore who married Myra Kraus after his first wife, MabelHellman, passed away.

1865: Today,Springfield resident JuliusHammerslough, of the firm of Hammerslough Brothers, who had enjoyed veryfriendly relations with Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln today wrote an appeal for fundsfor a monument to be erected in Lincoln’s honor which began, “It is above all,fitting in this land where the Hebrews have won so proud a name and are sogreatly respected and honored that they should thus show their love andveneration for the fallen chief of the nation, whose wisdom, honesty and purityof purpose were so highly appreciated by foreign nations and who was so belovedat home.”

1866: In Kiev,Philip Thomashefsky and Bertha Wishnefsky gave birth to Boris Thomashefsky,“leading actor, manager and lessee of the People’s Theatre in New York City.”

1868: InLondon, famed actress, Adah Isaacs Menken, gaveher last theatrical performance.

1869: InPortland, Oregon, founding of Ahavai Sholom a congregation with a religiousschool that meets on Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday and is supported by theLadies’ Auxiliary and a cemetery “about two miles south of Portland.”

1870: JimLevy, an Irish Jew, survived his first gunfight in Pioche, Nevada. Levy shot it out with a local thug namedMichael Casey. After an earliergunfight, Levy contradicted Casey’s claim that he acted in self-defense. Anangry Casey challenged the unarmed Levy to a gunfight. Levy had to borrow a gun before he couldanswer the challenge. Levy fired asingle shot which mortally wounded Casey.Contrary to the popular image in Western Movies, the gunfight was not aone-on-one combat. Dave Neagle, a friend of Casey, fired a shot at Levy whilehe was facing Casey. The shot hit Levyin the jaw but did not prove to be life threatening. The episode changed Levy’s lifestyle as hewent from peaceful miner to leading the life of a gambler and “professionalregulator” – a polite term for a fast gun for hire.

1870:Birthdate of Neuilly-sur-Seine native and businessman turned playwright AlbertDelvaille called “Trebla.”

albert1872:InNew York City, Tessie Pukarch and Henry M. Greenberg gave birth to MeyerGreenberg, the NYU trained lawyer, the husband of Lilian Rose Silverburg andmember of the New York State Legislature who was one of the organizers of boththe Peoples Hospital in New York City andthe Order of United Hebrew Brothers and a director and counsel of theJewish Uplift Society.

1872: InArzberg, Germany, Anna and Ignac Sachs gave birth to Treblinka victim JulieLowenbein the wife of Julius Lowenbein.

1873 One dayafter he had passed away, James Dunn Simon, the son of John Simon and Rachel Salaman,was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1873” The 96thNew York State Legislature whose member s included Joseph Blumenthal adjournedtoday.

1873: TheJewish Messenger published an appeal for funds to support a program of summerexcursions for Jewish children in New York including those at the Orphan Asylumand those attending “Free Schools.”

1873: MontagueHyatt Eskell, the son of Louis Ezekiel Eskell and Emily Francis Woolf, wasburied today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1875:Birthdate of Michael Fried, the native of Hungary and graduate JewishTheological Seminary of America who served as the rabbi of Ahavath Sholom BethAron in Brooklyn and Congregation Tree of Life in Pittsburg, PA as well asChaplain of the J.M. Gusky Orphanage of Western Pennsylvania

1875: Ten daysafter he had passed away, 27 year old Ephraim Nathan was buried today at the“Balls Pond Jewish Cemetery.”

1876: A weekbefore his death, Ottoman sultan Abd-ul-Aziz is replaced by his nephew Murat V.As can be seen from the items below, Abd-ul-Aziz’s reign was a net plus for theJewish people. Several Jews served in prominent governmental positions. SultanAbdul Aziz allocated the "Alliance Israelite Universelle" 2600 dunamsof land east of Jaffa for the establishment of a school of agriculture and alsogranted permission for importing all kinds of tools and machinery free of taxesand customs. As Ben Gurion, said: "I doubt that the Israeli dream wouldhave been realized if the farm school of Mikveh Israel had not existed."Upon recurrence of blood libel accusations, Sultan Aziz issued a firman takingthe Jews under his protection. Thanks to this firman the Greek Orthodoxpatriarchate had to issue encyclicals to all churches, forbidding suchpractices. Murat passed away three months after reaching the throne, leaving nolegacy for the Jews or any of his other subjects.

1876: JudgeMcAdam is scheduled to render a decision today in a case involving a can-candance named Katie Forest and her Jewish partner, a jewelry salesman namedSolomon Care.

1876(7th ofSivan, 5636): Second Day of Shavuot

1877: Based onresponses from 174 congregations and 125 charitable institutions to aquestionnaire sent by the Board of Delegates of American Israelites it wasreported these congregations have a total of 11,507 members, 11,341 in theirreligious schools and 597 teachers providing instruction. The total property value comes to anestimated six million dollars. There arefive Jewish hospitals, six orphan asylums, 3 homes for the aged and infirmed,15 newspapers and magazines and four Jewish fraternal orders, the large ofwhich is the Order of the B’Nai Brith.

1878: It wasreported today that over seven million dollars had been collected in New YorkCity to provide relief for the Jews who suffering as a result of the warbetween Russia and Turkey.

1879: It wasreported today that Benjamin Mayer has been sentenced to two and half years inthe state penitentiary and ordered to pay a fine of six thousand dollars forhis role in in defrauding thirty financial firms. During the sentencing statement, the Judgestated that Mayer had received a fair trial and that his religious backgroundhad no impact on the verdict or the sentence.

1880: H.S.Allen presided over the sixth annual meeting of the United Hebrew Charitieswhich was held at the Hebrew Orphan Asylum in Manhattan. The members re-elected Henry Rice to serve asPresident and Mr. Allen will continue serving as First Vice President.

1882: In Berlin, Minna Eloesser and JacquesLewisohn gave birth to College of Charleston and Columbia University educatednovelist Ludwig Lewisohn, the professor at Wisconsin, Ohio State and Brandeiswho was the drama critic for The Nation and the editor of the New Palestine

Who'swho in American Jewry - Google Books some sources show 1883.

1884(6th ofSivan, 5644): First Day of Shavuot observed as three bombs exploded in Londonas part of ‘the Fenian dynamite campaign,” another chapter in the Irish attemptto gain independence from Great Britaino.

1885: BisharaCardahi, the “U.S Dragoman” at Acre wrote to Jacob Schumacher, the U.S.Vice-Consul in Haifa.

1886: Today,Tsar Alexander signed a ukase aimed at putting an to efforts to “Jewishagricultural colonies in the Russian Empire…”

1886: InPhiladelphia, PA, Isadore and Pauline Jacobs Bien gave birth to realtor MorrisBien, the husband of Bessie Dreifuss Bien and the brother of Walter Bien.

1886: Duringtoday’s exercises celebrating the accomplishments of the 500 youngsters at theHebrew Orphan Asylum, Mrs. Jacob Bookman is scheduled to present the BettyBruhl prize which includes a one-dollar award and Jesse Seligman, the Presidentof the Asylum Society will present the Malcolm Atherton Strauss Prize.

1887(7thof Sivan, 5647): Second Day of Shavuot observed as Germany and Russianegotiated the Reinsurance which replaced the “League of Three Emperors” partof a network treaties designed to prevent a general European War whichironically had just the opposite effect.

1888: It wasreported today that the dispute brought on by the death of Moses A. Isaacs lastyear has been settled with the North American Relief Society for Indigent Jewsin Jerusalem, Palestine receiving $50,000 plus interest earned over the lastthirty years as provided by the will of Samson Simpson, the uncle of Moses A.Isaacs.

1888: InBaltimore, Rose Leisler and Maurice Bloomfield gave birth to Johns Hopkinstrained medical doctor Arthur Leonard Bloomfield, the husband of Julie Mayer and a “senior member of theEditorial Board of the Archives of internal medicine.

1890: TheHebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum will host its annual reception today.

1890:Birthdate of Utyan, Lithuania, native David Isaac Traub in in 1926 came to theUnited States where he served as a rabbi in New London, CT and was a member ofthe Union of Orthodox Rabbis.

1890: SeveralPolish Jews came to Essex Market Place Court today to file a complaint againstWilliam S Wolf whom the claimed “had defrauded them out of money they had givenhim” which he was supposed to have sent back to Poland.

1890: It wasreported today that New York City Mayor Grant has exercised his prerogativeunder the law and appointed Isidor Strauss to serve as a bridge commissioner –an appointment that will be matched by the governor.

1890:Birthdate Paul Czinner the native of Budapest who was active in the Hungarianworld of cinema who spent WW II in the United States before moving to Englandwhere he pursued his career as “a writer,director, and producer.”

1890: JacobEpstein, a twenty-nine-year-old Russian Jewish immigrant and his wife Flora whoare in Gouverneur Hospital are not expected to survive their gunshot woundswhich were inflicted by Epstein during a fit of jealousy. The children are being cared for the Societyfor by the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.

1891:Birthdate of Bernard Anzelevitz, the native of Bayonne, NJ, who gained fame asBen Bernie the jazz violinist and bandleader whose career included vaudevilleand radio in its golden age of pre-World War II variety shows.

1891: In NewYork City Julius and Anna (Melnick) Bernie gave birth CCNY and Cooper alumBenjamin Anzelwitz, the violinist who abandoned his engineering studies andgained fame bandleader and radio personality Ben Bernie who married DorothyWesley after divorcing his first wife, Rose Harris.

1891: InBaltimore, MD, Frances Solotoff and Michael Dorf gave birth to “capmanufacturer” and Democratic Party supporter Morris Dorf the faither of Corrineand Lorraine Dorf who supporter of the Hebrew Home for the Aged.

1891:Birthdate of Jerusalem native Rabbi Aaron Ben Elias who came to U.S. in 1914and who became a naturalized U.S. Citizen in 1943.

1892: As partof today’s Memorial Day ceremonies the Honorary Staff of the Veteran Zouaves’Association will present “a handsome silk flag” to the Hebrew Orphan Asylumfollowed by a speech from General J.R. O’Beirne.

