Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri (2024)

a a a Deaths NES. LEONA MAT LANKY Funeral services for Mrs. ona May Lanes, 82, Route 1. will be at 11 a.m. Thursday in Chapel.

The Reva, I Ralph Turner and Bill Cundiff will officiate and burial sill be in Mt. Comfort Cemetery. Mrs. Laney died Monday night in Burge Hospital fol-1 lowing an. apparent heart attack.

MRS. MIRIAM BRIGGS Funeral services were held Saturday for Mrs. Miriam Briggs, 72. Worcester, who died there last Thursday, She is survived by live sone, four daughters, two sisters, 25 grandchildren and 2 great children. One of the daughters, Mrs.

Ted Swadley, lives mi MRS. ETTIE B. KIRBY Funeral services for Mrs. El tie B. Kirby, 91, of 115.

South Rogers, will be at 2 p.m. Thursday in Jewell E. Windle Chapel with the Rev. Howard Bradford officiating. Burial will be in East Lawn Cemetery.

Mrs. Kirby died at 11.45 p.m. Monday in Davis Rest Home. GEORGE WESLEY PAUL George Wesley Paul, 46, of 1429 North Wabash, died at 10:45 a.m. today at Handley, Hospital.

Only survivor is his father, Earl. of the same address. Klingner will announce funeral arrangements. MAS. JAMES F.

GALLOWAY WEST PLAINS Mrs. Lela Ann Starkey Galloway, 87, West Plains, died at 2:10 a m. today in her home after a long illness. The daughter of the late Judge and Mrs. J.

N. Starkey, of West Plains, she was a member of the First Methodist Church of West Plains. Surviving are her husband, James F.r a son, Rev. Netson Custer. a daughter, Mrs.

Martha Garrett, West Plains; two brothers, the Rev. Sam Starkey, Willard, and the Rev. L. M. Starkey, Springfield, two sisters, Mrs.

Josie McPheron and Mrs. A Arthur Howell, hoth of West Plains, five grandchildren and four grandchildren. Funeral services will be at 10 a.m. Friday in the First Methodist Church here with the Rev, R. A.

Van Giesen officiating. Burial will be in Oak Lawn Cemetery in West Plains under direction of Carter. FRED ORVILLE RAY STOCKTON Funeral services for Fred Orville Ray, 72, Dorado Springs, will be at 2:30 p.m. Thursday in Bear El Creek Methodist Church. The Rev.

Lewis Mead will officiate and burial will be in Lindley Prairie Cemetery under direction of Cantion of Stockton. Mr. Ray, a former resident of Bear Creek, died early Tuesday in his home. Surviving are his wife, Stella; three sons, Fred, Dunnegan, Paul, Sutter Creek. and Sgt.

Charles E. Hannibal. of the Highway Patrol: and three daughters, Mrs. Allene Waldren, 825 East Smith, Springfield, Mrs. Beulah Cole, Fayetteville, and Mrs.

Margaret Berning, El Dorado Springs. MRS. MINNIE HEMBREE GALENA Funeral services for Mrs. Minnie Hembree, 90, Galena, will be at 2 p.m. Thursday in the Community Church here with the Rev.

Frank Eaton officiating. Burial will be in Galena Cemetery with Cheatham -Stumpff in charge. Mrs. Hembree, resident here 70 years, died at 6:35 p.m. Tuesday in Skaggs Memorial Hospital, Branson.

She was a charter member of the Galena Methodist Church, and was a member of the Order of Eastern Star No. 7 for 42 years, Survivors are a son, Lewis Galena: a daughter, Mrs. Irma Peters, Galena; a sister, Mrs. Mildred Glossip, Ponce de Leon; a grandson and two great grandchildren. MRS.

MARY L. PETERSON CROCKER Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Lucinda Peterson, 76, a former resident of Crocker, will be at 10. a.m. Thursday in Moss Williams Chapel here.

The Rev. Eugene Earp will officiate and burial will be in Bethlehem Cemetery in Swedeborg. Mrs. Peterson, died at 2:50 p.m. Monday in a St.

Louis hospital. She was the widow of John J. Peterson. Surviving are a son, Rene, Crocker: seven daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Smith, Richland, Mrs.

Katherine Ramsey, St. Louis, Miss Florence Peterson, Mrs. Ruby Roddy, Mrs. Emma Wallace, Mrs. Margie Johns and Mrs.

Jane Copeland, all of St. Louis; three sisters, Mrs. Zella Kissinger, Swedeborg, Mrs. Cora Wheeler and Mrs. Blanche Mace, both of Springfield; 14 grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren.

LeROY OLINGER OZARK LeRoy Olinger, 74, longtime resident of Ozark, died Tuesday afternoon in Nevada after an illness of a year. Mr. Olinger is survived by his wife, Etta, of Fresno, six sons. Bill and Albert, Fresno, Robert. Denver.

Sp-3 Paul, serv. with the Army in Germany, and Jack and Sherman, Springfield; a brother, Fred, Kansas City: -19 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Funeral services will be announced by Adams-Monger. Retirement Delayed SPRINGFIELD (MA.) LEADER -PRESS May 10, 26 Today's Market For complete stock market detalls, read The Daily News, regularly, 130 STOCKS Quotations by Reinholdt Gardner 200 S. Jefferson Phone UN 9-2591 2:30 NEW YORK TIME Allied Stores Dynamics Republic Steel Allie Chalmers Electric Reynolda Tob Airlines Tele.

