Package Repositories - Proxmox VE (2024)

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Proxmox VE uses APT as itspackage management tool like any other Debian-based system.

Proxmox VE automatically checks for package updates on a daily basis. The root@pamuser is notified via email about available updates. From the GUI, theChangelog button can be used to see more details about an selected update.

Repositories in Proxmox VE

Repositories are a collection of software packages, they can be used to installnew software, but are also important to get new updates.

Package Repositories - Proxmox VE (1)You need valid Debian and Proxmox repositories to get the latestsecurity updates, bug fixes and new features.

APT Repositories are defined in the file /etc/apt/sources.list and in .listfiles placed in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/.

Repository Management

Since Proxmox VE 7, you can check the repository state in the web interface.The node summary panel shows a high level status overview, while the separateRepository panel shows in-depth status and list of all configuredrepositories.

Basic repository management, for example, activating or deactivating arepository, is also supported.


In a sources.list file, each line defines a package repository. The preferredsource must come first. Empty lines are ignored. A # character anywhere on aline marks the remainder of that line as a comment. The available packages froma repository are acquired by running apt-get update. Updates can be installeddirectly using apt-get, or via the GUI (Node → Updates).


deb bookworm main contribdeb bookworm-updates main contrib# security updatesdeb bookworm-security main contrib

Proxmox VE provides three different package repositories.

Proxmox VE Enterprise Repository

This is the recommended repository and available for all Proxmox VE subscriptionusers. It contains the most stable packages and is suitable for production use.The pve-enterprise repository is enabled by default:


deb bookworm pve-enterprise

Please note that you need a valid subscription key to access thepve-enterprise repository. We offer different support levels, which you canfind further details about at

Package Repositories - Proxmox VE (3)You can disable this repository by commenting out the above line using a# (at the start of the line). This prevents error messages if your host doesnot have a subscription key. Please configure the pve-no-subscriptionrepository in that case.

Proxmox VE No-Subscription Repository

As the name suggests, you do not need a subscription key to accessthis repository. It can be used for testing and non-productionuse. It’s not recommended to use this on production servers, as thesepackages are not always as heavily tested and validated.

We recommend to configure this repository in /etc/apt/sources.list.


deb bookworm main contribdeb bookworm-updates main contrib# Proxmox VE pve-no-subscription repository provided by,# NOT recommended for production usedeb bookworm pve-no-subscription# security updatesdeb bookworm-security main contrib

Proxmox VE Test Repository

This repository contains the latest packages and is primarily used by developersto test new features. To configure it, add the following line to/etc/apt/sources.list:

sources.list entry for

deb bookworm pvetest
Package Repositories - Proxmox VE (4)The pvetest repository should (as the name implies) only be used fortesting new features or bug fixes.

Ceph Reef Enterprise Repository

This repository holds the enterprise Proxmox VE Ceph 18.2 Reef packages. They aresuitable for production. Use this repository if you run the Ceph client or afull Ceph cluster on Proxmox VE.


deb bookworm enterprise

Ceph Reef No-Subscription Repository

This Ceph repository contains the Ceph 18.2 Reef packages before they are movedto the enterprise repository and after they where on the test repository.

Package Repositories - Proxmox VE (5)It’s recommended to use the enterprise repository for productionmachines.


deb bookworm no-subscription

Ceph Reef Test Repository

This Ceph repository contains the Ceph 18.2 Reef packages before they are movedto the main repository. It is used to test new Ceph releases on Proxmox VE.


deb bookworm test

Ceph Quincy Enterprise Repository

This repository holds the enterprise Proxmox VE Ceph Quincy packages. They aresuitable for production. Use this repository if you run the Ceph client or afull Ceph cluster on Proxmox VE.


deb bookworm enterprise

Ceph Quincy No-Subscription Repository

This Ceph repository contains the Ceph Quincy packages before they are movedto the enterprise repository and after they where on the test repository.

Package Repositories - Proxmox VE (6)It’s recommended to use the enterprise repository for productionmachines.


deb bookworm no-subscription

Ceph Quincy Test Repository

This Ceph repository contains the Ceph Quincy packages before they are movedto the main repository. It is used to test new Ceph releases on Proxmox VE.


deb bookworm test

Older Ceph Repositories

Proxmox VE 8 doesn’t support Ceph Pacific, Ceph Octopus, or even older releases forhyper-converged setups. For those releases, you need to first upgrade Ceph to anewer release before upgrading to Proxmox VE 8.

See the respectiveupgrade guide for details.

Debian Firmware Repository

Starting with Debian Bookworm (Proxmox VE 8) non-free firmware (as defined byDFSG) has been moved to thenewly created Debian repository component non-free-firmware.

