The Ponca City News from Ponca City, Oklahoma (2024)

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The Ponca City Newsi

Ponca City, Oklahoma

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a Tair to Its Beaders air to Its IUEVKM Employment Merchandise Rentals Real Estate DISPLAY 15 House or Sl Help emale 06 306 01 DISPLAY LEGAL NOTICES OR RENT SAVE Yovr Hext 'Announcements A HOME YOUR OWN it over Ask for Mr Paynter Mr Ball or Mr Barnes They will be glad to give you complete information without any obligation lorists and Nurseries Loans on Homes 8 Plumbing and Heating 42 Real Estate THE GUMPS By GUS EDSON WHY Bl QU MP' SO YOU BEAL ESTATE DEPT WITH or Sale or Trade 106 0 Work1? in "the Second degree on Thursday ebruary you want through the listed In the rental col of' the News Classified word word word word word 300 600 against How impos readers of this $85 $25 $20 KEATHLY Telephone 2238 HARPER Telephone 1225 PUBLISHER reserve the to reject or re edlt any ad Black and white rat terrier pup 200 block North irst Reward Telephone 2110W i RAUDULENT ANDL" MISLEADING! A Meetings Held By Clubs at Kaw City Those who wish the home should come in now and talk WEBB Secy Box 342 i Agents SalesmenSollcitors Man for nearby Rawlelgh route Route Wlilbe permanent 11you are a hustler or particulars write Rawlefgh's Dept OKB 346 103 Memphis Tern i Sale or Trade 12 fajUITY In 1934 Dodge Sedan either cash or small car considered Tele phone 1305 between 4:30 and 7:00 This page Is filled with headline eg Interest to everyone Every one of these ads ha a special me eage for someone which means quick saving and news of th day I Washunga to the Maggie Mehojah property in Washunga Mrs Edwin Newman was called to Newkirk Wednesday by the ill ness of her daughter Patricia Ann who is staying with grandpar ents Mr and Mrs Oscar Swalley NOW NOW MAMA DON'T GiET EXCITED I WAS QiOINQf TO TELL YOU YOU SEE ER TOM CARR WAS AN OLD rKIcND MINE WANTED Woman 25 45 intelligent well dressed good mixer interesting position with national organization write at once i Director 207 Westport Kansas City Mo I Double built four room cottage oak floors interior newly deco rated corner location paving paid out One car garage convenient to gradeschools Terms $2000 our room bungalow Large living room and dining room com bined Breakfast room oak floors Extra well double built Garage HOLC loan about $2200 Payments $2035 per month Loan can be assumed $2750 ive room double built basem*nt Screened back porch fireplace garage excellent location Southwest part of the city Terms $4000 Bungalow: ive room Northeast part of the city Convenient to all schools in good neighborhood Has a new roof and outside paint Good condition on inside Garage East front on pavement $3000 ive room house Large living room breakfast room two bedrooms on south large screened back porch east front Convenient to re finery and school Excellent neighborhood Can assume loan for large amount of purchase price $4250 Small stock of groceries with fixtures Price $22500 Building with living quarters $1300 per month 160 acres six miles from Ponca City on all weather road our room bungalow Large barn chicken house fenced and cross fenced hog tight About 100 acres in cultivation Balance pasture $6000 80 acres near Ponca all in cultivation Lays well Good wheat and oats land Price $2100 We have the largest list of farms and small ranches in northern Oklahoma If you would buy a farm come in let us show you UNURNISHED ROOMS 1212 South ifth $45 LOTTS Plumbing Shop on wheels day and night service Telephone 618 I DUPLEX Good modern double garage well located on paid out pavement $570 down payment and 109 payments of $282 pays for this one SOUTH ELM Six room modem house and garage corner location Price $3000 a NORTH Six room modern house and garage $2375 Small down payment and $2185 per' month 1 1 i CLOSE IN Two story six room with large sleeping porch 60 ft lot paving