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Online only material (Online supplement)

Determinants and outcomes of physical activity in patients with chronic

obstructive pulmonary disease: a systematic review

Elena Gimeno-Santos, Anja Frei, Claudia Steurer-Stey, Jordi de Batlle, Roberto A

Rabinovich, Yogini Raste, Nicholas S Hopkinson, Michael I Polkey, Hans van

Remoortel, Thierry Troosters, Karoly Kulich, Niklas Karlsson, Milo A Puhan and Judith

Garcia-Aymerich on behalf of PROactive consortium

Online supplement 1. Protocol for systematic review.

Online supplement 2. Search strategy and results in 4 databases.

Online supplement 3. Form for guidance of title and abstract screening process.

Online supplement 4. Form for guidance of full text assessment process.

Online supplement 5. Details on methods of data extraction and quality assessment.

Online supplement Table 1. Reason for exclusion after full text assessment and data

extraction process.

Online supplement Table 2. Design, patients‟ characteristics and instruments for

measuring physical activity of 86 studies reporting associations between physical

activity and its determinants or outcomes in COPD patients.

Online supplement Table 3a. Determinants covered by at least 2 articles and their

association with physical activity, grouped in main categories and sorted by

alphabetical order.

Online supplement Table 3b. Other potential determinants (only evidenced in 1 study)

and their association with physical activity, grouped in main categories and sorted by

alphabetical order.

Online supplement Table 4a. Outcomes covered by at least 2 articles and their

association with physical activity, grouped in main categories and sorted by

alphabetical order.

Online supplement Table 4b. Other potential outcomes (only evidence in 1 study) and

their association with physical activity, grouped in main categories and sorted by

alphabetical order.

Online supplement references.

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Online supplement 1. Protocol for systematic review.

The next 10 pages contain the original protocol for the systematic review about

“Determinants and outcomes of physical activity in COPD patients” that was approved

by the PROactive consortium in October 6th, 2010.

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Online supplement 2. Search strategy and results in 4 databases.

We performed searches in the databases Medline, Embase, CINAHL and Psychinfo

using the following search terms: chronic obstructive lung disease, chronic bronchitis,

emphysema, physical activity, motor activity, activity of daily living, physical inactivity,

risk factors, outcome assessment, randomized controlled trial, experimental studies,

cohort studies, cross-sectional studies, longitudinal studies. All publications prior to

November 2012 (the time of the most recent search) were included. Additionally, we

also performed manual searches of (i) all references listed in retrieved full-text articles

and (ii) the first 50 references (sorted by link ranking) from PubMed‟s “Related Articles”

search filter of retrieved full-text articles. We also contacted external scientists on this

topic to identify further articles.

The bibliographic details of all retrieved articles were stored in a RefWorks-COS file.

We removed duplicate records resulting from the various database searches. The

source of identified articles (database, hand search, and researcher contacts) was

recorded in a “user defined field” of the RefWorks-COS file. An additional “user

defined field” was assigned to individual reviewers where they recorded their decision

for in- and exclusion.

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Online supplement 3. Form for guidance of title and abstract screening process.

Inclusion Criteria


- Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

- Other populations including COPD patients:

- if they report results separately for each disease order full text (1)

- if they don‟t report the results separately and COPD population is ≥90% order full

text (1)

- if they don‟t report the results separately and COPD population is <90% exclude


- if the abstract doesn‟t explicit the previous points order full text (1)

Type of article:

Articles that consider:

- measures of physical activity (PA) (any activity monitors and questionnaires -see

below list of questionnaires which we should consider);

- and any other variable that is associated/correlated with PA, as potential

determinant/outcome (e.g. age, BMI, co-morbidities, FEV1, systemic inflammation,

exacerbations, health care use, dyspnea, quality of life, exercise capacity, social

participation, etc).

Note: we won‟t consider PA as measures of fitness/exercise capacity (e.g. 6MWT)

Study design:

- Longitudinal observational studies: prospective and retrospective studies.

- Experimental studies if have “physical activity” as an outcome.

- Cross-sectional studies.

- Validation of PA instruments if they include associations with other variables.

Exclusion criteria

Language restrictions: none

If the Abstract is not clear enough on the eligibility criteria or does not contain the necessary

information please be conservative and order full text (1)

Use your user filed to classify title & abstract screening in RefWorks file:

0 = exclude

1 = order for full text

2 = related study that may be useful reference

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List of questionnaires to be consider in this review:

- The Activities Checklist, Arbuckle, 1994

- Zutphen Physical Activity Questionnaire, Caspersen, 1991

- The Adelaide Activities Profile (AAP), Clark, 1995

- The Customary Activity Questionnaire, Dallosso, 1988

- The YALE Physical Activity Survey for Older Adults (YPAS), Dipietro, 1993

- Meaningful Activity Participation Assessment (MAPA), Eakman, 2007

- The Lifetime Total Physical Activity Questionnaire, Friedenreich, 1998

- The Physical Activity Questionnaire, Liu, 2001

- The Veterans Specific Activity Questionnaire (VSAQ), Myers, 1994

- The Physical Activity and Disability Survey (PADS), Rimmer, 2001

- The LSA Physical Activity Questionnaire (LAPAQ), Stel, 2003

- CHAMPS Physical Activity Questionnaire, Stewart, 2001

- Physical activity questionnaire, Voorrips, 1991

- The Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE), Washburn, 1993

- Scale of Older Adults‟ Routine (SOAR), Zisberg, 2005

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Online supplement 4. Form for guidance of full text assessment process.

Decide on in- and exclusion of study based on the full text and the following inclusion

criteria (Systematic review 5 – Conceptual model)

Reviewer: 1st Author: Year: Language:

Inclusion criteria:

1. Patients with COPD defined by spirometry (any definition as long as it is

based on spirometry such as the current one: FEV1/FVC <0.7 and FEV1 in

% predicted <80%) (NOTE: consider also item a in case of other


Yes / No

a. Other populations including COPD patients: the authors report results

separately for each disease or they don‟t report the results separately

but COPD population (also by spirometry) is ≥90%

Yes / No

2. Study considers measurement of PA1

(activity monitor or questionnaire (see


Yes / No

3. Study considers any measurements that may be (at least one):

a. a determinant of PA in COPD (defined using any measure of

association (e.g. OR, HR, etc.) but not an agreement measure

(correlation coefficient, Bland-Altman plot, p-value for mean

difference, etc.)) or

b. an outcome of PA in COPD (defined using any measure of association

(e.g. OR, HR, etc.) but not an agreement measure (correlation

coefficient, Bland-Altman plot, p-value for mean difference, etc.))

Yes / No

4. Study design is:

- longitudinal observational studies (prospective and retrospective) or

- experimental studies if have PA as an outcome / determinant or

- cross-sectional studies or

- validation of PA instruments if they include associations with other


Yes / No

If not included, specify reasons below:

Study doesn‟t show an association measure, but an agreement measure (correlation

coefficient, Bland-Altman plot, p-value for mean difference, etc.)

Not relevant patient group

Study does not consider PA1

PA is measured as exercise/fitness capacity (eg: 6-minute walk distance, maximal

exercise test)

Article presents data from review and no primary data

Other: __________________________________________________________

Final decision: Include Exclude

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*Questionnaires need to include, according to the definition by Caspersen, a quantitative

measure of PA (e.g. time spent at x METs) or ADL or I-ADL. Examples of PA

questionnaires include but are not restricted to:

- The Activities Checklist, Arbuckle, 1994

- Zutphen Physical Activity Questionnaire, Caspersen, 1991

- The Adelaide Activities Profile (AAP), Clark, 1995

- The Customary Activity Questionnaire, Dallosso, 1988

- The YALE Physical Activity Survey for Older Adults (YPAS), Dipietro, 1993

- Meaningful Activity Participation Assessment (MAPA), Eakman, 2007

- The Lifetime Total Physical Activity Questionnaire, Friedenreich, 1998

- The Physical Activity Questionnaire, Liu, 2001

- The Veterans Specific Activity Questionnaire (VSAQ), Myers, 1994

- The Physical Activity and Disability Survey (PADS), Rimmer, 2001

- The LSA Physical Activity Questionnaire (LAPAQ), Stel, 2003

- CHAMPS Physical Activity Questionnaire, Stewart, 2001

- Physical activity questionnaire, Voorrips, 1991

- The Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE), Washburn, 1993

- Scale of Older Adults‟ Routine (SOAR), Zisberg, 2005

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Online supplement 5. Details on methods of data extraction and quality


The following information was extracted from each included study: (i) bibliographic

details such as first author, year, journal, and aim of the study; (ii) study description

such as study design, setting, recruitment method, study group characteristics (sample

size, sex, age, smoking habit, lung function parameters, dyspnoea, body mass index

(BMI)); (iii) measurement of physical activity such as direct and/or indirect measure,

and physical activity variables; (iv) information related to determinants of physical

activity (if any) such as determinant name, estimate of the association, statistical test or

model, and covariates; (v) information related to outcomes of physical activity (if any)

such as outcome name, estimate of the association, statistical test or model, and

covariates; and (vi) comments from the reviewers. In studies that compared COPD

patients with healthy subjects, we extracted only data for the COPD group.

The GRADE approach is used by more than 70 organizations to establish the

confidence in effect estimates based on the underlying quality of the evidence. This

approach rates the quality of evidence for each variable across studies, this does not

rate each study as a single unit. Four reviewers assessed the quality of evidence for

each association and reached a consensus on the final rating. Each association started

at ++++ (high quality = high confidence that the true effect lies close to that of the

estimate of the effect and more studies are unlikely to change the estimate) and was

downgraded for specific reasonsS88 S89. The criteria, all of them referring to threats to

validity, to up- or downgrade the confidence in effect estimates were: (i) direction of

association; (ii) control for confounding; (iii) consistency of association across studies;

(iv) strength of association; (v) directness; (vi) applicability of results to a broader

COPD population; (vii) precision; (viii) other: e.g. publication bias or different measures

of physical activity. For each threat to validity, we downgraded the confidence rating by

-1 but did not further downgrade if the quality was very low (i.e., there is a little

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confidence in the effect estimate, the true effect is likely to be substantially different

from the estimate of effect and more studies are very likely to change the estimate).

The assessment of the quality of evidence for this systematic review was focused on

those determinants and outcomes of physical activity assessed by at least 2


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Online supplement Table 1. Reason for exclusion after full text assessment and

data extraction process.

Reference Reason for exclusion

Abdellaoui, A. 2011, Fund Clin Pharmacol Other: conference abstract

Ade-Oshifogun, J. 2008 Other: conference abstract

Ade-Oshifogun, J. 2009 Other: conference abstract

Ade-Oshifogun, J. 2012, J Nurs Scholar No physical activity measure provided

Agarwal, V. 2012, J Cardiopulm Rehab Prev No information on determinants or outcomes of physical activity

Aguilaniu, BC. 2010, Int J Chron Obstruct Pulm Dis

No primary data showed

Al Ahmari, AD. 2011, Am J Respir Crit Care Med

Other: conference abstract

Alcazar, B. 2012, Arch Bronconeumol No physical activity measure provided

Altenburg, WA. 2011, Am J Respir Crit Care Med

Other: conference abstract

Alvarez-Gutierrez, F. 2007, Arch Bronconeumol

No physical activity measure provided

Alvarez-Nemegyei, J. 2006, Rev Med Instit Mex Seg Soc

No relevant population included

Amudhan, SR.2011, Natl Med J India No relevant population included

Ando, M. 2003, Nihon Kokyuki Gakkai Zasshi Other: Japanese language

Anonymous. 2010, Harvard Mens Health Watch

No primary data showed

Antonelli-Incalzi, R. 2007, Dem Geriat Cog Dis

No information on determinants or outcomes of physical activity

Archibald, CJ. 1987, Can J Rehab No physical activity measure provided

Arne,M. 2011. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulm Dis No relevant population included

Arvidsson, D. 2006, Clin Nutr No assumption of directionality

Avdeeva, E. 2000, Klin Med Other: Russian language

Bae, YO. 2003, Tuberc Respir Dis Other: Korean language

Balcells Vilarnau, E. 2007, Arch Bronconeumol

No primary data showed

Barchfeld,T. 1999, Med Klin No assumption of directionality

Batty, G. 2003, Am J Public Health No relevant population included

Bauldoff, G. 2002, Chest No physical activity measure provided

Behnke, M. 2000, Respir Med No physical activity measure provided

Belfer, MH. 2007, COPD No primary data showed

Beling, J. 2009, Cardiopul Phys Ther Journal No physical activity measure provided

Bell, KR. 2004, Arch Phys Med Rehabil No information on determinants or outcomes of physical activity

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Belza, B. 2001, Nurs Res No assumption of directionality

Bentsen,SB. 2010, Patient Educ Couns No physical activity measure provided

Biger, M. 2010, Fundam Clin Pharmacol Other: conference abstract

Bon,JM. 2010, Am J Respir Crit Care Med Other: conference abstract

Bridevaux, PO. 2009, Eur Respir J Sample includes <90% COPD

Burr,JF. 2012, Can Fam Phys No primary data showed

Camillo, C. 2008, Lung No assumption of directionality

Cantley, MEG. 2001 (thesis) No assumption of directionality

Carrieri-Kohlman,V. 2005, J Cardiopulm Rehabil

No physical activity measure provided

Carter, R. 2002, J Cardiopulm Rehabil No assumption of directionality

Carter, R. 2011, JNP No primary data showed

Casaburi, RC. 2007, COPD No primary data showed

Castro, AAM. 2012, Clinics No physical activity measure provided

Cavalheri, V. 2011, Respir Med No assumption of directionality

Cazzola, M.2010, Respir Med Other: short term pharma study

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2001

No relevant population included

Chang, A. 2008, Contemp Clini Trials No primary data showed

Chen, G. 2011, J Cent South Univ (Medical sciences)

Other: Chinise language

Cheng,YJ. 2003, Br J Sports Med No relevant population included

Christensen, CC. 2004, Eur Respir J No physical activity measure provided

Chu, LW. 1999, Gerontology No relevant population included

Cindy Ng, LW. 2012, Disab Rehab No information on determinants or outcomes of physical activity

Clark, N. 2009, Int J Chron Obstruct Pulm Dis No primary data showed

Cohen, MD. 2010, J Cardiopulm Rehabil No assumption of directionality

Cohen, MD.2011, Am J Respir Crit Care Med Other: conference abstract

Cohen,MD. 2012, COPD No information on determinants or outcomes of physical activity

Cooper, CB. 2011, Am J Respir Crit Care Med

Other: conference abstract

Coronell, C. 2004, Eur Respir J No assumption of directionality

Correa, KS. 2011, Rev Brasil Fisioter No assumption of directionality

Costa, F. 2011, Am J respir Crit Care Med Other: conference abstract

Costi, S. 2009, Chest No physical activity measure provided

Covey, MK. 2004, Am J Nurs No primary data showed

Cutaia, M. 2011, Lung No information on determinants or outcomes of physical activity

de Torres, JP. 2006, Health Qual Life No physical activity measure provided

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Dechman, G. 2008, Cardiopulm Phys Ther J No primary data showed

Denkinger, MD. 2012, Z Gerontol Geriatr No relevant population included

DePew, ZS. 2012, Chron Respir Dis No information on determinants or outcomes of physical activity

DePew, ZS. 2013, Respir Care No relevant population included

Dobosz, K. 2007, Fam Med Prim Care Rev Sample includes <90% COPD

Dodd, JW. 2011, Am J Respir Crit Care Med Other: conference abstract

Dolmage ,TE. 2012, Chest No physical activity measure provided

Donaire-Gonzalez, D. 2011, Arch Bronconeumol

No information on determinants or outcomes of physical activity

Donesky-Cuenco, D. 2007, Heart Lung No information on determinants or outcomes of physical activity

Dubbert, PM. 2002, J Gerontology No relevant population included

Dyer, CA. 2012, Physother No information on determinants or outcomes of physical activity

Dyer, CAE. 2002, Thorax No relevant population included

Eakin, EG. 1997, J Health Psych No relevant population included

Eisner, MD. 2008, Am J Med Results not provided for only COPD

Eisner, MD. 2011, Thorax No physical activity measure provided

Emery, CF. 1998, Health Psych No physical activity measure provided

Emery, CF. 2001, Am J Respir Crit Care Med No physical activity measure provided

Emery, CF. 2003, Health Psych No assumption of directionality

Evans, RA. 2011, Chest No physical activity measure provided

Fernandes, FL. 2010, J Bras Pneumol No physical activity measure provided

Folgering, H. 1994, Int J Sports Med No primary data showed

Fong, KN. 2010, Indoor Air No information on determinants or outcomes of physical activity

Frey, JG. 1998, Rev Mal Respir No assumption of directionality

Furlanetto, KC. 2010, Arch Phys Med Rehab No information on determinants or outcomes of physical activity

Gagnon, P. 2011, Am J Respir Crit Care Med Other: conference abstract

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2007, Am J Respir Crit Care Med

No primary data showed

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2009, Arch Bronconeumol

No primary data showed

Garcia-Polo, C. 2012, Respir Med No physical activity measure provided

Garcia-Rio, F. 2011, Chest No physical activity measure provided

Garcia-Rio, FC. 2007, Med Clin No primary data showed

Garfield, BE. 2012, Eur Respir J No assumption of directionality

Garrod, R. 2000, Respir Med No assumption of directionality

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Gause-Nilsson, I. 1999, J Nutr Health Aging No relevant population included

Goris, AHC. 2003, Br J Nutr No assumption of directionality

Gorzelniak, L. 2012, COPD No assumption of directionality

Gosker, HR. 2003, Chest No assumption of directionality

Gouzi, F. 2011, Arch Phys Med Rehab No information on determinants or outcomes of physical activity

Greenland, P. 2001, J Cardiopulm Rehab Other: conference abstract

Grimby, GC. 1977, Bull Eur Physiopathol Respir

No primary data showed

HajGhanbari, B. 2011, Respir Med No assumption of directionality

Hannink, JDC. 2010, Chest No physical activity measure provided

Hartman, JE. 2011, Am J Respir Crit Care Med

Other: conference abstract

Hassanein, SE. 2009, J Cardiopulm Rehab No physical activity measure provided

Haughney, J. 2004, Prim Care Resp J No primary data showed

He, J. 2006, N Engl J Med No primary data showed

Hecht, A. 2009, COPD No assumption of directionality

Heppner, PS. 2006, J Cardiopulm Rehab No physical activity measure provided

Herlitz, J. 2005, Int J Cardiol No relevant population included

Hernandes, NA. 2009, J Bras Pneumol No assumption of directionality

Hill, K. 2010, Thorax No information on determinants or outcomes of physical activity