1892: Myer S.Isaacs, A. S. Solomons of the Baron de Hirsch Fund, Judge Henry M. Goldfogle,General Robert Avery, Joseph Blumenthal of the Young Men’s Hebrew Associationand Rabbi H.S. Jacobs addressed the children of the Baron de Hirsch Fun Schoolsat today’s Memorial Day celebration.

1892: The FreeSchool at Jefferson Street and East Broadway, which was funded by Baron deHirsch, was the scene of a unique Memorial Day celebration. The school wasawash with patriotic paraphernalia including little American flags and red,white and blue bunting. Visitors to the school were treated to four hundredrecently arrived Jewish children from Russia singing “My Country Tis of Thee”in faultless English followed by a recitation of “Our Flag Shall Float” andclimaxed by these same youngsters singing The Star Spangled Banner. This program is an example of theAmericanization activities that are an integral part of the immigrantchildren’s education.

1893: On his21st birthdate NYU trained attorney Meyer Greenberg, the New YorkCity, born son Tessie Pukarch and HenryM. Greenberg and member of the New York State Legislature who was one of theorganizers of both the Peoples Hospital in New York City and the Order of United Hebrew Brothers and adirector and counsel of the Jewish Uplift Society married Lilian RoseSilverberg today.

1894: Memorialservices for the late Jesse Seligman were held at the Hebrew Benevolent andOrphan Asylum on Amsterdam Avenue starting at three o’clock this afternoon.

1894: Theoriginal Nathan Lattauer Hospital, which had been built thanks to the generoussupport of his son Lucius Nathan Littauer was opened today.

1894: Two daysafter he had passed away, 86-year-oldDanzig native Woolf Moss, the husband of Abby Moss and the father ofSarah Moss was buried today in th UK.

1894: CharlesDupuy formed a new government and began serving as Prime Minister of France – apost from which he would preside over the arrested and condemnation of AlfredDreyfus.

1894: Duringan interview today, Mrs. Esther J. Ruskay, defended a paper she presented at toa cross section of Jewish women at Temple Emanu-El in which she “declared thatamong the Jews of America there was no family life because parents had allowedthemselves to drift away from the time honored observances of their faith.” Sheattributed this to parent paying “too much attention…to their worldlyadvancement…and a consequent drifting away from the synagogue” as cam be seemby their “giving up” the observance of the Sabbath.

1895(7thof Sivan, 5655): Second Day of Shavuot

1895: Cadetsfrom the Hebrew Orphan Asylum will march with the Fourth Division in today’sBrooklyn (NY) Memorial Day Parade.

1895: J.Ernest G. Yalden married Margaret Lyon, the sister of Cornell AgronomyProfessor T. Littleton Lyon. In 1894,The Trustees of the Baron de Hirsch Fund hired him to be superintendent oftheir school, a position he held for 25 years.

1896: InKensington, London, Abraham Moss, who was Jewish and his wife Sara Jane gavebirth British race car driver and dentist Alfred Ethelbert Moss who inventedthe Morrison Shelter during WW II and the father of world famous race cardriver Stirling Moss.

1896: InPhiladelphia, founding of “Gmilus Chasodim” a society that “loans money to thepoor without interest” and whose member include S.L. Halperin and Rabbi DavidG. Kratzok.

1898: Thenewly elected officers of the League of Zionist Societies of the United Statesare Dr. Phil Klein – President; Dr. Michael Singer – General Secretary; MorrisNeuman – Treasurer; Dr. Henry Wald – Chairman of the Executive Board.

1898: One dayafter she had passed away, Sophia Moss, the daughter of Joel and Sarah Levy,the wife of Moses Moss and the mother of Louley Moss was buried today at the“West Ham Jewish Cemetery.”

1898: Theexcursion for the grand opening of the country sanitarium of the MontefioreHome for Chronic Invalids at Bedford Station, NY will leave New York City at11:30 this morning.

1898: As partof today’s Memorial Day observance, The Hebrew Union Veterans’ Association isscheduled to hold memorial services at Temple Emanu-El this evening.

1898:Birthdate of Parisian Cyril Gottlieb who came to the United States where asCyril Gottlieb he went from child actor to movie director.

1898: “AlbertLasker arrived in Chicago” today “with $75 in his pocket – the money had givenhim to launch his new life” which was temporarily thwarted when he arrived atthe offices of Lord and Thomas but found the doors locked because the businesswas closed because of Memorial Day.

1898: It wasreported today that the Directors of the Maurice Grau Opera Company designatedEdward Lauterbach to prepare a set of resolutions expressing their regret overthe death of Hungarian born conductor Anton Seidel which are to be given to hiswidow. Lauterbach was a prominent lawyer who served as a trustee of the HebrewOrphan Asylum for almost 4 decades.

1899: It wasreported today that the United States Grand Lodge of the Independent Order Sonsof Benjamin sent a telegram to the wife of the imprisoned Captain Dreyfusexpressing their support and commending her for her behavior at the “approachof vindication.”

1899: InBrooklyn, William and Henrietta (Haymann) Thalberg gave birth to American movieproducer Irving Thalberg,

1899: JudgeBallot-Beaupre read his report on the Dreyfus case before the Court ofCassation.

1900: In NewYork City, Eiesek and Sarah Korn gave birth to Long Island College Hospitaltrained medical doctor Samuel Milton Korn, the physician for the Home of Sonsand Daughters of Israel and a member ofB’nai Israel in Linden and offices in Brooklyn

1900: CaptainAntoine Louis Targe began serve as aid-de Camp under General Andre, the FrenchMinister of War. Three years later,under the Minister’s direction he began an investigation of evidence broughtagainst Dreyfus. Targe would produceinformation that would help to free Dreyfus.

1900: The newhome of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association which is a gift from Jacob Schiffand is situation ate 92nd and Lexington and includes a gymnasium,classrooms and a library with 9,000 volumes was dedicated today.

1901: Threedays after she had passed away, Matilda Isaac, the daughter of Alexander Isaacand Sophie Levy, was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1901: Herzlmeets Grossherzog Friedrich of Baden, who tries to get him an audience with theCzar.

1901: InCzernowitz, Austria-Hungary, Hillel Manger, “a skilled tailor in love withliterature” and his wife gave birth to Yiddish playwright and poet ItzikManger.

1902: It wasreported today that the Judeans had hosted a dinner in honor of ProfessorSolomon Schechter “who was induced to leave Cambridge University to become theDean of the new Jewish Theological Seminary during which Dr. Gottheil, theProfessor of Semitic Languages at Columbia “who claimed the distinction ofbeing one of Dr. Schechter’s first pupils” said that he was sure his departmentand the new JTS would “work together in perfect harmony.”

1902: Lt.Louis C. Wolf retired from the military today at Sheboygan, Wisconsin

1903: Herzlinforms Zadoc Kahn and Lord Rothschild about the failure of the El-ArishProject.

1903: “CamdenAt Hebrew Meeting” published today described plans for the upcoming meeting inPhiladelphia sponsored by the Kishineff Relief Committee which will be attendedby Mayor Nowry and to which Archbishop Ryan has already contributed $20.

1904:Birthdate of Baltimore native Bernard J. Bamberger, the great-grandson Bavarianborn Abraham Bamberger, the Johns Hopkins graduate and husband of Ethel “Pat”Kraus who served as the rabbi of New York’s Reform Congregation Shaaray Tefilawhose many literary works included a Commentary on the Book of Leviticus thatwas part of the Reform movement’s modern translation of the Torah.

1904: In Kiev,“Harry and Rose (Morsoff) Young gave birth to University of Pennsylvaniatrained attorney H. Albert Young, a leader of the Republican Party Illinois whowas the husband of the former Ann Blank and the father of Ronell, Stuart and H.Alan Young.

1904:Birthdate of Long Branch, NJ native Irving Katz, the real estate and insuranceagent who was president of the YM-YWHA and an officer of the Free LoanAssociation.

1904: Today,Jean Hess, the European explorer who has just arrived in Paris from Morocco,gave his views on the turmoil in that country stating that “It is interestingto note that the recent campaign in Europto divide up Morocco has been largelypromoted by the Alliance Israelite who special aim is doubtless to securebetter treatment for the Jews in Morocco where they have no civil rights.”

1904:Birthdate of Meyer Parodneck, the Polish born American lawyer who developedprograms to get milk to poor children during the Great Depression. (As reportedby Richard D. Lyons)

1905: CharlesVogel of the Educational Alliance placed second in the 100-yard dash at thesecond annual championship games of the Intersettlement Athletic Association“held on Columbia Oval at William’s Bridge.”

1906(6th ofSivan, 5666): First Day of Shavuot

1906:Sixty-year-old Michael Davitt, the Irish republican leader of the Home Rulemovement the author of Within the Pale, a book published in 1903 that dealtwiththe anti-Semitic persecutions in Russia” and which was published today A.S.Barnes and Company passed away today.

1907: “A ratecollector appointed by the council of the metropolitan borough of Islingtonmade a complaint to Joseph H. Polak Esquire, one of the justices of the peacefor the county of London.

1908:Birthdate of Mel Blanc.The SanFrancisco native was the voicefor a several cartoon characters including Bugs Bunny, Elmer Fudd and PorkyPig.

1908:Birthdate of Dr. Abraham Stone Freedberg, a Harvard cardiologist who developedan early treatment for angina and whose pioneering work in identifying thebacteria that cause stomach ulcers was initially all but ignored. However, he was vindicated when twoAustralian physicians won a Nobel Prize for work based on his discovery.

1909: ReubenSiegel laid the cornerstone for the first home in Tel-Aviv

1909: InChicago, Eastern European Jewish immigrantsDora and David Goodman gave birth to Benjamin David Goodman, betterknown as clarinetist Benny Goodman, the King of Swing!