paid Price $3150 SOUTH PINE ive room house and screened in back porch single garage 67 ft lot terms Price $2000 SOUTH ITH Six room mod ern house garage good condition Price $3500 SOUTH ive room mod ern house single garage small down payment balance five per cent loan SOUTH SIDE ive 1 room modern house single garaget small down payment $2070 per month on balance REAL ESTATE BARGAINS WE HAVE THEM! When you wantto buy sell or trade City Properties arms or Ranch Lands rsee us per per per per oer for less TELEPHONES 197 AND 198 Member ol Ponca City Real Estate Board SLEEPING room for rent 207 North Oak street Telephone 1691 Real Estate Wanted 110 WANT TO BUT small modern house near Continental Call at 320 South Elm Sunday Members of Ponca City Real Estate Board Office Phone 1300 Res Phones: 1559 175 2856 SEE US OR Baby Chicks and custom hatching Electric incubators Prices reasonable Basil Turner Hatchery 1070 three miles northeast city both time and money by rent ing the house apartment or room offers limns Ads Will meet In Stated Com munication on Mnndnv pvp ning ebruary 15th at 7:30 1 Regular order of busi ness Visitine brethren el ways welcome ERNEST CARDER MW HICKMAN Sec WHAT AN OLD RIEND SO THAT'S THE KINU Or rtOrlc YOU HOtJ WITH THERE'S AN OLD SAYING BIRDS rEAT Hers LOCK TOGETHER HUH JAILBIRDS advertising is prohibited In the col umns of The News and every pre caution is taken to guard advertising of this nature ever an absolute check is sible and we ask that our report any advertisem*nt kind OR SALE ederal Land Bank farms in Oklahoma and Kansas that have been acquired by foreclosure small down payment balance twenty year terms Ponca City National arm Loan Association A Shriver Secretary Treasurer 203 East Grand Ponca City Telephone 288 MY OHMY IT SEEMS THAT WHENEVER I PICK UP A PAPER LATELY I READ SIX street Classified Advertising Rates and Information BOX NUMBERS Cars The News will be given advertiser desiring blind address OICE open from 8:00 to 7:00 to receive classified copy ADS received by 12:30 weekdays will be published the same day Those received by 4:00 Satur day will appear in Sunday's Issue THS right copy 15 765 SOULIGNY REAU ESTATE DEPT Ta UNURNISHED 1315 SOUTH Seven room house newly decorated garage servant 745 NORTH Six room hoiijse and garage 513 WEST Store building TELEPHONE 1300 OR 013 663 01 153 253 510 UP TO YOU If you have any needs that are covered by the varied offers on this page take im mediate advantage the opportunities for sav 1 tag which they offer to you each day I KAW Mrs Minnie Dossett I was hostess to members' of the I Bide a Wee club at her home on I South Main street Thursday after noon Roll call was answered with household hints Annual" election of officers featured the meeting with all the present officers being reelected They are Mrs By I Ington president Mrs John Wood ward vice president Mrs A secretary treasurer Need lework 'furnished entertainment for the afternoon Refreshments were served During the': business meet tag plans were made for their an nual George Washington 1 lucheon to be at the "Clubbhotel on ebruary 18 followed by a social meeting in the home of Mrs John McCune 1 Washunga Club Meets Mrs Harvey Auld and Mrs Derby Kenner were co hostesses to theWashunga Comnjjjnjtyichih in theAuld home Thursday afternoon ollowing roll call aria the regular business meeting the afternoon was spent in contest games and visiting The Penny drill prize was won tjy Mrs Derby Kenner and the con test prizes by Mrs1 Gene Monroe and Mrs Bart Kenner The valen tine theme was used throughout Refreshments were served at the close of the meetings Mrs Leon Kennedy by Mrs Monroe will entertain the group at her home on ebruary 18 Mrs Graham Hostess Mrs Ralph Graham was hostess to the Bridge club and one ad ditional guest Mrs Gilby at her home northeast of the city Thursday afternoon High' score prize was won by Mrs Smith and second high by Mrs Smith