Safeway. Stores American Gillette FEAR American Mug Greyhound Sears Roebuck American Gall Oil Socony-Mobile American Tobacco Central Rand Anaconda Cop International Har Oil Beth. Joans Maaville Bora Warner Keinecoll Copper Starting Drug Burroughs Gas Studebaker Chesapeake Ohie A Myere Swift Co Chrysler Lily Tripl Tenn. Gar Comet Litter Texaco Continental Airlines Montgom. Ward Union Carbide Daved -Miterota United Aircraft NY.

Central Air. Lines Olin Subber Dow Pacific Pet: Steel Pont Pennel (JC) UpjohnEastman Kodak Phelps Dodge Western Union Etherson Elec- Philp Morris Westinghouse Empire Elec. Pet. Ford Radio Corp, Livestock HOGS Salable 500. Supply largely barrows and gilts, 300-250 los.

Near percent sows. Active. Barrows and strong to 25 cents higher. Sows fully steady, Barrows and gilts, U. S.

12. 190- 240 near 75 head at 21.50: U. 8. 2-3, 200-250 160., 20.50-21: 240-270 19.75-20.50: scattered sales Ibe. 19.50-20.

Sows, U. S. 1-2, 300-400 400-550 Board, 11-12 CATTLE AND CALVES Saleable 250, Small supply cows, and vealers Moderately active, All rep resented classes steady. Slaughter utility, 13.50-14.30: cutter, 12.50-13.50 canner. shello cunner down to 3.

Vealers and slaughter calves. choice few prime at good. standard. good and choice heavy vealers. 260-320 20-24.

Good and, choice slaughter calves, 260-500 Ibs. 19 standard, 16-191 utility, 15-16. Baby calves, under 125 the, choice beef bred. 29 95: mixed dairy and beef 24 standard dairy breeds: SHEEP Saleable 100. All represented classes steady.

Choice and prime spring Jambs. 85-100 Choice and prime wooled slaughter lambs. 22.25 heavier weights and choice, utility Wooled, slaughter ewes, to good, shorn. 3.50-5.50. NATIONAL STOCKYARDS Esti mated receipts for Thursday, hogs cattle calves 150: sheep 100.

Hogs barrows and gilts slow, 50 lower: sows fairly active, moally. higher: 1-3 200-250 barrows and gilts 21.80-75, 300-600 16 1-3 17.00-18.75. Cattle 2.000; calves 200p steers, steady to 50 higher, good and choice 23.00-27.001 good and choice heifers 22.00 cows vealers good and choice 20.00 29.00. Sheep 100; untested. Cash Grain Courtesy MY A Milling Market Company CORN No.

-2 shelled $1.35 WHEAT Hard $1.35 Soft $1.35 BARLEY 48 lb. test OATS Oats Diamond Turns Down Sewer Bonds Again DIAMOND (Special) A 000 bond issue for sewage disposal facilities, defeated April 6, Tuesday was eight votes shy of the required two thirds majority. The vote was 126 to 75. Mayor W. V.

Schaffter said it will be up to the city council whether the issue, part of financing for a $165,000 project, is resubmitted. "If we do try it again, we will have to take up a collection or something to finance it, since the bonding company that paid for it the first two times won't be paying again," the mayor said. Federal Tax Liens On File in County Federal tax liens are on file today in the Greene County re- corder's office againstHarry A. and Leilani Knight, 1112 South Florence, for 1961 and 1962 income for for 1963 income tax for $558.15. Jack T.

Rose, also known as Rose Plumbing and Heating, 2229 South Pickwick, for FICA tax for the third quarter of 1964 for $236.41. JEFFERSON CITY (AP) Gov. Warren E. Hearnes will speak at the 25th anniversary luncheon of Missouri Public Expenditure Survey next Monday in Kansas City. U.S.

WEATHER WEATHER DATA FOR SPRINGFIELD Temperatures: Highest yesterday lowest yesterday. lowest this morn Ing 59: highest this date in 78 years: 87 in 1894 high a year ago 871 low a year In 1964; lowest this date 76 years, 30 57. Precinitation: Rain or melted snow from 6 a.m. yesterday to 6 a.m. today, 44; heaviest rain this date In 78 vears 2.70 in 1943.

Sun: Rose this morning 14 hours, to night 7:187 length of daylight 1 minutes. Data supplied by the U.S. Department of Commerce Weather Bureau. first columm, highest temperature yesterday; ond, lowest last night, third, precipita. ton Stations during past 24 High Low Free.

hours ending a.m. Albuquerque 55 Amarillo 77 52 Birmingham Boise Boston Buffalo, N.Y Chicago Columbia Denver Des Moines Detroit Duluth Fort Smith Fort Worth Kansas City Little Rock Los Memphis Angeles I9 Miami Reach Minneapolis New Orleans New York Oklahoma City Ornaha Phoenis Pittsburgh Salt. Lake City Seattle St. Louis SPRINGFIELD Tulsa Washington West Plains Wichita MISSOURI Mostly, sunny few and, showers pleasant and this thundersterms afternoon, affecting a less than 30 with percent of the ares tonight and Temperatures Thursday around otherwise 66 fair extreme and pleasant. south, eisewhere.