1910: Birthdate of German actress Inge Meysel. Meysel’s mother was Danish and her father wasJewish. According to one source, she wasbanned from acting during the Nazi period.She resumed her career in the German city of Hamburg and continuedworking until her death in 2004.

1910:Birthdate of Harry Louis Bernstein, author of The Invisible Wall: A LoveStory That Broke Barriers, his “painfully eloquent memoir about growing upJewish and poor in a northern English mill town earned him belated literaryfame on its publication in 2007, when he was 96…” (As reported by WilliamGrimes)

1910: JuliusMeysel, and his Danish wife Anna Hansen gave birth to actress Inge Meysel whowas banned from performing during the Nazi era because her father was Jewish.

1911: NewYorker Joseph Mandelkern who recently returned from Russia said tonight, “Iwish to warn American naturalized Russian Jews against venturing back to Russiaunder the terms of the recent assurances issued by the Russian Government underrepresentation from American State Department” since that he has learned that“as Russian subjects they are likely to be arrested and sentenced to Siberia orprison terms for treason.”

1912:Birthdate of St. Louis, MO native and Washington University undergrad AlexanderLangsdorf, the holder of a doctorate in physics from MIT who played a key rolein the Manhattan Project and who along with his wife Martyl Langsdorft becamean advocate for the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.

1912: In NewYork, Polish-Jewish immigrants Charles and Emma (Rosenblum) Stein gave birth toCCNY and Columbia University alum and playwright Joseph Stein whose most famouseffort was Fiddler on the Roof

1912: Birthdate of American biochemist JuliusAxelrod who won the Nobel Prize Physiology or Medicine in 1970.

1913: In NewJersey, official dedication of the Mountain Ridge Country Club.

1913:Birthdate of Moe Goldman, who played center for CCNY before going on to playpro ball in the American Basketball League.

1913: TheBalkan war, which had started in October, 1912 officially came to an end withthe signing of the Treaty of London. As a result of this Albania became anindependent state. Jews had lived in Albania since Roman times. The false messiah, Shabbetai Zevi spent hisfinal years in Albania and died there.At the time that Albania gained its independence from Turkey, there wereprobably only a couple of hundred Jews living in the country.

1914(5thof Sivan, 5674): Parashat Bamidbar; erev Shavuot

1914(5thof Sivan, 5674): Forty-seven-year-old Baltimore native Lewis Putzel, an 1888graduate of the University of Maryland Law School and partner in the firm ofSteiner and Putzel and husband of Birdie Putzel who served as Baltimore CityAttorney and a member of both houses of the Maryland State Legislature passedaway today in his home town.

1915: Becauseof a question raised by Albert Lucas, the question of “whether the Union ofOrthodox Jewish Congregations of America should declare in favor of a Hebrewnational congress for the purpose of looking after the interests of persons ofthe Jewish faith in the European war zone was discussed at the eighthconvention of the union which opened” today at the Harlem Hebrew InstituteBuilding.

1915: InOttawa, Canada, Leon and Beckie Petegorsky gave birth to their only son DavidW. Petegorsky, the ordained rabbi who received a Ph.D. from London School ofEconomics and was the Executive Director of the American Jewish Congress.

1915: It wasreported today that “the total of Illinois petitioners” calling on the Governorof Georgia to commute the sentence of Leo Frank “will exceed 1,000,000” by thetime the case is heard tomorrow and this does not count those received “fromthe big towns in Indiana.”

1915: “In aneditorial addressed to the Prison Commission, the Atlanta Journal” made a finalplease for Leo Frank which began “Frank’s sentence ought to be commuted to lifeimprisonment because of the deep-seated and overshadowing doubt of his guilt. The state cannot afford to sacrifice humanlife on uncertainties.”

1915: Thethree commissioners – Chairman R. E. Davison, Judge T.E. Patterson and E.L.Rainey – who make up the State Prison Commission which will hear the plea forcommuting Leo Frank’s sentence arrived in Atlanta, GA tonight.

1915: “AnAtlanta Appeal For Frank” published today provided a complete reprint of thetext of James Gray’s editorial originally printed a week ago.

1915: In ParkSlope, Brooklyn drug store owner Abraham “Gus” Manulis and his wife Anna gavebirth to producer Martin Ellyot Manulis whose work included everything from thesitcom “The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis” to the very dramatic “Days of Wine andRoses.”

1916(27thof Iyar, 5676): Eighty-two-year-old Adolph Frank, a German chemist andbusinessman best known for his work in potash and the winner of the John ScottMedal of the Franklin Institute in 1893 passed away today.

1917: Duringthe “First Conference on Democracy and Terms of Peace” which was “being held inNew York’s Garden Theatre, delegates adopted a resolution presented by MorrisHilliquist, the Jewish Socialist, demanding “that the Government agree to apeace in which neither territory nor indemnities for any of the belligerentsshall figure.”

1917:According to information received in London, “an order of expulsion is hangingover the heads of the Jewish residents of Jerusalem” despite the fact that theorder of eviction from the Turks has been suspended twice due to interventionby the German government which is concerned about the effect such a move wouldhave on “the world’s public opinion.”

1917: It wasreported today that David Belasco, “the son of Abraham H. Belasco (1830–1911)and Reyna Belasco (née Nunes, 1830–1899), Sephardic Jews who had immigrated tothe United States from London's Spanish and Portuguese Jewish community duringthe California Gold Rush” and A.H. Woods have “reached an amicable agreement…inthe suit brought by” Woods “to restrained Mr. Belasco from producing ‘TigerRose’ a play co-authored by Belasco.

1918:Birthdate of Bernard Wessler, the graduate of Baruch College who gained fame astelevision writer Bernie West whose credits include “All in the Family,” “TheJeffersons” and “Three’s Company.”

1918 Duringthe Battle of Cantigny, Frederick Hahn, a second lieutenant serving with UnitedStates Army Field Artillery, “went into heavy shell fire to supervise therepairs of telephone lines and to act as a runner when the further maintenanceof the wires became impossible.

1918: Inaccordance with a proclamation sent out by President Wilson on May 13,“Orthodox Congregations in the United States” are scheduled to “open all thesynagogues for prayer and that members” would fast “as if it were a holy day”while uttering special prayers calling “for the speedy success of Americanarms” which would lead to “a just peace.”

1919: Today,just four days his 19th birthday, veteran journalist Abel Green’s“byline appeared for the first time.

1919: Anational Jewish association is founded in Constantinople under the auspices ofthe Jewish association Amicale, and with cooperation of the B'nai Brith Lodge.Among its many goals, are the establishment of an autonomous Jewish homeland inPalestine, and support for the communal administration of Jewish philanthropicgroups in Turkey.

1919: As theNational Conference of Jewish Charities continued its week-long meeting inAtlantic City, NJ, Maurice B. Hexter is scheduled to lead a discussion onConvalescent Care and Lt. Maxwell Heller is scheduled to deliver a talk on“Care of Wounded Soldiers” after Friday evening services at Beth IsraelSynagouge.

1919: Bernardand Mildred Asch gave birth to Sidney Howard Asch, “a New York judge with aPh.D. in sociology who wrote scholarly works about civil liberties and madenotable decisions about landlord-tenant law, employment of gay people and aman’s right to get his hair cut in a women’s beauty salon…” (As reported byPaul Vitello)

1920: MemorialDay in the United States

1920: “MajorGeneral Clarence R. Edwards, commander of the Yankee Division in France”delivered the main address during Memorial Services at the Free Synagogue inCarnegie Hall where the attendees included “the Jewish Veterans of the Wars ofthe Republic and their commander Maurice Simmons.”

1920: The EastBoston Y.M.H.A. held Memorial Day exercise this afternoon at Ohel JacobSynagogue where “a memorial tablet was unveiled and dedicated to the Jewish menof East Boston who served in the World War.”

1920: RabbiIsrael Goldstein and Rabbi Jacob Schwartz officiated at Congregation B’naiJeshurun’s Memorial Day service which included a special memorial “to the lateHerman Levy” who had served as the president from 1912 until 1920.

1920:Birthdate of Carmen G. De Sapio’s press agent Sydney Stuart Baron, the “son ofa Brooklyn shoemaker,” “an ‘A’ English student at New Utrecht High School” andhusband of high school sweetheart Sylvia Schreibman whose public relationsclients included Anheuser-Busch, Iona College and Beth Jacob Schools.

1920: “The 21stconference of the English Zionist Federation of London passed a resolution‘expressing gratitude to the Supreme Council for incorporating the Balfourdeclaration in the treaty with Turkey and for granting the mandate forPalestine to Great Britain.’”

1920: Ninety-one-yearJoseph Eduard Konrad Bischoff whose 19th century novella Judas Makkabaeus demonstrated arenewed interest in the non-Jewish world in the Jewish warrior passed awaytoday.

1921: InWashington, D.C., Myer Solomon Cohn, the Russian born son of Leo and SarahCohn, and his wife Bertha Cohn gave birth to Claude Cohn.

1921(22ndof Iyar, 5681): Sixty-two-year-old Rabbi Jacob Lubin, the German born son ofHyman Lubin who filled pulpits inPottsville, PA, Trenton, NJ and Orange, NJ before becoming the rabbi forCongregation Beth Israel at Plattsburgh, NY in 1898 passed away today.

1922 Birthdateof Rosel Lerner, the native of Worms and one of the children sent to Britain onthe Kinderstransport trains, who gained fame as Rose Evanksky, the inventor of“blow-dry hair styling.” (As reported by William Grimes)

1923: “A pleafor the elimination of Henry Ford” the anti-Semitic auto maker, “from thepresidential race was made yesterday by the delegates to the fifth annualconvention of the Federation of Hungarian Jews in America at the Hias Building…”

1923: “Jews ofNew York City have raised $1,800,000 for the Palestine Foundation Fund of whichmore than $600,000 was in cash and the balances was in pledges.”

1923: JackBernstein won the World Junior Light Championship today.