Mrs Gilby received a guest prize Refreshments were served The next meeting will be ebruary 18 at the home of Mrs A Hermes 'Grange Meets ThursdayThe Ox Box grange members met at the home of Mr and Mrs George ttamsey Thursday night for their regular business meeting with Mrs Maude George presiding Refresh ments were served The next meet ing will held March '4 at the James Auld home in Washunga Notes and Mrs Rind left ri day noon for Hot Springs Ark MrsRine expects: to return in about ten days and Mr Hine will remain for an period' Mrs Rufus and Will New man were reported ill at their homes in Washunga riday noon Mr and Mrs Edgar Pepper an nounce' the birth of a baby boy ri day have chosen the name Edgar Eugene (Charles Scott and John Newman were business visitors in Newkirk Wednesday Betty Ann Rowell of PoncaCity is spending the weekend here with her cousins Misses Virginia and Kathleene Rine Mrs Ralph Graham and daughter Ruth went to Stillwater riday to bring their son and brother Tom home for a visit over the weekend Tom is attending A college Mr and Mrs Joe Newman moved Thursday from their farm west of USANP DOLLARS NEVER MENTIONED TO ME WHO IS THIS TOM CARR? I YOU agree to show them to frienda I'll send you two Snag Proofed Silk Stockings and show you how to earn up to 122 a week American Silk Hos iery Mills Dept 6020 Indianapolis Indiana URNISHED SEVEN ROOMS South ourth $50 SIX ROOMS 216 South Oak $50 IVE ROOMS 513 North Ninth $35 OUR ROOMS 316 North Third $30 TRACTS ACRES 1 miles from the our room house chicken house and good well $1250 10 ACRES Ten room house barn and other buildings good water Three acres of wheat 3y acres in alfalfa located between Tonkawa and Blackwell on paved highway Cash rent by the month to 'res ponsible party employed BATES REAL ESTATE INSURANCE OR RENT urnished th rpe room modern house 204 South ourth ive room house newly decorated $15 Large five room house four lots $15 Two room house 8 Three room house 6 PHONE 258 OR 1289 THE PONCA CITY NEWS SUNDAY EBRUARY 7 1937 L0CAL RATES Single insertion 2c Two sertions 3c Three Insertions 4c our ineertloha 5c Six insertions 6c No advertisem*nt taken fKott ftTk "MINIMUM Titimbc 'ar i 10 Display Classified without Contract per inch 70 CASH TN ADVANCE All out of town classified adver tisem*nts are published on a cash with order basis at the rate of 2oper Word each Insertion Also the following classifications 'placed locally are cash In advance Situations Wanted Cards of Thanks Wanted to Pent Auction Sales "TELEPHONE ADS Read ad report any error Immediately The News will be re sponsible tor only one incorrect In sertion of any classified ad It the error Is the fault of th newspaper and the pulling power of th ad has been harmed In that case one Insertion of the ad will be given without further charge CHARGE ADS ARE DUE WITHIN SEVEN DAYS OLLOWING THE IRST INSER TION AND PAYABLE WHEN COLLECTOR CALLS WITH BILL classified Index 4 Classified headings are standard ized numbered and made up alpha betlcally and numerically for quick reference: All classified ads must be Inserted under ths proper head ing PHONE 2800 Income Property or Sue 108 ILLING STATION two acres of land nine cabins residence chicken house 20000 gallon bulk storage Located onmala hlghway close to good town or sale or would trade for land or city property Call A Shriver 2034 East Grand Telephone 288 AU Societies and Lodges PONCA LODGE NQ 83 15 Years7 Hkmey Will Buy A NICE BIG STACK RENT RECEIPTS (irst Published in Th Ponca City ebruary 7 1937 Tn the County 'Court Kay County Oklahoma I In the matter of the estate of Sylves ter Corrigan deceased No 9472 A NOTICE O'SALE PERSONAL PROPERTY Notice Is hereby given that in pur suancex of an order of the County Court of Kay County Oklahoma made the 5th day of ebruary 1937 in the above styled and numbered cause the undersigned as the executor of estate of Sylvester Corrigan deceased will sell at private