High Thursday in the 80 Considerable cloudiness ARKANSAS with showers thunderstorms state thin affecting poon to and 60. percent tonight and the cast and south of the portions Little change and in Thurs. temday peratures, afternoon highs 70s northwest to souththis afternoon east, lows tonight porthweet to 606 mutheast. KANSAS Mostly cloudy today and tonight. with showers or thundershowers over partly 30 cloudy.

percent Warmer northwest tonight of 30 and over northwest the to state lower 60s southeast. high Thursday Love tonight Thursday 75 to 55. OKLAHOMA Partly cloudy with to thunder cloudy this showers afternoon 50 and percent tonight east portion. little warmer in panhandle this afterPartly cloudy Cooler except noon. A little warmer Thursday.

Low to: 52 northwest to 54 southeast, high Thursday 78 to M. Army Claims City Soldier Stole Ammo Army Sgt. Robert Gillaspie, 39 year military gunsmith from Springfield, Mo. faces preliminary hearing May 26 in Junction City, on a charge of stealing ammunition Gillaspie, of 1942 South Frank lin, is a small arms repair fore man with the 8th Ordnance Company, Fort Riley, near Junction City Investigators said about $10, 000 worth of ammunition was stolen at Fort Carson, Colo. between December, 1962, and January, 1965 and was sold at stores throughout the country, Gillaspie was arraigned Tues.

day before U.S. Commissioner Charles I. Platt. in Junction City. who released him on $1500 bond to await the hearing.

He returned to his unit. Sgt. Gillaspie was scheduled to retire April 30 after 20 years of service, but he was restricted to his uhit on that day. He once was a member of the marksmanship unit that represented the Army in national matches. The Army had sent Gillaspie to factories in Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy and Finland for special training as gunsmith.

Since October, 1962, the had operated a Juncton City commercial gun shop in His off duty hours. Most of its equipment and stock was heavily damaged by water April 26 after an explosion and fire in an adjoining building. Two sergeants assigned to a special marksmanship unit Fort Carson were arrested there on similar charges. Each man is charged with stealing government proper worth more than $100. The maximum penalty is five years in prison and $5000 fine.

Frisco Plan Draws Fire Mississippi Opposes Dropping of Trains MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP). Discontinuance of Frisco Railroad's passenger trains would impede the booming industrial growth now under way in northeast Mis. sissippi, Mississippi's public service commissioner testified today. D.

W. Snyder told an Interstate Commerce Commission hearing that such Mississippi cities as Amory, Tupelo, New Albany and Holly Springs are now enjoying a "very, very good industrial growth, and removal of Frisco passenger service will seriously affect this." The hearing was the last of six on a petition by the railroad that it be permitted to drop all of its remaining passenger service. The ICC is expected to decide before Aug. 19 whether to sanetion the request. Maj.

Robert W. Hopkins, representing the Fifth Army at Ft. Leonard Wood. testified on behalf of the Department of Defense, an intervening party in the case. He named eight military installations which use the Frisco.

Somebody Was Nice Today A $25 check was presented today to Mrs. Inez Medley, operator of a cafe at 311 College, by Capt. Joe Foell, president of the Springfield Fire Fighters Association, and Fire Warden Willard Sharp. According to Firefighter Verl Garton, the money was "in appreciation to Mrs. Medley, her son-in-law.

(Detective) Bill Hall, and employes, who stayed open all night April 29 and furnished food and coffee for fire fighters at the scene of a fire at 300 West Olive." Mrs. Medley was ill at the time, she said. and was not present, but Detective Hall and an employe, Darlene Hoffman, took over and, by lantern light, since electricity in the area was off. worked until daylight. It took me by surprise, Mrs.

Medley said today of the gift. Firefighter Garton said he estimated about 200 fire fighters, police officers and City Utilities employes were served at the cafe during the nightlong battle to keep flames from the building from spreading to Heer's Store. The money was raised by contributions from the fire fighters association. Kansas City Man Killed in 'Spat' KANSAS CITY (AP) A 30- year-old man was found shot to death Tuesday night in the Gates Exterminating Co. office at 2112 Truman Road.

John Henry Allen Matthews, a part time employe of the company, was killed. Held in connection with the shooting was James Jerome Hol. land. 36. Police said Holland told them the shooting followed a quarrel as the two men were watching television at the office.

Daily Record MRS. MILLARD ANDREWS SELIGMAN Mrs. Berline Andrews, 67, of Seligman, died at 3:15 p.m. Monday at St. Vincent's Hospital in Monett after.

long illness. A resident of the Seligman: community since 1936, she was member of the Christian church: Survivors include her husband Millard: two sons Dean Andrews. Cassville, and David. Eldorado, Towa daughter, Mrs. June Chamberlin.

Union, Towa: a brother, Elvin Flower, Grand Junction, lowa sister, Mrs. Constance London. Zearing, Iowa; and 10 grandchil dren. Funeral services will be at 1 p.m Thursday in First Baptist Church here with the Rev A. M.

Edie and the Rev. WE. Cowan officiating. Burial will be in Salem Cemetery, near Seligman, under direction of Williamson of Cassville. BENJAMIN F.