Hill, K. 2011, Respirology Other: conference abstract

Hill, K. 2012, Chest No information on determinants or outcomes of physical activity

Hirayama, F. 2010, J Phys Act Health No relevant population included

Houchen, L. 2011, Physiotherapy No physical activity measure provided

Hudon, C. 2008, Can Fam Phys No primary data showed

Hukkinen, M. 2009, COPD No relevant population included

Hyland, ME. 1999, Psych Health Med No assumption of directionality

Incalzi, RA. 1998, Respir Med No physical activity measure provided

Incalzi, RA. 2005, Chest No relevant population included

Isoaho, R. 1995, Scand J Prim Health Care No assumption of directionality

Jackson, AS. 2013, Eur Respir J No assumption of directionality

Janssens, T. 2011, Chest No physical activity measure provided

Jardim, JR. 2011, Am J Respir Crit Care Med Other: conference abstract

Jehn, ML. 2011, Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil

Other: conference abstract

Jehn, ML. 2011, Respir Med No assumption of directionality

Jeng, C. 2003, Heart Lung No physical activity measure provided

Jonkers, CC. 2012, Int Psychoger No physical activity measure provided

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Ju, CR. 2011, Respirology Other: conference abstract

Ju,CC. 2009, Respirology Other: conference abstract

Kajiwara, T. 2010, Am J Respir Crit Care Med Other: conference abstract

Kanda, M. 2012, Int Med No information on determinants or outcomes of physical activity

Kanervisto, M. 2010, Chron Respir Dis No physical activity measure provided

Kao, MC. 2011, PM and R Other: conference abstract

Kapella, MC. 2006, Nurs Res No physical activity measure provided

Kapella, MC. 2011, Med Sci Sports Exerc No physical activity measure provided

Kaptein, AA. 1993, Eur Respir J No assumption of directionality

Kato, DJ. 2012, J Cardiopulm Rehab Prev No physical activity measure provided

Katula, JA. 2004, Health Qual Life Outcomes No physical activity measure provided

Katz, P. 2011, J Cardiopulm Rehab Prev No relevant population included

Katz, PP. 2010, Chest Sample includes <90% COPD

Katz, PP. 2010, J Cardiopulm Rehab No relevant population included

Kim, S. 2004, Chest No relevant population included

Kim, SH. 2011, Korean J Fam Med No physical activity measure provided

Kiyokawa, N. 2009, Respirology Other: conference abstract

Kon, SS. 2011, Thorax No primary data showed

Kon, SS. 2011, Thorax Other: conference abstract

Koo, P. 2009, Chest Other: conference abstract

Kovelis, D. 2011, COPD No physical activity measure provided

Kuyucu, T. 2011, Tuberk Toraks No relevant population included

Kwua-Yun, W. 2012, Respir Care No physical activity measure provided

Lahaije, AJ. 2010, Respir Med No information on determinants or outcomes of physical activity

Langer, D. 2009, J Heart Lung Transplant No relevant population included

Langer, D. 2009, Thorax No primary data showed

Langer, D. 2011, Am J Respir Crit Care Med Other: conference abstract

Langer, D. 2012, Respir Med No relevant population included

Lareau, SC. 2005 , Int J Ther Rehabil No primary data showed

Larson, JL. 2007, COPD No primary data showed

Larson, JL. 2011, Am J Respir Crit Cre Med Other: conference abstract

Lautenschlager, NT. 2006, Cur Opinion Psych No primary data showed

Lee, AH. 2011, Ann Epidemiol No information on determinants or outcomes of physical activity

Lee, JS. 2007, Gerontology No relevant population included

Leff, B. 2009, J Am Geriatr Soc No relevant population included

Leidy,NK. 1999, Respir Care No assumption of directionality

Leung, RW. 2011, Contemp Clin Trials No physical activity measure provided

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Lewis, KE. 2011, Am J Respir Crit Care Med Other: conference abstract

Lewis, MJ. 2009, Clin Physiol Funct Imaging No physical activity measure provided

Liddell, F. 2010, Physiotherapy No physical activity measure provided

Lomundal, BK. 2012, Int J Chron Obstruct Pulm Dis

No physical activity measure provided

Lopez Varela, MV. 2010, Eur Respir J No physical activity measure provided

Mackenbach, JP. 2001, J Epidemiol Community Health

No relevant population included

Magnussen, H. 2009, Med Klin No primary data showed

Magnussen, H. 2009, Proc Am Thorac Soc No primary data showed

Man, WD. 2009, Thorax Other: conference abstract

Mannino, DM. 2002, Respir Care No relevant population included

Mantoani, LC. 2011, Rev Brasil Fisiot No assumption of directionality

Matsunaga, H. 2011, Am J Respir Crit Care Med

Other: conference abstract

McGlone,S. 2006, COPD No assumption of directionality

Medhi, GK. 2006, J Assoc Physicians India No relevant population included

Menotti, A. 1985, J Epidemiol Community Health

No relevant population included

Metzner, HL. 1983, Prev Med No relevant population included

Mikami, M. 1995, Japanese J Thorac Dis Other: Japanese language

Miller, RR. 2004, J Am Geriatr Soc Sample includes <90% COPD

Miravitlles, M. 2009, Thorax No assumption of directionality

Miravitlles, M. 2013, Respir Med No physical activity measure provided

Mittal, N. 2011, J Invest Med Other: conference abstract

Mok, M. 2012, J Am Coll Cardiol Other: conference abstract

Monso, E. 1998, Respir Med No assumption of directionality

Montes de Oca, M. 2009, Respir Med No physical activity measure provided

Moore, R. 2009, J Cardiopulm Rehab No assumption of directionality

Morgan, M. 2003, Thorax No primary data showed

Morgan, M. 2008, Thorax No primary data showed

Morimoto, M. 2003, Nihon Kango Kagakkai Shi

No assumption of directionality

Morimoto, M. 2004, Nurs Health Sci Other: Japanese language

Moy, ML. 2008, J Rehabil Res Dev No assumption of directionality

Moy, ML. 2010, Am J Respir Crit Care Med Other: conference abstract

Nader, GA. 2009, Curr Opin Rheumatol No relevant population included

Nakamura, Y. 2001, Nihon Kokyuki Gakkai Zasshi

Other: Japanese language

Nejjari, C. 1997, Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique

No relevant population included

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Nguyen, HQ. 2011, J Nurs Meas No information on determinants or outcomes of physical activity

Nguyen, HQ. 2012, Arch Phys Med Rehab No assumption of directionality

No author. 2002, SportEX Health No primary data showed

No author. 2006, Am J Nurs No primary data showed

No author. 2006, Medicina Sport No primary data showed

No author. 2008, Cardiology Rev No primary data showed

No author. 2008, South Online J Nurs Res No physical activity measure provided

Novoa, N. 2009, Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg

No relevant population included

Ohar, J. 2006, J Respir Dis No primary data showed

Ortega, FB. 2010, J Allergy Clin Immunol No relevant population included

Ozkan, S. 2009, Saudi Med J No assumption of directionality

Ozkan, S. 2012, Nobel Med No physical activity measure provided

Paffenbarger, R. 1978, Am J Epidemiol No relevant population included

Parada, A. 2011, Rev Med Chil No assumption of directionality

Parshin, VD. 2009, Khirurgiia No physical activity measure provided

Partridge, MR. 2010, Eur Respir J No physical activity measure provided

Patel, SA. 2005, Respiration No primary data showed

Pavord, ID. 2009, Lancet No primary data showed

Perez-Castejon, J. 2007, Rev Multidiscip Gerontol

No primary data showed

Petersen, AMW. 2008, Scand J Med Sci Sports

No physical activity measure provided

Pison, CC. 1999, Rev Mal Respir No primary data showed

Pitta, F. 2005, Am J Respir Crit Care Med No assumption of directionality

Pitta, F. 2005, Arch Phys Med Rehab No assumption of directionality

Regueiro, EM. 2009, Clinics No assumption of directionality

Reilly, K. 2008, Am J Epidemiol No physical activity measure provided

Ren, XS. 1998, Med Care No physical activity measure provided

Riddoch-Contreras, J. 2012, COPD No relevant population included

Ringbaek, TJ. 2001, Respir Med No physical activity measure provided

Robles, P. 2012, Can Respir J Other: conference abstract

Roig, M. 2011, Physiother Can No relevant population included

Ruhle, KH. 2009, Pneumologie No information on determinants or outcomes of physical activity

Salvi, SS. 2009, Lancet No primary data showed

Schonhofer, B. 1997, Eur Respir J No assumption of directionality

Serres, I. 1998, Chest No assumption of directionality

Shead, D. 2012, Phys Ther Rev No primary data showed

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Shephard, RJC. 1982, Ann Clin Res No primary data showed

Sherrill, DM. 2005, J Neuroeng Rehabil No assumption of directionality

Shrikrishna, D. 2011, Thorax Other: conference abstract

Shrikrishna, D. 2012, Eur Respir J No assumption of directionality

Simon, KM. 2011, Rev Brasil Fisiot No assumption of directionality

Singh, SJ. 2001, J Cardiopulm Rehabil No assumption of directionality

Singh, SJ. 2001, Respìr Med No assumption of directionality

Slinde, F. 2003, Clin Nut No assumption of directionality

Smith, BJ. 2002, Chron Respir Dis COPD diagnosis not defined by spirometry

Smith, BJ. 2005, Med J Aust No relevant population included

Snijders, MC. 1998, Stud Health Technol Inform

No physical activity measure provided

Snijders, MC. 2002, Gerontechnology No information on determinants or outcomes of physical activity

So, CT. 2008, OTJR: Occup, Particip Health No information on determinants or outcomes of physical activity

Soguel Schenkel, N. 1996, Eur Respir j No physical activity measure provided

Soicher, JE. 2010, Dissertation Abstracts International

Other: conference abstract

Soicher, JE. 2012, Eur Respir J No information on determinants or outcomes of physical activity

Sorino, C. 2009, Am J Respir Crit Care Med No primary data showed

Steele, BG. 2000, Chest No assumption of directionality

Steele, BG. 2003, J Rehabil Res Dev No primary data showed

Steele, BG. 2008, Arch Phys Med Rehab Sample includes <90% COPD

Stein, MB. 2006, Psychol Med No physical activity measure provided

Steinsbekk, A. 2009, Chron Respir Dis No physical activity measure provided

Stepanishcheva, LA. 2005, Klin Med Other: Russian language

Stieb, DM. 2000, Can J Public Health No relevant population included

Sugino, A. 2012, Respiration No assumption of directionality

Swallow, EB. 2007, J Appl Physiol No assumption of directionality

Swisher, AC. 2006, Cardiopulm Phys Ther J No primary data showed

Swisher, AC. 2008, Cardiopulm Phys Ther J No primary data showed

Szmidt, M. 2012, Pneumol Alergol Polska Other: Polish language

Tanaka, Y. 2008, Respirology No physical activity measure provided

Tanaka, Y. 2009, Respirology Other: conference abstract

Tantucci, C. 2012, Endocrine No primary data showed

Thomas, MJ. 2010, Physiotherapy No primary data showed

Toh, CK. 2006, J Clin Oncol No primary data showed

Troosters, T. 2010, Eur Respir J No physical activity measure provided

Online only material (Online supplement) - [PDF Document] (32)

Online supplement page 32

Vaes, AW. 2012, PloS ONE No physical activity measure provided

Van den Borst B, 2011, Am J Respir Crit Care Med

Other: conference abstract

Van den Borst B, 2011, Thorax No relevant population included

Van Der Horst-Graat, JM. 2007, J. Nutr. Health Aging

No relevant population included

Van Dijk, PTM. 2005, J Am Geriatr Soc No relevant population included

Van Gestel, AJ. 2012, Respiration No assumption of directionality

Van Helvoort, HA. 2011, Arch Phys Med Rehab

No physical activity measure provided

Van Manen, JG. 2002, Thorax No physical activity measure provided

Van Remoortel, H. 2011, Am J Respir Crit Care Med

Other: conference abstract

Varga, J. 2007, Respir Med No physical activity measure provided

Varraso, R. 2007, Am J Epidemiol COPD diagnosis no defined by spirometry

Varraso, R. 2007, Thorax COPD diagnosis no defined by spirometry

Varraso, R. 2012, Am J Clin Nutr No primary data showed

Velloso, M. 2006, Chest No assumption of directionality

Venkata, A. 2012, J Cardiopulm Rehab Prev No assumption of directionality

Vilaro, J. 2007, Med Clin (Barc) No assumption of directionality

Volpato, S. 2008, J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci

No relevant population included

Vozoris, NT. 2012, Can Respir J No relevant population included

Walker, PC. 2009, Chron Respir Dis No primary data showed

Walters, JA. 2011, Respirology Other: conference abstract

Walters, JA. 2012, Respirology Other: conference abstract

Waschki, B. 2011, Am J Respir Crit Care Med Other: conference abstract

Waschki, B. 2012, Respir Med No assumption of directionality

Williams, V. 2011, Qual Health Res No physical activity measure provided

Willis,JR. 2012, Arch Ophthalmol No relevant population included

Winkelman, CC. 2010, Heart Lung No assumption of directionality

Wouters, EF. 2011, Chest No primary data showed

Wust, R. 2008, Eur J Appl Physiol No relevant population included

Xu, F. 2005, Chest No relevant population included

Yeh, M. 2004, J Adv Nurs No assumption of directionality

Yentes, JM. 2011, Respir Med No relevant population included

Zagol, B. 2010, Am J Cardiol No relevant population included

Zanocchi, M. 2002, Minerva Med Other: Italian language

Zhang, Z. 2008, JCR Other: Chinese language

Zhang, Z. 2008, Zhongguo Wei Zhong Bing Ji Jiu Yi Xue

Other: Chinese language

Online only material (Online supplement) - [PDF Document] (33)

Online supplement page 33

Zhou, JH. 2006, Chin J Clin Rehabil Other: Chinese language

ZuWallack, R. 1998, Monaldi Arch Chest Dis No primary data showed

Zwerink, M. 2013, Respir Med No assumption of directionality

Online only material (Online supplement) - [PDF Document] (34)

Online supplement page 34

Online supplement Table 2. Design, patients’ characteristics and instruments for measuring physical activity of 86 studies reporting

associations between physical activity and its determinants or outcomes in COPD patients.

Reference Study design

Study group characteristics Measure of physical activity

n Sex (male),

n (%)

Age (yr),

mean (SD)

FEV1 (%pred),

mean (SD)

BMI (kg/m2),

mean (SD) Direct method Indirect method

Altenburg, WA. 2013, Respir Med


cross-sectional 155 102 (66) median (P25-P75)

62 (54-69)

median (P25-P75)

60 (40-75)

median (P25-P75)

26.1 (22.8-29.0)

Pedometer: Digiwalker SW-

200; Yamax, Tokyo, Japan


Beauchamp, MK. 2012, Chest


cross-sectional 37 17 (46) 71 (7) 39 (16) 28.9 (10.5) -- Physical Activity Scale for the

Elderly (PASE) (Washburn,


Behnke, M. 2005, Respir Med


non-randomized controlled


88 71 (81) 60 (8) 43 (14) 24.3 (3.6) Accelerometer: Trictrac-R3D; Stayhealthy,

Monrovia, CA, USA


Bendstrup, KE. 1997, Eur Respir J


randomized controlled trial

Experimental group (EG): 16

Control group (CG): 16

EG: 9 (55)

CG: 9 (56)

EG: 64 (3)

CG: 65 (2)

not available not available -- Activities of Daily Living score specific for

COPD (Ogden, 1985)

Benzo, R. 2010, Respiration


cohort Group 1 (G1): 394

Group 2 (G2): 203

G1: 130 (33)

G2: 85 (42)

G1: 67 (6)

G2: 67 (6)

G1: 27 (7)

G2: 26 (6)

G1: 24.8 (3.5)

G2: 24.7 (3.7)

-- Questions related physical


Berry, M. 2006, Chest


cross-sectional 291 166 (57) 68 (8) 55 (18) 27.3 (5.4) -- The Fitness Arthritis and Seniors Trial

functional performance

Online only material (Online supplement) - [PDF Document] (35)

Online supplement page 35

Reference Study design

Study group characteristics Measure of physical activity

n Sex (male),

n (%)

Age (yr),

mean (SD)

FEV1 (%pred),

mean (SD)

BMI (kg/m2),

mean (SD) Direct method Indirect method

inventory (Rejeski, 1995)

Berry, M. 2010, Respir Med


randomized non-controlled parallel study

G1: 89

G2: 87

G1: 48 (54)

G2: 47 (54)

G1: 66 (10)

G2: 66 (10)

G1: 53 (19)

G2: 51 (20)

not available -- The Community Health Activities Model Program

for Seniors (CHAMPS)

(Stewart, 2001)

Bestall, J. 1999, Thorax


cross-sectional 100 55 (55) median (P25-P75)

70 (44-86)

Dyspnoea (MRC 3): 41 (15)

Dyspnoea (MRC 4): 37 (16)

Dyspnoea (MRC 5) 37 (15)

not available -- Nottingham Extended

Activities of Daily Living (EADL) scale (Lincoln,


Bon, J. 2011, Am J Respir Crit Care Med


cross-sectional 190 98 (52) 66 (7) 81 (22) 27.9 (4.1) -- Stanford Brief Activity Survey (SBAS) (Taylor-

Piliae, 2006)

Bossenbroek, L. 2009, J Heart Lung Transp


case-control Cases (CA): 47

Controls (CO): 15

CA: 18 (38)

CO: 5 (33)

CA: 55 (6)

CO: 53 (6)

CA: 93 (28)

CO: 20 (5)

CA: 25.0 (5.0)

CO: 23.0 (3.3)

Pedometer: Digiwalker SW-

200; Yamax, Tokyo, Japan

Short Questionnaire to Assess Health

Enhancing Physical Activity

(SQUASH) (Wendel-Vos,


Bourbeau, J. 2007, Eur Respir J


cohort 421 239 (57) 66 (na) 45 (na) not available -- Non-validated Activities of Daily

Living (ADL) questionnaire

Breyer, MK. 2010, Respir Research


randomized controlled trial

60 27 (45) 60 (8) 46 (18) 26.2 (4.6) Accelerometer: DynaPort Activity



Online only material (Online supplement) - [PDF Document] (36)

Online supplement page 36

Reference Study design

Study group characteristics Measure of physical activity

n Sex (male),

n (%)