sale but at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash subject to confirmation by said County Court on or after the 17th day of eb ruary 1937 commencing at 10 a of said day at the farm of de cedent described as the NWH of Sec tion 36 Township 26 North Range East Kay Cpunty Oklahoma the following described personal prop erty towit: 13 head of horses mares and mules farming machinery equipment and accessories Miscel laneous household goods and fur nishings Approximately 400 bales of prairie hay and L000 bu oats 5 dozen White Rock hens Terms: Cash In hand to the highest bidder Dated this 5th day of ebruary 1937 LOUIS DUROY Executor of the Estate of Sylvester Corrigan deceased urk Housekeeping Rooms 96B TWO furnished light housekeeping rooms for rent Texas Hotel 211 North Third street LARGE well furnished sleeping room with small kitchen close in Tele phone lr)i TWO furnished housekeeping rooms bills paid adults 700 North Oak SUBSCRIPnONTtATES BY CARRIER: Per Week 15 Per Month (In Ad vance) 65 1 Per Year (in vance) BY MAIL (In Advancd) Kay Noble Osage Grant Payne and Kpawnee Counties 4 Three Months (In 'Advance) 100 Six Months (Inx Advance) 175 Year (In ad vance) pn elsewhere In Oklahoma One Month Three Months 'Six Months 250 One Year no 10 The Oklahoma Tax Law requires that newspaper publishers col lect a 2 tax upon subscription spies above include the additional: sum with your remittance according to me aoove scneouie Outside Oklahoma: six Al on ha One Year WELL improved fifteen acre tract five room house barn chicken house storm cellar nice young orchard good water all fenced hog tight about four miles from Ponca City will sell or trade for Pbnca City property A Shriver 203 East Grand Telephone 288 Six room modern home base ment furnace two garage Well located in Wichita Kansas for Ponca City A ghriver 203 East Grand Telephone BUSINESS building with two lots for an Improved tract with electricity adjoining Ponca By owner Tele phony 2605 HATCHER AGENCY TELEPHONE 197 Cards of Thanks 2 CARD OTHANKS Our gratitude to the host of friends who have been so kind to us during our bereavement with words flowers and deeds can not be expressed by words neither is it possible to reach each individually and to express to you our deep feeling for your true friend ship May we in this way try to con vey to you our deep appreciation and sincere thanks Mr and Mrs Priest Mr and Mrs Whitaker Mrs Dora Cobler Mr and Mrs Platt 02 102 04" 179 Professional Cards 9 REV EDNA BACON Spiritualist readings 612 North ourth Tele phone 984 3 Wake it a prosperous year use the news classified ads Personals REE If excess acid causes you Stomach Ulcers Gas Pains Indi gestion Heartburn get free sample doctor's prescription Udga at Cuza lina Drug Co MAXCENE RANZ Psychic 211 North ourth Telephone 1574 tor appointment BURTIE Splrltulist reader 419 North Pine street Telephone 2064 Vacant Lands and arms 100 COUNTRY home on paving with 160 acres land $2750 month Telephone 71L arms and Lands or Sale 105 TObucTauction" EB 13 1937 AT 2:00 AT KA COUNTY COURT HOUSE Partition sale of Deminski estate lo cated in Kildare township Kay county SE Section 23 TWP 27 2e SWm Sec 22 TWP 27 R2e 4 TELEPHONE 814 or further information PLANT early bearing pecan and fruit trees now Catalog free Bass Pe can Company Lumberton Miss Strayed 6 OUND Keys on ring Owner mayf have by paying advertisem*nt at DONNELLY Over Penney's Store BATES REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 201 East Grand Ave Three room modern house in Acre Homes or quick sale 11500 If you want to buy a home fall to see us as we have some good buys with a small down payment PHONE 258 Bates Shelton Res Phone 1289 I Stone BEN HUR COMMANDEY No 1 Knight Next regular meeting on Wednesday ebruary 10th at 7:30 Work in the Red All Sir Knights urged to bf present A ANDERSON OtCz TRAPP Rec iPjONCA LODGE NO 29 I Business Places 99 25x30 storage or business