OLIVER BUFFALO -Funeral services for. Benjamin Franklin Oliver, 72, Route 3, Buffalo, will be at 2 p.m. Friday in Montgomery Chapel here. The Rev. Charles Blades will officiate and burial will be in Macedonia Cemetery, Mr.

Oliver died at 10:15 p.m. Monday following an apparent heart attack at his home. Survivors include his wife, Mary; six sons, Charles, BolIvar, Hershel, Buffalo, Alva, Florence, Jerry, Gresham, Denzel, Bakersfield, Donald, Strafford: four daughters. Mrs. Louis Hicks, Macks Creek, Mrs.

Glenn Owen, Springfield, Mrs. Earl Mann, Norwalk, Calif. and Mrs. William G. White, Buffalo.

Other survivors include two brothers. Emett, Titusville, Fla, and Everette, Whittier, two sisters, Mrs. Jeff McDantel. Jal. N.M..

and Mrs. Marie Bennett. China Lake, 35 and 18 great grandchildren. HAWKINS INFANT LAVA- Graveside services for Tonya Sue Hawkins, day old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Jerry Hawkins, Oldfield, were to be at 2 p.m. today at Hall Cemetery, The Rev. Oscar Cunningham was to officiate and burial was to be under direction of Clinkingbeard. The infant died at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday in St.

John's Hospital at Springfield, Survivors other than the parents include a sister, Tammy of the home; paternal grandpar ents. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hawkins, Ava; maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.

Albert Stafford, Ava, paternal great grandmother. Mrs. Mary Hawkins, Ava; and maternal great grandmother, Mrs. Lillie Goin, Oldfield. PERRY BREWER CASSVILLE Perry Brewer, 60, lifelong resident of Barry County, died at 8 a.m.

Monday in St. Vincent's Hospital in Monett following a brief illness. Mr. Brewer was a farmer. Survivors include his wife, Violet, Route 2, Seligman; three sons, Carol Johnson, state of Towa, Boyd and James, both of Salt Lake City, Utah; a daughter.

Miss Debra Ann Brewer, Lincoln, two step-sons, Emil Samuelson and Robert Samuelson, both of Magna, Utah; two step-daughters, Mrs. Violet Samuels, Salt Lake City, Utah, and Mrs. Marion Rogers, Chandler, Ariz. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday in Culver Chapel with the Rev, Shan Rutherford officiating.

Burial will be in New Salem Cemetery at Seligman. ERVIN B. LAWSON FORDLAND Funeral serve ices for Ervin B. Lawson, 50, Kansas City, will be at 1:30 p.m. Thursday in Fordland Methodist Church.

The Rev. Loren J. Wolfe will officiate and burial will be in Fordland Cemetery- under direction of Kelley Mr. Lawson died at 1:30 p.m. Monday in Olathe, after suffering an apparent heart attack: GUY L.

RENNER LEBANON -Funeral services for Guy Laverne Renner, 47, of Lebanon, will be at 2 p.m. Thursday in the Holman Chapel here with the Rev. Theron MeCloud and Roger Tribble officiating. Burial will be in Mount Rose Memorial Park Cemetery, Lebanon, under direction of Holman. Mr.

Renner died at 8 a.m. Tuesday in his home. He was a disabled veteran of World War 11. whose ill health caused his retirement as a carpenter Surviving are his wife, Grace, of the home; his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Renner, Lebanon, a step-daughter, Mrs. BonI nie Todd, Fulton; a brother, ElHis. Navarre, three sisters, Mrs. Nadine Hendricks, Lebanon. Mrs.

Pauline Breneman, Lawton, and Mrs. Mary Brumley, Jefferson City. MRS. CHLOE SEYMOUR Mrs. Chloe E.

Kennemer, 67, Seymour, died at 7:50 a.m. today in her home after a short illness. The widow of Jason Kenne. mer, she is survived by five sisters, Mrs. Opal Wiggins, El Paso, Mrs.

Lucille Semsch, Butler. Mrs. Ruth Kennemer, Mrs. Edith Bean and Mrs. Eddythe Cantrell, all of Seymour; and a brother, W.

F. Cantrell, Seymour, Bergman Miller will announce arrangements. SPRINGFIELD! POP ALMOST 100,000 ALTITUDE: 1324 FT. CLIMATE: FINE Marriage Licenses APPLICATIONS FILED Blades, of 111 West a a a Templeton, 6 North Main, add Kathryn. Faye East Cherokee Arnold, 15 and Jackson.

of 540 Olive Hall Seminole, and Jean FIRE ALARMS Leaf fire. 1450 East WAlnut. Tuesday Car fire, 812 North p.m. POLICE CALLS 35 general on drunkenness West A Karl owner of Pizza But, 927 East Lombard, reported at 2:50 p.m. Tuesday that several small cakes vaned were missing from a tack.

State notified police Tue that Teddy Dean Smith. 34. Texas Helel who was arrested on drunkenness charge block Campbell at Max 15, was from Nevada State Hospital was to be notified. Patrol sald Smith had been May missing from the since 11. Charles L.

Contes, 21, of 835 Kim brough, an cited on charge of leaving scene of accident, 4 p.m. Tuesday, after he was identified as driver of car which utility pole at Florence and Madison May 15. service station at 1462 North National, report ed rock thrown through plate glass by vandals who also broke telephone booth pane, 7. Tuesday Toben, 2435. South Kickapoo, theft of 190 power mower from garage, noon Tuesday.