1924: Funeralservices are scheduled to be held this afternoon for “forty-three-year-old St.Louis native Aaron Hoffman, “one of the most prolific writers for the Americanstage, the author of a score of play and countless vaudeville sketches” and thehusband of Minna Z. Hoffman with whom he had one child, Phyllis.

1924: “Tragedyin the House of Habsburg,” a historical drama about the suicide at Mayerlingdirected and produced by Alexander Korda and starring Maria Corda was releasedin Germany today.

1925(7thof Sivan, 5685): Second Day of Shavuot

1925(7thof Sivan, 5685): Seventy-five-year-old Dr. of Jurisprudence Albert Mosse, thehusband of Caroline Mosse and the son of Ulrike Mosse and Marcus Mosse, M.D.passed away today.

1925:Birthdate of John Henry Marks, the London born physician who served as Charimanof the British Medical Associate from 1984 to 1990.

1925: InMemphis, TN, Edward Bihari a Jewish immigrant from Hungary who worked in salesand later ran a grain and seed business in Tulsa, OK and his wife gave birth toJoseph Bihari, the youngest of 8 siblings who had a major impact on thepopularization of “R&B” as can be seen by his being the first to record themusic of B.B. King. (As reported by William Yardley)

1926: InPhiladelphia, The Hakoah Soccer Team is scheduled to play its final gameagainst the Philadelphia Soccer Club today at Franklin Field before leaving theUnited States.

1926: A rodeofeaturing a troop of 120 Don Cossacks who recently arrived in the United Statesfrom Russia is scheduled to take place tonight at Madison Garden. The proceeds of the event will go the UnitedJewish Campaign of New York.

1927: RabbiArthur S. Montaz is scheduled to deliver the invocation and Mrs. LeoFreidenrich is scheduled to deliver “the address of welcome” at the openingsession of the Fourth Western Interstate Conference at Temple Emanuel inSpokane, Washington.

1928: Today,on Memorial Day, in North Carolina the Wilmington airport was namedBluethenthal Field, in honor of Arthur Bluethenthal, who transferred from theLafayette Escadrille to the air arm of the United States Navy and was “thefirst North Carolinian killed in action during World War I.”

1929: On theWest Side of Chicago, “Monroe Harriman Loeb,” the owner of a wrecking andsalvage company” and “the former Henrietta Benjamin, a milliner and teacher”gave birth to Marshall Robert Loeb, the “business journalist” who made Money magazine and Fortune magazine into major publications. (As reported by Robert D.Hershey, Jr.)

1929: LeonardJacques Stein stood as the Liberal candidate for Bermondsey West in today’sGeneral election where he finished second in a three way race.

1930: At ameeting in Tel Aviv, the Vaad Leumi, the Jewish National Council called for anational strike to begin next week to protest the British government’s ordersuspending Jewish immigration pending an inquiry into land and immigrationproblems by Sir John Simpson.

1930: InManhattan, Harold and Judith Heyman gave birth to their only child Ira MichaelHeyman the Chancellor of the University of California, Berkley and Secretary ofthe Smithsonian Institution.

1930: In New York attorney Maruice Janklow andthe former Lillian Levantin gave birth to Columbia trained attorney Morton L.Janklow “the storied New York literary agent who struck megadeals withpublishers for best-selling authors, ghostwritten celebrities, severalpresidents and a pope, and who influenced international book lists and thereading habits of millions for decades…(As reported by Robert D. McFadden)

1931: It wasreported today that Isaac Landman who has agreed to return as the rabbi ofCongregation Beth Elhoim in Brooklyn will still serve as the editor of The American Hebrew and editor-in-chiefof The Standard Jewish Encyclopedia,

1932: As theWeimar Republic descended into the chaos that would bring Hitler to powerChancellor Brüning announced his cabinet's resignation after PresidentHindenburg and his fellow Junkers “opposed his policies of distributing land tounemployed workers.”

1932:Birthdate of Baltimore native Solomon Wolf Golomb, the son of a rabbi andlinguist who gained fame as an electrical engineer and mathematician.

1933(5th ofSivan, 5693): Erev Shavuot

1933: InCamden, NJ, variety store owners Sylvia Pfeffer and Aaron Fliegelman gae birthto Sidney “Sid” Mark Fliegelman, “a longtime disc jockey in Philadelphia whomade Frank Sinatra’s songs the center of his wide-reaching musical universe formore than six decades…” (As reported by Richard Sandomir)

1933: TheBishops saw a draft of the Concordat as they assembled for a meeting of theFulda bishops conference led by Breslau’s Cardinal Bertram

1933: TheLeague of Nations held the first of two days of debate about the persecution ofthe Jews in Germany.

1934(16thof Sivan, 5694): Mrs. Jacob Meyer, a probation officer passed away today in NewYork.

1934: Stormtroopers “severely mistreated” the sixty-year-old Jewish man who was theproprietor of a business in Munich.

1935(27thof Iyar, 5695): Eighty-four-year-old Henriette Hirschland, the “daughter ofSimon Simon and Marianne Simon, the wife of Isaac Simon Hirschland and “motherof Agathe Gruenebaum; Kurt Martin Hirschland; Dr. jur. Georg Simon Hirschlandand Franz Herbert Hirschland” passed away today in Essen, Germany

1935: “Thememory of fifteen Jews who served in the Revolution and the War of 1812, whosebodies lie in the old Bowery Cemetery east of Chatham Square was honored at thememorial service in the cemetery today under the auspices of Manhattan Post 1 ofthe Jewish War Veterans.”

1936: “It waslearned today that the Palestine Government was considering the mobilization of1,000 Jews into a special until to help government forces cope with the Arabrevolt.”

1936: WilliamCohen, the president of the National Association of Jewish Center Executivesaddressed the organization’s annual meeting at the Hotel Chelsea in AtlanticCity where George L. Hyman, executive director of the Central Jewish Instituteof New York “praised the Maccabiah games as a means of bringing all elements ofthe Jewish community as spectators and participants.”

1936: ThePalestine (British) Government today warned all mukhtars (chieftains) thattheir villages would be subject to collective punitive measures unless thecutting of telephone wires, bomb explosions, attempts to demolish railway linesand other acts of brigandage ceased.

1936: “It waslearned today that the Palestine Government was considering the mobilization of1,000 Jews into a special unit to help government forces cope with the Arabrevolt.”

1937: Policeinvestigated charges by the Grand Mufti Haj Amin el Husseini, that he had beenambushed by a “party Jews attempting to take his life.

1938: The Palestine Post published the fulltext of the letter, written by Dr. Chaim Weizmann, addressed to the HighCommissioner for Palestine. The letter was accompanied by the Annual JewishAgency's memorandum prepared for the League of Nations Mandates Commission. TheAgency accused the Palestine Government that 1937 was a year of an artificiallylimited immigration and a "chequered development". The Jewisheconomic structure had shown strength and resilience in the face of the Arabterror. Exports increased, but there was insufficient Government aid forindustry and control of imports.

1939: Dr.David De Sola Pool, the rabbi of the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogueofficiated this afternoon at memorial exercise in the small triangular remnantof the once extensive cemetery of the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue whichwas meant to honor “the Jewish soldiers who died for this country in theRevolutionary War.

1940: Frenchdriver Rene Dreyfus finished 10th today in the Indianapolis 500.

1941: Germany seizes the Greek island ofCrete. The Germans would leave the Jewsof Crete alone until 1944. In 1944, theGermans loaded the Jews of Crete on to a ship called the Tanais along with amixed bag of Greek and Italian prisoners.The ship was sunk as it headed for the mainland. It is unclear whether a German U-boat or aBritish submarine sank the Tanais.

1941: At ten o'clock in morning, Yunis al-Sabawi,the newly self-appointed pro-Nazi Military Governor of Baghdad "summonedthe Chief Rabbi, Sasson Hedouri to his office and ordered him to instruct theJews to go to their homes and stay there until noon. He was also supposedto tell them to pack a suitcase for each family member because they were beingtaken to detention camps 'for their own safety." In the meantime,Sabwai "instructed the broadcasting station to issue a call to theBaghdad public to massacre the Jews." The broadcast was to be madeat noon. (In Ishmael's House by Martin Gilbert.

1941: Atmeeting with the Mayor of Baghdad, Arshad al-Umari, The Chief Rabbi, SassonKhedouri asked him to thwart the plans of Yunis Al-Sabawi for the destructionof the city's Jewish population.

1941: Yunis Al-Sabawi, the pro-Nazi governor ofBaghdad,took refuge in Persia when the Mayor of Baghdad, Arshad al-Umari,took control of the city and ended the threatened massacre of the Jewishpopulation.

1942: After 467, “Lady in the Dark” closed at the AlvinTheatre in New York City. It could be called “a Jewish musical” since KurtWeill wrote the music, Ira Gershwin did the lyrics and Moss Hart supplied thebook and the direction.

1942: Members of the Wehrmacht deported the remaining 75Jews from Hanau, Germany.

1943:U.S. premiere of “DuBarry Was a Lady” a musical comedy produced by Arthur Freedphotographed by cinematographer Karl Freund and featuring Zero Mostel as “Ramithe Swami.”

1943: DuringWW II, the Battle of Attu in which American forces that included Dr. AbrahamKoransky confronted Japanese forces in the only WW II battle fought on theAmerican mainland came to an end today.

1944:Bernhard Bästlein, a genuine leader of the anti-Nazi resistance was rearrestedby after having escaped from Plötzensee Prison during an Allied bombing raidand taken to the Reichssicherheitshauptamt for the first of several days oftorture.

1944:Rudolf Breslauer “a German-Jewish inmate of Westerbork camp in Holland” filmedone of only two cinematic works known to have been produced inside afunctioning concentration camp for Jews.” (As reported by Cnaan Liphshiz)

1945:In Paris, “several thousand repatriated prisoners” marched down the Avenue del’Opera “demanding clothes” and then “marched down the Boulevard Sebastopolcrying ‘Down with the Jews.’”

