Nashville Banner from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)

more cohol Goat Caravan Passes Through City This roving caravan- -consisting of a bearded evangelist, his nineyear-old son, and a home-made "covered wagon" powered (by: 15 goats of varying sizes and agespassed through Nashville today. It fourth trek in seven headed Chicago on its counta, years and after 15,000 miles of life on the open road. Attracting crowds as it "moseyed" through downtown streets taking a general northerly direction, the troupe was made up of the Rev. Charles McCartney, transient founder of "Freethinking Christian his son, Alberti Gene McCartney; and their flock of four-legged companions. A Georgia "odd-jobs man" for large part of his 45 years, Mca Cartney was temporarily crippled by the blow of a falling tree while working for the WPA some 10 years ago.

After "being on charity" for three years, the be-whiskered wanderer turned to travelling and preaching, making his way by selling pictures of himself and his unique mode of conveyance at 25 cents each. The self-styled have no creed; I preach for everybody" -declined to estimate his earnings in the years of his ramblings. He attested, however, despite his humbie wagon that he has "saved all I made" and purchased in Jeffersonville and Savannah, Ga. and Sigourney, where he built tiny cabin missions "open to the public." En route north, he plans to "see American (Continued From Page One) Europe was approved by President Truman. He did wait for the final outcome of a fight in the Senate over proposals to change the law regulating air routes.

The CAB's certificates today provided for the following services. American Export-Previously authorized to provide service to Spain and Ireland, is now permitted operation to Moscow. The will by way of Labrador, Greenline. land. Stockholm, Helsinki and Lenoperate ingrad.

American Export 'also will fly to Moscow via Newfoundland, the Azores, Foynes, Glasgow, London, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Berlin, and Warsaw, terminating at Moscow. Pan American--Its existing route to London is extended through Europe, and the Near East to Calcutta, India, via Brussels, Belgrade, Prague, BuVienna, Budapest, charest, Istanbul, Ankara, Beirut, Bagdad, Teheran and Karachi. Istanbul Between Vienna and Pan American on some schedules serve Budapest and Bucharest and other schedules will serve Belwill grade. Likewise, between Ankara Karachi, some Parr American schedules serve Teheran and others will serve Beirut and Bagdad. Barcelona is added to Pan American's present route between Lisbon and Marseilles.

TWA-Authorized Bombay through Newfoundland, Paris, Berne, Rome, AthFoynes, Cairo, Jerusalem, Basra and Dhahran. It also gets southern route to Lisbon, Madrid, Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, Bengasi and Cairo. In addition it is permitted to opsouthern route by way of erate a Lisbon and Madrid to Rome, connecting Pan American is the only U. S. there with the northern leg.

air carrier which heretofore has had permanent authorization for North Atlantic service. It holds certificates to operate to London and Marseilles via Bermuda, the Azores and Portugal; and also to London via Eire. American Export now holds temporary certificates to Lisbon and Foynes. TWA like many other domestic lines, has been flying foreign routes for the Army. The certificates authorized today are limited to period of seven years to permit the board to review operations of the carriers at that time.

In addition the routes in the new certificates are general route areas instead of the usual point-to-point pattern. For example, on its route beyond London to Calcutta, Pan American is authorized to serve in general the countries through which it operates. The Atlantic air routes were the subject of long CAB. hearings, and the whole matter of how America's foreign aviation lines should be operated has been bitterly disputed in the Senate Commerce Committee. Sen.

Pat McCarran Nev.) sponsored a bill for the government to charter one "chosen instrument" line to handle all of this country's share of foreign air commerce. This was backed by Pan American and United Air Lines, but was opposed by the rest of the domestic air lines and by American Export. The "chosen instrument" bill was defeated in the Senate committee. McCarran then offered another measure which would restrict domestic air lines to domestic service and restrict U. S.

foreign lines to foreign service. This is still pending, before the committee. Mr. Truman, as reported last week by United Press, decided not to await the outcome of the Senate dispute before approving the transatlantic routes. Graduate Nurse Tests Slated August 8 and 9 The Tennessee Board of Nurse Examiners will hold an examination August 8 and 9 at the Joint University Library on the Vanderbilt University campus, for uate nurses who wish become registered in the state, Miss Eleanor Helm announced today.

