Press and Sun-Bulletin from Binghamton, New York (2024)

1 iwn'iiinr iufwfmw1 Binghamton Press 17 Tuesday Evening, Oct. 6, 1953 Stow Flats GeU Top Priority 'As Next Swimming Pool Site From Engineer McNamara Retarded Child Aid Campaign 'pact By TOM CAWLEY City Engineer Regis C. McNamara is giving Stow Flats top priority as the site for the next outdoor swim mine pool built by the city. His views were outlined in a memorandum to City Council last night in which he re- Dorted on a studv of nossible i swimming pool sites on the North I 1 CJ a m. and East Sides.

1 1 151 T1PPT The Broome County Association for the Help of Retarded Children, formed last year to help provide teaching for mentally handicapped Th 11th anrl 13 Ward areas, km. VV NANCY RICHARDSON, daugh-ter of the late City Judge William S. Richardson, has been appointed assistant news editor of the new television station in Memphis, WHBQ-rV. Nancy's mother, the former Marian Yetter, is wife of Sumter Gillespie, publisher of a Greenwood, newspaper Chet Kerr, who published Vale University Press new book (he's director of the press), "Drinking youngsters, will open its second Tft -iV. 'fnHtftaf tt annual fund and membership drive at a mobilization meeting Monday at the Johnson City YMCA.

Mrs. Charles F. Johnson, Rezoning Given OK the city engineer said, have "long been recognized as the place to build our next pool." Council took no immediate action to direct the engineering department to prepare plans and specifications for the pool. Council already has directed that plans be prepared for a pool in the Sixth Ward in the rear of the Benjamin Franklin School and i MY named by Gov. Thomas E.

Dewey to the Committee of 100 for analy sis of the problem of handicapped in College," used to be a air hnrrllpr on iho nM KPtTC Rezoning of a portion of Oak children in New York State, and William L. Lewis, a vice president Street in the First Ward from v. fVliy 11 UVA an ordinance authorizing plans for a pool on MacArthur Field is a two-family residential area to a commercial district was voted of International Business Machines, are honorary co-chairmen for the drive. pending. WAIT NOT NEEDED Mr.

McNamara said in a memo Active co-chairmen who will head iho rtrivn for mpmhfrs and by City Council last night. The ordinance was approved after the proposal was endorsed by the City Planning Commission. A public hearing was scheduled, but no one appeared to support or oppose the or randum that it would not be nec nnanciai support are ueorge a. Roberts, president of the John essary to wait for the complete filling of Stow Flats to construct son City Chamber of Commerce, AIR PAIR Richard Lynch, top, Little Meadows, and Ralph Russell, Maine, left yesterday for Syracuse to enlist in the Air Force. If they pass physical examinations they will be sent to Sampson Air Force Base, Geneva, for baste training.

and John E. Hoppes of Endicott. COMMUNITY CHAIRMEN a swimming pool in this loca dinance. Involved in the rezoning are team some 22 years ago. A student was doinj a hot-take business in sun shades in the east stands at the Rice-Cornell fame at Ithaca Saturday as the big crowd faced directly into a brilliant sun.

He was doing it with this pitch, "Ya pay your doctor ten dollars for the service I'm fivin' ya for a quarter. Save your eyes for two bits!" The old five-and-ten is coming up in the world. Last week, in Woolworth's window, an artist was painting pictures, sold inside. Community chairmen appoint the properties fronting on the tion. The flats currently is being used as a dumping site for garbage and refuse and Mayor Don Binghamton Press Photo.

MARINE FUTUREi Allan Yetter, 84 Chestnut Street, left yesterday for Albany to enlist in the Marine Corps. He will receive recruit training at Parris Island, S. if he passes his physical examination. ed so far are: Binghamton Press Photo. COORDINATORS Officers of the newly formed Couples Club Council, a group which will coordinate activities of adult clubs in area Protestant churches, were elected last night at West Presbyterian Church.

Meeting was attended by 30 representors from 12 churches. Left to right: Wilbur J. Kupfrian, president; David A. Bourne, vice-president, and Mrs. Allan C.