1946: In a play thatanticipates a scene in The Natural by Brooklyn-native Bernard Malamud,the Braves' Bama Rowell smashes a double in the 7-run 2nd inning of the secondgame of a doubleheader at Ebbets Field. The ball shatters the Bulova clock highatop the right-field scoreboard at 4:25 P.M., showering glass down on theDodgers' Right Fielder Dixie Walker. An hour later the clock stops

1947(10thof Sivan, 5707): Seventy-three year old journalist Meir (Myer Jack) Landa whohad worked for the Daily Gazette in Birmingham, passed away today in London.

1947:It was reported today that Congregation Rodeph Sholom has elected the followingofficers, Joseph Pulvermacher, President; Jacob S. Manheimer, vice president;Henry Hofheimer, treasurer and Charles B. Myers, honorary secretary.

1948:At dawn this morning forces of the Irgun captures Ras el Ein near Petah Tikvathe source of Jerusalem’s water supply.By nightfall, the Jewish troops had to give up their hard won victorybecause of counterattacks from a larger force of Iraqi soldiers.

1948:Milton “Milt” Rubenfeld, that native of Peekskill, NY who had flown for the RAFand the U.S.A.A.F. flew his first mission for the infant Israeli Air Forcetaking off at 0530 as the wingman for Ezer Weizman with whom he was supposed toattack positions around Tulkarm.

1948: In theskies above Israel, Arab aircraft were on the attack striking at Jewish forcesin several locations including Zirin, a village near Jenin, Kinereth nearTimeria, Rebovoth, near Ramleh, Merchavia and Afula which was the target forincendiary bombs. The newly-mintedIsraeli air force struck at Tel el Kasser on the Trans Jordan border and at anarea near Isdud where Egyptian forces were assembling to move on Jaffa. The Israelis lost one plane in the attack.

1948:“Israel’s last remaining dissident organization, the Stern Group, announcedtonight that it had been incorporated into the regular Israeli army.” (Ed. Note: This was part of Ben Gurion’sdetermined effort to create a modern state with only military. This was not a popular effort and it met withresistance from a wide spectrum of political opinion. If Ben Gurion had not pushed forward with hisplan the Jewish community of the day would have looked like Gaza in the 21stcentury.)

1949:Birthdate of Charles Samuel Shapiro “an American diplomat and a former U.S.ambassador to Venezuela. He went on to become Principal Deputy AssistantSecretary at the State Department from 2007 to 2009, and now heads its freetrade agreement task force. Some supporters of President Hugo Chavez accuseShapiro of having supported the 2002 coup d'état, including a meeting withinterim president Pedro Carmona Estanga one day after the coup. Shapiro and other US sources have denied thisand claim that he urged Carmona to reinstitute the dissolved nationalassembly. Shapiro has degrees from theUniversity of Pennsylvania and Georgia State University, and served in theUnited States Coast Guard.

1949: In “FineSinging Heard At Jewish Festival” published today Hugh Thomson provided areview the annual Jewish music festival held in celebration of the Sabbath ofSong which opened Jewish Music Month in Toronto.

1951:“Goodbye, My Fancy” a romantic-comedy directed by Vincent Sherman based on aplay by Fay Kanin was released in the United States today.

1951: Birthdate of Dallas native StephenTobolowsky, character actor whose most famous role might be that of NedReyerson, the obnoxious insurance salesman in Groundhog Day.

1951: Austrianborn author Hermann Broch passed away. Broch was imprisoned in a concentrationcamp after the Anschluss. During hisimprisonment he began writing the most important of his three major works, TheDeath of Virgil. Broch’s influential friends including James Joyce obtainedhis release and got him into the United States.He converted to Roman Catholicism prior to his death in 1951.

1952(6thof Sivan, 5712): Shavuot

1952: InCharleston, West Virginia, “Harold Marks, who operated a linen supply business,and the former Beverly Rosenthal, a painter on Judaic themes” gave birth toGilbert Stanley Marks “a culinary historian who wrote widely on therelationship between Jewish food and Jewish culture in a manner that was bothscholarly and friendly.” (As reported by Bruce Weber)

1952:Birthdate of Giles Uriel Bernheim, the native of Aix-les-Bains, Savoie who waselected chief rabbi of France in 2008.

1952(6thof Sivan, 5712): First Day of Shavuot

1952(6thof Sivan, 5712): Seventy-two-year-old Albert Lasker, the Lord and ThomasAdvertising Agency executive who introduced the campaigns for such products asKleenex Tissues and Lucky Strike cigarettes passed away. He used his millionsto establish the Lasker Foundation and to endow the Albert Lasker Awards, givenannually “for outstanding contributions to clinical and basic medical research.

1953: After263 performances, the curtain comes down at the Empire Theatre on “The Time ofthe Cukoo” a play by Arthur Laurents directed Harold Cluman

1954: In NewYork City, Hermann Merkin, who owned 37 percent of Overseas Shipping Group andhelped to found the Fifth Avenue Synagogue and his wife Ulla gave birth authorand journalist Daphne Miriam Merkin.

1955(9thof Sivan, 5715): Sixty-four-year-old Alexander N. Sack. the Moscow born,Russian lawyer and faculty member of the Saint Petersburg University who in1930 came to the United States where taught at NYU and Northwestern whiledeveloping a reputation on international finance especially as it dealt withthe problems of governmental debt,

1956(20thof Sivan, 5716): Sixty-three-year-old Russian born, Columbia trained attorneySamuel J. Levinson, “a partner in the law firm of Weinstein and Levison” whowas the husband of the “former Silvia Opalinsky” and the father of Mrs. LilaPerlstein passed away today.

1958(11thof Sivan, 5718): In front of a live audience of several thousand people and anuntold number of radio listeners sixty-eight-year-old “Maximillian Pilzerstruck his head on a strip of concrete” and suffered “fatal concussion to thebrain when he “ collapsed while conducting the Naumburg Symphony on the Mall inCentral Park”

1958: SarahChurchill wrote to her father describing the ceremony opening the ChurchillAuditoriums at the Technion. “They love you very much and the auditorium wasdesigned to honor your achievements…”

1959: U.S.premiere of “The Young Philadelphians” starring Paul Newman with music byErnest Gold who came to the United States after the Anschluss because hispaternal grandfather was Jewish.”

1959: “Sunriseat Campobello” the gripping drama about FDR’s fight with Polio written DoreSchary closed today after running for 556 performances at the Cort Theatre.

1960(4th ofSivan, 5720): Boris Pasternak, author of Dr. Zhivago passed away

1961:Birthdate of Tehran native Bob Yari, the graduate of U.C., Santa Barbara andAmerican movie producer.

1961: Today“Rabbi Martin Reisenbruger, the spiritual of leader of East Berlin’s 960 Jewswas award the gold medal of the Patriotic Order of Merit, one East Germany’stop decorations” which was part of the celebration of his 65th birthday,which was celebrated earlier this month, (JTA)

1961: PrimeMinister David Ben Gurion met with President John F. Kennedy in thePresidential suite at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City. The meetinglasted for an hour and a half. The twoleaders discussed the sale of HAWK missiles to Israel, the reactor at Dimonaand need to make some sort of conciliatory gesture concerning the Palestinianrefugees.

1961(15th ofSivan, 5721): Binyamin Mintz an Israeli politician who served as Minister ofPostal Services from July 1960 until his death today. Born in Łódź in theRussian Empire (today in Poland), Mintz studied in a Hasidic Ger school and wasa member of Young Agudat Israel. He made aliyah to Mandate Palestine in 1925,and worked in construction and as a printer. In 1933 he joined Agudat IsraelWorkers, and was later a member of the Provisional State Council. In 1949 hewas elected to the first Knesset on the list of the United Religious Front (analliance of the four main religious parties). Re-elected in 1951, 1955 and1959, he was appointed Minister of Postal Services by David Ben-Gurion in 1960.The village of Yad Binyamin, established in 1962, was named in his honor.

1962(26thof Iyar, 5722): Seventy-eight year old Abel “Buck Warshawsky, the Clevelandborn son of Ezekiel and Ida Warshawsky who with his brother Alexander “attendedthe Cleveland School of Art and the New York National Academy of Design” beforemoving to Europe “where he divided his time between Paris and Brittany” whilepainting “Breton peasants and landscapes” before moving to Monterey, CA justbefore WW II where he continued to work while living with his third wife RuthTate, passed away today.

1963(7thof Sivan, 5723): Second Day of Shavuot

1963: RabbisIra Einstein and Joachim are scheduled to office at funeral services for 86-year-oldLouis Lipsky, the “dean of American Zionists and a friend and colleague of thelate Dr. Chaim Weizmann in the building of the State of Israel” who will beeulogized by Moshe Sharett.

1964(19th ofSivan, 5724): Famed nuclear physicist Leo Szilard passed away. Born inHungry, Szilardsounded the early warning about Nazi plans to build anatomic bomb and the need for the Western Powers to do it first.Hisefforts led to the famous letter from Einstein, the Manhattan Project and thesuccessful building of the Atomic Bomb Hungarians/US nuclear physicist

1965: MosheCarmel began serving as Minister of of Transport, National Infrastructure andRoad Safety

1965(28th ofIyar, 5725): Fifty-eight-year-old Albany, NY born advertising executive andUnion College alum Sanford L. Hirschberg, who served in the Coast Guard duringWW II and who was the husband of “the former Helen Felton” as well as thefather of Gary and Nancy Hirschberg passed away today,

1966:Birthdate of Stephen Malkmus indie-rock musician who played with a band calledSilver Jews.

1966: Frank L.Lazarus, the former New York City Commissioner of Real Estate and 1924 graduateof West Point who had retired from the Army Reserve with the rank of brigadiergeneral “ joined the real estate ofanother former city reality official, J. Clarence, Inc, in the capacity of vicepresident.”