The Rev. Keith Shoemaker, pastor church al 1212 North Broadway, report ed neon Heht and church letters were broken and electric wires were torn loose. 11:50 a.m. Elbert M. Lafferty 916 South Golden, charged with careless ad prudent driving after his driving was marved National and Coremercial: Wednesday, had hit signal pole at Campbell and Set.

William Hensley found someone knocked down: a woman him an old model Ford, green and white, had -tire pole, and another person handed the sergeant a stip of paper with a license number written on it which was reportedly the number of the car which had done the damage: 10:55 p.m. Tues day, Joe Lane. 21. of 836 East McCann told police Be was westbound on Cherokee Roanoke when his car hit a hole, causing a tire to go Bat and bend the rim: police found asphalt topping had given 9:15 p.m. Tuesday.

Mary F. Borks, 97, of 305 South police her daughter. 11, was riding home on her bicycle when, the 200 block South Glenstone, hit by a white car driven by an eiderly Woman wearing a blue flowered dressy the dirt said the woman asked if she was hurt and when she replied, the woman left; the girl had only small scratch on the left elbow, police said: 7:45 p.m. Tuesday. Russell Stanton, of 5145 South Kimbrough, manager the -Pizza Hut, 927 East and the Karl Burdette, 27, el 518 Monte theft from the Hut of $3.08 worth of cakes and portable radio by someone entered without using force 2:45 p.m, Tuesday.

Billy Joe Hall. $5, General Delivers cited for 1:58 1 W. Appleby, 1959 East Turner, reported burglary of his home and theft 550 electric alarm: clock. clock, a radio and two. razor blade verse Tuesday H.

Ronnie Setterfield, and 2210 Bud's North Grant. owner of Garage, North Grant, reported theft of two elec trie drills vauled at $60, a $75 polisher, an $80 impact wrench and a box of tools valued at $40, 8:15 p.m. Tuesday, SHERIFF'S OFFICE Dennis Morelock, reported: that a black Angus call has been miss. ing for the last several days: 8 Tuesday At the regirest of Evlena Mode, Route deputies shot her which was Tuesday rural Greene County away from het son's home and deputies located her at a rest home: she refused to go home, telling deputies to take her her to stay with another 10:10 jail instead; deputies finally, persuaded p.m. Tuesday.

add agate record add sheriff's office 71 Jim Durham, 2740 East Sunshine, res constructing vandalism at a new he is ported at 4536 South Jackson: 7:55 a.m. Wednesday, AUTO ACCIDENTS Cars driven by Vickie Reaves, 1520 South Wildan. and Betty Bargo, 801 South Ports collided at National and Cherry 8:05 a.m. Tuesday, Palsy Reed, Highlandville, charged driving with defective brakes after colliding 1328 with East car Portland, driven by at Jane Johns. ton.

Glenstone and Bennett, 12:10 p.m. Tuesday. M. H. Toliver, 751.

North Weaver, ported car was struck by unidentified vehicle while. parked in 600 block West Phelps. 12:10 p.m. Jane E. Bennett.

23, of Route 9. cited for allure to yield right of way after collision with car driven by Mildred M. Lil of Purdy, at Boonville and Olive: 133 p.m. Tuesday, Blanche Decker, 54, of Salina. Kan.

cited for collision failure to yield right of way aftex with car driven by George J. Miller, 37, of 942 North Douglas, at Commercial: and Summit: 5. p.m. Tuesday, cited Linda for Gardner, 21 Kansas City. following too closely after collision, with car driven by Raymond Doty Thomas, 73.

of 2349 Catalina, at Glenstone and Bennett; 5:04 p.m. Tuesday. Arthur Samuel Smith, 66. of 1301 North prudent Campbell, charged with careless and imdriving after collision with car driven College by Joe Lester Grant: Ford. 8:31 25.

of Bruner, and p.m. Tuesday, Margin Cut Is Approved Bill Would Reduce Bond Vote Majority JEFFERSON CITY (AP) The House today passed a con stitutional amendment proposal that would lower the required vote majority on general obligation bond issues to 60 per cent. The requirement now is twothirds. The vote sending the measure to the Senate was 98-52. Sponsors said lowering the majority required would allow schools and other governmental subdivisions to progress.

Many needed bond issues, they said, now fail by small margins. But opponents said the two. thirds majority should be retained to protect the public from being gouged by costly bond issues. The House also passed and sent to the Senate a proposed amendment to set the limit of school taxation throughout the state at $1.50 on the $100 assessed valuation without a vote of the people. Now the limits are 89 cents in St.

Louis city and $1 in the rest of the state. Also sent to the Senate was bill that would give the director of corrections a pay boost of $3,000, to a new top of $18,000. FAUCETT, carpenter, 30-year-old Thomas Wallace Waller, has asked for a jury trial in magistrate court on an insufficient funds check charge. Waller, free on a $250 bond, is accused in connection with $10 check given Feb. 13.

to the Consumers store at 2525 College. Te Mr. and Birch Tuesday, To Me. And Mra. D.

E. Murphy. land, boy 14:14 Wednesday, St. Te Mt. and W.

pollar, Wednesday, John's Mr. and Men. Charles D. Martin, South Maryland, 2:39 Wednesday, St. John's.