Fowler, secretary-treasurer. west side of Oak Street between Spring Forest Avenue and Cy Endicott, J. Bruce Buckler ald W. Kramer wants to build a garbage incinerator on a portion and Mrs. Ralph C.

Bacon; John press Street, except for land already rezoned as light industrial. of the city-owned property. 2 in Hospital son City, Harry E. Schlegel, and Vestal, Duane Whitman. The ordinance which directed the study was sponsored by 12th Co-chairmen for the campaign Ward Democrat John J.

Rogan in Binghamton are expected to Alter Auto be chosen within the next few days. The measure instructed Mr. Me-Namara to look for a site in the Seventh. Eighth, Ninth, 10th, First Ward Democratic councilman John W. Cupina said the measure would permit the sale of flowers by the owner of a greenhouse in the area.

Council also: PROHIBITED heavy truck traffic on Howard Avenue between Robinson and Court Streets in the 12th Ward. RELEASED a city sewer easem*nt Lists Cars, Party Linen At Monday meeting associa Strikes Tree Stocum Asks Advisory JC Planning Unit 11th, 12th or 13th Wards. Reporting on the study, Mr, tion members will review their achievements of the first year, which included: McNamara said the land in wards Seven through 10 makes MISS CARRIE HENRY, whom a couple of generations will remember as the no-nonsense dean of freshmen at Binghamton Carroll E. Flynn, 35, of 41 Providing a full-time and a in Rogers Street in the First Ward up "our downtown business sec tion." Baldwin Street, and his brother, part-time teacher and two drivers, who traveled 146 miles daily Rexford, 38, of Galeton, are "There is very little city-owned to General Aniline ana rum uorp. SCHEDULED a public hearing Oct.

19 on an ordinance to rezone a two-family district in the Sixth Ward to light industrial. The area is in to bring retarded children to their classroom at the Abraham in Tioga General Hospital at Waverly with injuries received U. S. Farm Advantages Told by Netherlander Farm families in the United States enjoy importatit advantages in transport and communications over their Dutch counterparts, John Vos, 22-year-old farmer from Roosendaal, The Netherlands, reported yesterday upon Lincoln School. the vicinity of Homer and Belden streets.

Supplying a station wagon. Central High School and later as principal of West Junior, is still in Binghamton City Hospital Gene Autry, the cowboy singer, buttonholded many Binghamton- record player, movie projector, land in this area for a municipal pool," he asserted. "A pool could not be constructed in this area unless adequate parking facilities also were constructed, as our downtown parking facilities are presently overtaxed. FACILITIES ALREADY "This area, at present, does yesterday afternoon when Carroll's car struck a tree in Route 34 north of Van Etten. Hospital officials said this morning that Rexford, who has training films, 16 desks and other Johnson City Mayor Donald E.

Stocum last night called for establishment of a citizens' advisory committee to work with the village's Planning Board. The mayor handed his request to the Board of Trustees of the village for study after the board had filled an existing Planning GAVE the New York State Gas Electric Corp. permission to enlarge underground vaults at Henry and Water and Henry and State streets and connect the vaulta with ducts. ians in New York last week ask ing anxiously for the wplfar. nfi possible skull fracture, a com.

pound fracture and dislocation TRANSFERRED $8,000 within the Welfare Department budget to pay his arrival for a three-week visit his old friend, former State Police Capt. Daniel E. Fox, who also is at to the Edgar Kleine farm for burials. equipment for classroom use. HOLD CLASS SESSIONS Maintaining daily class sessions for about 50 children at the Lincoln school, with morning classes for thosr between 8 and 12 and afternoon classes for those aged 12 to 18.

Conducting weekly classes for AUTHORIZED installation of water mains in a portion of Grand Whitney Point. One advantage is the automo a patient at City, have a municipally-run swimming beach in the Susquehanna River at Emerson Street and Rockbot-tom Bridge. There are also swim of the right ankle and possible internal injuries, is in critical condition. Carroll's condition was reported to be fairly good. He suffered multiple lacerations and Street the Sixth ward.

bile, "all the time cars," Air. VqsJ ASKED for committee tudy ot saw, compared to me universany- ordinances to spend $3,000 for repair of Wilcox Street Bridge in the ming facilities In our downtown used bicycle in The Netherlands. The other is the party line tele area located at the YMCA andlioth ward. abrasions and possible head Schools Plan To Use Rats In Studies Youngsters in eight Broome to 7-year-olds at the Trinity phone hookup. Board vacancy.