1967: KingHussein of Jordan visited Cairo.“At the meeting Nasser produced a filecontaining the Syrian-Egyptian defense pact” King Hussein was, in his own words“so anxious to reach agreement” that told Nasser to give him another copy ofthe agreement, “replace the word Syrian with the word Jordan” so that he couldjoin the alliance without delay. Apparently, Hussein was not the reluctantparticipant he would later claim to have been. This was part of Arab efforts tocreate aunited military front in what would become the Six DayWarwhich would begin a week later. When the war broke out, theIsraelis sent word to the Jordanians asking them to stay out of thefight. The Israelis assured the Jordanians that they had no intention ofattacking them.The Jordanian response was to starting shellingIsrael. It was this action by the Jordanians which led the Israelistothe Green Line and drive the Jordanians out of east Jerusalem.

1967: As “theArab noose” seems to be tightening around the Israeli neck, Meir Amit was sentto Washington to check the American response if Israel launched pre-emptivestrikes at Egypt. He told the defense secretary Robert MacNamara: "All wewant is three things: One, that you refill our arsenal after the war. Two, thatyou will help us in the UN. Three, that you will isolate the Russians from thearena." MacNamara said to Amit: "I read you loud and clear."

1968: MartinNoth, German Old Testament scholar, passed away. Noth was the first authorityto note that “First and Second Kings” contained virtually no mention of theclassic prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos and Hosea.

1969: Palestinian terrorists blew up the oilpipeline which passes through the Golan Heights. Thousands of tons of crude oilpolluted the river-beds, but were blocked before they could reach LakeKinneret.

1970"Minnie's Boys"a play about the Marx Brothers closed atImperial Theater inNewYork Cityclosed after 80 performances.

1970: “TheBallad of Cable Hogue,” an off-beat Western with music by Jerry Goldsmith andco-starring David Warner who “was raised by his Russian Jewish father and hisstepmother.”

1971(6thof Sivan, 5731): Shavuot

1971: In theborough of Queens Helene and Stuart Mentzel gave birth to singer/songwriterIdina Menzel who “originated the role ‘Maureen Johnson’ in the Broadway hit‘Rent’ and its cinematic adaptation.

1972: Finalexams are scheduled to be held today at The Bernard M. Baruch College of theCity University of New York. The exams had originally been scheduled to givenon May 19 which coincided with the celebration of Shavuot. The date of the exams was changed followingprotests led by Hillel, the Anti-Defamation League and individual students.

1972: In TelAviv, members of the Japanese Red Army carry out the Lod Airport Massacre,killing 24 people and injuring 78 others.

1973(28th ofIyar, 5733): Yom Yerushalayim

1974: “TheHenry Street Settlement” house which was founded by Lillian Wald the Cincinnatiborn daughter of German-Jewish immigrants Max D. Wald and the former MinnieSchwarz, was designated as National Historic Landmark today.

1975:Eighty-year old Swiss born, non-Jewish actor Michel Simon who won the BestActor at the Berlin Film Festival in 1967 for portraying “a gruff anti-Semiticpeasant who come to love a young Jewish boy in in Occupied France during WW II”in the film “The Two of Us” passed away today.

1975: LarryBlyden began what would be his last vacation in Morocco.

1976:Birthdate of child star Omri Katz

1977: InPort-au-Prince, Haiti, 27-year-old Nina Bushkin daughter of jazz pianist JoeyBushkin married 58 year old Alan Jay Lerner, the man who wrote the lyrics forsuch Broadway hits as “My Fair Lady” and “Camelot.”

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that in hisinaugural Knesset address the new, fifth President of Israel, Yitzhak Navon,called upon Egypt to renew peace negotiations and urged other Arab leaders tofollow suit. Knesset members were so pleased with Navon's appearance that theybroke a cardinal rule and spontaneously burst into applause. The PrimeMinister, Menachem Begin, looking pale after several days of fever, turned updespite reports that his health might preclude his appearance.

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that Tadirangave a sneak preview of its miniature, remotely controlled pilotlessreconnaissance aircraft, the Mastiff.

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported thataccording to Yigal Hurwitz, the Minister of Commerce and Industry, only hugebudget cuts of some four to five billion pounds, accompanied by a drasticreduction of manpower in the service sector, could save Israel from the fast-growinginflation.

1979: Two daysafter he had passed away, funeral services are scheduled to take place at theWestside Institutional Synagogue for Cantor Zalmon Yavneh, the husband of AnnaYavneh with whom he had five children – Emanuel, Raphael, Murray, Nina andCyrus – the “honorary president of the Jewish Ministers Cantors Association”who was a “Charter Certified Cantor of the Hebrew Union School of Sacred Music.”

1980(15thof Sivan 5740): Sixty-nine-old year-old New York born, and Columbia trainedpsychologist Joseph Ephraim Barmack, the WW II veteran and CCNY faculty memberpassed away today.

1983: As partof the American Jewish Choral Festival workshops were scheduled to take placetoday “on the tradition of Jewish choral music, on the choral music of Israeland on the significance of texts in Jewish choral music, led by Hugo Weisgall,Joshua Jacobson and the director of the festival, Matthew Lazar.”

1983:“International release date” of "It Might Be You” a song with musicwritten by Dave Grusin, and lyrics written by Alan & Marilyn Bergman.

1984(28thof Iyar, 5744): Yom Yerushalayim

1984: Arevival of “Little Me” a musical written by Neil Simon, with music by CyColeman and lyrics by Carolyn Leigh opened on the West End at the Prince ofWales Theatre.

1990(6th of Sivan, 5750): Shavuot

1990: Goodluck as much as any other factor helped foil a potentially disastrous attack byheavily armed seaborne terrorists on Israeli civilians today. Air, ground andnaval forces engaged the intruders, killing four and capturing 12 before theycould cause casualties or damage.

1991:Christopher Lehmann-Haupt reviewed On the Third Day by Piers Paul Readthat begins with a discovery by an Israeli counterintelligence unit that leadsto the conclusion that Jesus did not survive the crucifixion and that he didnot rise on the third day

1991(17th of Sivan, 5751): Eighty-three-year-oldBerlinborn, refugee from Nazi German and University of Heidelberg and University ofWashington trained attorney Edgar Bodenheimer who “served in the Allies'"Office of Chief of Counsel for prosecution of Axis Criminality",OCCPAC, at the Nuremberg Trials after which he taught law at the University ofUtah and the University of California, Davis passed away today.

1992:CBS broadcast the final episode of “The Trials of Rosie O’Neill” produced byBarney Rosenzweig and featuring Ron Rifkin and Ed Asner.

1997:Richard Danizg, a Clinton appointee, completed his term as Under Secretary ofthe Navy. He was the 26thperson to fill this position since it was resurrected by Franklin Roosevelt in1940. In another era, both TeddyRoosevelt and FDR had held this same postion.

1997(23rdof Iyar, 5757): Thirty-one-year-old Jonathan M. Levin, a son of the Chairman ofTime Warner was killed by a former student Corey Arthur. “Five years later, theNew York City Education Department opened Jonathan Levin High School for Mediaand Communications in the same South Bronx building where he had taught,declaring it “a living tribute” to the English teacher’s “spirit, values,commitment and impassioned belief” that every child has a right to a qualityeducation.” (As reported by Al Baker)

1998(5th ofSivan, 5758): Sam Aaronvitch, British economist, academic, working classintellectual and senior member of the Communist Party of Great Britain, passedaway

1998: Tonight,Erev of Shavuot, Jonathan Eisenthal and as many as 150 other members of Mt.Zion Hebrew Congregation will be studying Exodus 19, the biblical passage inwhich God first approaches the Israelites to become partners in a divinecovenant, and, through Moses, gives them the Torah. Traditionally observantJews stay up the whole first night of Shavuot studying texts related torevelation, the giving of the Torah and the Book of Ruth. But among Reform Jewslike Eisenthal, staying up the whole night, or even part of it, to study is arelatively new practice. Eisenthal is doing just what the head of the Reformmovement, Rabbi Eric Yoffie, hopes to inspire among more of his constituents.Last November, in his first speech as president of the Union of American HebrewCongregations, the umbrella organization for Reform synagogues, Yoffie declaredthat "Torah is at the center" of his movement. Hebrew literacy, and aknowledge of core Jewish texts, was, he said, to be the focus of a new campaign.

1999:“Goodnight Mister Tom” director Jack Golds’ final film was released today inthe United States.

2000: YitzhakMordechai completed his term as Minister of Transport, National Infrastructureand Road Safety

2001:President Bush welcomes Israeli President Moshe Katsav to the White House for aworking dinner with Jewish leaders and senior Administration officials.

2001: A carbomb explodes outside a school in Netanya injuring 8 people for whichPalestinian Islamic Jihad took credit.

2001: CTVbroadcast the last episode of the mystery drama series “Twice in a Lifetime”starring Al Waxman and featuring Polly Bergen.

2002: AJerusalem District Court indicted three Jewish settlers - Yarden Morag, Shlomo Dvir and Ofer Gamliel –“accused of plotting to bomb a Palestinian girls’ school in East Jerusalem.”

2003: (28th ofIyar, 5763) Yom Yerushalayim – Jerusalem Reunification Day

2003: “FindingNemo,” an Academy Award winning animated comedy starring the voices of AlbertBrooks and Alexander Gould was released in the United States today.

2004 In “ThePerils of Pauline and Susan” published today, Michael Wood provides a completereview of Sontag and Kael: Opposites Attract Me by Craig Seligman.

2005: SephardiChief Rabbi Shlomo Amar decides to recognize the members of India's BneiMenashe community as descendants of the ancient Israelites. Amar also decidesto dispatch a team of rabbinical judges to India to convert the communitymembers to Orthodox Jews. Such a conversion will enable their immigration toIsrael under the Law of Return, without requiring the Interior Ministry'sauthorization.

2005:President Moshe Katsav arrives in Germany to mark 40 years of diplomaticrelations during a three-day visit in which he is to address the Germanparliament.

2005(21st ofIyar, 5765): Thirty-eight year old Yona Peter Malina who had been “severelyinjured” during a Hamas bombing on a city bus in Ramat Eshkol, Jerusalem, andhad been on a respirator finally passed away today.