Age (yr),

mean (SD)

FEV1 (%pred),

mean (SD)

BMI (kg/m2),

mean (SD) Direct method Indirect method

McRoberts BV, The Hague, The


Chao, PW. 2011, COPD


cross-sectional 21 10 (48) 57 (9) not available 28 (6) -- Historical Physical Activity Questionnaire

(HPAQ) (DuBose, 2007)

Chen, Y. 2006, Western J Nurs Research


cohort 145 106 (73) 72 (10) 49 (18) not available -- Pulmonary Functional Status

Scale (PFSS) (Weaver, 1998)

Coronado, M. 2003, J Cardiopulm Rehab


non-controlled study

15 13 (87) 67 (9) 54 (16) 23.6 (4.7) Accelerometer: ADXL05; Analog

Devices, Norwood, Mass,



Dal Negro, R. 2010, Monaldi Arch Chest Dis


randomized controlled trial

EG: 16

CG: 16

EG: 14 (88)

CG: 11 (69)

EG: 75 (7)

CG: 75 (7)

not available EG: 20.2 (1.8)

CG: 20.2 (1.4)

Accelerometer: SenseWear

Armband PRO3; BodyMedia,

Pittsburgh, PA, USA


Dallas, MI. 2009, Chron Respir Dis


non-controlled study

45 21 (47) 69 (8) 45 (18) 27.0 (5.0) Pedometer: NL-200 Activity

Monitor; New Life-styles, Inc; Lee‟s Summit,



Daly, C. 2011, Physio Ireland


non-controlled study

8 4 (50) 62 (6) P25-P75


23.8 (3.9) Accelerometer: RT3;

Stayhealthy, Monrovia, CA,


Online only material (Online supplement) - [PDF Document] (37)

Online supplement page 37

Reference Study design

Study group characteristics Measure of physical activity

n Sex (male),

n (%)

Age (yr),

mean (SD)

FEV1 (%pred),

mean (SD)

BMI (kg/m2),

mean (SD) Direct method Indirect method


de Blok, BM. 2006, Patient Educ Couns


randomized controlled trial

EG: 10

CG: 11

EG: 5 (50)

CG: 4 (36)

EG: 66 (10)

CG: 63 (12)

EG: 52 (22)

CG: 43 (13)

EG: 29.3 (8.4)

CG: 28.2 (6.6)

Pedometer: Yamax

Digiwalker SW-200;, Tokyo,



Effing, T. 2011, Respir Med


randomized controlled trial

EG: 77

CG: 76

EG: 45 (58)

CG: 44 (58)

EG: 63 (8)

CG: 64 (8)

EG: 50 (14)

CG: 51 (17)

EG: 26.1 (5.0)

CG: 26.8 (4.4)

Pedometer Yamax Digi-

Walker SW-200; Tokyo, Japan


Egan, C. 2012, Respir Med


non-controlled study

47 not available not available 47 (17) 27.5 (6.2) Accelerometer: SenseWear

Armband PRO3; BodyMedia;

Pittsburgh, PA, USA


Eisner, MD. 2008, Am J Epi


cross-sectional 1202 511 (43) 58 (6) 62 (23) not available -- Self-Reported Functional Limitation

(Sternfeld, 2002)

Eliason, G. 2011, COPD


cross-sectional 44 16 (36) mild: 64 (6)

moderate: 64 (8)

severe: 63 (8)

not available mild: 25.9 (5.3)

moderate: 28.0 (6.3)

severe: 26.3 (4.2)

Accelerometer: Actigraph GT1M;

Manufactoring Technology IC,

Fort Walton Beach, FL, USA


Esteban, C. 2006, QJM


cohort 611 597 (98) 67 (8) 50 (15) not available -- Non-validated


Esteban, C. 2010, Eur Respir J


cohort 391 not available 66 (9) 52 (14) 27.9 (4.3) Non-validated


Online only material (Online supplement) - [PDF Document] (38)

Online supplement page 38

Reference Study design

Study group characteristics Measure of physical activity

n Sex (male),

n (%)

Age (yr),

mean (SD)

FEV1 (%pred),

mean (SD)

BMI (kg/m2),

mean (SD) Direct method Indirect method

Esteban, C. 2011, Respir Med


cohort 611 597 (98) 67 (9) 50 (15) 27.8 (4.3) -- Non-validated


Faager, G. 2004, J Rehab Med


randomized controlled trial

EG: 10

CG: 10

EG: 3 (30)

CG: 3 (30)

EG: 72 (9)

CG: 70 (8)

EG: 26 (7)

CG: 28 (6)

not available -- Stanford Health Assessment

Questionnaire (HAQ) (Ekdahl,


Faulkner, J. 2010, Prim Care Respir J


randomized controlled trial

20 not available not available EG: 65 (12)

CG: 67 (12)

not available -- Seven day physical activity

recall questionnaire (7

day physical activity) (Blair,


Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2003, Thorax


cohort 340 313 (92) 69 (9) 36 (16) 26.0 (5.0) -- Adaptation from the Minnesota Leisure Time

Physical (Elosua, 1994)

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2004, Med Scien Sports Exerc


cross-sectional 346 317 (92) 69 (9) 35 (16) 26.0 (5.0) -- Simplification of the Minnesota Leisure Time

Physical Activity Questionnaire (Elosua, 1994)

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2006, Thorax


cohort 2386 1286 (54) 60 (11) n (%)


833 (35)


1095 (46)


24.9 (4.2) -- Validated questionnaire

(Saltin and Grimby, 1968)

Online only material (Online supplement) - [PDF Document] (39)

Online supplement page 39

Reference Study design

Study group characteristics Measure of physical activity

n Sex (male),

n (%)

Age (yr),

mean (SD)

FEV1 (%pred),

mean (SD)

BMI (kg/m2),

mean (SD) Direct method Indirect method

354 (15)

very severe:

94 (4)

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2008, Ann Epidemiol


cohort 2226 1161 (52) 54 (10) n (%)


966 (44)


1027 (47)


190 (9)

very severe:

27 (1)

not available -- Validated questionnaire

(Saltin and Grimby, 1968)

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2009, Chest


cross-sectional 341 317 (93) 68 (9) 52 (16) 28.2 (4.7) -- YALE physical

activity questionnaire

(De Abajo, 2001)

Garcia-Rio, F. 2009, Am J Respir Crit Care Med


cross-sectional 110 104 (95) 63 (8) 47 (14) 27.5 (3.7) Accelerometer: RT3;

Stayhealthy, Monrovia, CA,



Garcia-Rio, F. 2012, Chest


cohort 173 157 (91) 64 (8) 49 (14) 27.4 (3.5) Accelerometer: RT3;

Stayhealthy, Monrovia, CA,



Goto, Y. 2004, Respirology


non-randomised controlled


EG: 18

CG: 12

EG: 18 (100)

CG: 11 (92%)

EG: 65 (6)

CG: 67 (8)

EG: 29 (na)

CG: 78 (na)

EG: na

CG: na

-- Validated questionnaire


Hartman, JE. 2013, Arch Phys

cross-sectional 113 76 (67) 65 (9) 52 (14-119)* not available Accelerometer: DynaPort Activity


Online only material (Online supplement) - [PDF Document] (40)

Online supplement page 40

Reference Study design

Study group characteristics Measure of physical activity

n Sex (male),

n (%)

Age (yr),

mean (SD)

FEV1 (%pred),

mean (SD)

BMI (kg/m2),

mean (SD) Direct method Indirect method

Med RehabS37

Monitor; McRoberts BV, The Hague, The


Hataji, O. 2013, Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis


non-controlled study

23 21 (91) 70 (2) 65 (4) 21.6 (0.7) Accelerometer: Lifecorder; Suzuken

Corporation, Nagoya, Japan


Inal-Ince, D. 2005, Saudi Med J


cross-sectional 30 30 (100) 62 (10) 37 (12) 23.9 (4.2) -- Activities of Daily Living

Questionnaire (ADL-Q)

(Kennedy, 1994)

Jehn, M. 2012, Med Sci Sports Exerc


cross-sectional 107 76 (71) 65 (11) 43 (15) 26.2 (5.8) Accelerometer: Aipermon GmbH,

Munich, Germany


Katajisto, M. 2012, Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis


cross-sectional 719 419 (60) 63 (7) 60 (19) 26.6 (5.2) -- COPEX questionnaire


Lahaije, A. 2013, Respir Med


cross-sectional 57 35 (61) 64 (7) 64 (24) 27 (5) Accelerometer: Actometer; Dep.

of Electronics and Instrumental Services of the Psychological

Laboratory of the University of

Nijmegen, The Netherlads


Online only material (Online supplement) - [PDF Document] (41)

Online supplement page 41

Reference Study design

Study group characteristics Measure of physical activity

n Sex (male),

n (%)

Age (yr),

mean (SD)

FEV1 (%pred),

mean (SD)

BMI (kg/m2),

mean (SD) Direct method Indirect method

Lee, H. 2011, Geriatr Nurs


cross-sectional 131 117 (89) 66 (na) 60 (na) n (%)

<18.5: 16 (12)

18.5 to <25: 86 (66)

≥25: 29 (22)

-- International

Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) (Craig,


Lemmens, KMM. 2008, Patient Educ Couns


cross-sectional 278 156 (56) 63 (11) 78 (20) 27.5 (4.7) -- Validated questionnaire

Lores, V. 2006, Arch Bronconeumol


cross-sectional 23 20 (87) 62 (7) 45 (13) 27.7 (3.6) Accelerometer: RT3;

Stayhealthy, Monrovia, CA,



Mador, MJ. 2011, J Cardiopulmon Rehab Prev


non-controlled study

24 not available 72 (8) 44 (18) 30.3 (4.5) Accelerometer: RT3;

Stayhealthy, Monrovia, CA,



Miravitlles, M. 2011, Respir Med


cohort 346 315 (91) 69 (10) 47 (17) 27.4 (4.7) -- Non-validated


Monteiro, F. 2012, Lung


cross-sectional 74 45 (61) 65 (9) 40 (15) 27 (6) Accelerometer: DynaPort Activity

Monitor; McRoberts BV, The Hague, The Netherlands; and

SenseWear Armband PRO3;

BodyMedia, Pittsburgh, PA,



Online only material (Online supplement) - [PDF Document] (42)

Online supplement page 42

Reference Study design

Study group characteristics Measure of physical activity

n Sex (male),

n (%)

Age (yr),

mean (SD)

FEV1 (%pred),

mean (SD)

BMI (kg/m2),

mean (SD) Direct method Indirect method

Moy, M. 2009, J Rehab Res Develop


cross-sectional 17 17 (100) 73 (8) 57 (22) 28.0 (4.0) Accelerometer: Actiped;

FitLinixx, CT, USA

Physical activity checklist**

Moy, M. 2013, PLoS ONE


cohort 169 167 (99) 71 (8) 54 (20) 29.0 (6.0) Accelerometer: Stepwatch® 3

Activity Monitor; OrthoCare

Innovations, Washington DC,



Nguyen, HQ. 2009, Int J Chron Obstruct Pulm Dis


randomized controlled trial

EG: 9

CG: 8

EG: 3 (33)

CG: 3 (37)

EG: 72 (9f)

CG: 64 (12)

EG: 47 (19)

CG: 34 (15)

EG: 26.3 (5.5)

CG: 25.0 (7.8)

Accelerometer: Stepwatch® 3

Activity Monitor; OrthoCare

Innovations, Washington DC,



Nguyen, HQ. 2013, Chest


cross-sectional 148 115 (78) 67 (9) 42 (16) not available Accelerometer: Stepwatch® 3

Activity Monitor; OrthoCare

Innovations, Washington DC,



Nield, M. 2005, J Cardiopulm Rehab


non-controlled study

48 14 (29) 66 (8) 35 (15) not available -- Human Activity Profile (HAP) (Fix

& Daughton, 1988)

Okubadejo, AA. 1997, Eur Respir J


case-control CA: 23

CO: 19

CA: 14 (61)

CO: 14 (74)

median (P25-P75)

CA: 71 (60-84)

CO: 72 (62-75)

CA: 28 (12)

CO: 35 (11)

CA: na

CO: na

-- Nottingham Extended

Activities of Daily Living (EADL)

Online only material (Online supplement) - [PDF Document] (43)

Online supplement page 43

Reference Study design

Study group characteristics Measure of physical activity

n Sex (male),

n (%)

Age (yr),

mean (SD)

FEV1 (%pred),

mean (SD)

BMI (kg/m2),

mean (SD) Direct method Indirect method

scale (Lincoln, 1992)

Palop Cervera, M. 2010, Rev Clínica Esp


case-control CA: 44

CO: 81

CA: 39 (89)

CO: 76 (94)

CA: 75 (9)

CO: 72 (11)

CA: 40 (17)

CO: 49 (16)

CA: na

CO: na

-- ad hoc questionnaire


Pitta, F. 2006, Chest


cohort 17 16 (94) 69 (9) 29 (20-48)* 24.0 (5.0) Accelerometer: DynaPort Activity

Monitor; McRoberts BV, The Hague, The



Pitta, F. 2006, J Bras Pneumol


cross-sectional 23 16 (70) median (P25-P75)

61 (59-69)

median (P25-P75)

39 (34-53)

median (P25-P75)

24 (21-27)

Accelerometer: DynaPort Activity

Monitor; McRoberts BV, The Hague, The


Pulmonary Functional Status

and Dyspnea Questionnaire (PFSDQ-M)

(Lareau, 1994)

Pitta, F. 2008, Respir Med


cross-sectional 40 21 (53) 68 (7) 41 (14) 24.0 (6.0) Accelerometer: SenseWear

Armband PRO3; BodyMedia;

Pittsburgh, PA, USA


Pitta, F. 2009, Respir Med


cross-sectional G1: 40

G2: 40

G1: 21 (53)

G2: 18 (45)

G1: 63 (7)

G2: 66 (8)

G1: 48 (17)

G2: 46 (17)

G1: 26 (4)

G2: 26 (6)

Accelerometer: DynaPort Activity

Monitor; McRoberts BV, The Hague, The



Pomidori, L. 2012, J Cardiopulm Rehab Prev


randomized non-controlled parallel study

G1: 18

G2: 18

G1: 13 (72)

G2: 14 (78)

G1: 70 (9)

G2: 74 (7)

G1: 48 (13)

G2: 49 (12)

G1: 27 (5)

G2: 29 (4)

Accelerometer: SenseWear

Armband PRO3; BodyMedia,


Online only material (Online supplement) - [PDF Document] (44)

Online supplement page 44

Reference Study design

Study group characteristics Measure of physical activity

n Sex (male),

n (%)

Age (yr),

mean (SD)

FEV1 (%pred),

mean (SD)

BMI (kg/m2),

mean (SD) Direct method Indirect method

Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Probst, VS. 2011, Respir Care


randomized non-controlled parallel study

G1: 20

G2: 20

G1: 11 (55)

G2: 10 (50)

G1: 65 (10)

G2: 67 (7)

G1: 39 (14)

G2: 40 (13)

G1: 26 (15)

G2: 27 (6)

Accelerometer: DynaPort Activity

Monitor; McRoberts BV, The Hague, The Netherlands; and

SenseWear Armband PRO3;

BodyMedia, Pittsburgh, USA


Roig, M. 2011, Respir Med


cohort G1: 69

G2: 32

G1: 43 (62)

G2: 13 (68)

median (P25-P75)

G1: 72 (70-75)

G2: 76 (72-79)

median (P25-P75)

G1: 43 (37-50)

G2: 44 (36-51)

median (P25-P75)

G1: 24.9 (23.3-26.5)

G2: 27.9 (25-30.8)

-- Physical Activity Scale for the

Elderly (PASE) (Washburn,


Sandland, CJ. 2008, Chest


randomized controlled trial

EG: 10

CG: 10

EG: 6 (60)

CG: 8 (80)

EG: 71 (4)

CG: 76 (8)

EG: 43 (16)

CG: 44 (29)

EG: 28.2 (5.4)

CG: 26.3 (5.5)

Accelerometer: Gaehwiler Z80 –

32k V1 Int; Gaehwiler

Electronics, Hombrechtikon,



Schou, L. 2013, J Telemed Telecare


randomized controlled trial

EG: 22

CG: 22

EG: 10 (45)

CG: 8 (34)

EG: 68 (12)

CG: 73 (10)

EG: 39 (20)

CG: 44 (15)

EG: na

CG: na

-- Lawton Instrumental

Activities of Daily Living Scale

(Lawton, 1969)

Sewell, L. 2005, Chest


randomized non-controlled parallel study

G1: 90

G2: 90

G1: 60 (67)

G2: 51 (57)

G1: 69 (9)

G2: 67 (8)

G1: na

G2: na

G1: na

G2: na

Accelerometer: Gaehwiler Z80 –

32k V1 Int; Gaehwiler

Canadian Occupational Performance

Measure (COPM) (Law,

Online only material (Online supplement) - [PDF Document] (45)

Online supplement page 45

Reference Study design

Study group characteristics Measure of physical activity

n Sex (male),

n (%)

Age (yr),

mean (SD)

FEV1 (%pred),

mean (SD)

BMI (kg/m2),

mean (SD) Direct method Indirect method

Electronics, Hombrechtikon,



Sewell, L. 2010, J Cardiopulm Rehab Prev


non-controlled study

95 56 (59) 66 (9) not available not available Accelerometer: Gaehwiler Z80 –

32k V1 Int; Gaehwiler

Electronics, Hombrechtikon,



Silva, DR. 2011, Respir Care


cross-sectional 95 62 (65) 67 (8) 41 (16) 25.8 (4.7) -- International

Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) (Craig,


Skumlien, S. 2006, Chron Respir Dis


cross-sectional G1: 65

G2: 45

G1: 65 (100)

G2: 45 (100)

G1: 62 (10)

G2: 60 (6)

G1: 49 (16)

G2: 46 (16)

G1: 25.6 (4.7)

G2: 23.9 (5.2)

-- Pulmonary Functional Status

and Dyspnea Questionnaire

(PFSDQ) (Lareau, 1994)

Skumlien, S. 2008, Respir Med



non-controlled parallel study

G1: 20

G2: 20

G1: 11 (55)

G2: 11 (55)

G1: 62 (7)

G2: 63 (9)

G1: 48 (17)

G2: 50 (13)

G1: 23 (9)

G2: 26 (8)

-- Hyrim Physical Activity

Questionnaire (HPAQ)

(Anderssen, 2000); and Glittre

ADL-test (Skumlien, 2005)