Under state law, the village's official planning body can have no morethan three two village board members serving in a liaison capacity. Mayor Stocum said this "manpower" limitation hampers village planning, at least in Johnson City. To get around the legal obstacle, he suggested that the five-member municipal planning group be augmented by an advisory group of "five to seven" nonvoting members. Memorial Episcopal Church parish house. State police at the Waverly "At home we have only pri substation investigated the ac vate lines," the ruddy-complex- The challenge recognized by ioned.

blond Dutch farmer said. cident They said thenar first 'the association, a spokesman struck a guardrail and careened sald todaVi is the knowiedge that He explained, with a twinkle In his blue eyes, that "if we want the YWCA." REQUESTED Comptroller John E. The one area in the city with-: Bloomer to file a memorandum ex-out any swimming facilities, the P'ajnjnst necessity for i. jj-t-irt $7,500 to supplement the 19o3 budget engineer reported, is the district lppTopriali ior insurance. consisting of the 11th and 13th, sent to the Public Safety Corn-Wards, which he labeled Chiefly mntee an ordinance allowing Sisson residential." Brothers-Weldon Co.

to erect a deco- Mr. McNamara recalled a re- "ted Christmas tree at 59 Court street, and allowing Grant Lee to cent Red Cross report which erect projecting sign at 343 Front showed "there are more children street. who cannot swim and need in- requested committee study of itvincr in thoca tun an ordinance directing the erection more man iuu yaros Dei ore more than half of mentallv re striking the tree. The troopers tarded children are capable of teiepnonea cingnamton ponce being trained to the point where at 3:20 p. m.

and asked them to they will be acceptable to so-notify Carroll's wife, Agnes, at ciety. the Baldwin Street address. I SANFORD ON BOARD He asked trustees to cooperate wards than in aV other district in selecting candidates from among village taxpayers for appointment to the advisory body. to find out something about a neighbor, we have to ask him," TALKS LIMITED Local telephone conversations In The Netherlands are limited to three minutes, with an extra three minutes available at an extra charge, a restriction which makes for more face-to-face visiting among neighbors. Mr.

Vos expressed surprise at the size and mechanical equipment of American farms. He has in tne cuy. "This section has long been The local musician's union, No. 380, has $2,800 available this year from the Music Performance Trust Fund to play concerts for hospital patients, for dances for youth groups and the children of the orphanages. This money is allocated to Local 380 by' the national union, which receives the money from recording and transcription firms.

Lorraine Gall, a young laidy from Prospect Street, who showed the scientific agricultural world how to investigate the mysteries of a cow's four stomaches (she simply built windows in them and now the cows have no secrets) is going to Europe on a Ful-bright fellowship for further tudy. She did the four-window job on a cow at Cornell, is a leading scientist at the National Dairy Research Laboratories at Oakdale, L. I. Crash Driver Pleads Guilty Trustee William F. Ott opened recognized as the place to build our next pool," the engineer as-j Harriet E.

Totlen Hurt in Crash; 2 Others Injured the discussion of planning needs by nominating L. Leo Sanford of serted. ORIGINAL PLAN Ten From Area Are Freshmen At Rochester Ten students from the Triple 216 Corliss Avenue for membership on the Planning Board. The board approved the appointment. Eight hours after tils car and a tractor-trailer were in collision in Upper Court Street this morn "Any structure that will attract large crowds, such as a swimming pool, should be so located that it County public schools had good reason to say "Oh, rats!" recently.

They received matched pairs of month-old rats from the Dairy Council of Broome County to be used in nutrition experiments this fall. One rat in each pair will feast on a diet rich in dairy products, leafy vegetables and fresh fruits. Less fortunate rodents will have to get along on unscientific menus. Studies of growth rates and degrees of activity will be made by the students. The rats later on may become subjects for X-ray pictures and for dissections by high school biology students, Miss Elsie G.