2006: “Acommemorative stamp portraying Hiram Bingham IV” who served as U.S. ViceCounsel in Marseille and helped over 2,500 escape the Nazis

2007: EliasChacour - Archbishop of Galilee, “an Arab Christian” who advocates for thePalestinian cause” was a interviews by Jerome McDonnell on Worldview on ChicagoPublic Radio station WBEZ.

2007: An exhibition, ''Sisters by Color'' comes to a close atthe Hebrew University. The exhibition, featuring works of art by sisters RachelZiv and Gila Elyashar Stolisky, opened on April, 12, 2007, in the presence ofthe Lithuanian Ambassador to Israel Asta Skaisgiryte Liauskiene.

2007: As the missile attacks continue, a Qassam rocket hit a high-voltage electricity pole andlanded on a building in the western Negev city of Sderot this evening. Thehouse sustained some damage, but the residents of the home had been securedinside a protected room and remained unharmed.

2008: On Friday night, Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, Iowacelebrates the third and final Special Musical Sabbaths for this year.

2008: In Patterson, NJ, the Barnet Hospital named for Jewishphilanthropist and political leader Nathan Barnet officially closed its doorstoday after 99 years of service.

2008(25th of Iyar, 5768): Lee Henkel, the formergeneral counsel to the IRS who ran Neiderhoffer Henkel the investment bankfounded by hedge fund manager Victor Niederhoffer passed away today.

2008: Outfielder Brian Horwitz appeared in his first major leaguebaseball game as a member of the San Francisco Giants.

2008: In “A Class For All Traditions,” published today the ChicagoTribune reports on The Chicago Jewish Day School on its fifth anniversary.,0,6624247,print.story

2009(7th of Sivan, 5769: Second Day Shavuot –Yizkor

2009:Stephan M. Silverman, a clinical and school psychologist and Jacqueline S.Iseman, a clinical psychologist specializing in children and adolescents lead adiscussion of “School Success for Kids With ADHD” at Borders Books inRockville, MD.

2010:The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish of authors and/orof special interest to Jewish readers including The Invisible Bridge byJulie Orringer and Necessary Secrets: National Security, the Media, and theRule of Law by Gabriel Schoenfeld.

2010(17thof Sivan, 5770): Eighty-eight year old Israeli political leader and KnessetMember Aryeh “Lova” Eliav passed away.

2011:Limmud Colorado’s Fourth Annual Conference is scheduled to come to an end.

2011:Israeli Homeland Security Minister Matan Vilna'i and his Russian counterpartEmergencies Minister Sergei Shoigu are scheduled to sign an agreement toincrease Israeli-Russian cooperation in emergency situations during a ceremonyat the Knesset today.

2011(26thof Iyar, 5771): Yahrzeit Moshe Chaim Luzzatto. Born in 1707 he “was a prominentItalian Jewish rabbi, kabbalist, and philosopher.” Known by the Hebrew acronymRaMCHaL (or RaMHaL, רמח"ל), he passed in 1746.

2011:A group of squatters forcefully entered a building that houses a synagogue, ina move that anti-government observers say was religiously motivated. The squatters were peacefully dislodged thismorning after negotiations with the police and community leaders. A group of 20homeless people, including children, broke into the three-story building beforesunrise today and occupied some of thevacant apartments on the second and third floors, saying they considered thebuilding unused and would press for the building’s expropriation by thegovernment so that it could be turned into apartments for the homeless.Representatives of the Jewish community said that there was no damage to BetAbraham, a synagogue that was established over 10 years ago on the building’sfirst floor. The building has been undergoing renovations for the last twoyears, according to reports. “The action’s objective was not to disturb thenormal activities of the synagogue and the protesters did not enter thereligious grounds, nor did they act in a disrespectful manner,” said theVenezuelan Confederation of Israelite Associations in a statement. Theconfederation said the squatters left the building peacefully after theintervention of the district’s mayor Jorge Rodriguez, who is a member ofPresident Hugo Chavez’s party, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela. Whilethe confederation it does not believe the action was religiously motivated,anti-government observers pointed out that the squatter’s invasion attempt camea week after Catholic imagery was shot at in another provincial city. “Thesepeople know exactly what they are doing even if they might not know what asynagogue really is,” wrote one anti-government blogger. “But they have heardthe anti-Jewish talk of the regime, the anti-Catholic [rhetoric] of Chavez,[and] the unacceptable recomedation [sic] of the 'The Protocols of the Eldersof Zion' on the Venezuelan national state radio no less.” President Chavez hasverbally sparred in the past with the Catholic hierarchy in Venezuela, whichhas been outspoken in denouncing what it describes as the erosion of democracyunder Chavez.

2011:The head of the Canadian Jewish Congress, Bernie Farber, announced he isrunning for public office. Farber, who worked for the CJC for 27 years and hasbeen its CEO since 2005, announced he is taking a leave of absence to run as aLiberal candidate in October's provincial elections in Ontario.

2011:According to some of the findings in Identity a la Carte, a landmark study ofpost-Communist Jewish identity, affiliation and participation released today,“a generation after the fall of communism, Jews in Central Europe feelcomfortable where they live but are concerned about anti-Semitism. They like tovisit Israel but don't want to move there. And they feel that they don't haveto be religious to be a "good Jew."

2011:Funeral services will be held today in Toronto for Milton Avruskin withinternment at Pardes Shalom Cemetery, Temple Har Zion section.

2011(26thof Iyar, 5771): Eighty-nine-year-old Rosalyn S. Yalow, the first woman to earna Nobel Prize in Medicine, passed away today. (‘As reported by Denise Gellene)

2012:Judaism and the American Legal Tradition taught by Dr. Daniel Rynhold isscheduled to hold its final course of the semester.

2012:Funeral services were held today for “Award-winningauthor, teacher, mentor and fierce fighter for social justice, Ellen Levine”who had passed away on May 26.

2012:Center for Jewish History and Leo Baeck Institute are scheduled to present aconcert featuring Vassa Shevel and Inessa Zaretsky of the Phoenix ChamberEnsemble and guest pianist, Ellen Braslavsky

2012:Defense Minister Ehud Barak said today that Israel should consider imposing theborders of a future Palestinian state, becoming the most senior governmentofficial to suggest bypassing a stagnant peace process.

2012:For the second time in three years, Howard Michael Epstein “was shut out fromjoining the Cabinet” when a new government was formed in Canada.

2012:The European Jewish Community Center (EJCC), holds an event at the Europeanparliament commemorating Israel’s establishment of control over the easternpart of Jerusalem in 1967, a week after the national holiday was held inIsrael. (As reported by Gil Shefler)

2012:Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) chief Yoram Cohen told the Knesset ForeignAffairs and Defense Committee today that terrorists funded by Iran haveincreased attempts to attack Jewish targets around the world in the past year.

2013:The award ceremony at which Francesca Segal will receive the 2013 Sami RohrPrize for Jewish Literature in recognition of her debut novel, The Innocents

2013:The 4th International Conference of the Global Forum for CombatingAntisemitismis scheduled to come to a close.

2013(21stof Sivan, 5773): Seventy-nine-year-old actress Helen Haft passed awaytoday. (As reported by Paul Vitello)

2013:The Wiener Library is scheduled to host a book signing for Rabbi JonathanWittenberg whose latest work is Walking with the Light.

2013:Leonard Saxe, Klutznick Professor of Contemporary Jewish Studies and Directorof the Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies as well as Director at theSteinhardt Social Research Institute at Brandeis University, is scheduled tospeak at Northern Virginia Hebrew Congregation on The Future of Liberal Judaismin America: What We Can Learn from the Birthright Israel Generation.

2013:The Religious Services Ministry has said that it is moving toward a system inwhich the serving rabbi of any congregation, whether Orthodox or non-Orthodox,will be financially supported by the ministry.

2013:Nigerian authorities said today they had arrested three Lebanese in northernNigeria on suspicion of being members of Hezbollah and that a raid on one oftheir residences had revealed a stash of heavy weapons. "The arms andammunition were targeted at facilities of Israel and Western interest inNigeria," according to Captain Ikedichic Iweha, the military’s spokesman.

2013:Chaim Weizman “was posthumously honored by Governor Mike Pence as a Sagamore ofthe Wabash today at CANDLES Holocaust Museum and Education Center, in TerreHaute, Indiana.”

2013:President Bashar al-Assad of Syria displayed a new defiance in a televisioninterview broadcast today, warning Israel and suggesting that he had securedplenty of weapons from Russia as his opponents falter politically and Hezbollahfighters infuse force into his military campaign.

2014(1stof Sivan, 5774): Rosh Chodesh Sivan

Accordingto the 17th century sage Isaiah Horovitz “the eve of the first dayof the Hebrew month of Sivan is the most auspicious time to pray for thephysical and spiritual welfare of one's children and grandchildren, since Sivanwas the month that the Torah was given to the Jewish people.

2014:“Monologues from the Kishke,” “a Yiddishpiel Theater musical celebratingEastern European food and culture” is scheduled to be performed at theJanco-Dada Museum in Ein Hod.” (As reported by Natan Skop)

2014:Professor Manfred Gailus, Technische Universität Berlin; Dr François Guesnet,University College London; Dr Hugo Service, University of Oxford are scheduledto speak about “Pogroms: Contemporary Reactions to Antisemitic Violence inEurope c. 1815-1950” at the Weiner Library in Russell Square in London, UK

2014:“Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch, whose ministry oversees theBorder Police, praised Border Policemen who prevented a suicide bombing attackwhen they stopped a man from Nablus who had a 12 pipe bombs and a electricdetonator under the overcoat he was wearing in the 95 degree farenheit heat.(Times of Israel)

2014:David Saltiel, the head of the Jewish community in Thessaloniki said today thatvandals broke into the Jewish cemetery and “desecrated several headstones.”