Takigawa, N. 2007, Respir Med


non-controlled study

stage II: 21

stage III: 79

stage IV: 125

stage II: 15 (71)

stage III: 68 (86)

stage IV: 118 (94)

median (P25-P75)

stage II: 72 (63-81)

stage III: 69 (54-84)

stage II: 60 (7)

stage III: 38 (6)

stage IV: 23 (5)

stage II: 19.1 (2.6)

stage III: 19.3 (3.1)

stage IV: 18.5

-- Non-validated scale


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Online supplement page 46

Reference Study design

Study group characteristics Measure of physical activity

n Sex (male),

n (%)

Age (yr),

mean (SD)

FEV1 (%pred),

mean (SD)

BMI (kg/m2),

mean (SD) Direct method Indirect method

stage IV: 67 (45-79)


Troosters, T. 2010, Respir Med


cross-sectional 70 58 (82) 66 (9) 54 (23) not available Accelerometer: SenseWear

Armband PRO3; BodyMedia;

Pittsburgh, PA, USA


Tsara, V. 2008, Respir Care


case-control CA: 85

CO: 48

CA: na

CO: na

CA: 71 (8)

CO: 64 (11)

CA: 38 (16)

CO: 57 (16)

CA: 28.6 (6.7)

CO: 28.5 (6.1)

-- Non-validated questionnaire


Van Gestel, AJ. 2012, COPD


cross-sectional 154 67 (44%) 63 (11) 43 (19) 24.9 (6.1) Accelerometer: SenseWear

Armband PRO3; BodyMedia,

Pittsburgh, PA, USA


Van Remoortel, H. 2013, Thorax


cross-sectional 59 44 (75) 63 (6) 85 (17) 26.9 (4.2) Accelerometer: SenseWear

Armband PRO3; BodyMedia,

Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Vergeret, J. 1989, Eur Respir J


cohort G1: 75

G2: 84

G3: 51

G4: 33

G1: 63 (84)

G2: 76 (90)

G3: 45 (88)

G4: 31 (94)

G1: 63 (7)

G2: 61 (8)

G3: 61 (8)

G4: 62 (9)

G1: na

G2: na

G3: na

G4: na

G1: na

G2: na

G3: na

G4: na

-- Non-validated questionnaire


Waatevik, M. 2012, COPD


cross-sectional 370 223 (60) 63 (7) 50 (14) not available -- Validated question


Wakabayashi, R. 2011, Geriatr Gerontol


randomized controlled trial

102 88 (86) 72 (8) 60 (21) 21.8 (2.8) -- Lawton Instrumental

Activities of Daily

Online only material (Online supplement) - [PDF Document] (47)

Online supplement page 47

Reference Study design

Study group characteristics Measure of physical activity

n Sex (male),

n (%)

Age (yr),

mean (SD)

FEV1 (%pred),

mean (SD)

BMI (kg/m2),

mean (SD) Direct method Indirect method

Living Scale (Lawton, 1969)

Wakabayashi, R. 2011, J Am Geriatr Soc


cross-sectional 389 315 (81) 73 (8) 58 (26) not available -- Lawton Instrumental

Activities of Daily Living Scale

(Lawton, 1969)

Walker, PP. 2008, Thorax


non-controlled study

23 12 (52) 66 (9) 36 (12) not available Accelerometer: Actiwatch;

NeurotechnologyCambridge, UK;

and Dynaport Activity Monitor; McRoberts BV,

Den Haag, Netherlands

Nottingham Extended

Activities of Daily Living (EADL) scale (Lincoln,


Waschki, B. 2011, Chest


cohort G1: 143

G2: 26

G1: 107 (75)

G2: 20 (77)

G1: 64 (7)

G2: 66 (6)

G1: 59 (21)

G2: 41 (22)

G1: 26.7 (5.1)

G2: 23.5 (4.3)

Accelerometer: SenseWear

Armband PRO3; BodyMedia,

Pittsburgh, PA, USA


Watz, H. 2008, Am J Respir Crit Care Med


cross-sectional 170 128 (75) 64 (7) 56 (22) not available Accelerometer: SenseWear

Armband PRO3; BodyMedia,

Pittsburgh, PA, USA


Watz, H. 2009, Chest


cross-sectional stage I: 34

stage II: 57

stage III: 43

stage IV: 36

stage I: 25 (74)

stage II: 41 (72)

stage III: 35 (81)

stage IV: 27 (75)

stage I: 66 (6)

stage II: 63 (7)

stage III: 63 (7)

stage IV: 64 (6)

stage I: 90 (9)

stage II: 63 (8)

stage III: 41 (5)

stage IV: 33 (11)

stage I: 27.0 (4.2)

stage II: 27.8 (5.3)

stage III: 25.0

Accelerometer: SenseWear

Armband PRO3; BodyMedia,

Pittsburgh, PA,


Online only material (Online supplement) - [PDF Document] (48)

Online supplement page 48

Reference Study design

Study group characteristics Measure of physical activity

n Sex (male),

n (%)

Age (yr),

mean (SD)

FEV1 (%pred),

mean (SD)

BMI (kg/m2),

mean (SD) Direct method Indirect method


stage IV: 24.6 (5.3)


Watz, H. 2009, Eur Respir J


cross-sectional stage I: 34

stage II: 52

stage III: 41

stage IV: 36

stage I: 25 (74)

stage II: 37 (71)

stage III: 33 (80)

stage IV: 27 (75)

stage I: 66 (6)

stage II: 64 (6)

stage III: 63 (7)

stage IV: 64 (6)

stage I: 90 (9)

stage II: 63 (8)

stage III: 41 (5)

stage IV: 33 (11)

stage I: 27.0 (4.2)

stage II: 27.3 (5.0)

stage III: 25.1 (5.1)

stage IV: 24.6 (5.3)

Accelerometer: SenseWear

Armband PRO3; BodyMedia,

Pittsburgh, PA, USA


Weekes, CE. 2009, Thorax


randomised controlled trial

EG: 31

CG: 28

EG: 16 (52)

CG: 14 (50)

median (P25-P75)

EG: 69 (48-89)

CG: 69 (46-85)

EG: 31 (13)

CG: 33 (15)

EG: 19.9 (1.4)

CG: 19.5 (1.9)

-- Townsend score (Bond, 1982)

Wewel, A. 2008, Respir Med


non-controlled study

21 17 (81) 65 (9) 32 (9) 25.9 (4.7) Pedometer: Kasper & Richter GmbH & Co. KG;

Uttenreuth, Germany; and accelerometer:

ActiTrac-Monitor; Somnomedics, Kist, Germany


Yeo, J. 2006, Age Ageing


cross-sectional 27 16 (59) 76 (4) n (%)

mild: 10 (37)

moderate: 12 (44)

severe: 5 (19)

not available -- Manchester Respiratory

Activity of Daily Living Score (Yohannes,


Abbreviations: EG: experimental group; CG: control group, CA: cases; CO: controls; na: not available; MRC: Medical Research Council.

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*Patients were asked how many days during the previous week they performed lower-extremity endurance exercises, such as walking or cycling, and for how

many minutes each day.

†Subjects were asked “How much did your COPD affect your normal daily activities during the previous 24h?” and were required to indicate, by placing a cross

on a 10 cm scale, how their COPD affected their normal daily activities.

§Scale from 0 to 3: 0, „doesn‟t leave the house, life is limited to the bed or armchair, or to doing some domestic chores‟, or „leaves the house, but walks less

than 100 m‟; 1, „leaves the house and walks a few hundred meters, runs errands, but walks less than 100 m‟; 1, „leaves the house and walks a few hundred

meters, runs errands, but does not walk regularly‟; 2, „engages in physical activity in the vegetable garden‟, or „takes walks for up to 8 km, no less than 5 days

a week‟; and 3, „takes walks regularly for >8km, no less than 5 days a week‟, or „practices sports‟.

§Seven standard items related to ADL (eating, toileting, shampooing, bathing, face washing and teeth brushing, dressing, and indoor walking) (Christiansen,


||Questions Q1A, Q1B, Q2, Q3, Q4 and Q7 from COPEX questionnaire.

¶Physical activity scale (validated instrument (Deenen, 1996 - originally from Baecke, 1982)

**Physical activity checklist were based on the Pulmonary Functional Status and Dyspnea Questionnaire Activity Assessment (PFSDQ) (Lareau, 1994).

††The physical activity performed by the patients was classified in 3 categories: (1) home-bound, (2) less than 6hours out of home, or (3) more than 6 hours.

‡‡ADL was assessed using questionnaire based on velocity of motion and shortness of breath in daily activity with various grades of exertion during a list of


§§Independence in ADL was assessed with a questionnaire designed for the study including domestic and physical activities at home and outside the home.

||||Questionnaire about patient‟s activity and its location.

¶¶Self-reported physical activity was recorded using the question: “How has your physical activity been in your spare time the last year?”

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Online supplement Table 3a. Determinants covered by at least 2 articles and their association with physical activity, grouped in main categories

and sorted by alphabetical order.

Determinant: Age

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2004, Med Sci Sports Exerc


Age (years) Mean (SD) 71 (10) in low energy expenditure (0-53 kcal/d); 68 (8) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 68 (8) in high (>210 kcal/d); p=0.032

Adjusted OR (95% CI) of low physical activity: 1.04 (1.01 to 1.07); p=0.013


Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2009, Chest


Age (years) Mean (SD) 71 (8) in quartile 1 (Q1) of energy expenditure in physical activity; 69 (7) in Q2; 67 (8) in Q3; 63 (10) in Q4; p for trend<0.001


Garcia-Rio, F. 2009, Am J Respir Crit Care Med


Age (years) --- Mean (SD) 65 (6) in quartile 1 (Q1) of physical activity; 62 (8) in Q2; 62 (8) in Q3; 62 (8) in Q4; p=0.48

Pitta, F. 2006, J Bras Pneumol


Age (years) --- Median (P25-P75) 61 (58-67) in active group vs. 63 (60-70) in inactive group; p=0.406

Troosters, T. 2010, Respir Med


Age (years) Correlation coefficient -0.33 with number steps per day; p=0.006

Correlation coefficient -0.23 with time spent in activities of mild intensity; p=0.05


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Watz, H. 2008, Am J Respir Crit Care Med


Age (years) --- Unstandardized regression coefficient (95% CI) <0.001 (-0.006 to 0.007) for steps per day; p=0.91

Determinant: Alcohol consumption

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2004, Med Sci Sports Exerc

S30 Alcohol consumption N (%): 29 (26) in low energy expenditure (0-53

kcal/d); 39 (39) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 51 (44) in high (>210 kcal/d); p=0.015


Garcia-Rio, F. 2009, Am J Respir Crit Care Med


Alcohol consumption (g/d) --- Mean (SD): 21 (19) in quartile 1 (Q1) of physical activity; 21 (14) in Q2; 19 (15) in Q3; 20 (15) in Q4; p=0.93

Determinant: BODE index

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Garcia-Rio, F. 2009, Am J Respir Crit Care Med


BODE index Mean (SD): 5.9 (1.9) in quartile 1 (Q1) of physical activity; 4.9 (1.7) in Q2; 2.9 (1.4) in Q3; 2.3 (1.4) in Q4; p=0.001.

Mean (SD) daily physical activity (VMU): 259 (91) in quartile 1 of BODE index (0-2) vs. 200 (67) in quartile 2 (3-4); p=0.003.

Mean (SD) daily physical activity (VMU): 259

Mean (SD) daily physical activity (VMU): 142 (51) in quartile 3 of BODE index (5-6) vs. 89 (26) in quartile 4 (7-10); p=0.09.

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(91) in quartile 1 vs. 142 (51) in quartile 3 (5-6); p=0.001.

Mean (SD) daily physical activity (VMU): 259 (91) in quartile 1 vs. 89 (26) in quartile 4 (7-10); p=0.001.

Mean (SD) daily physical activity (VMU): 200 (67) in quartile 2 vs. 142 (51) in quartile 3; p=0.01.

Mean (SD) daily physical activity (VMU): 200 (67) in quartile 2 vs. 89 (26) in quartile 4; p=0.001.

Moy, ML. 2009, J Rehabil Res Dev


BODE index Unadjusted coefficient (95% CI): -0.34 (-0.58 to -0.10) for number of checklist physical activity performed; p=0.008


Pitta, F. 2006, J Bras Pneumol


BODE index Median (P25-P75): 2.5 (1.5-3.5) in active group vs. 5 (5-8) in inactive group; 0.001


Watz, H. 2008, Am J Respir Crit Care Med


BODE index Adjusted unstandardized regression coefficient (95% CI) BODE score quintile 4: -0.119 (-0.235 to -0.003) for physical activity level; p=0.044

Adjusted unstandardized regression coefficient (95% CI) BODE score quintile 5: -0.282 (-0.403 to -0.160) for physical activity level; p<0.001

Adjusted unstandardized regression coefficient (95% CI) BODE score quintile 4: -2646 (-4052 to -1240) for steps per day; p<0.001

Adjusted unstandardized regression coefficient (95% CI) BODE score quintile 5: -4874 (-6346 to -3401) for steps per day; p<0.001

Adjusted unstandardized regression coefficient (95% CI) BODE score quintile 2: -0.073 (-0.186 to 0.040) for physical activity level; p=0.21

Adjusted unstandardized regression coefficient (95% CI) BODE score quintile 3: -0.065 (-0.181 to 0.050) for physical activity level; p=0.27

Adjusted unstandardized regression coefficient (95% CI) BODE score quintile 2: -982 (-2352 to 388) for steps per day; p=0.16

Adjusted unstandardized regression coefficient (95% CI) BODE score quintile 3: -1365 (-2767 to 38) for steps per day; p=0.06

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Watz, H. 2009, Eur Respir J


BODE index Mean steps per day: 8100 in BODE score 0, 7000 in BODE score 1, 6100 in BODE score 2, 5000 in BODE score 3-4, and 2100 in BODE score 5-10; p-trend<0.001

Mean minutes >3 METs: 152 in BODE score 0, 132 in BODE score 1, 135 in BODE score 2, 110 in BODE score 3-4, and 55 in BODE score 5-10; p-trend<0.001

Mean physical activity level: 1.68 in BODE score 0, 1.57 in BODE score 1, 1.50 in BODE score 2, 1.46 in BODE score 3-4, and 1.28 in BODE score 5-10; p-trend<0.001

(Note: Numbers derived from the figure)


Determinant: Body Mass Index

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2004, Med Sci Sports Exerc


Body Mass Index (kg/m2) --- Mean (SD): 26 (6) in low energy expenditure

(0-53 kcal/d); 26 (5) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 26 (5) in high (>210 kcal/d); p=0.916

Garcia-Rio, F. 2009, Am J Respir Crit Care Med


Body Mass Index (kg/m2) --- Mean (SD): 27 (4) in quartile 1 (Q1) of physical

activity; 27 (3) in Q2; 28 (4) in Q3; 28 (4) in Q4; p=0.38

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Online supplement page 54

Monteiro, F. 2012, LungS48

Body Mass Index (kg/m2) Mean (SD) time spent per day in PA at least

moderate activity (min/day): 42 (43) in underweight subjects vs. 11 (12) in obese subjects; p<0.05

Mean (SD) time spent walking per day (min/day): 73 (31) in underweight subjects vs. 46 (26) in obese subjects; p<0.05

Mean (SD) time spent walking per day (min/day): 69 (34) in normal weight subjects vs. 46 (26) in obese subjects; p<0.05


Pitta, F. 2006, J Bras Pneumol


Body Mass Index (kg/m2) --- Median (P25-P75) 25 (22-30) in active group

vs. 21 (21-26) in inactive group; p=0.281

Watz, H. 2008, Am J Respir Crit Care Med


Body mass index ≥ 30 --- Adjusted unstandardized regression coefficient (95% CI): 0.048 (-0.051 to 0.146) for physical activity level; p=0.34

Adjusted unstandardized regression coefficient (95% CI): -859 (-2104 to 385) for steps per day; p=0.18

Determinant: Cardiovascular

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2004, Med Sci Sports Exerc

S30 High blood pressure --- N (%): 20 (18) in low energy expenditure (0-53

kcal/d); 16 (16) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 27 (23) in high (>210 kcal/d); p=0.335

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Varicose veins --- N (%): 20 (18) in low energy expenditure (0-53 kcal/d); 18 (18) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 28 (24) in high (>210 kcal/d); p=0.432

Cardiac diseases --- N (%): 34 (31) in low energy expenditure (0-53 kcal/d); 34 (34) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 29 (25) in high (>210 kcal/d); p=0.384

Watz, H. 2008, Am J Respir Crit Care Med


N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (pg/ml)

Adjusted unstandardized regression coefficient (95% CI): -0.049 (-0.093 to -0.006) for physical activity level; p=0.026

Adjusted unstandardized regression coefficient (95% CI): -677 (-1225 to -130) for steps per day; p=0.016


Deceleration time of the early transmittal flow (ms)

Adjusted unstandardized regression coefficient (95% CI): -0.001 (-0.002 to <0.000) for physical activity level; p=0.004

Adjusted unstandardized regression coefficient (95% CI): -15 (-24 to -6) for steps per day; p=0.001


Determinant: Cultural groups

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Chen, Y. 2006, West J Nurs Research


Cultural groups --- Mean daily functioning score: 3.16 in f*ckiens and Hakkas, 3.26 in Aboriginies, and 2.63 in Mainlanders; p=0.06

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Pitta, F. 2009, Respir Med


Cultural groups Mean (SD) time spent walking (min/day): 40 (36) in Austrian vs. 56 (32) in Brazilian; p=0.04

Mean (SD) movement intensity: 1.5 (0.4) in Austrian vs. 1.9 (0.4) in Brazilian; p=0.0001

Mean(SD) time spent sitting (min/day): 388 (208) in Austrian vs. 296 (109) in Brazilian; p=0.02


Troosters, T. 2010, Respir Med


Cultural groups --- Mean (SEM) time spent at moderate intensity (min): 27 (7) in Leuven, 21 (7) in Pittsburgh, 10 (8) in Palermo.

Mean (SEM) time in mild physical activity (min): 93 (15) in Leuven, 62 (15) in Pittsburgh, 64 (18) in Palermo.