To Me and Met. Bill Strong. Route girl, 7:23 a.m. Wednesday, St. And West.

Rapt ville, a boy, 7:45 a.m. Wednesday, Protestant BIRTHS LOSSES REPORTED Sharon Branstetter, 1619 North, Welles, reported theft of sweater. from Central High School May El Bonnie Route car cushion. 900 block East LomBobby McGuire, 2058 North Taylor, reported theft of from yard day or Tuesday Articles Recovered Bicycle: abandoned in 2100 block Grand was taken to police Tuesday TRAFFIC COURT Fined 45 each for ronning Were Jamies Bremenkamp, 1005. North Broadway Douglas 3000 North Grant Richard C.

Rouse, HanniFred John Roepke, Strafford, Ralph M. West Ottle Dow Price. 2658 West Hey G. Free man, Charles Hutchins South Avenue. Ralph Route 5.

Linda, Johnson. North Farmer. Gerald 1. Olinger 1044 Weinal, fined NO Fined each were. Carol Jean 1533 East Delmar, James Minton Berg, Fined each for excessive motor Thomas R.

North Sammy 615 North Main, (55 on each of three For speeding Kenneth E. Rackman, Republic, Thomas E. 3025. South Franklin Floyd Var Jack D. CBI.

Richard Eugene Andrews, 1471 East Brower, $14, Lena Marie West Central, Mary O. Martin, Wert Alfred Thornbruch, 1124 South $10. Ross Hankins, Jr. Route William Johnson, 2401 East Catalpa, $10. Billy Gene Skidmore, 2429 North Prom pect, $20, Karen D.

Jacobian, Route $15. Pauline Hoy, West Seminole, fined $10 for running accident: and driving William Brinkley, 2828 East. Herman Rayle, 2527 South mont, Paul 1710 South- $15, Craig 2133 East Kirk wood. For following too closely Lonnie E. Leatherman.

725 South: fined 510, Car Heltner, Benton. $10, I Raymond W. Ediger. Wolf Point, David $3. For following too closely Edgar Stoops, Route 5.

fined Paul Roper, Route 12. $10, Laura Evelyn Royal, Hurley, Pernie M. Adams, Strafford, $100 BUILDING PERMITS Jim and Gary Lambeth, ave room house. 9641 Madison, Leland addition, 14611 East Whiteside Ralph Mires, rooting, 1368 Fast Sunshine, 81295. Oriena Bell.

foundation, repair, 2423 West Walnut, $100. Jess Routh, remodeling, -1019 West Talmage, $600 Jack W. Fitzpatrick, foundation, repair, 721 North Glean. $2007 Mrs. N.

E. roofing, 1200 Seminole, Springfield Baptist Hospital, 440 South Market, $254. Henry Schafer remodeling, West Lean, $150. Murray, rebuild porch, 1700 North Sherman, $400. Mrs.

Mary North Robberson, $190, Eugene Pippin. addition, 2645 West Nichols. $500. Frontier Market, 2716 Bolivar Road, $100 Lillian Carr, repaire, 2131 North Rogers, $400. 0.

Turner, remodeling East Madison, $200. Stephen Bridges, porch, 309 East Grand, $150. Earl Walters, porch repair, 1059 East Pacific, E. Eddington, roofing, East Division, COUNTY Kipp Bill Homes, nine-room dwelling, Route 4. Kipp Bill Homes, room dwelling, 947 Devonshire, $9000.

Bill Barnett, mobile home apace, Route 4. Walnut Grove Louts J. Peruse, garage, Route 11. 5400, POLICE COURT Gary Dean Sterling, 2073 North Park, fined for possession Intoxicants STATE PRISON COMMIEMENES Keet bernathy. Detroit.

Mich. teneed to three years on guilty plea to grand stealing in Greene County, May 11. Donald Britte, Sutter, sentenced to two years on guilty plea to forgery and uttering a forged check in Oaark County, May 11. John D. Bishop, Springfield, sentenced to two years on guilty plea to no-account check in Greene County.

May 5. Eve Bittick, Joplia, sentenced to two years for n0-account checks la Jasper County, April Betty Brotherton. sentenced to eight years for manslaughter in Taney Connty, April 5. two 13 on Burleson, Seneca, sentenced and to years gullty plea to forgery uttering in McDonald County, May 12 Daryl Bybee, Sutter, sentenced to two years on guilty plea to forgery and uttering forged check to Ozark County, May 11. Alvin Eugene Duncan, Springfield, sen to three years on guilty plea to grand stealing in Greene County, 11.

Darlene Kansas state, sentenced to two years for no account checks in Newton County, April Lawrence Albert Grider, Springfield, sentenced to five years on guilty plea fo molesting a minor in Greene Counts, May Loren Helms, Sutter, sentenced two years on guilty plea to forgery and uttering check in Ozark County, May 11, Oscar Paul Lebow, Lowry City, sentenced to two years on plea to eciving stolen goods In St. Clair County, May. Bobby Dean Wolfe Joplin, sentenced to two years on guilty piea to burglary in Dent County Mar 11.3 RELEASES Everett Johnson, Jr. West Plains paroled atay 11 from two years. for felonious assault in Howell County.