Miss Helm, a member of the board, is on the teaching staff of Vanderbilt University: School of Nursing. I vice PAGE 6- THE NASHVILLE Irvine Funeral Set Friday Funeral services for Edward Sidney Irvine, Cumberland Motor Company salesman, who died at 11:15 o'clock yesterday morning at his home in the Richland Apartments following an extended illness, will be conducted at 10 o'clock tomormorning at the Finley M. Dorrow ris Funeral Home. Harry Williams will officiate and burial will be in Mount Olivet Cemetery. EDWARD S.

IRVINE A native of Nashville and an employe of the Cumberland Motor Company for more than years prior to his retirement 1941, Mr. Irvine had been critically ill for the past three weeks. He was the son of the late James and Mary E. Irvine received his education in the city public schools. Prior to World War I he spent five years in Spanish Honduras working for the United Fruit Company.

After 18 months of overseas servwith the 144th Machine, Gun Battalion in World Mr. Irvine remained in France armistice, several, months after the tached to Gen. John J. Pershing's headquarters. He held the rank of sergeant.

He became connected with the Cumberland Motor Company after returning from service. Mr. Irvine was a member of the Second Church of Christ Scientist, and the American Legion. He was the husband of the former Miss Frances Pilkerton of Nashville to whom he was married in 1923. She survives.

In addition to his widow, he is survived by four sisters, Mrs. Emma Virginia Evers, Miss Marie Elizabeth Irvine and Mrs. Marguerite Irvine all of Nashville, Mrs. Ellie Foster Wilson of Sheffield, and one brother, James B. Irvine of Chattanooga, Tenn.

Active pallbearers will be: Horace T. Polk, Victor Cooney, Keenan Foster, Pickslay Cheek, Phillip Hamilton, Johnson Vaughn, Roy Batey, and J. V. Baskerville. NONE St.Joseph BETTER ASPIRIN 100 TABLETS 354 WORLD'S LARGEST SELLER AT Words Without Musie Mary Small, well-known singing star, comments Hats make a real hit every time.

They are always in key--and Smart Adam strike the Straws, right sartorial Panamas, and note." lightweight Felts, created for cool com- Adam fort, are available at typical values. 200 FIFTH AVENUE BANNER, THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1945 Traffic Ticket (Continued From Page One) bring another patient to Nashville. Miles said this afternoon that "I am not going to tolerate this ignoring of tickets, and in such cases the violators will be heavily fined." More Arrested By early afternoon a total of 12 persons had been arrested on old warrants dating back as much as six months ago, according to Traffic Division Inspector Ed Burgess, who expressed the desire to clear up all old warrants within the next few days. It is the custom of the Traffic Bureau to place tickets on the automobiles of violators, issue notices in case the violators fail to appear, and if a defendant still appear for traffic court or make bond, a warrant is then issued for his The crack-down, Burgess is the result of several warnings' to the public, one which was carried in the Banner Tuesday afternoon. "We are going through our files," Burgess said, "and all people be brought to court even if we have ignored the statements navel to keep them locked up until court time." At least six or seven more ticket ignorers were scheduled to be.

brought to jail this afternoon as a direct result 'the crack down. Burgess' said all motorcycle officers and the entire squad of the patrolmen working on traffic, He urged that any person who has at any time failed to appear when given a ticket save himself embarrassment by reto Traffic Violations porting the Public Square voluntarily.y persons being 'marked off before going to court are those who have moved out the state," he declared. "The public certainly can't ignore these tickets and get by with it if they stay in Nashville, as long as I am Head of this division," he asserted. All officers have been instructed to use good judgment and not to mistreat any of the persons, whether being brought in on old warrants or being given tickets, Burgess said. Traffic officers and motorcyclemen making the arrests today were Inspector Burgess, Motorcyclemen Morgan Smith, Frank Mueller, and B.

M. Duke, Traffic Sgt. Lonny Martin, and Franklin. When a violator does not appear voluntarily, Franklin, according to Lieutenant his bond is doubled. 10 War Agency (Continued From Page One) may continue to function indefinitely under provisions of an emergency law allowing them to anticipate eventual receipt of the tied-up funds, the Treasury has held that they can only incur obligations-not actually spend money.

Payrolls for three of the agencies are due tomorrow: the Office of defense Transportation, Economic Stabilization and Scientific Research and Development. Tomorrow also is payday for the FEPC, which is operating in anticipation of funds it may never receive, even when the deadlock is broken. is available to meet tomorrow's payrolls, however, since the workers will be receiving payment for a period ending June 30 when congressional appropriations for the agencies still were available. Mrs. Mattie Bennett Franklin, July -(Special) -Funeral services Mrs.