Determinant: Day of the week

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Lores, V. 2006, Arch Bronconeumol


Monday to Wednesday vs. Friday to Sunday

--- Bland-Altman 95% CI: -29.21 to 28.81 of mean VMU between Mon-Wed and Fri-Sun vs. difference in VMU between Mon-Wed and Fri-Sun

Tuesday to Thursday vs. Friday to Sunday

--- Bland-Altman 95% CI: -32.13 to -28.43 of mean VMU between Tue-Thu and Fri-Sun vs. difference in VMU between Tue-Thu and Fri-Sun

Moy, ML. 2009, J Rehabil Weekends or weekday --- “The day of the week, categorized as either

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Online supplement page 57

Res DevS49

weekend or weekday, was not significantly associated with either steps per day or daily number of checklist activities performed”

Watz, H. 2009, Eur Respir J


Sunday vs. Weekday Mean (SD) steps per day in Sunday 6084 (4155) vs. a weekday 8081 (4144) in GOLD I; p<0.001; 6109 (3471) vs. 7674 (3619) in GOLD II; p<0.001; 3960 (2983) vs. 5410 (3995) in GOLD III; p<0.001

Mean (SD) steps per day in Sunday 2439 (1734) vs. a weekday 2439 (1734) in GOLD IV; p=ns

Determinant: Dyspnoea

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Bestall, JC. 1999, ThoraxS8 MRC dyspnoea Median (P10-P90) EADL score: 19 (15-21) in

MRC grade 3 vs. 17 (12-20) in MRC grade 4; p<0.003; median(P10-P90) EADL score: 17 (12-20) in MRC grade 4 vs. 13 (6-18) in MRC grade 5; p<0.0001

(Note: Numbers derived from the figure)


Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2004, Med Sci Sports Exerc

S30 Dyspnoea at rest (VAS) Mean (SD): 5.5 (2.9) in low energy expenditure

(0-53 kcal/d); 4.7 (2.7) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 4.6 (2.7) in high (>210 kcal/d); p=0.031


Garcia-Rio, F. 2009, Am J Respir Crit Care Med


MRC dyspnoea Mean (SD): 2.9 (1.2) in quartile 1 (Q1) of physical activity; 2.5 (1.0) in Q2; 1.8 (0.7) in Q3; 1.8 (0.8) in Q4; p=0.001


SGRQ symptoms Mean (SD): 50.8 (22.2) in quartile 1 (Q1); 44.5 (21.3) in Q2; 29.4 (16.9) in Q3; 31.6 (14.9) in


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Q4; p=0.001

Katajisto, M. 2012, Int J Chron Obstr Respir Dis


MRC dyspnoea Adjusted OR (95% CI) for inactivity: 7 and 12 at dyspnoea levels 3 and 4, respectively, p<0.05

Nguyen, HQ. 2013, Chest


Dyspnoea (Shortness of Breath Questionnaire)

Adjusted standardized coefficient: -0.27 for total steps/day; p=0.001


Pitta, F. 2006, J Bras Pneumol


mMRC dyspnoea (0-4) Median (P25-P75): 2 (1-2) in active group vs. 3 (3-4) in inactive group; p=0.002


Watz, H. 2009, Eur Respir J


mMRC dyspnoea (0-4) Mean steps per day: 8100 in mMRC 0, 6300 in mMRC 1, 4800 in mMRC 2, 3000 in mMRC 3, and 1800 in mMRC 4; p-trend<0.001

Mean minutes >3 METs min: 165 in mMRC 0, 125 in mMRC 1, 95 in mMRC 2, 75 in mMRC 3, and 40 in mMRC 4; p-trend<0.001

Mean physical activity level: 1.65 in mMRC 0, 1.55 in mMRC 1, 1.43 in mMRC 2, 1.38 in mMRC 3, and 1.25 in mMRC 4; p-trend<0.001

(Note: Numbers derived from the figure)


Determinant: Education

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2004, Med Sci Sports Exerc


Less than primary school education

--- N (%): 61 (55) in low energy expenditure (0-53 kcal/d); 59 (58) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 77 (67) in high (>210 kcal/d); p=0.165

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Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2009, Chest


Less than primary school education

--- N (%): 51 (60) in quartile 1 (Q1) of energy expenditure in physical activity; 45 (53) in Q2; 48 (57) in Q3; 56 (65) in Q4; p for trend=0.425

Garcia-Rio, F. 2009, Am J Respir Crit Care Med


University studies --- Mean (SD): 4 (15) in quartile 1 (Q1) of physical activity; 2 (7) in Q2; 3 (11) in Q3; 2 (7) in Q4; p=0.87

Determinant: Emotional status

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2004, Med Sci Sports Exerc


Self-reported depression --- N (%): 31 (28) in low energy expenditure (0-53 kcal/d); 28 (28) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 19 (17) in high (>210 kcal/d); p=0.141

Nguyen, HQ. 2013, Chest


Depression (HADS-D) Adjusted standardized coefficient: -0.19 for total steps per day; p=0.02


Anxiety (HADS-A) Adjusted standardized coefficient: 0.32 for total steps per day; p<0.001


Determinant: Exacerbation

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Bourbeau, J. 2007, Eur Acute Exacerbation of Mean (SD) change in ADL score from baseline: ---

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Respir JS11

COPD (AECOPD) onset 8.7 (31.3); p=0.01

4-8 days after AECOPD Mean (SD) change in ADL score from baseline: 10.2 (34.2); p=0.004


11-15 days after AECOPD --- Mean (SD) change in ADL score from baseline: 3.7 (30.1); p=ns

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2004, Med Sci Sports Exerc


COPD admissions in the previous year

Mean (SD): 1.9 (2.3) in low energy expenditure (0-53 kcal/d); 1.4 (2.1) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 1.3 (1.6) in high (>210 kcal/d); p=0.049


Pitta, F. 2006, ChestS56

Patients with exacerbation in previous year vs. patients without exacerbation

Median (P25-P75) walking time (min/d): 9 (4 to 18) vs. 26 (14 to 56); p=0.03


Patients readmitted for another exacerbation in the year following discharge vs. patients not readmitted

Median (P25-P75) walking time (min/d): 12 (9 to 27) vs. 30 (21 to 100); p=0.03


Determinant: Exercise capacity

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Altenburg, WA. 2013, Respir Med


6MWD (m) Adjusted regression standardized coefficient: 0.378 for daily physical activity; p<0.001


Berry, MJ. 2006, ChestS6 VO2 peak (mL/kg/min) Adjusted regression coefficient: -0.041 for self-

reported function; p<0.005 ---

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Garcia-Rio, F. 2009, Am J Respir Crit Care Med


6MWD (m) Mean (SD): 199 (82) in quartile 1 (Q1) of physical activity; 263 (76) in Q2; 377 (117) in Q3; 416 (83) in Q4; p=0.001

Adjusted unstandardized regression coefficients (95% CI): 0.39 (0.24 to 0.55) for physical activity level; p=0.001


Work peak (watts) Mean (SD): 48 (20) in quartile 1 (Q1); 53 (19) in Q2; 60 (22) in Q3; 79 (20) in Q4; p=0.001


VE peak (L/min) Mean (SD): 34.3 (9.9) in quartile 1 (Q1); 34.6 (8.3) in Q2; 40.7 (8.5) in Q3; 47.1 (11.4) in Q4; p=0.001


HR peak (beats/min) --- Mean (SD): 122 (16) in quartile 1 (Q1); 127 (15) in Q2; 126 (12) in Q3; 131 (17) in Q4; p=0.24

VO2 peak (mL/min/kg) Mean (SD): 14.9 (3.3) in quartile 1 (Q1); 16.8 (3.1) in Q2; 19.2 (3.9) in Q3; 21.7 (3.8) in Q4; p=0.001


Endurance time (s) Mean (SD): 158 (104) in quartile 1 (Q1); 256 (110) in Q2; 301 (133) in Q3; 386 (117) in Q4; p=0.001


Hartman, JE. 2013, Arch Phys Med Rehab


6MWD (m) Adjusted regression coefficient (SE): 0.015 (0.003) for percentage locomotion; p<0.001


Moy, ML. 2009, J Rehabil Res Dev


6MWD (m) Unadjusted coefficient (95% CI): 10 (4 to 17) for steps per day; p=0.01


Nguyen, HQ. 2013, Chest


6MWD (ft) Adjusted standardized coefficient: 0.39 for total steps per day; p<0.001


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Pitta, F. 2006, J Bras Pneumol


6MWD (% pred) Median (P25-P75): 76 (69-79) in active group vs. 66 (42-72) in inactive group; p=0.019


VO2 peak (% pred) Median (P25-P75): 71 (55-102) in active group vs. 49 (36-78) in inactive group; p=0.049


Wmax (% pred) Median (P25-P75): 69 (58-77) in active group vs. 40 (27-67) in inactive group; p=0.013


Van Remoortel, H. 2013, Thorax


6MWD (m) Adjusted coefficient (SEM): 23 (6) for steps per day; p=0.0002

Adjusted coefficient (SEM): 0.33 (0.09) for MVPA; p=0.0006

Adjusted coefficient (SEM): 0.0008 (0.0003) for PAL; p=0.02


Watz, H. 2009, Eur Respir J


6MWD (m) Correlation coefficient: 0.63 with steps per day; p<0.001

Correlation coefficient: 0.47 with minutes of at least moderate activity; p<0.001

Correlation coefficient: 0.46 with physical activity level; p<0.001


Determinant: FEV1

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Berry, M. 2006, ChestS6

FEV1 (% pred) Adjusted regression coefficient: -0.005 for self-reported function; p<0.005


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Eisner, MD. 2008, Am J Epi


FEV1 (L) Adjusted regression coefficient (SE): -1.4 (0.30) for self-reported functional limitation; p<0.0001; -1.28 (0.32) for limitation in moderate activities; p<0.0001; -1.87 (0.31) for limitation in climbing several flights of stairs; p<0.0001


Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2004, Med Sci Sports Exerc


FEV1 (% pred) --- Mean (SD): 35 (18) in low energy expenditure (0-53 kcal/d); 33 (13) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 36 (16) in high (>210 kcal/d); p=0.311

Garcia-Rio, F. 2009, Am J Respir Crit Care Med


FEV1 (% pred) Mean (SD): 43 (13) in quartile 1 (Q1) of physical activity; 42 (12) in Q2; 49 (14) in Q3; 54 (13) in Q4; p=0.01


FEV1 (GOLD stage) Mean (SD) daily physical activity (VMU): 223 (95) in GOLD II vs. 170 (75) in GOLD III; p=0.01;

Mean (SD) daily physical activity (VMU): 223 (95) in GOLD II vs. 134 (67) in GOLD IV; p=0.001


Katajisto, M. 2012, Int J Chron Obstr Pulm Dis


FEV1(% pred) Adjusted OR (95% CI) of exercise inactivity: 3.5 (1.8 to 6.9) in patients with FEV1<40% compared to FEV1>40%


Lahaije, A. 2013, Respir Med


FEV1 (% pred) --- Adjusted unstandardized coefficients (SE): -0.006 (0.084) for mean daily physical activity; p=0.939

Moy, ML. 2009, J Rehabil Res Dev


FEV1 (%pred) Unadjusted coefficient (95% CI): 0.023 (0.005 to 0.041) for number of checklist physical activity performed; p=0.01


Pitta, F. 2006, J Bras FEV1 (%pred) Median (P25-P75): 50 (40-58) in active group vs. ---

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34 (33-44) in inactive group; p=0.021

Pitta, F. 2008, Respir Med


FEV1 (l) --- Correlation coefficients (95% CI) of 0.31 (-0.01 to 0.58) with EEA>3METs, p=0.05; 0.25 (-0.08 to 0.53) with steps/day, p=ns; -0.26 (-0.53 to 0.06) with sedentary activities, p=ns; 0.29 (-0.04 to 0.56) with moderate activities, p=ns; 0.31 (-0.01 to 0.59) with vigorous activities, p=0.05

Troosters, T. 2010, Respir Med


FEV1 (GOLD stage) Mean (SD) daily steps (% healthy pairs): 87(35) in GOLD I; 70(32) in GOLD II; 49(34) in GOLD III; 29(19) in GOLD IV; p<0.05

Correlation coefficient FEV1 %predicted: 0.51 with number steps per day; p<0.0001

Mean(SD) daily time in moderate physical activity (% healthy pairs): 53(48) in GOLD I; 41(45) in GOLD II; 31(48) in GOLD III; 22(33) in GOLD IV; p<0.05

Correlation coefficient FEV1 %predicted: 0.33 with time spent in activities of mild intensity; p<0.006


Watz, H. 2008, Am J Respir Crit Care Med


FEV1 (GOLD stage) Mean (SD) steps per day: 7990 (3370) in GOLD I; 7160 (3284) in GOLD II; 5126 (3692) in GOLD III and 2773 (1897) in GOLD IV; p<0.001

Unstandardized regression coefficient (95% CI) GOLD III: -2714 (-4155 to -1273) for steps per day; p<0.001

Unstandardized regression coefficient (95% CI) GOLD IV: -4272 (-5801 to -2742) for steps per day; p<0.001

Adjusted unstandardized regression coefficient (95% CI) GOLD II: -939 (-2226 to 349) for steps per day; p=0.28

Adjusted unstandardized regression coefficient (95% CI) GOLD II: -0.009 (-0.111 to 0.093) for physical activity level; p=0.86

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Mean (SD) physical activity level: 1.63 (0.25) in GOLD I; 1.62 (0.27) in GOLD II; 1.45 (0.25) in GOLD 3 and 1.27 (0.17) in GOLD IV; p<0.001

N (%) physical activity level ≥1.70: 9 (26) in GOLD I; 18 (32) in GOLD II; 9 (21) in GOLD III and 1 (3) in GOLD IV; p<0.01

Unstandardized regression coefficient (95% CI) GOLD III: -0.128 (-0.242 to -0.014) for physical activity level; p=0.028

Unstandardized regression coefficient (95% CI) GOLD IV: -0.263 (-0.384 to -0.142) for physical activity level; p<0.001

Watz, H. 2009, ChestS82

FEV1 (GOLD stage) Mean (SD) physical activity level: 1.63 (0.25) in GOLD I; 1.62 (0.27) in GOLD II; 1.45 (0.25) in GOLD 3 and 1.27 (0.17) in GOLD IV; p<0.001


Watz, H. 2009, Eur Respir J


FEV1 (GOLD stage) Mean steps per day: 5000 in GOLD III vs. 8000in GOLD I; p<0.001; 5000 in GOLD III vs. 7600 in GOLD II; p=0.001; 4500 in GOLD IV vs. 8000 in GOLD I; p<0.001; 4500 in GOLD IV vs. 7600 in GOLD II; p<0.001; 4500 in GOLD IV vs. 5000 in GOLD III; p=0.003

Mean minutes >3 METs min: 110 in GOLD III vs. 145 in GOLD I; p=0.04; 110 in GOLD III vs. 145 in GOLD II; p=0.02; 55 in GOLD IV vs. 145 in GOLD I; p<0.001; 55 in GOLD IV vs. 145 in GOLD II; p<0.001; 55 in GOLD IV vs. 110 in GOLD III; p=0.002

Mean physical activity level: 1.46 in GOLD III vs. 1.63 in GOLD I; p<0.001; 1.46 in GOLD III vs. 1.62 in GOLD II; p<0.001; 1.29 in GOLD IV vs. 1.63 in GOLD I; p<0.001; 1.29 in GOLD IV vs. 1.62 in GOLD II; p<0.001; 1.29 in GOLD IV


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vs. 1.46 in GOLD III; p=0.006

(Note: Numbers derived from the figure)

Yeo, J. 2006, Age and ageing


FEV1 (Severity) Mean (SD) Manchester ADL score: 11.7 (6.5) in mild COPD vs. 13.4 (4.6) in moderate COPD; p=0.75; 11.7 (6.5) in mild COPD vs. 5.2 (2.8) in severe COPD; p=0.09; 13.4 (4.6) in moderate COPD vs. 5.2 (2.8) in severe COPD; p=0.02


Determinant: FVC

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Garcia-Rio, F. 2009, Am J Respir Crit Care Med


postPBD FVC (% pred) Mean (SD): 71 (14) in quartile 1 (Q1) of physical activity; 70 (14) in Q2; 80 (15) in Q3; 79 (15) in Q4; p=0.02;


Pitta, F. 2006, J Bras Pneumol


FVC (% pred) --- Median (P25-P75): 80 (74-113) in active group vs. 80 (78-87) in inactive group; p=0.902

Determinant: Gas exchange

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Garcia-Rio, F. 2009, Am J Respir Crit Care Med


DLCO (% predicted) Mean (SD): 61(27) in quartile 1 (Q1) of physical activity; 75(22) in Q2; 77(25) in Q3; 94(23) in


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Q4; p=0.001

Van Remoortel, H. 2013, Thorax


DLCO (% predicted) Adjusted coefficient (SEM): 591 (282) for steps per day; p=0.04

Adjusted coefficient (SEM): 0.04 (0.02) for steps per day; p=0.03


Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2004, Med Sci Sports Exerc


PCO2 (mmHg) --- Mean (SD): 45.7 (9.3) in low energy expenditure (0-53 kcal/d); 46.2 (10.3) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 45.9 (7.05) in high (>210 kcal/d); p=0.955

Garcia-Rio, F. 2009, Am J Respir Crit Care Med


PCO2 (mmHg) --- Mean (SD): 41.8 (5.5) in quartile 1 (Q1); 40.4 (5.8) in Q2; 40.2 (3.5) in Q3; 38.7 (5.1) in Q4; p=0.27

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2004, Med Sci Sports Exerc

S30 PO2 (mmHg) Mean (SD): 63.3 (13.3) in low energy

expenditure (0-53 kcal/d); 61 (11.7) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 65.8 (12.6) in high (>210 kcal/d); p=0.042


Garcia-Rio, F. 2009, Am J Respir Crit Care Med


PO2 (mmHg) Mean (SD): 64.0 (8.7) in quartile 1 (Q1); 64.3 (8.6) in Q2; 68.3 (6.9) in Q3; 71.0 (6.6) in Q4; p=0.01


Determinant: Hyperinflation (Static and Dynamic)

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Garcia-Rio, F. 2009, Am J TLC (% pred) Mean (SD): 112 (16) in quartile 1 (Q1) of physical activity; 112 (21) in Q2; 107 (13) in Q3;


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Respir Crit Care MedS34

99 (17) in Q4; p=0.02

RV/TLC (%) Mean (SD): 60 (7) in quartile 1 (Q1) of physical activity; 59 (9) in Q2; 56 (9) in Q3; 52 (8) in Q4; p=0.002


∆EELV (l) Mean (SD): 0.83 (0.49) in quartile 1 (Q1) of physical activity; 0.60 (0.29) in Q2; 0.35 (0.38) in Q3; -0.05 (0.20) in Q4; p=0.001

Adjusted standardized regression coefficients: -0.24 for physical activity level; p=0.001