place must see to appreciate month 312 East Grand BUSINESS building for rent 308 South Pine street WILL share business location 211 East Cleveland Call Glover WINDOW and store space for rent 118 East Grand avenue Small Tracts for Rent 100B IVE ACRE tract good five room house chicken house barn electric ity good wrater all fenced Living ston Telephone 9610 121 MODERN house electricity Three miles east Pioneer Woman John Early 5 167 OR 914000 will buy one of the best brick homes In Ponca City cost 135000 Large rooms furnace heat Jots 80x140 feet has garage apart ment: HOLC 5 money 2000 will handle Mi Sanders Telephone 403 or 331 GOOD brick home basem*nt two car garage In Acre Homes Addition at sacrifice A Shriver 203 ft East Grand Telephone 288 urnished Houses 97 IVE ROOM nicely furnished house with garage on paving newly dec orated and newly painted Telephone 402 REDECORATED five room furnished duplex east side garage 320 Law rence OUR ROOM house furnished or un furnished 212 South Oak Tele phone 1291 IVE ROOM furnished house 33750 per month 418 South Lake Unfurnished Home 97 TV ROOM modern bungalow in good condition large screened and canvassed back porch cistern garage garden spot chicken pen Telephone 1888 OUR ROOM unfurnished garage A leo five room house with basem*nt cave garage 418 Detroit Telephone 2477 IVE ROOM modem house hardwood floors fireplace bullt ins 'sleeping porch 221 Squth Oak Inquire 122 South Pine IVE ROOM house $25 month 265Erle our room duplex water paid $19: 821 West Highland A Me Cturkin Telephone 91 or 1066 IVE ROOM House 1105 South Ninth Inquire Classic Shoe Rebuilders 312 East Grand Telephone 806 THREE ROOM house and garage newly decorated Call 642 North Ninth NICE country seven rooms modern: half mile north on Union street Telephone 962R 2 THREE ROOM house and garage 527 South Twelfths Also two room fur niahed house A MODERN residences for rent Eugene Wetzel SIX ROOM modern house 220 North Ash Call Hampton 1506 SOUTH ive rooms full basem*nt 325 Telephone 2648 I RO house with garage for rent Telephone 2041 TWO ROOM house for rent 703 South Third street THREE ROOM modern house and ga rage $15 Call 519 South Eighth 1 1 ssagsaasBsaMKsa i BiuiiMm Co nfcy 1 Li WK) Rtfn i I JfVI IZf 11A1AU ZXZ S' s' sOi II' Hn 1 i I A i I I I Jin 5 ri' BKltt Sje EX I1K I Di I ba: iTHEaaS 3 WJ '4 A mW sr 1' OR "a I 1 arm Equipment 79 i NU LAC mineralized yeast feed Jobe Brothers 209 East Cleveland Tele i phone i HAY for sale also coal $650 per ton 813 South Twelfth Telephone 2891 I Good Things to Eat' 'Mo go Two pounds 38c Sweetheart vegetable two pounds 42c 222 South Hne Telephone 1b65 OLEOMARGARINE Telephone or ders Rich Nut and Good Luck Mra Weeks 312 WATKINS PRODUCTS 202 North Pine Telephone Sotka We deliver 1 ORDERS solicited for new Elgin oleo margarinemouthJThird Tete i phone 1219 GIVE your baby or yourself goat milk Telephone 2185 Household Goods or Sale 61 NEW Round Oak gas range $12995 your old stove and $8750 buys it Montgomery Electric 214 East Grand Tplehhone J717 REPOSSESSED gasoline type washer a bargain Montgomery Electric 1 214 East Grand Avenue IVE ROOM coal and wood circulat ing heater: and seven cubic ft rig idatre 13 North irst' TWO gas steam radiators one Hum pbrgy radiant heater Telephone 13p0 MLscellaneoua or Sale 84 MAPS of Ponca City for sale 10c each The News Printer? 