Enable this repository if you want to set upEarly OS Microcode Updates or need additionalRuntime Firmware Files not alreadyincluded in the pre-installed package pve-firmware.

To be able to install packages from this component, runeditor /etc/apt/sources.list, append non-free-firmware to the end of repository line and run apt update.


The Release files in the repositories are signed with GnuPG. APT is usingthese signatures to verify that all packages are from a trusted source.

If you install Proxmox VE from an official ISO image, the key for verification isalready installed.

If you install Proxmox VE on top of Debian, download and installthe key with the following commands:

 # wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/proxmox-release-bookworm.gpg

Verify the checksum afterwards with the sha512sum CLI tool:

# sha512sum /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/proxmox-release-bookworm.gpg7da6fe34168adc6e479327ba517796d4702fa2f8b4f0a9833f5ea6e6b48f6507a6da403a274fe201595edc86a84463d50383d07f64bdde2e3658108db7d6dc87 /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/proxmox-release-bookworm.gpg

or the md5sum CLI tool:

# md5sum /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/proxmox-release-bookworm.gpg41558dc019ef90bd0f6067644a51cf5b /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/proxmox-release-bookworm.gpg

Proxmox VE 7.x Repositories

Proxmox VE 7.x is based on Debian 11.x (“bullseye”). Please note that this releaseis out of date (see the FAQ support table). Existinginstallations should be updated. Nevertheless access to these repositories isstill provided.

Repository sources.list entry

Proxmox VE 7.x Enterprise

deb bullseye pve-enterprise

Proxmox VE 7.x No-Subscription

deb bullseye pve-no-subscription

Proxmox VE 7.x Test

deb bullseye pvetest

Release key URL:

Release key hash sums:

sha512sum /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/proxmox-release-bullseye.gpg7fb03ec8a1675723d2853b84aa4fdb49a46a3bb72b9951361488bfd19b29aab0a789a4f8c7406e71a69aabbc727c936d3549731c4659ffa1a08f44db8fdcebfamd5sum /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/proxmox-release-bullseye.gpgbcc35c7173e0845c0d6ad6470b70f50e

Proxmox VE 6.x Repositories

Proxmox VE 6.x is based on Debian 10.x (“buster”). Please note that this release isout of date. Existing installations should be updated. Nevertheless access tothese repositories is still provided.

Repository sources.list entry

Proxmox VE 6.x Enterprise

deb buster pve-enterprise

Proxmox VE 6.x No-Subscription

deb buster pve-no-subscription

Proxmox VE 6.x Test

deb buster pvetest

Proxmox VE 5.x Repositories

Proxmox VE 5.x is based on Debian 9.x (“stretch”). Please note that this release isout of date. Existing installations should be updated. Nevertheless access tothese repositories is still provided.

Repository sources.list entry

Proxmox VE 5.x Enterprise

deb stretch pve-enterprise

Proxmox VE 5.x No-Subscription

deb stretch pve-no-subscription

Proxmox VE 5.x Test

deb stretch pvetest

Proxmox VE 4.x Repositories

Proxmox VE 4.x is based on Debian 8.x (“jessie”). Please note that this release isout of date. Existing installations should be updated. Nevertheless access tothese repositories is still provided.

Repository sources.list entry

Proxmox VE 4.x Enterprise

deb jessie pve-enterprise

Proxmox VE 4.x No-Subscription

deb jessie pve-no-subscription

Proxmox VE 4.x Test

deb jessie pvetest

Proxmox VE 3.x Repositories

Proxmox VE 3.x is based on Debian 7.x (“wheezy”). Please note that this release isout of date. Existing installations should be updated. Nevertheless access tothese repositories is still provided.

Repository sources.list entry

Proxmox VE 3.x Enterprise

deb wheezy pve-enterprise

Proxmox VE 3.x No-Subscription

deb wheezy pve-no-subscription

Proxmox VE 3.x Test

deb wheezy pvetest

Outdated: stable Repository pve

This repository is a leftover to ease the update to 3.1. It will not get anyupdates after the release of 3.1. Therefore the repository needs to be removedafter the upgrade to 3.1.


deb wheezy main contrib# PVE packages provided by - NO UPDATES after the initial release of 3.1# deb wheezy pve# security updatesdeb wheezy/updates main contrib

Outdated: Proxmox VE 2.x Repositories

Proxmox VE 2.x is based on Debian 6.0 (“squeeze”) and outdated. Please upgrade tothe latest version as soon as possible. In order to use the stable pve 2.xrepository, check your sources.list:


deb squeeze main contrib# PVE packages provided by proxmox.comdeb squeeze pve# security updatesdeb squeeze/updates main contrib

Outdated: Proxmox VE VE 1.x Repositories

Proxmox VE 1.x is based on Debian 5.0 (“lenny”) and very outdated. Please upgradeto latest version as soon as possible.