∆EILV (l) Mean (SD): 1.43 (0.53) in quartile 1 (Q1) of physical activity; 1.15 (0.42) in Q2; 1.17 (0.57) in Q3; 0.77 (0.52) in Q4; p=0.001


Dynamic hyperinflation (Y/N)

Adjusted standardized regression coefficients: -0.34 for physical activity level; p=0.001


Hartman, JE. 2013, Arch Phys Med Rehab


RV (l) Adjusted regression coefficient (SE): -0.612 (0.200) for percentage locomotion; p=0.003


Lahaije, AJ. 2013, Respir Med


IC/TLC Adjusted unstandardized coefficients (SE): 78.546 (24.677) for mean physical activity; p=0.002


%∆IC Adjusted unstandardized coefficients (SE): 0.27 (0.132) for mean physical activity; p=0.046


IRV/TLC --- Adjusted unstandardized coefficients (SE): -0.027 (0.354) for mean physical activity; p=0.940

Pitta, F. 2006, J Bras Pneumol


IC/TLC --- Median (P25-P75): 0.28 (0.21-0.34) in active group vs. 0.27 (0.26-0.31) in inactive group;

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Pitta, F. 2008, Respir Med


IC (l) Correlation coefficients (95% CI) of 0.35 (0.02 to 0.60) with steps/day, p<0.05; 0.33 (0.01 to 0.59) with vigorous activities; p<0.05

Correlation coefficients (95% CI) of 0.30 (-0.03 to 0.57) with EEA>3METs, p=ns; -0.27 (-0.54 to 0.06) with sedentary activities, p=ns; 0.25 (-0.08 to 0.53) with moderate activities, p=ns

Determinant: Intervention – Long-acting ß2-agonist/Corticosteroids

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2004, Med Sci Sports Exerc

S30 Oral corticosteroids N (%): 34 (31) in low energy expenditure (0-53

kcal/d); 20 (20) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 17 (15) in high (>210 kcal/d); p=0.013


Inhaled corticosteroids --- N (%): 59 (53) in low energy expenditure (0-53 kcal/d); 64 (63) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 70 (61) in high (>210 kcal/d); p=0.282

Garcia-Rio, F. 2009, Am J Respir Crit Care Med


Inhaled corticosteroids --- N (%): 21 (78) in quartile 1 (Q1) of physical activity; 23 (82) in Q2; 22 (79) in Q3; 19 (70) in Q4; p=0.77

Hataji, O. 2013, Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis


Before vs. After inhalation Mean (SEM) steps: 6241 (653) vs. 7858 (848); p=0.0002

Mean (SEM) physical activity time: 876 (171) vs. 1496 (285) seconds; p<0.0001

Mean (SEM) kilocalories: 148 (18) vs. 194 (23); p<0.0001


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Determinant: Intervention – Dietary

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

dal Negro, RW. 2010, Monaldi Arch Chest Dis


Essential amino acids supplementation group vs. Placebo group

Mean (SD) number of steps after 4 weeks: 880 (837) vs. 652 (558); and after 12 weeks: 1141 (524) vs. 563 (602); p group x time interaction=0.0027


Weekes, CE. 2009, Thorax


Intervention group vs. Control group (intention-to-treat analysis)

Median (P25-P75) ADL score after intervention: 11 (7 to 17) vs. 13 (8 to 18); p=0.02


Intervention group vs. Control group (who completed study)

Median (P25-P75) ADL score at 6 months: 11 (7 to 17) vs. 13 (8 to 18); p=0.02

Median (P25-P75) ADL score at 12 months: 10 (7 to 16) vs. 13 (9 to 19); p=0.06

Determinant: Intervention – Exercise training

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Behnke, M. 2005, Respir Med


Intervention vs. Control group

Mean (SD) activity per day (counts): 126.2 (37.0) vs. 72.2 (13.6); p<0.0005


Bendstrup, KE. 1997, Eur Respir J


Intervention vs. Control group at week 12

Mean (SEM) ADL score: 17.7 (5.6) vs. -4.4 (4.1); p=0.004


Intervention vs. Control group at week 24

Mean (SEM) ADL score: 14.4 (4.7) vs. -9.8 (6.7); p=0.007


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Berry, MJ. 2010, Respir Med


Baseline vs. at 3 month Mean physical activity (kcal/week) in traditional exercise therapy program: 1860 vs. 2500; p=0.002

Mean physical activity (kcal/week) in behavioural lifestyle activity program: 1860 vs. 2498; p=0.004


Baseline vs. at 6 month Mean physical activity (kcal/week) in traditional exercise therapy program 1860 vs. 2210; p=0.039;

Mean physical activity (kcal/week) in behavioural lifestyle activity program 1860 vs. 2456; p=0.005


Baseline vs. at 12 month Mean physical activity (kcal/week) in behavioural lifestyle activity program 1850 vs. 2342; p=0.048

Mean physical activity (kcal/week) in traditional exercise therapy program 1850 vs. 2213; p=0.089;

Breyer, MK. 2010, Respir Research


Intervention vs. Control at 3 months

Increase in movement intensity, p<0.01

Increase in walking time, p=0.034

Decrease in sitting time, p=0.014


Intervention vs. Control at 6 months

Increase in movement intensity, p<0.01

Increase in walking time, p=0.05

Decrease in sitting time, p<0.01

Increase in standing time, p<0.01


Intervention vs. Control at 9 months

Increase in movement intensity, p<0.01

Increase in standing time, p<0.01


Coronado, M. 2003, J Baseline vs. after 3-week Mean (SD) % of total time of medium activity: 4 Mean (SD) % of total time of inactivity: 82 (5)

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Cardiopulm RehabS15

rehabilitation program (including training sessions)

(4) vs. 7(5); p=0.04

vs. 78 (8); p=0.09

Mean (SD) % of total time of low activity: 13 (4) vs. 15 (5); p=0.07

Baseline vs. after 3-week rehabilitation program (excluding training sessions)

--- Mean (SD) % of total time of inactivity: 85 (5) vs. 82 (9); p=0.13

Mean (SD) % of total time of low activity: 11 (3) vs. 13 (5); p=0.24

Mean (SD) % of total time of medium activity: 4 (3) vs. 5 (5); p=0.42

Dallas, MI. 2009, Chron Respir Dis


Baseline vs. after 6- to 12-week rehabilitation program

--- Mean (SD) change in pedometer counts per hour: 33 (149); p=0.14

Daly, C. 2011, Physiot Ireland


Baseline vs. after 8-week NMES training program

--- Mean difference in VMU/day: 40158; p=0.401

Mean difference in VMU/min: 21; p=0.575

Mean difference in % activity > 500 VMU: 4; p=0.674

Mean difference in % time > 500 VMU: 3; p=0.327

Effing, T. 2011, Respir Med


Intervention vs. Control group

Mean difference (95% CI) in steps per day at 12 months: 1190 (256 to 2125)


Egan, C. 2012, Respir Med


Baseline vs. after 7-week rehabilitation program (short term effects)

--- Mean (SD) total energy expenditure: 1951 (471) vs. 1860 (420); p=ns

Mean (SD) active energy expenditure: 256 (401) vs. 208 (232); p=ns

Mean (SD) physical activity duration: 48 (67) vs. 51 (53); p=ns

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Mean (SD) % time spend in moderate activity: 74 (104) vs. 79 (82); p=ns

Mean (SD) METs: 1.2 (0.3) vs. 1.2 (0.3); p=ns

Mean (SD) daily steps: 3611 (2863) vs. 3527 (2870); p=ns

Mean (SD) %time sedentary: 94 (8) vs. 94 (4); p=ns

Baseline vs. after 20-week (medium term effects)

--- Mean (SD) total energy expenditure: 1951 (471) vs. 1953 (485); p=ns

Mean (SD) active energy expenditure: 256 (401) vs. 227 (312); p=ns

Mean (SD) physical activity duration: 48 (67) vs. 48 (64); p=ns

Mean (SD) % time spend in moderate activity: 74 (104) vs. 74 (99); p=ns

Mean (SD) METs: 1.2 (0.3) vs. 1.1 (0.3); p=ns

Mean (SD) daily steps: 3611 (2863) vs. 3242 (3436); p=ns

Mean (SD) %Time Sedentary: 94 (8) vs. 92 (7); p=ns

Baseline vs. after 52-week (long term effects on a subsample, n=17)

--- Mean (SD) total energy expenditure: 1917 (500) vs. 2123 (871); p=ns

Mean (SD) active energy expenditure: 270 (432) vs. 477 (736); p=ns

Mean (SD) physical activity duration: 62 (98) vs. 79 (112); p=ns

Mean (SD) METs: 1.2 (0.3) vs. 1.2 (0.3); p=ns

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Mean (SD) daily steps: 3702 (2270) vs. 3083 (1938); p=ns

Mean (SD) %Time Sedentary: 93 (7) vs. 92 (9); p=ns

Faager, G. 2004, J Rehabil Med


Intervention vs. Control group

Mean (P25-P75) ADL score after the rehabilitation program: 0.9 (0.3-1.4) vs. 1.3 (0-2.3); p<0.01


Faulkner, J. 2010, Prim Care Resp J


Intervention vs. Control group

--- Difference mean (95%CI) of 7 day total physical activity (kcal) after 8-week program: -85.5 (-807 to 636)

Mador, MJ. 2011, J Cardiopulmon Rehab Prev


Baseline vs. after 8-week rehabilitation program

--- Absolute difference of means (SD) of total VMU/min: 3.7 (39.1); p=0.65

Nield, M. 2005, J Cardiopulm Rehab


Baseline vs. after 6-week rehabilitation program

Mean (SD) Human Activity Scale (maximal activity score): 55 (14) vs. 64 (13); p=0.001

Mean (SD) Human Activity Scale (adjusted activity score): 42 (15) vs. 48 (13); p<0.001


Pomidori, L. 2012, J Cardiopulmon Rehab Prev


Group walked with metronome vs. Group walked a fixed distance

Absolute difference between baseline and after 12 months (SD) in METs daily average: 0.17 (0.14) vs. 0.04 (0.13); p<0.05

Absolute difference between baseline and after 12 months (SD) in time >3 METs (h): 35 (32) vs. 13 (28); p<0.05


Probst, VS. 2011, Respir Care


Baseline vs. after 12-week in low-intensity and in high-intensity training program

--- Mean (SD) in time spent per day walking (min): 58 (24) vs. 43 (26) in low-intensity group; p=0.051; and 57 (32) vs. 53 (39) in high-intensity group; p>0.05

Mean (SD) in time spent per day standing

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(min): 270 (139) vs. 228 (127) in low-intensity group; p>0.05; and 248 (95) vs. 245 (105) in high-intensity group; p>0.05

Mean (SD) in time spent per day sitting (min): 283 (121) vs. 326 (129) in low-intensity group; p>0.05; and 296 (91) vs. 312 (106) in high-intensity group; p>0.05

Mean (SD) in time spent per day laying (min): 108 (100) vs. 116 (90) in low-intensity group; p>0.05; and 113 (109) vs. 100 (78) in high-intensity group; p>0.05

Mean (SD) in total energy expenditure (Kcal): 1331 (596) vs. 1365 (824) in low-intensity group; p>0.05; and 1295 (635) vs. 1298 (565) in high-intensity group; p>0.05

Mean (SD) in energy expenditure >3 METS (Kcal): 428 (620) vs. 337 (466) in low-intensity group; p>0.05; and 408 (620) vs. 396 (542) in high-intensity group; p>0.05

Mean (SD) in time spent activities >3 METS (min): 76 (99) vs. 54 (67) in low-intensity group; p>0.05; and 76 (89) vs. 74 (85) in high-intensity group; p>0.05

Mean (SD) in steps per day: 5002 (4195) vs. 4336 (3910) in low-intensity group; p>0.05; and 4568 (3381) vs. 4290 (3253) in high-intensity group; p>0.05

Schou, L. 2013, J Telemed Telecare


Telemedicine intervention vs. conventional hospital treatment

--- Mean (SD) in activity of daily living: 2.0 (2.6) vs. 1.5 (1.7) 3 days after discharge; p=0.86

Mean (SD) in activity of daily living: 1.5 (2.7) vs. 2.2 (2.7) at follow-up after 6 weeks; p=0.79

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Mean (SD) in activity of daily living: 1.9 (2.9) vs. 1.1 (1.5) at follow-up after 3 months; p=0.93

Sewell, L. 2005, ChestS65

Baseline vs. after 7-week in individually targeted exercise program (ITEP)

Mean (95%CI) % change in activity counts: 41% (7 to 74) in individually targeted exercise program (ITEP) rehabilitation program; p=0.02

Mean (95%CI) change in COPM performance score: 1.46 (1.05 to 1.87); p=0.0001

Mean (95%CI) change in COPM satisfaction score: 2.04 (1.56 to 2.52); p=0.0001


Baseline vs. after 7-week in general exercise program (GEP)

Mean (95%CI) % change in activity counts: 29% (3 to 55); p= 0.03

Mean (95%CI) change in COPM performance score: 1.71 (1.37 to 2.05); p=0.0001

Mean (95%CI) change in COPM satisfaction score: 2.27 (1.74 to 2.81); p=0.0001


Sewell, L. 2010, J Cardiopulm Rehab Prev


Baseline vs. after 7-week rehabilitation

--- Mean change (95% CI) in activity monitor counts (%): 33 (-3 to 70) in spring, 2 (-33 to 37) in summer, 38 (-2 to 78) in autumn, 130 (-2 to 263); p=ns

Skumlien, S. 2008, Respir Med


Baseline vs. after 12-week in resistance training program

--- Mean (95%CI) change in ADL time (min): -0.1 (-0.6 to 0.5); p=ns

Mean (95%CI) change in HPAQ score: -60 (-614 to 495); p=ns

Baseline vs. after 12-week in endurance training program

--- Mean (95%CI) change in ADL time (min): -0.3 (-0.6 to 0); p=ns

Mean (95%CI) change in HPAQ score: 241 (-498 to 982); p=ns

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Takigawa, N. 2007, Respir Med


Baseline vs. after 4- to 8-week rehabilitation program

Mean (SD) velocity of motion in GOLD II: 24.6 (4.1) vs. 25.9 (4.2); p=0.023

Mean (SD) velocity of motion in GOLD III: 22.8 (6.0) vs. 25.2 (4.5) post-PR; p=0.000

Mean (SD) velocity of motion in GOLD IV: 18.1 (6.5) vs. 21.1 (5.9); p=0.000


Walker, PP. 2008, Thorax


Baseline vs. after 8-week rehabilitation program

Mean (SE) intensity of activity score: 156 (69.2) vs. 208.5 (123.4); p=0.001

Mean (SE) activity score: 81.5 (53.2) vs. 117.2 (84.2); p=0.002

Mean (SE) % time spent mobile: 50.0 (2.7) vs. 55.2 (2.6); p=0.014

Mean (SE) NEADL score: 16.4 (0.5) vs. 18.2 (0.5); p<0.001


Determinant: Intervention – Oxygen therapy

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2004, Med Sci Sports Exerc


Long term oxygen therapy (LTOT) utilization

N (%): 51 (46) in low energy expenditure (0-53 kcal/d); 30 (30) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 27 (23) in high (>210 kcal/d); p=0.001

Adjusted OR (95% CI) of low physical activity: 2.07 (1.19 to 3.60); p=0.010


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Time using LTOT --- N (%) <1 month: 4 (8) in low energy expenditure (0-53 kcal/d); 5 (17) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 3 (11) in high (>210 kcal/d)

N (%) 1-5.9 months: 5 (10) in low energy expenditure (0-53 kcal/d); 4 (14) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 3 (11) in high (>210 kcal/d)

N (%) 6 months-1.9 yr: 13 (25) in low energy expenditure (0-53 kcal/d); 3 (10) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 7 (26) in high (>210 kcal/d)

N (%) 2-3.9 yr: 13 (25) in low energy expenditure (0-53 kcal/d); 3 (10) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 6 (22) in high (>210 kcal/d)

N (%) ≥4 yr: 16 (31) in low energy expenditure (0-53 kcal/d); 14 (48) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 8 (30) in high (>210 kcal/d)


Garcia-Rio, F. 2009, Am J Respir Crit Care Med


Long term oxygen therapy (LTOT) utilization

--- N (%): 4 (15) in quartile 1 (Q1) of physical activity; 4 (14) in Q2; 2 (7) in Q3; 0 (0) in Q4; p=0.19

Okubadejo, AA. 1997, Eur Respir J


LTOT group vs. no LTOT group

Median (P25-P75) Nottingham EADL score: 10 (2-20) vs. 17 (6-22); p=0.01


Sandland, CJ. 2008, Chest


Before vs. after intervention --- In oxygen group, mean (SD) domestic activity counts: 4694 (1902) vs. 6912 (4171); p=0.46

In air group, mean (SD) domestic activity counts: 6430 (5002) vs. 6000 (3808); p=ns

Tsara, V. 2008, Respir Care


LTOT group vs. no LTOT group

Mean (SD) ADL score: 74.5 (37.3) vs. 97.4 (2.0); p=0.001


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Vergeret, J. 1989, Eur Respir J


Fixed O2 group vs. Portable O2 group

Mean (SD) walked outdoors (m/day): 520 (370) vs. 480(397); p<0.05


Fixed O2 group vs. Portable O2 group (in oxygen therapy <15 h/day)

--- Mean rest time (h/day): 13 vs. 14; p=ns

Mean outdoor activity (h/day): 2 vs. 2; p=ns

Mean distance walked outdoor (m/day): 658 vs. 432; p=ns

Fixed O2 group vs. Portable O2 group (in oxygen therapy > 18 h/day)

Mean outdoor activity (h/day): 0.1 vs. 2; p<0.05

Mean distance walked outdoor (m/day): 20 vs. 385; p<0.01

Mean rest time (h/day): 15 vs. 14; p=ns

Determinant: Intervention – Physical activity advice

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

de Blok, BMJ. 2006, Patient Educ Couns


Physical activity counselling with pedometer group vs. control group

--- Mean steps/day at follow-up: 3927 in intervention group, 3554 in control group, p=0.38

Nguyen, HQ. 2009, Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis


MOBILE self-monitored (control group) vs. MOBILE coached (intervention group)

Mean (SE) total steps/day: 5229 (1068) at baseline, 4452 (1082) at 3 months, and 5838 (1096) at 6 months, in MOBILE-self monitored vs. 6692 (1007) at baseline, 5879(1016) at 3 months, and 5675 (1007) at 6 months, in MOBILE-coached; p group x time interaction=0.04;