213 East Cleve land Avenue IVE ROOM modern house in Black 1 well to move no taxes prices $300 Basil Turner 1070 ERTILIZER sand dirt delivered rhickory and black Jack wood 221 co*kE hauled reasonable Call (Doc) Boyett at telephone 1913 HICKORY wood for sale Counte i Telephone 2393 SAND dirt and rock for sale Tele phon 2449 AV BLACK JACK wood for sale $200 per rick delivered 566 Musical Instrumentg 85 USED UPRIGHT Newman Brothers mahogany piano for cash Telephone 1658 Radios and Supplies 87 1937 ZENITH radio liberal trade in easy payments free demonstration Montgomery Electric Telephon 1717 Rentals Unfurnished Apartments 91 217 EAST Extra large single apartment attractively decorated ice box breakfast sot stove and mattress furnished Available now Call Mrs Baker Telephone 2193 or 2800 OUR ROOM unfurnished apartment newly decorated private bath close in Inquire 301 South Third I ROOM unfurnished apartment steam heated Telephone 319 urnished Apartments 91B NEWS APARTMENTS 217 i 1 decorated effi ciency apartment: blUs paid except lights plenty of steam hoat south ex posure convenient location Telephone 2193 or 2800 Mrs Baker manager NEWLY decorated twro aftid three room apartments circulating hot water innerspring mattresses bills paid Mrs Clements 214 South irst CLEAN four room efficiency sleeping poEehAgarage three closets dopos its up tS08 West Grand Telephone URNISHED modern front room apartment bills paid adults Also two room furnished apartment 120 North Second NEW OUR ROOM modern garageapartment nicely furnished Tele phone 2445 712 South Thirteenth TI IKEE ROOM APARTMENT ur nished brand new 410 West Okla homa avenue NEWLY furnished garage apartment couple only deposits up $20 344 South Lake Telephone 900THREE ROOM furnished apartment for rent 823 East Broadway avenue NICELY furnished four room apart ment for rent 308 South Pine OUR ROOM furnished duplex south side Inquire 314 North Third URNISHED apartment for rent 411 South Third street ONE vacancy in The Douglass apart ments Telephone 1994 or 878 WELL furnished duplex with garage 1310 South Sixth Telephone 2498 TW () furnished apartment adults 519 South Second street WILBANK Steam heat efficiency adults $25 201 North Third 1053 EXTRA large one room apartment close In 209 East Central TWO ROOM furnished apartment South Oak street Telephone 918 URNISHED three room modern du i plex for rent 320 South Oak TWO ROOMS close in reasonable Over Wiles Drug Board and Room 92 ROOM and board 415 North ifth street Telephone 1698 MEALS Vacancy for one or two men 115 South Oak BOAR and room: family style 41 8 East Grand avenue Sleeping Rooms 93 PLAZA HOTEL Bachelor Apartment rooms with private bath nice ly furnished overstuffed furniture' suitable for two gentlemen Rates rea sonable Telephone 2521 LARGE cheerful bedroom adjoining bath furnace heat 1115 South Sev enth Telephone 1340 EXCELLENT sleeping room for two next to bath outside entrance very reasonable 319 North Elm Telephone 2050 NICELY URNISHED sleeping room with garage 814 Overbrook Tele phone 1909 or 512 LARGE SOUTHEAST ROOM twin beds 402 North Second Telephone DESIRABLE large south bedroom private home garage 313 North Third LARGE sleeping room also room withtwin beds 31 3 North Sixth SLEEPING room close in $250 per week Telephone 1351 COMORTABLE sleeping room for rent 721 West Grand Avenue Anto Parts Wrecking 1934 piy mouth 1929 Chevrolet 1929 A ord Coupe 1933 8 ord 1933 Plymouth 1929 Oakland 1929 Master Buick 1920 At ord truck 1929 DA Dodge New heads for Rs Chevrolets and A ords radiators new and used Auto Salvage and Repair: 701 South Twelfth Telephone 859 DO YOU NEED parts for your car? Why not see the United Auto Parts and Salvage Company 700 South irst We may have Just the parts for your car and a agreat jarlpg to you I Telephone 2246 Repairing Service Stations 15 1928 1931 ORD7radlator? $9(K) install ed 1928 1931 Chevrolet radiators $900 installed Automotive Service Company 108 North irst Sale or Trade 16 OR SALE Chevrolet truck equipment ideal for gasoline water etc tank has three compartments and has 400 gallons capacity? A reel buy at $195 Day Higgins Motor Company Used Car Lot ourth and Central Telephone 228 1 7 2 Wig 7 Business Service Beauty Aids 20 SANITARY BEAUTY Oil per manent $100 up Mrs Ona Whit more operator 217 West Grand Tele phone 940 CLA NETTE Beauty Perman ents $150 up 1 510 South ourth Teh phone 2352 1 WEST SIDE BEAUTY Per manents $100 up 303 West Grand Telephone 522 EBRUARY SPECIAL $750 Dcgraff permanent: $350" 55 