Mattie Bennett, 75, who died Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary Hood, in Savannah, were to be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock at the grave in Mt. Hope Cemetery with M. C. Johnson, of the Primitive Baptist Church, officiating.

The body a arrived here afternoon and was chapel of Cotton, Beasley and Warren Funeral A native of Williamson County, she made her home here until a ago when she moved to Savannah. Her husband was the M. Bennett of Franklin. In addition to Mrs. Hood, she is survived by two, other daughters, Mrs.

Robert Lavender Richard Tomlin, both of Nashville, and several grandchildren, nieces and nephews. GOOD, YEAR TIRES You Can Depend on SOUTHERN EXTRA-MILEAGE RECAPPING There'll be fewer tires for civilian drivers. Don't wait until your tires are "treadbare" get them recapped now by the dependable Goodyear method. $670 No Certificate SIZE 6.00x16 Delay TODAY DISTRIBUTOR FOR GOOD YEAR TIRES More people ride on Goodyear Tires than on any on other kind because Goodyear tires are BETTER. SOUTHERN TIRE RECAPPERS 1217-21 BROADWAY PHONE 5-6627 Mrs.

Margaret Haffner Funeral, services for Mrs. Margaret Elizabeth Jacobs Haffner, 72, of 5101 Georgia Avenue, were ducted this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Pettus and. Rains Funeral Home by the Revs. N. Burch Tucker and W.

S. Marshall. Burial was in Spring Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Haffner died Tuesday at 11:45 a.

m. at her home following a heart attack. She had been in ill health -for the past six months. Born in Florence, she moved here with her parents when a child. After her marriage 51 years ago to J.

D. Haffner of Franklin, she made her home there until 1919 when they moved to Nashville. Mr. Haffner died 19 years ago. Mrs.

Haffner was a member of the First Southern Methodist the West Nashville Chapter 168, Order of the Eastern Star, and the. Nashville Chapter of the Women's Christian Temperance Union. She is survived by two daughters, Miss Annie Haffner and Mrs. J. T.

Rowan; two sons, John T. and Will Haffner; two sisters, Mrs. Etta Stoner and Mrs. Nora Haffner; a grandson, Vinson Rowan, and a cousin, Mrs. Hattie Lynch, all of Nashville.

Mrs. Cassie Jackson Todd Prayer services for Mrs. Cassie Jackson Todd, 955 McClurkan Avenue, who died at 6:10 o'clock Tuesday night at St. Thomas Hospital following a short illness, will be conducted at 2. o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the Phillips and Robinson Funeral Home.

The Revs. Henry Atkins, S. W. Strickland and Carl S. Smith of Adams, will officiate.

Funeral services will be conducted at o'clock at the Adams, Methodist Church. Burial will be in Adams Cemetery. Daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Sam J.

Jackson, Mrs. Todd was born and educated at Adams and lived there until the death of her husband, Thomas Todd, Adams railroad man, 25 years ago. She moved to Nashville following his death. Mrs. Todd was a member of the Methodist Church.

Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. C. T. Stribling, Miss Emily Todd and Miss Lila Todd, all of Nashville; two sisters, Mrs. J.

E. Holloway of Springfield, and Mrs. Katie Willingham of Memphis. DEATH NOTICES TODD-Wednesday p. July Jackson Todd of local 955 McClurkan Avenue.

1943. infirmary. Mrs. Cassie She. is survived by daughters, Mrs.

C. Stribbling. Misses Emily and Lila Todd of Nashville: sisters. Mrs. J.

E. Holloway of Springfield. Mrs. Katie J. Willingham the of parlors Memphis.

of Tenn. Phillips- The Robinson remains Fu- are neral Home. 2707 Gallatin Road. where prayer services will be Friday at 2 p. conducted by Rev.

Henry Atkins and Rev. S. W. Strickland, Puneral services from the Adams. Methodist Church.

Friday at 4 p. m. The following nephews will serve as pallbearers: Donald and Robert Lawrence. Alsup, Harold Marshall and Horace Summar, Hornberger, Ralph Morris, Pvt. Chester Thomas Shelton of U.

S. Army. Interment Adams Cemetery, Adams, Tenn. Pettus Owen. 4506 Charlotte Ave.

WILLIAMS--Wednesday evening. July 1945; at 11:55 o'clock. at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Earl Glover, 900 Clark Street, Old Hickory, Mrs.