Mean (SE) % active time at moderate-high


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activity: 19.1 (2.7) at baseline, 18.6 (2.8) at 3 months, and 23.5 (2.9) at 6 months, in MOBILE-self monitored vs. 27.1 (2.6) at baseline, 24.2 (2.6) at 3 months, and 23.6(2.6) at 6 months, in MOBILE-coached; p group x time interaction=0.003;

Mean (SE) total average steps/minute of the best 30 minutes of the day: 61.2 (5.4) at baseline, 59.0 (5.6) at 3 months, and 68.2 (5.8) at 6 months, in MOBILE-self monitored vs. 68.4 (5.0) at baseline, 59.0 (5.2) at 3 months, and 56.6 (5.0) at 6 months, in MOBILE-coached; p group x time interaction=0.002

Wewel, AR. 2008, Respir Med


Baseline period vs. phone call period

Mean (SD) total activity (counts): 192614 (127247) vs. 235489 (116953); p=0.017

Mean (SD) activity per hour of monitoring (counts/h): 1061 (636) vs. 1330 (726); p=0.007

Mean (SD) total activity without training sessions (counts): 192614 (127247) vs. 194476 (103389); p=0.433

Mean (SD) total pedometer reading (m): 31215 (23673) vs. 37186 (20341); p=0.079

Mean (SD) pedometer reading per hour (m/h): 184 (119) vs. 214 (121); p=0.140

Determinant: Marital status

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2004, Med Sci Sports Exerc


Married --- N (%) 74 (67) in low energy expenditure (0-53 kcal/d); 77 (76) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 88 (77) in high (>210 kcal/d); p=0.172

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Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2009, Chest


Married N (%): 75 (88) in quartile 1 (Q1) of energy expenditure in physical activity; 73 (86) in Q2; 62 (73) in Q3; 64 (74) in Q4; p for trend=0.005


Determinant: Osteoarticular condition

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2004, Med Sci Sports Exerc


Arthrosis or rheumatism --- N (%): 45 (41) in low energy expenditure (0-53 kcal/d); 33 (33) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 47 (4) in high (>210 kcal/d); p=0.385

Moy, ML. 2009, J Rehabil Res Dev


Joint problems Unadjusted coefficient (95% CI): -2742 (-3723 to -1761) for steps per day; p=0.0002

Unadjusted coefficient (95% CI): -1.1 (-2.2 to -0.083) for number of checklist physical activity performed; p=0.04


Determinant: Quality of Life / Health Related Quality of Life

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Altenburg, WA. 2013, Respir Med


SGRQ activity Adjusted regression standardized coefficient: -0.275 for daily physical activity; p=0.006


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Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2004, Med Sci Sports Exerc


SF-12 physical summary Mean (SD): 33 (7) in low energy expenditure (0-53 kcal/d); 37 (9) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 39 (10) in high (>210 kcal/d); p<0.001

Adjusted OR (95% CI) of low physical activity: 0.93 (0.90 to 0.96); p<0.001


SF-12 mental summary Mean (SD): 42 (12) in low energy expenditure (0-53 kcal/d); 47 (11) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 49 (10) in high (>210 kcal/d); p<0.001

Adjusted OR(95% CI) of low physical activity: 0.96 (0.93 to 0.98); p<0.001


Garcia-Rio, F. 2009, Am J Respir Crit Care Med


SGRQ symptoms Mean (SD): 50.8 (22.2) in quartile 1 (Q1) of physical activity; 44.5 (21.3) in Q2; 29.4 (16.9) in Q3; 31.6 (14.9) in Q4; p=0.001


SGRQ activity Mean (SD): 62.2 (18.4) in quartile 1 (Q1) of physical activity; 49.7 (17.7) in Q2; 47.9 (17.2) in Q3; 39.0 (14.6) in Q4; p=0.001


SGRQ impact Mean (SD): 51.3 (17.9) in quartile 1 (Q1) of physical activity; 29.4 (16.3) in Q2; 24.8 (15.0) in Q3; 30.8 (18.8) in Q4; p=0.001


SGRQ total score Mean (SD): 54.5 (17.5) in quartile 1 (Q1) of physical activity; 38.1 (16.3) in Q2; 33.6 (12.5) in Q3; 34.4 (13.2) in Q4; p=0.001


Moy, ML. 2009, J Rehabil VR-36 physical function Unadjusted coefficient (95% CI): 29 (12 to 47) for steps per day; p=0.002


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Res DevS49

SF-36 physical summary Unadjusted coefficient (95% CI): 67 (35 to 99)

for steps per day; p=0.0003


SF-36 mental summary Unadjusted coefficient (95% CI): -72 (-125 to -19) for steps per day; p=0.002


Pitta, F. 2006, J Bras Pneumol


CRDQ total --- Median (P25-P75): 82 (63-88) in active group vs. 87 (65-104) in inactive group; p=0.399

Determinant: Self-efficacy

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Altenburg, WA. 2013, Respir Med


PPAS (Perceived Physical Ability Subscale)

Adjusted standardized coefficient: 0.400 for daily physical activity; p=0.000


Hartman, JE. 2013, Arch Phys Med Rehab


LIVAS (Self-efficacy for physical activity)

Adjusted regression coefficient (SE): 0.096 (0.034) for percentage locomotion; p=0.006


Determinant: Sex

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

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Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2004, Med Sci Sports Exerc


Male N (%) 94 (85%) in low energy expenditure (0-53 kcal/d); 95 (94%) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 110 (95%) in high (>210 kcal/d); p=0.007


Female Adjusted OR (95% CI) of low physical activity: 2.92 (1.11 to 7.70); p=0.031


Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2009, Chest


Male N (%) 83 (98) in quartile 1 (Q1) of energy expenditure in physical activity; 81 (95) in Q2; 75 (88) in Q3; 78 (91) in Q4; p for trend=0.025


Garcia-Rio, F. 2009, Am J Respir Crit Care Med


Male --- N (%) 26 (96) in quartile 1 (Q1) of physical activity; 26 (93) in Q2; 25 (89) in Q3; 27 (100) in Q4; p=0.34

Pitta, F. 2006, J Bras Pneumol


Male N (%) 8 (50) male in active group vs. 8 (50) male in inactive group; p=na

Female N (%) 4 (57) female in active group vs. 3 (43) female in inactive group; p=na

Skumlien, S. 2006, Chron Respir Dis


Sex Mean (SD) activity score in home management: 3.9 (2.6) in men vs. 4.8 (2.2) in women; p<0.05


Watz, H. 2008, Am J Respir Crit Care Med


Male --- N (%) 25 (74) in GOLD I; 41 (72) in GOLD II; 35 (81) in GOLD III and 27 (75) in GOLD IV; p=0.74

Female --- Unstandardized regression coefficient (95% CI) 0.065 (-0.027 to 0.157) for physical activity level; p=0.16;

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Determinant: Smoking habit

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2004, Med Sci Sports Exerc


Ex-smoker, current smoker, never smoker

N (%): 70 (65) ex-smoker, 23 (21) current smoker, 15 (14) never smoker in low energy expenditure (0-53 kcal/d); 71 (71) ex-smoker, 25 (25) current smoker, 4 (4) never smoker in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 74 (65) ex-smoker, 34 (30) current smoker, 6 (5) never smoker in high (>210 kcal/d); p=0.041


Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2009, Chest


Current smoker N (%): 24 (28) in quartile 1 (Q1) of energy expenditure in physical activity; 28 (33) in Q2; 39 (46) in Q3; 54 (63) in Q4; p for trend=0.007


Garcia-Rio, F. 2009, Am J Respir Crit Care Med


Current smoker --- N (%): 5 (20) in quartile 1 (Q1) of physical activity; 6 (23) in Q2; 5 (19) in Q3; 4 (16) in Q4; p=0.74

Pack-years --- Mean (SD): 83 (89) quartile 1 (Q1) of physical activity; 49 (12) in Q2; 48 (29) in Q3; 53 (16) in Q4; p=0.21

Determinant: Socioeconomic status

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2004, Low socioeconomic status N (%): 70 (63) in low energy expenditure (0-53 kcal/d); 73 (72) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 94


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Med Sci Sports ExercS30 (grade IV or V) (81) in high (>210 kcal/d); p=0.007

High socioeconomic status (grade I to III)

Adjusted OR (95% CI) of low physical activity: 2.23 (1.24 to 4.02); p=0.007


Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2009, Chest


Low socioeconomic status (grade IV or V)

--- N (%): 68 (83) in quartile 1 (Q1) of energy expenditure in physical activity; 64 (83) in Q2; 64 (80) in Q3; 62 (81) in Q4; p for trend=0.595

Determinant: Systemic inflammation

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Garcia-Rio, F. 2009, Am J Respir Crit Care Med

S34 IL-6 (pg/ml) Mean (SD): 2.1 (3.3) in quartile 1 (Q1) of

physical activity; 6.3 (7.8) in Q2; 1.9 (3.2) in Q3; 1.7 (2.5) in Q4; p=0.04;


8-isoprostane (pg/ml) Mean (SD): 58.9 (20.3) in quartile 1 (Q1); 45.6 (23.8) in Q2; 33.6 (23.0) in Q3; 11.1 (7.1) in Q4; p=0.001


soluble TNF-α receptor 1 (pg/ml)

--- Mean (SD): 4.0 (5.4) in quartile 1 (Q1); 4.4 (10.4) in Q2; 1.0 (1.0) in Q3; 3.2 (4.7) in Q4; p=0.59

Watz, H. 2008, Am J Respir Crit Care Med


Fibrinogen (mg/dl) Adjusted unstandardized regression coefficient (95% CI): -0.001 (-0.001 to <0.000) for physical activity level; p=0.001

Adjusted unstandardized regression coefficient (95% CI): -7 (-12 to -2) for steps per day; p=0.006


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Determinant: Working status

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2004, Med Sci Sports Exerc

S30 Current workers --- N (%): 6 (5) in low energy expenditure (0-53

kcal/d); 7 (7) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 7 (6) in high (>210 kcal/d); p=0.898

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2009, Chest


Occupationally active N (%): 0 (0) in quartile 1 (Q1) of energy expenditure in physical activity; 5 (6) in Q2; 17 (20) in Q3; 39 (46) in Q4; p for trend<0.001.


Garcia-Rio, F. 2009, Am J Respir Crit Care Med


Retired or disabled --- N (%): 20 (74) in quartile 1 (Q1) of physical activity; 13 (46) in Q2; 14 (50) in Q3; 12 (44) in Q4; p=0.10

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Online supplement Table 3b. Other potential determinants (only evidenced in 1 study) and their association with physical activity, grouped in main

categories and sorted by alphabetical order.

Determinant: Cardiac autonomic function

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

van Gestel, AJR. 2012, COPD


RR interval (ms) Unadjusted coefficient: 0.42 for steps per day; p=0.001


HR at rest (bpm) Unadjusted coefficient: -0.29 for steps per day; p=0.010


Heart Rate Reserve (bpm) Unadjusted coefficient: 0.28 for steps per day; p=0.015


Determinant: Caregivers

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Wakabayashi, R. 2011, J Am Geriatr Soc


Living alone vs. Living with 1 caregiver

Mean (SD) in instrumental ADLs (range 0-31): 29.1 (3.6) vs. 25.6 (3.9); p<0.001


Living alone vs. Living with ≥2 caregiver

Mean (SD) in instrumental ADLs (range 0-31): 29.1 (3.6) vs. 25.6 (4.2); p<0.001


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Living with 1 caregiver vs. Living with ≥2 caregiver

--- Mean (SD) in instrumental ADLs (range 0-31): 25.6 (3.9) vs. 25.6 (4.2); p>0.99

Living alone vs. Living with 1 caregiver vs. Living with ≥2 caregiver

Mean (SD) in ADLs (range 0-31): 29.1 (3.6) vs. 25.6 (3.9) vs. 29.1 (3.6); p <0.001

Mean (SD) in ADLs (range 0-20): 19.9 (0.5) vs. 20.0 (0.3) vs. 19.9 (0.8); p=0.79

Determinant: Cataracts

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2004, Med Sci Sports Exerc


Cataracts --- N (%): 43 (39) in low energy expenditure (0-53 kcal/d); 29 (29) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 26 (23) in high (>210 kcal/d); p=0.053

Determinant: Diabetes

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2004, Med Sci Sports Exerc

S30 Diabetes N (%): 32 (29) in low energy expenditure (0-53

kcal/d); 18 (18) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 15 (13) in high (>210 kcal/d); p=0.010

Adjusted OR (95% CI) of low physical activity: 2.66 (1.40 to 5.06); p=0.003


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Determinant: Disease control

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2004, Med Sci Sports Exerc

S30 ≥3 visits per year to control the disease

--- N (%): 44 (43) in low energy expenditure (0-53 kcal/d); 30 (32) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 36 (33) in high (>210 kcal/d); p=0.167

Correctly performed essential inhaler manoeuvres

--- N (%): 54 (53) in low energy expenditure (0-53 kcal/d); 49 (57) in moderate (54-210 kcal/d); 53 (56) in high (>210 kcal/d); p=0.830

Determinant: Intervention – Integrated education

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Wakabayashi, R. 2011, Geriatr Gerontol


Integrated education group vs. Usual care group (baseline, 6 months, and 12 months)

Mean (SD) instrumental activities of daily living: 26 (4), 27 (4), and 27 (4) vs. 27 (4), 26 (4), and 27 (4); p group x time interaction=0.030


Determinant: Intervention - Lung volume reduction surgery

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

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Goto, Y. 2004, Respirology


LVRS group vs. non-LVRS group

Mean in bathing score at 3 months 0.54 in LVRS group vs. 1.64 in non-LVRS group, p<0.005

Mean in indoor walking score at 3 months 0.25 in LVRS group vs. 0.73 in non-LVRS group, p<0.005

Mean in bathing score at 12 months 0.53 in LVRS group vs. 1.50 in non-LVRS group, p<0.005

Mean in eating score at 3 months 0.15 in LVRS group vs. 0.18 in non-LVRS group; p=ns

Mean in toileting score at 3 months 0.23 in LVRS group vs. 0.27 in non-LVRS group; p=ns

Mean in shampooing score at 3 months 0.62 in LVRS group vs. 1.10 in non-LVRS group; p=ns

Mean in face and teeth washing score at 3 months 0.39 in LVRS group vs. 0.73 in non-LVRS group; p=ns

Mean in dressing score at 3 months 0.54 in LVRS group vs. 0.55 in non-LVRS group; p=ns

Mean in eating score at 12 months 0.22 in LVRS group vs. 0.42 in non-LVRS group; p=ns

Mean in toileting score at 12 months 0.44 in LVRS group vs. 0.50 in non-LVRS group; p=ns

Mean in shampooing score at 12 months 0.83 in LVRS group vs. 1.42 in non-LVRS group; p=ns

Mean in face and teeth washing score at 3 months 0.56 in LVRS group vs. 0.92 in non-LVRS group; p=ns

Mean in dressing score at 12 months 0.56 in LVRS group vs. 1.17 in non-LVRS group; p=ns

Mean in indoor walking score at 3 months 0.39 in LVRS group vs. 1.17 in non-LVRS group, p=ns

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Determinant: Intervention - Lung transplant

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Bossenbroek, L. 2009, J Heart Lung Transplant


Lung transplant candidates vs. Lung transplant recipients

Mean (SD) steps/day: 1407 (1166) vs. 6642 (2886); p<0.001

Mean (SD) step equivalents/day: 2636 (2275) vs. 9038 (4583); p<0.001

Mean (SD) SQUASH MET/day: 1349 (990) vs. 5434 (2945); p<0.001


Determinant: Muscle strength

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Pitta, F. 2006, J Bras Pneumol


PImax (% pred) --- Median (P25-P75): 66 (48-88) in active group vs. 74 (62-102) in inactive group; 0.644

PEmax (% pred) --- Median (P25-P75): 101 (89-109) in active group vs. 78 (67-121) in inactive group; 0.132

QF (% pred) --- Median (P25-P75): 75 (54-87) in active group vs. 76 (58-97) in inactive group; 0.806

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Determinant: Other lung function measures (not FEV1, not FVC, not hyperinflation)

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Garcia-Rio, F. 2009, Am J Respir Crit Care Med


postPBD FEV1/FVC --- Mean (SD): 48 (13) in quartile (Q1) quartile 1 (Q1) of physical activity; 49 (11) in Q2; 49 (12) in Q3; 55 (11) in Q4; p=0.15

FRC (% pred) Mean (SD): 143 (25) in quartile (Q1) quartile 1 (Q1) of physical activity; 144 (42) in Q2; 130 (22) in Q3; 114 (28) in Q4; p=0.002


Pitta, F. 2006, J Bras Pneumol


VE/MVV --- Median (P25-P75): 100 (85-114) in active group vsvs. 83 (64-105) in inactive group; p=0.178

Pitta, F. 2008, Respir Med


MVV (l) Correlation coefficients (95% CI) of 0.48 (0.18 to 0.69) with EEA>3METs, p<0.001; 0.49 (0.20 to 0.70) with steps/day, p<0.001; -0.41 (-0.65 to 0.10) with sedentary activities, p<0.001; 0.42 (0.11 to 0.66) with moderate activities, p<0.001; 0.49 (0.20 to 0.71), p<0.001


Determinant: Season

Paper Variable / Category Association

Significant Non-significant

Sewell, L. 2010, J Cardiopulmon Rehab Prev


Summer vs. Winter Mean (SD) activity monitor counts: 8857 (7497) vs. 3201 (2637); p=0.01


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Online supplement Table 4a. Outcomes covered by at least 2 articles and their association with physical activity, grouped in main categories and

sorted by alphabetical order.