Watt, council executive secretary, said. The studies are being made in the George Washington and George F. Johnson junior high Miss Harriet E. Totten, 44, of 33 Tremont Avenue, is in fair been a guest on ranches in North placing Mr. Sanford in the ern Wyoming since April as vacancy created last month by ing, Henry F.

Muller, 49, of an international Farm mies area nave enrolled as will be easy to get to and then provide parking facilities when the resignation of Franklin B. freshmen at the University of condition today at City Hospital. She was admitted there after her car crashed into a concreate cul Meeker Road, Town of Vestal, pleaded guilty of drunken driv Youth Exchange scholarship. Only aspect of the American scene which so far has distressed you arrive, he explained. "In my opinion, Stow Flats, aft Kocnester.

They are: ing. er it has been filled, is being vert in Route 34B near Lake the young visitor is the time devoted to commercial messages on Mr. Muller pleaded before Jus planned as a large park and rec Karen Boyle, daughter of Mrs. James H. Boyle, 12 Judson Street; Patricia Kelly, who makes her home with Mr.

and Mrs. Darwin Wales, Ridge, Tompkins County. She reational area. This has been the tice of the Peace Michael Palonv radio and TV programs. In his suffered a deep cut to her fore Borden, planning chairman.

Mr. Sanford, an IBM employe who is a Republican committeeman in Johnson City's Fifth (Town of Union) District and a member of the Johnson City Republican Executive Committee, will serve out Mr. Borden's unexpired term. OTHER BOARD ACTIONS The village board last night bo, Town of Kirkwood, at 11 o' head. plan since the purchase of Stow Flats for sanitary fill.

country, he explained, broadcasting networks are owned co clock. Sentencing was deferred Two Vestal residents injured oione oaa; cariene Matthews, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Ben L. Matthews, 67 Bennett Avenue, and Samuel Smith, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Smith, Parsons Street, all "This does not necessarily mean that the construction of the pool would have to wait on the com CHARLES W. KRESS, former g00d condition at Tompkins mayor, was back in town for County Hospital, Ithaca. They 01 mngnamion. Also, William Hallenbeck III.

son of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Hallenbeck. and Willard Olmstearl.

son plete filling of Stow Flats. After a detailed location plan, showing also: all future park, recreational and "a oimstead both pf Greene; William Anderson ACCEPTED the resignation of Mrs. Irene Duryea. police court clerk and son of Mr. and Mrs.

Herbert Ander until 1 p. m. Wednesday and Mr. Muller was released in custody of his employer at the Bel Moni-co restaurant, 161 Court Street, where he is a bartender. Sheriff's men arrested Mr.

Muller about 3 a. m. after, they said, his car sideswiped a tractor-trailer in Upper Court Street east of the city line. Elmer G. Wells, 49, of Auburn RD 1 was driving the tractor-trailer west.

The car was eastbound. operatively by owners of receivers, who pay annual fees to support the networks and thus eliminate advertising. AGRICULTURE SIMILAR Sugar beets are the dominant crop in his part of The Neither-lands, Mr. Vos said. Vast cornfields of the Midwestern United States have no equal in his country, he added.

Otherwise, he said, agriculture of the two countries is similar. a few days from Washington (he arf always registers and enrolls Williams. 44. of i. ii- 100 Clark Street, compound frac- order to vote here) pulling news-jtlIres to her right ankle and cuts paperman's legs by asking joviaily to her scalp; and her daughter, how' come nobody fias written alMiss Shirley Williams, 16, brain dop.

story yet that he might bejJ.6- assistant deputy municipal clerk, and appointed Mrs. Edith Kirkeeaard son, 156 North Broad Street, and Sally Child, daughter of Mr. and of 312 Roosevelt Avenue, Endicott. Mrs. Richard Child, 64 Pleasant pal ckUig, aiiu a vau 1 111 1 11.

uas been made and approved, then the area where the pool is to be located could be developed first." Mr. McNamara offered to proceed with drafting of this plan if to replace her in the street, Dotn of Norwich. Also, Joan Grant, daughter of Mr. joint clerkship. and Mrs.