Georgia Howell Williams. age 68 years. Survived by one daughter, Mrs. Glover as above: son, B. L.

Williams of Franklin, Ky, sister. Mrs. John Felts of Adairville, 3 brothers. Jacob Howell of Franklin, Ky Julian Howell of Louisville. R.

S. Howell of Detroit, 2 grandchildren. Linda Glover of Old Hickory and Ann Williams of Franklin, Ky, Remains rest at the funeral home of Phillips-Robinson leaving the funeral home Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock for Providence Baptist Church in Providence, where funeral services will be conducted at 2:30 o'clock by Rev. C. R.

Daley assisted by Brother Paul Kirkland. Pallbearers will please serve As follows: Clyde Bomar. Carnes Wright Fred Graves, Floyd Glover. Hearne Granstaff, Gerald Conner. Interment Providence Cemetery, Providence, near Franklin, Ky.

Phillips-Robinson directors. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends. neighbors and relatives for the kind expression of sympathy also for the beautiful floral designs. During the recent illness and death our brother HERMAN C. YOUNG VERA YOUNG JACKSON L.

W. YOUNG, GUPTON FUNERAL HOME 2118 EIGHTH SOUTH Ambulance Service Professional Embalming Phone 8-1741 FLOWERS Harrison Bros. 6-5191 BEAUTIFUL Gong's 21st and Capers Ave. Tel. 7-1900 212 6th N.

Tel. 6-1648 A conveniently located. Funeral Home equipped to provide every degree of comfort. An ambulance service that responds promptly to every call. Day or Night.

John C.Roesch to DIRECTORS 1529 Broad St. Phone 5-3101 COSMOPOLITAN FUNERAL HOME 2408 West End Ave. AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone You don't have to worry over maintenance and upkeep of your lot at Care Perpetual Beautiful beautiful Woodlawn. No assessments. no liens.

Let Us Explain Our BEFORE NEED MEMORIAL LANE PARK PLAN THOMPSON 8-5529 District Governor To Address Local Kiwanians Friday JOSEPH N. JONES, district governor of the Kentucky-Tennessee District of Kiwanis International, will be guest speaker at a luncheon meeting' of the Nashville Kiwanis scheduled at 12:15 tomorrow at the Chamber Com'of merce Building. Seventeen other representatives from the Kentucky-Tennessee district will also be guests of the club at the luncheon meeting and at a In Order to Give Our Employes a Much Deserved Rest WE WILL CLOSE each SATURDAY at 1 O'Clock during July "Keep 'Em Flying" NASHVILLE TRUNK and BAG CO. 513 Church St. dinner meeting at the Hotel.

Following the luncheon, a meet-! of all of the ing presidents Kiwanis Clubs in the Sixth Division will be held at 1:30 p. in the Chamber of Commerce Building. Those attending will be: Thurman Sensing, Nashville; Paul McGregor, Clarksville: William S. Fleming, Columbia'; J. Max, Cowan, Dickson; 0.

Freeman, Murfreesboro; Harmon H. Jones, Springfield. Also scheduled tomorrow afternoon is a district board meeting. In addition to District Governor Jones, 1942 president of the Chattanooga Club and of the Southern Chemical Cotton Company of Chattanooga, officers who will be present include: Fearing, immediate past governor, Ashland, Givens, secretary, Chattandoga; John S. Yellman, Lexington, Ky.

The following district Lieutenant Governors will also be in attendance: Division 1, Lon B. Rogers, Pikeville, Division 2, C. B. Caudill, Hazard, Division 3, W. H.

Ramsey, Somerset, Division 4, Twyman Humphrey, Louisville, Division 5, J. Martin Ware, Mayfield, Division 6, A. L. Dorsey, Springfield, Division 7, Frank Buttram, Athens, Division 8, A. Huddleston, Division 9, E.

Lynn Minter, Kingsport, Tenn. District Governor Jones recently returned from an International Council meeting in Chicago, where Lee R. Campbell of Middlesboro, was elected International Trustee from this district. McCormack Returns Home Commissioner James M. McCormack of the State Department of Insurance and Banking, has sufficiently recovered from his recent, operation at St.