Truart $3 Oil of Tulip $250 brush curl 50c shampoo and finger wave 35c manicure 35c 71 MODERN BEAUTY SHOP Phonb 1863 s' Rainwater Shampoo! Shampoo and finger 'jSI vjf wave 50c Special on oil Eva Angus Beth David Beauty Shop 303 South Sixth Phone 224 House Cleaning 25 RUGS cleaned and resized upholstery cleaned demothed Also package delivery Telephone 1940 Mauk Laundering 2fi LAUNDRY Eight years experience Quilts 25c 916 Nofth irst Call 19BJ DO your own washing Rent a May tag Telephone 1507 HELP YOURSEL or custom washing 513 South Third Telephone 30 Called for and delivered 408 South Oak Telephone 1435 LAUNDRY WANTED bundles a specialty TI2 North Ninth street CALL 1650 for curtains laundry and a bachelor bundles Patsy Ware Miscellaneous Service 29 OR TERMITE CONTROL Service or ree Inspections CalJ STATE TERMITE CONTROL CO TELEPHONE 202 (At Rock Island Lumber Co) Dead Animals Removed ree Telephone BILL NELSON Collect at 9608 24 Or Telephone HERB TAYLOR at 2630 "Ponca City Repair Service 30 BICYCLE repairing and parts Ideal Bicycle Key and ix It Shop 209 East Cleveland Telephone 166 REE inspection and estimate to re condltlon your radio Telephone 1563 Luckinbill' Contractors Refinishing 32 UPHOLSTERING Special prices for limited time urniture Hospital and Cabinet Shop 302 South irst Telephone 2775 UPHOLSTERING cushions rebuilt Smith 436 South Telephone 1630 2 ainting and Decorating 41 OR PAINTING and paperhanging phone 859 Speer ADDRESS tarda for ub 1 mailed Saturdays Everything sup plied Stamp brings details Belle Co jBox 398 Santa Monica Calif 7 Help Male 48 $300 A MONTH opportunity well rated manufacturer starts you in a legiti mate cash business and offers to fi nance you 75 your requirements no selling' small investments requiredwhich la fully secured Write Box 134Care of News MAN TO SELL popcorn five hours "dally good proposition ourth and Grand MAN AND WIE to work on farm Box 464 Ponca City Situations emale 49WANTED Elderly people to care for 'in my home: best of care: experi enced: references exchanged 319 North Elm Telephone 2050 7 Part time stenographic" or'general office work Telephone 1974 LADY wants work in home or care of' sick experienced Telephone 1747 WOMAN wants housework by day or jjweek Telephone 1970 inancial "Business Opportunities 'M NITE CLUB for lease located near northern Oklahoma town Box 135 News Money To Mortgages 56 MORTGAGELOANS If you have a mortgage on your home or anticipate buying building or modernizing why not discuss your plan with us? Perhaps we can show how you can costs and give great 'y er protection to your familyThis experienced friendly coun sel is available without obliga tion See us now $871 per $1000 Plan Write Call Earl Souligny WederalSavings Wand loan ahociation 121East Grand Phone 1300 Spomorei tnd Supervued by the ruled Government 2 City or arm Loans Lowest Possible Rates PROMPTLY CLOSED Real Estate or Sale' Property Management HAMPTON 312 Community Bldg Phone 2266 Instruction Business College 68 BOOKKEEPING shorthand steno typy home study: individual in struction Commercial Business In gtitute Telephone 956 Beauty Schools 68A OKLAHOMA School Bcautv Culture Springs classes now open Arcade Building Telephone 407 Livestock Horses Goats 74 TEAM and feed See Ear Huff? 4 miles east Pioneer Woman Supplies 75 OR SALE 68 English White Leg horn pullets Inquire 329 South Osage YEAR OLD pure bred blood tested White Wyandotte roosters 9625 5 Baby Chicks 75B approved pollorium tested chicksall leading varieties Brooder stoves poultry supplies Newell electric incu bators: See us before you buy Perry Hatcheries a' 429 South Pine Ponca City.

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The Ponca City News from Ponca City, Oklahoma (2024)


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Author: Kelle Weber

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Views: 5516

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.