Charles T. Grant, 120 Lewis HANDED to the Traffic Commitiea schools In Endicott, Endwell Junior High School, and central schools in Vestal, Maine, Har-pursville, Windsor and the Susquehanna Valley Central School District A pair of rats will be given to the Deposit Central School Oct. 15, Miss Watt said. Rats are from the Bainbridge masterminding somebody's cam Tompkins County sheriff's dep street, vestal, and Sheril Koon. for study and a report a request bv the police department for a Darkin? council endorses his preference daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Kenneth Koon, Johnson City. RD1 for Stow Flats. ban covering the west side of Crocker Avenue, a narrow street. Mr.

Muller's car, was towed to Smith and Anderson are en VOTED to erant permission to rolled in the university's Air a garage as ne was taicen to Broome County Jail whert he Olum'i Furniture Co. to install a force and Naval Reserve Officers paign in the mayoralty election. Jake Pitler, the Main Street baseballer, becoming one of the most familiar figures In the United States this week as the TV cameras follow the play at first base during the series. He's driveway entrance from Willow The Vos farm, near the Belgian border, is 150 acres, of which 50 acres provide grazing for a herd of 80 dairy cattle. Sugar beets, potatoes and peas are the crops.

The Dutch farmer will help uties said Miss Totten told them she was traveling north when an oncoming car turned across the highway in front of her. She said she applied her brakes suddenly and Mrs. Williams, sitting in the front seat, was thrown across her feet. 'Miss Totten said she then lost was held until his arraignment Street to a store parking lot at the Mayhood Faces Driving Charges Training Corps units, respectively. Anderson holds a schol arship in the naval unit, Main Street-Willow Street intersection, and approved the removal of one parking meter to make way for the driveway.

War Dads Women Four of the other students hold eight scholarships among with the chores on the Kleme dairy farm and attend meetings Home Bureau to Meet William E. Mayhood, 53, of HEART Trustee Brigham P. Thorn- control of the car and it left Hold Election Whitney Point, Box 38, was of farm organizations to speak on them, including four state schol Court Home Bureau will meet son report on the groundbreaking last Sunday for the St. John's Ukra-nian Orthodox Church recreation the highway and landed on its arships, two local scholarships at the home of Mn Pierce Kin ged in Broome County Jail Dutch farming. He will leave Oct.

27 for a visit to the State College of Agriculture at Cornell building in Virginia Avenue. and two granted by the Univer sity of Rochester. HEARD Mayor Stocum" report on tomorrow. Mrs. Carl Clark of the, nango Forks.

executive committee will be the Mrs. Elizabeth Townsend, 32 James Street, was elected president of American War Dads Auxiliary 18 at a meeting held last night at her home. Other officers elected were: Vice-president. Mrs. Hazel Schoon- guest of honor, the proposed opening of a dumping ground for tree-and-brush, waste east of the Virginia Avenue municipal playground.

REFERRED to the Public Works Committee a Question by Mayor Sto- before returning home Oct. 31 by ship from New York City. P-TA Notes Rosary Society Meeting Rosary Society of St. Cather Bake Sale Oct. 15 right side in an eight-foot culvert.

The car was damaged in the front and right side. 2 Women Escape Apparent Injury In Car Mishap Two women escaped apparent ine's Catholic Church, Hillcrest, cum on the necessity for drainage requirements for private off-street will install new oficers at a meet Kirkwood Parent-Teacher As The Ezras Torah Society will Sheriff's men said one or more charges would be lodged against the motorist who was to be arraigned later today. Deputies reported that Mr. Mayhood was driving south near the Chenango Forks church when his car left the road and struck a tree on the west side. 1 After striking the tree, the ve over; treasurer, Mrs.

Editn uiDDons; secretary. Mrs. Gladys McCaffrey; first chaplain. Mrs. Jennie Donnelley; parking areas.

sociation will meet at Kirkwood sponsor its annual bake sale Oct ing at 8:15 p. m. tomorrow at the church. A candlelight tea and card party will be held after the second chaplain, Mrs. Lena Murray; village School at 8 o'clock to-i 15 in Fowler's basem*nt during Dinner at Temple LaPoint, and i3 wjont Representatives from East store hours.