Mary's Hospital, Rochester, to be able to return to his home in Memphis the latter part of the week, according to information received today at the department. ATHLETES FOOT GERM KILL IT FOR seller in years" say druggists everywhere. Why? Te-ol is more than 3 surface application. Contains alMAKES IT PENETRATE Reaches germs faster. APPLY FULL STRENGTH for sweaty or smelly feet.

If not pleased your 35c back. Toe dav at Hale's Cut Rate Drug Store. about starting a mission at Sunbright, in Morgan The rickety two-section wagon, covered with scrap tin sheeting, is jumbled heterogeneous trappings attached--goat bridles, antlers, a spotlight, a wash bowl, oil lanterns, goat skins, wooden duck models, and carved wooden airplanes, whittled by the evangelist in his spare time. There is an improvised driver's seat, an elaborate set of rear view mirrors, can of wheel oil, lamp kerosene, a box for two kids born north of Macon, Ga. Curious spectators also saw two cramped cots for the man and his son, a trough for firewood, a makeshift storage space for the some two gallons of goat's milk per day derived from the herd, and other staples gathered along the way, and a dilapidated toy wagon for the frail youth.

As his grinning son gripped ai huge "hot breakfast--McCartney eagerly told Nashvillians his story. "This biggest goat is Old He's the first one I bought; got him in Peoria, Ill. The others are from Akron, Macon, and other parts of the seven states I've covered. Them goats pull 1,000 pounds; we average 100 miles week." Peddling his pictures, which he has made by photographers along the and dispensing printed paraphrases of the Ten Commandments as well as an occasional mon to any chance listener, the overalled eccentric says he "never wants to do anything else." After a summer in Chicago and its environs, McCartney will return to Jeffersonville, where little Albert Gene will enter the fourth grade. DEATH NOTICES BAKER--Wednesday evening.

July 1945, at 8 o'clock. at his home. 104 Scott Avenue. Clayton D. Baker, age Mattie 53 years.

Survived by his wife. Mrs. Baker; one son. Fred Allen Baker. Nashville; mother.

Mrs. Mamie one L. G. and o. 0.

Baker, all of sister. Mrs. J. W. Parker: three brothers.

Hermitage. Remains are ate his home above after 5 m. Funeral from the Donelson Church of Christ Friday moinins. July Elder 6. 1945, C.

at 10:30 assisted o'clock. conductby Pullias. by Elder Dabney Phillips. Honorary pallbearers: EdCamp. Dr.

Filsinget, J. W. T. T. M.

Dabbs. Dodson. F. W. M.

Biv- E. ins. Garrett. Pride. H.

A. Waddell. Joe and A. C. Clouse, Active: Elmer Andrew J.

Baker, Clifton Benson, Leslie Benson. W. S. Yeaman. Roy Gregory.

W. E. Spain. W. R.

Bullington and C. D. Bullington, Interment Mt. Olivet Cemetery. DITMANS-Thursday at 3:50 July 5.

1945, at a Lebanon. Tenn. infirmary, Mrs. Ilo Marie Ditmans, aged 17 years. She Is survived by husband.

Pvt. Arnold D. Ditmans. of U. S.

Army. overseas: parMr. and Mrs Howard E. Dickens: brothers. Joseph Lee and Ronald Eugene all of Lebanon.

Tenn. The remains are at the home of grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. W.

L. Hall of Lebanon. Funeral services from the Barton's Creek Baptist Church Friday at 2 conducted by Rev. Windell Price. Friends will as pallbearers.

Interment Cedar serve Cemetery. Lebanon. Tenn. Pettus Owen. 4506 Charlotte Avenue.

DOHONEY-Wednesday morning. July 1945. 1:20 o'clock at her home. 427 Fisk Miss Nell Dohoney, Survived by her sister, Miss Kate Dohoney: cousin. Mike Dohoney.

The remains are at the Rollow Funeral Chapel, 1715 Broadway. Leaving the chapel Friday morning at o'clock. requiem high mass at the Assumption Church at 9 o'clock. Interment Calvary. The following will serve pallbearers: Tony Evans.

Thomas D. Walter A. Gibbons. James J. Bell, Vincent Gallagher Donnelly, W.

M. Kennon. Bernie Burns. W. E.

Farrell, Frank Travis. John Dohoney, Buddy Huffman. Rollow Chapel. 1715 Broadway, -Wednesday morning. July 1945.

at at his residence. Richland Apartments, Edward Sidney IrSurvived by wife. Mrs. Frances Pilkerton Irvine: four sisters. Mrs.