Outcome: Balance

Paper Variable Association

Significant Non-significant

Beauchamp, MK. 2012, Chest


BESTest score Correlation coefficient: 0.40 with self-reported physical activity (PASE); p=0.008

Standardized regression coefficient: 0.341 for self-reported physical activity (PASE); p=0.033


Roig, M. 2011, Respir Med


Falls --- Mean (95% CI) in PASE score: 109 (92 to 126) in non-fallers vs. 86 (66 to 106) in fallers; p=0.1

Outcome: Bone mineral density

Paper Variable Association

Significant Non-significant

Bon, J. 2011, Am J Respir Crit Care Med


Bone mineral density --- Mean (SD) in leisure score: 2.4 (1.2) in normal group vs. 2.3 (1.1) in osteopenia group vs. 1.9 (1.3) in osteoporosis group; p=ns

Mean (SD) in on-the-job score: 1.6 (0.8) in normal group vs. 1.6 (0.8) in osteopenia group vs. 1.1 (0.4) in osteoporosis group; p=ns

Silva, DR. 2011, Respir Bone mass (T-score) --- Median (P25-P75) METs (min/week): 720 (0-2520) in osteoporosis group vs. 560 (25-3548)

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in osteopenia group vs. 1104 (136-17000) in normal bone mass; p=0.24

Femoral-neck (T-score) Correlation coefficient: 0.378 with total activity; p<0.001


Lumbar spine (T-score) --- Correlation coefficient: 0.150 with total activity; p=0.15

Outcome: Dyspnea

Paper Variable Association

Significant Non-significant

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2009, Chest


severe dyspnea (mMRC score, 3, 4, 5)

N (%) 52 (62) in quartile 1 (Q1) of energy expenditure in physical activity; 34 (40) in Q2; 28 (33) in Q3; 40 (47) in Q4; p for trend=0.036


Lemmens, KM. 2008, Patient Educ Couns


MRC dyspnea Adjusted regression coefficient 0.20 for physical activity; p<0.01


Outcome: Exacerbations

Paper Variable Association

Significant Non-significant

Benzo, RP. 2010, Respiration


No hospital admission during 12-month period

Mean (SD) self-reported time of physical activity per week (minutes) 109 (62) in patients with no hospital admission during 12-month period vs. 94(65) in patients with at least one


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hospital admission during 12-month period; p=0.01

Mean self-reported time of ≥2 h of physical activity per week (%): 42 in patients with no hospital admission during 12-month period vs. 30 in patients with at least one hospital admission during 12-month period; p=0.003

Adjusted OR (95% CI) of hospitalization: 0.6 (0.41 to 0.88) in self-reported time of ≥2 h of physical activity per week; p=0.01

Chen, Y. 2006, Western journal nursing research


Readmission at 14 days Adjusted OR (95% CI) of daily functioning: 0.99 (0.53 to 1.85); p<0.05


Readmission at 90 days Adjusted OR (95% CI) of daily functioning: 0.56 (0.33 to 0.97); p<0.05


Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2003, Thorax


Readmission to hospital for COPD exacerbation

Adjusted HR (95% CI): 0.85 (0.59 to 1.24) usual physical activity 79-232 kcal/day; p=0.400; 0.49 (0.31 to 0.79) usual physical activity >232 kcal/day; p=0.003

Adjusted HR (95% CI): 0.87 (0.60 to 1.27) usual physical activity 79-232 kcal/day; p=0.469; 0.54 (0.34 to 0.86) usual physical activity >232 kcal/day; p=0.010


Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2006, Thorax


COPD admissions Adjusted IRR (95% CI): 0.72 (0.53 to 0.97) in low/moderate/high physical activity; p=0.033


Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2008, Ann Epidemiol


COPD admissions Weighted IRR (95% CI): 1.10 (0.82 to 1.49) in moderate physical activity; p=0.522; 0.68 (0.47 to 0.99) in high physical activity; p=0.044


Garcia-Rio, F. 2012, COPD admissions Adjusted IRR (95% CI): 0.099 (0.033 to 0.293) ---

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in quartile 4 (Q4) of physical activity; p<0.0001; 0.529 (0.291 to 0.962) in Q3; p=0.0369; and 0.537 (0.285 to 1.013) in Q2; p=0.0547

Moy, M. 2013, PLoS ONE


Acute exacerbations Adjusted RR (95% CI): 1.07 (1.003 to 1.15) in mean daily step count (per 1000 step decrease); p=0.04


COPD-Related hospitalizations

Adjusted RR (95% CI): 1.24 (1.08 to 1.42) in mean daily step count (per 1000 step decrease); p=0.003


Pitta, F. 2006, ChestS56

Readmission in the year following discharge

Median (P25-P75) walking time per day at 1 month 12 (9-27) min/d in patients readmitted in the year following discharge vs. 30 (21-100) min/d in patients not readmitted; p=0.03


Outcome: Exercise capacity

Paper Variable Association

Significant Non-significant

Chao, PW. 2011, COPDS13

6MWD (ft) Mean (SD) 1124 (210) in inactive COPD patients vs. 1468 (240) in active COPD patients


Eliason, G. 2011, COPDS23

6MWD (m) Adjusted regression coefficient 0.381 for time spent moderately or vigorously active (MVPA); p=0.01

Adjusted regression coefficient 0.333 for mean physical activity; p=0.02

Adjusted regression coefficient -0.155 for time spent sedentary; p=0.32

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2009, 6MWD (m) Mean (SD) 397 (115) in quartile 1 (Q1) of energy expenditure in physical activity; 446 (79)


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in Q2; 456 (86) in Q3; 467 (85) in Q4; p for trend<0.001

Adjusted regression coefficient (95% CI) 40.8 (14.4 to 67.2) for Q2 of energy expenditure in physical activity; 41.5 (13.2 to 69.7) for Q3; 44.8 (14.8 to 74.7) for Q4; p for trend=0.006

VO2 peak (mL/min) Mean (SD) 1043 (235) in quartile 1 (Q1) of energy expenditure in physical activity; 1139 (300) in Q2; 1296 (445) in Q3; 1234 (398) in Q4; p for trend=0.004


Waatevik, M. 2012, COPD


6MWD (m) Adjusted regression coefficient (95% CI) -41.9 (-65.7 to -18.3) for 1-2 hours physical activity per week; and -81.6 (-117.9 to -45.4) for no physical activity per week; p<0.001


Outcome: FEV1

Paper Variable Association

Significant Non-significant

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2009, Chest


post-BD FEV1 (% pred) Mean (SD) 49 (16) in quartile 1 (Q1) of energy expenditure in physical activity; 50 (15) in Q2; 57 (16) in Q3; 54 (17) in Q4; p for trend=0.002


Lemmens, KM. 2008, Patient Educ Couns


FEV1 (% pred) Adjusted regression coefficient: 0.17 for physical activity; p<0.05


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Outcome: Mortality

Paper Variable Association

Significant Non-significant

Esteban, C. 2006, QJMS24

Deaths N (%) 11 (28) in activity level 0; 25 (22) in activity level 1; 54 (16) in activity level 2; 4 (4) in activity level 3; p=0.0007


Mortality --- Adjusted HR: 1.12 in activity level 1, p=0.78; 0.94 in activity level 2, p=0.88; 0.38 in activity level 3, p=0.12

Esteban, C. 2011, Respir Med


Mortality Unadjusted coefficient 1.0540 for very low physical activity level, p=0.0021; 0.7228 for low physical activity level, p=0.0303; 0.6786 for medium physical activity level, p=0.0172


Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2006, Thorax


All-cause mortality Adjusted HR (95% CI): 0.76 (0.65 to 0.90) in low/moderate/high physical activity; p=0.001

Adjusted HR (95% CI): 1.04 (0.84 to 1.27) in low physical activity; 0.73 (0.61 to 0.86) in moderate physical activity; 0.72 (0.59 to 0.86) in high physical activity; p for trend<0.001


Respiratory mortality --- Adjusted HR (95% CI): 0.70 (0.48 to 1.02) in low/moderate/high physical activity; p=0.060

Adjusted HR (95% CI): 0.89 (0.55 to 1.44) in low physical activity; 0.64 (0.43 to 0.95) in moderate physical activity; 0.72 (0.46 to 1.12) in high physical activity; p for trend=0.072

Cardiovascular mortality --- Adjusted HR (95% CI): 0.77 (0.58 to 1.02) in

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low/moderate/high physical activity; p=0.065

Adjusted HR (95% CI): 0.84 (0.58 to 1.23) in low physical activity; 0.73 (0.54 to 0.98) in moderate physical activity; 0.81 (0.59 to 1.11) in high physical activity; p for trend=0.195

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2008, Ann Epidemiol


All-cause mortality Adjusted HR (95% CI): 0.83 (0.74 to 0.94) in moderate physical activity; 0.80(0.69 to 0.91) in high physical activity; p for trend=0.002

Weighted HR (95% CI): 0.88 (0.76 to 1.01) in moderate physical activity; 0.81 (0.69 to 0.95) in high physical activity; p for trend=0.009


Garcia-Rio, F. 2012, Chest


All-cause mortality Adjusted HR (95% CI) 0.986 (0.981 to 0.992) for every 10 VMUs increased; p=0.002


Palop Cervera, M. 2010, Rev Clin Esp


Death after ECOPD hospital readmission

N (%) 30 (68) of dead vs. 22 (27) of alive in none outside activity group; 14 (32) of dead vs. 38 (47) of alive in 1-6h outside activity group; 0 (0) of dead vs. 21 (25) of alive in >6h outside activity group; p<0.01


Mortality Adjusted OR (95% CI): 2.97 (1.2 to 7.3) in low or lack of physical activity; p<0.05


Waschki, B. 2011, ChestS80

All-cause mortality Adjusted HR (95 %CI): 0.009 (0.001 to 0.085) in physical activity level; p<0.001


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Outcome: QoL / HRQoL

Paper Variable Association

Significant Non-significant

Esteban, C. 2006, QJMS24

SF-36 physical component Mean (SD) 35.6 (7.0) in activity level 0; 42.8 (8.0) in activity level 1; 45.3 (7.3) in activity level 2; 47.8 (8.3) in activity level 3; p<0.0001

Adjusted HR: 2.86 in activity level 1; p=0.024; 3.99 in activity level 2; p=0.001; 3.60 in activity level 3; p=0.010


SGRQ total Mean (SD) 57.5 (20.3) in activity level 0; 46.1 (18.5) in activity level 1; 39.5 (16.1) in activity level 2; 31.3 (17.2) in activity level 3; p<0.0001

Adjusted HR: -1.22 in activity level 1; p=0.65; -4.04 in activity level 2; p=0.11; -5.27 in activity level 3; p=0.07

CRQ total Mean (SD) 82.6 (24.6) in activity level 0; 93.3 (26.2) in activity level 1; 99.9 (22.1) in activity level 2; 106.6 (25.2) in activity level 3; p<0.0001

Adjusted HR: 0.43 in activity level 1; p=0.91; 2.70 in activity level 2; p=0.47; 2.35 in activity level 3; p=0.59

Esteban, C. 2010, Eur Respir J


SGRQ total

Adjusted regression coefficient for each PA category (change baseline/5years), using low/low as reference category: - low/moderate-high: 15.9, p=0.0005 - moderate/moderate: 10.2, p=0.007 - moderate/high: 18.4, p<0.0001 - high/high: 16.9, p<0.0001

Adjusted regression coefficient for each PA category (change baseline/5years), using low/low as reference category: - moderate/low: -0.7, p=0.87 - high/moderate-low: 8, p=0.05

CRQ total Adjusted regression coefficient for each PA category (change baseline/5years), using low/low as reference category: - moderate/moderate: 10.3, p=0.005 - moderate/high: 14.8, p<0.0004

Adjusted regression coefficient for each PA category (change baseline/5years), using low/low as reference category: - low/moderate-high: 8.7, p=0.05 - moderate/low: 2.6, p=0.56

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- high/moderate-low: 10.7, p<0.005 - high/high: 13.6, p<0.0003

Jehn, M. 2012, Med Sci Sports Exerc


SF-36 physical component Adjusted regression coefficient (95% CI): 0.30 (0.06 to 0.57) for fast walk (min/d); p=0.015


SF-36 mental component Adjusted regression coefficient (95% CI): 0.23 (-0.03 to 0.49) for fast walk (min/d); p=0.08


SGRQ symptoms Adjusted regression coefficient (95% CI): 0.76 (-0.13 to 0.28) for fast walk (min/d); p=0.08


SGRQ activity Adjusted regression coefficient (95% CI): -0.07 (-0.25 to 0.12) for fast walk (min/d); p=0.04


SGRQ impact Adjusted regression coefficient (95% CI): -0.16 (-0.34 to 0.15) for fast walk (min/d); p=0.042


SGRQ total Adjusted regression coefficient (95% CI): -0.08 (-0.26 to 0.10) for fast walk (min/d); p=0.045


Lemmens, KM. 2008, Patient Educ Couns


CRQ dyspnea Adjusted regression coefficient: 0.38 for physical activity; p<0.01


CRQ emotional Adjusted regression coefficient: 0.17 for physical activity; p<0.05


CRQ fatigue Adjusted regression coefficient: 0.43 for physical activity; p<0.01


CRQ mastery Adjusted regression coefficient: 0.19 for physical activity; p<0.01


CCQ symptoms Adjusted regression coefficient: 0.31 for physical activity; p<0.01


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CCQ mental state Adjusted regression coefficient: 0.25 for physical activity; p<0.01


CCQ functional state Adjusted regression coefficient: 0.44 for physical activity; p<0.01


Health status Adjusted regression coefficient: 0.43 for physical activity; p<0.01


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Online supplement Table 4b. Other potential outcomes (only evidence in 1 study) and their association with physical activity, grouped in main

categories and sorted by alphabetical order.

Outcome: Bronchial colonization

Paper Variable Association

Significant Non-significant

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2009, Chest


Bronchial colonization N (%) 24 (43) in quartile 1 (Q1) of energy expenditure in physical activity; 19 (33) in Q2; 20 (35) in Q3; 12 (22) in Q4; p for trend = 0.035.


Outcome: Depression

Paper Variable Association

Significant Non-significant

Lee, H. 2011, Geriatr Nurs


Depression (CES-D ≥ 16) --- Correlation coefficient: 0.15 with physical activity; p=ns

Outcome: Gas exchange

Paper Variable Association

Significant Non-significant

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2009, DLCO (% pred) Mean (SD) 58 (20) in quartile 1 (Q1) of energy expenditure in physical activity; 66 (21) in Q2;


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68 (20) in Q3; 68 (22) in Q4; p for trend=0.004

Adjusted regression coefficient (95% CI): 5.8 (-0.26 to 11.9) for Q2 of energy expenditure in physical activity; 5.9 (-0.31 to 12.2) for Q3; 8.7 (2.4 to 14.9) for Q4; p for trend=0.012

PO2 (mmHg) --- Mean (SD) 74.5 (11.7) in quartile 1 (Q1) of energy expenditure in physical activity; 75.4 (11.1) in Q2; 75.0 (9.9) in Q3; 72.3 (10.7) in Q4; p for trend=0.187

PCO2 (mmHg) --- Mean (SD) 41.7 (5.6) in quartile 1 (Q1) of energy expenditure in physical activity; 41.4 (5.2) in Q2; 42.0 (4.7) in Q3; 42.1 (5.8) in Q4; p for trend=0.530

Outcome: Muscle strength

Paper Variable Association

Significant Non-significant

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2009, Chest


PEmax (% pred) Mean (SD) 60 (21) in quartile 1 (Q1) of energy expenditure in physical activity; 68 (25) in Q2; 67 (22) in Q3; 71 (23) in Q4; p for trend=0.004

Adjusted regression coefficient (95% CI): 7.4 (-0.44 to 15.2) for Q2 of energy expenditure in physical activity; 4.5 (-3.4 to 12.4) for Q3; 8.5 (0.6 to 16.4) for Q4; p for trend=0.081

PImax (% pred) --- Mean (SD) 61 (28) in quartile 1 (Q1) of energy expenditure in physical activity; 62 (17) in Q2; 68 (23) in Q3; 65 (23) in Q4; p for trend=0.169

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Non-dominant handgrip (% pred)

--- Mean (SD) 104 (29) in quartile 1 (Q1) of energy expenditure in physical activity; 105 (22) in Q2; 105 (29) in Q3; 102 (28) in Q4; p for trend=0.593

Outcome: Nutritional status

Paper Variable Association

Significant Non-significant

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2009, Chest


BMI (kg/m2) Mean (SD) 27.5 (4.6) in quartile 1 (Q1) of

energy expenditure in physical activity; 27.7 (4.4) in Q2; 28.6 (4.3) in Q3; 28.9 (5.3) in Q4; p for trend=0.023


FFMI (kg/m2) --- Mean (SD) 19.8 (3.4) in quartile 1 (Q1) of

energy expenditure in physical activity; 19.2 (2.9) in Q2; 19.5 (2.7) in Q3; 20.0 (3.2) in Q4; p for trend=0.524

Outcome: Other lung function parameters (not FEV1)

Paper Variable Association

Significant Non-significant

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2009, Chest


post-BD FEV1/FVC (%) Mean (SD) 51 (13) in quartile 1 (Q1) of energy expenditure in physical activity; 51 (12) in Q2; 56 (11) in Q3; 55 (11) in Q4; p for trend=0.002


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IC/TLC (%) Mean (SD) 0.30 (0.09) in quartile 1 (Q1) of energy expenditure in physical activity; 0.29 (0.09) in Q2; 0.33 (0.11) in Q3; 0.32 (0.09) in Q4; p for trend=0.033


RV/TLC (%) Mean (SD): 58 (9) in quartile 1 (Q1) of energy expenditure in physical activity; 57 (10) in Q2; 54 (10) in Q3; 54 (10) in Q4; p for trend=0.004


Outcome: Relapse

Paper Variable Association

Significant Non-significant

Miravitlles, M. 2011, Respir Med


Clinical failure on exacerbation (relapse)

Mean (SD) walking time per day (min) at baseline: 67 (45) in clinical success group vs. 48 (52) in clinical failure; p<0.001


Outcome: Self-efficacy

Paper Variable Association

Significant Non-significant

Inal-Ince, D. 2005, Saudi Med J


Self-efficacy Adjusted regression coefficient: 0.623 for activities of daily living; p<0.0001


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Outcome: Systemic inflammation

Paper Variable Association

Significant Non-significant

Garcia-Aymerich, J. 2009, Chest


TNF-α ≥ 0.5 (pg/mL) N (%) 38 (48) in quartile 1 (Q1) of energy expenditure in physical activity; 32 (38) in Q2; 29 (35) in Q3; 18 (21) in Q4; p for trend<0.001

Adjusted OR (95% CI): 0.8 (0.4 to 1.6) in Q2 of energy expenditure in physical activity; 0.6 (0.3 to 1.3) in Q3; 0.4 (0.2 to 0.8) in Q4; p for trend=0.011


CRP ≥ 3 (mg/L) N (%) 53 (68) in quartile 1 (Q1) of energy expenditure in physical activity; 51 (60) in Q2; 40 (50) in Q3; 43 (52) in Q4; p for trend=0.023

Adjusted OR (95% CI): 0.7 (0.4 to 1.3) in Q2 of energy expenditure in physical activity; 0.5 (0.3 to 0.9) in Q3; 0.5 (0.3 to 1.0) in Q4; p for trend=0.036


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