Mrs. Henry Shane business meeting. Annual dinner of Binghamton arms. Mrs. Anna Hopkins.

junior win ue Bici.eis. us gcuejai inauuiou. Lodge 177, will be held at 7:30 p. m. Oct.

21 at the Istanbul Grows injury yesterday afternoon when an automobile rolled over into a Dodger coach. Dr. and Mrs. Manuel Mon-serrate, on a tour of Europe for even weeks, celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary in Madrid. They have returned home The Broome County Medical Society's monthly journal says that Dr.

Harry I. Fulton is going to Fresno, to practice. Men-dell Peterson of the Smithsonian Institute was in town last week, said the chances of the Smithsonian and Ed Link of ever finding any Spanish gold on the bottom of the Atlantic are almost non-existent. He Mid the ancient Spaniards them-elvec salvaged the treasure aoon after the ships came afoul of the Florida reefs. Link's 1100,000 shrimp boat, headquarters of the underwater expedition, is concentrating on historical finds.

Masonic Temple, instead of at the hicle continued south to the north end of the bridge over the Chenango River where, deputies said, it struck the sidewalk. The car then continued across Scouting Along the Weather Front Arlington Hotel as previously an a gully at the intersection of Route 12 and the Knapp Hill Koad at Chenango Forks. Istanbul (U.R) Istanbul's population has increased 60 per cent in the past five years. In 1948, the city's population was 800,000. Today, unofficial figures put it at 1,300,000.

nounced. Raymond C. Ellis, New York City deputy grand master of New York State Masons, will They are Viola Sheridan, 52. 4 I N'OHM S. WlATHt WUIHt IUMAU M4' the bridge, coming to a stop at the south end next to guard rails.

The vehicle was towed to a garage as Mr. Mayhood was be guest of honor. of 13 Mechanic Street, Oxford, who was driving the car, and Mrs. Catherine Hamilton, 73, of Jersey City, N. J.

Sheriff's men said the Oxford July 16 Tipsy Driving fount Reduced, Driver Fined $50 woman was driving north around a curve and upgrade to the rail By S. Weather Bureau Tot Binghamton and vicinity: Cloudy, windy and colder tonight and Wednesday, with a few scattered showers. Low tonight 35-40. High Wednesday 40-45. For Interior Eastern New York: Cloudy, windy, and colder lonight and Wednesday with a few scattered showers.

Low tonight 32-40. For Western New York: Cloudy, windy, and cooler tonight, low 32-40. Wednesday partly cloudy and quite cool. For New York City Area: Cloudy and cool with light rain tonight. Low 45.

Wednesday fair and windy, and continued rather cool. High around 55. Barometer reading at 9 a. m. taken to JaiL Binghamtonian's Car in Accident Binghamton Prest Bureau Owego Mrs.

Marion Ferbegk, road overhead entering the village when she said she lightly touched the brake pedal. The car, a 1949 Hudson club Raymond Bronson, 31, of the Town of Kirkwood, who was ar coupe, went into a skid. After hitting two guardrail anchor 63; of 363 Orange Street, Roches rods and breaking them off, the ter, received a laceratioh of the (Falling) vehicle turned over at least twice rested on a drunken driving charge last July 16, today pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of reckless driving, second offense. Official temperature at midnight 45 forehead as the result of a two- and landed upside down in a Young Motorist Reports Mishap OfficiaP temperature at 7:30 a. m.

deep gully. 48 today Official temperature at P. m. Uw Ttmpcrcrtum eni Arts Jif' vlv Prtpi(tft Uptt4 TobisM 70f Mj Ni 4 car collision in West Main Street yesterday afternoon. Operators of the cars, according to Owego police, were Arthur Ferbegk, 65, husband of the injured woman, and Donald P.