Roy Nash. St. Louis, released May 14 from two years for forgery in Dent Conn- CIRCUIT COURT CIVIL CASES Vivian Johnson against Guarantee Trust Life Insurance. Chicago. File in surance suits asks $3420, DIVORCE.

CASES PETITIONS FILED Kathryn Glenn a James Glens Member aValnot Erma M. Riley against Bobby L. Riley- CITY UTILITIES Missouri Arkansas, brellets Iryers: Market firm. Demand for ready to cook very good All-in business and early sales for next week delivery based Produce of. 16 cents.

Live supplies short for current requirements. Live at the farm base valiations on broilers-fryers Wednesday. 14-16, mostly 14 cents, with some contracts settling up to one cent over the mostly base valuation. Delivered plent prices, cents. Hens: Prices per pound at the farm on volume lols heavy type.

15 cents; light type, cents. EOGS Southwest Missouri egg Market steady. -Prices unchanged. Supplies ample for the only fair clearance. Prices paid to producers cents per dozen.

candied and graded after deliver ed fo door of buyer, cases exchanged for 24 hours ending at 10. a.m. Wednesday. Eggs priced under buyer quality and volume Consumer grades: A Large petier 96-28: A Medium, A Small, Large, ZE Dirties and Checks. 15.

Sales. 10 Missouri processors: Market slightly lower Undertone unsettled. Small lots and local current receipts mostly 140 7-25 Prices paid by processors delivered to dock. 54 pounds minimum gross weight. cases exchanged for 24 hours ending at a.m..

Wednesday Unclassified. farm run. mostly 7.40-7.65, TURKEYS Missourt live turkeys. Practically no movement in the state, Not enough sales to quote prices. ST.

LOUIS Egas about steady, A large 26-27: A mediums 7 21-22: small 16-17 B- large. 23-25 peewees 10-127 wholesale mediums extras. small extras 16-17, standards 24-25: Red farm run dirties-checks 17. 18. Poultry: Heavy, hens steady 16-17, hens 10-117 light under 5 Ibs.

not quoted. Broilers and fryers firm Noon Prices Mutual Fund Quotations Asked Affiliat 10.07 Chemic Pi 15:37 16.80 Divid, Shrs. 3.93 4,31 Eat I. Bal 13.49 14.58 Eat Fidelity Fd SIK 16.63 17.97 18.81 20.34 Invtra 7.89 8.62 Mass 17.87 19.53 Mass Inv Cr 9.91 10.83 Telev El 9.03 9.84 Welling Fd 15.37 16.80 One William Street 15.25 Puritan Fund 10.51 11.36 Fidelity Cap 12.99 14.12 Fidelity Trend 23.68 Nat. 18.91 20.44 Nat See Sec S.

6.50 7.10 9.10 10.08 1.95 Nat Sec 9.52 30.40 Noon OTC Quotes (Reinholdt and Gardner) Bid Asked A. B. Chance Carboline chase Nal. Life Midwest Fire Mid- West Nat. Modern Sec.

Life Ocean Drilling Ore; Ida. Ozark Air Prog. Securities R. C. Can.

St. L. Ship, Fed. Barge Tidewafer Marine Tower, Nat. Life Edwin Wiegand Four Towns Given Youth Corps Okay Federal youth corps projects, aimed at combating expected peak unemployment among school youngsters during the summer vacation months, have been approved for four communities in southwest Missouri.

In all 32 projects have been approved, according to Secretary of Labor W. Willard Wirtz. The Labor Department expects to approve eventually enough projects to provide summer jobs for 70,000 youngsters. The location of Ozarks projects, number of youths to be employed and total costs are: Anderson, 30, Goodman, 20, Taneyville, 22, 500 and Rocky Comfort, 9, $5,300 Comstock Insurance Agent Bill Advances A bill setting certain qualifications for insurance agents has passed the Missouri House. Sponsored by Rep.

Rolland Comstock, Springfield Demo. crat, the proposal would require everyone who applies for qualification as an insurance agent to pay a $10 fee. Applicants also would have to pass a written examination and be approved by the state superintendent of insurance. Examinations would be held at least twice a week in Jefferson City and once each quarter in Kansas City and St. Louis.

AT ITS THIRD meeting Tuesday night the Greene County Sheriff's Youth Council discuss. ed several money projects to finance a recreation center. A constitution was adopted, and copies may be obtained by an area school by telephoning Peggy Adams, Central High SchooL GARY WAYNE JONES, 4, of 503 South New, is in "satisfactory" condition today at Burge-Protestant Hospital where he is being treated for abrasions and bruises suffered at 11:30 a.m. when he was struck by a car at 500 New, aCcording to AAA ambulance at. tendants.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. Mrs. R.W. Scoville, Kansas City, was elected Tuesday as vice president of Region 5 of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers, in convention here. NEW c*ntOMERS Philip Campbell, 1813.

North Patter Ismael Gardner. 1314 East mere, Clifford Hodges, 1451. Elhyt. James Jace. 300 West Madison John C.

Hampton: Jeanette arlin, Exit Randy Murphy, 003 West Kearney, John May East NEW RESIDENTS Willians C. 1307 North Farmer from. GrovePearl. from Ens. Calif Richard Fisher from Goodman, Parkerest from G.