Emma Virginia Evers, Miss Marie Elizabeth Irvine, Nashville. Mrs. and Marguerite Mrs. Ellie Irvine Foster Jones. Wilson.

Sheffield, brother. James B. Irvine. Chattanooga. two cousins.

Ella McAlexander and Alex McAlexander. Nashville. Remains are at the apartments of Finley M. Dorris Company. West End at Twenty-fifth Avenue.

Funeral from the chapel Friday mornins. July 6. 1945. at 10 o'clock. Services conducted by Mr.

Harry Williams. Members of Cumberland Motor Company and the American Lesion and John H. Cheek, Mac Sawyers. S. N.

Allen. Duncan Loser, Dorris. C. O. Thompson.

Carlton Judge Guild Smith, Alex Pirtle and Allen B. Walker will serve as honorary pallbearers Active will be Horace Polk. W. V. Cooney.

Kennan Foster. Pickslav Cheek, J. D. Baskerville. Philip Hamilton, Johnson Vaughn and Roy Interment.

Mt. Olivet Cemetery, SIMPSON-Wednesday morning. July 1945. at local infirmary. Mrs.

Ruby Buchanan Simpson. aged Simpson. Jr. years. Wife Great Lakes, Daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Felix G. Buchanan, Whites Creek. Sister of Cpl. Sarah E.

Buchanan, Langley Field. Va. Lionel A. Buchanan and Jas, L. Buchanan.

Whites Creek Tenn and W. T. Buchanan. Greenbrier. Remains are at the Cosmopolitan Funeral Home, 2408 West End where services conducted by Rev.

Phil Shelton. will be held at 10:30 o'clock Friday mornActive pallbearers will be. Douglas T. Gwynn. Paul Baker Marshall Gilles, Raymond Buchanan.

Austin Barnes and Carlisle Barnes: honorary. James Varpoole, Billie Drumwik. Ronald Merville. Robert Sanders. Interment Woodlawn Memorial Park.

SWEENEY- Tuesday, July 3, 1945. 2:25 D. at her home. 231 Thuss Mrs. Addle Mai Cooper Sweeney, age 45 years.

She is survived by her husband. Erwen Sweeney; daughters. Misses Joy Sweeney and Edna Sweeney: of Nashville. sons. Erwen Sweeney of Army, overseas.

William L. Sweeney Nashville. James Sweeney of Marines, stationed at Quantico. Pic. Harvill B.

Sweeney of U. S. Marines. stationed Base Hospital. Oakland.

Cal granddaughter. Linda Marie Sweeney parents. Mr. and Mrs. W.

J. Cooper; sisters. Mrs. R. L.

Owen. Mrs. H. E. Patbrother.

W. H. Cooper. all of Nashville. The remains are at the parlors of Pettus Owen Funeral Home, 4506 Charlotte Avenue, Funeral services from the Radnor Church of Christ Friday, July 6.

at 10 a. m. conducted by Elder James A. Allen. The following will serve AS pallbearers: Honorary, W.

J. Burrus. Otto Jesse Dews. H. -Alsup, Dr.

E. Garrett. Neil Caldwell, William Lee, Gatlin. Dewey Seats. G.

A. Layne and Riley Lawson, Active: W. Sweeney, T. F. Sweeney.

L. W. Waddell, W. Overby, E. Patterson and R.

L. Owen, Interment. Woodlawn Memorial Park. "IF HAROLD SAYS IT'S SO. IT'S SO" for the Summer Engagement THE RING YOU PROMISED LONG AGO) Keepsake CUSTIS 100.00 Also $200 and 300.00 There's no finer tribute to the love you share than the brilliant and everlasting beauty of a genuine registered Keepsake Diamond Ring.

The Keepsake Certificate of Guarantee and Registration is assurance of high standards of color, cut and a REGISTERED DIAMOND RING EVERY STONE A BONDED GEM EASY CREDIT TERMS SHYER'S Nashville Since 1885 627 Church St. AUTHORIZED KEEPSAKE JEWELER AMERICAN AIRLINES and AMERICAN EXPORT AIRLINES American Export Airlines has been awarded routes to the British Isles and to the continent of Europe by the Civil Aeronautics Board. At the same time, the C. A. B.

has permitted American Airlines, and American Export Airlines jointly to provide a single system air transport service. These two experienced companies become the first unified Domestic and Overseas Airline System..

Nashville Banner from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)


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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.