Mil- yesterday 47 Maximum temperature yesterday 54 Minimum temperature last night 45 Mean year ago today was 46 Harvey Greenblott, 17, of 4 Mitchell Avenue, reported to city Two years ago today it was 57 police yesterday afternoon that W. Hummell, 37, of Kirkwood RD 1: Edward B. Nowakowski, 27, of Syracuse, and Sherman M. Lewis, 34, also of Syracuse. The accident occurred when the cars, all southbound toward the New York-Pennsylvania state line, were signaled to stop by Deputy Sheriff Floyd Avis who was directing traffic at the scene of another accident The Bronson car failed to stop.

Mr. Hummell and Mrs. Nowakowski were slightly injured, but were not taken to a hospital. The first accident involved cars being driven in opposite directions by former Mayor Frank Zuber, 77, of Norwich, and Robert Mahran, 22, of Monroe. No one was hurt in this tieup although the Zubtr car left the road and traveled come 200 feet Into a field.

58 i ler, 49, of 5 Hamilton Street, Atffrf ft Art Meeting at Church Fairview Home Bureau Unit will hold a business meeting at the Fairview Methodist Church at 1:15 p. m. tomorrow. Hostesses are Mrs. Frank Randall and Mrs.

Edward A. Truax. Miss Charla Hull will speak on proposed amendments of the State Five years ago today it was Precipitation yesterday to midnight Sun rises tomorrow at 6:06 a. m. Sun sets tomorrow at 5:38 p.

m. Atftwt Dntt Wind FW Justice of the Peace Julian Campbell, Town of Kirkwood, who fined the motorist $50 and withheld a 30-day jail term, said the charge was reduced at the request of the district attorney's office. The defendant was represented by former District Attorney Samuel W. Bernstein. Mr.

Bronson, who had been at liberty in bail since arrest, was arrested by sheriff's men after a four-car accident in the Kirkwood Road. Two persons were slightly injured in the accident. the accident involved cars operated by Mr. Bronson, Harry he suffered a back injury in a two-car accident on the Washington Street bridge. The young motorist said he was driving north over the bridge when another northbound car operated by Mrs.

H. K. Downe of A. OM 10 A 157 Oct. 4,1951 Temperatures In Other cities H'fht and Uwt tnrim Both cars were traveling east, when Mr.

Miller, who was in the lead, attempted to make a left turn from Main into Williams Street. The Ferbegk car, in the H. L. H. L.

I Boston 65 57 Miami BS 74 Buffalo SO 4,1 Minneapolis 62 3ft Chicago 70 47 New Orleans 7 70 1 Cleveland 5 40 New York S3 Detroit 65 41 Philadelphia 75 56 Harrisbur 64 52 Pittsburgh SS 45 Jacksonville 64 St. Louis 66 46 LosAnaeles 100 SS Syracuse 8 47 1 Massena S7 42 Washington 78 61 Associated Preti W1REPHOTO Map MORE RAIN is forecast for tonight in New York State, New England, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, with some shower activity in western Washington and Oregon. Generally fair weather is expected elsewhere throughout the nation. Rochester skidded and the vehicles were in collision. Young Greenblott told police lie would be treated by his family physician.

Don't pass up profit! Make quick cash through Press Classified ads, through selling, renting, etc. Phone 2-3411. Mrs. Ferbegk W8s treated by.

Press and Sun-Bulletin from Binghamton, New York (2024)


What newspapers are in Broome County NY? ›

The Binghamton sun and the daily bulletin. Continues: Binghamton sun (Binghamton, N.Y. : Daily) AND Daily bulletin (Endicott, N.Y.) Continued by: Sun-bulletin (Binghamton, N.Y.) Continues: Sun (Binghamton, N.Y.)

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Congressman Marcus J. Molinaro was elected to serve New York's 19th Congressional District in November 2022.

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The Fayetteville Observer is an American English-language daily newspaper published in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Founded in 1816, it is the oldest local newspaper published in North Carolina.

What newspapers are in Schoharie County NY? ›

The Mountain Eagle - Including the Schoharie News, Catskills Chronicle, Tri-County News, Cobleskill Herald, and Windham Weekly.

What are the biggest New York City newspapers? ›

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The Orlando Sentinel, founded in 1876, is the primary daily newspaper in Orlando, Florida.


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