2014:In Silver Spring, MD, Congregation Har Tzeon-Agudath Achim is scheduled to hosta “Friday Night Tish” – “a modern taken on an old Chassidic tradition.”

2014(1stof Sivan, 5774): Ninety-year-old Israeli actress Hanah Maron passed away.

2015:For the second and final time Niv Sheinfeld and Oren Laor are scheduled toperform “Ship of Fools” at Abrons Arts Theatre.

2015:Cellist Inbal Segev is scheduled to perform at Pioneer Works Center for Art andInnovation in Brooklyn.

2015:Lewis Black is scheduled to perform for the second and last time at the EventCenter in Riverside, Iowa.

2015:The Israel Wind Soloists are scheduled to perform at the Eden-Tamir MusicCenter.

2016:In Jerusalem, Migdalei haYam haTichon is scheduled to host the Claude BollingQuartet Concert "AT THE BORDER OF JAZZ & CLASSICAL"

2016:At Temple Beth Zion in Buffalo, NY, “Saving a Legacy: Jewish CulturalReconstruction,” “an exhibit aboutHolocaust Ceremonial Objects that came to Buffalo in the 1950s is scheduled tocome to a close.

2016:In honor of Memorial Day, the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Centeroffers free admission for military personnel on the same day when Holocaustsurvivor Agnes Schwartz is scheduled to talk about how she survived the Nazioccupation of Budapest thanks to “the family maid.”

2016:On a day when Memorial Day is observed on Memorial Days, Americans rememberthose who made the supreme sacrifice for the United States and her citizens.

2017(5thof Sivan, 5777): Erev Shavuot

2017:“With one day before the deadline, US President Donald Trump has not yetdecided whether he will sign a waiver that would delay moving the US embassyfrom Tel Aviv to Jerusalem for six months, the White House announced today.”(As reported by Eric Cortellessa)

2017:“According to a press release issued” today “UN Secretary-General AntonioGuterres told officials from the Simon Wiesenthal Center that “denial ofIsrael’s right to exist is anti-Semitism.”

2017:MJE East and the Fifth Avenue Synagogue are scheduled to co-host a “festivedairy dinner” followed by a study session all through the night complete withcheesecake and ice cream and Rabbi Jonathan Feldman speaking about “Kabbalah& Relationships: A Mystical Take on Shavuot.”

2017:MJE West is scheduled to host “a beginners service and catered dairy dinnerfollowed by Rabbi Mark Wildes speaking on “1967: Six Days that Changed JewishSpiritual Life Forever” and midnight mimosas and a lecture “with BettyEhrenberg, Executive Director of the World Jewish Congress.”

2017:In Pepper Pike, Ohio, Park Synagogue is scheduled to host its “annual erevShavuot study session “Musing, 50 Years of Thoughts” led by Rabbi JoshuaHoffer.

2017:In the UK, the Oxford Jewish Chaplaincy is scheduled to host “Tikkun LeilShavuot.”

2018:In Cedar Rapids, funeral services are scheduled to take place for DeborahEkeland, the mother of Rachel Levine followed by burial at Eben IsraelCemetery.

2018:JW3 is scheduled to host a screening of “Entebbe” this evening in London.

2018(16thof Sivan, 5778): Ninety-three-year-old con-artist Mel Weinberg, the hustler whoplayed a key role in the Abscam corruption case passed away today. (As reportedby Robert D. McFadden)

2018:At Beit Avi Chai, Daniel Zamir is scheduled to “host Shlomo Gronich and RavidKachlani in a unique, one-of-a-kind, and moving rendition of Israeli musicthrough the years.”

2018:“The Hollywood Reporter TV Talks and the 92nd St Y” are scheduled tohost “Fauda Screening and Conversation” with Avi Issacharoff and Lior Raz

2018:In Cedar Rapids, the Hadassah Book Club is scheduled to discuss A Life A LaCarte by Ina Loewenberg

2018:As part of the “First Person 2018 Series,” the United States Holocaust MemorialMuseum is scheduled to present a talk by Holocaust survivor Bob Behr.

2019:The Lebo Baeck Institute is schedule to present a lecture by Dr. Frank Stern onthe impact of “Power/Jew Süss the 1934 British made film directed by LotharMendes with Conrad Veidt in the leading role which was the first important filmof the German-Jewish exiles “ and “Jew Süss, the anti-Semitic movie directed byNazi filmmaker Veit Harlan.”

2019:In Alberta, Canada, the 23rd annual Edmonton Jewish Film Festival isscheduled to come to a close with a screening of “Good Thoughts, Good Words,Good Deeds: The Conductor Zubin Mehta.”

2019:The Veterans Games which have been taking place in “Tel Aviv and Jerusalem atrehab centers run by Beit Halochem” are scheduled to come to an end today.

2019:A U.S. delegation led by “Senior White House adviser Jared Kushner:” which is“seeking support for a late June workshop aimed at helping the Palestinians” isscheduled to arrive in Jerusalem today

2019:Israelis are confronted with the reality that Prime Minister Netanyahu has beenunable to form a coalition government and that for the first time since thestate was formed there will be “a second national election in less than oneyear.”

2019:The Comedy for Koby tour is scheduled is scheduled to play in Beit Shemesh thisevening.

2019:In London, JW3 is scheduled to host the last two screening of “Outdoors”starring Noa Koler.

2019:“The Guiding Hand,” “an exhibition of Torah from Past and Present is scheduledto come to an end today.

2020(7thof Sivan, 5780): Second Day of Shavuot, Yizkor;

2020:In the United States, traditional Memoria Day, before it was decided what theUnited States needed were more three day weekends!

2020:The 2020 Jerusalem Film Festival, in partnership with the We Are One – A GlobalFilm Festival is scheduled to host a screening of “Love Chapter 2” the awardwinning film by Sharon Eyal and co-creator Gai Behar.

2020:The Asiyah Jewish Community is scheduled to host “A Yizkor for Our Time” where“we renew that tradition this Shavuot to include not only our grief for people,but also the generalized sense of loss we have been feeling during the onset ofthe COVID-19 era.”

2020:For Shavuot, Oshman Family JCC is scheduled to present online workshops inEnglish and Hebrew, speakers and musical performances included a keynoteaddress by Ruby Namdar, author of Sapir Award-winning novel The RuinedHouse.

2020:In suburban Cleveland, OH, Confirmation Services are scheduled to be held viaZoom at B’nai. Jeshurun Congregation.

2021:The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or ofspecial interest to Jewish readers including Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgmentby Daniel Kahneman, Olivier Sibony and Cass R. Sunstein.

2021:Temple Israel of Boston is scheduled to co-present Coming Together which is avirtual, community-engaged storytelling project that explores the meaning ofJewish community, how we build it and how it has transformed during COVID-19.

2021:The JWB Jewish Chaplains Council is scheduled to present the National JewishCommunity Observance of Memorial Day the theme of which is “Together inMemory,” during which attendees will hear from post–9/11 Jewish Gold StarFamilies.

2021:S.F.-based JIMENA, Harif and other organizations are schooled to present the 80thAnniversary of the Farhud, a “Canadian-based international commemoration of theShavuot massacre of hundreds of Jews in Iran in 1941 featuring a Sephardileader and rabbi in the U.K., a former Canadian justice minister, a poetess andothers. Organizations.

2021:Based on previously published reports, Jewish institutions in New York City areexperience a heightened level of protection from the NYPD and the FBI as therise in anti-Semitic attacks continues to grow.

2022:LSJS is scheduled to host “The Eternal Relevance of the Torah,” a pre-Shavuotlecdture eith Rabbi Joseph Dweck and Rabbi Raphael Zarum

2022:A double simcha – Memorial Day and natal day of Michael Heeren an active leaderof Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, IA.

2022:In the United States Memorial Day, which reallywas supposed to be observed on May 30 is actually celebrated on thecorrect day.

2023:Lockdown University is scheduled to host a webinar during which Jeremy Rosenlectures on Rabbi Abraham Kook and the Lubavitcher Rabbe: Two Sides of One Coin.

2023:A webinar “Jewish American Contributions to the Jazz Tradition” that “exploresstories of Jewish contributions to the history of jazz” is scheduled to bebroadcast today.

2023:The Spreckels Performing Arts is scheduled to host a screening of “The HoneyGirl of Auschwitz” after which Holocaust survivor Esther Basch, 95, of Arizona willshare her testimony and tell how she rebuilt her life.

2023:Based on previously published information, Israelis are faced with the realitythat the Bank of Israel is scheduled to have little choice but to hikeborrowing costs in coming months to hamper price growth.

2024:Based on previously published information staff at Wayne State University inDetroit is scheduled to encourage staff to work remotely “to avoid any problemswith a pro-Palestinian encampment” whichis another manifestation of those expressing their support for those callingfor one state from the river to the sea which is a thinly disguised call forthe destruction of the state of Israel and its Jewish population.

2024:Lockdown University is scheduled to hot a lecture by Hilary Pomeroy on “JewishLife in the Realms of the Sultans.”

2024:“Cabaret,” “The Lehman Trilogy” and “Torch Song” are scheduled to be on view atvarious venues in California.

2024:Temple Sinai in Marblehead, MA is scheduled to host A Modern “Song of Songs”:Exploring Jewish cultural themes thru Israeli Rock & Roll.”

2024:The “Annual dinner honoring Major Donors to the Jewish Federation of GreaterNew Orleans” is scheduled to take place at the Windsor Court Hotel.

2024:The Illinois Holocaust Museum is scheduled to present online “Fall Down SevenTimes, Get Up Eight,”

2024:An exhibition of “selected objects from the Jewish Museum’s Collection” is schedule to come to an endtoda at the Bradford Reform Synagogue.

2024:As May 30th begins in Israel,an unprecedented wave of anti-Semitism sweeps the United States and the Hamas held hostages begin day 237 in captivity. (Editor’s note: this situation is too fluidfor this blog to cover so we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting atmidnight Israeli time.)

This Day, May 30, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L – All #ourCOG News (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.