Package Repositories - Proxmox VE (2024)


How do I add repositories to Proxmox? ›

Use the following steps to set up the Proxmox package repository:
  1. Open the repository source file using any favorite text editor: #nano /etc/apt/sources.list.
  2. Save the file and exit the editor.
  3. Run the following command to update the repositories: #apt-get update.

What package manager does proxmox use? ›

APT-based Proxmox Backup Client Repository

For modern Linux distributions using apt as package manager, like all Debian and Ubuntu Derivative do, you may be able to use the APT-based repository.

Do you need a subscription to Proxmox? ›

Proxmox Subscriber

No, you need a community support subscription. You can install Proxmox without any subscription (of any kind), which is identical to the community edition except for the "nag screen" and it gets updates earlier (if you chose to install updates).

How do I disable enterprise repository in Proxmox? ›

Proxmox VE Enterprise Repository

You can disable this repository by commenting out the above line using a # (at the start of the line). This prevents error messages if your host does not have a subscription key. Please configure the pve-no-subscription repository in that case.

How can I add a repository? ›

Create a repository
  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, select , then click New repository.
  2. Type a short, memorable name for your repository. ...
  3. Optionally, add a description of your repository. ...
  4. Choose a repository visibility. ...
  5. Select Initialize this repository with a README.
  6. Click Create repository.

How do I import repositories? ›

Importing a repository with GitHub Importer
  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click , and then click Import repository.
  2. On the "Import your project to GitHub" page, enter the URL for the remote repository hosted on another platform.
  3. If the source repository is private, enter credentials for authentication.

Which companies use Proxmox? ›

Customers of Proxmox
CustomersEmployee RangeCity
Robert Half International, Inc.10,000+Menlo Park
Nokia Corporation10,000+Espoo
Deere & Company10,000+Moline
6 more rows

What Linux distro is Proxmox based on? ›

Proxmox Virtual Environment is based on Debian GNU/Linux and uses a custom Linux Kernel. The Proxmox VE source code is free, released under the GNU Affero General Public License, v3 (GNU AGPLv3).

Does Proxmox use grub or systemd? ›

For legacy BIOS systems, and EFI systems with Secure Boot enabled, GRUB is used, for EFI systems without Secure Boot, systemd-boot is used.

Is Proxmox better than ESXi? ›

ESXi excels for large enterprises needing maximum uptime, performance, and scalability to run demanding workloads. Proxmox suits small to mid-sized organizations requiring virtualization on a budget, with enough power and flexibility for most workloads.

Should I use Docker in Proxmox? ›

You might want to run traditional applications on Proxmox while using Docker to run application containers. For specific applications that need full operating systems, you can run Proxmox vs Docker. However, if you need portable applications and microservices, you can run Docker on Proxmox.

What is the benefit of Proxmox enterprise repository? ›

Subscriptions provide access to the default and most stable package repository, the Proxmox Enterprise Repository, thus delivering reliable software updates and security enhancements, as well as enterprise-grade technical support.

Is Proxmox still free? ›

Proxmox itself is completely free to download and deploy without any cost. But a subscription offers an added level of stability to any node used in a production environment. Both free and subscribed versions have separate repositories and receive updates differently.

Is Proxmox fully open source? ›

Proxmox Virtual Environment is a complete open-source platform for enterprise virtualization.

How do I delete unused disks in Proxmox? ›

To be able to delete them, you need to tell Proxmox to relate the disks to the VM and them remove them from the VM config. On node h63, use qm scan --vmid 114 . It should find the orphan drives and link them to the VM configuration. If not, issue the command a second time.

How do I add a local repository? ›

Initializing a Git repository
  1. Open Terminal .
  2. Navigate to the root directory of your project.
  3. Initialize the local directory as a Git repository. By default, the initial branch is called main . ...
  4. Add the files in your new local repository. ...
  5. Commit the files that you've staged in your local repository.

How do I add a repository to terminal? ›

A new repo from an existing project
  1. Go into the directory containing the project.
  2. Type git init .
  3. Type git add to add all of the relevant files.
  4. You'll probably want to create a . gitignore file right away, to indicate all of the files you don't want to track. Use git add . gitignore , too.
  5. Type git commit .

How do I add remote repositories? ›

Adding a remote repository

To add a new remote, use the git remote add command on the terminal, in the directory your repository is stored at. The git remote add command takes two arguments: A remote name, for example, origin.

How do I enable repositories? ›

To enable a particular repository or repositories, run the following command as the root user: yum-config-manager --enable repository… Alternatively, you can use a global regular expression to enable all matching Yum repositories: yum-config-manager --enable glob_expression…


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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Views: 6326

Rating: 4 / 5 (71 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.