East Sunshine from Bolivar brook from Republic. Tory Halsey 247 North Cedar: Emma Loa Johnson, 1945 South Maryland from Las N.A, North. Jehnstou from Clever: Philip Morris, East Walnut from Chicago: 18. Normall 4. Ondard.

740 North Glenn from Phoenix, Aria. Timothy Pearson, 914 East Turner from Aurora. George Plum, Ingram Mill Rood from Monterey Calif Dr Gayle Stinson: Cedarbrook from Paducah Jimmie E. Williamson, 1842 Mouth Fer 1000 from Hamlia, Tex. CHANGE IN LOCATION R.

Radaley. 3951 Grimes from West Vivian Barrett, 1041 East Seminole from 1314 East. Chas Bauer, 1232 West Talmage from West Talmage, Marvin Blakey, 1871. Boonville 3052 West Bill Bi Campbell. 1507 Nortir from 1401 West Thoman.

E. Cantwell, Charles from Joe Carpenter, 127 from 1933 south Grant, William G. Eastlake, Kit Went Talmage from 006 West Alfred Finster, 3927 West Division from 117 South New. Byron P. Hansen, 2508 Cherry from 1207 West Thoman.

Hugh B. Hayes, 2832 East Bergman from 1856. South Kentwood Lout 1979 South Broadway from 425 East Portland Ronnie Hubbard, 1364 East Allantic from 1047 West Norval Jones, 1907 East. Monroe from 1932 Vibace Drive. Labbee: 1767 East Walnut from 3108 East Paul G.

Olinger, 2760 Link from West Kerr. Leland Pearson, Need Road from South Hampton Cart E. Seruggs, 2538 South Westwned from 1937 South Maryland. James Walter Young, North West Avenue ram 956 North Fremont, Jerry Young, College from West: State Magistrate Court Criminal Cases Harold Barns, fined Gordon Trenton Route ersville. lined a for careles and dent driving James Sherman Williams, Cashing, Okfined and Mona Lou Walters, dependence, fined for speeding.

Smith. Cypress, ed for improper David Lawrence South Grant, fined $17 for expired registration. Wilma Jean Middleman, Route 6, fined $17 for expired vehicle license. Stephen Leon Bilyeu, 630 East Sunshine, fined $17 no license Emery Keath Hale, Cabool, fined $17 for no truck license Frank Emery Parker, Route 10, fined $17 for expired operator license. Homer.

Lee Stewart, Moute 1. Bolivar, fined $17 for no operater license. Walter Cecil Newman, Miami, Okla fined $37. for no PSC. authority- Charles Harry Ryker, Springdale, fined $17 for overlength.

Joel Curtis Skinner, Metairie, fined for. Civil Cases 1 A. Green; James J. Bunney, doing business Window Company, against D. Neil, suit check: asks 5700; set for June Rexall Smith, doing business as Rex Smith Propane, against Frank Pepper, suit account: asks set for June Fischer.

Inc. against James G. Turner, suit on note asks set for Jane 8 Fischer Oldsmobile, Inc. Stanley. J.

Siwek, Jr. suit on note: asks $393.32: set for June 8 Carthage Awe Ine. A set for Jane Vernon and Alice Delcoor against Gordon. and Patsy. landLord suit: Judgment a for plaintiff for 5160 and possession.

Empire Bank against Jamies D. West. suit on notes dismissed. Schweitzer Bros. Inc, against E.

account: judgment for plaintiff Baldwin, doing business National Ornamental Iron Company, suit $98.39. V. doing business Southwest Collection Bureau. Ray W. Hoaglin, suit on note defendant pays $183.54 and case dismissed.

Lester Williams against Nora Baty, suit on agreement; Mary A Jones, Margaret Jones Turner, and Mary A. Jones against D. 0. Allen, suit on account. default Judgment for plaintiff for $1050.

Credit Acceptance Corporation Howard Stever. suit on account $220: set for June 2. Credit Acceplance against Noel Howard Strain, suit on account for June Credit Acceptance against James Newion, suit on account: asks $89.505 set for June 1. Double Seal Ring Company against Thermal Supply Company, Inc. on account: asks set for June 2 Bill Dee.

Abney against Southern Aluminum Discount Compan9, suit account for labor; asks $246; set for June 3. Dorothy Morton against William and Erna Shayban, landford suit; asks $140 and possession: set for May 25. Rexall Smith. doing business as Smith Propane, against Mr. and Mrs.

Paige Hall, suit on account: asks $79.003 set. for June Wanda Chamless against Vernon Gerhardt, landlord asks 645 and pessession; set. for May 28. Della Johnson against Cleo R. and Verna Dalton, suit of note: asks $750; set for June 1.

Call. Write or Come to REINHOLDT GARDNER For Stock Market Information Member New York Stock bickange Phone UN 9-2591 207 South Jefferson We Even Test Sand! small detail in the manufacture of burial vaults, perhaps, but typical of the care that goes into every WILBERT Burial Vault. Washed sand, of proper gradation and free from organic impurities is necessary to produce highstrength, durable concrete. Attention to these little details hat made WILBERT the most trusted name in burial vaults. When only the best good enough, ask Your funeral director about WILBERT Burial Vaults, -to be sure BURIAL VAULTS Sort of Springfield Wilbert Voults, Inc..

Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri (2024)


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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.